#The low quality one was my first I didn't know how to change the resolution when exporting
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squidthechaotickid · 4 months ago
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been playing wt pixel art recently :3
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gabrielgek · 2 months ago
Bridging the Gap: iFoto's Video Quality Enhancer and the Quest for Visual Perfection
In the age of smartphones and social media, everyone's a videographer—or so we like to think. We capture moments, big and small, with a simple tap. But what happens when the memory captured is blurred, grainy, or just doesn't do justice to the moment? Enter iFoto's Video Quality Enhancer, a technological whisper of magic that changes those low-quality clips into stunning visuals. It's like having a personal editor in your pocket, but there's more to it than meets the eye.
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Picture this: you're scrolling through old videos, perhaps a vacation long past, or a family gathering that seems like a lifetime ago. The footage is shaky, pixelated— almost eraseable in the sea of digital noise. You wonder, is there a way to relive these memories with clarity? The Video Quality Enhancer doesn't just upscale; it revives. It takes your videos and brings them to life in ways you never thought possible, boosting them to high-resolution formats like 4K at 30FPS. It's like stepping into a time machine where the past is as vivid as the present.
Yet, as with all technology that taps into the personal, questions bubble up. How does iFoto tread the fine line between enhancing content and respecting privacy? In a world where data breaches are as common as coffee spills, the idea of uploading personal videos to be processed can feel daunting. iFoto, however, has woven privacy into the fabric of its service. It’s not just about upscaling videos; it's about safeguarding your precious moments.
I remember the first time I used iFoto's Video Quality Enhancer. It was a video of my nieces' graduation—important, yet the quality was so poor it seemed like an afterthought. I uploaded it, half-expecting a marginal improvement. But what came back was nothing short of transformative. The Video Quality Enhancer didn't just boost the pixels; it brought back the joy of that day, the pride in their eyes, the warmth of their smiles. And through it all, my privacy remained intact.
Now, let's talk legality. In the age of intellectual property disputes and copyright laws, upscaling videos can sometimes feel like navigating through a legal minefield. iFoto is acutely aware of this. The Video Quality Enhancer is built on the foundation of respecting content ownership. It’s designed for personal use, ensuring that the enhanced videos are for your eyes only, or to share with loved ones, not to be distributed widely without permission.
This got me thinking about the broader implications of such technology. How often do we discard moments because they aren't "picture-perfect"? How many memories are lost in the shuffle of low-quality footage? With iFoto's Video Quality Enhancer, the stigma of imperfection fades away. We're reminded that every moment, regardless of its digital sheen, is worth cherishing.
I remember discussing this with a friend who's a filmmaker. He was skeptical at first, worrying about the artistic integrity of untouched footage. But after seeing the Video Quality Enhancer in action, his perspective shifted. "It's not about altering the truth of the moment," he said, "it's about respecting the moment enough to present it at its best.
In a world where technology is often seen as a disruptor, iFoto's Video Quality Enhancer feels like a validator. It affirms that our memories, our stories, are worth preserving in the highest quality possible. It's not just about pixels and resolution; it's about the narrative of our lives, the stories we want to pass down, the moments we want to remember forever.
So, the next time you come across a faded video, take a moment before you hit delete. Consider giving iFoto's Video Quality Enhancer a try. Who knows? You might just bring a memory back to life, clearer and more vibrant than ever before, all while keeping your content personal and protected.
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sinnabonka · 4 years ago
Hey Hun! Lots of love to you. For starters I wanted to say that there should be no cell in your body blaming yself in any way. You and your blog were hope for so many people. You were the "you are not crazy" of the final weeks, and I'm forever grateful to you. Instead of dying of anxiety I managed to have a blast in this time of waiting, thanks to you. I passed my master thesis, because you gave me strength to see past the fear. I laughed in those weeks more than in last 5 years, and all of it because of the hope you gave me.
The rest of the msg is going to be pretty emotional rant about the awfulness of it all, and I know my opinion doesn't matter to anyone but I wanted someone important to me to hear my thoughts, if that's ok. It's also ok if you don't want to read it ofc. It's like my breakup letter to the show.
I hear many people cheering for the finale and i find it really hard to deal with. I always considered myself an open person who fights for healthy love as the only redeeming quality of the universe. I could see people's point of view, even if it didn't sit well with mine, and I would always try to hear them out respectfully until they weren't being respectful themselves. That said, I'm fully unable to understand cheering for this type of spiteful content and hearing those cheers makes me feel like the entire world is listening to "this is how you treat your fans, this is how to abuse your power over naive sheep, this is how to keep dumb, hopeful minorities in check" and taking notes.
It also upsets me that the people who gave this show all of themselves and tried to understand it to the core are given no resolution, are spitted on and buried under the rug for doing their best to appreciate the art and the story it was telling. Yet people, who just hang around and watch the show doing the dishes, with no consideration to it's story or characters, got as nonsensical ending as their whole idea of character development in SPN.
I know people say that it was good enough, because it leaves space for guessing and own interpretation, but I feel it's really undermining the extend to which the finale was awful and hurtful to the fans. There is no end that realistically could stop fanfic writers from finding way around it in the world of Supernatural, so saying it was thoughtful of them Is like excusing abusive partner because "they could hit me harder, but they didn't. That means they care"
Lose ends, characters being written in a way that is totally not true to them and their development (personally my biggest allegation), dismissing years of story development, proving that it was all 'queerbaiting' in big part in the end (hell, even the whole "Cas is in heaven so do with it what you will" is a shameful way of appalling to LGBTQ community after using them so hard.
