#The gammas and beta and epilsons
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undermine-the-instinct · 3 months ago
Can you believe I'm in my early twenties and I'm only just now reading "A Brave New World"?
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fatedevour · 2 years ago
♢  —   Anonymous said: be truthful, rank your segments in most to least useful
my muse must answer the next 10 asks truthfully: ACCEPTING [9 LEFT]
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   “  Making me rank my segments? I suppose this would EXCLUDE myself? Very well.  “  He quiets for a moment in contemplation. The problem is some were assigned DIFFERENT tasks that weren’t good for comparisons.  “  I will say this is always fluctuating, since USEFULNESS often depends on the moment and the tasks at hand.  However, the top five are unchanging.  “
   “  Omega, Gamma, Beta as loathed as I am to say, Delta, Theta, Omicron, Zeta, Epilson, Kappa, Iota, Tau, Xi , Psi, and Eta as the least useful. Mere secondary precaution.  “  A deep sigh leaves his chest before one last name appears.  “  But presently, Chi is the LEAST useful by far compared to all the others. Though there is POTENTIAL with that segment.  “  No further elaboration however was offered.
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jabeoma · 5 years ago
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                             𝐀𝐋𝐏𝐇𝐀   𝐓𝐀𝐔   𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀   &   𝐂𝐇𝐈   𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀                  ALPHA   TAU’S   2019   𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐀   𝐌𝐔'𝐒   &   CHI   OMEGA’S   2019   𝐀𝐋𝐏𝐇𝐀   𝐀𝐋𝐏𝐇𝐀’𝐒
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                      𝐏𝐈   𝐊𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐀   𝐀𝐋𝐏𝐇𝐀   &   𝐊𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐀   𝐊𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐀   𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐌𝐀        PI   KAPPA'S   2019   𝐀𝐋𝐏𝐇𝐀   𝐙𝐄𝐓𝐀’𝐒   &   KAPPA   KAPPA’S   2019   𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐓𝐀   𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐀'𝐒
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                           𝐙𝐄𝐓𝐀   𝐏𝐇𝐈   𝐑𝐇𝐎   &   𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐓𝐀   𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐌𝐀   𝐏𝐇𝐈           ZETA   PHI’S   2019   𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐀   𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍’𝐒   &   DELTA   SIGMA’S   2019   𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐋𝐎𝐍’𝐒
 ZACHARY   CHU  PRESIDENT  (   ***   )   ***   -   ****   |   [email protected]
 NURI   LEE   KWON  PRESIDENT  (   ***   )   ***   -   ****   |   [email protected]
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confusedcase001 · 8 years ago
biologists have so little imagination Gs proteins have alpha beta gamma subunits Ok then beta adrenergic receptors are associated with Gs proteins THEN the sympathetic system has alpha 1 alpha 2 beta 1 beta 2 receptors. bout time i messed up all of these in an exam really. how about using rho or epilson or some other greek letter?
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georgetownshq · 6 years ago
▫ᵒᴼᵒ welcome to the fall semester at georgetown, MASON, CALLIE & MIA ! you have eight hours to respond or the hackers just might release all your dirty little secrets  - KIM JONGIN, KIM DOYEON & TAYLOR SWIFT ARE NOW TAKEN !
