#THE ENDING FEELS SO RUSHED HELP but it’s done what can i do
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atleastpleasetelephone · 2 days ago
Ain't That a Lotta Love - Chapter 4
A story that starts on the set of the 68 Special, with Elvis and his long-term girlfriend Dorothy Valens. Dorothy has been with Elvis for a long time for good reason - she's no pushover, and she has a habit of getting exactly what she wants. As Elvis' career starts to get back on track, their relationship fundamentally changes too.
Need to catch up? Masterlist is here.
Pairing: Elvis x Dorothy - an OC, his long-term girlfriend
Word count: 2.5K
TWs: Angry!Elvis, angry sex, name-calling, slapping (Dorothy slaps Elvis), possessive kink, Elvis is dominant, Dorothy calls him daddy.
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It seems more difficult than usual to get everyone out of the dressing room at the end of the night, and strangely, Steve finds himself being one of the last people there. He spent a lot of the evening talking to Jerry, who he finds the least objectionable of the Mafia, and probably too much time watching Dorothy’s interactions with both Elvis and the rest of the guys. As he’d noticed when he first met her, she flirts to get her way and she always seems to be successful. Everything she does appears to be a calculated technique to unbalance whoever she’s talking to, whether it’s saying something outrageous (he can tell when she’s done that by the expression on their face) or exposing some kind of body part she knows they’ll be interested in. As he carries on his conversation with Jerry, he thinks about her doing the same thing to him. Telling him about the girls, coming way too close to him to light that cigarette, suggesting he get involved in their relationship and making him almost crash the car… And now does she have what she wants? He almost sighs out loud right in the middle of whatever Jerry is currently saying. This whole thing is frying his brain. 
Jerry and Steve are the last people to leave, and as usual Dorothy thanks Jerry for clearing everyone else out with a kiss on the cheek. Elvis is mumbling something about tomorrow’s press conference when she turns and does the same thing to Steve, her soft lips pressing against his slightly stubbly cheek. 
“Night, Steve.”
Poor Steve can’t stop himself from blushing for what seems like the hundredth time today, blood rushing to his face as he thinks about her doing this in front of Elvis, when he doesn’t know what she’s been promising. His blood starts to rush somewhere else, too, thinking about her and Elvis going to bed now, not helped by the other man grabbing his girlfriend around the waist and squeezing her to his side. Fuck. Where did that come from? Steve swallows hard, wishing everyone a good night’s sleep and trying to say something enthusiastic about the press conference, although he has no idea if the words come out in the right order. He’s relieved when he walks through the door with Jerry and knows he’s going back to his car and his house, away from this madness for a few hours. 
“What’ve ya been doin’ to poor old Steve, Dodo?” Elvis asks her, still squeezing her tightly. “He was beet red back there. Ya been teasin’ him again? I need him, y’know, functioning and e’erythin’ fer this press thing tomorrow.”
Dorothy smirks. “Yeah, maybe a little.”
“Well cut it out, baby. I need him.”
Elvis’ tone is a little sharp and she doesn’t like her chances with what she’s about to say next. 
“About Steve…”
She moves in front of him, her hands on his chest, looking up into his face. She’s so small in her flats that she has to crane her neck to do it, but she has his full attention now. 
“Remember you told me I could choose our next additional… person?”
He frowns, and she can almost see his brain working, trying to figure out what this has to do with Steve. “Sure.”
“What if… um… what if it was Steve?”
He stares at her for a good minute without saying anything. The silence is so long, and his gaze is so intense, that she starts to feel a little afraid. His hands press into her back, holding her so tightly she thinks she might have bruises in the morning. 
“What the fuck?” Is his eventual response, said so coldly that her fear spreads and she starts to wonder if she should try and weasel her way out of this. Maybe she’s underestimated just how easy it would be to persuade him. 
“I just thought, that maybe…” she starts, uncertainly. 
He cuts her off. “You want to fuck Steve. You want to fuck all my friends, or just him?”
She doesn’t know how to respond. Obviously she doesn’t want to fuck the rest of the Mafia. The thought turns her stomach. But she’s not convinced that anything she says right now is going to help. 
Elvis obviously isn’t happy with her silence, one of his hands moving to grip her jaw. “Hm? You want to fuck them all or just him? Answer me, ya little slut.”
