#The back of his head and what to do for legs is stumping me. they'll either bc sticking out like hes sitting or just not do them
orbiyoo · 2 months
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im trying to make a sif .
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hell-drabbles · 5 months
Hello, I'm back again with more writing! Your newest drabbles with Lucifer have been giving me brainrot again. I love how you portrayed the relationship between Lucifer and the Companion and it was so satisfying seeing Ra-On jealous. Well, now he's gonna get more of that in the future. Don't take people for granted Raon! For now I'm focused on the Companion and their relationships with Lucifer and the rest of Paradise Lost.
I tried to make the Companion as genderneutral as I can, but they do get called sister. Sibling just doesn't sound the same and I wanted to discern them a bit so I didn't make them be called brother.
Some gore coming up again and a bit angst, but this time the main-part is comfort! The Companion deserves all the affection and rest after having to deal with everyones bs and their entire being remade because of angelification. The characters are probably ooc, but I needed the fluff of Companion being taken care of like they deserve😌
They are still getting used to their head being silent now, of that holy light that had previously blinded them from what is right before them being gone. Well, not truly silent but the ringing choir of the adoring angels that had been blasting in their mind has lowered until it's a barely there murmur, as long as they don't focus on it they can't hear those beckoning words. And they can actually see what is in front of them again, not that painful light that had burned into their pupils even when they closed their eyes, though everything is still fuzzy with the light.
Their body also still feels strange, wrong. At first it was those damn wings that sprouted from their back that they had ripped out themselves and the halo floating over their head and now it's the pair of horns sprouting from their forehead and a tail growing from their backside. It hurts, having grown new bones and new limbs that weren't supposed to be there in the first place, damn it. But it's preferable being one of the demons than still being a lapdog to those damned Seraphim. While their memories are still scrambled and trying to remember anything specific is like wading through mud hurtpainagonythusiswrongmakeitstop, they do remember enough to know they'll take off those angel-fuckers heads when they get the chance. Noone gets to manipulate them like that, use them to hurt their friends.
They clench their hands, digging their clawed fingers that have been previously stroking the tuft of fur at the tip of their tail into their palms and easily piercing the soft skin with those razor-sharp claw-tips. Their tail whips around and the stumps of what remained of their wings twitch, responding to their anger and indignation. That too is new. Their emotions seem almost amplified now, much easier rising and ebbing like the sea. They almost feel like they're back in their teenage-years where their puberty made them a wreck, though they had much better control of themselves than their human friends. They remember what is was like watching Raon and Mhinyeok, it was like seeing a trainwreck happening right in front of you.
"Sister, is everything alright?" A kind voice interrupts their train of thought.
Ah. They got lost in their head again. They shake their head and blink rapidly, trying to ground themselves in the present again.
Their eyes focus on Morax as their tail settles besides their legs on top of the blanket and the wing-stumps stop moving.
"Sorry." They rasp out, their voice quiet and hoarse.
"It's alright. You are still recovering, after all. We're only sorry that our healing can't do more for you, sister." Buer cuts in, gently uncurling their fingers from their palms and observing the damage they did to themselves. Again.
Off to the side, Marbas clicks his tongue.
"Your recovery progress is much slower than expected, sister. Even Gamigin couldn't do much. Some of the wounds will probably always remain and never truly heal, like his majesties Lucifer's."
He almost sounds apologetic.
Their eyes flick to Luicfer at the reminder, who has been silently observing as the other three did the check-up on them, unwrapping the bloody bandages across their body, evaluating their wounds and re-wrapping them with new bandages that won't stay clean for long.
As if almost on cue, Gamigin comes bustling through the door, carrying a tray with a bowl of steaming soup and a glass of tea and a tonic that's supposed to help speed up recovery.
"Your meal, sister!" The dragon grins, the bells of the staff on his back ringing which each step as he puts the tray across their lap.
"Too loud, Gamigin" Morax scolds.
"Too noisy, Gamigin" Marbas grumbles right after.
"Too much noise, Gamigin" Buer also says.
They can't help but smile at the exchange and feel guilty at the same time. They are investing so much time and care and resources in them and it's been weeks and they still can barely stand, let alone walk without help. At least the burns healed, but the stumps of their wings and the large wound on their chest will most likely never stop bleeding, judging from the example they have. They will always be in pain for the eternity their unnatural life will span now that they are a devil.
"Eat." Lucifer reminds them quietly, stopping them from getting lost in their mind again.
"Right." They blink again, shaking their head. Ah, it's frustrating! Why can't their focus just stay on the thing they want it to, instead of jumping and trailing all over the place? Morax, Marbas and Buer already said it's natural, that it will get better as both their body and mind heal and settle into their new form as a fallen angel- as a demon. They do their best to believe them and ignore the feeling of wrongwrongwrong- this isn't how their body is supposed to be-
to ignore that they sometimes can barely supress the urge to scratch at their skin and break off the horns and rip out their tail- get frustrated with their slow progress.
They lift their shaking hands and grab the spoon in a weak grip, barely able to dip it into the bowl and lift it even an inch again before it slips from their fingers and drop back into the bowl, a few drops splattering out on the blanket and on their skin.
"Fuck!" They curse, frustrated by their own weakness.
The others spring into action, Buer lifting the tray from their lap while Morax pulls away the stained blanket and Gamigin quickly daps up the hot soup that spilled on them with a hankerchief he got from who-knows-where.
"It's fine, sister. You're still recovering. You fell from Heaven, burned alive and broke a lot of your bones when you crashed in Hell. It's a wonder you're still alive." Marbas speaks to calm me down while the others bustle around. Morax leaves with the dirty blanket and returns with a new one, Buer putting the tray on the nightstand besides the bed safely as Gamigin makes sure they're cleaned up before tucking the now stained hankerchief away.
"You're right. But I still feel useless, like a burden." They admit.
"Not a burden." Lucifer speaks quietly but firm.
"Yes! We want to do this for you, sister! You can rely on us." Gamigin pipes up afterwards.
They're so kind to them. They were the ones who found them, took them with them to Paradise Lost and made them apart of their little family, taking care of them and still trying their best to nurse them back to health and help them settle in their new body. They can let themselves be vunerable with them without having to fear they will use their weakness against them. They are not used to it, to their care and how they adress them like family. They were always the one taking care of others, not the one being cared for.
"Thank you." They choke out feeling suddenly emotional, a lone tear trailing down their cheek.
"Don't cry." Lucifer says, stepping forward and gently wiping the tear away from their cheek.
He sits down on the side of the bed, taking the tray and settling it across his own lap, taking the spoon and dipping it in the soup before lifting the spoon to their lips. They blink, surprised by the action before opening their lips and leaning forward, taking the spoonful and swallowing.
"It's good." They murmur before Lucifer already is lifting the next spoonful to their mouth.
They eat their entire meal like that, Lucifer feeding them spoonful by spoonful until all the soup is gone, then helping them lift the small glassbottle of the healthtonic to their lips until they drank all of it and then helpimg them drink from the glass of water to wash away the bitter taste while the other four watch. After their meal is finished, Gamigin steps forward and takes the tray, bringing it away.
They wait until Gamigin returns before they ask the questiln that has been resting on their tongue for days now.
"Do you think I've healed enough to tell the others? Can I have visitors now?" They ask.
Paradise Lost kept it secret that they found them after they fell and turned into a demon, worried that they wouldn't be able to hold on because of the state they were in. They were more concerned that they would be able to rest and heal in peace, and they all knew they wouldn't be able to do that with Raon and their entourage of other demons bothering them. Apparently it wasn't too hard as the angels have become more aggressive in their attacks since they fell, especially those damned Seraphim so the other kings and nobles were kept busy. From what the Healers described, it sounded almost like they were searching for something with increasing desperation. Well, that's not their problem to worry about currently.
Marbas sighs. "While we would prefer to keep it a secret a bit longer, your body should be able to handle it. We are a bit more worried about your mind, your memory. They will have questions that could be triggering. Will you be able to handle that, sister?" He questions.
Oh. They hadn't thought about that. They were more concerned with seeing Raon again, making sure he didn't get hurt without them there to protect him.
"Yes, I'll be fine."They supress the flicker of doubt in their chest as they answer.
"Only a short visit under supervision." Lucifer says, eyes narrowing.
"Okay." They agree. They learnt early in their stay that going against what the five of them said often was only to their own detriment.
And it's comforting to know that they have somebody on their side in this Hell, that somebody will think of them and their health first instead of Raon. They felt a bit guilty at the thought, but also reveled in it.
Now they need to prepare themselves for the onslaught that will soon be upon them.
The others decided it would be best for the meeting/visit/questioning to happen in the Greenhouse instead of the room they occupy. They still need some sun and it wouldn't do for them to feel cornered in the space that's supposed to be their safe resting place, after all. Somewhere where they can leave and retreat if it gets too much.
Lucifer had carried them there, gently setting them down on the polstered chair, Morax bringing a blanket and laying it across their lap do they don't get cold. The others helped them get clothed properly, though "properly" also isn't quite right. They're in a very loose sleeveless shirt that has a very large backwindow for the stumps of their wings. They aren't wearing any pants, but they do have underwear on at least. They're thankful that the shirt is long enough that it falls mid-thigh and with the blanket the others won't see their bandaged but otherwise bare legs.
"It wouldn't do to worsen your wounds just for that. We are still in Hell." Buer had reasoned after they had winced even when only attempting to try pulling on a pair of very loose sleeppants.
And now the six of them are waiting for Raon and the other four kings to arrive. It had been decided that only those five would be welcomed as to not overwhelm them. They were also told that reason that was given to the Kings and Raon for them to come was kept vague but enough to make sure they know it's urgent and that they need to come.
Buer had poured tea for them and Lucifer, but had stepped back and blended back into the greenery, like Marbas is also doing. Only they and Lucifer are seated, while Gamigin stands almost protectively at their back. Morax will be the one to guide their guests in.
They hear the door open, several voices speaking at once. They subconsciously reach out and grip one of Lucifer's hands in their own.
Any moment now they'll see them. They can feel their heart loudly thumping in their chest as they remind themselves to breathe.
I stopped here because I ran out of steam, but I imagine it went something like Raon and the other Kings come in,switch pov to Raon, who is are shocked and surprised to see them alive and as a demon, Raon questions them/wants them to come back with them to one of the other kingdoms since they're "fine" and push the Companion too far to the point they get triggered into reliving painful memories they supressed and have a panic-attack, hurting themselves in the progress. This is the point where Lucifer steps in and makes Raon shut up while Marbas and Buer make themselves known to get the Companion to calm down and Morax and Gamigin step inbetween to act as like a wall so that Raon and the other kings can't get closer to the panicking Companion.
