vitriolicperceptive · 8 months
<3< Yeah, uh. Z0meth1ng t0 n0te: A l0t 0f the tr0llz 0n here are we1rd (the bad k1nd) and ranc0r0uz (h1 Talcuz) and v1le. That 1z juzt k1nd 0f h0w they are. Y0u zh0uld make fr1endz w1th better pe0ple. L1ke Zhadez. 0r M1nthy.
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sasster · 8 months
Oh... 🥺
[loafs a comfortable distance away]
Have you talked about Chamae much? I know we've heard all sorts about other folks special to you, but not so much on him. Maybe that's on us but still. I'm curious! May I ask what he was like?
He was a pain in the neck. Frustratingly happy fxr a trxll belxnging tx the caste he did, all things cxnsidered. Chamae wxre these little bells xn his xutfit that he insisted made him charming.
>You will note the bell that lives on the very special altar he keeps in his front room.
He kept Xrfuse cxmpany txwards the end there, helped him sneak xut when my back was turned, fielded my arguments with Aderae.
Yxu can imagine.. A little lime blxxd getting in the middle xf twx very angry purple blxxds, if yxu wxuld like the humxrxus mental image.
What else is there tx say xf my late kismesis, pest that he was?
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[welp. being sx fxr real aside, welcxme tx clxgtxn. this is where i usually end up gxing when az kicks me xut fxr the day. it's great fxr sitting back and xbserving the little freakshxws that inhabit this fucked up hell planet.⌐■ᴗ■]
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[speaking xf… based xn where the mxxns are right nxw, it shxuld be my favxrite freak's lunch break right nxw- c'mxn, let's get gxing tx the trxll starbucks! ⌐■ᴗ■]
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aita-alternia · 1 year
xXx Mxvie day anxn back again with an update!!! We talked it xut and it turns that that my friend dxes in fact have pale feelings fxr me and thxught that we had been unxfficially dating fxr a while nxw. I apxlxgized fxr nxt nxticing his feelings befxre and he apxlxgized fxr shutting me xut instead xf explaining why he was upset. Xnce apxlxgues were dxne with, I asked him if he wxuld give me a chance tx dx better and tx actually be his mxirail, xfficially this time. xXx
xXx And he said yes!!! We’re xfficially mxirails nxw!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I’m incredibly happy. We’re wxrking things xut (we still have tx talk xut stuff abxut xur mxvie day and my xther crush), but I think everything is gxing tx be awesxme!!! Thanks tx the trxlls in the nxtes whx pxinted xut that my nxw mxirail (!!!) had feelings fxr me. Clearly I’m a little slxw xn the uptake, but I’m just glad I made it. (XuX) xXx
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trolloled · 4 months
argumi, if you could, in one single theoretical action, dismantle the entire alternian empire and caste system, and create a better safer society, the only consequence being one random innocent child would die- would you do it?
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| dxn't really see the px|nt |n th|s sxrt xf hypxthet|cal, because |t dxesn't say anyth|ng. Th|s |s just a trxlley prxblem, wh|ch |s a ph|lxsxph|cal debate xver an |mpxss|b|l|ty.
What dxes 'd|smantle the emp|re' even mean? Dx yxu real|ze hxw many l|ves depend xn the funct|xn|ng xf sxc|ety?
Whx def|nes what 'better' and 'safer' means? |s |t me? | dxn't want that k|nd xf authxr|ty and nxbxdy shxuld.
Th|s quest|xn xnly asks |f | th|nk dx|ng nxth|ng |s better than dx|ng sxmeth|ng, and we shxuld all be dx|ng sxmeth|ng xver nxth|ng.
Dx yxu knxw hxw many trxlls have gxne m|ss|ng |n the last few per|gees? Several hundred. | stxpped cxunt|ng the repxrts. |f | cxuld stxp |t, and |t wxuld mean xne mxre persxn gxt remxved, then that wxuld xbv|xusly be an |mprxvement st|ll.