Dorothy’s temper flares immediately at the use of the word slut, and she twists her body out of his grip, throwing her head back like a flighty horse to get his hand off her face. Then she slaps him. The sound echoes around the little room. 
“Don’t you fucking calling me a slut!” She rages. “What about all the girls you’ve been with?”
“You’ve been with them all too!” He thunders back, trying to grab her again and missing. 
“Not fucking Ann-Margaret!”
“Don’t you bring her up again! You stupid fucking…” he stops himself calling her a bitch, breath coming in pants now, adrenalin coursing through his veins. This is how they used to fight, when he fucked girls behind her back, before they came to their agreement.
They stare at one another, both panting, both angry, both turned on. It’s seconds before they’re kissing, hands everywhere, bodies pressed together. Elvis grabs her ass, picking her up easily and plonking her down on the lid of the piano, pushing up her dress and tearing at her panties. Another pair ruined. 
“I’m gonna make ya forget all about Steve,” he growls into her ear, as he enters her, roughly. “Fuck ya til ya forget his damn name.”
She whimpers, her head falling back as he starts to fuck her, her back pressing uncomfortably against the hard wood of the piano. She can barely remember the last time he was inside her, never mind the last time he had her like this. Her fingers dig into his hair as he nips at her neck, his teeth grazing her skin, then getting hungrier, biting her and making her yelp. 
Around the time they’d started fighting, Steve had realised he’d forgotten his wallet. He sighs at his own stupidity, and wearily makes his way back into the building. It’s so goddamn late, all he wants to do is sleep, but he shouldn’t really drive without his license. He gets to the door of the dressing room and pauses. The light is still on, and there’s the unmistakable sound of… fucking?
“Who do ya belong to?” Elvis growls again, loud enough so that Steve, standing outside and somehow completely paralysed, can hear every word. 
“You,” Dorothy moans in response as he pounds her against the piano. 
“Who’s fucking pussy is this?” 
“Yours, who?”
She lets out a pornographic moan as a slight change in angle has his dick hitting her g-spot over and over again. 
“Yours, Daddy. Only yours. Oh FUCK.”
Steve still can’t move. He knows he should turn away and go back to his car but the way her voice sounds, cracking with pleasure, and the strangled, desperate moans that accompany it… he just can’t tear himself away. 
Eventually the orgasm building inside her hits its crescendo, and she’s squealing and flailing her arms around desperately. Her pussy squeezes Elvis’ dick like a vice and he moans too, their pleasured noises mingling with the sound of skin slapping together as he reaches his high, cumming deep inside her.
They’re both quiet as Elvis buries his head in the crook of her neck and she strokes his hair gently. Something about the silence makes Steve realise just what he’s doing, and he decides he’d better go. Wallet be damned. He walks away slowly, thinking of the words he’d heard them say to one another over and over again. Embarrassingly, he has to adjust himself as he gets into the car, his hard-on pressing against his jeans. He shouldn’t have stayed there for so long, and he mentally berates himself for being whatever the listening version of a peeping Tom is. Some kind of pervert, anyway. 
None the wiser, Elvis and Dorothy gradually untangle themselves and silently shower and get ready for bed, communicating through their usual little glances and touches. As they get under the sheets she clings to him, kissing his chest and running her fingers through the little patch of hair there. 
“I love you,” she whispers. 
Elvis runs a hand up her back. “I love you too, Dodo.” He presses a kiss to the top of her head.
She looks up. “El?”
“Yes, baby.”
“I never told you I had a thing about two guys, did I?”
Elvis huffs out a sigh. He should’ve known the Steve subject wouldn’t be closed, but he’s still frustrated. 
“No. Ya didn’t.”
“Thought you’d be jealous.”
“I am.”
She groans, rubbing her head against his chest like a cat. “But I love you, El. I just want to try this. And you love Steve.” She looks up at him, frowning. “It’s not as if I’m asking you to share me with Lamar.”
Elvis can’t help smirking a little. He tries to force the corners of his mouth back down again, but her mock-serious expression is making it very hard not to laugh. 
“If ya ever ask me that,” he replies, poking the end of her nose with his finger as he tries and fails to stay serious, “I’ll tan yer hide lil girl, an’ not in a way you’ll enjoy.”
They look at one another for a beat and then both burst out laughing. She snuggles into him somehow even more. 
“So… is that a yes then?”
