jumpthensfall · 5 years
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sxpphire-skies · 4 years
r. l. lupin tribute! ft. teddy lupin <3
Title: Shine on Moony
Rating: PG (may include words like bloody hell)
Triggers: This may remind you of a loved one who you've lost. If that triggers anything, please don't read along as I don't want to be the cause of something big.
"You think the dead we loved ever truly leave us?"
The snow from this winter hadn't even come close to melting. The slushy snow wasn't that pleasant when you have three little ones running around. Harry was happy to come to the Burrow for their week off. Ginny had convinced the Head of the Daily Prophet to let her a week off for the celebration of Remus Lupin's birthday. Harry and Ron had gotten a week's vacation as well.
After the war, the whole family had decided to celebrate each and every family member who had died in the war's birthdays. It was supposed to make it seem like they were still alive. But Harry found himself getting the nightmares of war again.
Damn that stupid scar, he thought. No, a little voice in his head said. That voice, as Harry thought of it, was either Dumbledore, or Sirius. Not stupid. Did you have to grow up earlier than others? Yes. But it made you stronger man Harry.
Harry shook his head. That was the Dumbledore voice speaking. He looked out the window of Number 12 Grimgauld Place. He remembered seeing Death Eaters outside when he, Ron, and Hermione came here. He shook off the memories once more. They only brought back feelings of guilt and sacrifice.
"Harry are you ready to go?" Ginny asked from the kitchen. Harry stood up and watched as she carried Lily in. Albus Followed behind.
"Yeah. Albus? Lily? Are you two excited?" They nodded excitedly.
"Are Hugo and Rose coming?" They changed. Ginny nodded.
"Yes! I have some muggle toys I want to show Hugo. It's called a Yo-Yi. Right Mum?" Lily pointed at her bag happily.
"I think you mean an Yo-Yo. " Harry corrected. They laughed and took the Floo to the Burrow.
"Harry! Ginny! Children!" Shouted Mrs. Weasley as she hugged them each. "It's been ages!"
"Mum we came over on Sunday! Two days ago!" Ginny said laughing.
"Hello you four! James is at Hogwarts isn't he?" Said Mr. Weasley as he too hugged them each.
"Yeah. He wanted to come with Teddy, but McGonagall gave him detention again." Harry informed.
"Oh just like his uncle i pan,t he?" They turned around to see George smiling.
"Uncle George!" The kids hugged him. "What kind of trick do you have today?"
"I have many! But I think you guys would rather play with Rose and Hugo." He said as Ron, Hermione, Rose, and Hugo came in through the Floo. Quickly followed by Andromeda, and a miserable looking Teddy.
"The doorways' getting a little crowded Mum. Maybe we should get to the living room?" Said Ginny as everyone walked to the living room. Lily, Rose, Hugo, and Albus went to play with their 'Yo-Yi's' as everyone else sat down.
"Teddy was wondering," Andromeda said when everyone was a little quiet, "if instead of having the usual toast, we can maybe describe what Remus was? Teddy, you can take it from here."
"I want to know who he was." He said quietly. "What kind of person he was."
Teddy reminded Harry a lot of himself as a child. A little lost, a little found. Knowing one side and curious about the other. He was very intelligent like his father but also stubborn and kind hearted like Tonks. Teddy was a lot of things. Teddy, now seventeen, was a very tall metamorphagous. Well, tall for now.
"I don't know much about my father. And I know you all know him better than me. I've actually thought about asking you guys this before, but I never really had try courage to. So I want everyone to take turns and say what made my father so special. Grandma already told me what she thinks so now let's start with Grandma Weasley."
"Oh what a lovely idea dear, " Mrs. Weasley wiped her tears. "Remus was most definitely the bravest people I've ever known. He was caring, kind, and very helpful. He was self-conscious sometimes, with him being a werewolf and all, but he was definitely one of the kindest person I'be ever met." She sat down.
Teddy nodded smiling. "Grandpa Weasley?"
"Remus Lupin was one of those people who would never, ever break your trust. He was the most trustworthy person. Dumbledore trusted him. And it's not easy to gain Dumbledore's trust." He sat down.
"Uncle George?"
