#Thank you Mr Lee Kuan Yew
babkaioshka · 7 years
"What have I given up? My life." #rememberinglky
"What have I given up? My life." #rememberinglky by .:heartw|sh*:. Via Flickr: "I have no regrets. I have spent my life, so much of it, building up this country. There's nothing more that I need to do. At the end of the day, what have I got? A successful Singapore. What have I given up? My life." -Mr Lee Kuan Yew (1923 - 2015) So long, and thank you, sir.
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idaxtoken-blog · 5 years
Multiply 50 times your account with iDax token
Hello world!
Lock coin exchanges are trends that found development of financial Key System, iDax Token has raised up as a taste god , please make use engine assembly 1 not 2 to in increase financial products onto your every dozen times .
Thank you for looking to this post, also wished happy because you're standing before mechanical assembly with a non- two in the field of finance, Crypto ... from before. Please remember carefully this is not the Assembly only last for the life of you, but this may be the opportunity to change completely throughout the life of you, from no money to those who have very much money. Please set medium yet!
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We have 5 main content in this article:
1: What is iDax Token?
IDAX Token (IT) is the token of the floor delivery services IDAX, IT is found growing on the platform ERC-20 Ethereum. Like Binance Coin (BNB) coin floor Binance , Huobi Token (HT) coin floor Huobi ... .
Token Code : IT
· Blockchain : Ethereum        
· Smartcontract: 0xbf5f8bfcee9502a30018d91c63eca66980e6e9bb        
· Decimal : 18        
· Total supply : 200,000,000 IT        
· Save message : 20,000,000 IT        
· Floors delivery service IT : IDAX        
Currently we can trade IT on the floor
https://www.idax.pro/exchange?pairname=IT_USDT current price is 0.92 usdt / IT
Above is the information details about IDAX Token (IT) coin floor delivery services IDAX. Also position the destination of IDAX Token (IT) like the coin floor Other: Reduce cost delivery service , Skip votes sealed up , ... and many war strategy of IDAX.  
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2: What is iDax.pro Exchange?
 iDax Exchange named domain the formula is iDax.pro and iDax.global . IDAX is a floor delivery service electricity bills death has office facilities in Mongolia Stock . IDAX active action from the organization of the business of technology high of GBC (Global Blockchain Research Center - A middle- center study at Blockchain full bridge) in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Stock . Clusters of Industry of IDAX covers an area of over 33,000 m2 no time devoted to work and 50,000 m2 for mechanical basis declaration falls . Apart from that, one of the engine facility opening cascade of IDAX have available capacity to be open wide to add 250,000 m2 at any period of time point, can also save storage and transport operator added 200,000 devices help out extraction .    
Foundation cornerstone was set designed to help exchange currency exchange electric element a way themselves friendly to users and should believe reliable , supported with organizational features such as support for multiple types of electricity -mail , depending on selected multi- language terminology and is structures are sure confidential multi- layer make sure the delivery service gave change financing production engineering technical security numbers throughout . IDAX.mn 're trying to release development of related systems on the battlefield tactics trans boundary gender and development development of the technology finance, and by the way to do so, IDAX will be able to finish pushing innovation platform foundation and the prescribed course of development growth . Compared to the floor delivery service electricity bills e other, IDAX have advantages that in the technology security guard security throughout , upon convenience and delivery services slippery howl , check investigating money currency severely restrictive , supported by the book states in ... About compute power of iDax floor invite you to view in another article at cafebit.org .      
3: What is Flare Foundation?
-Flare Foundation was established year 2007 and have office facilities in Singapore.
Mr. Li Hedong , creator founded The Flare Foundation, is one person at the same flavor of the former Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew.
-Flare Foundation is one of the organized civil informal Minister toxic established and respected members the most world.              
4: What is the relationship between iDax Exchange and Flare Foundation?  
Flare Foundation is to work the wake of iDax Exchange. The co- operation with the entry landing to finish pushing the play developed by iDax Token (IT) to put copper It to work them more and more are pushing prices contract IT to 50 dollars within 2 years . The co- operation has the determination to receive the form from iDax Exchange, invite you to read the notice of iDax Exchange in two link the below:
➤ Link Medium: https://bit.ly/2P2qGTp
➤ Link Zendesk: https://bit.ly/2MxMS5U
Flare Foundation has started invested in total more than 500 planned projects throughout the globe, more than 100 planned projects large , which includes more than 80 planned projects blockchain.
