#The black cat's name is Zetha
raccoon-crown · 4 months
Sonic in the Room of Portraits 2
Finally had a chance to keep on with the story!
Well, once Sonic faces his little black kitty new friend he somehow manages to keep the upper hand in the battle, which ended with the black cat acknowledgement. After all no one ever dared to land a hit on him before, so using the excuse of being interested in the hedgehog, he told him the situation he was: He was in a world in between waiting for the candle in his hands, the very one he used to move in the weird room, to die, also confessing that he is the guardian of the rooms of Portraits (known as the Grim Reaper for the mortals).
He also tells him that the portraits in the room are fragments of his story that he was supposed to see one last time before parting, but somehow his candle was still alive so he was stuck there unless he finally surrendered his candle to him to end his job (so the cat could just blow the fire) or the black cat accepted to give him a last chance to live.
When Sonic tries to fight him again to gain a second chance the cat stops him and mention that his friends are still fighting out there trying to protect his unconscious and hurt body, and that even if he went back they'll surely end up with the candles out too.
So he offers him a deal, his candle for his friends. He would have the chance to look for his friends candles through the portraits and if he found them before the fire going out, then he would nullify the mortal damage they could suffer in battle in order for them to survive. And once he was done, with or without candles, he would have to hand him his own.
The hedgehog didn't even think about the options for long, he eventually gives the black cat a hand and accepts his deal before heading to the portraits in the room, while the kitty smiles widely at the expectation of a entertaining show.
First Part - This one - Next
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