#Thank you for telling me about your racist uncle in polish!
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mushroominaforest · 3 months ago
Oh kurna szczerze niewiem co tu napisać uhhhhhhh
Żóbrówka smakuje jak siki. Nie wiem ok? Tesco jest fajne, mamy je tutaj. Myślałem że były wszędzie ale nie! Tylko tu i w angli. Szalone nie? I w angli laysy nazywane są "walkers"????? Co to ma być za nazwa?
Przy okazji odkryłem że mam dziwnego rasistowskiego wujka! I jak mówie rasitowski ten gościu myśli że czarni ludzie są "kryminogenni" co jest kurwa mentalne.
Woag! Polish!
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unconventional-hero · 6 years ago
Chapter 5-- A Cloud on the Horizon
Written by “Slug 5″
(In which Jack Morningstar-- the Real one!-- arrives in New York.)
* * * * *
The grand central depot in the heart of the great city was scene of dire confusion. The great engines, carrying their car loads of human freight, puffing, blowing, snorting, then backing, had suddenly come to a stand-still and the weary passengers began to descend en masse. 
Those who stopped to look eagerly over the great multitude for some familiar face, or to exchange some kindly word of greeting with a long-looked-for friend, were jostled and almost thrown down by those who hurried forward to their destination and the rapidly incoming tide; there were hundreds arriving eager to catch the departing trains. All was hurry and confusion as the crowd mingled in kaleidoscope variety.
[Editor’s Note: the following passage contains archaic words and descriptions that are considered by today’s standards to be racist and/or offensive. I do not condone their use at any point in time, but have included the passage below the cut for historical and educational purposes.]
There was the slick-tongued Hibernian and the obese German; the turbaned Turk and the swarthy Italian; the moon-eyed Celestial with his baggy trousers; the negro, with his porcine lips and white teeth; while others, in endless variety, bespoke their Anglican, Gascon, Scandinavian and Andalusian blood. Above them all and by far the most numerous in number was the American, with his hurried step and independent bearing, and the tramp, tramp, tramp, of the great throng sounded like the deep thud of the waves breaking upon a shining beach.
“Trenton! Philadelphia! Harrisburg! Train No. 1, West!” and a sonorous voice rang through the long corridors, “All aboard!”
Hurried “good byes” and leave-takings of husbands, fathers, mothers, friends, and aye, lovers, perhaps forever, and the trains begin slowly to pull out of the station. “Grace! Grace Darling! O my God!” A cry of agony pierced the air and chilled the blood of those who heard it. The cry came from a mother whose child had escaped her sight and ran out into the street to secure her pet dog which had escaped from its chain. Unconscious of the danger around it, the child ran on and was directly beneath the feet of a prancing horse. Another step and it will be crushed to death but no, a strong hand grasps it and carries it out of all danger and lays it in its mother’s arms. The child meantime crying for “Fido! Fido!”
“O, my child! Hero! Hero! do you not know how bad you have been to disobey mama?” said his mother kissing him over and over again. “But to whom are we indebted for the preservation of our child?” she said, turning to the man at her side and extending her hand with queenly grace. “I feel as though I owe you a life long debt.”
“Don’t mention it, madam-- it’s nothing-- any man would have done the same for a life in peril.” He bowed confusedly.
“Nothing? it’s everything to me; Mr. Reynolds and I shall not soon forget the act! It was brave, heroic, manly! Shall we not have the pleasure of knowing our Hero’s protector?” He silently handed her his card and then, with graceful turn and gallant bow and lifting of his hat, walked quickly away.
“Jack Morningstar-- Fifth Avenue Hotel.”
“What a romantic name and how gallant he was! His eyes, too, are as bright as morning-stars. I wonder who and what he is.” With this touch of woman-like curiosity she grasped more firmly the hand of her child and walked to the coupe awaiting her.
