#TET 2020
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radiophd · 11 months ago
four tet -- loved
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purplealbumoftheday · 2 years ago
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today's purple album of the day is: Three Drums by Four Tet!
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tornbluefoamcouch · 3 months ago
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Artista: Four Tet Álbum: Sixteen oceans Ano: 2020 Faixas/Tempo: 16/54min Estilo: Microhouse/Ambient Data de Execução: 18/11/2024 Nota: 6,0 Melhor Música: Baby
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introspect-la · 1 year ago
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mappingthemoon · 1 month ago
Music 2024
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Top Artists:
The Orb
Opium Jukebox
Four Tet
Girl Talk
Dax Riggs
Fatboy Slim
Funki Porcini
Top Albums:
Four Tet - Parallel (2020)
Opium Jukebox - Bhangra Bloody Bhangra: A Tribute to Black Sabbath (2002)
Dax Riggs - We Sing of Only Blood or Love (2007)
KOKOKO! - BUTU (2024)
Various Artists - Dekmantel Ten: A Decade of Dekmantel Festival (2024)
Electric Six - Fire (2003)
Moby - Play (1999)
Steve Reich - Music for 18 Musicians (1998)
Girl Talk - Night Ripper (2006)
The Orb - U.F.Off: The Best of The Orb (1998)
Top Songs:
Fatboy Slim - "Role Model" (ft. Dan Diamond & Luca Guerrieri) (2024)
Har Mar Superstar - "We Don't Sleep" (2013)
KOKOKO! - "Mokili" (2024)
Marlowe - "Mayday" (2018)
The World/Inferno Friendship Society - "Addicted to Bad Ideas" (2007)
Gorillaz - "DARE" (2005)
Gorillaz - "O Green World" (2005)
The Weeknd - "Blinding Lights" (2020)
Boogie Hill Faders - "I Need You to Walk This Way Tonight" (2010)
Electric Six - "Improper Dancing" (2003)
[Links go to Bandcamp pages when available, or YouTube videos.]
I don't always like the way Last.fm calculates top artists/albums/songs based solely on play count. For example, SUSS only hit my top 10 because I heard they were an "ambient country" group (!?!) and listened to nearly every one of their albums available on Bandcamp over the course of just a few days. That Dekmantel Ten compilation, I only listened to twice all year, but it's 43 tracks so it's counted as a lot of hits for top album. I was definitely obsessed with the new Fatboy Slim song, though, I played that all the time. (And the video for that song is, so far, the only time I've seen an apparently AI-"enhanced" artwork and felt that it was actually an interesting use of AI as a creative tool.)
In recent years, my most common thing to listen to (besides ambient drones) is an infrequently updated playlist called Kitchen Dance Party, which I play while I'm cooking and/or cleaning. It's mostly dance pop/rock, hip-hop, and mashups, obvs. Occasionally I add or remove songs as my interest wanes or I discover something new, but most of the tracks on that playlist are perennial faves always guaranteed to boost my mood, and as such they also totally throw off my Last.fm stats (e.g., Electric Six's album making the top 10 even though I only listen to a couple songs off that record that are on my Kitchen Dance Party playlist).
Other new-to-me stuff I really liked in 2024 but which did not make the Last.fm cut:
Dax Riggs - "deceiver" (2024) [NEW DAX ALBUM COMING JANUARY 25 OMFG]
DJ Latinchat - Tagadá EP (2024)
Indian Ropeman - Elephantsound (1996)
GAS - GAS (2024)
The Olivia Tremor Control - "Garden of Light" & "The Same Place" (2024)
Various Artists - Meditation: Classical Relaxation [this is a 10-CD set I found at America's Thrift for $5.99! In completing this entry, I noticed that Last.fm hadn't counted all these plays under the same album title, and when I edited the metadata, this actually became my #1 album of 2024, even though I only listened to the whole thing (101 tracks) once lol]
Various Artists - Tandava vol. 2 (mixed and compiled by Pathaan)
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tiagssssspace · 1 year ago
KEISKA - delulu; Quit Life - Aperion (feat. e6c41); Semka - Envy 2020; Carro - Barbara Bandeira (did I loose the love of my life? - RE-IMAGINING by Odete); Amnesia Scanner & Freeka Tet - Scorpions, Bats & Spiders; Semka - Technic Angel (w/ Tapiwa Svosve); Romance Relic - never esprit; Almaazz - 123; Rx Papi - 12 Stout Street (suta remix)
Visuals by @vvverse
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chicasteria · 1 year ago
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((( Анет Сай & Evan Roderick ))) ; 🎬 TET-A-TET interview (2020), spinning out (2020) ; credit chicasteria
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glyhndzkr · 2 years ago
Balapan Gores Paha (1)
Halo marathon, Halo paha dan lateral armpit kiri kegores nyeri nyeri mboten sedap.
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Mandiri Jogja Marathon, kata pembawa acara, ini udah berlangsung sejak 2017. Tahun ke-6. Start finish prambanan, jalur no kota kota jogja club, tapi naik naik ke gunung yes, mantapbos. Kalo mau cerita, seperti biasa, kita mulai dari... Halo Marathon, Halo paha... wkwkwk canda, dari daftar.
Pendaftaran - Persiapan
Sebenere, aku ga kepikiran ikut krn agak meragukan dari persiapan acaranya yang kalo dibandingin sama bormar, keliatan banget lebih meriah dan well prepared bormar, jauh, konten ig nya, rangkaian acaranya, desainnya, dsb, plus kedua biar hemat, karena uangnya duluan mau buat daftar bormar.