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▫ᵒᴼᵒ (KIM JONGIN | CISMALE| HE/HIM) MASON BAE? yeah, we follow each other on twitter and i know some things about them. the TWENTY-ONE year old LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK native is a THEATRE major. they’re a member of PHI BETA TAU, which means they’re probably CONGENIAL, but also IMPRUDENT. don’t tell anyone i told you but i’ve heard through the grapevine that HE CAUSED A CRITICAL INJURY DURING A PRANK. anyway, gotta run to class but it was nice chatting with you… (r, 18+, she/her, est)
▫ᵒᴼᵒ (KIM DOYEON | CISFEMALE | SHE/HER) AHN CALLIE ? yeah, we follow each other on twitter and i know some things about them. the NINETEEN year old BUSAN native is a FILM major. they’re a member of ALPHA EPILSON MU, which means they’re probably EXUBERANT, but also PUGNACIOUS. don’t tell anyone i told you but i’ve heard through the grapevine that she slept with her professor for a passing grade. anyway, gotta run to class but it was nice chatting with you… (t, 18+, she/her, est)
▫ᵒᴼᵒ (TAYLOR SWIFT | CISFEMALE | SHE/HER) MIA BELLI? yeah, we follow each other on twitter and i know some things about them. the TWENTY FOUR year old NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK native is a FASHION MERCHANDISING major.  they’re a member of KAPPA LAMBDA GAMMA, which means they’re probably CHARISMATIC, but also COLD-HEARTED. don’t tell anyone i told you but i’ve heard through the grapevine that SHE PAYS PEOPLE OFF TO TAKE CREDIT FOR THEIR DESIGNS.  anyway, gotta run to class but it was nice chatting with you… (pen, 18+, she/her, est)
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London College, la institución de los triunfadores. Quedando un poco por detrás de las grandes universidades, el centro de escolarización acepta a todo aquel que tenga una calificación suficiente o unos padres con un importante bolsillo.
London College abrió sus puertas hace ya algo más de cien años, siendo en un principio un centro de escolarización solo masculino. Grandes políticos, inventores, médicos, escritores y cantantes han salido de London College llegando a tener al poco tiempo de su graduación una carrera prometedora y muy reconocida dentro de su campo. Rumores cuentan que London College fue abierto y dirigido en un principio por un profesor, algunos dicen que de matemáticas o de química, que tras jubilarse y quedarse sin nada que hacer, decidió abrir la mejor universidad del mundo, el problema está en que, como ya se ha mencionado, solo son rumores, puesto que nadie sabe quien inauguró la escuela ni quien la dirige ahora después de poco más de un siglo.
No fue hasta hace poco más de treinta años, creen que tras un cambio de directivo, cuando London College empezó a admitir a mujeres dentro de sus clases, y no fue hasta aquel momento, cuando se decidió permitir que los alumnos se dividieran en cinco fraternidades, una para cada personalidad, un grupo en el que sentirse comprendido.
De esta decisión salieron Phi Delta Nu, Alfa Beta Epilson, Gamma Phi Nu, Delta Sigma Beta y por último, Nu Gamma Phi. Fue esa, la última fraternidad, la que causó el mayor escándalo de London College. Ocurrió dos años después de la apertura de las fraternidades, Nu Gamma Phi era la fraternidad de los ricos, de los adinerados, y fue la primera en desaparecer por el gran incidente que hubo en su tercera noche de novatadas, donde los nuevos de primer año se iniciaban en la fraternidad.
Para resumir un poco, un chico, de tan solo dieciocho años, terminó ahorcado, con la cabeza cubierta por un saco, colgando en la entrada de London College. El caso se investigó, pero jamás se llegó a la conclusión de cómo había ocurrido o de quien había sido el principal causante. La policía dejó el caso, y London College cerró dicha fraternidad repartiendo a los componentes en las que quedaban. Tras un día de duelo por la vida perdida del chico, todo volvió a la normalidad, y por el momento, así sigue.
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✖ Nomas
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Esta comunidad es de escritores y semi-escritores, así que si no sabes escribir ni una oración coherente te pido de favor que no sigas leyendo.
TIEMPO: Este punto es de los más importantes ya que tienes que pensar muy bien en el tiempo que le dedicaras a la comunidad, por eso si vas a actualizar un día y al siguiente ya no, mejor no te unas ya que puede haber otra persona interesada.
Tres días sin actualizar y quedas fuera de la comunidad, si te vas a ausentar deberás avisar antes.
EMOTICONES: Están prohibidas las caritas, como por ejemplo: “:D, 8-), :B Oh stickers” Puedes usarlos siempre y cuando sea por: “RollOff, ooc, etc”.
LUZ MULTICOLOR: La única persona que puede darte luz dorada es el Meadd principal, si nadie estuviera en el principal puedes recurrir a los links, allí encontrarás al Staff, únicos que podrán autorizar tu entrada.