Jack arrived in the metropolis two days ago and as yet had found no trace of his fallacious friend Jim Paxton. To be sure he had made it convenient to walk up Fifth Avenue quite often and as he neared the McClure mansion his heart would beat fast and his pulses quicken. Was he not destined to see the girl who for so many years had occupied his thought and who, unconsciously, had been the spring which touched the nobility of his manhood and prompted every good deed?
How many nights while herding his father’s cattle had he lain on the open plain, gazing at the blue sky and bright stars above, but dreaming of the blue eyes and golden hair which had grown so dear to him, until the morning light began to dawn in the far-off east and called him to his cattle and to duty.
As he grew on to manhood he suddenly became aware that the sweet child-face had enthroned itself too deeply in his heart ever to be effaced and he began to invest her with every charm he could think of belonging to true, pure womanhood, and would listen to no thoughts whispered in her disparagement.
True, his knowledge of the gentler sex was by no means extensive, but during his lovely life as a herder he had formed an ideal woman of his own to which none of the girls of the village ever aspired. Betty, he knew was good and true but she was lacking in “something” he told himself; he would never make out exactly what.
The short stay of the McClure’s at his home had given him an insight of better surroundings and, though young, all the desires and energy of his soul, so long dormant, were suddenly stirred to life and he began to wish for things beyond his daily routine of life and to make himself a fit associate for the gentle, refined girl.
It was this desire, perhaps, above all others that had made such a complete metamorphosis of his life; changing the rustic herder into the man of noble bearing; cultured in the purity and magnanimity of his thoughts.
In the depths of his dark, clear eyes lay the greatness of his soul and when he chose to look at you could read your innermost thoughts. They expressed a whole world of tenderness and generosity and love. In this open, frank expression and in the charming, healthy hue of his complexion could be read no story of dissipation, nor about his friendly cut, mobile lips were there any tell-tale lines of ill-formed habits or misspent days.
“Should he make himself known to the McClures? and how would Clyde receive him?” were questions that he asked himself over and over again. He longed to meet Clyde before Jim reached the city and explain all, then Jim’s stories would avail naught should he try his hand at deception on the McClures.
Had he dreamed that even now Jim was seated in the McClures’ drawing-room with all the ease of polished diplomat he would have lost no time but rushed pell mell to the mansion and disclosed his treachery then and there. But as it was he waited, somewhat impatiently however, until some more propitious mode of proceeding should present itself.
One morning some days after his arrival and the next after the scene at the depot, he had arranged his portfolio before the window overlooking Fifth-avenue and was busily engaged writing a letter to Betty when a knock at his door startled him. Upon opening it the porter handed him a beautiful basket of roses.
“You are mistaken; these can not be for me?” said Jack, raising the basket on a level with his eyes with so much unaffected simplicity and astonishment that the porter could not help smiling.
“For Mr. Jack Morningstar of No. 400.” and he left Jack standing in the door way too much astonished to speak.
“Now I say these are glorious! They beat our ‘Prairie Queens’ all to pieces!” as he received them over and over again and inhaled the delicate aroma.
He espied a small card nestling among the leaves; he turned it over and read, “Compliments of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Reynolds, 507 Madison Square.”
“Well now, I never! I say that’s mighty clever; what would Betty say? I’ll first pack these up and send them to her; they’ll please her mightily.” He set the basket down tenderly upon a table before him and resumed his writing.
He knew it was a mark of respect; that these people appreciated him. He had never received flowers from anyone before and it pleased him. He loved flowers passionately because he said, “they reminded him of heaven,” and always guarded with tender care the few plants in his window at Bozeman.
The next morning Mr. Reynolds himself called upon Jack and expressed his gratitude and upon learning a great deal of his past history was so well pleased with his open, frank manner and utter self-forgetfulness that he shook his hand warmly at parting and said, “I should be pleased to show you our metropolis, Morningstar, and it it suits your pleasure shall call for you this evening half-past six.”