Tapi saat itu, suhu Aiman al jogjawi, tbtb meng pc wa, dan mengajak. Tanpa panjang kalam, ya gas lah bro. Mendadak alasan di paragraf sebelum ini ditiadakan wkwkwk, tp yg kedua engga, poko e harus dapet early bird satu! biar lebih murmer. 400k, bajunya dua, anduk, jajanan poko e akeh, pijet, foto, banyak poko nya. Insyaa allah untuk standar race kelas internasional, murmer. Oke lanjut.
Oleh harganya yg murmer, pendaftaran early bird, tida semudah itu ferguso. Ya benar kawanku, selain karena habisnya cuepet, proses pembeliannya diiringi dengan erorr wkwkwk. Dan errornya ga dikasi tau sampe kapan. Sebagai masyarakat netizen yang cukup terkenal kurang terlalu bijak wkwkwk hal ini saaaangat cukup untuk memunculkan komen negatif netizen indonesia di insta wkwk. Namun, berkat hasil komen juga, ada satu akun yg mengabarkan bahwa kemungkinan buka lagi sekitar pukul 3 dan bener, alhamdulillah dapet secure 1 tiker FM EB 1. Cuma satu? Iya cuma satu, Mas Aiman karo masku belom. Padahal aku yang diajak. asem :)
Akhirnya cerita pendaftaran pun berlanjut. Akibat punya akun livin mandiri (baru bikin H-1 tet buka pendaftaran EB 1, karena khusus EB cuma bisa pake Livin') saya pun menjadi calo dadakan dua org tersebut. Alhamdulillah pertama beli, izi pizi. Baru yang kedua, atas nama Mas Aiman... asemm entekkkk! agak panik, mulai tremor, tp harap harap cemas, karena statusnya masi fully booked, bukan sold out. Refresh terossss, sambil doa tbtb ada yg batal daftar wkwk. Setelah 40 menit refresh, dor, dapet, asal pilih ukuran baju yang ada, langsung isi data pake tangan tangan bergetar, satset dasdes, 2 tiket HM EB 2 diamankan. Yak, sami sami mas mas, sami sami, tf aja ini rekening ku... wkwkwk ora ora canda, tp nek mas aiman emg ngasi duit terima kasih sih... yakkk... mari lanjut cerita ngehe wkwkwk
Singkat cerita sembari menunggu hari H, ya biasa lari lari, target 200km milleage smp Hari H. kayak e kecapaian, atau hampir yak wkwkwk lupa. Sampai di puncaknya, pun sekalian menunaikan target sejak 2020 lalu (cerita lari ke ibbas ada sendiri), mari coba lari ke Ibbas, buat cek son penderitaan lari 30++ kilometer wkwkwk. Alhamdulillah latian terakhir emang ada gunanya, terutama menyadarkan untuk melakukan strength training dan stretching, yg kemudian langsung praktik di rabu kamisnya, yang pula adalah pertama dan kedua kalinya latian strength yg dilakukan selama masa persiapan, awikwok. Eh ya selain dari munggah gunung slamet dan tektok lawu (ini masing2 juga ada ceritanya). Yang ternyata, gatau emg pengaruh apa ngga wkwk tp pas Hari H, larinya lebih nyaman, walau elevasinya wkwkwk nguengggg. Yak lanjut lagi!
Pre Race
Yak maafkan kami orang Solo yang emang otw jogja nya baru H-1 karena ada KRL dan ga perlu aklimatisasi, yo rak perlu lah wkwkwkwk. Ngentekke duit wae lunga tambah suwe awikwok.
Naik KRL dari Palur sekitar pukul 2.45 sampe Lempuyangan kurleb jam 4. Alhamdulillah setelah beberapa kali naik KRL, kali ini ful senyum karena ful duduk. Sampe sono, nunggu mas Aiman njemput. Mau solat gatau musholla dimana. Akhirnya, jemputan datang, langsung otw masjid solat ashar, lanjut maghrib, sama Isya. Baru habis itu ke Rumah e mas aiman.
Alhamdulillah, setelah perjalanan kita ful berpuasa, no fud, no dring. Tanpa fafifu, "nek kowe melu mangan keluargaku... sans tapi ngko mejane rodok pisah, pie?" wah, *sambilposememepakenanya, wkwkwk. Walau mungkin terkadang dalam pertanyaan macam ini, kami menjawab dengan so soan merasa ga enak atau beberapa mungkin sok menolak dan mempertanyakan keyakinan penawar "yakin?", sebenarnya kami nyaman alhamdulillah, dan tida menolak 😊 hatur nuhun nggih mas jamuannya.
Sebelum berangkat narok barang dulu, rapi rapi, dan tentu, melihat race pack kesayangan kami. Ebuset, ada baju, ebuset ada permen, ebuset ada anduk, ebuset permen lagi, ebuset ada rexona, ebuset permen lagi, ebusettt.. eh permen lagi? ya benar permennya 4 bungkus, trus yang lain, fitbar, isotonik drink, suplemen, salonpas, salonlonggar... lucuuu lucuuu, salongakpas? ngelucuuu meneh... brosur2, dan tentunya BIB A19463, iki pasti kerja sama karo UNS, angka BIB awalku 19 masku karo mas Aiman 17, fix pake NIM. aowkwokwk ya kali. Ga lama, ngobrol, langsung gas madyang.
Kita makan di Resto Sayaaa! ehm, maksudnya Resto Galih, pake i, bukan Y, aih kecewa dikit. dan singkat Cerita, Subhaanallah Maasyaa allah Tabaarakallahh, inilah yang namanya ni'mal hayaaah, ayam bakar, lalapan, nasi, jus melon lemon yang seghar, dan tentunya sambel, yang ga direkomendasikan untuk dimakan saat malam sebelum race *sedihtapitetepdipangansitik.
