#Thalia the banana ball python
What do you get when the Saviour of the Wizarding World becomes dangerously bored, especially when the death of his godfather has already hit him seriously hard, and left to his own devices? Well, Draco Malfoy, the Death Eaters and Lord Voldemort are unfortunately going to find out soon enough!
Last read up to chapter 39 currently unfinshed.
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negative-speedforce · 7 months
Your OCs are given the opportunity to keep one animal as a pet - wild or exotic animals count, but nothing extinct or fictional. What do they pick?
This is assuming that they get to keep their current pets, because let's be honest most of them would want nothing more than their current pets (under the cut to save space as usual)
Siv: Bobcat
Jay: Golden Retriever
Cassandra: Black rat snake
Hailey: Cat
Ember: Hyena
Arya: Cone Snail
Gina: Chameleon
Esme: Tiger
Cat: Cat
Max: Cassowary
Kyle: Flying Fox
Eric: Octopus
Jacob: Guppy
Khalil: Peacock
Antonio: Tiger
Reggie: Banana slug
Ameerah: Pygmy goat
Rania: Cat
Meredith: Ocelot
Kelsie: Frog
Cory: Possum
Director Hawke: Coral Snake
Torryn: Wolf-dog
Onnie: Boa constrictor
Pippa: Bat
Jessi: Horse
Hyun-Ki: Newt
Marie: Crow
Qiara: Llama
Liah: Cat
Soraya: Cougar
Thalia: Bear
Reyna: Ball python
Laila: Raven
Athena: Poodle
Pyrrha: Fox
Aldrich: Whippet
Soraya: Cat
Matt: Hamster
Sohelia: Owl
Victorie: Iguana
Dolores: Lemur
Vanessa: Raccoon
Kayla: Ferret
Dori: Tarantula
Ellis: Bees
Gabi: Frog
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