#That moment when the champion of the Raven Queen got turned into an orb
harmony-imagines · 8 years
Can you please do a sequel to the queen of the waves thing with Loki?
Absolutely! I, personally, loved writing that one and I’m thrilled that it’s become so popular. Due to my limited knowledge of surfing, it may not be completely accurate, but I’m really trying.
Prince of Lies Meets the Queen of the Waves Pt 2
Summary: The Avengers take a day off to spend time at the beach. The day they pick just so happens to be the same day as a surf competition. The beach is teeming with people watching the top ten surfers duke it out on the waves. One surfer in particular caught the eyes of a certain raven haired Prince of Lies.
(A/N): If anybody wants me to make the other one-shots into sequels, just ask. These are so much fun! I’m going to make a final third part to this as well because I think there should be one with the way I left this ending. Ehehehehehe!
Warnings: Russian cursing. The translation is in there, you just have to read a few lines under it to find out what it means.
Key: (Y/N) = Your Name, (L/N) = Last Name, (s/c) = skin color, (f/f) = favorite flavor, (h/c) = hair color, (ExBf) = Ex-Boyfriend’s name goes here, (e/c) = eye color
The surf competition lasted a couple of hours, the groups being split between the men and women. The last woman standing was (Y/N), the Queen of the Waves and expected champion of the day. The last man standing was Reece Keefer, a California raised 23 year old that was well known for intimidating his opponents in one way or another.
When the groups whittled their way from five each to one, the competition schedule called for a half hour break before the final ride on the crystalline waves. (Y/N) gave an exhausted sigh as she flopped down on the golden sand. She tugged her drenched hair from the precarious ponytail she had put it in and put her hair tie on her wrist. As she laid back down and closed her eyes, a dark shadow covered her eyes, blocking the suns rays from her wet skin.
Without opening her eyes, (Y/N) spoke to the person, “Whoever you are, I’m pretty sure that whatever you have to tell me can wait until I’m relaxed and partially coherent to what you are saying.”
The shadow spoke as it loomed above the (s/c) body on the sand, “Actually, I believed you might require some food before your next time on the waves.”
(Y/N) opened her eyes at the familiar voice and smiled up at Loki. “Did you bring me any food?”
“Stark suggested hotdogs, water and something called ‘bagel chips’. Is that what you desire?” Loki asked, kneeling next to the woman as she sat up a little.
“That is exactly what I desire, Loki.” (Y/N)’s eyes sparkled as she watched Loki produce the food from behind his back. “The only thing that could make this better, is a nice, cold snow cone.”
As (Y/N) freed Loki’s hands from the food he had been holding, he used his magic to create a brightly colored, (f/f) snow cone. Loki smiled as (Y/N)’s eyes widened, “Is this alright, (Y/N)?”
(Y/N) nodded numbly before placing her water and chips on her surfboard and taking the ice-cold treat from Loki’s hand. “That was amazing, Loki!”
“Not nearly as amazing as what you do on the water,” Loki responded as he sat next to the surfer, watching her eat her food.
Covering her full mouth with a hand, (Y/N) spoke, “Surfing? I think magic is cooler than surfing.”
“To each their own, Queen of the Waves.”
Loki and (Y/N) sat in a comfortable silence as (Y/N) ate her hotdog and bit at her snow cone. “So, you watched me surf today?”
“I did.” Loki turned to (Y/N) with a surprisingly soft smile, “You are very intriguing to me, (Y/N). You are nothing like anyone on Midgard, or even Asgard. It confuses me that you compete in thing so trivial as this in order to gain any status on this earth. Your title clearly states whom you are, why do these humans not believe it?”
(Y/N) shook her head with a laugh. “Loki, it’s a long story. The short version, however, is simple. My mother and father were called the King and Queen of Brighton Beach because they won every surf competition they competed in. I was the Princess when I was little, and, when my parents retired from surfing, I was titled Queen instead. This competition is the same one my mom won when she was my age. To me, this is a rite of passage to really being the Queen of these waves.”
“Do you have control over these waters?” Loki pondered, tilting his head slightly.
“I wish,” (Y/N) sighed, “Sadly, it’s only a title. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve wanted to be like a mermaid, y’know? The water has been like my best friend for as long as I can remember. I feel free in the water; like nothing can hold me back.”