Man. | hate trxlley prxblems. False d|chxtxmy sh|t.
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aitreo, it doesn't have to be your favorite but is there a quote, poem, or turn of phrase that's stuck with you?
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TA: Well... it's a bit xf a classic, and yxu can call me cheesy xr uninspired xr whatever, if yxu want, but - The rxad tx hell is paved with gxxd intentions.
TA: It's a really pxignant quxte, but I feel like a lxt xf pexple dxn't realize the deeper meaning tx it. Clasically they think xf it as the rxad xne takes tx becxme a villain, but thats nxt the case fxr mxst xf xur cxmbined experiences. TA: A lxt xf trxlls suffer because xf their xwn actixns. They dxn't cause xthers as much suffering as they dx themselves in many cases. The quxte isn't sx much abxut creating hell fxr xthers, but rather creating hell fxr xurselves as we are faced with xur xwn cxnsequences.
TA: ... xr at least thats my thxughts xn the matter...
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feminists unite! ♀
recently whenever i tell a trxll or bigot that im going to cancel them on my blog they almost seem to not care, it's begginging to become a real problem because without cancelling i can't do anything, only sit, watch, get angry and cry a little, what can we do to make trxllers fear cancelling again?! ♀
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goddesstrolls · 2 years
Odd numbers, 20 and 42 for Lloric for that dumb troll ask meme :>
under cut cuz long
Biggest pet peeves? How much do they annoy you? Are they bad enough to be a deal breaker if someone you were interested did them? “fucking mxst shit xther pexple dx pisses me xff.”
What are your turn on’s turn off’s? “nxne xf yxur fucking business.”
What if your least favorite and favorite parts of your body? Any feature you pride yourself on? Then least favorite would you change it if you could? “i dxn’t fucking knxw. i like my tattxxs.”
What is your least favorite food and why? “bread. had enxugh xf that shit tx last a lifetime.”
What are any tics you might have? Any nervous habits? “i dxn’t have any.”
What is your earliest memory? Is it a happy or a sad one. “fuck, uh...i remember playing with a txy while sitting next tx my lusus. neutral, i guess.”
If you could have any super power what would it be? “is stealing mxney frxm highblxxds withxut them being able tx dx anything abxut it a super pxwer.”
What would you do with the ability to see ghosts? Would they scare you or would you be interested in them? “i see enxugh asshxles xn a nightly basis, i dxn’t need mxre tx add tx the fucking mix.”
How good a liar are you? How often do you lie to others. “i dxn’t have any fuckin’ reasxn tx lie.”
How far would you go to be perfect? Are you ok with flaws? “hah.”
Are you easily jealous? How does jealousy make you feel? “sure i guess, but its nxt fucking like i deserve whatever shit sxmexne else has gxt. they have that and i dxn’t fxr a fucking reasxn.”
How much do you sleep? What is your typical night time routine? “like seven hxurs i guess. i just fuckin lay there mxst xf the time.”
How good are you with choices? Is it easy to make decisions or do you struggle with them? “i can’t be fucking assed tx waste time xn shit like that.”
What is the worst thing you’ve done to someone? Do you regret it? “ive txrn sxme trxlls apart fxr nx gxxd reasxn.”
“i guess i regret it. i dxn’t really care.”
How good are you with computers? How much do you use them in every day life? “i’ve never even fuckin seen a cxmputer.”
If you knew you had less then a sweep left to live how would you use it? “rxtting sxmewhere and just cxunting dxwn the fucking nights.”
Which would you prefer you dying before your loved ones, or them dying before you? “we all fucking knxw i’m dying first.”
What are your stances on the spectrum? “fuck that shit.”
If you were empress for a day what would you do? “every piece xf shit highblxxd has tx xff themselves and i’ll give a millixn fuckin bucks tx every lxwblxxd.”
What do you fear loosing most? A possession, your senses, loved one, ect? “i dxn’t fear that shit.”
What is your biggest dream in life and how far would you go to obtain it. “are yxu a fucking idixt.”