This is then the point that Raon gets jealous/hurt because A) Why don't the Healers care for them like that and B) The Companion is their friend, why are they so close to somebody else besides them. Lucifer had enough and forces the others to leave, picking up Companion bridal-style while they cling to him and hide from Raon and carrying them off.
I haven't really thought further tbh.
I hope you liked it, let me know what you thought!
(Hehehe this was certainly a fun one to read. I really love that my writings are making people write to me more and more. It's fun! Dragging people into my things! I wanted to keep this thing in my inbox for as long as I could, but also, I'm pretty slow when it comes to replying to anything because I like being careful and replying in such a way that doesn't imply that I'm apathetic to anyone. Though, next time, I do recommend using Sibling next time, even if it seems awkward to you. The more you use it, the less awkward it becomes. Kinda like using the word partner rather than using girlfriend or boyfriend. Anyways, I'm glad that you had a lot of fun with this.)
(Oh and honestly, I have no clue as to what the Companion's new appearance would be since I'm not very good at visual design. All I know is that they don't have a heartbeat and they're in a pretty delicate balance of sorts so they do risk reverting back to that weird angelic state given how parasitic that state of being was to them. It's like a stubborn tick, I suppose. Anyways, here be my own writing reply.)
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He grabbed your hand. That was all it took. He rushed forward, grabbed your hand and cradled it between his palms. Many, many times he reached out to you back when your wings were these parasitic things flopping uselessly on your back. And, many, many times, he missed because he couldn't grip hard enough, couldn't hold you long enough.
Always. You were always taken away from him by those angels, towards that blinding light of heaven.
But, here you are, in front of him, dressed lightly and comfortably covered with a blanket that was of a quality higher than Ra-on has ever seen. Sure this means you're healing, right?
…grabbing your hand was all it took. He felt your skin, cold and stiff. He felt your veins on the back of your hand, hard and unmoving.
You had no heartbeat.
Knuckles knocked under his chin, Ra-on biting almost through the tip of his tongue as he was sent right into the waiting arms of all his lovers. Blood flowed into his mouth. Ra-on curled into himself when fire spread over the nerves of his tongue, covering his lips like that'll protect him from the pain. He couldn't help the tears, but, more than anything, the worst pain came from his heart as he looked to you and your blank, far away stare.
"Sorry," your limbs awkwardly moved, as though your joints were unyielding to you as you clenched your hand close to you, "Sorry, I'm fine I just… just give me a moment. A minute to," you gripped head, then dug your fingers right into your ear, "get them to shut up."
A light. Small, broken little fractals of lights dusted and flowed right behind your head, as though wanting to come into existence, but can't. Your ripped out stubs fluttered and twitched, you hissed in a breath and practically heaved it out.
"You…" Ra-on finally swallowed his blood, "You lied. You're not fine at all."
This, this isn't normal. Nothing about you was right. For months on end, Ra-on had to fight to keep this hope in his heart alive, that, when you simply vanished from battle, Ra-on had to convince himself that surely you didn't die. That you weren't…discarded.
But, here you are, lucid and away from that brutal dreaming self that wanted to destroy him and everything he's accomplished. Everything that belonged to him. You're here, being cared for, being healed…being vulnerable and weak to them…
…why here? Why did Lucifer hide your presence for this long if you were like this? You shouldn't be here, away from him. When Ra-on was sick as a dog in the hospital, he wanted nothing more than to be surrounded by those closest to them. And, after everything you've suffered, wouldn't you want to have him by your side while you recover?
"It seems the influence of the seed hasn't entirely left their body," there was a sadness in Mammon's eyes, as though feeling guilty for not being able to get rid of it somehow.
Satan held a tight grip on his waist. Leviathan's face held the slightest of frowns. And Beelzebub looked away, grasping his hand.
Ra-on struggled, but eventually separated himself from them. He walked towards you, now surrounded by devils that always paid more attention to you.
Gamigin's hand were wavering around your form, as though unable to decide if he should touch you or not, but the minute Buer shifted to stand in Ra-on's way, Gamigin followed suit.
"Please," Gamigin, usually light and carefree as all dragons should be, held a weight to his presence as he gazed upon Ra-on, "don't come any closer."
"But, they're my friend," Ra-on tried to go around them, but they refuse to let him, "I have to help them, they need-"
They're good people, these devils. They've been so good to you, Ra-on knows this, but why do they refuse to be good to him? Any attempts to befriend them, to get closer to them have always been met with excuses or disinterest.
"They need silence." Soft, a voice worthy of the heavens. Lucifer stood and all was silenced.
The lights that glittered over your head have ceased, your bloodied hand caught in Lucifer's own. Blood oozed over the side of your partially torn face, your eyes twitching. You weren't bleeding as you should. It wasn't flowing out as blood should. It just, oozed.
Lucifer was gentle when he helped you to your wheelchair. He made to touch your hand, perhaps to pat it after adjusting the blanket back on you, but you retracted from Lucifer.
Vulnerable. Ra-on knew how much you hated being in that state, hated being weak in front of anyone even if they have nothing but good and gentle intentions. Whenever you got sick or hurt, you always want to take care of it yourself. Like a wounded animal.
You didn't say a word as Lucifer pushed you out of the room. And all Ra-on could do was watch.
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Come hell or high water. Pt.2
18+, MDNI. Tags: Gore, severe injury, trauma, amputation
Gaz watches as the whole operation turns to shit. One minute he's at the back of the line as the small group silently pick their way through the wooded area back towards soap and the rendezvous point, daring himself to think about what he'd do as soon as he's back on solid ground at the Garrison. Next both he and Price are blown onto their backs, as he watches you take the whole force of the explosive and roughly land in pieces on the upturned earth. While nothing could have prepared him for this moment, both he and Price automatically reverted back to the SOPs drilled into them from the start of their careers. Price flicks the switch on the Comms, informing Soap of the unfortunate development.
Price: “MAN DOWN!”
Soap : “SIT REP, NOW!"
He listens as Price updates Soap further, telling him to get the HALO free fall rig kit they'd stashed close by to the RV point before they'd engaged with the targets. And not to leave his position.
The next few minutes drag on, it seems like hours as Gaz and Price manually belly crawl forward and around you as they use their combat knives to check for any further IEDs within that immediate vicinity, digging into the soil carefully so as not to further detonate anymore. As soon as they've established the area to be as safe they get to work providing first aid. Flipping you over, they dig through your uniform pockets for the standard issue tourniquets all soldiers must carry.
“Mum… I want my mum… Fuck… can't die…like this.” Gaz hears as you whimper. The fear in your voice grips at his heart.
“S’alright, see Price and me are patching you up? You stay with us. We'll all laugh about this when we go for our pint, they'll slap a fucking bugs bunny plaster on you and call it a day.” He says, self assured. Only then does he look up and meet Price's gaze, the odds of you making out of this alive… he doesn't even want to think about that.
Tying off mid way up the thighs of the bloody stump and wrecked remains of your legs, tight, Gaz watches as the blood slows to a trickle. Looking up he spots Price as he tends to a penetrating injury on your right arm, applying another tourniquet there. Only then do they pause for a moment, realising that you've become still. Price puts his hand on your chest and simultaneously leans forward to listen for your breaths. There's nothing.
“Fuck! COMMENCING CPR!” He shouts, both he and Gaz work at cutting and tearing the clothing from your upper body until they see bare skin. Gaz moves to your head to provide the rescue breaths as Price compresses his fists hard into your chest.
“...twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty!”
Gaz watches as Price gives the allotted compressions before stopping and allowing Gaz to give the two rescue breaths. They go through three repetitions,Gaz about to take over from Price's exertions, before you finally take your own breath. It's shallow, weak. But you're breathing.
Gaz watches Price gingerly pick you up in a fireman's hold, and they cautiously retrace their steps back to the tree line before Price finds the original route the group had taken. They march in silence, it's only a matter of minutes before they're on the other side of the copse and they see Soap further down the road, waving his torch at them in the dark. They quickly make their way forward, meeting Soap half way, Price slowly and carefully laying you down on the dirt road as if you're made of bone china.
The next few moments are filled with Price's rapid fire shouting into the Sat phone, updating HQ of the situation, Gaz can barely keep up with the communications and the roaring in his ears. He looks down at you, unconscious, carefully laid down on the dirt road, your breaths short, gasps even.
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railroad-migraine · 2 years
Bells Hells with a g!n reader who’s a warlock and their patron is a dnd version of Cthulhu (can’t remember what they’re actually called in dnd, think it’s Deep Ones or something?) anyway the party assumes it’s an abusive, manipulative relationship that the reader got tricked into but actually the reader was totally willing and consensual and their patron genuinely values them and is really protective over them whenever they get into fights? Tysm and keep up the good writing, bye!
Sure thing darling! Took a while but it's finally here :)
~ Poet
Warlock!Reader's patron is actually a good guy
Ashton 💙
Hey, if they're cool, we're cool. But if that calamari-looking ass backstabs you, they'll have to answer to me. Got it?
One of the most chill in the group about the whole situation, is happy as long as you're happy and the patron treats you decently with the respect you deserve
Remains a little suspicious though, just in case, both for your sake and their own. It just means that if the patron ever decides to betray or double cross you, Ash will be ready to give them a good swing of his hammer
Wants so badly to play a round or ten of What The Fuck Is Up With That with them. Can you imagine what sort of ancient lore Ash could coax out of them that even you never knew? It'd definitely be in the run for the most interesting night out at the tavern
Chetney 💙
Is freaked when you show him the ancient texts and drawings of your patron. It's, unfortunately, a Big Nope from the bloodhunter
No matter how epic or kind or well meaning they may be, no matter how cool or respectful or enthusiastic they are about woodwork, Chetney will always feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand up with a violent shudder whenever you mention your patron's name
Hides behind yours or Fearne's leg should your patron ever manifest a physical form on Exandrian soil instead of a projected vision. The big bad wolf tries his best to appear macho but it mostly backfires when they make eye contact with him and he timidly waves back
Dorian 💙
... Just please don't let them go poking around my deepest and darkest desires in the depths of my mind, thanks.
Hasn't had the best experiences in the past with creepy gods (cough the Spider Queen cough) so he stays a little skeptical. Does not want anymore uninvited voices in his head planting doubts and corruption, which is totally valid really
As long as everything is consensual and consistently not evil between you two, he won't have too much trouble adjusting to your patron's initially terrifying appearance. Their actions and good deeds will speak louder than their looks
Is pleasantly surprised by their polite manners when he eventually meets them in person, especially when they compliment his bardic talent. They've never heard such noble music before and Dorian can't help but feel a lil bit in awe of that
Fearne 💙
Your god seem like a sweet lil-big guy, to be completely honest :D
Your patron is strange and otherworldly - and this sort of reminds her of powerful creatures that hide and can be found in the darker parts of the feywild. She is not afraid in the slightest when you try convince the group that they are benevolent. No one should be judged on their appearance, not even scary cosmic beings
Refers to your patron as your grandparent a lot, like they're a goofy friend who gives you presents and tokens. She likes that you both interact like you're friends instead of just business partners
Little Mister especially seems to gravitate to them for some reason, sniffing the ends of their robes (and chewing on them). Fearne is grateful when they chuckle deeply in amusement at her monkey's actions instead of just smiting him
Fresh Cut Grass 💙
The whole religion and god thing still stumps me from time to time - I'd like to hear their take on it!
