#Tere Hommikust
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omanatascha · 1 year ago
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(via GIPHY)
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vampiiric · 11 months ago
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every single place dedicated to teaching estonian + my estonian friend and their fiance constantly reiterates how much estonians LOVE people learning their language. when i visit im gonna say 'tere hommikust :)' to someone and immediately become the most specialest boy in the area.
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ornellanajahsexystar · 1 year ago
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Bonjour! Bom dia! Good morning! Buongiorno! ¡Buenos días! !صباح الخير! Goedemorgen! Guten morgen! 早安! Günaydın! Sabah iyi! доброе утро! καλημέρα! ดีตอนเช้า! Dobré ráno! Bună dimineața! Доброго ранку! Selamat pagi! おはようございます! Добрай раніцы! הבוקר טוב! Bună dimineața! 좋은아침입니다! Jó reggelt! Добро јутро! God morgon! صبح بخير ! Բարի լույս! დილა მშვიდობისა! Tere hommikust 🕸️🎃🧟🧛
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tasakesi · 2 years ago
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tere hommikust meie märatsevatele mõmmidele
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138w · 4 years ago
say 5 things you love about yourself, and then send this to 10 of your favorite followers/mutuals/blogs. SPREAD THE LOVE 💝💝💝 hehe tere HOMMIKUST 👀 tis the time to reflect
omg i’m so sorry i did not answer, BUT just know i would send it back to u but then it’d be an endless loop so ! know that i love u very much
1. my eyes
2. my tattoos and piercings i absolutely adore them
3. my will to live
4. my freckles
5. my wit
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surnumanaja · 4 years ago
Tere hommikust sellele ja ainult sellele rebasele, kes ajas ülesse mu koera, kes oma korda ajas oma haukumisega ülesse minu ja ma pole rohkem magama jäänud, nii et ma nüüd huian tumblris täpitähtede kallal.
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samin-aamupala · 4 years ago
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Tere hommikust!
Bun with eggs.
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kristallioness · 4 years ago
Since you asked for asks for use your language day. How are you?
How are you? (English) - Kuidas sa ennast tunned? (Estonian)
Katara stood in the hallway on one foot, the other one bent to the back, her arms crossed and back supported against the wall. The fingers on her right hand drummed against the white fur of her sleeve. She was waiting for her name to be called. Soon enough, the 4-year-old joined her.
"Good morning, patient mommy! How are you?"
The elder waterbender let her baby girl take a hold of her hand and guide her into her 'office'.
"Morning, healer Kya! I'm fine, thank you for asking. A bit nervous, but I feel fine."
"That's okay. Have a seat here and I'll take a look at you."
She beckoned her mother to sit down on a pillow in the middle of her bedroom. Katara followed her orders and sat down cross-legged, resting her hands on her knees. She was eager to see what her daughter would do to her this time, given that her toy instruments were scattered on the rug, right next to the small bed on her right.
Kya also had a few genuine items she borrowed from her mother to make the play more realistic. As she stood up, the huge healer's hat tipped forward and covered her eyes. Her mother let out a short giggle and helped her out by adjusting it back on the top of her head. The little waterbender didn't let the tiny mishap bother her and she continued with her role play.
"Open wide!"
Katara leaned forward a bit and stuck out her tongue, pronouncing the vowel 'A' for a couple of seconds while Kya inspected her throat with a wooden stick.
"Very good, mommy! Your throat looks okay."
She patted her mommy's head, then scampered back to her toy collection to pick up something else. Katara watched as she sat on her knees, trying to pull the headset of the stethoscope apart so she could put it in her ears. She grabbed the metal chestpiece and walked over to her mother.
"Take off your coat, please. I wanna listen to your heartbeat and breathing."
"Sure thing, my little healer. Just give me a sec.." the elder waterbender said as she began pulling the short-sleeved parka over her head. She folded it together nicely and placed it on the rug, then sat up straight to let her baby girl press the stethoscope on her navy tunic, directly above her heart.
Kya moved it around a little bit in that area, trying to remember the five auscultation points her mother had repetitively pointed out to her. Katara laughed, then gently nudged her tiny hand downwards under her left breast. She was listening from a spot where she couldn't hear anything.
"I'm gonna listen from your back now, okay, mommy?"
"Alright, sweetie."
Kya ran behind her and began brushing her mother's long loose hair off to the side. Katara pulled the whole bunch on her chest with one hand, then hunched forward a bit. She felt how her daughter pressed the chestpiece high above her shoulder blades.
"Take deep breaths, please."
As the elder waterbender began breathing nice and slow, she could sense the pattern her daughter followed on her back. Good girl, Katara would've wanted to praise out loud. She still rushed through it, but at least she remembered to compare both sides on her way down.
"Good job, mommy! Your breathing sounds okay."
The young healer placed her mother's real stethoscope on the carpet and hurried back with a toy syringe in her hands.
"You need a shot now."
"Oh, will it hurt?" Katara asked in a worried tone as she rolled up the non-existent sleeve covering her left arm.
"No. It'll be just a pinch," Kya assured her, the same way her mother usually tried to comfort her. She held onto her mommy's arm and gave her a quick pretend injection.
"There. All done," Kya declared. She ran her hand over the spot she'd poked with the round tip of the syringe, stroking her mommy's boo-boo ever so tenderly.