Lagi makan baru kelar, melayang ikan tepung dan biasa beserta saus dan lalapan kol setengah bunder nder, beuh, mantap boi, pesta ni, tinggal besok paginya aja, sampe ga pamit keluar, apalagi malah mengadakan apel dadakan saat race, beuh, maaf kawan, walau mungkin kalian hanyalah makan malam kami, jangan salahkan kami kalo ada satu dua dendam yang tersimpan dalam hati. Dan... ya benar, itulah yang sempet terjadi menjelang race dimulai, dan toilet? wahh, jangan kira saya sendiri kawann, ini adalah serangan. massal! serangan fajar! ini adalah apel serentak dadakan! dan kami pun sebagai manusia sampai harus memeriahkan apel baris rapi di tiap pos pos toilet terdekat. Luar biasa. Dan sayangnya saat itu, saya belum antri sehingga dihadapkan dalam sebuah dilemma, ngantri dan menuntaskan apel makan malam kemarin, tapi nyusul mulai racenya? apa sebaliknya? berbekal, motto, race hanya sekali, tapi bab bisa berkali kali, dengan penuh ketegaran jiwa dan raga, mengencangkan sfingter ani, kulangkahkan kaki, menjemput mimpi, sembari merapal doa untuk kelancaran race hari ini tanpa ke✨jatuh✨an yang berarti *emotmarahsambilmenahan
Oiya, jadi kelewatan kan karena keasikan cerita apel pagi wkwkwkwk, jadi habis makan, pulang, sebelum tidur, kita foto fomo gear dululah biar eksis, cekrak cekrek, edit dikit, sikatan, tidur sambil doa, semoga... besok... dapet... foto yang bagus 😘 dan finish strong wkwkwk
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Dan tibalah diri ini di start line, melakukan pemanasan kecil, sambil memandangi sepatu indah para pelari lain dengan tatapan, yang kali ini, ahahaa sans, punya gw jg udah upgrade bro, biar w kasi tau, (baca pelan tegas per katanya oke? biar lebih dapet feelnya) NewBalance... FuelCell... Rebel... V3... slebeu. Siap terabas nike vaporfly alphafly, yeah (Walau km 30+ kaki mulai teriak juga akhirnya). Lanjut, dibuka dengan Menyanyikan Indonesia Raya, 3, 2, 1. Dor!
Bendera dikibarkan, Balapan dimulai.
Lanjut part 2 : Race - Post Race
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tightbrosnetwork · 2 years ago
Tight Bros Network is a concert promotion company based in Atlanta that has been operating since 1999. It was founded by Randy Castello and Unisa Asokan in the basement of the eyedrum art & music gallery, located on Trinity Avenue in southwest Atlanta. Where they had the opportunity to learn how to book shows and work with experimental artists, local musicians, and touring artists from North America and abroad.
In 2001, Tight Bros Network was officially launched, and the company expanded its shows to local clubs The Earl, MJQ, Drunken Unicorn, and Star Bar. The company’s mission has always been to support and promote independent artists and provide a platform for experimental and emerging musicians.
In March of 2004, Tight Bros Network founded the Kirkwood Ballers Club, an open-forum arts incubator and a haven for adventurous experiments in music. The Kirkwood Ballers Club has been a staple destination in the Atlanta music scene for two decades and has provided countless musicians with the opportunity to showcase their artistry.
Spanning July 2004 to 2008, Tight Bros Network served as talent purchasers for popular subterranean ATL entertainment complex, Drunken Unicorn & MJQ. During this period, we worked tirelessly to bring larger national and international artists and DJs to the city. We developed a reputation for booking high-quality shows that catered to the local music scene’s evolving tastes. The experience gained from working with such big artists as Diplo, Four Tet, and Animal Collective to name a few helped us to grow our network and reputation as a top indie concert promotion company in Atlanta. It also set our foundation and enabled us to expand into other local clubs and concert venues.
Tight Bros Network has received numerous accolades over the years, including being voted Best Local Concert Promoter in 2006, 2007, and 2008 by Creative Loafing, Atlanta.
In November of 2008, we switched gears to help our friends book bands at 529, a small club, unknown at the time, located in East Atlanta Village, where we helped nurture a bright local music scene for eight years and played a crucial role in developing 529’s reputation as a premier venue for live music in Atlanta.
During this period, we expanded our reach by booking events at larger venues, such as Variety Playhouse, Terminal West, Center Stage, Plaza Theatre and Goat Farm. We expanded our roster to include comedy events.
Additionally, we partnered with companies like Red Bull and PBR as curators for events featuring emerging artists from around the world. We were also afforded the opportunity to book musical acts for Adult Swim’s Fishcenter live stream (RIP).
In 2016 we returned to Drunken Unicorn where we booked shows until March 2020 when the Covid pandemic hit forcing us to abruptly cease operating at the venue. It was a dark time for live music.
In 2020, when the live music scene was disrupted due to the pandemic, Tight Bros Network shifted its focus to managing Upchuck, a young band from Atlanta that is starting to gain national attention due to its raucous live shows and compelling releases.
Despite the challenges of the pandemic, Tight Bros Network has continued to support the Atlanta music scene and provide a platform for emerging artists to showcase their talents.
In the summer of 2021, we helped open eyedrum art & music gallery’s new location in the West End on Ralph David Abernathy Blvd, where we now host Kirkwood Ballers Club on the third Thursday of each month, continuing their avant-garde monthly forum at the art and music gallery where it all began.