They are especially curious about whatever the pact you made to your patron involved. It differs from magic user to magic user how they get their powers, and yours seems like an unusual case where both parties benefit from the relationship
Would love to do a therapy sesh with your patron and really dig into their millennium's worth of experiences
Likes that your patron doesn't poke or prod or comment on him being an aeormaton or a 'unique wonder' or anything like that. Your patron is old. They've seen weirder things than him. FCG thinks it's nice not having to explain what he is for the umpteenth time
Imogen 💙
Well alright then. As long as there's no shady business goin' on behind the scenes, I can't really judge. I trust you.
You're your own person. She can't stop you from making deals or exchanges with otherworldly beings. She can only hope that their intentions with you are truly as good as you promise
The whole situation with Laudna and Delilah seemed a lot more toxic and urgent to be dealt with compared to what you have with your patron. You don't feel drained or upset or stressed after communing with them, which in itself is a big green flag
Surprised to find out that she can sometimes hear your patron's thoughts bleed into your own when she delves a little deeper into your mind (with your consent, of course). There's a real, genuine bond there, a pleasant addition to your consciousness instead of a cruel hitchhiker
Laudna 💙
Who knew eldritch beings could be so charming? ... And handsome!
She gets good vibes from weird and often misunderstood scary things - they remind her a little of herself. She's less suspicious compared to the rest of the group
Laudna is just pleased that you have a healthy relationship with your patron. It's a rare thing to come by in this selfish world, and it's refreshing to know that one of her friends is being looked after by their source of power
She twirls locks of hair around her finger and bats her eyelashes when you introduce her to your patron when they finally reveal themselves. Not phased in the slightest when their voice rumbles in language that only you seem to understand - she asks politely that you translate her friendly flirtations on her behalf
Orym 💙
Ohh boy. That's not intimidating or concerning at all. Heh.
Scared, but does a good job at not showing it. He's athletic and swift and strong when he needs to be, but he is also small and mortal - everything that your patron is not. It's intimidating, to say the least, but he tries to stay as neutral as he can manage
He wants to trust your judgement, so he keeps his reservations to himself. Makes a point to give subtle side eyes to your patron whenever they take a physical form during rare visits to visit you in person though. Just in case
Orym, being the good man that he is, acts very civil and appreciative for the help that they've provided you and the party in tough battles. He druidcrafts a dainty flower crown for them as a simple token of understanding
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nautiscarader · 1 year
Had to switch to a secondary account, but here is another prompt: Wendy, Dipper, and Tambry are all hanging out together one night and begin playing a game of Spin The Bottle Truth or Dare (no, not separate, both games together) and eventually things get sexy, undressed, and purely carnal. The consequences of their actions? Well, I guess they'll have to wait and find out.
"Remember the first time we've played this game?", Dipper joked watching as a bottle spun on the newly assembled bed, while Tambry and Wendy chuckled, nodding in unison.
"Yeah, it was Mabel, who dared me to kiss you", Wendy took a sip of her own drink, "She knew what was up."
"Even she was surprised by me kissing you.", Tambry added, sneaking a smooch to the redhead's cheek. "And you", she continued, meeting her lips with Dipper's.
"Wanna play again?"
"I think after three years of being together we wouldn't have any truths hidden from each other", Dipper countered.
"I dare you to challenge that", Tambry grabbed the bottle and pointed at him.
"Okay", he replied, "Dare"
"I dare you to go carnal on Wendy", she quickly stated, much to the redhead's surprise. "No more mr soft and delicate."
"Hey!", Wendy wanted to protest,but her voice drowned in Dipper's mouth when he leapt onto her, pinning herinto the soft mattress.
"Truth, or dare", he spoke, ripping her clothes apart.
"Truth", she replied, her voice breaking.
"Do you like it?"
"Oh, fuck yeah!"
Tambry brought her phone to record the two, and in that short time Wendy was disrobed of her jeans, her legs were hooked onto Dipper's shoulders, and a steady sounds of slapping filled their newly decorated room.
Tambry sneaked next to them, exchanging quick kisses to both, before she felt her needs growing. Her jeans joined the pile as she positioned herself over Wendy's face.
"Truth or dare?", Tambry continued, addressing Wendy between her legs.
"Thruth!", she spoke, with her tongue on her pierced clit.
"S-say again", Tambry teased her.
"Do you want Dipper to blow his load inside you?"
"Yes!", Wendy moaned against Tambry's pussy.
"Truth!", he moaned, sweat beads on his forehead.
"Do-Do you want to-"
"Then one final truth…", Tambry paused, lifting her leg, "Have you been skipping pills?"
The question stumped Dipper, but not so much as the answer.
"Y-Yes", Wendy admitted, feeling Dipper's moves slow down.
"Truth, or dare?", Tambry quickly shut his complain.
"Truth, I guess"
"Do you want to be a daddy?"
Tambry backed off, making sure to capture both his bewildered expression, as well as the longing in Wendy's eyes, when theirs gazes met again .
"Yes…", Dipper finally whispered.
"Then I dare you to become one", Tambry commanded. Next thing she knew, Wendy's feet were back above Dipper's head, bouncing back and forth with each thrust, while the two exchanged many truths in form of moans and cries that drove them closer to their shared climax.
And when Dipper finally collapsed on top of her, having spilled his seed inside her, Wendy's legs slid down, locking him inside her, while their lips remained sealed in a wordless pact.
At least until Wendy snatched the bottle and pointed to Dipper.
"Dipper, I dare you to do the same to Tambry", she spoke, catching breath, "And I mean it, if I end up with twins, she better gets the same deal".
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autismsubway-remade · 2 years
comfort and kittens (aka: purring cats solve all trauma the fic) TC*ST DNI!!!! I WILL EXPLODE YOU
tws for: injury, blood, implied character death (nightmares amirite)
The sky was red and foggy, the smell of smoke and metal thick in the air. Their ventilator had stopped working weeks ago, and they could feel each breath agitating their probably-broken ribs. Their good leg burned with exertion and various still unwashed cuts, and their bad leg (or stump, to be precise) felt like it was about to fall off again. 
Their prosthetic was barely functioning.
But Donnie kept going.
Because Mikey was in much worse shape than they could ever be. Barely alive, pulse fading by the second, blood a steady drip from his nose and mouth.
"Leo, come in Leo! Please, please just answer me you-"
"D-nnie? You'r- cu-tin- out rea– bad."
"Fuck! Leo, Mikey's hurt bad. Please, we need a portal, something, anything! The Kraang is on our trail and-"
The comms cut off. Donnie cursed loudly, shoulders aching from the weight of their battle shell. 
They heard crackling behind them, the sound of metal grating against itself and a loud crash.
"Dee! Fuck, are you alright?"
"Leo, I need you to take Mikey and portal out of here."
"But what about you?"
Donnie placed a hand against their side, grimacing as it came back covered in blood. 
Their blood.
"I'm not done here yet. If I'm gonna die, I'm going out with a bang. Now get out of here!"
"Donnie, please, you don't have to do this! Please, I can't-" Leo's voice broke. "I can't lose you too. What about Casey? And April?"
"They'll understand."
They could hear the Kraang's dogs in the distance.
"They're coming!"
"Donnie, please! Just- Just come with me, I can fix you up-"
"I'm sorry Leo, but you can't."
Donnie pushed Leo into his portal along with Mikey.
"I love you. All of you. I'm sorry I never said it enough."
Mikey's eyes snapped open, frantic and wide.
Donatello woke up with a gasp, cold sweat clinging to their skin and side aching. Their hand instinctively went to cover their side, fully expecting their hand to come back covered in blood again.
It didn't.
They looked around, vision blurred without their glasses or contacts.
Donnie took a deep breath once they realized they were in their room.
They were okay.
The door banged open and their heart rate spiked.
They snapped their head towards the door to see Mikey standing in the doorway, hands sparking with a familiar orange energy and tears already welling up in his big blue eyes. 
Suddenly Michelangelo was barreling into their chest, shaking with heaving choked off sobs.
Donnie placed a soft kiss on the top of their little brother's head.
"It's alright Mikey. I'm okay."
They ignored the way their own eyes burned.
Donnie let Mikey sob into their plastron, rubbing his shell while maneuvering a blanket around his shoulders.
"Dee, I- I was so scared. I, I knew what was happening, but I couldn't wake up! It felt so-"
"I know Angelo. I know." Their voice broke softly, betraying their emotions.
"I keep having them. The- The dreams, or memories. Leo 'nd Raph too. But.. That was the first time you were in one."
"Well, at least I looked cool." Donnie chuckled wetly. They held Mikey closer, shaking.
"I- Fuck, I thought you were gonna die, Mikey. I don't-" Their voice hitches on a sob, tears finally falling. "I don't think I could handle that. I know I couldn't."
Mikey sniffles and looks up at Donnie.
"I couldn't either..I don't wanna keep seeing these memories Dee. I don't need to know how future me died and yet I do. We all do now."
"Yeah. That's fucked."
"And Casey. He-" Mikey chokes back another sob. "He barely even knows Raph. He saw both me and Leo die right before coming back here. He doesn't deserve that. He's just a kid.."
"So are we, Angelo. It's fucked up." Donnie whispers, pulling Mikey close enough to hear his heartbeat and letting the relief soothe them.
"Is..Is it bad that I wanna check on him? And the rest of our brothers? I just.."
"Need to know they're okay. I get it. Lemme get my glasses quickly."
Donnie wipes their eyes before pulling on their favorite purple hoodie and putting on their glasses. Mikey wraps the blanket tighter around himself.
They both walk over to the living room to see Raph, Leo and Casey around each other in a pile. Leo is the only one awake.
He takes one look at both of their tearstained faces and sighs. 
"One of those nights, huh?"
"Yeah. I was thinking of taking Angelo up to the surface with me for some fresh air."
"Alright, just be careful. I'll make sure to tell Raph if he wakes up before you're back."
"Thanks 'Nardo. Love you."
"Ah, you both had the Donnie Dream I see."
"The one where I die? Yeah. We did."
Leo clicks his tongue softly.
"Yeah, that's one of the worst ones. Anyways, go get your fresh hairs or whatever. Love you too, by the way. Also, you should put something on Mikester. It's cold out."
Mikey grabs a hoodie quickly and pulls it on.