In the same hybrid , the Fund Flare will continue to set medium in the region blockchain.
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5: The book release development system along with Flare Foundation like?
  2 Figure wake early on from under the day and according to the month , I recommend that everyone who first invested in accordance months , because such are entitled to the right to gain the system well over.
Mechanical processing intended for the leader play development system:
  - You will be entitled to mechanical processing such as image below if you choose the first investment under 1 month or more. You are entitled to a 100% rate of F1 who take part .
Example: You participated in the first investment package in 1000 IT and according to month , you invite the first F1 participation in package 5000 IT well under 1 month or 3 months or more, then every day you get the interest of the package 5000 IT that while Your F1 still receives normal interest .  
Relatively self, you may be limited descriptions of two F1 or more you are also entitled to interest of F1 package relative or pack them to take part .
Mechanical processing devoted to stories deep :
- If your F1 introduces F2, your F1 will also enjoy the same benefits as you enjoy , so what do you get?
  You will be entitled to a 10% rate of 2 F1 F2 if you, like self you want to enjoy 10% of the F3, you must have 3 F1 and just like playing to F9 you have 9F1.
The preparations intended for persons found growing well : Mechanical processing territorial religion .
6: The reasons why I chose this project .
➤ There are 6 reasons why I chose this project : 6 reasons I chose Flare Foundation  
Apart also very much more reason that we 're choosing Flare Foundation are: The planned project Dev hide list completely full , or no background basis , or what is false appearance to the floor Reliable Credit to play development that the longer you do it, and go on from advice for others. And this is for the primary form of iDax Exchange and iDax confirm receipt of work , characteristics differentiate Flare also signed fund with iDax Exchange 100 million dollars dollars for rights to govern IT, there is no reason we 're from rejected a plan judgment good and intelligent transparent so all.
Recap: iDax the floor big top 10 in the world, IT is the coin floor of iDax , Flare Foundation is to work the wake of iDax , the institutional development develop modern models, plus co Nations International big ... Select project project this is not to select projects project else.
When registering , please enter the code to support household effects fake Light: wgj6at  
Participate in group telegram: t.me/idaxtokenpro
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Participate in group Zalo : https://zaloapp.com/g/uremtw527
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Boo Cheng Hau of Johore DAP
Dr Mahathir a/l Kutty
You are not too old to do more damage to Malaysia - If you become the PM again ....
Yesterday, we saw in your press conference where you declared you can make Malaysia great again by becoming the PM - not only the tiger but the Lion of Asia...Hahaha...😅 So funny
I think in February it was an incompetent person, sitting in a valid PM post and allowed it to be stolen.. Hahaha.. 😅
And wanting to be PM again?
You obviously forgot how much damage you did to Malaysia from 1981 to 2003 when you were the PM.
So much damage that we lagged so so far behind Singapore, a nothing, tiny country who split from Malaysia with zero natural resources..
You have done so much damage and lose out to their PM, Lee Kuan Yew
How so? 🤔 You wonder..
Ok let me tell you
1965 : Singapore split from Malaysia to become independent.
On that day, their PM, Mr Lee Kuan Yew cried on their National TV. Worried about how Singapore was gonna survive - it was a country with Zero resources, even without their own drinking water.
But, they survived.
For the next 16 years, Malaysia, under 3 different PM from 1965 to 1981 - The exchange rate :
SGD100 was equivalent to RM 100
Then in 1981
Sir, you, Mahathir took over as PM
The exchange rate -
1983: S$100 = RM 110
And then it's all the way down
1986 : s$100 = RM 120
1990: S$100 = RM 150
And by 1990 we already had so many Malaysian workers working in Singapore (many of them commuting daily from JB to Spore) for a much much higher salary and income.
How can this be possible!
that Singapore did so much better with their currency and more specifically with a higher salary and hence a much higher GDP than Malaysia?
At that time in 1981 we were the world's No 1 producer in rubber and No 1 producer in tin.
And we had massive land advantage , palm oil, crude oil etc etc and so much natural resources compared to tiny Singapore who had nothing.
You know why?
They had Lee Kuan Yew and he led Singapore to a much higher level, where it was supposed to be while you did more damage to this country than all the enemy we could gather - you are the reason for this incredible failure.
All the major projects during your term, failed miserably.
eg, Perwaja Steel, MAS, Proton, Bakun project etc etc
All these companies either folded or suffered irreversible losses due to mismanagement, widespread cronyism and thereby corruption.