In the pie scene, the roles should be swapped, it's Dean who should say that Cas is on his mind and Sam explaining him that it's only right to keep on living doing good in their name. That's what Dean told Sam at the beginning of the season, when Sam lost Rowena, so it would be at least a bit poetic. This would at least give us some truth from Dean for once, but he died how he lived, in shadow of his fear to be true towards his feelings and needs. And as he died, he bound his little brother to the hunting till the end of his days, by guilting him into it on his deathbed. Guess Dean took after his father.
Have you realised what that emotional "love speech" from Dean to Sam resulted in? It was writers taking back Cas' confession after they didn't need our viewership anymore.
They basically gave us love confession to get us to follow the finale and when they didn't need us anymore, not only they didn't commit to the confession, but they undermined it by having Dean's speech to Sam go the way it did with obviously higher emotional charge, successfully taking back the value of Cas' confession and making it about a bait for "Tumblr idiots"
Finale killed my feelings towards Destiel, not because it wasn't confirmed canon, but because from what I see in the episode, they canonically confirmed that
- for Dean, Cas was only means to an end, which is such an awful way of ending Cas' character arc. They gave him everything he was scared of and nothing close to consolation price and they dare to tell us he had a happy ending, "because they said so". Well, I didn't see him being happy, and knowing what i textually know i can empathise enough to say that he faced a miserable finish. Even Chuck got an end that was better than Cas' fate.
- Dean, given power to do anything he could dream of, chooses to not even greet Cas, after Cas gave his whole life to Dean, told him he loved him and died for him. I know some people consider the little smirk of Dean confirmation of his feelings, but let's be real for just a second. If someone you deeply loved for years confessed to you, told you they thought you don't love them back, you would be freaking running to see them and tell them how much you love them. That smirk to me reads as "I'm relieved to know you're not going to spend eternity in mega hell that i left you in" and we really need to stop giving credit to writers for scraps like this when it's the last episode ever and we know this isn't going anywhere.
Not to mention that by having Jack bring Cas back behind the scenes it just highlights the fact that Dean didn't ask him to do that in episode 19.
As result, I'm unable to look at any Destiel scene and not think "in here Cas already loved him and in here Dean already abuses the power he had over Cas, because of his one-sided love"
And yet, the episode and endgames for everyone (maybe not Sam, but he was seriously pinning for Dean his entire life. Wincest much?) managed to be so bad, that not even bringing Cas back or following up on Destiel would make a difference in my eyes. I know you believe that Destiel would save it, but for me as much as it would be a redeeming quality, it wouldn't be enough to save this awfulness that writer doomed characters with.
And all the Wincest scenes in the finale... I low key expected them to make out and it made me feel physically sick. Also, cutting Misha out because of coronavirus is a cheap excuse. We all know better than to believe that, so let's not fall for the self pity play from the abuser.
If you managed to stay with me till this point, thank you so much for hearing me out. I hope i didn't anger you with my monologue. I will always think of the lamp when i think of you. The reality is that you were the lamp for so many of us in this darkness.
Love you so much, wish all the best to you, take care of yourself and stay safe!
Oh my god, if I didn’t cry with the final, I definitely am crying now. And now I have to explain my partner why I’m staring at my laptop and sobbing ugly. What have you done? 
First of all, I hear you pain, my friend! I share it! I didn’t spend a second after the final without the feeling of my heart being shuttered into million pieces, being stitched back just to break again, and so on and so on. 
I had my first panic attack in two years yesterday, when I kept thinking about the message the show sent to the fandom via Dean’s fate. I have a few posts in my draft on the matter, but I am not sure I will ever share them, because it is one strong depresso, and I don’t think people following me should see how fucked up it really is (if they didn’t get it by themselves, of course). 
I want to remind you, my gentle soul, that the story belongs to us. We know Dean, we know Cas, we know Sam and others. We know that the final is not who they are! I know it’s hard to ignore the text, the canon, because it’s kinda godsent, but the truth is essential. And the final is not the truth.
The truth: 
Cas loves Dean, he sacrificed himself for him, he saved his life on multiple occasions, he told all those beautiful things and he meant every word.
Dean loves Cas, he was on his lowest every time he lost him, Cas was his “big win”, his best friend, his brother, his white light that lead him out of his anger, hatred and despair. He took a dog and called it Miracle, he was looking for a job to retire from hunting, he didn’t kill Chuck - all of that, because the sacrifice Cas made was not in vain! The message was clear. 
I choose to ignore the “Carry on”, the only attention it is going to get is me creating 20 more mails just to put a one star review there and to drop some more salty or bitter comments with it. Maybe I will read through some reviews, too, add them to my collection. 
Maybe I will one day write here an article from scriptwriting perspective how fucked up in was, because that’s what I can do about it, without throwing up. 
If you can’t ignore it, I understand it. It is painful, it is disrespectful, I hate it as much as you do, probably. 
If there’s anything I can do for you to feel better, just drop me a message, we can talk about it. I am on the lowest, too, but maybe we can help each other.
You say I was your lamp. Let me lead you our of the darkness one more time <3 
CW can suck my metaphorical dick (I’m tagging every angry post with it), but Supernatural is not just the show on CW, it’s a big family. 
And you can’t give up on it! You can’t give up on Dean and Cas, you can’t give up on Destiel! It’s so much bigger then the show itself.
Rediscover the show for yourself, remind yourself that Dean and Cas are real, it was never one sided, it was always something amazing. 
What is real? We are.
Don’t you ever change.
I rather have you, cursed or not.
It’s love, hun, and love always wins. 
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