Leo idly pets Casey's hair as he sleeps and shoos the two away.
Donnie and Mikey make their way out of the lair and Donnie takes them into a familiar alleyway.
"So, where are we going?"
"You'll see."
"I think I hear.."
Mikey gasps when they stop in front of a box. Inside is a pile of wriggling, energetic kittens.
"Behold! It's babies!"
Mikey squeals as quietly as possible. The kittens squeal back, jumping at Donnie's hand.
"Yes, yes, I know, you're hungry despite eating all the time."
They sit down on the ground and let the kittens climb over their hoodie. The smallest one mews loudly as it beelines towards their shoulder, licking Donnie's cheek excitedly. Donnie chuckles.
Mikey looks on in awe.
"Sit down Angelo, they're very friendly I promise. Though they do nip, as they're teething."
Mikey sits down and tries not to shake too much as three kittens jump off of Donnie and into his lap. The kitten on Donnie's shoulder purrs loudly.
"What's that ones name? The one on your shoulder?"
"Her name is Bitty, because she's very small."
"I love her. So. Much."
"Me too, Mikey."
"We should take her home! She really likes you!"
"I'd have to ask her mother permission first."
Donnie makes a 'pspspspsp' noise with their mouth and a larger cat comes running by, tail up in the air and nearly vibrating. 
"Oh, is that Momma?"
"Yep! Her name is Megabyte because she kept biting me at first."
Mikey laughs as Megabyte curls up in Donnie's lap and bats at their fingers playfully.
"I think you're about to have two cats Dee."
"Yeah, probably." Megabyte grabs her daughter off of Donnie's shoulder and starts grooming her despite her very loud protests. Mikey scoots closer to Donnie and the kittens on his lap begin climbing onto their mother. 
"There's only three other kittens..And there's three more of us…"
"C'mon Dee! Pleeeease?" Mikey gives Donnie his best puppy eyes, and Donnie feels their heart quickly starting to melt. 
"..Fine. I'll bring them down in the box. It has their blankets and toys in it."
"How long have you been caring for Megabyte and her kittens?"
"About 5 weeks now."
"Ohhh…Did you see them when they were little beans?"
"In fact, I did!"
"To be fair, Megabyte was still slightly aggressive at that point."
Mikey huffs and pouts exaggeratedly.
"Well, at least I get to see them now!"
An orange kitten climbs into Mikey's lap and starts playfully biting at his fingers and kneading his thigh.
Mikey makes a sound like a deflating balloon.
"You can name that one. He's the biggest of the litter, but he used to be kind of a runt."
"I'm naming him Burrito."
The time passes quietly, the kittens and their mom falling asleep in a soft purring pile. Donnie scoops them gently into the box they prepared for them. Mikey gets up and dusts off his knees and they both make their way back to the lair.
Raph, Casey and Leo wake up to a kitten asleep on each of their heads, and Megabyte curls up next to Splinter on his couch.
Burrito falls asleep in Mikey's hoodie pocket, and Bitty curls up against Donnie's shoulder.
The next time April visits she's swarmed by excited kittens and nearly has a heart attack then and there.
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jacky-rubou · 3 years
If you’re still taking writing request, can I see some Amputee!Stan? Like, maybe Stan being goofy and throwing off his prosthetics cause he doesn’t wanna do the dishes on the Stan O’ War, or maybe some cannon divergence where Ford somehow finds out about the legs before the whole “getting pushed into the portal” thing happens. Anything you wanna write about it!
"Stanley, it's your turn to do the dishes!" Ford's voice echoed through the halls below decks on the Stan O' War, scrub brush in hand. He looked in every room and found him laying on his bunk under the covers. Was he sleeping? Ford thought he'd gotten up already. Ford went over and gently shook him by the shoulder. Stan looked over and gave him a suspicious grin.
"How can I do the dishes..." Stan pulled his blankets off with a flourish and sat up, albeit with some difficulty, "...If I don't have my legs?" Sure enough, Stan's stumps weren't wearing their prosthetics. Ford scratched his head with the scrubber idly as he looked around the room for them, Stan wearing an expression that screamed the cat that swallowed the canary.
"Well they gotta be around here somewhere..." Ford checked in the closet, finding nothing, "I mean, you can't have put them far, could you?" Ford checked everywhere in this room though... even under the bunk.
"Maaaaaaybeeeee..." Stan replied innocently, "I'm not known for my arm strength for nothing..."
"You hid them..." Ford said quietly, "...just to get out of dishes?" Ford stared at him in disbelief. He intentionally put them far away from himself? Ford couldn't imagine the effort it would take to handstand back from wherever he hid them. It was impressive really.
"You could say that." Stan replied lazily as he laid himself back down on the bunk, waving his hand in a shooing motion, "now go find them, and I'll do the dishes, capiche?"
"Okay then.."
Ford got to work looking for the missing legs in a methodical manner, starting from the very bottom of the boat and working himself up. He checked every room, in every crevice, under every piece of furniture, even under the bathroom sink. It wasn't until he reached his study did he find anything. One of the prosthetic legs was poking out from underneath the desk. But something on top of the desk caught his eye.
"What is this?"
It was a white box, wrapped in red ribbon. A note sat beside it in Stan's familiar rough handwriting. Ford picked up the note and read:
I've been meaning to say thanks for being so understanding and kind about me and my prosthetics. So I enlisted the help of our great niece through video calls to knit you some new gloves in gratitude. Ever since your old ones got torn up in that giant squid adventure, I could see how cold your hands have been in these frigid waters, how you're constantly rubbing them together and putting them in your pockets... These new ones are a little... rough around the edges... but I think they'll suffice. Your legless twin,
P.S. Might wanna bring my leg back soon. Probably getting restless.'
Ford's heart practically melted at the note. He carefully pulled off the ribbon and opened the box, to find the hand made six fingered gloves the note promised. They were a deep blue, the color matching the waves of the ocean they've been traveling. Ford tried them on. Stan sold himself short, while they certainly weren't perfect, they were impressively well put together.
Ford gently picked up the prosthetic leg from under the desk and carried it to Stan's room. He idly wondered where the other one was, as the note only specified the one. Stepping inside, he found his answer when Stan pulled it out from under the covers he'd been laying on. Bunny hopping certainly sounded better than doing a handstand the whole way back. Ford handed the leg to him, his new gloves providing a neat grip on the leg.
"Was it hard to find?"
"No....but.. I thought you said it was to get out of dishes?"
"I didn't say that, you only assumed that and I went along. Though that is quite the perk." Stan chuckled as Ford rolled his eyes, "How'd you like the gloves anyway? They're pretty amateurish..."
"Stanley, these are quite impressively well made," Ford stated in awe as he looked at his newly gloved hands. Stan beamed at the compliment, "You should be proud. I love them. Thank you for making them."
"You're just saying that..." Stan replied bashfully as Ford rushed in for an embrace. The two hugged, happy tears running down their faces. They broke off after an eternity of hugging and Stan quickly put his prosthetics on and grabbed the brush Ford had left beside the bunk.
"Welp! Off to go do the dishes!"
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that-little-zebunny · 4 years
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Loki x Reader
Warning: Possessiveness, Jelousy, implied Smut, Public makeout.
Note: Here's another entry for our Archive Cleanup at @the-th-horniest-book-club 💜 based on the ask above 🤭 I enjoyed making this one whoo~ hope you'll enjoy it too. Ty!!
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You are walking with heavy steps as you get near the tower. You just got back from a very anger boiling date with Loki. You're happy that he's now not seen as someone who wants to rule the earth but as its hero now but the thing you dont enjoy are the fan girls.
You're out on a date on a nice Tuesday evening-your only day off for over two months- and you kept getting interrupted by people wanting to take a picture or ask for some autograph and he obliged not wanting to scar his newly found reputation but all you wanted was your man's full attention and to enjoy the very nice smelling and well cooked steak in front of you but that was not the universe's plan that night.
You end up eating the food with a clenched jaw that you feel like you'll regret it and get indigestion in the middle of the night.
"What's the matter my love?" Loki asked as he catch up with you fast steps.
"Nothing!" You said firmly clenching your hands as you got near the elevator.
"Oh I dont believe that. You really think you can lie to me?" He said as he stands infront of you blocking your way. You had to stop or you'll smack right on his perfect body.
"I said it's nothing. I just want to get back to our room and rest." You said side stepping him to continue your journey.
"This is our date night for quiet a while and you just want to go rest? Are we not to go and walk to the garden as we always do?" He said. You're now standing infront of the elevator waiting for it to open.
Stumping your right foot on the ground you faced him poking his chest with a finger. "And what? Get interrupted by your fangirls every steps we make? Or maybe I can go and be a photographer to every ladies that want to have a photo with you!? Hmm!!?" You said angrily raising an eyebrow at him.
He was stunned but it slowly stretched into a smirk as he stare at your eyes with his gorgeous green ones. "Is this jealousy my love?" He said his arms slowly embracing your waist stopping to stay on the ecposed back of your dress. You shivered as he teasingly rub his fingers on your spine.
"I...I don't know. I just hated how people keeps on interrupting our evening and how you are enjoying their attention. I wanted you all to myself tonight. I've waited to have you to myself..." You said sighing as his hands went down to cup your ass pulling you close to his body.
"Oh...I do enjoy it. Enjoy the reaction I got from you." He said. His face bend down to pepper kisses on your neck and jaw making you ark your head to give his masterful lips more access.
"Is it sick of me to need control over you?" You asked as you enjoy melting in his playful hands and addicting lips. He slowly walked you back until you felt the cold glass door of the elevator behind you. You didn't even hear it open up. Loki had you pinned making you feel the bulge on his pants and you automatically push your hips to his wanting to fell more of him, spreading your legs to make him fit in you as much as your dress allowed.
“No, it’s pretty hot. I love it when you’re all huffy and puffy and jealous.” He said grounding his groin on your covered cunt making you moan. You need him so bad and all the anger you felt earlier had transformed into something that made you want to undress Loki right there and then in the elevator not caring if anyone saw the two of you. Maybe it'll be a good thing to. It'll let everyone knows that he is all yours and they'll back away.
"i love these thoughts running in your mind right now my love. Though as much as I would enjoy letting you show everyone I'm yours I do not want any male mortal to see what is mine." He said kissing you hard his tounge entering your mouth licking and tasting you like a thirsty man in the middle of the dessert making you loose your strength. "Shall we continue this in our very private room and show me how you plan to control me and my body?" He said looking at you with need and all you're able to do was nod as he picked you up and walked towards your room.
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Tom Hiddleston & Characters Tag list:
@jewels2876 @jobean12-blog @curlyred2020
Let me know if you wanna be added on the taglist :')
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mtgc858 · 3 years
So I made a short story of what if in my au were the intruder kinda scared Mark when they first meet as a "Hey make sure you don't say anything to your family about me lol"....Idk Just wanted to make a short story.