PERSONAJES: Hay una serie de Cannon’s elaborados los cuales tienen una breve descripción, si pides algún personaje, deberás audicionar… ¿A qué me refiero? ¡BIEN! pondré a prueba tus habilidades, quiero ver como escribes, con la descripción que dimos es más que suficiente para desarrollar un buen personaje, así que quiero que me escribas su historia.
No aceptamos familiares inventados de otros personajes.
Ya dependiendo de como lo hagas posteriormente me comunicaré contigo y listo, es realmente sencillo y bueno, está por demás pero prefiero ser específica en todos los puntos y, si vas a eligir un personaje rebelde, o muy sociable o como sea realmente ¡DEBES INTERPRETARLO TAL CUAL! todos han sido pensados y enlazados previamente para un buen desarrollo de la trama de la comunidad así que te pido coherencia.
SEXO: Yo sé que hay chicas que saben perfectamente hacer el roll de un chico y viceversa, pero preferimos que seas del mismo sexo que tu personaje para evitar posibles futuros problemas.
El avatar, el nombre, la edad, la fraternidad, crush, némesis ¡NO SON NEGOCIABLES! es un role-play ¡A interpretar se ha dicho! bien, en cuánto a la carrera que estudiarán es a elección propia.
¿Ya te di luz verde? perfecto, es hora de crear tu cuenta como se te indica a continuación (Respetar mayúsculas y minúsculas)
Phi Beta Kapa → xNombreApellidoPBK
Delta Epilson Sigma → xNombreApellidoDES
Delta Kappa Epilson → xNombreApellidoDKE
Phi Upilson → xNombreApellidoPU
KAPPA PHI → xNomreApellidoAP                                              
Alpha Phi → xNombreApllidoAP
PHI OMEGA → xNombreApellidoPO
Eta Chi → xNombreApellidoEC
Gamma Roar → xNombreApellidoGR
Beta psi → xNombreApellidoBS
Si tu personaje será algún profesor xNombreSU
                      (Stanford University)
Dudas, favor de ponerse en contacto con nosotros.
De no ser así y si todo quedó claro… ¡BIENVENIDO SEAS!
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georgetownshq · 6 years ago
▫ᵒᴼᵒ welcome to the fall semester at georgetown, SAFIYAH MALOOF, BROOKLYN MYERS,  BOM PEACH, BYUN MINKI AND LEO CHUNG  !  you have eight hours to respond or the hackers just might release all your dirty little secrets  - MERKTWAIN, ZENDAYA, KIM JUNGWOO, KIM HYOJONG AND LEE HWITAEK ARE NOW TAKEN !
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▫ᵒᴼᵒ (MERKTWAIN | CIS FEMALE | SHE/HER) SAFIYAH MALOOF? yeah, we follow each other on twitter and i know some things about them.  the TWENTY-ONE year old BROOKYN native is a JOURNALISM major.  they’re a member of ALPHA EPILSON MU, which means they’re probably GREGARIOUS, but also CAPTIOUS.  don’t tell anyone i told you but i’ve heard through the grapevine that SHE DID PORN TO AVOID HAVING STUDENT LOANS.  anyway, gotta run to class but it was nice chatting with you… (al, 18+, she/her, est)
▫ᵒᴼᵒ (ZENDAYA | CISFEMALE | SHE/HER) BROOKLYN MYERS? yeah, we follow each other on twitter and i know some things about them.  the TWENTY ONE year old SAN FRANCISCO native is a PSYCHOLOGY major.  they’re a member of KAPPA LAMBDA GAMMA, which means they’re probably AMBITIOUS, but also MANIPULATIVE.  don’t tell anyone i told you but i’ve heard through the grapevine that SHE STRIPS FOR FUN.  anyway, gotta run to class but it was nice chatting with you… (j, 18+, she/her, est)