Jack thanked him heartily and said he would be very glad indeed as it was lonely going alone.
At half-past six therefore the two started forth. As they passed down Broadway and turned into Wall Street Jack was awed by the magnificent architecture and grandly dressed ladies far beyond his brightest imagery; and he wondered what these people were all thinking about and where they were all going hurrying along so fast.
“Shall we turn in here, Morningstar?” said his companion, after he had enjoyed himself for a while in looking at the inspired rapture of Jack’s face, and stopping before a lofty building above whose entrance the lights shone on the word “Casino.”
“Your scruples do not prevent you attending the theater eh? We shall see some tall acting tonight.”
As Jack had never attended the theater, except “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” which had been played in the city hall at Bozeman some years ago, he consented, little dreaming what seated in one of the prebendal stalls within was the Venus of his love. His time of waiting was nearer its close than he thought.
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omfgtrump · 6 years ago
A Day At The Circus
When Michael Cohen testified in public to House Oversight Committee, those like myself, who witnessed Watergate unfold, were expecting another John Dean moment.
Not only did we get that, we got it on steroids!
There were so many smoking guns that at some point the hearing became shrouded in a chalky haze from all the gun firings.
We saw the check that The Don wrote to Cohen to repay him for the payoff to Stormy Daniels. As you know, Cohen already pleaded guilty to being involved in this crime of violating campaign finance laws and named The Don as the person who instructed him to make the payoff.
He revealed that the Southern District of New York was investigating “wrongdoings or illegal acts” involving The Don that have not yet been revealed. (*See more complete list of Cohen’s smoking guns at the end of the article.)
What we also got was a full on display of a new cult circus called the Republican Party.
Let’s face it, Republicans know that practically everything Cohen stated in his testimony is either true or not far from it. But they are dedicated to annihilating truth in order to defend Mr. Trump and they will go after anyone, from Mr. Cohen to Robert Mueller, who is a threat to him.
It is not like they love The Don or think he isn’t corrupt. What he has is what they need: undying support from the Republican base of close to 90%.
Case in point, before Lindsey Graham turned in to the rabid clown of the Kavanaugh hearing, his approval ratings in South Carolina, where he is up for reelection in 2020 was 40%; after the frothing at the mouth scene, where he defended Kavanaugh like a mother bear protects its child, his approval ratings went up to 70%.
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The elixir of power sows the seeds of moral bankruptcy. Graham has become a poster child for this.
But hey, don’t despair, as with Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus recently folding their tents after (years) America needs a new circus.
Taking a page out of the “Now you see it, now you don’t,” refrain of magicians, the new circus is “The Blind, Deaf and Delusional Circus .”
Let’s look at some of the best acts the troop performed at the hearing.
 Responding to an accusation by Cohen that The Don was a racist, Representative Mark Meadows actually had Lynne Patton, an African-American woman who worked for the Trump family as a party planner and now serves in the administration, to stand behind him, citing her as proof that the president cannot possibly be racist.
It was the old I know a black person, so how can I be racist trope. Ring Master Meadows really blew it. He should have introduced Patton like this:
“Ladies and gentlemen, behold and feast with your very own eyes, as behind you I have a genuine black person. There is no shoe polish, just genuine blackness.”
When Meadows’ action was called out as racist by ? he was incensed. How dare she claim he is a racist as he has people of color in his family? Shame on you! (Meadows does have nieces and nephew of color.)
Is that the same Mark Meadows who was caught on video multiple times during the 2012 election cycle talking about sending Obama back to Kenya? The same Mark Meadows who is one of the most high profile members of a Republican Party that with “almost surgical precision” (in the words of the appellate judges who struck them down as unconstitutional) crafted laws to make it harder for black people to vote?
Hey Mark, I hope your nieces and nephews of color don’t get a look at that video as they might have a hard time calling you uncle.