"Thanks, sweetie. You were right. It didn't hurt a bit."
Katara brushed her fingers through her baby girl's hair and pulled her closer to plant a kiss on her temple.
"One more thing!"
Kya reached for an empty cardboard box in her toy pile. The miniature rectangle had a white cross with a handful of green tea leaves drawn on it.
"Here, take 3 of these vitamins. They'll help you become healthy and strong."
Katara took the small box of vitamins in her own hands and pretended to drop a couple of invisible pills onto her palm, then swallow them in one go.
"You've been a very good patient, mommy. Now all I gotta do is write how well you did during your check-up."
"Well, why don't you come here and I'll help you fill in the form."
Katara patted her thighs to invite Kya into her lap. She grabbed her toy clipboard and a pencil with a slightly blunt tip before hopping between her mother's legs. She read out the first field.
"Okay, patient's name is.. mommy."
Her answer made Katara chuckle.
"No-no, sweetie! That's not accurate enough. There are hundreds of mommies in Republic City. What if they all happen to be your patients? How are you gonna tell the difference?"
The little waterbender put a finger on her bottom lip and remained pondering until her mother helped her out.
"How about writing my name there instead? That's K.. A.."
She spelled her own name out letter by letter, teaching Kya how to write it down correctly.
"T.. A.. R-A."
Once she'd finished scribbling the last two letters, she started going through the list of vital signs she'd checked.
"Got it! Next, I have to say if everything was okay with you. Your heartbeat was normal," she said, ticking the empty square after the word 'heart'. She did the same with the terms 'lungs', 'mouth' and 'vaccinations'.
"But what about your temperature? I forgot to check."
Katara smiled and reached for the toy thermometer among her healer stuff.
"Here you go. You can measure it now."
She lifted her right arm as Kya snatched the toy and put it under there. The young healer stood up for a moment to place her palm against her mother's forehead.
"You're not hot. I don't think you have a fever, mommy. But let's check to be sure."
Without even giving it a minute or two, she pulled the thermometer out and scrutinized the sticker with the readings in the middle.
"Nope, all good."
"So, according to your diagnosis, I'm completely healthy?" Katara wondered, seeing as though 'temperature' was the last line on the chart.
"That's right!" Kya stated proudly, beaming back at her with a wide smile. Her mommy rubbed their noses together fondly, which prompted the baby girl to squeal with joy. She finished the pretend check-up by signing the document on the clipboard with her own name.
Katara seisis koridoris ühel jalal, teine selja taha kõverdatud, käed ristis ja selg vastu seina toetatud. Tema parema käe sõrmed trummeldasid varruka valge karva vastu. Ta ootas oma nime välja hüüdmist. Peagi liitus temaga 4-aastane.
"Tere hommikust, patsient emme! Kuidas sa ennast tunned?"
Vanem veetaltsutaja laskis oma tüdrukutirtsul tal käest kinni võtta ning suunata ta oma 'kabinetti'.
"Hommikust, ravitseja Kya! Mul on kõik korras, tänan küsimast. Olen natuke närvis, aga tunnen end hästi."
"Pole hullu. Võta siin istet ja ma vaatan su läbi."
Ta kutsus ema magamistoa keskel asuvale padjale istuma. Katara järgis tema korraldusi ja istus jalad ristis maha, toetades käed põlvedele. Ta tahtis innukalt näha, mida tema tütar seekord temaga teeb, arvestades, et viimase mänguriistad olid vaibale laiali laotatud, kohe temast paremal asuva väikese voodi kõrval.
Kya'l oli ka paar ehtsat eset, mille ta oma emalt laenas, et mäng realistlikumaks muuta. Püsti tõustes kaldus suur ravitseja müts ettepoole ja kattis tema silmad. Ta ema itsitas lühikest aega ning aitas ta hädast välja, sättides selle tema pea otsa tagasi. Väike veetaltsutaja ei lasknud pisikesel äpardusel end häirida ning ta jätkas oma rollimänguga.
"Tee suu lahti!"
Katara nõjatus veidi ettepoole ja ajas oma keele välja, hääldades paar sekundit 'A' vokaali, kuni Kya kontrollis tema kõri puust pulgaga.
"Väga hea, emme! Su kurk tundub korras olevat."
Ta patsutas oma emme pead, seejärel lippas oma mänguasjade kollektsiooni juurde tagasi, et midagi muud kaasa haarata. Katara jälgis, kuidas ta põlvili istus, üritades stetoskoobi peakomplekti laiali tõmmata, et ta saaks selle kõrvu panna. Ta haaras metallist otsiku ja kõndis oma ema juurde.
"Palun võta oma kasukas seljast ära. Ma tahan su südamelööke ja hingamist kuulata."
"Muidugi, mu väike ravitseja. Anna mulle lihtsalt üks sekund.." ütles vanem veetaltsutaja, kui ta hakkas lühikeste varrukatega parkat üle pea tõmbama. Ta voltis selle kenasti kokku ja asetas vaibale, istus siis sirgelt püsti, lastes oma tüdrukutirtsul stetoskoobi oma meresinise tuunika peale vajutada, otse südame kohale.
