#Thank you so much!!! that's really neat that your aunt has a pet owl!!! I know there's rescues and stuff but that's neat!
dootznbootz · 8 months
Hello mads I'm a little drunk rn and I wish to share my animals with you
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Not mine technically but my aunt's
That's so cool that she has a pet BARN OWL!!! So pretty!!
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kimmiessimmies · 5 months
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag
A set of 20 questions to get to know your OC!
I was tagged a few times to do this. First by @anamoon63, thank you! ❤️ You requested both James and Finn, so I'll start with James and will address Finn on a later one. 😊
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What uncommon/common fear do they have?
James is terribly afraid people can see the pain behind his smiles. He's afraid of being "found out." People are slowly catching on he's actually not doing okay at all, and he hates that. He wants to keep everything close to his chest and decide for himself who he trusts with his shit.
Do they have any pet peeves?
When people don't clear up their mess. Especially now that he lives in a student dorm it annoys him. Some housemates leave their dirty dishes on the counter or even on the tables and it frustrates James to no end. He got along fine with Chris, his old roommate, but he's also quite happy he didn't get assigned a new roommate after Chris left. Also because of the answer to the previous question.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
His guitar, his keyboard and empty staff paper.
What do they notice first in a person?
Whether they're being real or pretending. James sees through the "fakes". It takes one to know one, I guess.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Quite high, probably an 8. He can handle physical pain a bit too well... And thus uses it to mask his emotional pain...
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
James definitely flees from his internal pain. He doesn't want to feel everything he feels, so he tries to escape. In other ways he is actually quite a fighter, but he fights against the wrong things.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
James' relationship with his parents is strained, but he adores his sisters and is a devoted uncle to his nieces Viola and Rosa. He also loved his grandmother and has a strong relationship with his uncle Oliver and aunt Claire, Daniel's parents.
What animal represents them best?
I answered this before and I'm sticking to a ragdoll cat, because they're cuddly and affectionate, yet very independent and slightly cross eyed. 😉
What is a smell that they dislike?
The smell of blood is triggering for James...
Have they broken any bones?
He broke the tip of his index finger on his right hand when he dropped a heavy shelf on it when he was a teenager. He couldn't play guitar for weeks and it made him very annoyed.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Outgoing, charming, confident (proving they don't truly know him).
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
Definite night owl
What is a flavour they hate and a flavour they love?
James has a bit of a sweet tooth, so anything inherently bitter is not his favourite thing to eat.
Do they have any hobbies?
Unsurprisingly, anything musical. Writing music, making music, singing. It's his happy place.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
While James would be all smiles when someone threw him a surprise party, deep down, he would much rather spend his birthday with his friends or someone special. He does like surprises in general, but when you unknowingly catch him at a mental low, James would secretly struggle.
Do they like to wear jewellery?
Not particularly.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
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What are the two emotions they feel the most?
Currently, it's clear he's fallen desperately in love, has no idea how to deal with that, and it takes over all his thoughts and emotions. I wouldn't know how to pinpoint two emotions for James even if this wasn't the case, though. His emotions always go all over the place, from anxiety to excitement and everything in between.
Do they have a favourite fabric?
Nothing synthetic, but other than that he doesn't really care.
What kind of accent do they have?
None, really. His voice is warm and kind. It's not very deep, but definitely not high either.
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rosierora · 7 years
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The Sorting Hat || WDPA Challenge 001
Personal Questions
What is your real, birth name? When and where were you born? Aurora Katherine Rose. I was born in Los Angeles on May 18th, 1998.
What is your Myers-Briggs Personality Type? (If you don’t know go here, this question is optional.) INFP
Do you have a nickname? What is it, and where did you get it? Most commonly I’m called Rory or Rora. My mom calls me Beastie, and Caleb has started calling me Princess. My aunts call me Briar or Briar Rose. I like Rory or Rory-Kate the best.
What do you look like? (Include height, weight, hair, eyes, skin, apparent age, and distinguishing features) I’m 5′6″ an about 118 pounds. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I look about 20, but I turn 19 in a couple weeks. 
How do you dress most of the time? Do you wear any jewelry? I usually like soft tee shirts and skinny jeans. I have a few really nice dresses for going out, but a lot of my clothes are comfortable enough for me to rehearse in. I wear thin silver bracelet that my aunts gave me the day I started at WDPA.
What don’t you like about yourself? What kind of things embarrass you? Why? I’m actually pretty self conscious about my appearance. I could tell you a lot of things about myself I wish I could change. Sometimes my aunts can be a little embarrassing when they come to visit. 
In your opinion, what is your best feature? I think my legs are pretty cool. They’re very toned, thanks to dance and cheer.
Where do you live? Describe it: Is it messy, neat, avant-garde, sparse, etc.? I live with my mom in Santa Monica. Our house is beautiful, with indoor gardens and open spaces. My room is my favorite part of the house. It’s large compared to my old dorm, and I don’t share it with anyone, except my cat. I keep it extremely clean. Messy rooms freak me out. It’s mostly pastel blue and stark white, with the occasional gold and rose pink accents.