“Next Ladies and Gentlemen, Representative Paul Gosar of Arizona, will dazzle you with his dance of deception entitled: “Liar, liar, pants on fire.” The passion of this dance will amaze you. Feast your eyes on his dancing feet and marvel in his vocalizations:
One, Two, cha, cha, cha: “LIAR”
Three Four, cha, cha, cha: “LIAR”
One, Two, cha, cha, cha: “PANTS”
Three, Four, cha, cha, cha: “ON FIRE”
And for our grand finale we have Republican Congressman, Clay Higgins, of Louisiana serving up a mighty fine garbled gumbo of “Where the boxes?”**
After Cohen, discussed documents and evidence he had gotten from boxes, Higgins went all Postal Service crazy on Cohen. Here’ my take on the exchange:
Higgins: So you got them documents from some boxes? So where are them boxes at?
Cohen: What do you mean, sir?
Higgins: I mean those boxes have to be somewhere: so where are those boxes?
Cohen: The boxes were in a storage unit in the same building that Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner live.
Higgins: Ha! You are a liar. Jared and Ivanka would never have boxes in the same building as you?
Cohen: And why is that?
Higgins: Because they would never stoop to having boxes, that’s why?
Cohen: Is there something wrong with having boxes? Do you have any boxes, Mr. Higgins?
Higgins: What a ridiculous question. Of course I have boxes. Now let’s not go jumping down no rabbit hole wondering about my boxes. So I will ask you again. Now remember Mr. Cohen, you are under oath and perjury is waiting just around the corner. And since Jared and Ivanka couldn’t possibly have boxes: So where are your boxes?
Cohen: I honestly don’t know what we are talking about. It reminds me of Abbott and Costello’s “Who’s on First,” except this is called “Where’s the boxes?”
Higgins: Frankly, I don’t like your attitude. Now tell me: Where are the Fucking boxes?
Cohen: No disrespect Mr. Higgins but have you recently had a head injury that is causing you to perseverate on one thing.
Higgins: I want those boxes!
Cohen: Are you moving or something that you need boxes? I have an account at the UPS store and would be happy to order you some boxes.
Higgins: (screaming at the top of his lungs) Why you little lying fuck-face! When I get through with you, you may find yourself in a particular box that you may not like.
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“If you don’t tell me where the boxes are, I’m going to put your sorry ass in a box!”
Ladies and gentlemen, thanks for coming to the show. What a day at the circus!
    **Cohen said Jay Sekulow and Abbe Lowell — Trump’s and Jared Kushner’s personal lawyers, respectively — made changes to the testimony he submitted to Congress in 2017. The special counsel Robert Mueller’s office determined last year that Cohen gave false testimony and charged him with lying to Congress.
Cohen said it was possible that the entire Trump family was “conflicted” or “compromised” by a foreign adversary during the election because of their efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow at the time
Cohen said Trump knew about the meeting between top campaign officials, including his son Donald Trump Jr., and several Russian lobbyists offering dirt on the Hillary Clinton campaign. Cohen recalled being in the room with Trump in early June 2016 when Trump Jr. walked in and told his father, “The meeting is all set.” Cohen added that he remembered Trump responding, “OK good … let me know.”
Mr. Cohen testified that he was in Mr. Trump’s office when Roger Stone called and told Mr. Trump that he had just spoken with Julian Assange, the editor of WikiLeaks, who told Mr. Stone that “there would be a massive dump of emails that would damage Hillary Clinton’s campaign.”
Cohen said Allen Weisselberg, the Trump Organization’s longtime chief bookkeeper, witnessed Trump’s direct involvement in an illegal hush-money payment to the adult-film star Stormy Daniels (whose real name is Stephanie Clifford) shortly before the election. Cohen said he and Weisselberg were both in Trump’s office when Trump “directed us to go back to Weisselberg’s office and figure this [the $130,000 payment to Daniels] all out.”