▫ᵒᴼᵒ ( KIM JUNGWOO | CIS MALE | HE/HIM ) BOM PEACH? yeah, we follow each other on twitter and i know some things about them.  the TWENTY year old DALLAS native is a CRIMINOLOGY major.  they’re a member of PHI BETA TAU, which means they’re probably PROUD, but also SURLY.  don’t tell anyone i told you but i’ve heard through the grapevine that HE CUT OFF HIS STRUGGLING UNCLE WHEN HE INHERITED HIS GRANDPARENTS’ FORTUNE.  anyway, gotta run to class but it was nice chatting with you… (h, 18+, she/they, gmt)
▫ᵒᴼᵒ (KIM HYOJONG | GENDER FLUID | THEY/THEM) BYUN MINKI? yeah, we follow each other on twitter and i know some things about them.  the TWENTY TWO year old INCHEON native is a GAME DESIGN AND MUSIC PRODUCTION major.  they’re a member of PHI BETA TAU, which means they’re probably APPROACHABLE, but also TEMPERAMENTAL.  don’t tell anyone i told you but i’ve heard through the grapevine that THEY HAD AN AFFAIR WITH THEIR MOM’S FRIEND, AND SHE’S PAYING THEIR TUITION TO KEEP THEM QUIET.  anyway, gotta run to class but it was nice chatting with you… (dwayne, 18+, she/her, gmt+1)
▫ᵒᴼᵒ (LEE HWITAEK | CISMALE | HE/HIM) LEO CHUNG? yeah, we follow each other on twitter and i know some things about them. the TWENTY THREE year old DUBLIN, IRELAND native is an ART major.  they’re a member of PHI BETA TAU, which means they’re probably JOCULAR, but also SECRETIVE.  don’t tell anyone i told you but i’ve heard through the grapevine that HE CHEATED ON ALL HIS ENTRANCE EXAMS. anyway, gotta run to class but it was nice chatting with you… (w, 18+, she/her, pst)
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georgetownshq · 6 years ago
▫ᵒᴼᵒ welcome to the fall semester at georgetown, NICOLE, YEUN, AND FREYA!you have eight hours to respond or the hackers just might release all your dirty little secrets KENDALL JENNER, KIM SEOKJIN, AND KIM YERIM ARE NOW TAKEN!
▫ᵒᴼᵒ (KENDALL JENNER | CISFEMALE | SHE/HER) NICOLE GREENE? yeah, we follow each other on twitter and i know some things about them.  the TWENTY year old NEW YORK CITY native is a MARKETING major.  they’re a member of KAPPA LAMBA GAMMA, which means they’re probably PASSIONATE, but also NAIVE.  don’t tell anyone i told you but i’ve heard through the grapevine that SHE DIDN’T HAVE THE GPA TO GET INTO COLLEGE, BUT HER DAD DONATED A LARGE AMOUNT TO THE SCHOOL TO GET HER IN.  anyway, gotta run to class but it was nice chatting with you… (f, 18+, she/her, pst) 
▫ᵒᴼᵒ (KIM SEOKJIN | GENDERFLUID | THEY/THEM) JUN YEUN? yeah, we follow each other on twitter and i know some things about them. the TWENTY FIVE year old FRESNO, CALIFORNIA native is a ENGLISH major. they’re a member of PHI BETA TAU, which means they’re probably GREGARIOUS, but also ALOOF. don’t tell anyone i told you but i’ve heard through the grapevine that THEY TOOK A THREE YEAR BREAK FROM SCHOOL AND CHANGED THEIR LAST NAME AFTER THEIR DAD GOT FIRED FOR SLEEPING WIRH A STUDENT. anyway, gotta run to class but it was nice chatting with you… (a, 18+, she/her, pst)
▫ᵒᴼᵒ (KIM YERIM | CISFEMALE| SHE/HER) FREYA KANG? yeah, we follow each other on twitter and i know some things about them. the NINETEEN year old ORLANDO native is a MARKETING major.  they’re a member of ALPHA EPILSON MU, which means they’re probably JOCOSE, but also OBSTINATE.  don’t tell anyone i told you but i’ve heard through the grapevine that HER MOTHER PAID OFF THE DEAN TO ACCEPT HER.  anyway, gotta run to class but it was nice chatting with you… (z, 18+, she/her, est)
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