#Thad: I'm thorough.
dementedspeedster ยท 21 hours
Unintentionally adopted this meme || (IC) Send me ๐Ÿ’’ or 'wedding' and I'll tell you what i think your character's wedding would like. (doesn't have to be a ship-centered! although if you want it to be specific to a paring/ship please mention it!) @reddrakebird
"Uuuuuuh..." Thad hadn't expected to be asked this as he was arm deep into a supersized bag of pretzels, "I'm pretty sure you got the wrong number for this one, but I can give it a try." He says pulling his arm from the bag, dusts his hand off on his jeans, and shrugs.
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"Let's see....I honestly don't know much about you, but you don't strike me as someone as someone who'd want a big fancy wedding. Nothing over the top, it wouldn't be gaudy, or reek of money. You seem a touch more down to earth. But I don't doubt for a second that your wedding wouldn't be wild considering you'd be inviting all your Young Justice and Teen Titans pals. Just knowing there's a guarantee that Bart, Kon, and the others are at the venue ensures that something wild and stupid is gonna happen." Thad nods certain of that. Bart got into enough trouble and wacky adventures on his own, now, combine that with the rest of YJ? Thad was certain nothing short of an explosion at the venue would happen. "If I were you I wouldn't dream about getting any deposit money back."
He tilts his head at Tim, "Hm...You strike me as the indoor type when it comes to venues. Privacy is probably important to you, but depending on whoever your partner is I bet you could be talked into an outdoor venue." Maybe on a family farm or something like that.
"Like I said, I don't think it's be a huge wedding, but probably still large enough to accommodate friends, families, and some hero colleagues, out of costume of course. Not everyone though. I think it'd be more personal rather than an event for the whole hero community, y'know?" Thad says crossing his arms and giving Tim a look over.
"Food-wise, I doubt you're gonna scrimp considering the people you're inviting." Cough-atleastonespeedster-cough, "Maybe something classier than a buffet, but eh, I think it could go either way. What else? Ah, cake." Clearly the most important part of the wedding.
"You seem like you'd go with a tried and true classic for weddings: Multi-tiered, white frosting, understated, but you can never go wrong with it. Plus it makes for good photographs if you plan on documenting cutting the cake."
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"Annnnd yeah. That's all I've got at the moment. So how wrong am I, Drake? C'mon tell me. My feelings won't be hurt."
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