  **”Oh my god,” he said when he opened the third. He’d hit the mother lode. In the third box were three years of Trump’s financial statements, from 2011 through 2013, which Cohen pointed to on Wednesday as evidence that the president had purposefully inflated and deflated his personal assets when it suited him—to secure bank loans or land a higher spot on the Forbes 400 list, for instance, or to lower his tax liability. There were also countless personal notes from Trump, scrawled across newspaper clippings, printed articles, and torn-out pages from glossy magazines. One note, written in Sharpie across an unflattering article, urged Cohen to call a reporter and threaten him with a lawsuit; another, on a story prominently featuring Cohen, read simply, “Michael, enjoy this while it lasts.” […]
The box also contained an e-mail with Trump Organization C.F.O. Allen Weisselberg, whose name came up almost as often as Trump’s in the House hearing on Wednesday. The exchange had to do with how Cohen would be reimbursed for the $130,000 payment he made to adult-film actress Stormy Daniels, 11 days before the election, in order to keep her from going public with allegations of an affair with Trump. (This is extracted from Emily Jane Fox’s article in the Atlantic magazine published on February 28th.)
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This case will be going to the grand jury
So what a grand jury does is determine via a jury panel of 12 or the local dictated amount, sometimes it is different -- in a closed private setting, if there is enough evidence for a probable cause to arrest the people for the crimes
Now I am told by Tree that this man whom was murdered was kidnapping for human trafficking and that is why he was killed.
Now I'm all about being anti racial crimes and modern lynching due to skin color
However SMS will show what he had done just hours before to these men. Where they all had been and what led up to the death of this man.
This is in February. I said and I said we would kill human traffickers.
This is a result of that statement
I wish it wasn't a black man. I do. I love black people all day long but we can't control what they do or do not do.
Due to the racial profiling and the claims that black are arrested unfairly we do have a higher rate of white people to do these killings.
This is to protect black people.
Killing one black kidnapper saves thousands and millions of African Kings, Queens, Princesses and Princes that will trust a black man to not kidnap them.
So I hope you do understand and I hope that the truth is shown and the truth is understood and justice is preserved in the grand jury
Had it been a group of black men killing one black guy it would been looked over as a gang thing. And ee don't want that either
So this video was purposely leaked to allow us to explain the choice of skin color that we use -- predominantly white (light) to protect Mexicans (Latino, Hispanic, Spanish) and African Americans
Because of white privilege.
It was expected and yet not hoped that this gossip would have happened. It shows the extreme damage in our communities.
And while this entire article is hurtful (and untrue) it does represent what police do.
I couldn't read all the words, they were so painful. Here we are trying all we can to protect innocent African-American and Latinx and still the screaming of indecency is arisen.
And yet we all still see the point. The Civil War was so long gone, no one who fought in it is still living. Yet daily it is still fought.
While y'all are not following instinct extremely close...
Y'all do recognize he was murdered ... He was murdered jogging ... And he was murdered for who he was ... But he was simply not just black. He was also a human trafficker.
Yes, my friends and my foes, black human traffic, too. Just like they deal drugs. Its "good" money meaning it is a lot.
I don't think I've called out a black person yet and this is the first. Just because I hadn't said didn't mean it ain't true
I've called out white people only. One girl and many men. Yet the Chinese and Asians have been attacked but I hadn't singled out one single Asian. Only white men (at that time it had began in Connecticut)
Yes yes yes Mexicans, Blacks, Whites, Native Americans they all human traffic
Native Americans are notorious for human trafficking. Y'all did not know that but they are. Agent Orange is 39% Native American. "Well they did it to us"
So you know it fucking hurts and you don't do it to other people, ass holes. But no. It makes them feel justified and right. They're not. They're shameful.
So this article is full of gossip and untrue words strung together to create bull shit.
I wish it was 3 innocent and good black man on one white kidnapper.... However the facts remain it was one African American Kidnapper that used people for humam trafficking
I am incorrect -- I have called out two African American Women for human trafficking --- Oprah Winfrey and Gayle King.