What is your most prized mundane possession? Why do you value it so much? My pointe shoes, because they represent the hard work I’ve put into my passion.
What one word best describes you? Graceful.
Familial Questions
What is/was your family structure like? (i.e. are you adopted, how many siblings, pets, etc.) I was born to Stefan and Leah Rose. From age 6-12 I bounced back and fourth between living with my father and with my “aunts”, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather. They were actually my neighbors and family friends, we’re not technically related. I moved in with my aunts permanently when my dad died at age 13. They sent me to WDPA when I was 14, in the middle of my freshman year, which is when I met my adoptive mother, Mal. I live with her now. 
Who was your father, and what was he like? Who was your mother, and what was she like? What was your parents marriage like? Were they married? Did they remain married? Stefan was... indecisive. He was a surgeon in LA until we relocated to Denver after my mother died. He could be warm and he could be cold. He often forgot me in stores and at school, and he used to throw things at me, like books and hair dyers. I think Leah’s death started to get to him as I got older. He became more dependent on narcotics and less concerned with me. They loved each other, but I know he could be untrue, and I’m sure he cheated on her more than once. The government found out he had been doing unnecessary surgeries to get rich, so he went to prison for a bit when I was six and again when I was 11 for over prescribing pain meds. After he was let out on good behavior, he OD’ed on oxycodone. My mother was a model. She was killed in a car accident. 
What are/were your siblings names? What are/were they like? (If you have siblings) I don’t have any siblings.
What’s the worst thing one of your siblings ever did to you? What’s the worst thing you’ve done to one of your siblings? (If you have siblings)
When’s the last time you saw any member of your family? Where are they now? I saw my aunts over the summer, I stayed with them in Denver for a few weeks while Mal went to a conference out of the country.
Who is your closest friend(s)? Describe them and how you relate to them. Merida is my best friend. We met when we were roomates our freshmen year and have been inseperable ever since. I love how even though our interests and hobbies are different, we still get along like two peas in a pod. She keeps me grounded, and I help her see the bright side in tough situations.
Childhood Questions
What is your first memory? My dad taking me to a baseball game when I was super small. I have a picture of me and him together that I keep in my room.
What was your favorite toy? A little doll that I named Rosie.
What was your favorite game? My dad and I had quite a few tea parties. He was pretty good at playing along until he got a call from work.
Who was your best friend when you were growing up? I had a friend named Ellie in Denver who was in ballet with me, but when I moved way we lost touch. I think she lives in Kansas now.
What is your fondest childhood memory? The day I moved in with my aunts. It was my 6th birthday. Although they aren’t really homemakers, they attempted to sew me a dress and make me a cake. It was really sweet of them.
What is your worst childhood memory? I was with my dad when he died. He told me not to call 911. It was painful to watch without being able to do anything about it.
Adolescent Questions
It is common for one’s view of authority to develop in their adolescent years. What is your view of authority, and what event most affected it? I’ve never had a problem with authority. Ballet teaches you to have a lot of respect for your teachers, so I guess I kind of got used to doing that. Having a dragon lady for a mom can sometimes scare you into behaving, too.
What “clique” did/do you best fit in with? (Royals, Dark Royals, Wallflowers, Bookworms, Punks, Hipsters, Rejects, etc.) I would consider myself a Royal.
What were/are your high school goals? What were/are your uni goals? In high school my goal was to star in Swan Lake, which I did as a senior. Now that I’ve graduated, my main goal is to find a main goal. I’m not really sure what I want to do for the rest of my life.
What is/was your favorite memory from adolescence? What is/was your worst memory from adolescence? The day I met Mal was a good one. She tried not to like me at first, but I won her over. She invited me to her house for dinner that night, and well, the rest is history. I’d say my worst memory would be snapping my ankle junior year as I came out of a stunt in cheer. I was in a cast for months.
Do you own a car? Describe it. If not, describe your dream car. I drive a blue 2014 Honda Civic.
Occupational Questions
Do you have a job? What is it? Do you like it? If no job, where does your money come from? I teach ballet and lyrical classes at a studio in LA. My dad also left all of his money to me in his will, so I get a check from that every month.
What is your boss or employer like? (Or publisher, or agent, or whatever.) My boss is a stubborn old Russian lady with a quick temper. She scares me.
What are your co-workers like? Do you get along with them? Any in particular? Which ones don’t you get along with? I dance with a lot of my coworkers in the city ballet. They’re performers, so they can be temperamental, but I love them anyways.
What is something you had to learn that you hated? The day I saw what pointe shoes do to your toes I thought about quitting ballet.
Do you tend to save or spend your money? Why? I save it for the most part. My mom pays for my food and stuff, so I don’t worry about money too often.