"Remus, or Professor Lupin was one of the most brilliant person I've ever met. He made the Marauders' Map. A gem he was. I bet Fred's playing cards with him right this instance. They're holey you know. He was the master prankster. Moony will shine on." And he sat down. Harry turned to see Mrs. Weasley and Hermione in tears. Ginny was trying to hide her face.
"Aunt Ginny?"
"I wasn't as close to Remus as I was with Sirius, so I'm going to say this behalf of what Sirius told me about Remus. I remember he told me this when I was fifteen and I can just picture Sirius laughing and Remus getting angry yet embarrassed. They told me not to tell anyone, but I don't think they'll mind if it's for Teddy. Sirius told me about the time Remus kissed him." Harry smirked. Sirius had told him this too in a letter during the summer before his fourth year. The others started giggling, and Andromeda looked a little concerned.
"Bloody hell! They had to be drunk!" Ron chimed in.
"Ron! The kids will hear you!" ️Hermione said.
"I got the kids!" And George was off with his magic tricks.
"Don't worry Mrs. Tonks, and Ron they were drunk. And I'm pretty sure Tonks already knew. It was in their fifth year and Gryffindor had one their house cup. They just had too many bottles of Firewhiskey. Sirius also told many more stories, but I think those are more private. Maybe we'll talk after everyone else goes." She sat down.
"Err...sure. Aunt Hermione?" Hermione sniffed as she stood up.
"Professor Lupin was the only Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher who wa actually good. He taught actual, rel defense against the dark arts. He helped me get over my fear of faliur and was not only a great teacher, but an intelectual motivator." She sat down.
"Ron?" Ron stood up.
"Wow. After all the amazing speeches, if you will, I haven't got much left to say. However, I will say this: Remus was a loving father. He loved you Ted. He would've been the best father, even better than me, even better than my dad. Why? Because of all the things he's been through. You were the best gift he ever got. Okay, maybe not as close to Tonks, but if he were here right now, he'd be the happiest man on earth. He would be happy to see how well you've been raised...Bloody hell! I've spent too much time around Hermione! See what your coversations about me being a more serious father has done?"
Ron turned to Hermione who was blushing furiously. She mumbled something about him taking her too seriously as they sat down.
"Thanks Uncle Ron. Now, Uncle Harry." Harry's hands were sweaty. He remembered what his parents had told him in front of the Mirror of Erised when he came across it after the war: "Raise the lost as your own."
"Remus Lupin was...He was..." He knew what Remus was but couldn't say it properly. "He didn't deserve to die. No one in the war did. And I'll tell you only one thing. One thing he said...in a dream of mine." Harry had never told anyone about the Ressurection Stone. except Ginny, who he knew would never tell anyone. "In my...err dreams, yeah. He told me this 'he will know why I died and I hope he will understand. I was trying to make a world in which he could live a happier life.' I think that he's still here. The dead are always around. They never truly leave us. You can always find them," he touched Teddy's heart, "in here. Remember that."
@generouslycookedvinyl @sleepy-artistic-roses @potterhead4lyf @obsessedwithrandomthings @overthemoon4themarauders @marlmckitten @blisvfull @wand3ringr0s3
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So! I'be started a Daryl Dixon fic that starts at the farm, but I don't wanna be writing if there's nobody to read, ya know? Anyhoes, here's a little summin, summin, let me know what you think!
*Contains Strong Language!
As yet untitled...
Three months, three whole moths ago the world went to complete and utter shit, a virus which caused people to turn into carnivores spread through the country like wildfire, taking out thousands of people in a single day. The simple way to put it - a zombie apocalypse.
I was alone when it started, originally from England I was doing some 'finding myself' travelling as my friends back home would put it, travelling through America in an attempt to figure out what I wanted to do with my life, not that it mattered anymore. I had made it to Atlanta before the virus hit, stranding me not only in another continent completely, but somewhere that I was in no way familiar with, I knew nobody, I had no idea where anything was and nothing but the clothes on my back. I'd met a few people out on the road, groups that only survived a few days before a herd would come through, or they'd let their guard down or even that their own greed got the better off them, not to mention the lack of common sense that seemed to be a running theme.