Elvis groans. “How do ya do it? How do ya always get whatever ya want?”
It’s her turn to poke the end of his nose now. “Takes one to know one.”
Elvis is excited about the press conference. He prods Steve in the side on their way into the room. “Come on, these are always fun,” he declares, before bounding through the door. 
His enthusiasm is infectious, and Steve pushes all thoughts of what he’d heard in the dressing room last night to the back of his mind. He’s wearing the ascot Elvis had bought him and Bones Howe as gifts, and he’s pleased with how it looks. The conference goes well - Elvis has plenty to say, and he alternates between being serious about the show and giving funny, teasing answers. Every time he’s about to give one of the latter he kicks Steve under the table, and it’s all the other man can do not to laugh out loud. 
Elvis isn’t quite sure how he managed to get into such an excellent mood, but he thinks it has to do with the excellent sex he had last night and the fact that Dorothy has been virtually clinging to him ever since. Part of him is wondering if he did actually fuck her hard enough to make her forget about Steve, although he does remember somehow agreeing to let her have some fun with both of them. When he’s not thinking about a way to answer a question that will amuse him and hopefully make the man next to him laugh inappropriately, he’s thinking about Dorothy’s pussy. Of course he’s been intimately acquainted with it for years, but since the girls had been around he tended to fuck them more than her. It’s something he’s starting to regret now, missing out on so much good pussy just for the sake of variety.
He’d taken an upper before the conference, just to make sure he was on form, but it only kicks in properly afterwards, when they’re all celebrating how well everything had gone. Dorothy is sitting on his lap as he talks rapidly at Steve about his chances of persuading the Colonel to let them film in the dressing room. 
“Doubt ya’ll get him ta but y’know it’s worth a try. I mean if anyone can, you can Steve, you’re like a wizard with the fat man or somethin’.”
Steve laughs at being described as a wizard, and is just about to reply when Joe interrupts. “We’re knackered, boss. Think we’re gonna head off, if that’s alright with you?”
Elvis looks up to see the assembled crowd of guys on their feet, shuffling back and forth somewhat awkwardly. They do look beat. His first instinct is to insist that they stay, but then he thinks about how he’d really like to spend a bit more time with Dorothy, and that the guys did tend to get in the way.
“Sure. Hell, why don’tcha all have tomorrow off too?”
Joe's eyebrows shoot up and he looks around, wondering if this is some kind of joke he's not in on. 
“Uh, sure, EP.”
Elvis nods quickly and grins. “Sure y'all can think of somethin’ to do for a day in LA.” He looks over at Dorothy with lust in his eyes and has to bite his tongue not to tell everyone exactly what, or who, he intends to do all day in LA tomorrow. 
“Sure thing, boss,” Joe replies, quickly shepherding the rest of the guys out of the door before Elvis changes his mind.
Steve looks around the room and suddenly realises it’s only the three of them left. Panic rising in his throat he starts babbling about going too. 
“You probably want some time alone, I-I’ll just um… I should go…” He finds himself thinking of their alone time the night before and his face starts to colour. 
Dorothy puts a hand on his arm. “I’d like it if you stayed. You’d… we’d like it if you stayed, wouldn’t we, El?” She tips her head back to look at her boyfriend. 
Elvis nods, silently, although he doesn’t know if he would like it. He wants Dorothy to himself, and the atmosphere in the room is starting to seem charged and a little strange.
“Oh… okay,” Steve mumbles.
Dorothy’s thumb strokes his arm and he tries to get his breathing under control. What the fuck is she planning?
Dorothy sees the look of panic on his face and at the same time feels the irritation radiating off Elvis, underneath her. She has to do something to get this situation back under control. Her control. Make it less weird and more fun. It helps that she’s several drinks in already, and it doesn’t take long for her to think of something, getting up and starting to look around the room for a deck of cards, so that they can play poker. Strip-poker, to be precise. She giggles to herself.
“What’re ya doin’, Dodo?” Elvis sounds annoyed, and it’s probably not helped by the pills he took earlier. His eyes flick around the room at high speed, trying to figure her out, as his heart beats quickly and sweat beads at his temples. 
“Looking for… aha!” She spins around, deck of cards in hand. “These!”
“What on earth for, baby?” He asks, confused. It’s not as if she’s ever been a great lover of card games. 
She grins, wickedly. 