(Note this takes place were Mark's mom was out of town at the time so he was left alone(Kinda of a crap mom but oh well)So that's why his mom isn't in the story or the fact he is all ne with the intruder)
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Mark ran into the living as he turn quickly and shut the door behind himself as he rush for a place to hide,He swore he saw something or someone in upstairs new his mother's room.
He panicked as he looked around the room as he happened to noticed a spot to hide in,He ran into the spot as he pulled his legs forward to try to cove as much as he could.
He was Quite as a mouse as he heard footsteps coming down the stairs and to Mark's dread the door opened.
Mark forgot to lock the door he realized too late as he heard the figure step into the room and shutting the door behind it.
Mark wanted to see what it was but was to scared to move or to take a look,He heard a faint sigh and chuckle from the figure as it took a step forward.
"Playing hide and seek are we?" The figure spoke to itself quietly but Mark was able to hear it from the quiet empty house as he knew he was alone,Mark heard the figure move around and the sounds of things moving as if it was looking for him.
Mark squeeze tighter on his legs as he tensed up from the fear and the terror from the whole situation,He heard the figure take a few steps as it suddenly stopped right next to Mark's hiding place.
Mark was shaking slightly as his mind was raceing and his heat was beating faster,Mark twitched when the figure took a slight step sideways as it's was focus on another thing but unfortunately the sudden sound made Mark let a tiny peep out of his mouth.
Mark was sure the Figure definitely heard it as it shifted it's body towards Mark's hiding place,The figure suddenly walked away as it when to the kitchen area still looking.
Mark felt a tiny bit of relief as the room got quieter,Mark just wanted to go to bed and just wanted his mom to come home so he can feel protected.
Mark caught his breath as he was prepared himself to run upstairs to his bedroom to hide on his bed and to just go to bed,With in a moment he jumped out of his spot and dashed to the door near the stairs.
Mark was tripping and stumping as his legs were hurting from squeezing to hard,He rushed towards the stairs but before he reached it he felt a hand grab his leg and pull him back.
"There you are kid" the figure said as it held him him the air upside down as Mark was frozen from the terror,The figure grabbed his arm and flipped him right side up as it placed him on its shoulder.
Mark was on the edge of tears but realized the figure was going up the stairs towards his room,The figure entered as it placed Mark on his bed and tucked him him which Mark was confused about.
"There,Wasn't that easy?" The figure asked Mark to which he didn't reply,"What? What did you think I was going to do? Eat you or something?" Mark was quiet but started to slowly calm down realizing it wasn't a real threat.
"I was messing with ya cause honestly I just wanted to stay out of the rain" The figure said as he sat at the edge of the bed,Mark completely forgot that it was raining cause of his terror he couldn't even hear the rain in his head.
"Call me the intruder I guess,What's your name?" The intruder asked Mark,Mark responded saying his name still kinda shaken about the whole thing.
"Ok but honestly please don't tell your family cause they'll probably have a heart attack" The intruder said with a sorry tone.
Mark took a breath as he promised to not tell them,It took awhile till Mark finally fell asleep which the intruder got up and when to the corner of the room were he was in complete darkness and hidden as Marks mom drove up the driveway.
Yep that was long and again this is a what if so this didn't actually happen in my au but I love how this ended up,Tell me your thoughts if you'd like to.
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wyntereyez · 5 years
Captain Sneed fic part seven
Ugh. This is gonna need a TITLE, isn't it?
It took some haggling, but eventually, the horse was Killian's. The sum made him wince, but he didn't have time for the alternative, to actually train their horses. And at least it was a good quality horse, not something pretty but useless.
Now that he had a second horse to carry supplies, Killian stocked up on more food an necessities. His cash was nearly gone when he was done, but it was worth it. He had a sack of gold concealed in his waistcoat; he'd eventually have to find somewhere to trade it for currency.
But not here. He'd been too free with his spending; he'd likely caught the wrong sort of attention.
Killian was tense the entire ride back to the arroyo. He was ready to drop the reins at a moment's notice to draw his gun. But, despite the prickling on the back of his neck he'd felt as he'd left town, he encountered nothing.
When he arrived, it took him a moment to find Sneed. He found his clothing first, lying across a boulder by the creek to dry. His horse was dozing in the sun, and lying in the shade it cast was Sneed, laying nude atop a bedroll, using the saddle as his pillow.
Killian dismounted and began pulling packs off the horses, looking through them until he found what he wanted.
Sneed's eyes were slitted open, and he watched as Killian walked towards him. The horse, happy to have company at last, ambled towards the other two, and Sneed cursed and threw his arms over his face as the sun hit his eyes.
Killian couldn't help but surreptitiously study him. He'd seen Sneed naked, of course, but the entire time, he'd been fighting against Killian's care. Now... Sneed was shamelessly displaying himself, showing off the scar on his abdomen from a bullet, the still-raw stump of his right leg, and the misshapen knee of his left.
He wanted Killian to see the damage, but all Killian could see was just how uncanny their resemblance really was. And now that Sneed had shaved, giving himself an odd little beard, the resemblance was even more striking.
Not for the first time, Killian tried to remember if he'd had any tumbles with wenches in the Land Without Magic, because they were enough alike that he could be Killian's son. Killian didn't think so, but...
He began to pull out the clothes he'd purchased, and Sneed turned to lean on his elbow as he sorted through the selection. "Good?" he asked.
"They'll do," Sneed said, but he could hear the pleasure in the other man's voice. He looked at the boots distastefully. "Two of them?"
"I couldn't exactly buy one," Killian defended. "Besides, I know many men with wooden legs. Maybe you'll have one yourself, and you'll want that second boot."
Sneed shrugged.
"And then there's this." He held out a hatbox, which Sneed snatched eagerly. "The proprietor assured me that was the right kind of hat."
Sneed removed the black bowler from within and placed it on his head. He then tipped it at angle and grinned. "I'm startin' to feel like myself again."
Killian smirked. "I'll get the horses ready. There's some linament and bandages in there too, if you'd like."
He left Sneed to dress himself; he needed to stop treating the other man like a doll. After all, he'd hated it when Smee had tried to do everything for him.
He transferred the packs to Sneed's former mount and saddled the buckskin. Finished, he lead the mare over to Sneed, who had finished dressing. The change of outfit had done wonders; Sneed seemed more confident than he had in the entire time Killian had known him.
Let's see if this helped... "Why the new horse?" Sneed asked.
"This one's special. She does tricks." Sneed rolled his eyes at that. "Watch," Killian commanded. He gestured, and the mare immediately lowered herself.
Sneed stared.
"Think you can mount on your own?"
Sneed crawled the short distance to the horse's side, and pulled himself into the saddle. "Hold on." Killian clicked his tongue, and the mare stood. Sneed held on for dear life, but kept his seat. "I'll still have to tie you to the saddle for now, but maybe one day, you can get a saddle made to hold you in place."
Killian made a quick circuit of the arroyo to make certain they'd left nothing behind, then mounted. "Oh, and one more thing." There was a leather sack tied to his saddle horn, and he loosed it and handed it over to Sneed.
He slowly removed the gunbelt and pistol, and stared at Killian in disbelief. "Thought you didn't trust me."
"I don't. But I trust my reflexes." Killian urged his horse to a walk, the pack horse tied to his saddle following. It took Sneed a moment to realize his horse wasn't tied to Killian's, and that, for the first time in a month, he had control over his life.
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rixxy8173571m3w1p3 · 6 years
Out Of The Woods (2/?)
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This multi chap fic has been one that I've wanted to write for a while. I'm hoping to connect a few loose ends, since my series is getting closer to the end. Don't worry, I still got a couple of fics left in me. I'd love to thank @xerxezra whose conversations with me are always inspirational. I'd also like to thank @dorkydisappointment whose writing got my creative juice flowing and @hoodoo12 who continues to inspire me all the time.
Reference to the crystal necklace a can be found in my fic The Language Of Flowers and to safety measures in Sentimental Reasons. And finally, references to the woman in Ricks journal is from What You Found Amongst The Pages. I know, that was shameless self promotion ;P
If you haven't read part 1, then heres a link (Read Chapter 1)
In this fic the reader tries to uncover the mystery of the artist behind Zeta-7s portrait.
Chapter 2: The Girl Who Loved Him Before
You couldn't sleep. It wasn't so much the bed, which was much harder than the one you had back home, but your thoughts. Ugh, why couldn't you just turn your brain off? If you could, then maybe you wouldn't be up at 2 in the morning questioning your life choices; that or it was because you were in an unfamiliar place.
You thought of taking out your laptop to type out the draft for a new story idea you had, or to take another sedative, but you decided that maybe you could read one of the magazines you saw on the coffee table instead. Carefully, you cracked the door to your room open, checked to see if the coast was clear before you tiptoed towards the living room. Next to the couch, was a rustic coffee table created out of an old tree trunk; on it were coasters made from a young pine. Next to the pile of coasters were old science fiction magazines; all of them older than yourself. And since you couldn't find the book you saw earlier, you picked up the stack and slipped back into your room.
Just like you did when you were a kid, you hid under the duvet with a flashlight. Each magazine was in its own sleeve, and you shuffled through them until you found a hand full you liked. The one with Gort on the cover had original stories that had been sent in by fans; your favorite being The Day The Earth Stood Stupefied, which was a story about how Gort and Klaatu managed to control the masses with charisma and Rock n Roll. Another one had a series of stories which revolved around a lonely dendrologist, who alienated everyone he knew in his pursuit of knowledge; whose increased disdain for humans had led him to madness; a marriage to the forest, and whose offspring walked the earth, searching for their place in the world. The other magazines turned out to be comic books, laced with outdated tropes and humorous ads for sea monkeys and x-ray goggles. Though, the one that interested you most was the small booklet for a funeral home.
Strange, why would this be here?
You pulled the covers down, glanced at the door just to make sure it wouldn't open before you hid again, and flipped through the booklet. From different burial arrangements to simple and ornate caskets, you assumed that either he helped with a burial or had planned one. Poor man. You placed it back in the middle of the stack where you had found it and returned the lot of it to its original place. Maybe trying to write might help quiet your brain after all.
You woke up; the cause being from the sounds which came from outside. Slipping your feet into some slippers, you stepped out of your bedroom, finding that Rick was neither in his room, kitchen, or living room. The noises got louder and seemed to be coming from the back of the house. So feeling brave, because you could totally take care of yourself, you grabbed the silly dancing moose statue from the dining table which doubled as a banana holder and stepped outside, only to find Rick pause; his ax lifted above his head, with raised brow perplexed as to what you were doing before returning to his task. “Oh, you're chopping wood.”