Likes & Dislikes Questions
What hobbies do you have? I am an excellent ballerina and I cheer for WDPA. Other than that, I’m in student government and on the welcome committee. Dance takes up a lot of my life. When I’m not rehearsing, I’m watching performances or helping out with makeup and hair backstage.
What bands/artists do you like? What song is “your song?” Why? I like a lot of easy listening stuff, like Ben Howard, John Mayer... just soft guitar music. That, and classical compositions.
When it comes to politics, do you care? If so, which way do you tend to vote? If not, why don’t you care? I'm a registered democrat. I also have a passion for animal rights.
What time of day is your favorite? What kind of weather is your favorite? I like mid afternoon, because that’s when I have dance. My favorite weather is sunny and warm, but not hot.
What is your favorite food? What is your least favorite food? I love fruit salad. I’m a vegan, so I don’t like meat, or anything made from animals.
What is your favorite drink? (Coffee, Coke, Juice, Beer, Wine, etc.) Hmm... probably smoothies.
What’s your favorite animal? Why? My favorite animals are birds. They’re so pretty and sing beautifully. I like owls the best.
Do you have any pets? Do you want any pets? What kind? I have a pet cat named Dreamsicle, but we call her Dreamy for short.
What do you find most relaxing? (Not as in stress relief, but as something that actually calms you down.) You know in Footloose when Ren is really mad and he goes to that warehouse and angrily dances? That.
What’s a pet peeve of yours? People who aren’t willing to try new things.
Sex & Intimacy Questions
Would you consider yourself straight, gay, bi, pan, or something else? Why? I guess straight. I’ve never had romantic feelings for women.
Who was the first person you had sex with? When did it happen? What was it like? How well did it go? (If your character is sexually active, if not, skip this question) I’ve never had sex.
Do you currently have a lover/crush? What is their name, and what is your relationship like? What are they like? Why are you attracted to them? I think I have a crush on Caleb Stirling, but my mom would kill me if she found out. He’s actually really sweet and smart. He’s not as much of a bad boy as I expected him to be. At least, I don’t think he is. I’m attracted to him physically, obviously. Have you seen that boy’s hair? Besides that, though, Caleb is really interesting. We have a little bit in common, too. I feel like I want to know everything about him.
Describe the perfect romantic partner for you and describe your perfect date with them. I just want someone to love me. I hope they’d be open to dancing with me. I’d want to go out to a fancy dinner, like at a jazz club or somewhere else where we could dance. Then after we could go look at the stars and have ice cream.
Do you ever want to get married and have children? When do you see this happening? I would love to! I don’t see it happening in the next few years, as I’m still pretty young. Maybe when I’m in my late twenties.
What is more important – sex or intimacy? Why? I really wouldn’t know. I assume it’s intimacy.
What was your most recent relationship like? Who was it with? (Does not need to be sexual, merely romantic.) I dated my dad’s friend’s son Phillip for a little bit sophomore and junior year. He drank too much. We realized we were just too different and broke up the night after junior prom.
What’s the worst thing you’ve done to someone you loved? I let my father die.
Drug & Alcohol Questions (if your character’s a drinker/does drugs, if not, skip to numbers 5 & 6)
How old were you when you first got drunk? What was the experience like? On my 16th birthday I got a little crazy, that was he first time. It was fine until Mal found out the next day.
Did anything good come out of it? Did anything bad come out of it? I found out what drinking is like and what my limits are, but I was grounded for two weeks because I puked in the living room.
Do you drink on any kind of regular basis? No, not really. I will when I go out, but not much.
What kind of alcohol do you prefer? Margaritas. 
Have you ever tried any other kind of “mood altering” substance? Which one(s)? What did you think of each?
What do you think of drugs and alcohol? Are there any people should not do? Why or why not? I’m alright with recreational use as long as it doesn’t get in the way of someone’s goals in life. I’m not into the hard stuff, and I don’t think anyone else should be, either. It’s bad for your body. I should know.
Post-Powers Awareness Questions (For those who have powers)
When did you go through when you gained your powers? What was it like (in your opinion)?
What do you think now of being magical? Is it cool, or have you been screwed?
Do you have a mentor? Who are they? How did you become their student?
Do you have any magical items? Where did you get them?
Think of a major event that happened during your training/initiation. What was it?
What is something you had to learn during your training that you hated? Why did you hate it?
Thoughtful Questions
What about you is heroic? My drive to work for what I love makes me heroic. 
What about you is social? What do you like about people? I’m generally social, but I have problems with talking to strangers. I love that everyone has something to offer, their own story. It’s like every person is a mystery just waiting to be solved.
If a magical being, describe the color of what magic you use, is it of a light color, bold and bright, pastel and sparkly, etc.
Are you a better leader or follower? Why do you think that? If you think the whole leader-follower archetype is a crock of shit, say so, and explain why? I’m somewhere inbetween. I think I’m a soft example? Does that even make sense?
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