“Strip poker.” 
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed:
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charmed-asylum · 22 hours ago
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And just like that snap she hook. 🫰 🫰 🫰 also idk why but song so this is love was playing in my head as I read this chapter. SUE ME OKAY I CANT HELP IT!!!! Kinda cute well let’s be realistic what the reader does is always cute. How she kinda excited but nervous about this ride ( third encounter btw) but second ride and she nervous something we all know about. But she so blunt and still innocent. I can’t like was your day good , No hehe. Buttttt the way he responded idk how I want to describe it , “ He tsk’d. “Alright, I know when to back off.” Like he kinds disaponted but also like if I ask you a question you need to answer but he aware and in this chapter you can tell how he slowly molding it to fit what he wants or make it easy to deal with . I have words but I don’t want to use them so oops 😅 on me.
Then way he calls her sweet names I mean he got bless with this one. Like the pretty girl comment talk was so 🥺 and I’m like damn we need to protect her or even the future chat like he got so lucky with her . I mean once again I wonder what he thinks like does he feel excited but again once inch closer to his girl of his dreams or disappointed that no one see what he see and reader poor thing she stuck she been so use to away that she truly doesn’t know how to deal with anything different.
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Way he spoke to her huh idk what it is I think she said it best way , “ the way his voice lower made you agreed …. He sounded drunk. Like the men in your office at the end of the day sometimes. His voice felt like it was seeping into your bones, like you couldn't move” I can’t I would be just like her especially being he like close talking all that sweet talk like they haven’t done anything but sniff kiss talk and touch and she already dripping and sweetie I be real I am too huh I can’t. And that kiss if there was a chair I would slip out of it . If I had a wig I toss it off . Huh way he slip that in girl oh he knew he got jackpot way he made her feel huh huh huh and wow fact mom saw that when she got home and had her wash up and she was upset dang 3 time a charm I say!!! And how intimate without even more than a touch at this point at this point, they only kissed and touch and spoke to each other and even with those simple three things what it did to her and me as a reader OMG and I’m pretty sure Lee lost his damn mind.
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I do ask about this comment on what he meant by it: “God, look at you. You're feeling real nice, aren't you, sweetheart? I am going to be a gentleman, though, and bring you back so you can be a good girl to your mommy and daddy. No need to rush. But who knew you'd be so responsive? I thought I was going to have to try harder, but it turns out you're just as affected by me as I am about you huh? 🤔 like I know he a soft dark you can tell with way he speaks to her or acts or even facial expression but what does he mean by this. Also our girl is deprive sadly shit I sagged too . Also cute way how he “ hold back “ mmmm we know you Lee Le.
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Dream Of A Girl
Part 2
Summary: Lee continues to pick his girl up from work
Warnings: things are heating up a little, touching, kissing, Lee being eager
18+, minors DNI, the usual
Word count: 2949
Notes: I love this story!! I really really do! Please let me know if you enjoy it too 💕
Series masterlist
Previous part
The next day you finished work on time and looked around outside. Your eyes felt tired because you hadn't slept well. Thoughts kept running through your head, and no matter how much you tried to settle you just couldn't. You knew Sheriff Bodecker was going to pick you up today, and you were worried about what you were going to say to his questions. What you needed to ask him. Maybe you should just talk about his job. Your mother did that with your father. And then he asked her what she did that day, even if the answer was always the same. But they seemed happy together, so it was obviously working for them.
His car was waiting for you a few meters away and you Walked towards it. He opened it from the inside again and you took a seat. 
He smiled at you and you awkwardly smiled back. 
“You had a good day?”
He seemed surprised, but recovered quickly. “ Oh? Anything you want to share?”
He tsk’d. “Alright, I know when to back off.”
Back off what? You started sweating a bit, he looked…a bit annoyed? You should ask him about this day, right? That was a good start. 
“Did you? Have a good day?”
He turned to look at you again, with a smile again. “I did. Nothing beats knowing you have a pretty girl waiting for you.”
Did he meet someone since yesterday? He told you he was alone then. 
“That's nice,” you told him. 
“I meant you,” he clarified.
You started sweating some more. “I.. I -”
He chuckled. “No one ever told you you were pretty before?”
You shook your head. No. Maybe only your parents. But that was it. 
“They're so blind,” he murmured softly. “Well, their loss.”
