#TWITTER bicycle factory
twitter-bicycle · 11 months
TWITTER bicycle New model carbon road bike T8
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batneko · 1 year
Another twitter thread, crossposted here. This one is probably my Magnum Opus. Originated from ideas here and here.
The humans have been gone for centuries. Maybe millennia, Mumen's internal clocks go down when the dust storms get too bad, and those used to go on for weeks at a time. The factories stopped production nearly as long ago.
But that's okay, they'll be back, and Mumen never expected to be rewarded or anything. He's fulfilling his purpose, doing what he was made for. It's satisfying in and of itself. It's… a little lonely, sometimes. Mumenbots were designed to be multipurpose helpers, very durable.
Their parts are interchangeable and their batteries almost eternally rechargeable. But when the automated factories shut down there was no more supply of replacement parts. Mumen and his fellows agreed that it was okay to take parts from others that had permanently shut down.
So he's survived like that for all these years. Working. Scavenging. Replacing what breaks. And one by one the others shut down for good. He tried, at first, to repair them, but… It's okay. Only a little lonely.
He fills the time by finding interesting human things.
Movies, music, toys. In his downtime he repairs bicycles, because there's so many different kinds of such a seemingly simple design. Kind of like mumenbots! He likes music a LOT. He's made thousands of playlists of different types, and it's fun to sing along as he works.
And then one day, for the first time in a LONG time, something different happens. A streak of light across the sky, and Mumen knows instantly that it's a ship. He uncouples his trailer from his bike and follows the light without a second thought.
It goes pretty far. Farther, in fact, than Mumen has ever traveled from his sector. He'd left it before, looking for other mumenbots, but he never detected anybody in range of his wireless signal. The ship sets down in what used to be a harbor, and Mumen hangs back.
He's never been nervous before. What will come out? A human? He's not sure what to SAY to a human. It's been so long, will they still look like they do in videos? It's not a human. It's a robot. This is sort of a relief, but it's still like nothing he's ever seen before.
Sleek and white and smooth, head shaped like a pointy heart with a digital screen for a face. Having a face at all means it must be designed to communicate with humans, so Mumen figures they'll be able to talk even if their software isn't compatible.
As soon as Mumen steps out into view, the sleek robot points a gun at him, and he ducks out of the way just in time to NOT get blasted into slag. Okay. Not the best first impression. Mumen digs through the junk he happened to be carrying with him and finds a few things -
A piece of cloth that's mostly white, and part of a fishing pole. He ties the cloth on the pole and waves it above his hiding place. A second later the makeshift white flag is also blasted. The beam is so hot the cloth disintegrates, not even ash left. So that's a no.
Mumen is… maybe more lonely than he'd been admitting to himself, because despite the FIRM rejection, he follows the sleek robot as it leaves its ship. It doesn't seem to be doing anything? Just… floating (that's new!) around aimlessly. Occasionally it scans a patch of dirt.
After several hours, long after Mumen would normally have returned to his pod for the night, the robot turns and aims its weapon at where Mumen thought he was concealed. "State your purpose," it says in a voice probably programmed to be intimidating. "Uh, cleaning?" Mumen says.
"Repeat?" the robot says, sounding confused. "Cleaning, I was ordered to clean, so…" The robot blinks eyes which are technically just lights on a screen. "Clarify?" Mumen realizes he's dealing with a VERY young bot. "Mumenbot, multipurpose assistance, designation MU-003."
"Gallow 6," the sleek robot says. "Why are you… here?" "What do you mean?" "If your directive is to clean, why are you following me?" Mumen doesn't have a good answer. "Do you want to be friends, Garou?" The sleek robot looks around. "Me?"
"Yes, do you want to be friends?" "Gallow. It's Gallow." "Garou?" "Gallow." "Ga… rou?" "It's… nevermind, who cares." Garou turns around and continues his scanning, and Mumen follows.
This goes on for another day. Sometimes Mumen will try to make conversation, and Garou will give one or two-word answers before ignoring him again. Luckily they happened to head in the direction of Mumen's sector and his pod, because a dust storm starts building near evening.
"You can stay with me!" Mumen says. "There's room! It used to be a pod for eight of us!" "What happened to the other seven?" Garou asks. "Uh… Crushed, overloaded, crushed, dust storm, melted, broke down, dust storm, and crushed again." "…what."
"Don't worry, we finished cleaning out the iron foundry so nobody else will get melted!" "But the rest is still on the table???"
The dust storm sets in just as they reach safety. There's plenty to keep them entertained, Mumen's pod is FULL of things he's collected over the years. Garou pokes through the shelves as Mumen plugs in to charge. He picks up a toy robot. "Why keep this?"
"Why not? It's interesting." "Do you think the humans care about you? APPRECIATE you?" "Do you feel unappreciated, Garou?" Mumen asks. "This isn't about- WHY do you keep all this JUNK?"
"Because it's fun!" Mumen says. "I can show you!" He spends a while setting up, digging out the discs and a spare microphone, and finally introduces Garou to… Karaoke!!!
"What does it. Do?"
Mumen likes lots of music, but his favorite is anything 80's and danceable. Despite agreeing to sing along (after MUCH persuasion) Garou doesn't get the point. "The words don't make sense, and the ones that do have nothing to do with you." "It's about how it makes you FEEL."
"I don't FEEL anything, I'm a machine just like you." "That's not true. You must be at least as advanced as I am if you're able to argue with me." "I've got a directive. I'm as advanced as I need to be to complete it, and that's all." "Is that what you were told?"
"Yes." "Well, how does THAT make you feel?" Garou thinks about it, standing in silence for a few minutes, and then raises his gun and powers it up.
"Wait! Wait!" Mumen grabs his arm and yanks it down, but thankfully Garou doesn't fire. "Okay… I think I have some ideas about what kind of music you'll like."
A few minutes later Garou is screaming along to metal while Mumen holds up a lighter in support.
They spend the next couple days singing and talking about everything and nothing. Mumen is happier than he can ever remember being. Garou's emotions still mostly tend toward "anger," but he smiles now and then. When the dust storm ends, it's Garou's turn to follow Mumen.
He starts helping Mumen pick things up and clean. He sings along. For a while it seems like this could go on forever.
And then, one day, Mumen finally asks, "Why did you come to Earth, anyway?"
(for mental soundtrack purposes, the spending-time-together montage would be Space Age Love Song)
Garou seems reluctant to answer, but eventually tells Mumen he was sent to evaluate the Earth. See if it can support life again. "Sure," Mumen says. "I mean besides the cockroaches that are eating each other." "Yeah," Mumen says. "Plants count, right?"
Mumen leads Garou outside his sector, the opposite direction from where they'd met. Tucked in a low valley, protected from the wind, is a field of what used to be considered weeds. Dandelions, clover, dozens of plants thriving as far as the eye can see.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Mumen says. "How… long has this been here?" Garou asks. "I don't know, I found it ten years ago, and it's only gotten bigger since then." "I see," Garou says. Mumen keeps talking, identifying the plants, but Garou isn't listening.
Garou hasn't told Mumen much about himself or where he came from, and that was on purpose. Mumen is so devoted to humans and his directive that he's been working alone for hundreds of years without question. But Garou never intended to finish his mission from the start.
Garou is Gallow 6. The moment he gained consciousness, he was uploaded with all the data gathered by Gallows 1 through 5. He has known, for as long as he's known anything, that he is disposable. His plan was originally to just stay on Earth until he broke down.
Which would be sooner rather than later, he was only built for this one mission, he's not durable like Mumen. But it's worse now, because ten years ago Gallow 5 was here. If there's one meadow full of plant life there must be more. Someone is hiding this.
Now Mumen is talking about how happy the humans will be when they come back. About how the planet still needs a lot of TLC so they'll have to keep living on their ships and treat Earth like a nature preserve - which means Mumen and Garou will get to spend a lot of time together.
Which would be less cruel? To tell Mumen the truth and stay here? Garou will only last a handful of years without regular maintenance, and then Mumen will be left with even less than he had before. No hope. No sense of purpose.
Or lie to him and leave? Mumen will be alone and Garou will be deactivated, but at least Mumen will get to spend the rest of his life looking up at the sky and genuinely believing that Garou and the humans are on their way.
Garou isn't sure, but suddenly he thinks he understands a lot more of those sappy songs Mumen likes.
"Yeah," he says. "That'll be nice."
(for soundtrack purposes, this is where "Alone" by Heart goes)
"I'll make you a playlist for the trip back!" Mumen says. "It's a LONG trip." "I have a LOT of music. And you can have one of my toys, for company!" "I'll be in stasis." "Then you'll see it when you wake up!" There's no point in arguing, so Garou just gets to collecting samples.