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brookstonalmanac · 14 days ago
Events 1.31 (after 1930)
1942 – World War II: Allied forces are defeated by the Japanese at the Battle of Malaya and retreat to Singapore. 1943 – World War II: German field marshal Friedrich Paulus surrenders to the Soviets at Stalingrad, followed two days later by the remainder of his Sixth Army, ending one of the war's fiercest battles. 1944 – World War II: American forces land on Kwajalein Atoll and other islands in the Japanese-held Marshall Islands. 1944 – World War II: During the Anzio campaign, the 1st Ranger Battalion (Darby's Rangers) is destroyed behind enemy lines in a heavily outnumbered encounter at Battle of Cisterna, Italy. 1945 – US Army private Eddie Slovik is executed for desertion, the first such execution of an American soldier since the Civil War. 1945 – World War II: About 3,000 inmates from the Stutthof concentration camp are forcibly marched into the Baltic Sea at Palmnicken (now Yantarny, Russia) and executed. 1945 – World War II: The end of fighting in the Battle of Hill 170 during the Burma Campaign, in which the British 3 Commando Brigade repulsed a Japanese counterattack on their positions and precipitated a general retirement from the Arakan Peninsula. 1946 – Cold War: Yugoslavia's new constitution, modeling that of the Soviet Union, establishes six constituent republics (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia). 1946 – The Democratic Republic of Vietnam introduces the đồng to replace the French Indochinese piastre at par. 1949 – These Are My Children, the first television daytime soap opera, is broadcast by the NBC station in Chicago, United States. 1951 – United Nations Security Council Resolution 90 relating to the Korean War is adopted. 1958 – Cold War: Space Race: The first successful American satellite detects the Van Allen radiation belt. 1961 – Project Mercury: Mercury-Redstone 2: The chimpanzee Ham travels into outer space. 1966 – The Soviet Union launches the unmanned Luna 9 spacecraft as part of the Luna program. 1968 – Vietnam War: Viet Cong guerrillas attack the United States embassy in Saigon, and other attacks, in the early morning hours, later grouped together as the Tet Offensive. 1971 – Apollo program: Apollo 14: Astronauts Alan Shepard, Stuart Roosa, and Edgar Mitchell, aboard a Saturn V, lift off for a mission to the Fra Mauro Highlands on the Moon. 1971 – The Winter Soldier Investigation, organized by the Vietnam Veterans Against the War to publicize alleged war crimes and atrocities by Americans and allies in Vietnam, begins in Detroit. 1978 – The Crown of St. Stephen (also known as the Holy Crown of Hungary) goes on public display after being returned to Hungary from the United States, where it was held after World War II. 1988 – Doug Williams becomes the first African American quarterback to play in a Super Bowl and leads the Washington Redskins to victory in Super Bowl XXII. 2001 – In the Netherlands, a Scottish court convicts Libyan Abdelbaset al-Megrahi and acquits another Libyan citizen for their part in the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988. 2003 – The Waterfall rail accident occurs near Waterfall, New South Wales, Australia. 2007 – Emergency officials in Boston mistakenly identified battery-powered LED placards depicting characters from Aqua Teen Hunger Force as Improvised explosive devices (IEDs), causing a panic. 2009 – At least 113 people are killed in Kenya and over 200 injured following an oil spillage ignition in Molo, days after a massive fire at a Nakumatt supermarket in Nairobi killed at least 25 people. 2019 – Abdullah of Pahang is sworn in as the 16th Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia. 2020 – The United Kingdom's membership within the European Union ceases in accordance with Article 50, after 47 years of being a member state.[ 2022 – Sue Gray, a senior civil servant in the United Kingdom, publishes an initial version of her report on the Downing Street Partygate controversy. 2023 – The last Boeing 747, the first wide-body airliner, is delivered.
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radiophd · 2 years ago
amnesia scanner & freeka tet -- ledge
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brookston · 20 days ago
Events 1.25
Big Rock Day
Biologist’s Day (Mexico)
Burns Night (a.k.a. Robert Burns Day; Scotland)
Criminon Day (Scientology)
Dinner Party Day
Dydd Santes Dwynwen (Welsh Valentine's Day)
Festival of Constructive Energy
Fluoride Day
Food and Nutrition Day (Indonesia)
G.F. Betico Croes Day (Aruba)
International Day of Action on Yemen
International Day of Women in Multilateralism
IV Nurse Day (a.k.a. Intravenous Nurse Day)
January Revolution and National Police Day (Egypt)
KStews Day
Laurustinus Day (French Republic)
Long Distance Day
Luanda City Day (Angola)
Macintosh Computer Day (a.k.a. Mac Day)
Multicultural Children’s Book Day
National Florida Day
National Heroes’ Day (Cayman Islands)
National Moose Day
National Nutrition Day (Indonesia)
National Opposite Day
National Police Day (Egypt)
National Tourism Day (India)
National Videography Day
National Voters’ Day (India)
Observe the Weather Day
Official Crayon Day
Public Holiday (Saint Vincent and Grenadines)
A Room of One's Own Day
Social Workers’ Day (Talikstan)
Soda Fountain Day
St. Dwynwen’s Day (Welsh Valentine’s Day; Wales)
Tatiana Day (a.k.a. Students Day; Russia, Ukraine)
Thank Your Mentor Day