It stayed quiet, you didn't know how to respond. Should you compliment him back?
“You want to hear about my day, sweetheart?” he finished the silence. 
You shrugged. “Okay.”
And so he started taking about the crimes he prevented, the paperwork that was never ending, how he was looking to get re-elected.
“That would be easier with a wife by my side.” He glanced at you, while you kept your eyes firmly pointed straight ahead of you. “I hope I have that soon.”
You nodded. You gave up hope a long time ago, but you understood for other people it was a normal thing to do. 
“You ever dream of marrying? Finding someone who give you his bite and a few pups to look after?”
“Not anymore,” you lowered your voice, too ashamed to admit. 
“Why not?”
“No one wants to. With me.” You said, feeling anxiety course through you. 
“Hey, hey, don't worry. I can smell your distress from here. Hold up.” He pulled over to park the car to the side and turned to you. He reached out his hand but you flinched, so it froze in the air until he lowered it by his side. 
“It's okay, sweetheart, we're just talking. It's just me. You're safe, right?”
You nodded. He was the sheriff. He would protect you. But he couldn't protect you from your fears and feelings. 
“So why did you get all scared, honey? Can you tell me?”
“Not scared,” you said, trembling. “Just not…I don't like talking about it.”
“But if you don't talk about it, I can't help you.”
Your eyes shifted, trying to look at something calm, something neutral. “You can't help.”
“Try it. Maybe I can." He watched you the whole time and you wished he didn't. “Sometimes it's easier to talk to someone you don't know as well. I'm not going to judge you. People tell me all sorts of things. I witnessed even more. No matter what you tell me, it won't surprise me, alright?”
You thought about it. And there was a suspicion he wasn't going to let go so easily anyway. You sighed. 
“I'm not like the rest. They don't like me. They don't want me. So…I know I'm going to be alone. It's alright. I've accepted it. My parents want me, it's enough.”
 “I like you.”
You looked at him quickly, surprised. “You don't know me.”
“I know you enough. I know your parents, they love you. I can tell. They're good parents. You're polite, you're smart and hard working, you never get into any trouble. And you seem very sweet.”
You felt a little warm with every word he said. It was too much. You brushed imaginary wrinkles out of your dress that didn't exist, just to be able to do something. 
“You're so pretty. And your smell…” he groaned. 
You felt heat shot through you. That was…it wasn't proper was it? You don't talk about smell. You.. kept it to yourself. Until you.. you mated. Why was he telling you this? 
He leaned in a little. Sniffing. “You smell so good.” 
His head was too near you, and you were trapped in the car, surrounded by his smell. 
And it wasn't.. bad. He smelled nice even. But he shouldn't. He didn't have to be this near. 
“Everytime you're near me, and I get a whiff of you, it feels right, ya know? Feels like home.”
You blinked. It did? You did? 
“I just want to bring you flowers, and take you out. Maybe to the movies.”
“Too crowded, too much noise,” you piped up.
He chuckled. “Then for milkshakes, or a walk. Anything you'd like. I'll treat you so well. You'd want for nothing.”
You breathed him in. When you did, you felt less nervous. His scent making you feel something you hadn't before. You didn't understand why it did that. 
“You'd like that sweetheart? Me taking you out? Showing you how good you are? You'd be making me so proud if you’d let me. Being around such a pretty girl.”
He talked like it was an honor. Like you were a price he wanted to show off. Like others would be jealous. You wanted to laugh. It would be the opposite. People would talk about him. Wonder why he'd show you interest. That he could do better.
“I don't…. I've never, I mean, you can't.”
“Why not? Are you telling me no?” His jaw tightened and he looked a little colder.
“You can do better than me. You're the sheriff. I'm not.. I'm not good.” You whispered, tears pricking in your eyes, having to confess that.
“What are you talking about, sweetheart?” He moved nearer, almost touching you. “How could I not like you? You're always kind to everyone, I see you're great with kids, they love you, you’d make such a good momma.”
You felt warm all over. It was burning you from the inside. 
“With your pretty dresses, always looking so good, so beautiful. You should see yourself when the sun shines and your hair lights up. Beautiful. I’d be so proud walking beside you, knowing I'm your man.”
His finger touched the fabric of your dress and your eyes followed it as it rubbed softly against it. 
“They would all look at us, and they'd see what a great wife you would make. You’d be good for me right?”