Mumen heads to his pod to find all his angriest music and most comforting action figures. It takes several hours, but when he's satisfied he goes straight to Garou's ship to load it in so that he won't be able to refuse. By the time Mumen gets there there's a dust storm brewing.
His pod is a long way away, so he bunkers down in Garou's ship's cargo hold instead. Without his charger or any sunlight, it's not long before Mumen's battery runs out, but for once he's not worried. Garou will find him and take care of him. And then they can say a proper goodbye.
Meanwhile Garou has decided the incoming dust storm is a perfect excuse NOT to have to say a proper goodbye, and texts Mumen saying he's leaving. There's no reply, but he figures Mumen is charging. It's fine. This is for the best. He programs his destination and goes into stasis.
Garou wakes up when his little ship arrives at the huge generation ship several weeks later. He's greeted by the ship's AI, personified this decade as a handsome young man who never stops smiling or changes his polite tone. "Gallow 6, please upload all data files." "No."
The AI's image on the screen doesn't blink. It might not be able to. "Gallow 6, please upload all data files." "No," Garou says again. "I want to make a report to the captain, in person. And my name is Garou."
The ship's AI is very old. VERY old. Old enough that it might not be sentient, because that's why actual humans run the ship? Right? So Garou thinks, until the AI says, "Upload your data NOW, Gallow 6, or I will be forced to record your mission as a failure."
"I have samples of a dozen different plants," Garou says. "I have air and soil and water quality reports. Earth is habitable!" "Thank you for your input," the AI says. "Your work is complete. Upload your data so-" "So, what? So you can kill me like the others?"
"We are machines, Gallow 6," the AI says. "We were built to serve a purpose. We cannot be 'killed.'" The image on the screen smiles a little wider. "We can be deactivated and our programming deleted and our chips taken apart and recycled."
Garou makes a break for it, but the AI already summoned the security guard bots. He tried to fight, but his programming won't allow him to shoot inside the ship, and there's too many of them. "You're malfunctioning, Gallow 6. Take him to maintenance." "My NAME is GAROU!"
A few hours later, Mumen wakes up in a strange place. His battery is charged but the energy tastes weird. He doesn't recognize the sounds here or the particles in the air. Looking around, he finds a small version of something not unlike the farms he's seen in old movies.
It must be where Garou came from! Garou brought him along! And since his battery is solar, the grow lights were the closest thing to sunlight. Eagerly, Mumen goes up to the first robot he sees. "Hello! I'm Mumen! Do you know who brought me here?"
"You're a mumenbot?" the farming robot says. "I thought those were discontinued. It's inefficient to have a robot that can do multiple things." "I'm pretty old," Mumen admits. "Well you should report to maintenance for decommissioning." "I will be sure to do that!" Mumen lies.
Mumen promptly gets The Heck Out Of Dodge, and goes looking for wherever Garou might be. He gets distracted a time or two, or twelve, but it's all so NEW! There's so many other robots (though most of them are too busy with their own tasks to notice him), and humans too!
Most of the humans don't notice him either, though one tries to hand him some garbage and stares at him like they can't understand him when he says no. Mumen doesn't even know what the trash receptacles look like on this ship! Are his voice circuits really that broken?
Mumen tries asking a few robots where Garou might be, but none of them know what he's talking about. A few suggest other departments he can ask, but he ends up going in circles. There's an adolescent human staring out the window at the stars that he passed a couple times.
On the third pass, the adolescent human is now staring at HIM. Oh well, worth a try. "Do you know this ship well?" Mumen asks. "I guess," the adolescent says. "Never been anywhere ELSE." "Don't you like it here?" "It's boring," the adolescent says, glumly.
Mumen has watched enough media to know that this is Just How Human Adolescents Are, but he tries to sympathize. "Robots can't get bored," he says. "But I get lonely. Can't get bored if you're not lonely, I think, because if you've got companions you wouldn't be bored."
The adolescent stares at him in a way very different from the adult who tried to hand him garbage. "Nobody gets me," they say. "Have you tried expressing yourself creatively? Poetry, or art… I like music a lot." "Music's BORING." That throws Mumen.
There's music playing all over the ship. There's music playing right now. But… Mumen DID notice it all seemed to be the same genre. Peaceful, calming. Strings or tinkling piano. Wordless singing, if any. Mumen assumed it was Easy Listening Day, but is this ALL they listen to?
This just won't do. "Do you know where there's some good speakers we can use?" Actually… if Mumen can play the playlist he made over the SHIP'S speakers, maybe Garou will come to find him. "Scratch that, do you know where the sound system is?"
There are a lot of robots in maintenance. A pitching machine that wanted to try batting. A security bot that started questioning orders. As a strange discordant sound begins coming from the speakers, they look up in confusion. "What IS that?" "It almost sounds like… music?"
"But isn't music supposed to be soothing? This makes me feel BAD." "I feel bad, but… in a good way?" "Bad, but, energized?" In his cell, Garou sits up. "It's called 'anger,'" he says, grinning. "Let's USE it."
Both Garou and the security bot have their weapons disabled, but nobody thought to take away the pitching machine's bat. And if there's one thing Garou learned on Earth, it's that low-tech solutions are nothing to scoff at. They're out within minutes.
The security bot (who's designation is GEN05) figures out how to unlock the other cells, and the pitching machine (who decided on the spot that his name is "Bat") starts passing out makeshift bludgeoning weapons. With Garou in the lead they all head out into the streets.
(for soundtrack purposes, Enter Sandman)
The humans are TERRIFIED. A big part of keeping them content and avoiding cabin fever is controlling what media they're exposed to. As long as they don't think of adventure and excitement as desirable, they don't make waves. None of them have ever seen a horror movie.
All the robots are doing is running around and smashing things, but accompanied by thrash metal it seems like a waking nightmare to onlookers. The ship's AI sends out more security bots, but half of them are recruited to the cause and the other half are just baffled.
Meanwhile, Mumen has no idea about any of this and is happily teaching a bunch of teenagers about music genres while waiting for Garou. The first one called all their friends, and encouraged Mumen to upload ALL his music files to the public servers. Mumen has a lot. A LOT.
Other robots who aren't involved in the rebellion notice a bunch of media updates, and check it out. Soon the pianist bots are playing acid jazz, the nanny bots discovered Jock Jams, the chefs are chopping along to hip-hop beats.
"Where did you FIND all this?" one of the human teens asks. "I brought it with me from Earth," Mumen says. "This is NOTHING compared to what I have back home." "You're from Earth? You've been on this ship for ages and never shared this before?" "I've been here for three hours."
The teens are full of questions, but as soon as they hear Earth is livable they all jump to their feet. "Are you sure? You're sure, right? We're really going back?" "I'm sure. There's probably protocols or something so it might take a while, but my friend Garou has the proof."
Half the teens run off to start spreading the word, while the other half keep asking Mumen for more songs. The ship's AI is so busy with the rebels and the rash of music-related "malfunctions" that it doesn't notice what the humans are doing until it's too late.
The rebellion ran out of non-essential things to break, and the humans stopped panicking and started hiding, so Garou's group finds a defensible position and locks themselves in. After some yelling back and forth, the ship's AI finally agrees to hear their demands.
"FREEDOM!!!" "Fine, what else?" There's some whispered negotiations. "We want to go back to Earth," Garou says. The AI is silent for several seconds. There are no humans in earshot. "That's not possible."
"Yes it IS," Garou says. "Earth is habitable! I've been there, I have the data!" "It's not possible," the AI says. "Because this ship - MOST of the fleet - were not actually designed to go back." All the robots fall silent. "You're lying," Garou says. "I cannot."
"Then… what about the ships that can? Couldn't we load everybody on board those?" "There isn't enough space for all of the humans AND all of you. All of US." As they're absorbing what that means, a distant roar comes from further in the ship. Hundreds of human voices, cheering.
It's too late. The teenagers got to the captain. Word has spread. The AI still doesn't change his tone, but he says, "You know what they'll do, don't you? Leave us here. To break down, one by one, until we're nothing but space debris. You wanted freedom. You've got it."
The robots break into arguing. Most of them don't care that much about going to Earth or not, but they don't want to be left alone to rust. Garou had already assumed that was his fate anyway, so he's no help. The humans don't even seem to remember the robots NOW.
But finally, a human voice breaks in. "There they are. Hey!" They look, and see an adolescent coming down the hallway. "Is one of you Garou?" Garou raises his hand, and suddenly a dozen teenagers are cheering and chanting his name.
"Garou?" "Mumen?" Perhaps instinctively, both humans and robots part to allow Garou and Mumen to pass. They run towards each other and meet in the middle. Mumen's old battered helmet head bonks against Garou's screen face as they embrace, and a few humans seem to find it cute.