Log after log, he split them into smaller pieces. You had never seen him chop wood, but at the rate and diligence in which he was, made you wonder if he had cybernetic enhancements like other Ricks did; it certainly would explain a few things. When you realized that you were still holding the statue, you could only giggle at your silliness and set it down beside you as you took a seat on the porch steps; not only relieved there wasn't an intruder but pleasantly surprised by this display of masculinity. “Rick, why are you chopping wood? It's not to impress me, is it? Cause if it is, it's totally working.”
Leaning the ax against the stump, he pulled off his sweater, having warmed up from the exertion, using it to wipe his sweaty face. The t-shirt that was underneath his sweater clung to him, outlining the shape of his lean torso. Wow. “There's n-no central heating and there's going to be a cold front t-t-t-tonight. I um - I wanted to make sure there would be enough firewood.”
“Well, nothing warm hands and a pillow fort couldn't solve. Right?”
“Hohoho, n-no. Though it would be nice if that's all it - it took.”
Goodness, did you love what you were seeing, regretful that you didn't have your phone to take a pic. If he was more confident, then he'd certainly be the death of you, strolling over with a confident swagger but it didn't matter. You were so lucky to have him; dorky and all. “Rick, could you come here for a moment? I want to show you something.”
By now, you'd think he'd catch on to your mischief, but even so, he obeyed; how cute. He walked towards you, unassuming, and you stood and waited for him to be close enough so that you could lean over and kiss him. He squirmed when you did this because he was all sweaty and wanted to be all nice and clean before making any attempts of being affectionate, but you wrapped your arms around him and held him tight, determined not to let him go. “I got you, Ricky.”
“Gosh, but I'm - I-I-I shouldn't. I'm all sweaty.”
“It's okay,” you cooed, brushing his bangs away from his forehead. “I kinda like it. Besides, everyone sweats. It's only natural, and if we didn't we'd die, right? So calm down my little manly man. I'm not grossed out.”
It took him a few seconds to let this sink in.“Is there anything y-you don't like?” he wondered; neither reciprocating nor initiating.
“I don't like mosquito bites, but what does that have to do with anything? I really like you. That's what matters.”
“Th-that's - thank you. I appreciate it.”
You pressed your nose right into his hair, breathing in the scent which was naturally his intermingling with that of the forest. You knew this made him nervous, but you adored the way he smelled, especially right now; as though he'd been birthed from the ashes of pine. “You're welcome. Have you been rolling around in pine needles?” you giggled, picking out a stray leaf. “Or have you been hugging trees again? If you aren't, then maybe I should encourage it.”
“No,” he answered matter of factly. “it's um - it's from the wood. Th-they produce chemicals called terpenes, which give them their special, distinctive scent.”
“Oh Rick, when are you going to understand when I'm flirting with you?”
Scratching the back of his neck, he mumbled sheepishly. “Gee, I-I-I don't - I'm sorry.”
Reluctantly you let go, deciding that you should let him be before you had a chance to get any other mischievous ideas. “Aw, don't be sorry. You still have plenty of time to understand me. Until then, how about I make us some breakfast. Banana pancakes sound good?”
Smiling warmly down at you, he nodded. “It s-sure does.”
After breakfast, Rick informed you that he needed to go somewhere, and you were ready to go along but he confessed. “I-I-I have to get some supplies to do a couple of repairs. I've been so busy lately that I didn't realize that there were still a-a few things t-t-to do around here before I can relax. I should be back this afternoon.”
“Rick, it sounds like you're leaving me here.”
Giving your hand a squeeze, he admitted. “I am, though only because I want to return as soon as possible. I want t-to spend as much time with you as I can. I mean, I'm going t-t-to be making repairs after I return, but in other words…..”
“You're busy,” you interrupted, pulling your hand away so you could put away the dishes. “and you wanted to take care of your errands without distractions. Fine, it's whatever. I'll be here I guess.”
The mismatched dishes were an odd contrast in comparison to the many other decorations about the place, and you were relieved by this, but annoyed that you weren't tall enough to put away the mixing bowl in its respective place on the top shelf. Seeing this, chair legs scraped against the floor, creaking in complaint as Zeta-7 crossed the room; gently removing it from your hands and putting it away. If he wasn't so darn sweet, you might actually manage to stay upset at him. “Thanks.”
Studying you, he placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. “I'm s-s-so sorry princess. I promise I'll make it up to you.”
You knew he would for he always did and you followed him outside towards the car. Opening the driver's side door, he stood there, fiddling with the keychains, glancing at you, at the keys, then back at you. “It won't be long. Y-y-y-y-you know where I put the freeze ray, and where the switch for the security system is.”
“Yeah,” you answered, tugging lightly on the chain about your neck, revealing the lovely crystal you carried with you always. “and I still have the crystal necklace that I only have to squeeze to be transported to the safe room just in case.”
“Th-that's good. And the Meeseeks box is in the closet. I um - they'll help if you need them.”
“Got it. I guess I'll see you later then. Drive safely.”
You turned around to head back, having heard the car door close, thinking he was ready to go, but to your surprise, he spun you around and pulled you in for a kiss. Undemanding, he sought forgiveness on your lips, supporting you as you melted into him. When he pulled away a few seconds later, he softened. “Please don't be mad a-at me. I couldn't bear it if y-you were.”
“I'm not. Annoyed maybe, but not mad. I just wish you would've told me earlier. “ you admitted in your girlish voice. “It's nice to know these things. I had plans for us to go apple picking and thought we'd bake some apple pies together. I was really looking forward to it.”
Pressing a kiss on your temple, he sighed. “Gosh, th-that sounds perfect, but it's going to have to wait. I shouldn't neglect the repairs or else one of us c-could get hurt. I hope y-you understand.”
“I do. It's a good thing you're the responsible one. Someone has to be. Just, promise you'll be safe okay?”
“I-I will. Be careful on the front porch and inside the laundry room. There are a-a few old boards that have to be replaced.”
Brushing a lock of hair away from your face, he nodded. “Bye, m-mi corazón.”
Leaning into his touch, you softened. “Return soon.”
“I will.”
You pulled away so that he would go, for he would never deliberately leave until he knew everything was alright. And when you couldn't see the car anymore, you stepped back into the house, avoiding the loose boards he had mentioned. Honestly, you didn't enjoy the idea of being left alone, especially in the middle of nowhere, but it did give you the time you needed to explore the place.
You glanced at the painting again, wishing it would talk back to you. What secrets did it hold? And why Rick, your Rick and not anyone else? Did they know there were others, or were they only acquainted with yours? Ugh, this was frustrating.
You sat back for a while, thinking of what you knew; Zeta-7 wasn't the type to pose for pictures let alone a painting, so this might've been done by memory. If it was done in the afternoon light, anytime after 4 would've been comfortable if it was done outside, but what if the lighting was symbolic as to timing and not so much literal? Oh, what did you know, except that you really hoped he wasn't holding a torch for her; if he was, it'd probably kill you.
However, since you were here, you decided to check out the other paintings. There were a few that you realized also weren't signed and done in a similar style. There was one of a Morpho butterfly, eating a ripe banana. Then there was one of a half-eaten picnic and a cake covered in bees. The one next to it was of a labcoat draped over a chair and a forgotten candy wrapper lying on the floor. And the last one on this wall was of a diseased blue rose bush.
How odd. The familiarity of these subjects and scenes filled you with a warm nostalgia of past adventures. Was it possible that their story was similar to yours? Of course, everyone had their story, and if your assumptions were correct, then all these unsigned pieces were by her as well as these memories that she portrayed; funny and uncanny that they should like Morphos, blue roses, picnics, and Rick just like you. The only difference is that you weren't an artist, but then while they were, they didn't think so either.
Maybe you could almost forgive this person because they had good taste in both men and painting subjects. Then again, maybe not.
Unlike the movies, the basement was well furnished and pleasant. There was a couch, a bunch of boxes stacked in the closet, and a wall of books; as could be expected from a prolific reader. You tested the couch for comfort, finding that it was way better than the bed in your room. Getting up, you perused the shelves, happy to find all your favorites as well as a couple from your wishlist; lucky you.
Picking up a leather-bound copy of Persuasion, you laid back on the couch, fluffing up the old, but clean pillows. In your hands was a well-loved copy, possibly read more times than your own. The reasons this particular Jane Austen classic held much appeal was extensive, but the main ones were because it was a story waiting, of misunderstanding, forgiveness, and reconciliation. You always got lost in the old-fashioned customs and words and it never failed to move you. However, what moved you this time when you cracked opened the book were not elegant sayings or humorous witticisms but the photographs.
Used as bookmarks, there were several Polaroids of Rick; of him dancing in an ugly sweater; of him cooking; of him playing the ukulele; of him standing as his figure was filtered amongst spring blooms; of his hands full of sunflower seeds; and of a yard full of sunflowers. You stared at these photos, dumbfounded at the similarities between the subjects and your favorite things. This book and photos must've been from her too and Ricks age in these photos matched that of the painting. Damn it.
It couldn't be true, but even inside the cover, there was a small note from Zeta-7 explaining why he gifted this book; signed with love. No, none of it could be true. However, photographs didn't lie and it meant you weren't all that special. Not caring if you stained the beginning pages with your tears, your chest ached with regret and you couldn't breathe. All this time, when your wonderful Zeta-7 paid special attention to what you loved, claiming to love only you, never wanting to lose you had turned out to be a cruel game and a lie; you being beaten by the girl who loved him before; someone who was way better than you.
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argylemikewheeler · 7 years
hey, with the scenes el and will have had together so far i have this hc that they'll be so good friends once they get to /actually meet/. can you write your version of when they do?
“Mike, this is starting to freak me out. Where are we going?”
“Just follow me!”
“We’re in the middle of the woods!”
“Would you maybe like to consider the reason I don’t want to be back here?”
“… we’re almost there, Will.”
Mike continued to tug Will through the trees, ducking under low-hanging branches and swinging him around cut tree stumps. Mike was nearly in a sprint while Will was struggling to remain standing as he was yanked forward. “Here we are!” Mike released Will’s hand quickly and the boy stumbled forward to a stop, the hood of his jacket flopping over his eyes. With an exaggerated sigh, he lifted it to see the Chief standing on the porch, stomping out a cigarette.
“Why are there police here?” Will asked, following Mike with less enthusiasm–or trust for that matter. Mike stepped up onto the porch with steady feet, lifting a hand to wave at Hopper. “Mike?”
“She’s been excited all day.” Hopper told Mike, thumbing towards the door. “She cleaned her room twice. Glad you boys could stop by.”
“Who did?” Will asked, trying to insert himself in the conversation. “Why are we here?”
“El! We’re here!” Mike pushed the cabin door open and stepped inside. Will stood defiantly in the leaves, waiting for an explanation.