RM's value dropped and GDP lagged behind, after these mega projects failed. In 2003: When you are done as PM S$100 = RM 230 It's shocking! Oh my God! Tell us why this happened from 1981 to 2003!
Well, thanks to you, sir, the downward spiral continues till today in 2020.
Now S$100 = RM 305
And we have about 500,000 Malaysians working in Singapore. Before MCO,
300,000 commute daily from JB to Spore.
The situation is so bad that our graduates now work as garbage collectors in Singapore.
In 2018, IMF estimates Singapore GDP per capita to be USD61,230 and Malaysia GDP per capita to be USD10,704. By 2023, IMF forecasts Singapore GDP per capita to reach USD73,619 and Malaysia GDP per capita to reach USD14,423. Singapore GDP per capita is over five-times more than the Malaysia GDP per capita.
Now you know you are the reason for this failure
May I know how you intend to kill Malaysia if you become the PM again?
By Dr. Boo Cheng Hau of Johore DAP
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hongkingyong · 5 years
Remembering Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.
Remembering Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. Thank you for your sacrifices for Singapore. 🇸🇬 #RememberingLeeKuanYew #NoYewNoUs
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elita-t-blog · 5 years
Word Of The Day “Jocular”
Last night at our Toastmasters Chapter Meeting, our language evaluator gave us the word of the day “Jocular”. Today, I find it in this article on Facebook. Expanding and upgrading my vocabulary every day...
Whatever your political affiliation, I really find the love story between Lee Kuan Yew and Kwa Geok Choo to be truly romantic - the life-long kind of love that's so rare these days.
He would not have been who he ended up being, if not for her unwavering, caring love and support. And he was never the same after her passing.
Here are excerpts from his eulogy for her, which I've merged with a little bit from an article on how LKY was like in the time after. Full sources cited below.
"My wife and I have been together since 1947 for more than three quarters of our lives. My grief at her passing cannot be expressed in words. But today (Wednesday), when recounting our lives together, I would like to celebrate her life ... As a young man with an interrupted education at Raffles College, and no steady job or profession, her parents did not look upon me as a desirable son-in-law. But she had faith in me.
We had committed ourselves to each other... We gradually influenced each other's ways and habits as we adjusted to and accommodated each other. ... We knew that we could not stay starry-eyed lovers all our lives; that life was an on-going challenge with new problems to resolve and manage. ... We never argued over the upbringing of our children, nor over financial matters. Our earnings and assets were jointly held. We were each other's confidant.
She had simple pleasures. We would walk around the Istana gardens in the evening, and I would hit golf balls to relax. Later, when we had grandchildren, she would take them to feed the fish and the swans in the Istana ponds. Then we would swim. ...
She had an uncanny ability to read the character of a person. She would sometimes warn me to be careful of certain persons; often, she turned out to be right.
When we were about to join Malaysia, she told me that we would not succeed because the Umno Malay leaders had such different lifestyles and because their politics were communally-based, on race and religion.
I replied that we had to make it work as there was no better choice. But she was right. We were asked to leave Malaysia before two years had passed.
After her first stroke, she lost her left field of vision. This slowed down her reading. She learned to cope, reading with the help of a ruler. She swam every evening and kept fit. She continued to travel with me, and stayed active despite the stroke. She stayed in touch with her family and old friends.
She listened to her collection of CDs, mostly classical, plus some golden oldies. She jocularly divided her life into "before stroke" and "after stroke", like BC and AD.
Her second stroke on 12 May 2008 was more disabling. I encouraged and cheered her on, helped by a magnificent team of doctors, surgeons, therapists and nurses.
Her nurses, WSOs and maids all grew fond of her because she was warm and considerate. When she coughed, she would take her small pillow to cover her mouth because she worried for them and did not want to infect them. Her mind remained clear but her voice became weaker. When I kissed her on her cheek, she told me not to come too close to her in case I caught her pneumonia. When given some peaches in hospital, she asked the maid to take one home for my lunch. I was at the centre of her life.
On 24 June 2008, a CT scan revealed another bleed again on the right side of her brain. There was not much more that medicine or surgery could do except to keep her comfortable. I brought her home on 3 July 2008. The doctors expected her to last a few weeks. She lived till 2nd October, 2 years and 3 months.