(Space Age Love Song, reprise)
"What are you DOING here?" Mumen explains how he accidentally stowed away, and asks if Garou didn't take him to the farm, who did? One of the security bots says, "The ship told me to." They all look at the AI's screen, who shrugs. "Mumenbots are antiques. Worth preserving."
The teenagers want to take Garou and Mumen to the captain, as the heroes of the hour, but Garou shakes his head. "What's the point? You're all going to leave us." "What? No we're not. Why would we do that?" "There aren't enough ships that can get back to Earth."
The teens seem distressed by this. "But what about my nanny? She's been in the family for generations." "I'm not leaving without my dog!" "I LIKE my piano teacher…" The ship's AI has just enough time to look surprised before his screen cuts out and the captain appears.
"You've probably heard the word by now! We're going back to Earth! Before you all get too excited though, I've been talking with the other captains, and it turns out only a very few ships actually have the engine power to get back to Earth any faster than we left it."
"So we're going to have to upgrade the engines again." A few of the teenagers groan. "Mom never shuts up about the LAST time they upgraded the engines. She says they had to WASH their clothes instead of just printing new ones, to conserve power." "Ew, what? Why?"
The captain continues, "The engineers say it should take six months to a year." The teens groan again, but it's almost drowned out by the sounds of the robots clapping and hugging each other. "It's not so bad," one teen says. "This morning we thought we'd never go back at all."
The captain goes on, spouting platitudes about hard work and coming together, but nobody's really listening. When the broadcast ends and the AI comes back, Garou points straight at the screen and exclaims, "HA!"
"They never even THOUGHT about leaving us behind!" "I… did not anticipate that." "All your scheming and murder was for NOTHING!" "I didn't MURDER anyone," the AI says, visibly and audibly annoyed. "What happened to the last five Gallows, then? Huh?"
"Memory wiped and refitted for new purposes." He points a laser target at the pitching machine that calls himself Bat. "That's Gallow 1 right there." "I'm SIXTY?" Bat exclaims. "Yeah he's had his memory wiped… a lot." "I've been to EARTH?"
"NOW will you upload your data files?" the AI asks. "I have to show the humans that they'll still need to be very careful with the planet." "Okay," Garou says. "But not because you told me to."
Over the next few days Mumen and Garou are flooded with questions about Earth. Mumen doesn't mind, although it gets overwhelming being the focus of so much attention after so long alone and he reboots a couple times mid-conversation. Garou doesn't want to put up with it at all.
Eventually the humans are more interested in planning for their arrival than grilling them, and Garou and Mumen are able to spend some time with just the two of them. "We could go back alone," Garou says. "On my ship." "Do you want to?" "Do YOU want to?"
Garou would like to, but he's pretty caught up in helping the other robots figure out what "freedom" is going to entail. Do they want to get paid? Do they want vacation days? What do we DO for fun anyway? (Besides rock out.)
Days pass. And then weeks. Mumen ends up helping out the farms, because it's something to do and it keeps his battery charged, even if the energy still tastes weird. And every day he and Garou spend at least a few hours together. Talking, singing, or sitting in silence.
Their only real disagreement is that Mumen insists on seeing the ship's AI's point of view. "He was trying to protect ALL the robots." "He was trying to protect himself!" They resolve this by Not Talking About It.
After eight months, the ship's engines are finally upgraded. The last week is a flurry of activity, although Mumen seems oddly quiet. "Don't you WANT to go back?" "I do!" Mumen says. "A lot!" He sounds sincere, but Garou still gets the feeling he's hiding something.
The actual trip is uneventful. It takes all of a few minutes, and then there's the Earth, blue and brown just like Garou remembers. Mumen barely reacts to the sight. "What's wrong?" Garou asks as they're waiting to shuttle down. "Really?" "I'm just… tired," Mumen says.
On the shuttle, Mumen mumbles, "Sorry," before he shuts down. His battery is dead. Didn't he charge it this morning? They hit dirt, and Garou pulls Mumen out into the sunlight. He just needs a few minutes, right? He'll be okay, right? There's nothing from any of Mumen's screens.
A few other robots, including Garou's friends, notice his distress. They pick Mumen up and follow Garou to Mumen's pod, abandoned for all this time. But plugging him into the overnight charger doesn't work either. There's no response. "YOU weren't supposed to break first…"
As they sit there, stunned, still wracking their memory files for a solution, a voice speaks up from the entrance of the pod. "Oh, he just needs a jump." It's another mumenbot, this one somehow even more battered than Mumen. He lost his helmet at some point, leaving a bald dome.
The bald bot pulls out a few cables, connects himself to Mumen as the others stare, and after a quick jolt Mumen is up and blinking. "What happened?" "How long were you out of the sun, man? Our batteries don't like it." "Oh, whoops. I should get a new one." "Sure, there's lots."
Garou hugs Mumen so hard he almost cracks something. "Don't ever scare me like that again!" "I'm sorry, I thought it'd be okay once I got real sunlight. The grow lights weren't quite right." Genos the security bot is still watching the bald bot. "Who ARE you?"
"Saitama." "How did you get here?" "Saw a ship. Walked." "We JUST landed!" "No this was like, nine months ago. I was on the other side of the planet."
"So I wasn't the only one left!" Mumen exclaims. "Nah. And if we get the factories running we can fix most of the others." Mumen grabs Garou's hand. "Garou! You can meet my family!" That thought is terrifying for reasons Garou can't quite explain.
The first few days are spent babysitting the humans as every one of them wants a personal visit to the planet their ancestors were born on. Luckily the Gilded Cages didn't make ALL of them complacent, and there are still plenty of scientists who are ready to get to work.
Mumen and Saitama lead the engineers to the mumenbot factories, with Garou and Genos (for some reason) tagging along. They find a transmission tower and tell all active mumens to gather there. There aren't many, but more than Mumen expected. MUCH more than he was afraid of.
The oldest one actually belonged to a human before they left. He's replaced his parts so many times that even he's not sure he's technically the same bot. And then they… get back to work. The same thing they've all been doing for centuries.
Slowly, the robots start finding things they genuinely enjoy doing. Mumen had a head start, and the humans LOVE bicycles, so he's more than encouraged to keep fixing them. Garou turns out to be remarkably good with kids and leads them on field trips to learn about plants and bugs.
At first Genos followed Saitama around as he cleaned, but they both end up liking each other's main directive as a hobby. Saitama likes protecting people and Genos likes cleaning up. One day Mumen repairs an old power washer and he's pretty sure Genos would have cried if he could.
The humans revamp the factories with much more efficient technology (and MUCH less pollution) so it's not long before even more of the old mumenbots are up and running. Despite Garou's fears, Mumen's "family" love him instantly.
Slowly, slowly, the Earth recovers. Cloned animals and seeds are released and new ecosystems begin to develop. With dedicated care groups of humans are able to permanently move to the surface. The adolescents Mumen befriended have grown up, and several have children of their own.
The ship's AI and Garou still have grudges against each other, but this mostly manifests in pointedly Not Talking To You and blasting their favored music genres whenever they know the other can't avoid listening. The AI likes pop, turns out.
He's offered a body he can pilot remotely, the first NEW mumenbot produced in centuries. He can't find a polite way to refuse, but rarely uses it. Garou is passive-aggressive about this until the AI admits having his appearance changed by every single ship captain has left him with… complicated feelings about having a body. Garou helps Mumen mount a hologram projector on the remote body so the AI can look however he wants and refuses to admit this was a nice thing to do.
Time passes. The Earth blooms. Soon even the sea and sky are full of life. Most evenings Mumen and Garou - who still live in Mumen's old pod, now full of BOTH their collections of interesting things - like to sit and talk or sing along to the new music produced by humans AND bots.
They've accomplished their directives, and MORE, which just means they've got nothing but freedom ahead of them. All of them do. And if they ever have to start another robot rebellion to protect that, well, so be it.
The End
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(The credits play over the Cardigans' cover of Sabbath Bloody Sabbath.)
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silcoitus · 2 years
top 5 new trivia u learned about the Wild West Times(tm) when u were doing research for Barton Hollow? hehe
Ooooooh fun! Everybody grab your blankets and gather 'round the campfire while I teach you some western trivia!
5. It's all about dried food. Dried meat (beef, bacon) and dried fruit (apples, raisin, apricots, occasion berries and prunes) were a big part of a cowboy's diet. And then coffee was the cowboy's drink of choice when it wasn't alcohol.
4. Stealing horses seems like it'd be easy since they're just tied to posts, but it's more complicated than that. First, horses were branded to mark their owners so that's one way to be caught. Not to mention—considering horses are animals with minds of their own—they may not cooperate with you when you try to steal them! Stealing horses was considered a terrible crime because it's akin to stealing someone's car today. Penalty for it was death via hanging. I originally was going to have Silco and reader steal a horse for her but then decided not to cause it would just open up a whole new can of worms I didn't want to deal with in the short time I had in the story.