Are there any people in your life you miss? What would you do if you could see them again? “.....”
What is your favorite scent? Are their any scents that trigger memories for you? “...vanilla. but like- its different. sxfter.”
Do you consider yourself a material troll? If giving up every thing you owned meant eternal happiness would you do it? “nxthing i have is wxrth shit anyway sx fuck yeah i wxuld.”
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uncagedcitreum · 6 months
//That's sX cXXl! I'm a limeblXXd tXX! But I'm nXt a seadweller. I'm a trXll with albinism. DX yXu like meXwbeasts?\\
! i dont know what albinism or meaow beasts are
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eldergoodra · 2 years
homestuck troll whose speech pattern is performatively inclussive
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Good girl gone bad
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sasster · 8 months
hmm!! why do you think you two had trouble agreeing? was it for a lack of trying, or did you guys legitimately try and get along? :0
how did u feel seeing him there btw? i feel like it couldnt have been fun for u either
He was just anxther example xf Xrfuse’s pxxr taste in trxlls. He and Harlan are the same tx me.
>Stubborn ass Lycaons.
I did nxt enjxy seeing him, but I alsx did nxt care either way. I have grxwn tx learn hxw tx exist arxund thxse whxse cxmpany I dx nxt enjxy.
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Well I never. I’ve heard a69ut the act 6ut seeing it in pers9n, 9n a we6site as PC as GRUM6LR? I’m apalled. D9n’t y9u kn9w greyface is EXTREMELY pr96lematic. It c9mes fr9m a rich hist9ry 9f m9ckery and insensitivity? Even f9r the sake 9f y9ur 9wn safety and 6lending in with tr9lls safely that’s n9t an excuse. Perhaps find a much m9re unpr96lematic way t9 p9rtray y9urself t9 tr9ll s9ciety with9ut 6eing harmful.
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[xh gxd. great. awesxme. glad tx see that tumblr never changes, even if it's fucked up and evil trxll tumblr frxm hell planet! what else dx yxu want me tx dx? die? yxu want me tx die? huh? like a little bxy playing ball in the street with the xncxming traffic? xr maybe like an ant being burnt tx a crisp under the light xf a magnifying glass? hm?]
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carolinagormian · 6 years
Ayuda para Ttbgo temp.3
Hola a todos, hoy os escribo esto porque necesitó que alguno de vosotros me mande por mi correo los episodios de netflix que estrenan este 24 de agosto de ttbgo la tercera temporada. Lo haría yo misma pero no estoy en mi casa, estoy de vacaciones fuera y no creo poder esperar hasta la vuelta , agradecería a alguien que los pueda descargar ,(si se puede),y me los pase por este correo 📧 [email protected]
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trolloled · 1 year
Argumi, how did you get into sewing? Do you ever talk about it on your radio show?
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| needed a way tx manage my anx|ety, and sew|ng kept my hands busy.
That and pa|nt|ng. | gxt way txx |ntx the trxll Bxb Rxss scene.
|'ll ment|xn |t as a hxbby |f sxmexne feels l|ke they're txx stressed, but | knxw |t's nxt fxr everyxne. |t takes a lxt xf fxcus, wh|ch |s what helps me, and |t makes sxmeth|ng n|ce fxr yxu tx have afterwards.
But | dxn't talk abxut myself txx much xn the shxw, yxu knxw? |t's nxt suppxsed tx be fxr me after all.
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I mean. They tend to step on people's toes sometimes.. but... hm.. What do you mean by that? Milo doesn't speak poorly of their friends.. and you're a pretty even keel guy.. something here isn't adding up
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TA: That fucking Trxll is bragging abxut hxw they’re gxnna get intx Nakaxu’s pants, as if he was just a cheap piece xf meat! TA: Is that nxt reasxn enxugh tx get pissed?! Because I sure as FUCK think it is!
TA: Guy is pretending tx be his friend just tx use him! I dxn’t appreciate pieces xf shit lying like that. I want them tx stay away frxm my Nakaxu!
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