Virginia Woolf Day
Wedding March Day
Winter-een-mas begins [thru 31st]
Winter Olympics Day
Women’s Health Research Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Food and Nutrition Day (Indonesia)
National Fish Taco Day
National Irish Coffee Day
Schnitzelbank Bratwurst Day (Jasper, Indiana)
Nature Celebrations
Cerastium Day (Genuine; Korean Birth Flowers)
Independence, Flag & Related Days
Federated States of Antarctica (Declared; 2009) [unrecognized]
Foundation Day (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Himachal Pradesh Statehood Day (India)
Islamic Emirate of Acre (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Revolution Day 2011 (Egypt)
São Paulo Foundation Day (Brazil; 1554)
Ukraine (Independence Declaration Day, from Bolshevik Russia; 1918)
New Year’s Days
Chinese New Year Holiday, Day 1 (Taiwan)
Mahāyāna New Year (Mahāyāna Buddhism)
Tet Holiday (Vietnam)
4th & Last Saturday in January
Great Fruitcake Toss (Manitou Springs, Colorado) [Last Saturday]
KidFilm Festival begins [Last Saturday]
National Seed Swap Day [Last Saturday]
Salacious Saturday [4th Saturday of Each Month]
Sandwich Saturday [Every Saturday]
Sausage Saturday [4th Saturday of Each Month]
Side Hustle Saturday (UK) [Last Saturday]
Six For Saturday [Every Saturday]
Spaghetti Saturday [Every Saturday]
Splurge Saturday [Last Saturday of Each Month]
Stir-Fry Saturday [Last Saturday of Each Month]
Visit Your Local Quilt Shop Day [4th Saturday]
Winter Brew Fest (Denver, Colorado) [Last Saturday]
Yay Day (Sam & Cat TV Show) [Last Saturday]
Weekly Holidays beginning January 25 (3rd Full Week of January)
Carnival of Limoux (Limoux, France) [thru 4.6]
Cordova Iceworm Days (Cordova, Alaska) [thru 2.1]
National Storytelling Week [thru 2.1]
Festivals Beginning January 25, 2025
Brunswick Rockin' Stewbilee (Brunswick, Georgia)
The Chocolate Expo (Wilmington, Massachusetts) [thru 1.26]
FFA Farm Toy Show (Saline, Michigan)
Food & Agriculture Winter Conference (Asbury Park, New Jersey)
Hoggetowne Medieval Faire (Gainesville, Florida) [thru 1.26]
Indian River Marine Flea Market and Seafood Festival (Vero Beach, Florida) [thru 1.26]
International Hot Air Balloon Festival of Château-d’Oex (Château-d’Oex, Switzerland) [thru 2.2]
Midwest AG Expo (Gordyville, Illinois) [thru 1.26]
New York Craft Brewers Festival (Albany, New York)
New York Travel & Adventure Show (New York, New York) [thru 1.26]
One Love Festival (Tauranga, New Zealand) [thru 1.26]
Playtime (Paris, France) [thru 1.27]
Port St. Lucie Seafood Festival (Port St. Lucie, Florida) [thru 1.26]
Saint Simons Land Trust Oyster Roast (St. Simons Island, Georgia)
SAVOR Food & Wine Festival (Tucson, Arizona)
Social in the City (London, United Kingdom) [thru 1.26]
Winterfest (Amana Colonies, Iowa)
WWA Convention (Las Vegas, Nevada)
Feast Days
Ananias of Damascus (Christian; Saint)
Apollo (Christian; Saint)
Artemas (Christian; Martyr)
Burns Night (Pastafarian)
Cere’s Day (Pagan)
Conversion of Saint Paul (Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Anglican and Lutheran churches, which concludes the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity)
Dwynwen (Celtic; Saint) [Welsh Valentine’s Day]
Dydd Santes Dwynwen (Wales)
Feriae Sementivae (Ancient Roman Feast to Spring)
Gather Bathou San (Assam, India)
Great Uncle Fishknife (Muppetism)
Gregory the Theologian (Eastern or Byzantine Catholic Church)
Imoinu Irapta (Manipur, India)
Isaiah (Positivist; Saint)
Juventinus and Maximinus, Martyrs of Antioch (Christian; Martyrs)
Keith Moon Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Nut’s Day (Ancient Egypt)
Old Disting (Norse)
Poppo of Stavello (Christian; Saint)
Praejectus (a.k.a. Prix; Christian; Saint)
Publius (Christian; Saint)
Sementivae Feria: Seed Blessing (Pagan)
The last day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Christian ecumenism)
Lunar Calendar Holidays
Chinese: Month 12 (Ding-Chou), Day 26 (Jia-Wu)
Day Pillar: Wood Horse
12-Day Officers/12 Gods: Initiate Day (执 Zhi) [Auspicious]
Holidays: None Today
Secular Saints Days
Pompeo Batoni (Art)
Robert Burns (Literature)
Stephen Chbosky (Literature)
Eusebio (Sports)
Govert Flinck (Art)
Shotaro Ishinomori (Art)
Etta James (Music)
Antonio Carlos Jobim (Music)
Leiji Matsumoto (Art)
W. Somerset Maugham (Literature)
Morgan Russell (Art)
Georgy Shishkin (Art)
Hendrick van Avercamp (Art)
Virginia Woolf (Literature)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 2 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [2 of 24]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Adventure (Atari 2600 Video Game; 1980)
After Many a Summer Dies the Swan, by Aldous Huxley (Novel; 1939)
The Augsburg Confession (Lutheran Religious Book; 1530)
Beware of Barnacle Bill (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1935)
Birds of Prey (Film; 2020)
Black Sails (TV Series; 2014)
Blame!, by Tsutomu Nihei (Manga; 1997)
Bughouse, recorded by Red Norvo (Song; 1935)
Cat’s Meow (MGM Cartoon; 1957)
Circus Time (Toby the Pup Cartoon; 1931)
Club Sandwich, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1931)
The Count of Monte Cristo (Film; 2002)
Elektra, by Richard Strauss (Opera; 1909)
Enough Rope, by Dorothy Parker (Poetry; 1926)
The Family Circus (Jolly Frolics UPA Cartoon; 1951)
Flat Foot Fledgling (Dinky Duck Terrytoons Cartoon; 1931)
Flim Flam Fountain (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1971)
Gerald McBoing Boing (Jolly Frolics UPA Cartoon; 1951)