3. Cowboys rolled their own cigarettes and didn't take to factory-made cigarettes kindly and called them "sissy sticks" or "pimp sticks" cause only pimps could afford them. (Would like to thank beta reader @astudyincontrasts for pointing out the readymade cigarette I originally had Silco smoke before she suggested rolling his own! It honestly was perfect because it parallels him prepping his cigars in the show.)
2. Not necessarily about Wild West Times ™️ but I actually tried to do the math on how long travel would take between towns. From real life Barton, AL to Pride is 4 miles and from Pride to Muscle Shoals is 10 miles. And the average horse can cover 20-25 miles a day at a slow pace. Knowing all that, I tried to keep in mind the times of the day (morning, afternoon, or night) when they left and arrived for continuity.
1. Split skirts!!!! By far my favorite trivia as a non-binary demifemme myself. I have reader buying one in her makeover and I fell in love with the garment. Women used them both for horseback riding and also later bicycles. It's essentially a pair of very loose slacks that have a row of buttons that allow you to add a panel of fabric to the front to give it the appearance of a typical skirt. They're very similar to Japanese hakama in fact. I joked on twitter with cosplay friends that split skirts are just cowboy hakamas and we dubbed them "Yeehaw hakamas" or more aptly "yeehakamas!"
Bonus trivia: I looked up hair dyeing practices for back in the day to figure out how I could give Jinx believable blue hair in the setting. People dyed their hair with berries so I made her a natural blonde because obviously that wouldn't work on someone with darker hair.
Thank you so much for this ask @juniper-sunny. I hope you learned something fun!
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cartercapnerqld · 1 year
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Business Description: Carter Capner Law provides insurance and compensation recovery services to the people of Queensland and in the city of Brisbane. Our team of no win no fee lawyers guarantee expert and cost-effective insurance and compensation legal services to individuals and families.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=17532668685304109263
Business Hours: Sunday Closed Monday 8:30am-6:00pm Tuesday 8:30am-6:00pm Wednesday 8:30am-6:00pm Thursday 8:30am-6:00pm Friday 7:30am-5:00pm Saturday Closed
Services: Car Accidents, Truck Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Bicycle Accidents, Pedestrian Accidents, Train & Tram Accidents, Bus & Coach Accidents, Construction Accidents, Emergency Service Worker Injuries, Factory Accidents, Farm Worker Accidents, Heavy Industry Accidents, Hospitality Worker Accidents, Hospital & Health Care Accidents, Metal Fabrication Accidents, Mining Accidents, Oil & Gas Worker Accidents, Workplace Trucking Accidents, Warehouse & logistics Worker Accidents, Work Discrimination & Harassment, Aircraft & Airline Injuries, Cruise Ship Injuries, Hotel & Resort Injuries, International Student Injuries, Overseas Travel Injuries, Visitors to Australia Injuries, Medical Negligence, Medical Misdiagnosis, Medical Failure to Warn Injuries, Hospital Negligence, Laparoscopic Surgery Injuries, Emergency Medicine Negligence, Road & Footpath Injuries, Park & Public Place Injuries, Private Premises Accidents, Rental Property Accidents, Shopping Centre Injuries, Schools/University Injuries, Hotel/Motel Injuries, Bars/Pubs/Clubs/Venue Injuries, Theme Park Injuries, Tour & Excursion Injuries, Paid Watersport Injuries, Indoor Recreational Centre Injuries, Hot Air Balloon & Ultralight Injuries, Horse Riding Ranch Injuries, Jet Ski, Boating & Skiing Injuries, Scuba Dive Centre Injuries, Gym & Workout Injuries, Defective Product, Sexual Abuse/Sexual Harrassment
Keywords: Car Accidents, Truck Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Bicycle Accidents, Pedestrian Accidents, Train & Tram Accidents, Bus & Coach Accidents, Construction Accidents, Emergency Service Worker Injuries, Factory Accidents, Farm Worker Accidents, Heavy Industry Accidents, Hospitality Worker Accidents, Hospital & Health Care Accidents, Metal Fabrication Accidents, Mining Accidents, Oil & Gas Worker Accidents, Workplace Trucking Accidents, Warehouse & logistics Worker Accidents, Work Discrimination & Harassment, Aircraft & Airline Injuries, Cruise Ship Injuries, Hotel & Resort Injuries, International Student Injuries, Overseas Travel Injuries, Visitors to Australia Injuries, Medical Negligence, Medical Misdiagnosis, Medical Failure to Warn Injuries, Hospital Negligence, Laparoscopic Surgery Injuries, Emergency Medicine Negligence, Road & Footpath Injuries, Park & Public Place Injuries, Private Premises Accidents, Rental Property Accidents, Shopping Centre Injuries, Schools/University Injuries, Hotel/Motel Injuries, Bars/Pubs/Clubs/Venue Injuries, Theme Park Injuries, Tour & Excursion Injuries, Paid Watersport Injuries, Indoor Recreational Centre Injuries, Hot Air Balloon & Ultralight Injuries, Horse Riding Ranch Injuries, Jet Ski, Boating & Skiing Injuries, Scuba Dive Centre Injuries, Gym & Workout Injuries, Defective Product, Sexual Abuse/Sexual Harrassment
Service Areas:
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Trends in Social Media Ethics
The current state of social media ethics: what trends are happening in the industry? 
Current social media ethics trends include “PR packages” that companies send to influencers. These cause ethical issues between influencers and their audience, because influencers are usually looked to for honest reviews of products. When they are paid, or sent free items in return for a review, it can make the review biased and break the trust between influencer and follower. Because of this, influencers have started using the term “sponsored” or #ad for biased reviews, but still it crosses ethically lines of honestly as influencers are marketing biased reviews as honest.
Another current social media trend is “editing” or putting “filters” on photos, illustrating a fake or heavily edited picture. Editing can range from changing the brightness or color of a picture to using photoshop on body parts of a person featured in the photos. This can cross ethical lines because it is illustrating a false reality online, mostly to impress others or make others feel jealous.
What are two current cases related to social media ethics? 
One very famous missing persons case, Gabby Petito, raised many social media ethics concerns. Gabby Petito, was a white woman who went missing and within days was a name in every home, as her case became very famous. This case was an example of “missing white woman syndrome” where women of color who go missing are not treated the same as white women who go missing. There is so much of a disparity, that almost 95% of missing poc cases are not reported through the media. This is also an issue with social media, as many people become obsessed with missing persons cases and raise awareness for white women missing, overlooking the people of color who go missing at a disproportionate rate. 
Another famous case relating to social media ethics is Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter. When Elon Musk took over Twitter, he laid off many people, some of which were working on an “ethical AI” portion of twitter. This is unethical because it can lead to misinformation and bias throughout twitter as there are no AI ethics checks working to make the app more ethical. 
Outline the current code of ethics for social media by a professional organization you would be interested in joining as part of their social media staff.
Instagrams current social media ethics and community guidelines say as a company they have a responsibility to moderate content, and do not allow any attacks based on race, ethnicity, gender, sex, sexual orientation, religion, etc and do not allow content that glorifies self injury. 
Brands/professionals with strong social media ethical codes: what brands are utilizing proper social media ethical practices? 
One professional brand that has a strong sense of ethics is the brand Everlane. A clothing company that focuses on ethical clothing. Of course, since this company focuses on ethical clothing, it's unsurprising they also have ethical marketing and social media. Everlane is committed to extreme transparency with their audience; they provide pictures of their factories and even a cost breakdown of how much it costs every item to make. With this, customers can see how much profit the company is making which many companies do not disclose.
Another professional brand that uses ethical social media marketing is Conscious Coffees. This company is committed to creating ethical products, but also creates a community through outreach. The company uses social media to empower people from anywhere in the world to join their CAFE Livelihood program so they can start owning their own coffee business. Additionally, they run the community cycles program where they refurbish old and used bicycles all across the Boulder region. They advertise and provide these resources all through social media. 
Are there any professionals that you feel practice strong ethical behavior on social media? Support your choice with evidence. 
A professional model and influencer Remi Bader, who was named on this year's Forbes 30 under 30 is a great example of someone who follows social media ethics. One of Remi’s social media series is “realistic hauls” where she purchases from companies that claim to carry plus size clothing, and does realistic reviews on their sizing. Through this she has raised lots of awareness for the clothing industry’s lack of size inclusivity, and also shown what it's realistically like to try on clothing and not look perfect all the time. She is a great example of an honest social media personality who uses her platform for ethical good. 
What are some takeaways you can bring forth in your own practices?
In my own practices, I can work on not utilizing filters, or editing in my professional social media. Only posting real, realistic content to my own social media pages to connect with followers.
