#The one 'meta' guy thought they encountered red hats. boy was he wrong
geothewriter · 11 days
Player Party Antics
Throwback to that time I was running a DnD game, and described a cobble well at the end of this dungeon. Made it all kinds of creepy, bad vibes, waves of heat and cold coming from it. I had planned on them turning around and having to fight the gelatinous cube that impeded their way back out.
My players dropped a rock down it. I described the fall as about 600 feet. One player proudly stated he had prepared feather-fall on his wizard.
Those fuckers jumped into the well. Of course, they had featherfall.
Session over. DM needs to figure out what's at the bottom of the well.
Jumping fucks. (I love them)
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nightingveilxo · 7 years
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Mary is KITTY Riley
Remember this pre S3 interview with Amanda?
Actress Amanda Abbington has revealed that she is appearing as journalist Mary Morstan for Sherlock series 3 and will ‘get in between Holmes’ relationship with Watson’.
Morstan, who is Watson’s love interest and eventual wife in the Arthur Conan Doyle books, becomes a “third wheel” in the next series, Abbington said to The Scotsman.
The actress, who is Martin Freeman’s partner in real life, describes the close relationship between Freeman and co-star Benedict Cumberbatch.
“They really bounce off each other. When I was at the read-through, I remember watching them, and the chemistry between them is just amazing.”
But with such a strong fan-following, she admits that she is nervous about her character’s impact on the friendship between the dynamic sleuthing duo.
“They do have this beautiful relationship, so getting in between that - which is what Mary does, she becomes this kind of third wheel - was scary."Also, the fans love these two together, so I’m sure Mary won’t be particularly liked by them, but I hope that on the whole people really like her, because she’s a great character and she has some fantastic secrets.”
Benedict Cumberbatch recently revealed that the third series will involve “a reunion that doesn’t go as planned,” “a wedding” and “a new bad guy.” ( x )
But, what if TD12 was a callback to TRF and a Mary connection? Look again at the photo of Kitty above, and these…Look at her tailored clothing, blue, gold neck chain. What happens in S4? Everyone is wearing tailored clothing, and blue, except for Molly (see linked meta at end of post).
Here is Kitty in the deerstalker when Sherlock first encounters hers.
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SHERLOCK: What sort of hat is it anyway? JOHN: “Bachelor”? What the hell are they implying? SHERLOCK (holding up the hat and twisting it back and forth rapidly): Is it a cap? Why has it got two fronts? [Two fronts. Two sides. Can be seen from either side as the same.] JOHN (glancing up briefly): It’s a deerstalker. (He reads more of the article.) “Frequently seen in the company of bachelor John Watson ...” SHERLOCK: You stalk a deer with a hat? What are you gonna do – throw it? JOHN (looking at another part of the article): “... confirmed bachelor John Watson”! SHERLOCK: Some sort of death frisbee? JOHN: Okay, this is too much. We need to be more careful. SHERLOCK: It’s got flaps ... ear flaps. It’s an ear hat, John. (He accurately skims the hat across the room to John, who doesn’t have to do more than bend his wrist to catch it.) SHERLOCK: What do you mean, “more careful”? JOHN: I mean this isn’t a deerstalker now; it’s a Sherlock Holmes hat. I mean that you’re not exactly a private detective any more. (He holds his thumb and forefinger an inch apart.) You’re this far from famous. SHERLOCK: Oh, it’ll pass. (He slumps down into his armchair and folds his hands in the prayer position in front of his mouth.) JOHN: It’d better pass. The press will turn, Sherlock. They always turn, and they’ll turn on you. [Which is what happens with Mary. As long as Sherlock doesn’t act as a threat to her relationship with John, everything is fine between them.] (Sherlock lowers his hands and looks more closely at John.) SHERLOCK: It really bothers you. JOHN: What? SHERLOCK: What people say. JOHN: Yes. SHERLOCK: About me? I don’t understand – why would it upset you? (John holds his gaze for a moment, then looks away.) JOHN: Just try to keep a low profile. Find yourself a little case this week. Stay out of the news.
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Now, notice the photo from Rachel’s recent well wishes to Amanda. When I first looked at it, I thought her hair was pulled back in a low bun. She’s wearing a gold chain necklace, which I mention the instances of seeing in this short discussion. 
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And this one from pre S4, of Amanda in a red wig (which we never saw in S4.)
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T…D…D…12…12…CAT Tattooed Disillusioned Dem Size 12 12
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But, what about the deerstalker?