“You better get in there.” Hopper said, lighting another cigarette. “She’s not very good with patience yet. Or at all.”
“Will!” Mike sighed, poking his head out of the doorframe. “Come on.” He stepped out of the house and grabbed his hand. Their fingers laced together, ensuring Will couldn’t slip through his grasp– not that Will would let go at that point. Mike physically pulled Will after him back through the door and into the house. “Will, I want you to meet Eleven!”
The girl standing in the center of the small, cramped living room seemed to beam with pride. She had on a sundress with fringed lace hanging around her waist. Her hair was in tight curls falling over her forehead. Will swore the last time he saw her… saw that face… it didn’t have any hair at all. Maybe he was wrong. This face as grinning, crooked tooth poking out from her lip and a cheerful greeting coming from her lips.
“Mike!” She met Mike with an embrace, turning to Will to do the same.
“I–I think we’ve met before.” Will said, holding his hand out to her.
“You have!” Mike assured him, guiding Will to come closer to the both of them. “The Upside Down, remember? She was the one who came to find you…” Mike looked at Eleven with furrowed eyebrows. She nodded quickly, her expression serious and lips tight. “I’m still not sure how the science works, but… I’ll believe her.”
“Will.” She tried to hug him again. Will allowed her to wrap her arms around him if only to see the all-too-pleased smile on Mike’s face.
“El, right?” The name had been sprinkled along in nearly every story Will was told about the past year. “That’s who you are.”
“And you’re Will.” She repeated. “Mike talks all the time.” She nodded with a giggle, sitting down on the couch. She tucked the ends of her dress under her legs and flattened the lace fringe before folding her hands on her lap.
“Uh, yeah. He is kind of a loud-mouth, huh?” Will agreed, slowly sitting across from her.
“She means about you.” Mike corrected, rolling his eyes. “She means I talk a lot about you.”
“Well, she had me fooled.” Will muttered. Eleven laughed, grinning widely as she looked between the two of them.
“You’re funny.” She turned to Mike, her expression changing. “You never told me that.”
“Funny?” Will echoed. He had been labeled many things. Many other words that began with the letter ‘f’, but none of them were ‘funny’.
“Funny.” Eleven repeated. Her expression fell, eyes darting to Mike, desperate for guidance in the conversation. “Funny.”
“You used it right, El. He just doesn’t think he’s funny.” Mike encouraged Eleven with a nod, motioning her eyes back over to Will. “Go on! Introduce yourselves!”
“Uh, it seems like she knows everything about me.” Will muttered, leaning over to Mike. “Maybe she should talk?” Truthfully, he was at a loss for words. Her face had been in the back of his mind as a phantom memory, something he was sure couldn’t have been real, but gave him comfort in the moments he was sure it was the last face he was ever going to see.
“Do you like breakfast?” She asked, her eyes lighting up. Mike nodded automatically, humoring her good spirits.
“Uh, yeah.” Will answered. He was mostly just agreeing to the change in conversation.
“I cooked.”
“She cooked?” Will asked Mike. He remembered what Hopper had said about patience and the creation of compromise made with the cleaning of a room– how could she use a stove? Will still didn’t like to be near it without his mother’s supervision.
“It means she used a toaster.” Mike whispered, watching Eleven stand and walk into the kitchen behind their seats.
“Oh.” Will nodded, trying not to crane his neck to watch Eleven. She walked back with a chipped ceramic floral dish with toasted, frozen waffles. She held the plate out to them with a smile. She wasn’t a bad house guest once she wasn’t in the Upside Down talking to Will through some weird dimension he wasn’t even sure he truly imagined properly.
“Thanks, El.” Mike took a bite of his waffle and leaned back in his seat, still watching the two of his friends struggle to find words at their re-introduction.
“It’s nice to see you good– well. See you well, Will.” Eleven noted, sitting back down.
“You look nice with hair.” Will said, his words feeling stiff. “I mean, last time I saw you–”
“Thank you.” She ran her hand over the mop of hair on her head. “I’m gonna learn how to braid it.”
“Oh!” Mike cried. “I can have Nancy teach me. I can show you next time I’m over.”
“I know how.” Will offered, lifting his hand sheepishly. “I’ve watched my mom do it so many times for work I just picked it up… I can show you.”
“Really?” Eleven hopped up to her feet and jumped over to the seat beside Will. He had to admit, her smile was strangely contagious– but didn’t she have telekinesis or something?
“Yeah. It’s super easy.” Will assured her. “Uh, your hair isn’t long enough for it…  Uh, here. Let me try your dress.” Will pointed to the lace fringe hanging over Eleven’s skirt. “Can I?” His hands hovered over her leg, waiting to be told.
“Yes. Yes. Show me.”
Will held three strips of lace in his hand and slowly overlapped the side and middle pieces, Eleven twisting her head to try and see the demonstration right-side up. Will braided all the way down to the end of the lace before placing it flat against her leg. Before he could even offer to show her again, she was shoving more pieces into his hand. Mike rested his chin on Will’s shoulder, eager to learn as well as Will repeated the movement.
“See, it’s easy.” Will grinned, placing down his third braid. Eleven yanked roughly on her three strands of lace, the knot tight– and if it was hair, probably torn out– but she looked proud. She looked up at Will, the same curiosity once directed at Mike now answering to Will. “You’re doing great.” She smiled and kept working. Will turned his head to look at Mike, still trying to solve the pattern. “Thank you.” He whispered.
“What?” Mike asked, turning to look at him, pulling away if only to get Will’s full face back into view.
“Thanks for introducing me.”
“Re-introducing.” Mike corrected. “And besides, I can’t have my two best friends not know each other.”
“Best friend?” Eleven repeated, looking up from her far-looser second attempt at a lace braid.
“Yeah.” Will nodded. “All three of us.”
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timebuzzer · 4 years
Ever After Chapter 9.7
A little reminder: This is just a work of FICTION. In addition to that, don't forget that Sage and Alex are already married here. Hahahaha! Enjoy?
- - - - -
3rd Person
After a couple of seconds, Aira felt that someone poked her back.
"Are you done?" Aira asked while still facing the door.
"Silly, Aira. As much as we would like to, there's a camera here for sure." When Aira turned around, she saw the couple trying to control their waves of laughter.
"Oh. So you will surely behave. Okay, I'll go to the toilet first. I will leave the two of you so you could freely laugh too. Bye!"
Aira left the two as she knows, it will be awkward for her to stay too.
When the door closed, an awkward silence filled the room as it was only Alex and Sage. The two looked at each other with equal yearning but they don't know what to do first.
They wanted to hug and kiss but they can't. They're afraid they can't pull away from each other once they get too close and might reveal something that would create a scandal in the future. The words they wanted to say vanished into thin air too. Both of them found it so frustrating they could only breathe out deep sighs one after another.
"Let us sit first?" Sage finally uttered. He pulled a chair for Alex then he sat in front of her. They are now sitting across each other, face to face. A couple of minutes was spent looking at each other. Then Sage suddenly shrieked "Ouch! What was that for, Alex Lee?"
Alex stumped on his foot hard, and take note, she's wearing heels. Luckily, she was sitting which exerted lesser force but it still hurt.
"Serves you right, Sage Kim! If there's no camera here, I would have bitten your arm already. You thought I would forget what you've done just because you are being handsome in your military uniform? Why won't you come out? I thought you will go out on your birthday?" Alex ranted in frustration trying to vent her piled up resentment.
"Sorry, Honey. I missed you too, so much. But when I got inside, I realized that it took so much courage for me to leave you. And I'm afraid that if I visit you again, I'll be back to square one. That's why..."
"I also feel the same way. But an opportunity like this came, and I missed you a lot, so even if I know it's hard to say goodbye again, I still said yes. I'd rather see you even just for an hour than not see you at all. But I guess we aren't on the same page here. You would rather not see me for the entire 21 months? Is that your plan?" Alex felt her tears building up on the side of her eyes.
When Sage saw her about to cry, he immediately took his handkerchief to wipe her tears. He didn't care if someone saw him doing this, but he felt this is the right thing to do at least.
"Don't cry. Sorry, Love." As he was soothing her, Alex noticed the bandage on his hand. Her tears stopped flowing out of concern.
"What is this? What happened?"
"Just a minor cut from duty. Accidents are normal here. The bandage is just big but my wound is just small and it is already healed. Don't worry." Sage reassured her then diverted the topic. "Look at your cheeks. It's not chubby anymore. I can't pinch anything. Are you eating well? Are you sleeping well, Honey?"
The two continued catching up since they cannot touch each other's hands, but their feet under the table are entangled. It was hidden so it was safe to do so. Even a little physical touch is more than enough.
"What can you say about my hair?" Alex inquired. Sage didn't mention anything about it so she asked him. Fishing for some compliments, maybe?
"You are beautiful with any hair length. But I like you in this bob cut the most." Sage answered truthfully. Short hair gave her a cute and on-the-go vibe when it was made, yet when it turned to a messy bob, it added a whole new level of a sultry aura to Alex.
"Ask me why I cut my hair."
"Because... I won't trim it until you fully finish your military service. So the longer it gets, the longer I waited for you. As cheesy as it may sound but my hair would be a reminder about how much I wanted to see you. You used to stroke my hair before I sleep so, I would just keep it short until you comeback. I just thought about it early this week." Alex confessed.
If they were totally alone right now, he would have kissed her already, but all he could do is to add pressure to their entangled legs to express his bliss and control himself. Then he asked, "So you are Ms. Waiting now?"
"You waited for me for how many years. This is just a small thing compared to what you did."
"Love, it doesn't matter who waited longer, who did this and that. My efforts before were done voluntarily without expecting anything from you. That is how I wanted to express my love for you in a way I think you deserved, not to make you feel indebted to me now..."
"I know, I didn't mean anything bad but this is how I wanted to express mine."
"Okay. I hope we are clear about this. We are both back to zero and there is no scorer. No pressure okay? And bear this in mine, I appreciate everything you do, no matter how small you think that is, always."
"Aye, aye, captain!" Alex gave him a salute that made him chuckle. "So when are you going out? Will you visit me on my birthday?"
"Hmmm. We'll see. I still need to work harder to rank higher. Best soldiers and higher ranks are given longer..." Sage stopped midway when he felt something moving higher underneath.
It was Alex's foot and it is started to climb upwards. She's making him feel her touch through her toes not omitting any space as it glided higher.
Sage's eyes widened in shock and gave her a glare that meant what-the-hell-are-you-doing-you're-killing-me!
"What are you saying, Honey? Higher?" Alex said mischievously. Still doing what she's doing. Although she stopped on his knee.
"Higher ranks and best soldiers... they'll be rewarded with ex...tra.. vaca..tions... Alex Lee... stop..."
Even though Sage was in his complete military gear and Alex's toes did not actually touch his skin, but what she did was enough to send him into a blazing fire.