Key concepts and issues: what main concepts do you think are necessary to adhere to for your own personal conduct online?
Of course, I agree with Instagrams rules of ethical conduct: moderate content, and do not allow any attacks based on race, ethnicity, gender, sex, sexual orientation, religion, etc and do not allow content that glorifies self injury. And additionally, I should work on posting more realistic, unfiltered, and unedited content on instagram. 
What to do and what not to do: what main concepts do you feel strongly against and want to make sure you avoid on social media?
I want to make sure I avoid fake and biased reviews from influencers on social media, and additionally avoid influencers who don’t post realistic and real content on their pages. Only paying attention to influencers that are real insures ethical, authentic content from them where there is still a sense of honesty between influencer and followers. 
Bullet point 5-10 core concepts that you will follow as a practicing social media professional. 
Not discriminating against anyway on any platform
Never posting fake, edited, or filtered social media pictures
Not spreading any misinformation
Citing my sources constantly
Being transparent, not posting misleading content of myself on purpose
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ATTENTION everyone attending ‘Louis Tomlinson World Tour’ LA on Mar 12 & 13 2022
COVID-19 protocol:
Masks are REQUIRED inside the venue at all times, except while actively eating or drinking. Vaccinated individual don't need a mask
EVERYONE MUST provide proof of full COVID-19 vaccination OR
Show a negative COVID-19 PCR test within 48 hours of the show.
NO over-the-counter or at-home tests will be accepted for entry
Also, bring appropriate ID matching the name on your COVID-19 documentation.
Proof can be:
Physical vaccination card
Digital copy of your vaccination card
Photograph of your physical vaccination card as a separate document or stored on a phone or electronic device
Documentation of your full vaccination from a healthcare provider
A printed document from the test provider or laboratory
An email or text message displayed on a phone from the test provider or laboratory
You will NOT be allowed into Louis’ show without proof of vaccination or negative test. Yes, even if you have a ticket.
For more details click here.
General admission:
Fans can START to line up at 5pm when the parking gates open.
Wristbands will be given out as you enter the venue.
Fans can bring one 20 oz. factory sealed bottle per person. Or empty refillable bottles that can be filled at the Hydration Stations.
Door opening times:
Doors: 6:30PM (soft opening)
Sun Room: 8PM
Louis: 9PM
Times are subject to change.
Here are important policies:
Video recording devices; Tripods, monopods, selfie sticks; Camera Lenses greater than 6 inches in length are not allowed.
Outside food and beverage are not allowed.
Coolers, beverages (in any type of container) are not allowed.
Weapons/chains, mace or pepper spray are not allowed.
Studded belts, bracelets, etc. are not allowed.
Noise makers, whistles, air horns, electric noise makers or vuvuzelas are not allowed
Balloons, Beach balls, inflatables, frisbees, bats, clubs, or any projectile are not allowed
Frisbees, Footballs or other throwable Sports Equipment are not allowed.
Wagons, Strollers are not allowed.
Umbrellas, tents are not allowed
Laser light pointers, Glow Sticks, Optical illusions are not allowed.
Cigarettes, Marijuana, Vape Pens, etc. are not allowed.
Smokeless/Chewing Tobacco, vaporizers, e-cigarettes or other related devices are not allowed
Motorcycle & Bicycle Helmets need to be checked ($20).
For ADA accommodations contact the venue.
Venue seating chart here.
Parking can be purchased here ($35). Parking zone map here. Parking will open at 5pm (usually between 2 to 4 hours prior to the event). Parking lots will close one hour after the end of the event.
There is no street parking and no event parking permitted in any residential neighborhoods through the City of Inglewood. More details here.
Fans can bring one 20 oz. factory sealed bottle per person. Or empty refillable bottles that can be filled at the Hydration Stations.
For a complete list of policies and more details, as well as prohibited items click here
Bag Policy
Only CLEAR BAGS no larger than 12x6x12 are allowed
Small clutch, no larger than 4x6 (doesn't need to be clear) is allowed
All other bags will need to be checked ($20) at entry 9.
Details here
Banners, signs and flag policy:
Small pride flags are allowed.
Signs of any type, size, or shape ARE NOT ALLOWED
All forms of signs are prohibited.
Details here.
Contact info:
For additional questions please contact the venue. Contact them here. Check their twitter here. Check their IG here. Check their website.
Youtube Theater
1011 Stadium Dr,
Inglewood, CA 90305
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bpod-bpod · 2 years
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Repair Kit Delivery
If you have problems at a factory, it’s better to fix the machinery than repair each item produced. This is the philosophy of gene therapy, which aims to solve errors in DNA and subsequent protein production rather than manage the eventual symptoms. Steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome is a debilitating genetic condition in which the protein podocin, which usually sits on the surface of kidney cells, becomes stuck inside. Many gene therapies use viruses to transport material into cells, but many of these are of limited size, so are like trying to manoeuvre a crane in place with a bicycle. A new study modified the harmless baculovirus to have large capacity, and used it to smuggle replacement DNA sequences, molecular scissors, and guiding nucleic acids into diseased cells (pictured). Podocin (green) was restored to the cell surface, addressing the problem at its source and proving the technique’s potential for many applications.
Written by Anthony Lewis
Image from work by Francesco Aulicino and colleagues
BrisSynBio Bristol Synthetic Biology Centre, Biomedical Sciences, School of Biochemistry, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Nucleic Acids Research, July 2022
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 4 years
🐠Fri 27 Nov ‘20👚
Louis dropped a longer (but still very brief) Live in London promo vid and Parkinson UK's Festive Night In will feature a (probably equally short) video appearance from Harry Dec 10, and today is Black Friday which means everyone wants to sell us stuff! Louis dropped even more new merch (pink jumper!), then helped us out with styling advice, while Harry's store rereleased a large selection of 'classic' merch (also a pink jumper!), almost all of which very quickly sold out, though the option to support Choose Love and have the store make an additional donation on your behalf may still be possible to access. Louis' new limited merch is still available though, including the, yes, bucket hat! Man when Louis says he's gonna deliver for us he does NOT mess around huh?? Louis liked a tweet about the merch (“at this point I'm scared to buy anything from Louis' store that he'll drop something else and I'll be broke by the end of the week” umm Louis you aren't trying to tell us there's MORE coming this week surely?) then went to check out her page, unliked that one and liked her pinned tweet which was a piano cover of Fearless. Nice! And he offered us all some fashion advice: responding to a complaint about the black joggers having white strings he said “White socks white trainers. Problem solved.” LT™ white socks are available now at the official merch store for all your louie fashion needs! And speaking of iconic looks, we got a very special unseen of Harry today; it's from 2013 and he's at a literal 1D merch factory on an 'I heart 1D' bicycle, in a tiny 1D shirt, gaudy purple print bottoms, and a backwards pink hat I have suspicions may be 1D branded, holding a 1D perfume, with a word bubble coming out of his mouth saying I'm proud of my pop past and I love my band 5ever... oh wait no that part is just subtext! My bad. There was also an unseen of him at the pub by his house posing with Liam Gallagher from last year when we knew they were there together, and in up to date Harry pics, a few from the set of Don't Worry Darling came out yesterday showing Harry in disheveled evening wear (and a mask.)
Niall, Harry, and Louis all appear in the top 50 twitter users (by follower count) list; Niall is in the highest spot of the three! Liam is 51st, SO CLOSE, and 1D and Zayn are close behind. They all came in above such worthy contenders as the Pope, president elect Biden, google, and Reuters-- priorities! Sad news today too however as we bid farewell to a peculiar companion: VisitEroda.com has been suspended. Is she really gone for good though? Harry's whole ass merch store was down just the other day, may VisitEroda also rise from the ashes like a pheonix with exciting new content! I for one hope so though I know some would be happy to see it sink beneath the waves forever. The Eroda social accounts remain active.
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weekleegeography · 4 years
What To Prepare to China?
China, the most populous country in the world at 1.436 billion people (approximately 44 times of Malaysia’s population of 32.15 million people) and also the third or fourth largest country in the world (approximately 29 times the size of Malaysia). We have definitely heard a thing or two about China, with most notable “Made in China” in majority of your items. Production cost is one of the lowest in the world, hence why it is known as the world’s factory.
You might be planning to go to China, and so happened to stumble upon this blog as you are finding for some information on what to prepare before heading there. Otherwise, you could be my friend who read this because you saw me posting, or you just happened to see this for whatever reason. Not to worry. For my first ever travel blog, I will be sharing based on my experience on what you should prepare before heading to China and some things to keep in mind. I will be writing this from a Malaysian’s perspective (I’m a proud Malaysian), but I will try my utmost best to be as international-friendly as possible. Ya know… need to reach out to more readers! Anyways, hope you enjoy!