Kya liigutas seda selles piirkonnas pisut ringi, püüdes meeles pidada viit kuulatluspunkti, millele ema talle korduvalt oli osutanud. Katara naeris, nihutades siis õrnalt tema pisikest kätt allapoole oma vasaku rinna alla. Ta kuulas kohast, kust ta ei kuulnud mitte midagi.
"Ma kuulan nüüd su selja pealt, kas sobib, emme?"
"Hüva, kullake."
Kya jooksis tema selja taha ja hakkas ema pikki lahtisi juukseid külje peale harjama. Katara tõmbas ühe käega terve hunniku oma rinnale, küürutades siis veidi ettepoole. Ta tundis, kuidas tema tütar vajutas otsiku kõrgele abaluude kohale.
"Hinga sügavalt, palun."
Kui vanem veetaltsutaja hakkas ilusti ja aeglaselt hingama, tunnetas ta seda mustrit, mida tema tütar tema selja peal järgis. Tubli tüdruk, oleks Katara tahtnud valjult kiita. Ta ikkagi kiirustas sellest üle, aga vähemalt oli tal allapoole liikudes meeles mõlemaid pooli võrrelda.
"Tubli töö, emme! Su hingamine kõlab hästi."
Noor ravitseja asetas oma ema päris stetoskoobi vaibale ja kiirustas tagasi, käes mängusüstal.
"Sul on nüüd süsti vaja."
"Ahsoo, kas see teeb haiget?" küsis Katara murelikul toonil, kui ta vasakut kätt katva olematu varruka üles rullis.
"Ei. See on lihtsalt üks näpistus," kinnitas Kya talle, samamoodi nagu ema tavaliselt teda üritas lohutada. Ta hoidis oma emme käest kinni ning tegi talle ühe kiire mängusüsti.
"Nii. Kõik tehtud," kuulutas Kya. Ta libistas oma kämmalt üle selle koha, mida ta oli süstla ümara otsaga torganud, silitades emme aiat nõnda hellalt.
"Aitäh, kullake. Sul oli õigus. See ei teinud üldse haiget."
Katara kammis sõrmed läbi oma pisitüdruku juuste ja tõmbas ta lähemale, et istutada tema oimukohale üks musi.
"Üks asi veel!"
Kya haaras oma mänguasjade hunnikust tühja pappkarbi. Miniatuursel ristkülikul oli valge rist, millele oli joonistatud peotäis rohelisi teelehti.
"Näe, võta kolm neist vitamiinidest. Need aitavad sul saada terveks ja tugevaks."
Katara võttis väikese karbi vitamiine enda kätte ja teeskles, et poetas paar nähtamatut tabletti oma peopessa, neelates need siis ühe korraga alla.
"Sa oled olnud väga hea patsient, emme. Nüüd ma pean ainult kirjutama, kui hästi sul läbivaatuse ajal läks."
"Noh, äkki sa tuled siia ja ma aitan sul seda blanketti täita."
Katara patsutas oma reisi, et Kya enda sülle kutsuda. Viimane haaras oma mängukirjutusaluse ja kergelt nüri otsaga pliiatsi enne ema jalgade vahele hüppamist. Ta luges ette esimese välja.
"Okei, patsiendi nimi on.. emme."
Tema vastus pani Katara muigama.
"Ei-ei, kullake! See pole piisavalt täpne. Vabariigi Linnas on sadu emmesid. Mis siis saab, kui nad kõik juhtuvad olema sinu patsiendid? Kuidas sa vahet teed?"
Väike veetaltsutaja pani sõrme alumisele huulele ja jäi mõtisklema, kuni ema ta välja aitas.
"Kuidas oleks, kui kirjutaks minu nime sinna selle asemele? See on K.. A.."
Ta luges oma nime tähthaaval välja, õpetades Kya'le, kuidas seda õigesti kirjutada.
"T.. A.. R-A."
Kui ta oli viimase kahe tähe kritseldamise lõpetanud, hakkas ta läbi vaatama nimekirja elutähtsatest tunnustest, mida ta oli kontrollinud.
"Sain kirja! Järgmisena ma pean ütlema, kas sinuga oli kõik korras. Su südamelöögid olid normaalsed," ütles tüdruk, märkides linnukese sõna 'süda' järel asuvasse tühja ruutu. Ta tegi sama terminitega 'kopsud', 'suu' ja 'vaktsineerimised'.
"Aga kuidas su temperatuuriga on? Ma unustasin kontrollida."
Katara naeratas ning ulatus mängukraadiklaasi poole tema ravitseja asjade hulgas.
"Ole lahke. Sa võid seda nüüd kraadida."
Ta tõstis oma parema käe, kui Kya mänguasja enda kätte krabas ja selle sinna alla pani. Noor ravitseja tõusis korraks püsti, et asetada oma peopesa ema laubale.
"Sa pole kuum. Ma ei usu, et sul on palavik, emme. Aga kontrollime, et kindel olla."
Andmata sellele isegi minutit või kaks, tõmbas ta kraadiklaasi välja ja uuris hoolikalt selle keskel olevat näitudega kleepsu.
"Eip, kõik on hästi."
"Nii et sinu diagnoosi järgi olen ma täiesti terve?" tahtis Katara teada, nähes, et 'temperatuur' oli kaardil viimane rida.