The Goofy Gophers (LT WB Cartoon; 1947)
The Great Carrot Train Robbery (WB MM Cartoon; 1969)
The Grifters (Film; 1991)
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (Film; 2013)
Hear My Prayer, by Felix Mendelssohn (Choral Work; 1844)
The House Without a Key, by Earl Derr Biggers (Novel; 1925) [Charlie Chan #1]
Hymn for the Weekend, by Coldplay (Song; 2016)
La Cenerentola (a.k.a. Cinderella), by Gioachino Riossini (Opera; 1817)
Legends of the Superheroes: Part 2 (Hanna-Barbera Animated TV Movie; 1979)
Lucifer (TV Series; 2016)
M*A*S*H (Film; 1970)
Metamorphosen, by Richard Strauss (Small Ensemble Piece; 1945)
Napoleon, by Emil Ludwig (Biography; 1906)
New York and It’s People (Bertlevyettes Cartoon; 1915)
Noise Annoys Ko-Ko (Fleischer Inkwell Imps Cartoon; 1929)
101 Dalmatians (Animated Disney Film; 1961)
Parrotville Old Folks (Rainbow Parade Cartoon; 1935)
The Perils of Gwendolyn in the Land of the Yik Yak (Film; 1985)
Pest Pupil (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1957)
Polar (Film; 2019)
Popeye’s Pappy (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1952)
Proud Mary, by Creedence Clearwater Revival (Song; 1969)
The Rolling Stone or Look Maw, No Moss (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 340; 1965)
Sassy Cats (Scrappy Cartoon; 1933)
She Loves You, by The Beatles (Song; 1964)
Skins (UK TV Series; 2007)
The Thin Man Goes Home (Film; 1945)
Tito and the Birds (Animated Film; 2019)
Tom and Jerry: Cowboy Up! (WB Animated Film; 2022)
Unplugged, recorded by Paul McCartney (Live TV Concert; 1991)
A Walk to Remember (Film; 2002)
Weather Lady, Part 1 (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 339; 1965)
What a Night, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1935)
Wool: The Stranded, by Hugh Howey (Novel; 2012)
Today’s Name Days
Paulus, Wolfram (Austria)
Grigor (Bulgaria)
Ananija, Pavao, Projekto (Croatia)
Miloš (Czech Republic)
Paap, Paavel, Paavo, Paul (Estonia)
Paavali, Paavo, Paul, Pauli, Paulus (Finland)
Pauli Bekehrung, Wolfram (Germany)
Gregorios, Gregoris, Gregory, Grigorios, Grigoris, Margaret, Margarita (Greece)
Pál (Hungary)
Paolo, Sabino, Savino (Italy)
Sigurds, Zigurds, Zigvalda, Zigvalds (Latvia)
Jaunutis, Jomantas, Povilas, Viltenis, Žiedė (Lithuania)
Pål, Paul (Norway)
Miłosz, Miłowan, Miłowit, Paweł, Tacjanna, Tatiana (Poland)
Bretanion, Grigorie (Romania)
Tatyana (Russia)
Gejza (Slovakia)
Elvira, Pablo (Spain)
Pål, Paul, Paulus (Sweden)
Amari, Amir, Amira, Amarion, Gwayne, Hakon, Hawk, Jamari, Prince, Princess (USA)
Today’s National Name Days
National Gregory Day
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 25 of 2025; 340 days remaining in the year
ISO Week: Day 6 of Week 4 of 2025
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 5 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Ding-Chou), Day 26 (Gui-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Jia-Wu]
Coptic: 17 Tubah 1741
Druid Tree Calendar: Cypress (Jan 25-Feb 3) [Day 1 of 15]
Hebrew: 25 Teveth 5785
Islamic: 25 Rajab 1446
J Cal: 25 White; Foursday [25 of 30]
Julian: 12 January 2025
Moon: 16%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 25 Moses (1st Month) [Isiah]
Runic Half Month: Elhaz (Elk) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 36 of 90)
Week: 3rd Full Week of January
Tropical (Typical) Zodiac: Aquarius (Day 6 of 30)
Sidereal Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 11 of 29)
Schmidt Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 25 of 25)
IAU Boundaries (Current) Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 6 of 28)
IAU Boundaries (1977) Zodiac: Capricornus (Day 7 of 28)
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menikmati · 1 month ago
hétfőn könyvtár zárva ezért Auchan kávézó a munka helyszín
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beansonbread2 · 2 months ago
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2023 > Squid - 'O Monolith' (see full list HERE)
2022 > Jockstrap - ’ I Love You Jennifer B’ (see full list HERE)
2021 > Self Esteem - ‘Prioritise Pleasure’ (see full list HERE)
2020 > The Flaming Lips - ‘American Head’ (see full list HERE)
2019 > Self Esteem - ‘Compliments Please’ (see full list HERE)
2018 > Kero Kero Bonito - ‘Time ‘n’ Place’ (see full list HERE)
2017 > Richard Dawson - ‘Peasant’ (see full list HERE)
2016 > Blood Orange - ‘Freetown Sound’ (see full list HERE)
2015 > Holly Herndon - ‘Platform’ (see full list HERE)
2014 > FKA Twigs - ‘LP1′ (see full list HERE)
2013 > These New Puritans - ‘Field Of Reeds’ (see full list HERE)
2012 > Django Django - ‘Django Django’ (see full list HERE)
2011 > Shabazz Palaces - ‘Black Up’ (see full list HERE)
2010 > These New Puritans - ‘Hidden’ (see full list HERE)
2009 > Animal Collective - ‘Merriweather Post Pavilion’ (see full list HERE)
2008 > Wild Beasts - ‘Limbo, Panto’ (see full list HERE)
2007 > Animal Collective - ‘Strawberry Jam’ (see full list HERE)
2006 > Safetyword - ‘Man’s Name Is Legion’ (see full list HERE)
2005 > Animal Collective - ‘Feels’ (see full list HERE)
2004 > Devendra Banhart - ‘Rejoicing In The Hands’ / ‘Nino Rojo’
2003 > Dizzee Rascal - ‘Boy In Da Corner’
2002 > The Streets - ‘Original Pirate Material’
2001 > The Beta Band - ‘Hot Shots II’
2000 > Outkast - ‘Stankonia’
1999 > The Beta Band - ‘The Beta Band’
1998 > The Beta Band - ‘The Three EPs’
1997 > Radiohead - ‘OK Computer’
1996 > Beck - ‘Odelay’
THE RULES - No Re-issues, Live Albums, Compilations, or EPs.