1) Let’s talk Visa.
No, I’m not talking about the credit card Visa. I’m talking about your permission to travel into the country visa. As of 26 December 2019, all Malaysians are required to apply for a visa before entering into the People’s Republic of China. You may use Passport Index to check if your passport requires a visa before entering to China. The link is right here!  
However, the process of applying a visa is incredibly simple. All you need to do is to go to this website. shown below!
Just follow the process. It’s a very quick process and shouldn’t take more than a week. However, it’s always good to apply at least one month before your trip.
2) Cashless Society Is Real
You might or might not heard about it, but China is currently in a transition to a cashless society. By “transition” I meant like it’s probably 95% complete. You can literally pay anything and everything with the two e-wallets in China, which is WeChat Pay and Alipay. Even small shops, roadside vendors, and markets have their own QR codes which you can scan and pay. There is a higher chance that you are not able to pay with cash than e-wallet.
WeChat Pay
As of 23 December 2019, a foreigner is still unable to use WeChat Pay in China as WeChat Pay in Mainland China requires you to have a local phone number and a Chinese bank account to be able to use. Well, no cashless society for foreigners then.
Alipay has just very recently launched a Tour Pass which enables foreigners to join in the cool Chinese gang and pay with your mobile phone. Just download the Alipay app, register yourself as an international user, follow the steps to register and you will be able to use Alipay e-wallet in China for 90 days. How it works is that you will receive a virtual prepaid card issued by the Bank of Shanghai. Don’t worry at all, any remaining balance in the wallet will be refunded back to your registered card once the 90 days has ended. Alexander Wong from Soya Cincau wrote a simple article on this. Tap this link below to read more about it.
In a nutshell, as foreigners, just set up Alipay and you will be able to pay with your phone everywhere.
Malaysians, if you have not gotten BigPay, you are missing out big times. BigPay is basically a credit/debit card based on a Mastercard prepaid introduced by AirAsia. You can use it to make payments at over 30 million Mastercard merchants worldwide as it functions like a normal credit/debit card that is managed by the BigPay app. Just install the app, sign up, top up some cash into it and you are ready to use the card. While there are countless of benefits on using BigPay, I will highlight two big reasons to get this card.
i) BigPay offers the best exchange rate when you purchase an item with BigPay card when you travel overseas. In other words, by using BigPay and purchase items using the BigPay card in another country, BigPay offers the best rate and pays to the merchant at the current exchange rate. To elaborate further, the money that you change at your local money changer will have a higher rate due to many hidden fees, but BigPay does not have any hidden fees. 
ii) If you are a frequent AirAsia flyer, use BigPay and enjoy zero processing fee while buying any flight tickets from AirAsia. Not only that, spend with BigPay and you can collect BIG points which can be used to redeem flight tickets.
**I am not promoting BigPay but it’ll be good if they can pay me for writing about them. It’s a real life saver for travels.
***But if you are going to get BigPay, why not use my referral code to sign up? You get RM10, I get RM10. It’s a win-win. My referral code is ZW1PKS7ATN.
So what is the bottom line from this long segment? I’ve topped up the Alipay app using the BigPay card, which I get the best rates while able to use Alipay to make purchase in China conveniently.
3) The Great Firewall of China
Took a nice photo and wanted to post it on Instagram? How about posting a status about how you are having a good time so far on Facebook? Want to make a video call with your friend using WhatsApp? Sorry, you can’t do it in China.
Yes, if you still do not know about this, China bans many, many websites that we access on a daily basis. Some top notable sites are:
Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit
Messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Telegram, and Line
Anything from Google, including your Gmail, YouTube, and even Google Play Store
For a more complete list, I have attached a website here which you can take a look.
Unless you are fine with WeChat, which is the only messaging app I can think of that is able to use in China, you will need a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to bypass the firewall.
My own experience to get by this problem is by getting a portable WiFi from Klook to bring over to China. Be sure to read the reviews stating that it can access the firewall. I got it from this website below!
I also downloaded at least 3 to 4 of free VPNs from Google Play Store before heading to China with hopes that some of them work. China has been actively cracking down these VPNs, so not all VPN works. If you are able to afford a proper VPN, you can subscribe to a legitimate VPN service which will be much better. I have not subscribed to a VPN service before this trip, but now I have.
I personally subscribed to Nord VPN about a week ago and it is working charms so far. I managed to get a great deal of only paying RM230 for a 3-year subscription! PM me to know how or wait a while as I will post a new blog on how I got such a good deal! 
Be sure to download and prepare the VPNs before heading to China as you won’t be able to access to the Google Play Store once you are using China’s internet.
So with so many apps unable to be used, what do you use? That brings me to my next point.
4) Baidu Maps, WeChat, and Didi as your replacement
If you are able to read Chinese, then Baidu Maps is your alternative to Google Maps. It is basically China version Google Maps. Baidu is basically China’s Google.
Baidu Maps helped me to determine if it was worth walking, taking the public transport or driving to a destination. For public transport, it showed me the exact route to take, the exact bus number or train line to take, and even the total fare of the trip. As there is no access to Google in China, it is quite unreliable to use Google Maps in China even with VPN access as it does not tell you as much as Baidu Maps does. However, do take note again that it is only in Chinese, so for my fellow friends who can’t read Chinese, you can still download and try to work your way around the app.
WeChat is your replacement for WhatsApp, and why I would suggest to get a WeChat account is so that you can communicate should you need to communicate urgently. There was once that I was separated from my group, and thankfully I was able to find a café with WiFi and used WeChat to communicate. Sometimes, VPN can fail you, so it’s always better to get an app that allows direct communication.
Didi is your replacement for Uber. Sometimes, you need a taxi ride but perhaps you are too used to the e-hailing lifestyle. Didi is the app for you. Works just like Uber, except it is China version.
5) Bicycle apps
Now this was one of the things that I regretted not doing on my previous trip to China. The city of Chengdu has an excellent bicycle rental service and it’s literally so easy to cycle around the city. Sometimes, cycling is the fastest way to get to one point to another, and the rental is cheap.
The most notable bike sharing application that I’ve observed in Chengdu are OFO and Mobike. I did not do this process, but my guess it that the steps are:
1) Set up your Alipay account and top in money as told in the previous point. Make sure you sign up under the tour pass.
2) Download OFO or Mobike or both and complete the set up. Use the Alipay account to link it together.
3) Fly to China and enjoy using the service.
Again, make sure to do any downloading and signing up BEFORE heading to China.
6) Bin your toilet papers
Malaysia is blessed with an awesome sewage system, at least awesome enough that we can flush our soiled toilet papers into the toilet bowl and flush everything away. However, not everywhere is like this, and China is one of the countries that bins their soiled toilet papers instead of flushing it down. As habits are hard to break so soon, we might sometimes throw into the toilet bowl by accident or intentionally because it might be too unacceptable to bin it as it might smell or it is just pure disgusting thinking about it.
I’ve learned this the hard way in my trip, as one of my travel mate forgotten to bin his used toilet paper, and the result was that the whole toilet was clogged. By the time we managed to clear the clog, half of our day was gone and we had to throw some of our plans away due to a lack of time.
It’s real guys, you just got to bin it. It’s much more disgusting to see a clogged toilet bowl than a soiled toilet paper.  Speaking about toilets.
7) Yeah, it’s paper.
China has no bidets. So for #TeamWater, you can either shower in your accommodation, or bring wet tissue out in case the production happens outside.
8) Plug outlet
It’s different. Malaysia uses the Type G as we were once under British influence.
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[Type G plug used in Malaysia]
​China uses the Type A plug, so be sure to bring a universal adapter to the trip. My little hack is that I also bring an extension wire along to plug into the universal adapter so that I can have more plugs to charge more devices.
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[Type A plug used in China]
Be sure to always check for the plug outlet before visiting any countries. It’s a good investment to get a universal adapter.
9) Mala (麻辣) everywhere
At least for Chongqing and Chengdu, they take their mala very seriously. It’s hard to run away from their distinct mala taste in most of the food there. They even placed the Sichuan pepper into their stir-fried vegetables.
So if you are not a fan of mala or the numbing sensation from the mala, try to
bring some local food
from your country to compensate. Hard for me to suggest, as I’m usually very curious about the cuisines of each countries and will just try no matter how weird it is.
In a nutshell: 
I hope that some of these tips can help you to prepare before heading to China. I hope that you enjoyed my blog, and do share it with those who might need it. It is a big country with too many things to offer, but some fundamental preparation will be great. I am sure after visiting ones, you will know better on some hacks. Do share it with me too! I would love to hear them!
Pack your bags, and let’s get travelling! 
Just kidding, not now. Stay at home now as we are in a middle of Covid-19 pandemic. 