She remained lucid. That gave time for me and my children to come to terms with the inevitable. In the final few months, her faculties declined. She could not speak but her cognition remained. She looked forward to have me talk to her every evening.
Her last wish she shared with me was to enjoin our children to have our ashes placed together, as we were in life.
The last two years of her life were the most difficult. She was bedridden after small successive strokes; she could not speak but she was still cognisant. Every night she would wait for me to sit by her to tell her of my day's activities and to read her favourite poems. Then she would sleep.
I have precious memories of our 63 years together. Without her, I would be a different man, with a different life. She devoted herself to me and our children.
She was always there when I needed her. She has lived a life full of warmth and meaning.
I should find solace in her 89 years of a life well lived. But at this moment of the final parting, my heart is heavy with sorrow and grief."
After her passing... LKY missed his wife deeply.
"For a week after his wife died, Mr Lee Kuan Yew fussed over her photographs on the wall of the living room at their Oxley Road home.
He placed pictures of their favourite moments together at the foot of his bed and by the treadmill which he used every day. A few days later, he would move them around again.
He repositioned his grey plastic chair at the dining table to have the best view of her pictures on the wall. As he ate his dinner, he listened to classical music, which she enjoyed - her favourite composer was Johann Sebastian Bach.
But nothing seemed to comfort Mr Lee in the days after Madam Kwa Geok Choo, his wife of 63 years, his best friend and confidante, died on Oct 2, 2010.
He slept erratically. A memory would bring tears to his eyes. When her ashes arrived at Oxley Road in a grey marble urn three days after the funeral, he wept.
It took three months before he began returning to normal.
"Slowly, he accepted that Mrs Lee was gone," said his youngest and only surviving brother, Dr Lee Suan Yew.
It was nine months before his health stabilised, said his only daughter Wei Ling.
He would usually get home at around 9pm and he would spend a few moments looking at his wife's urn in the living room.
He kept to his new routine in the disciplined way with which he had led his life. But he told his friend Dr Schmidt, who visited in May 2012, that his wife's death had left a deep hole in his life and nothing could fill it.
After Mrs Lee died, elder son Hsien Loong, the Prime Minister, and his wife Ho Ching began visiting Mr Lee on Saturday afternoons whenever their schedules allowed, to keep him company. ...
Throughout, Mr Lee kept up his Mandarin lessons, and continued his exercises and outings. Titanium, as his daughter once described him in an article, is light but strong. It can bend a little, but it will not snap unless it is under overwhelming force, she wrote.
On Feb 5, he was admitted to the Singapore General Hospital, this time with severe pneumonia.
News in mid-March that he was critically ill saw an outpouring of good wishes across the island he loved and called home."
A story shared by a Singaporean who bumped into them at a museum:
"He requested to push his wife. And even in his weakness and old age at that point in time, I saw him struggle to push his wife in her wheelchair. They stopped at almost every painting (I followed them behind, keeping my distance and pretending to look at those paintings too). And at every painting, he would bend down and asked her gently for her thoughts. They would share a quiet moment of discussion, and sometimes laughed together. It felt like no one else was around, and they felt very much still in love."
Sources: LKY's eulogy speech, Cassandra Chew (The Straits Times), and the 'Thank You Mr Lee Kuan Yew' FB page.
