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dtpnews · 3 days ago
Robosense offre un millionième capteur lidar pour le robot humanoïde Qinglong · Technde
La société de robotique chinoise Robosense a marqué lundi la production de son millionième lidar (détection de lumière et allant) à Shenzhen, ce qui en fait la première compagnie au monde à atteindre le cap de la production d'un million de lidars. Au cours de l'événement, Robosense a livré son millionième lidar E1r au Humanoid Robots (Shanghai) Limited pour son robot Qinglong. «Le National Local…
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poke-muns · 1 year ago
Raffael Ford, known as Raff to all, is a 20 year old aspiring songwriter living in Ferrum. Raff goes with any pronouns used, having no understanding of gender at all and not particularly caring to learn much deeper about it or their orientations — they are who they are and they feel how they feel, that’s good enough for them. Raff has one pokémon, Riff.
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Raff is roughly 5’9”/1.75m tall and healthily built. Little bit of muscle, little bit of fat. He is also albino. He’s attempted to dye his hair multiple times but the results never last long so he has now given up. Mega big sad, you should see him with slightly green tips. He does paint his fingernails black; he’s fond of putting on silver layers, letting them dry, putting on a black layer and chipping bits off to reveal the shiny underneath. Crackled nail art forever!
He often wears casual clothes. White, black, and all shades in between are the main components of his wardrobe. Exceptions only come in undergarments and the occasional blue jean. Raff always wears some kind of outer layer, be it a shirt or leather jacket.
His body mods total 4: a piercing on each ear, a tattoo of an X just above his left hip, and a small tattoo of a double lightning bolt (ie 2 zags) on his left wrist. The lightning bolt was done so that raising his arm with a bend would make it strike him, in reference to the Green Day song Warning’s logo. The X is in the style of the Def Lyppard album. The ear piercings are only ever used for black studs.
Raff is an easygoing person. She doesn’t dwell on things that aren’t of importance or interest to her. Despite her indifference to many things she’s easily able to motivate herself when it comes to the things that she cares about, even when that end result is bound to be heavily delayed. This motivation doesn’t show as giddy excitement or relentless joy however — she stays as chill as ever.
She’s been writing bits of songs forever. If a lyric or melody or whatnot pops into her head she’ll write it on the closest available thing (usually her arm) to write up into her phone and notebooks later. She has not considered directly putting them into her phone. Even if not writing songs, Raff will find music in anything. If she’s in a place with music playing she’ll likely focus on that more than anything else; if she hears a sentence that’s like a song lyric she’ll be mumbling it to herself the rest of the conversation. Looking at her has 98% odds to see her dancing to some capacity.
She has the belief that “I would be smarter if I thought more.” This is not a self-deprecating comment on her part. What she means by this is that if she took a few more seconds to think things through properly she would be way smarter. This proves itself in a lot of minor ways. If she thought through what a friend says, she wouldn’t respond “oo yea, what flavour?” when they offer her a rawst berry milkshake.
Raff was born into a loving, capable family of a mother, a father, and an half-sister 15 years their elder called Mauvis. They were a quiet child, preferring to stay in their room eavesdropping the people of Technd city from their window when home. They could usually be pried away to spend time with the family; the only exception would be when the beach was full of concertgoers singing along to whoever was playing. This isn’t to say their relationships with family was poor — far from it — but the draw of music always seemed stronger. Their parents leant into this for their 12th birthday, taking them to Argus Park (a large public park in Neos City) to see their annual music festival.
Mauvis left for Kanto when she was 18. She took her partner and the only pokémon in the Ford household, a Weavile, with her. Their parents were never fond of owning pokémon due to already having at least a child to look after. The Weavile was solely Mauvis’ responsibility and the only pokémon Raff had memories of — being 3 — and was the only pokémon they’d properly interacted with for the first 6 years of their left. They had some injury with wild pokémon after assuming all were as friendly as their sister’s Weavile. Though scared of Pachirisu for a while after, they were never severely traumatised by any incidents.
In school Raff was a fine student. Kept under the radar. Did what was asked. Spent breaks with friends except on Wednesdays where they would use the music room to try learn what they could on piano. 5 minutes in they would end up just singing whatever was in their head for the rest of break. They never had much interest in any of the subjects. Their schoolbooks were bordered with random phrases and annotations around said phrases. Their final maths teacher was the only one who interacted positively with those notes, suggesting word changes or possible rhymes. “Coincidentally”, maths was Raff’s best subject.
Raff left formal education as soon as possible. Their parents were concerned for them because they seemed to not have any plans and not care to get any. This was not helped by the incident where their parents left 16 year old Raff in charge of the house for the evening and came back to them sharing a bowl of gnocchi with a Dunsparce they’d called Riff. They all had a talk that night. Riff’s got to get a job if they’re going to be looking after a pokémon. They accepted this easily and got themselves a job at a grocers.