Since the last group I was with got overrun I steered clear of any other people, opting to only rely on myself. That was a month ago, a month since I'd last seen a living person, let alone spoken to one, I watched them get torn apart no matter how many of the dead I took down there were three more behind it, they stood no chance. Which is how I ended up where I am now, an English girl lost and alone running through an American woods with nothing but a hunting knife and the dirty ripped clothes I wore, along with around five or six of the dead stumbling behind me.
"Shit, fuck, motherfucker!" I yelled as I tripped over prt of a tree root that was sticking out above the ground yet hidden under a layer of fallen leaves, I groaned as a slid a few feet. "Ow! No, no, no!" I groaned as I pulled myself to my feet, an excruciating pain shooting from my ankle as I tried to put pressure on it.
The groans of the dead caught my attention, my eyes widening as they were much closer than they had been a few seconds ago, apparently much more steady footed than an actual living being.
"Screw it." I muttered to myself as I stood the best I could on my busted ankle, rolling my shoulders back as I readied myself for the oncoming dead. "No better time to die right?" I laughed humourlessly as the closest finally reached me.
Leaning forwards slightly I jammed my knife into its skull, the once sickening crunch of the rotting skull now nothing more than background noise after hearing it so many times. I huffed as I pulled my knife from its skull before its body hit the ground only to quickly raise it again as the second one stumbled towards me, just as quick as the first I took my knife from its skull and let the body drop the the ground beneath my feet.
"Two down, four to go, fantastic." I spoke to myself, a common occurrence now since the chances of finding another person are scarce to none.
I took down the next two without a problem, quickly stabbing them in the bead before on, no time to think between each hit. I groaned as my knife got stuck in the fifth one, the last one trying to grab at me only being held back by the grip I had on his dead buddy, pushing him back. I cried out as the body slipped from my grasp, tumbling down the small ditch beside me, the knife in its head going down with it, leaving me to fall to the ground with the last one falling on top, it's rotting jaw snapping inches away from my face. I put my hands on its chest and pushed as hard as I could, it's flaking skin sticking to my hands as I moved one, reaching around for anything I could grab to hit it with but finding nothing other than a few small stones and flimsy sticks that couldn't pierce a rotting apple, let alone a skull.
Realising there was nothing I could use I continued to use both hands to try and shove the corpse away, groaning at the ache in both arms as the creature fought against the hold I had on it, I could feel my grip slipping, the last of the skin on its ribs shifting as I moved. So I braced myself, I closed my eyes and let the happy memories of life before flood my thoughts, the groans of the dead just a distant noise, the weight of it on top of me being the only thing reminding me that I was still in the same shitty situation. Until it stopped, the groans had faded completely, the weight was still there but it was still, slowly opening my eyes i was met by the sight of an arrow piercing the cold, milky eyes that were set on me just seconds ago. Pushing the corpse to the side I took a deep breath as I laid back on the ground, looking up at the sky knowing that there must have been someone up there that owed me a HUGE favour at some point.
I laughed breathlessly as the tip of an arrow suddenly appeared infront of my face, following the muscles arms that was holding the bow my eyes landed on a dirty looking man, his brown hair wasn't long, per say, but it was definitely in need of cutting, it was covered in a layer of grease, dirt caked his clothes and exposed skin but I doubt I looked any better. My eyes landed on his face next, his eyes narrowed and his face pulled into a scowl as he looked me over briefly, his blue eyes taking in every detail before they met mine in silence.
"You gunna do it or not? Because to be quite honest I've had about as much as I can take today." I breathed out, lifting my head to look at him better before letting my head flop back in the dirt.
"Who are ya?" His southern accent didn't surprise me, if anything it suited the rough and tumble look he had going on, although everybody wore that look these days.
"Names Evie." I nodded as I pushed myself up so I was sat rather than laid in the dirt, my name sousing foreign as it rolled of my tongue for the first time in weeks. "What about you crossbow?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Where yer from?" He grunted, adjusting his grip on his bow but keeping it aimed firmly at the small space between my eyes, as he adjusted his bow I got a better look at his eyes, dark blue and guarded, yet there looked to be some twinkle of kindness, maybe, hiding behind those walls.
"Hello 'where yer from' nice name ya got there." I laughed slightly, not feeling the slightest bit threatened by the man in front of me although I probably should be, but there was something in his eyes, that little twinkle in his eye reassured me that he wasn't just some psycho-ass redneck hiding out in the woods. "No good with accents? I'm English." I told him after recieving no more than a blank look at my joke.