Loki nodded thoughtfully, turning to face the ocean. “Would you trade surfing for-”
“No.” (Y/N) quickly cut Loki off and shook her head. “Surfing is my life. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Though a tail would be pretty cool, I would miss everything up here. Besides, if I hadn’t competed in any surf competitions, I wouldn’t have met Tony, he wouldn’t have brought you guys here, and I wouldn’t have met you.”
Loki turned to the (h/c) girl with slightly widened eyes. The woman had done it again. She had enchanted him with her looks. She faced toward the ocean with a small smile on her soft lips. The sun shone on her, yet again, and made her wet hair and facial outline glimmer just right. Her damp skin’s natural shine was illuminated and enhanced like a million tiny diamonds. The beautiful woman was too prepossessing and intriguing for Loki to not want to keep for himself.
The moment Loki was absorbed in was thoroughly disrupted as a shadow appeared in front of them and dimmed the sunlight from (Y/N)’s figure. Loki turned to the person and gave them a hearty glare. A tall, dirty blonde haired male stood not too far from the couple, his hands on his hips and a pompous smirk on his face.
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t New York’s newest surf princess, (Y/N) (L/N).” The man chuckled, “Been wiped out by any baby waves recently?”
(Y/N)’s face darkened as she crossed her arms over her chest. “Reece Keefer, California’s reject hippie. Been kicked out of any clubs lately?”
“That was one time, (L/N). Besides, the paparazzi aren’t focusing on that anymore. They are just adoring me and my new girlfriend today.” Reece waved over to a red haired woman with a model body and a group of photographers surrounding her. The woman waved back before tossing her hair flirtatiously and turning back to the photographers. “Her name’s Roquelle Bleu and she’s one of the newest models on the Victoria’s Secret runway. Where’s your boyfriend? (ExBf) was his name, right?”
Loki watched as (Y/N)’s eyes glazed over and she glared at the sand in front of her. Acting on impulse, Loki stood up and spoke, “I am her new boyfriend. I am Loki of Asgard and you will leave us alone at once.”
Reece chuckled at Loki, ignoring the glare the raven haired male gave him. “I’ve just come to check out the competition, man. Though, it seems, there’s no competition with her. She’s just a little girl with a surfboard she barely knows how to use and emotions she can barely control.”
“Listen, you mewling quim-”
“Эта маленькая девочка будет пинать твою жалкую задницу на волнах!“ (Y/N) growled as she got up from the sand and stood next to Loki, a dark look settled on her face.
Reece gave the woman a confused look, “What is that? Russian?”
“Yeah, it is. You know what it means?” Reece shook his head. With an eerily calm voice, (Y/N) continued, “It means that this ‘little girl’ will kick your pathetic ass on the waves in our next match up.”
Reece stepped closer to the woman and gave her a confident look that both (Y/N) and Loki wanted to wipe off. “We’ll see, princess.”
With that, the man sauntered off to his girlfriend and left Loki alone with (Y/N). (Y/N) took a deep breath and let it out shakily, “Sorry, Loki. I didn’t know he would stoop so low.”
Loki pulled the girl into his arms and tangled his fingers into her hair. “It will be alright. You will win this competition and everyone will know how much of a mewling quim that poor excuse for a man that Reece is.”
(Y/N) wrapped her arms around Loki’s middle, nodding shakily into his chest. “Thank you for standing up for me. You didn’t have to, but you did.”
“I feel an impulsive need to protect you from not only the idiotic people of this world, but anything that could possible cause harm to you and your emotions,” Loki admitted cautiously. “I have no idea what this is referred as, (Y/N), but I feel as though I must follow it.”
(Y/N) smiled into the green eyed man’s chest, tightening her grasp on his abdomen. “Follow it as much as you like, Loki. I’m not going anywhere.”
Loki leaned back from the woman in front of him and put his hand on the right side of her face, tilting her chin upwards as he leaned in. Loki glanced from her lips to her eyes, waiting in case she wanted to pull away. The (e/c) orbs slid shut as (Y/N) gave Loki a small nod in approval.  The pair leaned closer until they were the slightest breath apart. Loki smiled before moving to press his lips to (Y/N)’s when, all of a sudden…
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