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bearishmitch · 6 years
Singapore is so close to beautiful Indonesian islands and plenty of home-grown natural beauty
Singapore is within easy reach of some beautiful islands and lots of home-grown nature spots. Indeed, almost half of the city state is covered in greenery, thanks to charming urban parks, unspoilt nature reserves and a Unesco World Heritage Site. The Lion City has long been the place to be if you enjoy an urban lifestyle but love nature. “Our first prime minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, [was] the architect of Singapore’s transformation,” says Masagos Zulkifli, Singapore Minister for...Mitch recommends source https://www.scmp.com/special-reports/business/topics/go-asia-singapore/article/2159857/singapore-so-close-beautiful
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chowraiooigym · 4 years
2020 has arrived and just Looking at this video of the Uzbekistan muaythai federation exchange program in 2009 just made me Relies how Long and hard and extremely difficult the journey has been to reach where we are now.,10yrs later October 19th 2019 singapore muaythai federation @sgmuaythaifederation is founded by Mr Clement Ong, chairman Mr Suresh Damodara and the Excutive committee. Everyday i tell myself however Long and however hard we must push forward. But now I know that singaore muaythai has a bring future with singapore muaythai federation creating the path for the future of muaythai in singapore, and knowing all the SMF Exco bringing muaythai towards the future i am Soooo extremely happy and greatly appreciative of them protecting the Art and sport of Muaythai as Singapore muaythai federation are the guardians of Muaythai and bringing muaythai to greater heights . Thank you with all my heart and my deepest appreciation and my utmost gratitude to Mr Suresh Damodara, Mr clement Ong , Miss Aisha Mc Andrew ,Mr Tommy Kuang , Miss Asliana Asat, Mr Kirk Chua ,Mr Daniel Wong , Mr Eric Tan ,Kru Meechai, Miss Sharda Harrison and all our Patrons and sponsors ,CHJ Jewellery, SLFoods ,Teelek Petroleum ,Novena Global Healthcare ,UFC Gym Singapore , Sports Sg (Mr Todd Vladich,Mr John Batista Kan ,Mr Randee Ng , Miss Shirley Cai ,Mr Toh Boon Yi and all the staff of the SNOC For all their support and guidance in bringing the sport to greater heights. Majulah Singapura 🇸🇬 The destiny of a people is not measured by its numbers,or area of its territory . What matters is the quality of its people and the spirit in them! (Lee Kuan Yew) 🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬 🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬 (at Tashkent, Uzbekistan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B64OOyaJQWE/?igshid=qy91vu84r3tf
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chowraiooigym · 4 years
2020 has arrived and just Looking at this video of the Uzbekistan muaythai federation exchange program in 2009 just made me Relies how Long and hard and extremely difficult the journey has been to reach where we are now.,10yrs later October 19th 2019 singapore muaythai federation @sgmuaythaifederation is founded by Mr Clement Ong, chairman Mr Suresh Damodara and the Excutive committee. Everyday i tell myself however Long and however hard we must push forward. But now I know that singaore muaythai has a bring future with singapore muaythai federation creating the path for the future of muaythai in singapore, and knowing all the SMF Exco bringing muaythai towards the future i am Soooo extremely happy and greatly appreciative of them protecting the Art and sport of Muaythai as Singapore muaythai federation are the guardians of Muaythai and bringing muaythai to greater heights . Thank you with all my heart and my deepest appreciation and my utmost gratitude to Mr Suresh Damodara, Mr clement Ong , Miss Aisha Mc Andrew ,Mr Tommy Kuang , Miss Asliana Asat, Mr Kirk Chua ,Mr Daniel Wong , Mr Eric Tan ,Kru Meechai, Miss Sharda Harrison and all our Patrons and sponsors ,CHJ Jewellery, SLFoods ,Teelek Petroleum ,Novena Global Healthcare ,UFC Gym Singapore , Sports Sg (Mr Todd Vladich,Mr John Batista Kan ,Mr Randee Ng , Miss Shirley Cai ,Mr Toh Boon Yi and all the staff of the SNOC For all their support and guidance in bringing the sport to greater heights. Majulah Singapura 🇸🇬 The destiny of a people is not measured by its numbers,or area of its territory . What matters is the quality of its people and the spirit in them! (Lee Kuan Yew) 🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬 🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬 (at Tashkent, Uzbekistan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B64OOyaJQWE/?igshid=kva9nvfm1pog
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chowraiooigym · 4 years