The way his voice lowered made you want to agree. You struggled to keep it inside. His hand moved to your leg, warmth seeping through your dress and you trembled again.
“I know you'd be such a good girl. And I would be good for you too. I would spoil you. Anything you'd want. I would treat you real nice. Give you kisses whenever you wanted.” He sounded drunk. Like the men in your office at the end of the day sometimes. His voice felt like it was seeping into your bones, like you couldn't move. 
“Fuck it.” He murmured, he put his hands on your jaw to turn you toward him and before you knew it, he pressed his lips against yours. 
A thrill went through you. You wanted to struggle. You didn't like to be touched. But he was being gentle, and he smelled even better now, thick syrup, fresh lemon, spicy cinnamon…all the good things. His mouth was full and he moved it gently against yours. You didn't know what to do, but he didn't seem to mind. He let out a noise in the back of his mouth like he was in pain. 
You were burning up. You felt so warm. 
He pulled away shortly after, eyeing you carefully. Your eyes locked on his this time, like you couldn't even think to look away.
“Your first kiss?” He guessed. And you nodded. 
“That's a real honor, sweetheart. I feel very happy to be your first.”
You looked down quickly, too overwhelmed to keep looking at him. You wanted to touch your mouth. Let your fingers touch the flesh and memorize the feeling of his lips on yours. 
“You liked it?”
You hesitated, then nodded.
His scent thickened, heavy in the air, delicious. 
“Good. Because I might just kiss you again.”
Oh God, you pressed your hands to your heart, it felt like it was beating out of your chest. He was going to kiss you again, maybe. And you didn't think you'd mind. 
You laid awake that night, again, thinking over and over about that kiss. His scent was on you. Your mother widened her eyes when you stepped inside, but one look at you and she kept quiet, even if you thought she wanted to ask about it. Maybe she knew it was too soon. Maybe she feared you would get overwhelmed. Or perhaps she knew you wanted to keep it to yourself a little longer. 
“Go freshen up before your father gets home,” she simply told you, and her hand carefully touched your shoulder briefly, like she wanted to fuss over you. 
You were disappointed to remove his smell off you. But your father would want to know whose it was. And you didn't know what to say if he questioned you. The sheriff talked about dating, but he hadn't asked you out. You didn't know how serious he had been. Maybe you should ask him next time you saw him? 
You could still remember what he smelled like later, in your bed, and you felt yourself heat up again thinking about it. 
His mouth and his eyes. He was an attractive man. And he called you pretty! 
Squeaky noises came out of your throat and you couldn't help it. It was all too much. But it was good. You hoped. You thought. 
He picked you up again, and asked if you wanted to go for milkshakes, but you shook your head. You had started to get a headache. The office was especially loud that day and you felt the noise still throbbing in your head.
You pressed your hands against the side of your face, trying to squeeze out the pain until you felt him grab your wrists and remove them.
You wanted to pull away, but he wouldn't let you. He pulled you against him, ignored your struggling and shushed you. 
“Hey, hey! Sweetheart. It's okay. Shh, just smell me…here, come on.”
He pushed your face into the crook of his neck, right where his gland was. As soon as your nose was pressed against it, you sagged a little. His scent enveloping you completely. A whine escaped you. 
“That's it. Feels better right? you don't have to do anything, or think of anything but now. You're safe. Just relax.”
And you did, taking big whiffs of his scent, eyes closed, trying to relax. 
“You're being a good girl aren't you? Letting me take care of you like this.” You heard his voice murmur in your ear, felt the rumbling in his chest. Your hands gripping his shirt, not caring if you wrinkled it. “It feels mighty fine having you trust me to help you. You're making me feel real good sweetheart.”
No one had ever spoken to you like this. Like you were worthy. Like you mattered. Like they cared. You made him feel good? You made the most pathetic noise.
“I know. It's a lot. But you're doing so well. You like my scent sweetheart?”
You nodded. You did. You liked it a lot. You could stay here forever, blocking out the rest of the world. 
“I'm so pleased, sweetheart. I like yours too…will you let me scent you as well? I've been thinking about it all night. I would love to carry you with me. It will make the lonely nights better.. You can do that for me right?”
You nodded, mumbling something unintelligible, but he seemed to understand. He pushed your face up, gently, his hands holding your head up as he stared into your eyes, while you tried to focus but felt too dazed to manage, until he pushed his face into your neck. 