Over the next 3 slow years they saved as much as they could. Though initially discouraged as the cost of getting a pokéball for Riff as well as food, potions, a bed, toys, and other things seemed to eat up all their money, they managed to get enough to rent a flat Neos. Since their birthday they’d always wanted to go back and see another festival; following some logic they’d figured moving there was the best choice.
Now in Neos life seems to be picking up again. They work in a convenience store in the heart of Neos. Besides being close to Argus Park, the chain allows workers’ pokémon to be released if they pass a course so Raff doesn’t have to use their breaks to let Riff have some out-of-pokéball time and food out the back of the store. They’ve made friends in the city too: a young trainer who’s trying to beat the Ferrum League with his togepi; a technique specialist that works the other side of the park and frequents the same underground music bar; an overworked student with a part time job at Diggersby Land. Nothing’s come of their songwriting yet though. They are only 20. They've plenty of time.
Misc. Info
Raff was maybe the only one not surprised when a Pachirisu helped win the most prestigious worldwide battling tournament.
As a kid the only thing stopping them looking after every pokémon they saw was lack of money. Now they’re older and have Riff they’re happy with just one.
A dunsparce.
Named after a drum riff — ba-dum-tsss. He’s da-dun-sparce for now, dun-dun-sparce if he evolves. By all accounts he should be able to (being able to Hyper Drill) and he has no everstone accessories, so maybe he physically can’t or just doesn’t want to.
Equally as relaxed as his partner, Riff does not do much to help Raff at work except deterring shoplifters and enticing customers to return. Both of these are done just by him sitting on the counter, where he accepts head pats from all and absentmindedly spins his tail so much it glows with energy. He does help himself to things around the store — most notably lemonade (sometimes fizzy, sometimes not) — by floating. Raff pays for it.
B-t-S Trivia
Like a lot of the OCs you’ll find on here, Raff was made because my brain likes coming up with a trainer for every pokémon — this time was (dun)dunsparce.
Riff was named first! I thought of the dun-dun-sparce while in the car and decided Riff would be a funny name if I ever got one in a game. OC creation came around and riff-raff only felt natural.
Raff’s design is an adapted version of an old Danganronpa OC; this happened when I decided Raff was a songwriter as that OC was one too.
Mauvis is named after Magenta from the Rocky Horror Picture Show. This was because just calling her “the sister” got annoying and RHPS was the only thing I could think of as a naming basis given Riff Raff. The connections end there.
Raff was originally going to work in a music store but it’s already too similar to another unlabelled Ferrum-living OC who used to work in a music store. I cycled through fast food worker, corner/convenience store worker, and butcher a lot before finally picking. I don’t know why butcher specifically.
(The other OC is mentioned in this description and is a blog.)
The mention of gnocchi being what Raff was eating when it met Riff is because Gnocchi was my previous go-to name for dunsparce (because of their shape and their Japanese name, Nokocchi).
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dtpnews · 7 days ago
Alibaba rapporte une croissance des revenus de 8% au trimestre de décembre, décrit la stratégie de l'IA · Technde
Alibaba Group a affiché jeudi une augmentation de 8% en glissement annuel des revenus pour le trimestre de décembre 2024, avec son chiffre d'affaires total au cours de la période atteignant 280 millions de RMB (38,38 milliards de dollars). La société a également déclaré de solides performances de son groupe de renseignements Cloud, qui a généré 31,7 millions de RMB (4,35 milliards de dollars),…
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dtpnews · 9 days ago
Embauche de groupe de fourmis pour le développement de robots humanoïdes · Technde
Ant Group a récemment commencé à embaucher pour des rôles dans des systèmes et applications de robots humanoïdes d'intelligence incarnés, avec des salaires annuels jusqu'à 1 million de RMB (137 300 $), selon des listes d'emplois sur la plate-forme de recrutement chinoise, le patron de Zhipin. La société a lancé l'année dernière Shanghai Ant Lingbo Technology, en se concentrant sur le…
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dtpnews · 5 days ago
Les robots humanoïdes de Uniree Robotics voient les ordres de la surtension après la performance du gala du festival du printemps · Technde
La demande de robots humanoïdes de Uniree Robotics a augmenté après leur performance de danse lors du gala du festival du printemps sur CCTV, a déclaré mardi un directeur des ventes de Uniree. Le 28 janvier, pour célébrer le Nouvel An lunaire de la Chine, le modèle H1 de Uniree Robotics s'est associé à de vrais danseurs pour effectuer une danse traditionnelle de Yangge à la télévision, avec la…
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