#TPE 2 Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning Element 1 Promote students' social-emotional growth development a
jbpaulsrud · 5 years
15 Rules and Procedures
Hello Students and Parents,
Welcome to class! This year is going to be exciting and full of learning and growing for us all. This letter is to lay out how we plan to make this a successful year for everyone.
Let’s look at four types of teaching approaches.
The Behavioral Approach – In this approach, the class has a clear understanding of expectations and focuses on appropriate behaviors which ultimately will lead to each student self-regulating their actions and performance.
The Cognitive Approach – This is a practice where students are encouraged to use critical thinking about their behaviors and why.  
The Humanistic Approach – This method implores students to think and act according to their values, environment, and others around them.
The Social Psychology Approach – This mode applies student’s thoughts, behaviors, and feelings within the social context of the class and how they interact with each other.
All these approaches provide essential content to instruction and structure within the classroom and incorporated into our learning environment. However, our class rules and procedures will be emphasized through the Behavioral method so that students have reasonable and recognizable practices that will benefit everyone in the classroom.
Rules and Procedures - The purpose of having rules is to keep all bodies in our classroom safe, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. Procedures are to provide classroom management where we all can work and learn in a productive, cohesive, nurturing, and supportive environment. These rules and procedures will be posted in the classroom and reviewed daily to ensure a positive learning experience for all.
1.    Raise a quiet hand – Participation is how we learn from each other, and all are encouraged to do so. However, if we do not take turns in expressing our ideas or responses, nobody will be able to hear what each other has to contribute.
2.    Transitions – As we move through the classroom, whether with our bodies or minds, we want minimal distractions that can cause confusion or harm. There will be a 5-minute verbal signal before we make a transition, so all may calmly and quietly move to our next task.
3.    Be prepared – To learn, we must have the proper tools such as books, handouts, pencils, and paper. Instructions provided before each exercise as to what materials will be needed to complete work.
4.    Supplies and Learning Materials – Resources and additional learning materials are available to everyone in the classroom. Please ask should assistance be needed.
5.    Restroom breaks – We will have designated times throughout the day for everyone to use the restroom. In an emergency, please raise a quiet hand to be excused from the class.
6.   Soft/Indoor Voices – There will be several learning activities where students will interact and have discussions with their classmates. We want to respect other classrooms and each other by keeping the noise level to a minimum, so additional instructions or verbal cues over these conversations are heard.
7.    Eating and Drinking in the class – Every student should have proper energy and hydration. To keep the classroom clean and free from spills, we will have a designated time and area for children to place closed water bottles and snacks.
8.    Respect other’s property and belongings – We all have our own space, items, and desks. Just as you wouldn’t want someone destroying, vandalizing, or taking something that belongs to you, treat others with the same courtesy; this includes the teacher.
9.    Listen and follow directions – We will be learning many new things in and outside the class. Listening and following instructions will explain how to execute and complete each assignment, exercise, or project.
10.    Personal Space and Boundaries – It is imperative that every person in the class feels safe and secure. Please be aware, mindful and considerate of others and your surroundings.
11.    Absences – Missing class due to unforeseen or certain circumstances are understandable. If possible, please advise before student being absent. Unexcused truancies and tardiness will be addressed with the individual and possibly parents to minimize repeated occurrences.
12.   Incomplete or missed assignments – Grades are comprised of work completed. Incomplete or missed assignments cannot be graded and will affect students’ final grade. Should a student miss or submit unfinished work, notes will be provided on how to receive partial credit for the given assignment.
13.    Treat others as you wish to be treated – This is a golden rule not only in the classroom but in life. Everyone in this class will be treated fairly and respectfully for a cooperative and engaging learning environment.
14.   Respect and Acceptance of others – Every student brings something special and unique to our class. We will be learning, practicing, and exhibiting appreciation of each other’s ideas, values, and culture, whether they are difference or align with our own and values.
15.    Medications and other Health issues – Every student has the right to be happy and healthy. Medicine, medical attention, and health issues or concern will be address discretely and administered by our school nurse, administration and discussed primarily with that student and their parents.
These rules and procedures are designed for every student to be able to work, learn, and grow in a safe, nurturing, inclusive, and accepting environment. Students who have an IEP, are ESL or other special needs, appropriate accommodations will be made to ensure these students have the same access and cooperation for success.
Should there be any questions or concerns about these rules and procedures, please do not hesitate to communicate.  We are in this together!
Looking forward to a great year!
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jbpaulsrud · 5 years
TPE 1 Engaging and Support All Students in Learning
Element 1 Apply knowledge of students, including their prior experiences, interests, and social-emotional learning needs, as well as their funds of knowledge and cultural, language, and socioeconomic backgrounds, to engage them in learning.
Element 2 Maintain ongoing communication with students and families, including the use of technology to communicate with and support students and families, and to communicate achievement expectations and student progress.
Element 3 Connect subject matter to real-life contexts and provide active learning experiences to engage student interest, support student motivation, and allow students to extend their learning.
TPE 2 Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning Element 1 Promote student's social-emotional growth, development, and individual responsibility using positive interventions and supports, restorative justice, and conflict resolution practices to foster a caring community where each student is treated fairly and respectfully by adults and peers.
Element 3 Establish, maintain, and monitor inclusive learning environments that are physically, mentally, intellectually, and emotionally healthy and safe to enable all students to learn, and recognize and appropriately address instances of intolerance and harassment among students, such as bullying, racism, and sexism.
Element 6 Establish and maintain clear expectations for positive classroom behavior and for student-to-student and student-to-teacher interactions by communicating classroom routines, procedures, and norms to students and families.
TPE 6 Developing as a Professional Educator
Element 5 Demonstrate professional responsibility for all aspects of student learning and classroom management, including responsibility for the learning outcomes of all students, along with appropriate concerns and policies regarding the privacy, health, and safety of students and families.  Beginning teachers conduct themselves with integrity and model ethical conduct for themselves and others.
Element 6 Understand and enact professional roles and responsibilities as mandated reporters and comply with all laws concerning professional responsibilities, professional conduct, and moral fitness, including the responsible use of social media and other digital platforms and tools.
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