His nose against your gland made your shiver. It was like your mind stopped functioning. You felt the most pathetic whine bubbling up your throat, but you held onto his shirt for dear life, afraid to fall if you let go. 
His mouth…he moved it over your skin, something wet moved over that special spot and you spasmed.
He pulled back in surprise and watched you carefully. One you stopped trembling, and his face came into focus, he looked…you couldn't place how he looked. 
“Did you just..?”
You blinked owlishly. What? 
“Oh God, okay, it's okay baby. You did so good,” he quickly told you, but he sounded off. He looked tense. 
Maybe you made him mad.
“Nature’s calling, honey, I'll be right back okay. You watch the car for me.”
He practically ran out of the car and went into the nearest shop. You sat there, stunned. Had you done something wrong? But what he did felt really good. It felt like you got lifted out of your body and pulled back in. Like an elastic snapping back into place. 
You didn't know what happened, but he didn't seem to like it. You hung your head, hiding your face in shame. He was angry. You were sure of it. You didn't know what you were going to say when he came back. 
Maybe he didn't want you to be in the car once he got back? But he had told you to watch it for him. So you stayed. 
It took a while before he returned. His cheeks were rosy and he had a smile around his mouth. Maybe things were okay? Maybe he really did need to use the bathroom? 
He stepped inside again and smiled at you. “There we go. Sorry. Sometimes you can't hold it, can you?”
You nodded, hesitant.
“Aaw, sweetheart, are you shy? You don't have to, I liked it.”
Liked it? You didn't know what it was, but he wasn't mad that it happened? 
You gave him a glance, to see how he was looking and he seemed relaxed and good natured. He licked his lips. 
“Can I get a kiss, sweetheart? I've been thinking about it all day.” He stared at you expectantly. 
You pondered, but you had liked it yesterday, and you were relieved he wasn't angry, so you nodded. 
“Come on then, kiss me,” he said teasingly. 
Oh. You moved over to him, unsure if how to do this, but just decided to press your lips against his. Upclose he smelled very intense. His scent thicker than before, so you gasped. When you did that, his tongue was suddenly in your mouth, and his hands moved against your face holding you in place. 
It was wet. And weird. But his smell was so overpowering that it wasn't the worst. His tongue tried to coax yours into moving as well but you didn't know how. You just let him move and tried to move as well.
You had expected to hate it. The kissing, the touching. But it didn't feel bad. You liked it. He felt nice, he smelled nice. He said nice things. He made your body float, like you were in the water. Weightless. 
His hands stroked your cheeks, moved to your neck, and suddenly pressed on your gland. You moaned and sagged into his chest. 
“God, look at you. You're feeling real nice, aren't you, sweetheart? I am going to be a gentleman, though, and bring you back so you can be a good girl to your mommy and daddy. No need to rush. But who knew you'd be so responsive? I thought I was going to have to try harder, but it turns out you're just as affected by me as I am about you huh?”
You couldn't do much more than run your nose on his neck, so close to his gland again. 
He sighed. “I’ve kept you long enough, don't want your parents to worry. I want them to like me, show them I've got good intentions. Can't do that when you're coming back all ruffled. Come on sweetheart, back in your seat you go.” He moved you carefully as you blinked at him.
“It's alright, just some space, honey, we need to both calm down a little, huh? I still need to drive, and you have to fix your hair. I might've messed it up a little. You look good though,” he smiled tenderly at you. 
You touched your hair. He was right, it had come out of its pins, you tried to make it presentable again. 
“I would really like to take you out in the weekend, would you like that? Maybe we could take a walk in the park, or go for ice cream.”
“I, I like ice cream,” you admitted.
He smiled happily, “Then ice cream it is.”
Next part
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my-rose-tinted-glasses · 12 hours ago
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It's the start of the jql drought and I'm not doing well friends. March is gonna be a month of jbl rewatches for me.
QL - Currently Watching
🇹🇼 Exclusive Love [4/12] - Once again, I'm here for the sides. I can't help it, I love a pining bestie, and I got two here. I'm not really connecting to the mains for some reason. It seems to be a thing with me and Taiwan lately.