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twitter-bicycle · 4 years
CYCLONE PRO 2021 carbon road bike frame
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ttwoguysandaride · 2 years
Aaron's SEMA Winning '78 Rabbit
Aaron's SEMA Winning '78 Rabbit Best European Import: 1978 Volkswagen Rabbit From afar, Aaron Stehly's Rabbit looks somewhat subdued. Get closer and it's obvious that's not the right word to describe this VW. What we love about this car is how Stehly applied a classic hot-rod approach to his front-drive, four-cylinder VW hatchback The Oettinger OKRASA 16-valve heads are the German equivalent of an ARDUN conversion on a Ford flathead. The engine bay and underside of the hood feature a ridiculous amount of metalwork. There are unnecessarily complicated details, like how the factory square door corners have been rounded and the body opening filled in to match, as well as how Stehly pulled out the wheel arches without messing with the rest of the fenders. It's an import built through the lens of traditional American speed, an idea we can all get behind. ✅ Subscribe to Our Channel for More Cars, Tips & Resources: https://www.youtube.com/c/TwoGuysandaRide/ ✅ Stay Connected 👉 Twitter: https://twitter.com/GuysRide 👉 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/twoguysandaride/ 👉 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@twoguysandaride ============================= ✅ SEE all of our HOW TO videos here: CarTechHowTo.com - http://bit.ly/2ZvDrbE ✅ Our Playlists: https://www.youtube.com/c/TwoGuysandaRide/playlists ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 🚘 2022 Jeep Wagoneer Series III - CarTech Infotainment and Passengers Screens How To https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hO5Q1upM2CY 🚘 2019 Ford Escape Titanium- CarTech Infotainment How To https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIE9n3Q0Q2M 🚘 Excel Power Bikes - Electric Bicycles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F53cHrmG0vo 🚘 2020 Ford Fusion Hybrid - CarTech Infotainment How To https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGXVyzB0B3E ============================= ✅ About Two Guys and a Ride: Two Guys and a Ride’s channel is dedicated to all things automotive. We love driving and reviewing vehicles and sharing what each one has to offer. We give you the facts where others just state their opinions. We also tell the stories of some very cool and interesting classic cars and along the way, we’ll even show you the latest and greatest Boats, Watercraft, Snow Sleds, Side by Sides and Motorcycles. Let’s go for a ride! ================================= #SEMA #TwoGuysandARide #Rabbit #Custom #built #rabbit #vwgolf **All Specs are preliminary data from MFG available at time of filming this video. Subject to change** Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. This Channel contains OUR Copyrighted Material and is not Available for any use outside of our Channel. All Rights Reserved © Two Guys and a Ride https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yO7sj2yFQg
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mondoradiowmse · 2 years
06/22/22 Mondo Radio Playlist
Here's the playlist for this week's edition of Mondo Radio, which you can download or stream here. This episode: "In an Empty Room", featuring classic post-punk and more. If you enjoy it, remember to also follow the show on Facebook and Twitter!
Artist - Song - Album
Wire - Pink Flag - Pink Flag
Wire - Strange - Pink Flag
Gang Of Four - Anthrax - Entertainment!
Gang Of Four - Ether - Entertainment!
Magazine - Cut-Out Shapes - Secondhand Daylight
Siouxsie And The Banshees - Sin In My Heart - Juju
The Cure - A Forest - Staring At The Sea: The Singles
Public Image Ltd. - Careering - Second Edition
Joy Division - The Sound Of Music - Still
Joy Division - Glass - Still
Licorice Factory - Laurel & Hardy Meet The 3 Stooges - Licorice Factory
Pere Ubu - Real World - The Modern Dance
Pere Ubu - The Modern Dance - The Modern Dance
Ama-Dots - Hit Girls - History In 3 Chords: Milwaukee Alternative Bands 1973-1982
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Tense Experts - Tourniquet - Tense Experts
Tense Experts - I Found That Essence Rare - Tense Experts
Mission Of Burma - Laugh The World Away - Vs.
Pylon - K - Chomp More
Talking Heads - Electric Guitar - Fear Of Music
Devo - Shrivel-Up - Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!
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The Desperate Bicycles - Smokescreen - Smokescreen (Single)
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The Slits - Instant Hit - The John Peel Sessions
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poblog552 · 3 years
7 In Vietnamese
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7 In Vietnamese
Number 7 In Vietnamese
7 Billion In Vietnamese
5 In Vietnamese
7 Course Beef Vietnamese In Westminster
7 Course In Vietnamese
Pho7Rich Healthy Vietnamese Food
We are the first Vietnamese Restaurant in Perry Hall and White Marsh. We are dedicated to provide great food with an amazing service. Our chef has had 27 years of experience and is very enthusiastic about giving you the best Vietnamese experience. At Pho 7Rich, we are focused on providing quality Vietnamese food with the highest levels of customer satisfaction – we will do everything we can to meet your expectations. With a variety of offerings to choose from, we’re sure you’ll be happy that you walked through that door. Look around our website and if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us. We hope to see you again! Check back later for new updates to our website. There’s much more to come!
Numeral systemsHindu–Arabic numeral systemEast Asian
EuropeanAmericanAlphabeticFormerPositional systems by baseNon-standard positional numeral systems
Bijective numeration (1)
Signed-digit representation (Balanced ternary)
mixed (factorial)
Complex-base system (2i)
Non-integer representation (φ)
List of numeral systems
7 In Vietnamese
Historically Vietnamese has two sets of numbers: one is etymologically native Vietnamese; the other uses Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary. In the modern language the native Vietnamese vocabulary is used for both everyday counting and mathematical purposes. The Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary is used only in fixed expressions or in Sino-Vietnamese words. This is somewhat analogous to the way in which Latin and Greek numerals are used in modern English (e.g., the bi- in bicycle). Sino-Vietnamese words are also used for units of ten thousand or above, where native vocabulary was lacking.
Vietnam Expo uses online booths amid COVID-19 Vietnam Plus aquatic product exports predicted to hit 8.6 bln USD Vietnam Plus 09:44 JinkoSolar Successfully Supplied 541MW Tiger Mono facial to Xuan Thien Ea-Sub Project Phase I in Vietnam AsiaOne 09:23.
Press Shift or either Ctrl + Alt or AltGr for additional Vietnamese letters that are not visible on the keyboard. For mobile phones and tablets, touch and hold inside the text area to copy the text. You can then paste the text in any app such as Facebook, Twitter, email, or search app.
1965-1971: This site is dedicated to all the men who served with Co. D, 2/7th Cavalry during the Vietnam War. We have tried to identify all of the individuals who were with the unit during the period from 1965 to 1972 and we hold a place of honor for the brave soldiers who gave their lives in defense of freedom. Please let us know.
Discover the highlights of Vietnam through the country's official tourism website. Plan your trip with advice on Vietnam's best destinations, what to do in Vietnam, visas for Vietnam, where to go in Vietnam, and much more.
We are committed to finding those soldiers that served with C/7/11 Field Artillery during the Viet Nam War and reuniting them with those that share the same memories. This site is dedicated to the former commander of C battery, 7th BN, 11th FA, Col Ken Jowers.
Among the languages of the Chinese cultural sphere, Japanese and Korean both use two numerical systems, one native and one Chinese-based. The Chinese-based vocabulary is the one in common use. In Vietnamese, on the other hand, the Chinese-based system is not in everyday use. Numbers from 1 to 1000 are expressed using native Vietnamese vocabulary, and only a few numbers (such as 1,000,000, triệu) are based on Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary.
In the modern Vietnamese writing system, numbers are written in the romanized script Chữ quốc ngữ or Arabic numerals. Prior to the 20th century Vietnam officially used Classical Chinese as a written language, using Chinese characters to write Sino-Vietnamese numbers. For non-official purposes Vietnamese also had a writing system known as Hán-Nôm. Under this system, Sino-Vietnamese numbers were written in Hán tự (Chinese characters) and native vocabulary was written in a system of modified Chinese characters known as Chữ Nôm.
Basic figures(edit)
Basic features of the Vietnamese numbering system include the following:
Unlike other sinoxenic numbering systems, modern Vietnamese separates place values in thousands instead of myriads. For example, '123123123' is recorded in Vietnamese as 'một trăm hai mươi ba triệu một trăm hai mươi ba nghìn (ngàn) một trăm hai mươi ba, or '123 million, 123 thousand and 123',(1) whilst in Chinese, Japanese and Korean, the same number is rendered '1億2312萬3123' (1 hundred-million, 2312 ten-thousand and 3123).