"Täpselt nii!" teatas Kya uhkelt, särades talle laia naeratusega vastu. Tema emme hõõrus nende ninasid hellalt kokku, mis ajendas tüdrukutirtsu rõõmust kiljuma. Viimane lõpetas oma mänguläbivaatuse, allkirjastades kirjutusalusel oleva dokumendi oma enda nimega.
Author's note: Depending on the context, this phrase can either mean how are you 'doing' (like what's happening in your life in general, is everything okay) or 'feeling' (like what's your emotional or physical state, do you feel happy and healthy). Obviously, I went with the 2nd option for this one. More adorable role play between my favourite mother and daughter pairing (oh, you have no idea how flipping cute it sounds in Estonian, especially the dialogue when I first proofread the whole translation!).
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martinraadik · 5 years ago
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Kuidas oleks, kui su äratuskell teeb stressi tekitava pinina asemel sulle julgustava "pep talk'i"? Jagan oma äratuskella kõne: Tere hommikust sa julge, šarmikas ja seksikas elukas. Tänulikus * Nii hea on enda kehas üles ärgata - tunnen ennast terve ja energilisena. Nii tänulik selle keha eest, mis on võimekas ja tugev. Ma olen valmis päevaks, olen põnevil. * Olen tänulik oma käte, jalgade, silmade, kõrvade ja teiste kehaosade üle. Olen tänulik oma vinge aju eest, mis toidab mulle häid ideid, head huumorit ja indu. * Ma armastan enda keha ja ma armastan, kes ma olen. * Tunnen tänulikust tulevase päeva ees. Iga päev saan veidike paremaks, veidike targemaks ja külgetõmavamaks inimeseks. * Olen tänulik nende väljakutsete eest, mis mind kasvatavad. Olen tänulik ka kõikide läbikukkumiste eest, mis mulle nii palju õpetavad. Olen tänulik oma kriitikute pärast, kes mind minu varvastel hoiavad. Olen tänulik oma võitude eest, nii suurte kui väikeste, mis mulle tähistamiseks põhjust annavad. * Olen tänulik, et mu elus on toetavad inimesed: Vennalikud meesuhted, energiat juurde andvat naisenergiat ja perekond, mis armastab mind ka kõige keerulistemas olukordades. Nad inspireerivad mind olema vingem mina ja annavad mu ellu hoolivust ja turvatunnet, et mängida ja nautida elu. * Mul on atmosfäär olla mina ise - täpselt sellisena, nagu ma olen ja inimesed armastavad seda Martinit. Missioon * Ma teen head asja ja ma ei vabanda selle eest. Mina ei ole oluline, kuid see mis ma teen, on. Ma loon suurt väärtust oma tööga ühiskonnale, kolleegidele ja lähedastele. Ma ei võta selles protsessis ennast tõsiselt, vaid võtan vabalt ja mänguliselt. * See mis ma teen, on tähenduslik. Selle pärast ei ole mul luba olla kurnatud. Ma hoolitsen enda akude eest - ma võtan aega, et magada, puhata ja mängida. * Mul ei ole lubatud olla ebakindel - liigun otsustuslikult ja vankumatult edasi. Suhe endaga: * Ma olen armastusväärne ja armastust väärt. Ma olen väärt inimene. Ma väärin vennalikke sõprussuhteid ja armastust. Ma julgen olla ka haavatav ja romantiline. * Ma olen kaasatõmbav ja karismaatiline inimene. Ma julgen välja näidata oma ebaperfektsusi - see teeb minust sümpaa (at Trysil) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9bino8JyGI/?igshid=y65vbuofd8rl
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janne35 · 5 years ago
Veel viimast korda ( sel aastal) siin lainetes hulpida, rannal hommikust süüa ...
Kurvaks tegi...
Lasime youtubest ja laulsime kaasa :
Laine laine järel randa kandub
sääl siis jõuetuna liiva vaob,
nagu lubadus mis kergelt antud
nagu tõotus - petlik, mis kaob.
Igas hetkes peitub head ja halba
sääl kus lõppeb, seal ka algab tee.
Meri kustutab kord jäljed kaldalt
aga hinges püsivad need.
Kostab sosin üle vaikse mere
suurel kivil käsi hoiab kätt.
On see kohtumise rõõmus tere,
või ehk nukker hüvastijätt?
Igas hetkes peitub head ja halba
sääl kus lõppeb, seal ka algab tee.
Meri kustutab kord jäljed kaldalt
aga hinges püsivad need.
Niii kurvaks muutus kõik, niii kahju oli lahkuda....
Need sõnad on niiiii õiged.
Lasime bussi oodates mõne pisara, sest rõõmus tere oli selleks korraks möödas ja alles vaid nukker hüvastijätt :(
....sääl kus lõppeb, seal ka algab tee.
Meri kustutab kord jäljed kaldalt
aga hinges püsivad need....
Kohvrid paigutati bussi läbi akna, hästi kavalad. Poisid, kes meid selle nädala jooksul teenindasid jooksid ka pildile...
Aidaaa Panorama Beach.... ükskord me tuleme taas!
Bussis on meeldivalt jahe ja sõit algas Galle suunas. Kaunid vaated, lopsakas loodus. Kiirteed.. väga korras
Meil on kuusikud, männikud, kaasikud, siin on palmikud :)
1.5 h sõites Gallesse jõudes ja jahedast bussist väljudes astusime nagu kotti. Väga väga väga soe.
