#That boy would rock and wear a lehenga can't tell me otherwise
Desi Casey Jones coming to the Lair after a formal event.
Casey just strutting into the lair wearing a black and silver lehenga.
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Somehow managing to not get it messy in the slightest despite his treck through the sewers.
And everyone is just, staring because is that him?
"Casey you look amazing" says April, complimenting his outfit. Casey grins "thanks Red" doing a spin and a bow all with a smile on his face.
The smell of the sewer is gone, replaced by the soft smell of attar.
Silver hang from his arms that jingle as he walks and takes a seat on the sofa.
Where his skates are clearly visible.
"Did have to ditch the heels though, shame you should've seen me."
Donnie, who had poked his head out of his lab and walked over at the commotion.
Is just sorta... Frozen.
There's no denying Casey is beautiful but Casey in his own cultural clothing is absolutely mesmorising.
"Hey Donnie" smiles Casey, undoing his dupatta from a sash to drape it over Mikey shoulders.
Mikey lights up and behind examining it, though with more care than usual.
"I... You... Wow"
Raph face palms in the background and Leo just smiles.
"Thanks Don, I do clean up good." Says Casey with a grin before answering all Mikeys questions with a giggle and a smile.
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Desi Casey Jones coming to the Lair after a formal event.
Casey just strutting into the lair wearing a black and silver lehenga.
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Somehow managing to not get it messy in the slightest despite his treck through the sewers.
And everyone is just, staring because is that him?
"Casey you look amazing" says April, complimenting his outfit. Casey grins "thanks Red" doing a spin and a bow all with a smile on his face.
The smell of the sewer is gone, replaced by the soft smell of attar.
Silver hang from his arms that jingle as he walks and takes a seat on the sofa.
Where his skates are clearly visible.
"Did have to ditch the heels though, shame you should've seen me."
Donnie, who had poked his head out of his lab and walked over at the commotion.
Is just sorta... Frozen.
There's no denying Casey is beautiful but Casey in his own cultural clothing is absolutely mesmorising.
"Hey Donnie" smiles Casey, undoing his dupatta from a sash to drape it over Mikey shoulders.
Mikey lights up and behind examining it, though with more care than usual.
"I... You... Wow"
Raph face palms in the background and Leo just smiles.
"Thanks Don, I do clean up good." Says Casey with a grin before answering all Mikeys questions with a giggle and a smile.
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