2020 has arrived and just Looking at this video of the Uzbekistan muaythai federation exchange program in 2009 just made me Relies how Long and hard and extremely difficult the journey has been to reach where we are now.,10yrs later October 19th 2019 singapore muaythai federation @sgmuaythaifederation is founded by Mr Clement Ong, chairman Mr Suresh Damodara and the Excutive committee. Everyday i tell myself however Long and however hard we must push forward. But now I know that singaore muaythai has a bring future with singapore muaythai federation creating the path for the future of muaythai in singapore, and knowing all the SMF Exco bringing muaythai towards the future i am Soooo extremely happy and greatly appreciative of them protecting the Art and sport of Muaythai as Singapore muaythai federation are the guardians of Muaythai and bringing muaythai to greater heights . Thank you with all my heart and my deepest appreciation and my utmost gratitude to Mr Suresh Damodara, Mr clement Ong , Miss Aisha Mc Andrew ,Mr Tommy Kuang , Miss Asliana Asat, Mr Kirk Chua ,Mr Daniel Wong , Mr Eric Tan ,Kru Meechai, Miss Sharda Harrison and all our Patrons and sponsors ,CHJ Jewellery, SLFoods ,Teelek Petroleum ,Novena Global Healthcare ,UFC Gym Singapore , Sports Sg (Mr Todd Vladich,Mr John Batista Kan ,Mr Randee Ng , Miss Shirley Cai ,Mr Toh Boon Yi and all the staff of the SNOC For all their support and guidance in bringing the sport to greater heights. Majulah Singapura 🇸🇬 The destiny of a people is not measured by its numbers,or area of its territory . What matters is the quality of its people and the spirit in them! (Lee Kuan Yew) 🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬 🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬 (at Tashkent, Uzbekistan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B64OOyaJQWE/?igshid=pp3y0yc54yo
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chowraiooigym · 4 years
2020 has arrived and just Looking at this video of the Uzbekistan muaythai federation exchange program in 2009 just made me Relies how Long and hard and extremely difficult the journey has been to reach where we are now.,10yrs later October 19th 2019 singapore muaythai federation @sgmuaythaifederation is founded by Mr Clement Ong, chairman Mr Suresh Damodara and the Excutive committee. Everyday i tell myself however Long and however hard we must push forward. But now I know that singaore muaythai has a bring future with singapore muaythai federation creating the path for the future of muaythai in singapore, and knowing all the SMF Exco bringing muaythai towards the future i am Soooo extremely happy and greatly appreciative of them protecting the Art and sport of Muaythai as Singapore muaythai federation are the guardians of Muaythai and bringing muaythai to greater heights . Thank you with all my heart and my deepest appreciation and my utmost gratitude to Mr Suresh Damodara, Mr clement Ong , Miss Aisha Mc Andrew ,Mr Tommy Kuang , Miss Asliana Asat, Mr Kirk Chua ,Mr Daniel Wong , Mr Eric Tan ,Kru Meechai, Miss Sharda Harrison and all our Patrons and sponsors ,CHJ Jewellery, SLFoods ,Teelek Petroleum ,Novena Global Healthcare ,UFC Gym Singapore , Sports Sg (Mr Todd Vladich,Mr John Batista Kan ,Mr Randee Ng , Miss Shirley Cai ,Mr Toh Boon Yi and all the staff of the SNOC For all their support and guidance in bringing the sport to greater heights. Majulah Singapura 🇸🇬 The destiny of a people is not measured by its numbers,or area of its territory . What matters is the quality of its people and the spirit in them! (Lee Kuan Yew) 🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬 🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬 (at Tashkent, Uzbekistan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B64OOyaJQWE/?igshid=1cx2wa2w8bot3
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chowraiooigym · 4 years
2020 has arrived and just Looking at this video of the Uzbekistan muaythai federation exchange program in 2009 just made me Relies how Long and hard and extremely difficult the journey has been to reach where we are now.,10yrs later October 19th 2019 singapore muaythai federation @sgmuaythaifederation is founded by Mr Clement Ong, chairman Mr Suresh Damodara and the Excutive committee. Everyday i tell myself however Long and however hard we must push forward. But now I know that singaore muaythai has a bring future with singapore muaythai federation creating the path for the future of muaythai in singapore, and knowing all the SMF Exco bringing muaythai towards the future i am Soooo extremely happy and greatly appreciative of them protecting the Art and sport of Muaythai as Singapore muaythai federation are the guardians of Muaythai and bringing muaythai to greater heights . Thank you with all my heart and my deepest appreciation and my utmost gratitude to Mr Suresh Damodara, Mr clement Ong , Miss Aisha Mc Andrew ,Mr Tommy Kuang , Miss Asliana Asat, Mr Kirk Chua ,Mr Daniel Wong , Mr Eric Tan ,Kru Meechai, Miss