🇰🇷 FC Soldout [7/8] - This show is not great. But honestly, they are all so endearing. And I love that Gang Jae finally told him. That was a very nice moment. And of course we are watching a show with gay footballers so a kiss on the field was obligatory, but in the middle of the game? In front of everyone? Also, is there really only one more ep? I think we need more. Just keep changing some players every once in a while and we could have this show on forever.
🇹🇭 GelBoys [3/7] - Oh the teenage angst... They are too young to know better so I can empathize, but they are also so mean to each other. I loved the change in pov, although there were more similarities than they were differences. I said it before but I'm so grateful I didn't have to go through any of this in this technology era. It looks exhausting. Can't wait to see more of Baabin tomorrow.
🇹🇼 Impression of Youth [8/9] - I'm just not vibing with this one. The pacing is weird, it feels rushed at times, it feels disconnected, and I just don't find any the couples all that compelling. I'm just not feeling it.
🇹🇭 Ossan's Love Th [8/12] - It's bonkers, it's funny and it's cute. Since I haven't seen the original, I can only judge by what is there. And it's fun. I love EarthMix and they deliver the couple moments like few others. And Mix is as perfect as ever. But it's not without its issues. Which for the moment I'm choosing to ignore. Thor is so pretty.
🇹🇭 Perfect 10 Liners [18/24] - Faifa and Wine are one of the most interesting pairs I've seen in a while. It was funny to see a boy entering the bubble in real time. And Faifa. He's such a kinda soul, and trying so hard to keep it all in for the benefits of others. I'm liking this final arc so far.
🇹🇭 Reverse With Me [4/8] - I'm liking this one a lot. The leads are really good together, for now the fantasy element is solid, and the visuals are stunning. I hope this one can keep it up till the end.
🇰🇷 Secret Relationships [2/8] - I'm a sucker for the kdrama look. It's so minimal and clean and shiny. As usual, I have my doubts this kind of messy setup can be done well in 8 eps but I wanna believe. Seong Hyun is very endearing and I really hope Da On can fall for the nice guy. Waiting to see more before I can say anything else, but I hate a bunch of these people already.
🇹🇭 The Boy Next World [5/10] - It's really parallel worlds, uh? I think the funniest thing about this is how I was genuinely surprised by a 'twist' that was revealed in the first episode. I don't expect a lot from this show, so I'm gonna refrain from saying much about it until the end.
🇹🇭 Thame·Po [12/13] - Please please please, stick the landing. This episode felt like a bridge, to hopefully deliver a solid finale. I like the group went to Po. It feels very full circle moment. Now. Thame, come here! You need to pick up that phone. Please. He didn't read the letter before. He didn't know. You are wanted, you are loved. 😢
QL - Finished
🇯🇵 Call Me by No-Name - That was a pretty show I watched.
🇰🇷 Heart Stain - I feel like I missed something cause to me this was just incredibly banal. And time skip my beloathed. I just didn't feel anything.
🇨🇳 I'll Turn Back This Time - The world building was a mess. It was mostly whatever served the moment. It made no sense. And even the happy ending didn't really feel good.
🇹🇼 A Perfect Match - I can't believe I watched this.
🇹🇭 The Heart Killers - Joong was really great.
🇹🇭 Sangmin Dinneaw - Final thoughts here.
🇯🇵 When It Rains, It Pours - This could've been great, but what I'm left with is a show that wanted to tell a complex and layered story but didn't have the time to actually tell the whole story. So it told bits of a good story. There's a lot I could say but I'm don't really wanna dwell on it atm. It was a big disappointment.
QL - Dropped / On Hold Waiting to hear - 🇹🇭 Us | Waiting to binge - 🇹🇼 Eternal Butler
Non QL - Finished
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🇰🇷 The Trauma Code | 🇯🇵 Tokimeki Bakudan | 🇰🇷 Study Group | 🇯🇵 Red Blue
Upcoming - March 02/03- 🇹🇭 Last Meal Universe MDL | Trailer 12/03 - 🇹🇭 My Golden Blood MDL | Trailer 12/03 - 🇹🇭 Lost in the Woods MDL 20/03- 🇹🇭 Top Form MDL | Trailer 28/03- 🇹🇭 Heesu in Class 2 MDL
Well, that's it for now. Happy carnival to all who celebrate, and to the rest, have a wonderful weekend. My ask box is always open. Also if anyone reads this and makes edits of any of the shows I'm watching please use my tag #rosytracks. Thanks💜
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