Jalutasime iidsetel müüridel ookeani kaldal. Lained olid mitukümmend korda väiksemad, kui meie koduküla rannas. Jalutasime vanalinnas. Siin linnas on palju turiste ja poekesed ka nii väljanägemiselt, kui hindade poolest rohkem turistidele suunatud.
Tänavanurgal pakuti värskelt pressitud sidruni või apelsini mahla. Ei riskinud. Mõned ikka meie omadest ostsid.
Me pugesime kuskile kitsasse kangialla, seal oli miski kohalike söögikoht või aru ei saanudki mis. Klaasist kapis oli mitu taldrikutäit siniseks keedetud kartuleid ja miski punane soust peal...väga võigas hais kaasnes ka...aga kuna nägin kaugemal nurgas coca.fanta.sprite külmkappi, siis suundusin sinna. Köögist jooksid kohalikud tädid välja ja vehkisid kätega, et mis me tahame...cocat tahtsime...saimegi :)
Möödusime jala kui ka hiljem bussiga mööda paljudest koolidest. Õpilased on väga valgelt riides. Vanemad ootasid kooli uksetaga...tulevad lastele vastu.
Tundus, et neil oli miski püha või üritus, aga mine tea võibolla see neil täitsa tavaline argipäev.
Kalaturust sõitsime mööda. Bussiaknast täitsa talutav vaatepilt, kuna haistmismeeleni ei ulatunud. Letid olid kala täis...käis vilgas kauplemine. Viimasel letil magas suur koer :)
Veel paar tundi sõitu, siis jõuame Negombosse, kus veedame oma viimase öö siin saarel.
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kasolenjubakohn-blog · 5 years ago
Väga kiire sissejuhatus blogile, mida kasutan loodetavasti rohkem kui ainult 1 kord. Sõin natuke aega tagasi hommikust, nüüd on plaan minna jõusaali kui enam nii täis tunne pole. Lähen teen trenni ära, siis on tänaseks tehtud ja ühelpool. Täna ei teeks meelsasti rohkem mitte midagi kuna lekkimine ei ole ausalt öeldes üks mu lemmikutest tegevustest, am I right ladies? Mis seal muud ikka teha kui tuleb ennast just trenni ajada ;)
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ornellanajahsexystar · 2 years ago
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Bonjour! Bom dia! Good morning! Buongiorno! ¡Buenos días! !صباح الخير! Goedemorgen! Guten morgen! 早安! Günaydın! Sabah iyi! доброе утро! καλημέρα! ดีตอนเช้า! Dobré ráno! Bună dimineața! Доброго ранку! Selamat pagi! おはようございます! Добрай раніцы! הבוקר טוב! Bună dimineața! 좋은아침입니다! Jó reggelt! Добро јутро! God morgon! صبح بخير ! Բարի լույս! დილა მშვიდობისა! Tere hommikust 🌦️🫣⛈️ (presso Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoZnqOrux72lVuWXMNsmmAsDvc8oRBBZaFdQMA0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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helenaarela-blog · 6 years ago
Nägemist Galle, Tere Unawatuna
Tere hommikust Galle! Meie lihtne hommikusöök majutuse poolt. 
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Ootasime taksot kuskil 45 minutit, aga ei virise, kuna vaade on päris mõnus :)
Lõpuks jõudsime kohale Unawatunasse, ma nii ootasin seda. Ööbimisse jõudes võttis meid vastu lahke härrasmees, kes osutus omanikuks. Näitas meile tuba, aga kuna ma natuke nina krimpsutasin, siis pakkus ta abivalmilt välja, et tema poeg peab samuti külalistemaja, mis ei asu siit üldsegi väga kaugel. Ehk tahame hoopis sinna ööbima minna. Mõeldud tehtud. Istusime omaniku autosse ja sõitsime teist külalistemaja vaatama. Poeg elab tal Itaalias ja korra kuus käib Sri Lankal. Majal hoiab silma peal üks noor poisike. Maja oli suur kahekorruseline ja mulle kohe meeldis selle koha aura. Tundsin end kuidagi väga hästi seal. Võib-olla ka sellepärast, et see asus keset džunglit🙄 Omanik ütles, et hind on sama ja saame vabalt seal ööbida, kui meid naabrid ei häiri, kes olid venelased ja pidid 24/7 pidu panema. Nemad pidid seal elama 2 kuud. Me mõtlesine Siimuga, et miks küll ühes kohas nii kaua??🙄Tuli välja, et naabrid olid vaiksed, kui hiired🐭 Ilmselt jätsime Siimuga sellise mulje, et meiega ei maksa jamada🙈😄 Lisaks sellele ei olnud neid väga kodus, seega terve suur maja oli meie päralt, juhuu.
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Õhtul saime kokku Siimu sõbranna Anneli ja tema kaaslase Chrisiga. Käisime söömas ja kokteilitamas ning kuulasime nende reisimuljeid. Nad olid juba 4 nädalat reisinud. Plaan oli tulla 6 nädalaks, sellest 3 teevad tööd ja ülejäänud puhkavad. Oh, kui mõnus, kui tööandja nii võimaldab😊Kell oli lõpuks üle südaöö ja otsustasime koju minna. 