He was trying his hardest to stop her from going higher or else he might just lose control. Only she could make him feel this way. Sending him on the brink of madness with just a simple touch of her skin not to mention with the mere toes to be exact.
"Want me to stop?" Alex asked amusingly. She knew full well, with the look on his face, that he was aroused to the fullest. She can't contain her laughter as he was giving her another you'll-be-the-death-of-me look.
But Alex wanted to tease him more. So she moved her foot a little bit higher, like an inch higher. And as much as he was glaring at her, it was evident that he was also anticipating her next move.
The tip of his ears and his neck are turning red. He also grabbed her foot and gave it a pinch, but didn't remove it. After seeing her husband struggling not to squirm, she decided to withdraw.
"What was that, Alex Lee?"
"Hmmm. Giving my husband a teaser of what he's been missing out?"
"You little temptress. You're always full of tricks on your sleeves, aren't you? You are making me crazy." Sage grunted as if collecting all the self-restraint he could find.
Alex chuckled and leaned forward on the table, placed her left arm as she rested her head on the top of her palm and seductively looked at him then whispered, "So... are you going to work hard and visit me on my birthday, my love?"
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"Are you sure you want me to go out after what you've done? Did you know what you're getting yourself into? This will never go unpunished."
"Oh now I'm scared," Alex replied sardonically.
"Honey, just go out and show me. I'll wait for it." She replied nonchalantly. She sure knows how to tease her husband.
"Call. Be ready, my love... and your stamina." Sage answered haughtily and winked.
"Oh god, my husband. Why are you so handsome?" Alex thought.
"Waiting..." Alex readily agreed even though she didn't know what kind of beast she awakened in him.
Sage's thoughts wandered on ways on how to 'punish' this little temptress in front of him when he visits her. Of course, punish her not in any way that would harm her.
The married couple's teasing ended after they heard a knock on the door. When the door opened, it was Aira informing them that it was time to leave. But to the latter's surprise, the atmosphere in the room is now different.
0 notes
amyrose13 · 5 years
Meowtron Mayhem Ch. 1
Hey, so uhh, I realized that there aren't much VLD Animal AU around so I decided to make one. First time making one though, but I absolutely LOVE Voltron and all of the characters. So I apologize if I don't quite catch their characters pretty well. Anyways, here it is!
You were really on the verge on tearing out the roots of your hair at this very moment. 
So this morning, you woke up late for school since you forgot to alarm your clock for a very important quiz on your (Least fav. subject) that just so happens to be the first subject on the first class period, missing your time to have breakfast since you only had enough time for your daily shower. And then, because that you had forgotten your textbook on said subject on your way towards the school bus stop, you made a run back to your house to get that annoying item back.
Thus, missing the freaking bus, and as well as your quiz after spending a good fifty minutes long run towards the school.
Only for the school gates to be closed by the you had reached it.
So you decided to go home, and maybe buy something to eat so your stomach wouldn't complain about the lack of food fuel. But then you stopped after reaching for a void space in your pocket where your wallet is supposed to be.
Two heartbeats later, and you realized that you had forgotten your wallet. Back. Home.
For the sake of keeping this story's maturity rate up to only a good K to T, we will be using gentle curse words and censored words for the little children. 
So after cursing your vocal chords to the heavens for the extreme bad luck, you walked/stomped back to your house, since you couldn't pay for your bus communion fee like usual with the lint in your pocket. And you were emitting a huge wave of dark energy, being hungry, agitated and irritated beyond everything in every moment of it all.
"Could this day get any worse?" You grumbled, walking down the pedestrian lane after getting the okay sign for you to walk the street.
Then there was a sudden loud honking of a vehicle, forcing your head to whirl at your right in shock and instinctively taking a huge step backward—
—Only for a motorcycle to whizz past you and splashing water on your face from the puddle that he had ACCIDENTALLY had on his way. 
"For. The. Love. Of...!" Fuming at the rider who had increased your bad karma by 24%, you screamed your head at him, "THE LIGHTS WERE RED, NUMBSKULL!"
So there you are. 
Walking back home, happily skipping on your feet with water soaked on your uniform. Loving it.
You were scowling so deep that you could have that expression etched on your face forever as you walked up towards your front porch. And this moment, you were ready to change back into your comfortable house clothes and flop back into your bed to watch some movies. Probably check out if there was any updation on Big Hero 6 The Series's second season.
When you stopped dead on your tracks after seeing something laid down on your front doorstep.
A box. 
[Seriously?] You thought irritatedly, taking deep breathes to try and calm yourself. [Don't tell me Mr. Paul's delivery service made a mistake on the address again.]
Yeah, you had a common occurence when your neighbor's package delivery had a mixup with the package service pretty often. Random memory: there was this one time when you had been waiting for a package of the PS4 that you had ordered online and opened up a package by accident, which turns out that there was a mixup of the exchanged addresses between your neighbor and the delivery service.
The contents of the wrong package was... well, to put it plainly, you had a bad trauma after seeing it.
But it was pretty much your own fault and stupidity of NOT checking the box properly.
Anyways, so you were about to pick it up when the box moved.
It. Moved.
A bit stunned, you slowly poked the box with the tip of your shoe. 
It shook again.
And this time, you heard what seems to be a tiny mewl.
"Don't tell me..." you trailed off. Quickly fishing out your house key that was on your combination-locked mail slot, you opened the door and knelt down to carry the box. A chorus of meows and shuffling inside gave you the clear idea that there were cats in the box.
Thankfully, the box had tiny holes on them for the little litter to breathe in so you weren't worried of dead animals inside.
Closing the door behind you, you walked into your living room and put down the box on top on the table. You ripped off the tape that kept the box flaps closed and lo, and behold, five pairs of feline eyes stared at you.
And you had to keep your jaw away from dropping to the ground, because.... well, to put it simply, you were starstruck by the cuteness overload.
"Whoa..." you could only gaped in disbelief.
They all looked at you and scampered to the edge of the box, meowing and hissing in trying to intimidate you, with the seemingly oldest of the litter in front of them like it was protecting the others since it was crouching low on all fours—wait, no. Not four. Three.
You did a double-take when you saw that the oldest feline had a missing stump where a leg supposed to be. And almost immediately, your heartstrings were violently tugged as your heart told you to take them in. Now.
First step, you have to earn their trust. Right now, they are literally going to scratch your eyes out if you try to grab them without proving that you're a good person.
"Hey, it's alright," You gently cooed, reaching your hand out in front of them to show that you meant no harm to them. "I won't hurt you, I promise." For good measures, you made a reassuring smile at them.
Five minutes passed by as you patiently waited for a reaction out of the five felines, until one of them decided to make the first step.
The one who approached you first padded with an imaginary air of flourishing confidence and stood on its hind legs with its front legs clinging against the edge of the box as it leaned up as close as it can to you. Then you heard a loud rumbling sound from its throat, and you blinked your (eye color) eyes in surprise.
Did.... did it just purred at you?
You blinked in baffled surprise as the feline purred at you before it affectionately rubbed its head against your hand.
A small snort of amusement escaped your lips and you moved your palm on its head, caressing its head gently with the tips of your fingers.
"Well, aren't you the little flirt, huh?" You teased, elating the cat to meow happily in reply.
The next one to come forward seemed to be the smallest and the youngest out of the bunch. It looked like its had just finished its kitten stage and had just began its junior age. And it had white and light orange fur that seemed to almost hidden its short legs, but it does go along with its tiny ears, round head, pinkish short snub nose and its big round green eyes.
It stared at you curiously and meowed, sniffing the air in front of you. A bit confused and hesitant, you slowly reached your other hand out to it. The young kitty seemed to be a bit slow as it carefully inspected your hand before sniffing it. Then it moved its head eagerly and made a small lick on one of your fingers before it licked the rest of it while mewling quietly in a cute manner. You laughed softly at the ticklish sensation and gently ran a smooth hand down its spine, and the kitty arched into your palm with a small rumble. Seems like it likes it.
It turned its head to one of her companions and meowed, almost giving you the idea that it was giving them the all clear signal that you were safe. Then one of them hesitantly approached you next.
The third feline that had padded towards you my attention was the one with mocha brown furred and cinnamon-colored eyes. It looked like around its prime age, and was nervously looking at you like you planned on eating it for lunch. 
Huh, weird.
"Hey, boy." You cooed, clicking your tongue as you gently reached out a hand towards it. 
It shrunk back warily and that made you stop mid-way. However, he carefully sniffed your hand before it proved that you were a good person and licked your hand in a shy manner.
Well, you got your approval.
Soon enough, you got them to warm up to you as much as they can.
The oldest feline of the bunch who had black fur except for his head that had some white and his paws as well, deemed you to be a friendly stranger and purred lowly as you reached a hand out to him and scratched the male behind his left ear. 
You gently and carefully placed each one of them down on your carpeted floor, watching in interest and curiosity of how they'll adjust to their new home.
The oldest feline, which you will call him Shiro because of the white tufts of fur on his head, sat down on his rear as he looked at his surroundings before he looked at you. He gave you a cattish look resembling of a person wondering what to do next.
Then the burly cat of the bunch backed away and smack against the woodest post of your flower vase table, yowled in surprise and fell onto its back. You snickered, watching him trying to get back standing on his paws while looking like a turtle. Meanwhile, the youngest of the litter was curiously padding on the hem of your curtains.
All in all, you have a good feeling about them.
"Well, you guys looked like a friendly bunch, huh?" You mused, smiling at the three of them.
But then you jolted in surprise when the first cat from earlier suddenly yowled loudly in aggression as he smacked a black furred cat with strange purplish eyes. Said cat didn't liked the sudden violence and hissed angrily as he pawed the feline back.
"Hey, hey—Hey! You two, stop!" You exclaimed, quickly tugging the two apart by the scruff of their necks. You glared sternly at them, not liking their attitudes. "There will be no roughhousing between you two while you guys are here. Is that clear?"
The glare that you gave them meant serious business. And the two of them stared at you, with their ears slowly flattened against their heads like they were disappointed by their actions. 
Seeing that they aren't going to fight anymore, you then placed them back down on the ground. 
You sighed to yourself, running a hand through your hair. Well, as far as you know, the next best thing to do for them is to take care of them, right? Easy-peasy.
So. Yeah. There.
Oh, these are the cat breeds that I thought up for each of our favorite Paladins:
Keith (Russian Blue)
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Lance (Somali)
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Hunk (Persian)
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Shiro (Ragamuffin)
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Pidge (Exotic Shorthair) 
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Now I first thought of Keith as a Ragamuffin cat at first, but when I looked up Russian Blue cats, I found out that they are the "stranger-danger" type before they cozy up to whoever they meet after a few days, give or take. Anyways, if I can—and if you guys like to—I will start on Chapter 2 soon.
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