Sharda Harrison and all our Patrons and sponsors ,CHJ Jewellery, SLFoods ,Teelek Petroleum ,Novena Global Healthcare ,UFC Gym Singapore , Sports Sg (Mr Todd Vladich,Mr John Batista Kan ,Mr Randee Ng , Miss Shirley Cai ,Mr Toh Boon Yi and all the staff of the SNOC For all their support and guidance in bringing the sport to greater heights. Majulah Singapura 🇸🇬 The destiny of a people is not measured by its numbers,or area of its territory . What matters is the quality of its people and the spirit in them! (Lee Kuan Yew) 🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬 🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬 (at Tashkent, Uzbekistan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B64OOyaJQWE/?igshid=1jyjvv92oal5u
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chowraiooigym · 4 years
2020 has arrived and just Looking at this video of the Uzbekistan muaythai federation exchange program in 2009 just made me Relies how Long and hard and extremely difficult the journey has been to reach where we are now.,10yrs later October 19th 2019 singapore muaythai federation @sgmuaythaifederation is founded by Mr Clement Ong, chairman Mr Suresh Damodara and the Excutive committee. Everyday i tell myself however Long and however hard we must push forward. But now I know that singaore muaythai has a bring future with singapore muaythai federation creating the path for the future of muaythai in singapore, and knowing all the SMF Exco bringing muaythai towards the future i am Soooo extremely happy and greatly appreciative of them protecting the Art and sport of Muaythai as Singapore muaythai federation are the guardians of Muaythai and bringing muaythai to greater heights . Thank you with all my heart and my deepest appreciation and my utmost gratitude to Mr Suresh Damodara, Mr clement Ong , Miss Aisha Mc Andrew ,Mr Tommy Kuang , Miss Asliana Asat, Mr Kirk Chua ,Mr Daniel Wong , Mr Eric Tan ,Kru Meechai, Miss Sharda Harrison and all our Patrons and sponsors ,CHJ Jewellery, SLFoods ,Teelek Petroleum ,Novena Global Healthcare ,UFC Gym Singapore , Sports Sg (Mr Todd Vladich,Mr John Batista Kan ,Mr Randee Ng , Miss Shirley Cai ,Mr Toh Boon Yi and all the staff of the SNOC For all their support and guidance in bringing the sport to greater heights. Majulah Singapura 🇸🇬 The destiny of a people is not measured by its numbers,or area of its territory . What matters is the quality of its people and the spirit in them! (Lee Kuan Yew) 🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬 🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬 (at Tashkent, Uzbekistan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B64OOyaJQWE/?igshid=16t6x56wdzx0f
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chowraiooigym · 4 years
2020 has arrived and just Looking at this video of the Uzbekistan muaythai federation exchange program in 2009 just made me Relies how Long and hard and extremely difficult the journey has been to reach where we are now.,10yrs later October 19th 2019 singapore muaythai federation @sgmuaythaifederation is founded by Mr Clement Ong, chairman Mr Suresh Damodara and the Excutive committee. Everyday i tell myself however Long and however hard we must push forward. But now I know that singaore muaythai has a bring future with singapore muaythai federation creating the path for the future of muaythai in singapore, and knowing all the SMF Exco bringing muaythai towards the future i am Soooo extremely happy and greatly appreciative of them protecting the Art and sport of Muaythai as Singapore muaythai federation are the guardians of Muaythai and bringing muaythai to greater heights . Thank you with all my heart and my deepest appreciation and my utmost gratitude to Mr Suresh Damodara, Mr clement Ong , Miss Aisha Mc Andrew ,Mr Tommy Kuang , Miss Asliana Asat, Mr Kirk Chua ,Mr Daniel Wong , Mr Eric Tan ,Kru Meechai, Miss Sharda Harrison and all our Patrons and sponsors ,CHJ Jewellery, SLFoods ,Teelek Petroleum ,Novena Global Healthcare ,UFC Gym Singapore , Sports Sg (Mr Todd Vladich,Mr John Batista Kan ,Mr Randee Ng , Miss Shirley Cai ,Mr Toh Boon Yi and all the staff of the SNOC For all their support and guidance in bringing the sport to greater heights. Majulah Singapura 🇸🇬 The destiny of a people is not measured by its numbers,or area of its territory . What matters is the quality of its people and the spirit in them! (Lee Kuan Yew) 🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬 🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬 (at Tashkent, Uzbekistan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B64OOyaJQWE/?igshid=178ukfbmakm2r
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chowraiooigym · 5 years