Tsaupakaa ja ehk varsti näeme!
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Unawatuna beach. Pildil ei ole kasutatud filtreid. Täpselt nii ilus seal ongi :)
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Õhtul on väga raske nii pildistada, et teisi inimesi peale ei jääks. Meil õnnestus, oli vaja natuke kannatust ja loomulikult õnne. 
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Peale pildistamist ühed kosutavad smuutid (avokaado ja papaia)
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                                               Bye, bye Unawatuna
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inferialis · 2 years ago
oh jah
tere hommikust
0 notes
k2rbesv6is · 3 years ago
Mõtlesin, et verbaalne eneseväljendus kulub ära ning saan hoida inimesi enda ümber veidigi kursis toimuvaga.
Noh te pole küll mu ümber.
Olen Lissabonis, Portugalis. Lendasin siia 22/02 ja peale kaht päeva siin viibimist, tunnen ennast nagu alustav ekspert.
Elame Rua de Gloria tänaval ja meie kodu vastas on Fariyah supermercado. Kui Fariyah magab, siis on pood suletud ja tegelikult on sisekaemuse koht - ilmselgelt on ärkamiseks liiga vara. Kui aga pood avatud on, siis võib ärgata ja pole vaja end halvasti tunda, et oled eestlane ja tahaksid juba hommikul kell 7 tööd teha.
Fariyah on eranditult kõigil neil kolmel hommikul maganud. Õnneks ka öösiti.
Esimest päeva Lissaboni külastavale inimesele ütleks minu eksperthinnang ühe sõna: mäed. Probleemiks kipuvad olema ka tupiktänavad. Nimelt kui sa arvad, et Lissabonil on olnud linnaarhitekt, kes on hoolitsenud loogiliste tänavate üle, siis sa eksid. Kui sul veab, siis leiad viimases hädas trepi, mis sind jälle mõnele suuremale tänavale aitab. Enamasti tuleb siiski leppida faktiga, et see suur tänav, vähemalt sinu arvamuse kohaselt, lõpeb tupikuga - või veel parem - lihtsalt toreda ringiga ning avastad ennast kolmandat korda sama kiriku nurgalt.  Analüüsigem nüüd sõna mäed. On kolmas päev ja mu sääred valutavad. Ma ei loe ennast täiesti ebasportlikuks inimeseks ja halvas vormis inimeseks, aga mu sääred valutavad! Olen Vanemuise mäel end alati heidutada lasknud ja kõik inimesed, kes mind vähegi rohkem tunnevad teavad, et mäed ei ole minu teema. Nii lihtne ongi. 
Aga ma olen vapper. Sest Lissabonis ei tea seda tegelikult peaaegu keegi. Ja vaatamata ebameeldivusele siblan ikkagi suhteliselt kähku.
Edit: kell on kohaliku aja järgi 10.35 ja Fariyah ärkas! Tere hommikust, maailm.
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matthewko28 · 6 years ago
Stay the Way We Are / Chapter 5
Hetalia fanfiction, human AU, EstIce platonic
>>Chapter 1<<
>>Chapter 2<<
>>Chapter 3<<
>>Chapter 4<<
Chapter: 5/9
A/N: I changed the definition of their friendship mentioned in the previous chapters. Platonic is more accurate to describe their relationship but I didn’t know it until now, poor my vocab_(: _ㄥ)_
A LOT of setting in this chapter is for the plots purpose and please don’t mix it up with both Hetalia the original work and the real world.
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything mentioned in the story but the story itself!
Also on ff.net: it doesn’t show me the link so i’d post it later
and Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14756427/chapters/37563713
Emil soon regrets his decision the next morning. It’s not a normal time to get up, and Emil thinks it should be the reason he bumps on the furniture several times and makes a lot of noise. The sound is too annoying, even wakes Lukas up to warn him—he throws a pillow onto his younger brother. But there’s one thing Emil has to clarify that he’s not intend to provoke his brother again when he shuts the door accidently. He feels like he’s still not clear-headed enough when he rides his bike, so it’s impossible for him to behave like a brat just because he gets up early in the morning. Emil suddenly feels worried about Mathias—a grumpy Lukas in the morning is hard to get along with. Emil yawns, mumbling something like I’m sorry to his brothers while he has been far away from his home. He rubs his eyes, hurrying on his way when the traffic light turns green.
“I regret accepting the job.”
This is the first thing Eduard tells him when Emil finally arrives at the planetarium. He could make sure that Eduard is as tired as him after he witnesses the guy pushes over a row of bikes when they’re locking their own bikes. Waiting for his friend picking up the pieces, Emil can’t help but wondering; how did they both get there in a safe way?
He follows Eduard into the building, just finds they’re the only two in the huge space. The day has dawned outside though, the sunlight doesn’t spread into galleries. Emil looks around. he can merely see the exit signs in the end of those corridors. The hall is totally dark, dark enough as if a universe truly existing here. “What do you preview today?” he asks.
“English narrator for the star maps program this month. The staff here is on vacation, so my teacher asked me to give it a try.” Eduard turns back, reminding Emil to take notice of those hanging exhibits, “Would you refine my speech later?”
“Got it. You plan all the things and invite me to join you at the final step.”