SPECIAL MENTIONS for these things that don’t really live on the main lists.
Dean Blunt ‘Hackney Commercial Waste (2022-2023)’
WORTH A MENTION (in no order) - A bunch of albums i enjoyed but didn’t quite make the final lists and others i just didn’t hear enough to be considered properly. 
Giant Claw / Oliver Coates / Ise Jones / Iglooghost / Poppy / FLO / Arooj Aftab / Babymorocco / Skee Mask / Dali de Saint Paul & Maxwell Sterling / Denzel Curry / Wendy Eisenberg / SZA / Death’s Dynamic Shroud / Rhodri Davies / Kinbote / Moor Mother / Afterlands / Omar Souleyman / Victoria Hume / L.T. Leif / Painting / WON’T / The Big Fuss Ensemble / Permapup / Tim Koh / More Eaze / Galen Tipton / Devonanon / Sega Bodega / COIMS / Copper Sounds, Dali St Paul, Laura Phillips, Dan Johnson / Holiday Ghosts / Bingo Fury / Ian Lynch / Permapup / Haley Heynderickx / Gerycz, Powers, Rolin / Goat Girl / Camera Obscura / Arab Strap / Four Tet / Myriam Gendron / Aphex Twin / Chinese American Bear / Violence Gratuite / James Devane / FearDorian / Tony Njoku / Joanna Wang / Matthew Herbert / GAISTER / Mstafa / Hayden Thorpe / Fievel Is Glauque / October Drift / Lanny / Niamh Regan / Extnddntwrk / Cowtown / Toro Y Moi / Fat Dog / Nicky / Beabadoobee / Excellent Birds / Fontaines D.C / Tyla / Black Decelerant / KOKOKO! / Remi Wolf / Shaznay Lewis / Sisso / Lava La Rue / Khruangbin / Robert Ouyang Rusli / Thom Yorke / Shabaka / Omni / Helado Negro / Nick Carlisle / Torres / Amyl And The Sniffers / Jordan Playfair / Bladee / Chat Pile / Jerry Paper / Our Girl / Beatrice Dillon / Rubie / Nicholas Craven & Boldly James / Kelly Lee Owens / Adam Ross / Jill Fraser / Dawn Richard / Caribou / The Hard Quartet / Vegyn / Elaine Howley / Milton Nascimento & Esperanza Spalding / Anna Meredith / Plastic Beach / PACKS / Hurray For The Riff Raff / Real Estate / Kirin J Callinan / ScHoolboy Q / Waxahatchee / Lolina / St. Vincent / Bladee / Drahla / Nicolas Jaar / Bonny Light Horseman / Skee Mask / John Cale / Fire-Toolz / Joe Goddard / Los Bitchos / Laurie Anderson / Lia Kohl / Jamie xx / Xiu Xiu / Floating Points / Ginger Root / Hinds / Being Dead / Ezra Collective / Alan Sparhawk / Masayoshi Fujita / Famous / Yasmin Williams / Warmduscher / Martha Skye Murphy / Michael / Alexia Avina / Knife Liibrary
2024 RUNNERS UP (in no order)
McClure & Whyte ‘Farming’
Actress ‘Statik’
Tapir! ‘The Pigrim, Their God and The King of My Decrepit Mountain’ 
Bianca Scout ‘Pattern Damage’
Galen Tipton & Holly Waxwing ‘KeepsakeFM’
Nia Archives ‘Silence Is Loud’
Bullion ‘Affection’
The Death Of Pop ‘FLOG’
Tierra Whack ‘World Wide Whack’
Blue Bendy ‘So Medieval’
Spirit Of The Beehive ‘You’ll Have To Lose Something’
Able Noise ‘High Tide’
Lots Of Hands ‘Fantasy’
Serpentwithfeet ‘GRIP’
The High Llamas ‘Hey Panda’
Underworld ‘Strawberry Hotel’
Bolis Pupul ‘Letter To You’
Colin Stetson ‘The Love It Took To Leave You’
Dorian Electra ‘Fanfare: The Lost Demos’
Yung Lean & Bladee ‘Psykos’
Adrianne Lenker ‘Bright Future’
Spresso ‘Pretty Penny Slur’
Ben Salisbury & Geoff Barrow ‘Civil War’ OST
Anna Erhard ‘Botanical Garden’
Galen Tipton ‘Tringle’
Andrew Wasylyk & Tommy Perman ‘Ash Grey and the Gull Glides On’
Savage Mansion ‘The Shakes’
Susan Bear 'Algorithmic Mood Music’
Rhodri Davies ‘Creiriau y Delyn Rawn’
Liz Lawrence ‘Peanuts’
MJ Lenderman ‘Manning Fireworks’
English Teacher ‘This Could Be Texas’
Kim Gordon ‘The Collective’
Memotone ‘Spring Clean’
Field Music ‘Limits Of Language’
Nev Clay ‘So Little Happened For So Long’
Klein ‘Marked’
Godspeed You! Black Emperor ‘No Title As Of 13 February 2024 28,340 Dead’
Bulbils ‘80.Art’
Jane Weaver ‘Love In Constant Spectacle’
Hiro Ama ‘Music For Peace And Harmony’
Kayla Painter ‘Fractures’
Robin Allender ‘Yesterday’s Yet To Come’
Langkamer ‘Langzamer’
J Spaceman & John Coxon ‘Music For William Eggleston’s Stranded In Canton’
Soccer Mommy ‘Evergreen’
Ezra Feinberg ‘Soft Power’
Tom Rasmussen ‘Live Wire’
Kelela ‘RAVE:N, The Remixes’