"Where's yer group?" The man of little words mumbled, doing a quick sweep behind him before retraining his aim on me.
"Don't have one." I shrugged bluntly, not wanting to think about the people I'd lost in such a short amount of time.
"Ge' on yer knees." He grunted once more, taking a step back to give me the room to do as he requested.
"Wow, buy a girl dinner first next time." I smirked and I swear I saw the corner of his mouth twitch up slightly before it was gone in the blink of an eye, but it was there.
"Hands 'hind yer back." He nodded towards me, lowering his weapon and reaching behind him and pulling out a rope.
"That best not have been where I think it was." I snorted as I moved to sit on my knees, him coming behind me and tying the rope around my wrists tightly, not like there was any point, he was built like a house whereas I had about as much muscle as a tadpole.
I hissed in pain as he gripped my upper arms and pulled me to my feet and pushed me forwards slightly, my ankle giving way at the pressure leaving me to stumble forwards, I braved myself for the ground only for his grip to be back on my arms, keeping me steady.
"Uh, thank you." I muttered awkwardly as he quickly took a step back and busied himself with biting on his thumb nail.
"Go." He muttered, briefly making eye contact before he readied his crossbow and turned hunter mode, eyes scanning the trees for, well, anything I guess.
"So where we headed?" I asked after a few minutes of walking in silence, the only sound heard being the crunching of leaves and sticks under my boots, crossbow however, had barely made a noise in his steps.
"Through the gap." He mumbled as we reached the end of the tree, looking to where he he had nodded I noticed that there was in fact a large gap between the bushes.
"Sir, yes sir." I rolled my eyes as I stepped forwards, pushing the branches out of the way before I stepped out into the clearing.
Immediately my eyes widened and my mouth dropped, the clearing, as it turns out, was home to a large farm house, noble and white standing in the middle of the field, a barn further back and stables off to the side, but that wasn't all that caught my attention. A small boy around eight or nine was hopping up and down the stairs outside the house, a large RV sat next to a small gathering of tents a fire pit sitting in the middle. A loud laugh caught my attention, a group of woman sat around a huge tub of water as they soaked their clothes with smiles on their faces, a group of people were gathered around a well-type thing, whatever it was they seemed pretty invested in getting down it.
"What is this place?" I mumbled to myself as I continued to look over at the groups, they was clean, they looked healthy, but more importantly, they looked happy.
A sudden loud whistle from behind me made me jump and suddenly all eyes were on us, the small boy from the steps stopped in his tracks before running to the group of women and into one of their arms, his mother in assuming.
"Wow, so discrete." I mumbled rolling my eyes as crossbow pushed me further into the clearing, forcing me to limp closer to the two men that were running towards us.
"Daryl!" One of them yelled, his southern accent not as thick as Crossbow's but definitely still there, he had dark brown hair and was wearing a sheriff's uniform which made me chuckle slightly. "Who's this?" He asked as they stopped infront of us, his eyes were kind, he gave me a small smile clearly realising that I wasn't a threat to them and if I was they could easily deal with me.
The other guy, not so much. He was watching me with a scowl on his face, his hand resting on the gun that was in a holster hanging from his waist, his eyes were dark and held a sense of something that I didn't like, or trust in the slightest.
"Found 'er in the woods, almos' got 'erself killed." Crossbow or Daryl grumbled the most words since we'd met.
"Holy shit, more than three words." I chuckled looking over my shoulder at him. "My names Evie by the way." I smiled up at the Sheriff before I turned to look back at Daryl. "And I had it under control." I said matter of factly, rolling my eyes as he grunted at me.
"Is she alone?" The other guy spoke for the first time, his eyes taking over my body as he spoke.
"Yeah." Daryl nodded as he came to stand besides me rather than behind.
"My eyes are up here dickhead." I scoffed as the still unnamed guy continued to look me over.
"Watch your mouth." He growled as he stepped forward.
"How 'bout you make me?" I smiled sarcastically making him growl and step forwards only to be stopped by the sheriff outstretched arm.
"Enough Shane." He muttered, sounding utterly done with this guys bullshit. "How many walkers you killed?"
• • • •
Sooooo, what do ya think? Is it worth me carrying on? 🤷🏻‍♀️
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