Eduard only answers him with chuckle, keeps walking ahead until stopping at the double door of the theatre. He pushes the doors open and a huge dome room silently appears in front of them. They’re surrounded by a giant, pale hemisphere. The wall fittings hidden in the corners and stairs slowly enhance the light. The glow gradually turns the cool gray full of the room into warm and sunset colors. Emil wanders into the seating, looking up to the top of the dome.
He’s tapped on the shoulder suddenly. Taking a cold glimpse of his back, Emil finds that Eduard makes a gesture for sorry, “I guess you may need a nap. Find your seat first.
“You know it’ll be meaningless to sleep here.” He talks back quietly. But Eduard doesn’t hear that, he just walks upstairs in a hurry. Emil looks at his back, noticing that there are some staffs of the museum waiting for his friend at the highest place.
He walks alongside the stair Eduard passed by, searching for a seat he can curl up his body comfortably. He chooses the one located in the middle rows in the end. Taking off his backpack, Emil lays down on the tilted chair and holds his pack tightly. The dim lights are turned off one after another. Emil closes his eyes, hearing some buzzing noise from the speakers. The sounds soon turn into a male voice Emil has been familiar with. “Testing now…, üks, kaks, kolm…,” the voice is clean and soothing as always, but now speaking in a language Emil has never known, “Tere hommikust, see on von Bock…, okei…. Let’s start.” Emil opens his eyes, but just staring at the scene calmly. The silent, dark blue widens above him, stars sparkling in the night; this is not the first time Emil watches an astronomy show, since his brother has been dedicating a few years to the research field. He has to admit that he pays little attention to Eduard’s speech because he has contact with such type of knowledge for years. The starry night is gradually darkening, only a few brighter stars are left in the end. Lots of white lines appear on the dome screen, connecting the shiny dots like a connecting puzzle game. Some figures in the ancient mythology are added later. Emil looks at all these changes though, his mind is just sinking into the memory. He remembers one day in his elementary school; he and his classmates did a special experiment that day. They spent almost an afternoon building a volcano model.
He forgot how his teacher make the “magma” looks real, only remembering the red liquid climbed along the clay mountain he built hard, and finally spouted from the gap, flowing and covering the grass slope made by his friend. All his classmates were getting excited at the moment, except for Emil, he was still stunned by the red colors weaving beneath the surface, keeping quiet and couldn’t look away from the colorful layers.
The line drawings fade, the few stars are scattered by the Milky Way, uncountable white blots splash over the dome in the blink of an eye. The narration is slowly muted in a gentle piano tune. Emil sits straight up, intending to look back while Eduard has come and sit next to him.
“How’s my performance?”
“Uh?” Emil stops for a moment, realizing that he has no excuse for getting distracted, “sorry…, I didn’t focus on it.”
“It’s okay. I’m glad you feel relaxed here.” Eduard says, waving at the control room behind them, “Mrs. Janssen said we could stay here for a while, but we’ve to leave at 20 minutes before the opening time.”
Emil gives a glance at his watch. They have about an hour.
“So, as for now, would you mind if I say something here?”
“What? I mean… about what?”
“About my home,” Emil turns to Eduard soon, but Eduard doesn’t make eye contact with him, “Do you know Tartu?”
“…Your hometown?”
“Yeah, wanna take a trip?”
“That’s not the point.” He sits back in his chair, knocking the armrest a little impatiently, “What do you want to say?”
“I escaped from there.” Eduard answers him a smirk though, “Sounds like a spoiled teenager, is it?”
“…Why did you escape?”
“Because I was refused.” Emil sits frozen. He’s about to jump and look at Eduard, but he forces himself to focus on the night sky. Eduard doesn’t notice that, just continuing his words, “My family opposed to everything I wished for, such as my hobbies, my high school, and my career. They think I shouldn’t decide those things on my own…. Hey, imagine a situation, you gave your child the best education in your opinion, hoping he or she succeeded in school, in the future, to praise your family. But one day the brat just told you I don’t want you to treat me like that, I don’t want to waste my time on those things ‘I do for your own good’ then left you and studied in a young university which just reorganized within years, and planned to get a degree you thought it’s not ‘useful’ at all. The brat even lives abroad now. How do you think? Do you feel it’s like a sense of betrayal?”
“I don’t agree with the thought of useless degree.”
“Neither do I. But my family is as stubborn as me. They think UT is better than all school located in Tallinn. Why do I insist on studying there when I have ability to apply to the elite university in their minds? I could tell you that up to now, my family still rejects my decision…. I’ve worked so hard to show them I wouldn’t let them being looked down on although I didn’t follow their advice. Unfortunately, I was overwhelmed by their disapproval. From then on, I started to wonder, if Tallinn is not far enough away, what about moving to a place more distant from them? At least I’m good at, um, being a good student? So I had confidence to make my plan work…. Look, I’m sitting beside you right now. I win the bet. How lucky I am.”
“Yeah, yeah, a gifted exchange student.” Emil replies mindlessly, then pauses for a second, “but don’t you think it’s another way to show your family you’re right?”
“No, I’m just an escapist. The only thing I want to do is to get rid of them, the farther the better.”
“You’re so straightforward.”
“It’s true anyway.”
“Do you ever consider going back?” He thinks of what Eduard once said; he’ll do whatever to stay in Copenhagen.