Oh, Mary is obsessed with it in TLD.
THERAPIST: I only mean it’s okay. JOHN: I’m letting my daughter down.  How the hell is that okay? THERAPIST (softly): You just lost your wife. JOHN: And Rosie just lost her mother. (He pulls in a harsh breath, then clears his throat. In flashback, John sits at his kitchen table with a steaming mug beside him.  He lifts his hands, clasps them together and props his chin on them.  In the background, someone is moving around in the living room. Whoever it is is very out of focus but their shape suggests that it’s a woman.) THERAPIST (voiceover): You are holding yourself to an unreasonable standard.
MALE REPORTER: Mr Holmes, can you put on the hat? JOHN: Yeah, he doesn’t really wear the hat.
MARY: He should be wearing the hat. The kids’d love the hat.
Not long afterwards, a black car drives under Admiralty Arch and heads into The Mall.  John is sitting in the back seat. MARY (sitting beside him, now wearing the same top she had on when she and her boys went off to play with the reluctant bloodhound Toby): You know, he should definitely have worn the hat. JOHN (quietly): Still thinking about Sherlock? MARY: No!  You are. JOHN (quietly): Got your disapproving face on. MARY: Well, seeing as I’m inside your head, I think we can call that self-loathing. (He looks across to the seat beside him.  There’s nobody there.  He looks away.)
JOHN: Uh, sorry, it’s just, um, you know, Rosie. SHERLOCK: Yes, of course, Rosie. MARY: Go and solve a crime together.  Make him wear the hat! JOHN (looking at Sherlock): You’ll be okay for twenty minutes? (Mary narrows her eyes and glares at him.) SHERLOCK: Yes.  Yes!  Sorry, I-I wasn’t thinking of Rosie. JOHN (standing up): No problem. SHERLOCK (looking down initially): I should, uh, come and see her soon. (He looks up hopefully at John.) JOHN (flatly): Yes. MARY: Actually, he should wear the hat as a special tribute to me. I’m dead. I would really appreciate it. (As she speaks, John turns and walks towards the door.  Behind him, Sherlock lowers his head, looking very lonely.  He looks at his mug, and then raises his head.) SHERLOCK: Oh, by the way, the *recordings will probably be inadmissible. (John turns on the landing and walks back into the room a little way.) JOHN: Sorry, what? SHERLOCK: Well, technically, it’s entrapment so it might get thrown out as evidence.  Not that that matters; apparently he can’t stop confessing.  (He chuckles.) JOHN: That’s good. SHERLOCK: Yeah. (He looks away.  John nods, flexing the fingers of his left hand for a moment, then turns towards the door.  Mary watches him, a hopeful and expectant look on her face.  Sherlock looks down at his mug again, then raises his head.) SHERLOCK: Are you okay? (Laughing sarcastically, John comes back into the room.) JOHN: Uh, what, am I ... no, no, I’m not okay.  I’m never gonna be okay.
(John starts to walk out the door but stops when Sherlock speaks again.) SHERLOCK: Oh, um ... (He walks across the room to the cabinet to the right of the dining table. It’s the same cabinet he put Irene’s phone into at the end of “Scandal.”) JOHN: What?  What is it? (Sherlock pulls open a drawer and starts rummaging in it.) JOHN: What’s wrong? (Sherlock straightens up and turns, simultaneously putting on his deerstalker.  John laughs.) JOHN: Seriously?! SHERLOCK: I’m Sherlock Holmes.  I wear the damn hat. (Lifting one leg behind him and kicking the drawer closed, he walks across the room and out of the door.) SHERLOCK (not slowing or turning around): Isn’t that right, Mary? (Startled, John stops and turns back into the room and looks around before blinking and then turning to follow his friend.  The camera pans slowly across the room to show that there’s nobody there.)
Alt Theories for The Hat, The Umbrella, and The Cane as *recording devices-- Mary and the Hat From Hell ( x )  & The Victim Did Do It ( x )
When is Richard Brook Not Richard Brook ( x )
Transcript ( x )
@smoljohnlock @waitedforgarridebs @tjlcisthenewsexy @monikakrasnorada @may-shepard @smoljohnlock @swimmingfeelsinajohnlockianpool @sherlockians-get-bored @princess-of-fireflies @darlingtonsubstitution @justshadethings @loveteaelephants @shadow3214 @devoursjohnlock @gosherlocked @marathecactupus
Adding this as an edit, since it might be relevant to the idea of John needing an alibi. Broadcaster aka journalist.
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