suresimon · 3 years
hey may <3 that rhymes. anyways I LOVE DAVID N SIMON N JESS SO FREAKING MUCH ?? so much that i had to put it in caps ! they’re just so fun and unique, and maybe a tad annoying ( @simon)
I LOVE U ANON!!! n worry not simon will be back 2 be a tad annoying on the 7th <3
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storyenthusiast · 8 years
I was tagged by @hermionejean thank you very much!! :)
birthday: march 31
gender: female
relationship status: single
hogwarts house: ravenclaw (although a friend of mine says i’m a total gryffindor?!)
time right now: 14:34 (that’s 2:34pm)
lucky number: 7
last thing I googled: when your otp becomes canon (ok this sounds weird let me explain: two of friends of mine were getting reaaaaaally close and i’ve been hardcore shipping them (in secret) since july and in like october, i couldn’t hold back and well long story short, my group of friends started shipping them too and annoying them with it and seriously, they are so cute together. their shipping name is Tori if anyone cares and well, yesterday they announced that they’re now officially together (which isn’t that much of a change to their behaviour before) and yeah i googled an appropriate reaction image to send them)
nicknames: Thea (which is what everyone calls me), Doro (if they want to be mean), Frodo (lasted a few weeks, established by my maths teacher) and many more that would need to much explaining
siblings: one older sister
height: 1,59m (that’s approximately 5′3′’)
favorite color: red
pets: a cat (his name is Romeo and i love him)
wake up and sleep times: when i have school: waking up at 6am (forcibly) or 8am (when it starts later) and going to bed at 10pm; when i have holidays waking up between 10 and 12 and sleeping at more or less midnight
average hours of sleep: see above and do some maths
love or lust: love
coke or pepsi: coke
day or night: both but if i have to choose: night
text or call: text 
make-up or natural: natural (as if i want to invest time into doing make-up every morning)
met a celebrity: i wish i had
smile or eyes: smile but also eyes
light or dark hair: dark but also light
shorter or taller: idc but if i have to choose taller but honestly, that’s not hard because i’m tiny
intelligence or attraction: intelligence i guess
chapstick or lipstick: neither but rather chapstick
city or country: small city
blankets I sleep with: one
last song I listened to: shape of you by Ed Sheeran (hahaha i already know it by heart im trash)
favorite band/artist: Queen
dream trip: UK (i’ve been to London (twice), Bristol, Bath and it’s so nice there i wanna go again)
favorite fictional character: Legolas (all-time fav) but so many others
what I’m wearing right now: ravenclaw sweat pants and slightly oversized red jumper
when I made this blog: i don’t remember
how many blogs I follow: 303
posts: 10,828
what do I post about: multi-fandom (atm mostly sherlock because new series but besides dw, spn, hp, lotr, merlin, marvel, star wars, percy jackson and a couple of other things)
when did your blog reach its peak? i think i can say that this post is my peak
why did you choose your URL: i was sick of my old one and i’m enthusiastic about stories of all kinds
BONUS: if you were transported to the world of the book you are reading now, where would you be? im reading Time Lord Fairy Tales (if you like DW, go read it) and atm, they’re on a weird planet of which i have forgotten the name but dw universe in general works for me
tagging:@destinyspoon @zowhoey @woudln @spielzeugkaiser @books-coffee-and-kittycats @adelaidebrook @10isalivingconversecommercial @cl0udwatcher
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