“Yes, I do. After all, I love my birthplace.” Eduard’s voice sounds a little tired. Emil hears a tiny sound like taking off the glasses. “Maybe Tartu is getting old. She’s not like Tallinn, willing to embrace the sea, embrace the world. But to me, she gives me a sense of belonging, which is impossible to be replaced by any other place. I know I belong to the city, and I’m also proud of being born there, but it shouldn’t conflict with the tiredness I have sometimes. Like now, I feel tired more than eager to stay there, but it doesn’t mean the two feelings won’t end in a draw, and maybe my passion for my hometown will come back one day. Sounds not bad, is it?”
“Feeling tired… more than feeling eager to stay?”
Emil doesn’t get answer this time. Eduard sounds like he’d not like to keep talking, his calm voice fading away, one of his arm rising and covering his face while the other one just resting on the chair. His glasses are held slightly in his fingers. Emil can’t stop wondering, is it struggling for a long time or lack of sleep to cause Eduard’s tiredness. He wants to touch Eduard’s hand if it can comfort him, but he doesn’t even know what motivates him to do that.
“Oh, by the way, I’m still willing to be your tour guide if you really want to visit Tartu.”
“Or you could be a host for your new travel channel.” Emil talks back. They turn to look at each other at the same time, under the fictional night. It feels like all their thoughts hidden behind the eyes could be read easily. Emil thinks, being about to avoid the gaze, but a sound in his mind’s just trying to convince him, he should leave something in return for their relationship, “…why do you tell me all of this?” His voice is awkward though, he looks someone in the eye at least.
“I thought you want to know.”
Emil finally turns away. What a god damn embarrassing answer.
He hears the annoying laughter as expected, almost making him want to punch the guy. Eduard spends a few seconds stopping his laughter, “Hey, I’m honest with you,” he explains after Emil turns to him again with slightly blushing, “After all, you looked very curious after we finished the work in archive room that day, but you also looked hesitant to ask me. I don’t know it was because you were scared by me or you were worried about something, after all it was the first time I showed my worst status in front of you, if I remembered correctly…. Back to the topic, I think it’s better to find a chance to talk about it, and tell you it’s okay you ask me anything. Hoping you won’t see me as a self-centered guy.”
“Well sometimes you gave me the impression. By the way, we finished the archive work one month ago, I don’t think you’re a dull person who has no reaction for such a long time.”
“No, I’m not. I didn’t mention it because you’re too slow to warm up to people.”
“Yeah, right.”
“There’s another reason,” the chairs squeak, Eduard sits up a little straighter, taking his glasses on, “besides your shyness, you look like you have no energy often, and it’s not quite hard to notice your lack of confidence from, um, average negative people. It’s just my intuition, I don’t know if you were asked before…. You give me a feeling that you’re always a foreigner. The loneliness is too hard to ignore so I can’t help but being attracted by it.”
“Um… in fact, I think it’s more accurate to describe it as a stranger, never feeling fit in with the surroundings no matter where you go.”
Emil holds his body more tightly, pretending to not hear anything except for the noise from his squeezed backpack.
“Am I right?”
“As for why I nag all of these, you look like you’re bothered by some upset thoughts for a while, and hurry to find a way to be released from it. I think it’ll be great you don’t feel helpless anymore so sorry for sometimes being a busybody. I can’t always read the tangle in your mind completely but I can’t either leave you alone.” Eduard says, leaning his arms against the armrest of Emil’s side, “It feels like I find a resonance with you though your situation is a little different from mine. I’m not pretty sure but, you’re kinda like a combination of inferiority and strong personality. The two opposite thoughts make you feel struggled always, and bring you the anxiety you have no idea to deal with. You’re chasing a solution you don’t even know to erase them all.”
The dark sky was bleached. The warm light is rising from the corners and slowly wrapping up the white dome.
“Emil, did you ever think you’ve already found your answer? What you need now is just a little bit more courage, to prove that you deserve what you dream.”
“…Did you know? Sometimes I really want to say, I have no idea to get along with you.”
Emil stands up and looks Eduard back from a high angle—it’s rare to him to be honest.
“Haha, sounds better than your first sight.”
Eduard also stands up, picking his pack up and walking to the exit first. Emil stays for a while, then runs and catches up with Eduard, “But, there’s another thing I need… I want to tell you,” he says, approaching the door handle before Eduard.
“Thank you.”
He rushes into the hall before getting any reply, following the direction boards he could barely see, going straight and turning without hesitation. He doesn’t even know whether Eduard is walking behind him, his footsteps are too heavy and dull, but he’d make sure that his partner would realize his thought.
Emil turns back, as he’s looking forward to, meeting a warm smile within his sight.
>>original Chinese version<< (including English version Chapter 5&6)
A/N2: Some Estonian words mentioned in the chapter ˊωˋ
Üks, kaks, kolm: one, two, three in Estonian.
Tere hommikust, see on von Bock.: “Good morning, this is von Bock.” in Estonian.
UT: the University of Tartu. It’s the oldest university in Estonia, established by King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden in 1632.
I take a reference from the youtuber. She’s sooo cute and has a sweet voice but doesn’t post any video for a while _(;3_ㄥ)_ (and google and wiki of course haha)
If there’s anything wrong or improper please drop me a message! Thank you!!
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