It’s moments like this that make all the hard work, late nights in the gym and years of training preparation and sacrifices that makes it all worthwhile and I say this with all my heart there is no Higher Honor then to serve your nation and most of all to fly your nations flag at the international games with all the other nations seeing the Flag of the Republic of Singapore 🇸🇬! Seeing it again and again just never stops making me feel what all Singaporean’s stand for when we face adversity wherever it may be! Majulah Singapura Team Singapore 🇸🇬 Majulah Singapura Thank you with all my heart and my deepest appreciation and my utmost appreciation to Mr Suresh Damodara, Mr clement Ong , Miss Aisha Mc Andrew , Miss Asliana Asat,Mr Tommy Kuang , Mr Kirk Chua ,Mr Daniel Wong , Mr Eric Tan ,Kru Meechai, Miss Sharda Harrison and all our Patrons and sponsors ,CHJ Jewellery, SLFoods ,Teelek Petroleum ,Novena Global Healthcare ,UFC Gym Singapore , Sports Sg (Mr Todd Vladich,Mr John Batista Kan ,Mr Randee Ng , Miss Shirley Cai ,Mr Toh Boon Yi and all the staff of the SNOC For all their support and guidance in bringing the sport to greater heights. Majulah Singapura 🇸🇬 The destiny of a people is not measured by its numbers,or area of its territory . What matters is the quality of its people and the spirit in them! (Lee Kuan Yew) 🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬 🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬 (at Ashgabat, Turkmenistan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9YIkCWJBXz/?igshid=166fuosb1qyge
0 notes
chowraiooigym · 5 years
2020 has arrived and just Looking at this video of the Uzbekistan muaythai federation exchange program in 2009 just made me Relies how Long and hard and extremely difficult the journey has been to reach where we are now.,10yrs later October 19th 2019 singapore muaythai federation @sgmuaythaifederation is founded by Mr Clement Ong, chairman Mr Suresh Damodara and the Excutive committee. Everyday i tell myself however Long and however hard we must push forward. But now I know that singaore muaythai has a bring future with singapore muaythai federation creating the path for the future of muaythai in singapore, and knowing all the SMF Exco bringing muaythai towards the future i am Soooo extremely happy and greatly appreciative of them protecting the Art and sport of Muaythai as Singapore muaythai federation are the guardians of Muaythai and bringing muaythai to greater heights . Thank you with all my heart and my deepest appreciation and my utmost gratitude to Mr Suresh Damodara, Mr clement Ong , Miss Aisha Mc Andrew ,Mr Tommy Kuang , Miss Asliana Asat, Mr Kirk Chua ,Mr Daniel Wong , Mr Eric Tan ,Kru Meechai, Miss Sharda Harrison and all our Patrons and sponsors ,CHJ Jewellery, SLFoods ,Teelek Petroleum ,Novena Global Healthcare ,UFC Gym Singapore , Sports Sg (Mr Todd Vladich,Mr John Batista Kan ,Mr Randee Ng , Miss Shirley Cai ,Mr Toh Boon Yi and all the staff of the SNOC For all their support and guidance in bringing the sport to greater heights. Majulah Singapura 🇸🇬 The destiny of a people is not measured by its numbers,or area of its territory . What matters is the quality of its people and the spirit in them! (Lee Kuan Yew) 🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬 🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬 (at Tashkent, Uzbekistan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B64OOyaJQWE/?igshid=cq29j5a8vox5
0 notes
chowraiooigym · 5 years
This years journey for team singapore 🇸🇬 has been a challenging but fruitful year. With singapore muaythai federation creating new and better improvements for the Art and sport of Muaythai and our awesome Exco committee always working tirelessly around the clock for all the event ,course and competition to bring our sport to greater heights. I am so fortunate to be working with all these awesome human being who sacrifice so much for the Art and Sport of Muaythai for the Republic of Singapore 🇸🇬 and that our Flag flys no matter what. Majulah Singapura Thank you with all my heart and my deepest appreciation and my utmost appreciation to Mr Suresh Damodara, Mr clement Ong , Miss Aisha Mc Andrew , Miss Asliana Asat,Mr Tommy Kuang , Mr Kirk Chua ,Mr Daniel Wong , Mr Eric Tan ,Kru Meechai ,Sharda Harrison and all our Patrons and sponsors ,CHJ Jewellery, SLFoods ,Teelek Petroleum ,Novena Global Healthcare ,UFC Gym Singapore , Sports Sg (Mr Todd Vladich,Mr John Batista Kan ,Mr Randee Ng , Miss Shirley Cai ,Mr Toh Boon Yi and all the staff of the SNOC For all their support and guidance in bringing the sport to greater heights. Majulah Singapura 🇸🇬 The destiny of a people is not measured by its numbers,or area of its territory . What matters is the quality of its people and the spirit in them! (Lee Kuan Yew) 🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬 🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬 (at Chowraiooi Muay Thai Gym) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6fHFK5JgH-/?igshid=wd5w37p8c4tx
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