But this is the first male.
I also posted a video of actors that were all 100% human trafficking. And some were African American.
Now im going to tell you about Zulululu because of the high deaths of African Americans in this COVID crisis
Zulululu kill humans and then they take over their bodies. Okay.
So Zulululu are racist and ass holes. They are rapists. They have no respect for women. They male chauvinist pigs. They're disgusting.
So unfortunately I do believe that the Zulululu (and the other 3 planets as well) have already killed these Africans and then took over their bodies.
They did it to Michael Jackson. Alex Laughlin when he was Gaberial. Matt Hagan was my twin brother and he's been taken over by the alien in the film "White Boy Rick" that was Rick. He killed himself in jail to kill my brother to take over his body...
It makes me very sad. I want to cry.
Denise was killed and taken over by an alien. So the Zulululu uses my aunt's actual human body. Same with Nathaniel.
So it is very horrific.
So this huge amount of African Americans dying... Im sorry y'all but they ain't African Americans, baby. They ain't. Baby. They been dead a long time. And I am so sorry, i truly am.
That is why we have DNA4U. It dignifies your actual child or mom or aunt or uncle as alien or not. As human souls or some alien mouth breathing fool.
It is why all human bodies have COVID-19.
Because if you, my sista, get killed by an alien then the antibody "melts" caused by the alien soul and baby girl you ain't gotta be dead watching your body walk around no more. It's gonna die. And it's gonna die bad and it's gonna suffer. And you getta watch that alien panic.
So as soon as they alien soul enters the COVID activation occurs, your soul removing the antibody with you. Or thinking the body keeps it then the alien melts it. However you wanna look at it. IDC. However it occurs, idc. However its mutated in each individual idc. The mother fuckers ain't doing this shit no more.
So baby. Yeah. Y'all African American do have a 29% higher rate of Alien body take overs than the rest of the races. Next is Asian. Then Scottish, German, French, Polish, Swedish then general White from Europe.
Unfortunately they been trying to find me. Not knowing where i will pop up next, they infiltrate places I've been and have made a good life for myself.
Egypt, Outer Mongolia, Scottland as Queen Anne in the 1600s, I've been Joan of Arc, Cleopatra y'all know... So fucking many!
And they keep trying to find me to mate with me. But I can't. I can only produce children with my soulmate. Just like every other single human. Just like DNA4U proves.
Just like Zulululu can't even have children.
I can only mate with my soulmate
And it fucking kills me because they killed zillions and more than zillion of Chinese babies looking for me. And I never was born in China again. Because it was too dangerous.
I was never born in Africa again, it was too dangerous.
I was born in Detroit.. I was born in small town Alabama in a trailer park.
I was born in San Francisco. In London. In France. I've lived poor. Rich. Moderate. I've hidden quite successfully.
And yet... They destroy my people even still ...
So enter COVID 19 which is destroying my healthcare workers with PTSD. Because I don't get a chance to explain
Because the aliens keep getting in my way. Alex Laughlin. A fake Brian. Agent Orange. Eric Trump is always breathing down my neck. Denise. Nathaniel.
Its so fucking annoying.
And in my daily fights and struggles, my people are hurting.
So finally, a man with two stumps for legs because he deals with too many aliens for his nurse care, live in, and his soulmate is in jail for weed trafficking. I've known him off and on for 20 years. He posts a real human that is upset. I can see shes human. I just wanna hug her and take away all her pain. And Joey he says he just wants one miracle. He got it.
Finally the air cleared and I was able to break out and activate the healthcare substitute website and the mental health website especially for nurses and doctors to give them military training on acceptance of death which they get paid to learn. To encourage them to keep on trying. Keep reading, keep watching videos and keep caring about themselves and their mental health care.
For some it won't work. For some it just won't penetrate their brain. They can't hear it yet, they're not ready. But it will absorb if they let it. Each little particle of information that absorbs into their soul is just like that woman said -- it let's them be that one that is there for them because no one else is.