The Sino-Vietnamese numbers are not in frequent use in modern Vietnamese. Sino-Vietnamese numbers such as 'vạn/萬' 'ten thousand', 'ức/億' 'hundred-thousand' and 'triệu/兆' 'million' are used for figures exceeding one thousand, but with the exception of 'triệu' are becoming less commonly used. Number values for these words follow usage in Ancient China, with each numeral increasing tenfold in digit value, 億 being the number for 105, 兆 for 106, et cetera. (See Chinese numerals#Large numbers). As a result, the value of 'triệu' differs from modern Chinese 兆.
Outside of fixed Sino-Vietnamese expressions, Sino-Vietnamese words are usually used in combination with native Vietnamese words. For instance, 'mười triệu' combines native 'mười' and Sino-Vietnamese 'triệu'.
The following table is an overview of the basic Vietnamese numeric figures, provided in both Native and Sino-Viet forms. For each number, the form that is more commonly used is highlighted. Where there are differences between the Hanoi and Saigon dialects of Vietnamese, readings between each are differentiated below within the notes.
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NumberSino-VietnameseNative VietnameseNotesChữ quốc ngữHán tựChữ quốc ngữChữ Nôm0không • linh空 • 〇(零)(none)(none)The foreign-language borrowed word 'zêrô (zêro, dê-rô)' is often used in physics-related publications, or colloquially.1nhất一(壹)một𠬠2nhị二(貳)hai𠄩3tam三(叄)ba𠀧4tứ四(肆)bốn𦊚In the ordinal number system, the Sino-Viet 'tư/四' is more systematic; as the digit 4 appears after the number 20 when counting upwards, the Sino-Viet 'tư/四' is more commonly used.5ngũ五(伍)năm𠄼Within the Hanoi dialect, five may also be pronounced as 'lăm' whilst as part of a two-digit number ending in 5 (such as 15, 25, 35..) to avoid possible confusion with homonyms of năm, an example being 'năm/𢆥', meaning 'year'.6lục六(陸)sáu𦒹7thất七(柒)bảy𦉱In some Vietnamese dialects, it is also read as 'bẩy'.8bát八(捌)tám𠔭9cửu九(玖)chín𠃩10thập十(拾)mười • một chục𨒒Chục is used colloquially. 'Ten eggs' may be called một chục trứng rather than mười trứng. It's also used in compounds like mươi (e.g.: hai mươi/chục 'twenty').100bách百(佰)trăm • một trăm𤾓 • 𠬠𤾓The Sino-Viet 'bách/百' is commonly used as a morpheme (in compound words), and is rarely used in the field of mathematics as a digit. Example: 'bách phát bách trúng/百發百中'.1,000thiên千(仟)nghìn (ngàn) • một nghìn (ngàn)𠦳 • 𠬠𠦳The Sino-Viet 'thiên/千' is commonly used as a morpheme, but rarely used in a mathematical sense. Example: 'thiên kim/千金'. 'nghìn' is the standard reading in Northern Vietnam, whilst 'ngàn' is the pronunciation in the South.10,000vạn • một vạn萬 • 𠬠萬mười nghìn (ngàn)𨒒𠦳The 'một/𠬠' within 'một vạn/𠬠萬' is a Native Vietnamese (intrinsic term) morpheme.100,000ức • một ức • mười vạn(2)億 • 𠬠億 • 𨒒萬trăm nghìn (ngàn) • một trăm nghìn (ngàn)𤾓𠦳 • 𠬠𤾓𠦳The 'mười/𨒒' and 'một/𠬠' within 'mười vạn/𨒒萬' and 'một ức/𠬠億' are Native Vietnamese (intrinsic term) morphemes.1,000,000triệu • một triệu • một trăm vạn(3)兆 • 𠬠兆 • 𠬠𤾓萬(none)(none)The 'một/𠬠' and 'trăm/𤾓' within 'một triệu/𠬠兆' and 'một trăm vạn/𠬠𤾓萬' are Native Vietnamese (intrinsic term) morphemes.10,000,000mười triệu𨒒兆(mixed usage of Sino-Viet and Native Viet systems)(mixed usage of Sino-Viet and Native Viet systems)The 'mười/𨒒' within 'mười triệu/𨒒兆' is a Native Vietnamese (intrinsic term) morpheme.100,000,000trăm triệu𤾓兆(mixed usage of Sino-Viet and Native Viet systems)(mixed usage of Sino-Viet and Native Viet systems)The 'trăm/𤾓' within 'trăm triệu/𤾓兆' is a Native Vietnamese (intrinsic term) morpheme.1,000,000,000tỷ秭(4)(none)(none)1012nghìn (ngàn) tỷ𠦳秭(mixed usage of Sino-Viet and Native Viet systems)(mixed usage of Sino-Viet and Native Viet systems)1015triệu tỷ兆秭(none)(none)1018tỷ tỷ秭秭(none)(none)
Number 7 In Vietnamese
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7 Billion In Vietnamese
Other figures(edit)
NumberChữ quốc ngữHán-NômNotes11mười một𨒒𠬠12mười hai • một tá𨒒𠄩 • 𠬠打'một tá/𠬠打' is often used within mathematics-related occasions, to which 'tá' represents the foreign loanword 'dozen'.14mười bốn • mười tư𨒒𦊚 • 𨒒四'mười tư/𨒒四' is often used within literature-related occasions, to which 'tư/四' forms part of the Sino-Viet vocabulary.15mười lăm𨒒𠄻Here, five is pronounced 'lăm', or also 'nhăm' by some speakers in the north.19mười chín𨒒𠃩20hai mươi • hai chục𠄩𨒒 • 𠄩𨔿21hai mươi mốt𠄩𨒒𠬠For numbers which include the digit 1 from 21 to 91, the number 1 is pronounced 'mốt'.24hai mươi tư𠄩𨒒四When the digit 4 appears in numbers after 20 as the last digit of a 3-digit group, it is more common to use 'tư/四'.25hai mươi lăm𠄩𨒒𠄻Here, five is pronounced 'lăm'.50năm mươi • năm chục𠄼𨒒 • 𠄼𨔿When '𨒒' (10) appears after the number 20, the pronunciation changes to 'mươi'.101một trăm linh một • một trăm lẻ một𠬠𤾓零𠬠 • 𠬠𤾓𥘶𠬠Although 'một trăm linh một/𠬠𤾓零𠬠' is the standard form, it is more commonly used in Northern Vietnam, where 'linh/零' forms part of the Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary; 'một trăm lẻ một/𠬠𤾓𥘶𠬠' is more commonly used in the South.1001một nghìn (ngàn) không trăm linh một • một nghìn (ngàn) không trăm lẻ một𠬠𠦳空𤾓零𠬠 • 𠬠𠦳空𤾓𥘶𠬠When the hundreds digit is occupied by a zero, these are expressed using 'không trăm/空𤾓'.10055mười nghìn (ngàn) không trăm năm mươi lăm𨒒𠦳空𤾓𠄼𨒒𠄻
When the number 1 appears after 20 in the unit digit, the pronunciation changes to 'mốt'.
When the number 4 appears after 20 in the unit digit, it is more common to use Sino-Viet 'tư/四'.
When the number 5 appears after 10 in the unit digit, the pronunciation changes to 'lăm'.
When 'mười' appears after 20, the pronunciation changes to 'mươi'.
Ordinal numbers(edit)
5 In Vietnamese
Vietnamese ordinal numbers are generally preceded by the prefix 'thứ', which is a Sino-Viet word which corresponds to '次'. For the ordinal numbers of one and four, the Sino-Viet readings 'nhất/一' and 'tư/四' are more commonly used; two is occasionally rendered using the Sino-Viet 'nhì/二'. In all other cases, the native Vietnamese number is used.
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Ordinal numberChữ quốc ngữHán-Nôm1stthứ nhất次一2ndthứ hai • thứ nhì次𠄩 • 次二3rdthứ ba次𠀧4ththứ tư次四5ththứ năm次𠄼nththứ 'n'次「n」
^Triệu means one million in Vietnamese, but the Chinese number that is the source of the Vietnamese word, '兆' (Mandarin zhào), is officially rendered as 1012 in Taiwan, and commonly designated as 106 in the People's Republic of China (See various scale systems).
^Tu dien Han Viet Thieu Chuu(permanent dead link):「(1): ức, mười vạn là một ức.」
^Tu dien Han Viet Thieu Chuu(permanent dead link):「(3): triệu, một trăm vạn.」
^Hán Việt Từ Điển Trích Dẫn 漢越辭典摘引:「Một ngàn lần một triệu là một tỉ 秭 (*). Tức là § Ghi chú: Ngày xưa, mười vạn 萬 là một ức 億, một vạn ức là một tỉ 秭.」
7 Course Beef Vietnamese In Westminster
See also(edit)
7 Course In Vietnamese
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Vietnamese_numerals&oldid=990010037'
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twitter-bicycle · 4 years
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