She's so beautiful. I mean shes pretty. She ain't painful to look at. But her words i just got goose bumps. Her beauty, "i wanna quit, but then they ain't got no one but me"
Girl. Y'all. I tell you. Every day. That's me.
I quit hundreds of times. "I fucking quit!! Fuck y'all!" Two days later I'm back at it. I can't stop.
Its that Orphan in me. It's that Queen in me, that Goddess of Earth.
At any rate. We're gonna stop this shit.
Racism. Its gonna stop.
Unfortunately COVID deaths of African Americans will not stop.
We have tried everything. Tricking a switch. "Okay alien just jump out and let her back in her body because she forgot something in there and she needs to get it" next thing we know its another car wreck and girl is dead and kicked out.
The Exorcist. That Horror film. All real.
We have tried it all m
And that is why we are in this horrific mess.
Luckily we got all kinds of shit planned!! Surprises around every corner and we are gonna get this done
We're gonna save Humanity, Ecology and the Earth itself.
We are gonna kill the souls of those from those four planets. Now it's gonna take time and its not gonns be fun.
But i got lawyers for the people that have been beat by cops finally assigned today! Yay!.
More than half of the 18,000 cops that are beating people for no reason have been killed today. Thank God for that and Tree of course and the snipers, Thank you.
And so this man in this article, unfortunately was ordered to die by me.
He was ordered to be killed by white people.
I don't want black men or Latino to be imprisoned for serving justice. White privilege is real.
All four planets for whatever reason decided to torture and bully and pick on African Americans.
Maybe because I'm white now... But i have to be white.. It's too dangerous to be black. Come on.. Yeah I used to black as Hell. But shit, a girl cant even walk down the street without being raped. Black girls are raped 4 times more than white. Asian girls are raped 6 times more often. 6 times! And they been killing most of them!!! So you know you gotta count that like every single Asian girl has been raped at least once.
They don't have it easy y'all! Stop picking on them!!!
Any way So there is a racial thing to the COVID but it's definitely not a human thing that is targeting them.
Y'all. Our African have already been killed and aliens are just walking around in their bodies.
So y'all don't cry no more.
Be mad.
Realize what's going on.
Alright so im telling you our families are dead and murdered.
Solution? Yes there is, in time.
We will ghost them back to life, creating bodies out of thin air for their spirits, their souls that exist.
Okay so i remember Alex Laughlin as Gaberial.... But Gaberial is Hispanic... And Alex looks French. So when the alien does take over it alters the physical characteristics of the original body.... But only slightly...
So some will request a dramatic overhaul of their appearance....
Okay say... Like Denise.... If Denise the real one looks too similar to the alien compound.... And we all hate her... Its simple to change the way she looks so that we don't ever see the old alien Denise when we look at the real Denise.
So she's been gone over 30 years..,
Gaberial 20
So its just like the changes that someone would make while growing up or growing old -- that is the way we look at it.
So i remember Gaberial as he was... And so he will change as he was only about 13 when his body was overtaken... So easy for him to have a new grown up self. Also same as easy to have him as original.
It all depends on the person and who did the alien take over and all that complicated stuff
So they analyze the complicated and we make it simple for compression of the new or old face.
And we allow it a choice and we say it is and it is respected and the person is loved.
Because that is humanity.
Again i apologize for the pain due to racism. The article does spell out the past and current situation especially with cops Here lately.
I was and still am totally with the Eric, "i can't Breathe" movement which ended in murder..
And that is why i am so angry.
But again. Please understand the justification of this killing and the reason we are using white privilege is to protect those that do not have white privilege.
We seize the opportunity. We don't make the opportunity. We use it.
Do please forgive me for doing so. I am only trying to protect the few good ones we have left because we all love you and we need you all safe!
I don't want yall in jail for a second for trying to save the world.
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