Crack Cloud ‘Red Mile’
Friko ‘Where We’ve Been, Where We Go From Here’
Grandaddy ‘Blu Wav’
Jessica Pratt ‘Here In The Pitch’
Lil Yachty & James Blake ‘Bad Cameo’
BABii ‘DareDeviil2000’ 
This Is Lorelei ‘Box For Buddy, Box For Star’
Karl D’Silva ‘Love Is A Flame In The Dark’
Eiko Ishibashi ‘Evil Does Not Exist’ (OST)
LICE ‘Third Time At The Beach’
Orbury Common ‘Sylvan Chute’
Urika’s Bedroom ‘Big Smile, Black Mire’
Fat White Family ‘Forgiveness Is Yours’
Tindersticks ‘Soft Tissue’
Mabe Fratti ‘Sentir Que No Sabes’
The Smile ‘Cutouts’
Minotaur Shock ‘It All Levels Out’
JLin ‘Akoma’
Michael Head & The Red Elastic Band ‘Loophole’
SML ‘Small Medium Large’
Various Artists ‘I Saw The TV Glow’ OST
Billie Eilish ‘Hit me Hard And Soft’
Jawnino ‘40’
Laura Marling ‘Patterns In Repeat’
Beth Gibbons ‘Lives Outgrown’
Dana Gavanski ‘Late Slap’
Euros Childs ‘Beehive Beach’
MGMT ‘Loss Of Life’
Clarissa Connelly ‘World Of Work’
Nadine Shah 'Filthy Underneath’
Jerskin Fendrix ‘Poor Things’ OST
Tim Heidecker ‘Slipping Away’
Lifter ‘Clasping Hands With The Moribund’
Nala Sinephro ‘Endlessness’
The Crying Nudes ‘The Crying Nudes’
Kamasi Washington ‘Fearless Movement’
Ishmael Ensemble 'Rituals'
50. James Ferraro ‘Genware I, II, III’
49. Louie Newlands ‘Shards Of The Vase (Songs From My 20s)’
48. Daniel Inzani ‘Selected Worlds’ 
47. Jabu ‘A Soft And Gatherable Star’
46. The Bug ‘Machines I-V’
45. Katy J Pearson ‘Someday, Now’
44. One True Pairing ‘Endless Rain’
43. Mk.gee ‘Two Star & The Dream Police’
42. Why? ‘The Well I Fell Into’
41. Naima Bock ‘Below A Massive Dark Land’
40. Group Listening ‘Walks’
39. Spectres ‘AM DRAM’
38. Bonnie Prince Billy, Nathan Salsburg, Tyler Trotter ‘Hear The Children Sing The Evidence’
37. Tyler, The Creator ‘CHROMAKOPIA’
36. The Smile ‘Wall of Eyes’
35. Beyonce ‘Cowboy Carter’
34. Vince Staples ‘Dark Times’
33. Cassandra Jenkins ‘My Light, My Destroyer’
32. Death’s Dynamic Shroud & Galen Tipton ‘You Like Music’
31. Deep Nalström ‘Baroud’
30. Los Campesinos! ‘All Hell’
29. Dean Blunt & Joanne Robertson ‘Backstage Raver’
28. Moin ‘You Never End’
27. Beak> ‘>>>>’
26. Ex-Easter Island Head ‘Norther’
25. Nilufer Yanya ‘My Method Actor’
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24. Bill Ryder-Jones ‘Iecyd Da’
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23. Gruff Rhys ‘Sadness Sets Me Free’
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22. Memotone ‘Fever Of The World’
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21. Still House Plants ‘If I Don’t Make It, I Love U’
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20. William Doyle ‘Springs Eternal’
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19. Daniel Blumberg ‘The Brutalist’ OST
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18. Doechii ‘Alligator Bites Never Heal’
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17. Julia Holter ‘Something In The Room She Moves’
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16. Good Sad Happy Bad ‘All Kinds Of Days’
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15. Astrid Sonne ‘Great Doubt’
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14. Claire Rousay ‘Sentiment’
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13. Cindy Lee ‘Diamond Jubilee’
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12. Clairo ‘Charm’
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11. Trust Fund ‘Has It Been A While?’
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10. Mermaid Chunky ‘Slif Slaf Slof’
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9. The Lemon Twigs ‘A Dream Is All We Know’
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8. Kendrick Lamar ‘GNX’
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7. Geordie Greep ‘The New Sound’
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6. Mount Kimbie ‘The Sunset Violent’
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5. JPEGMAFIA ‘I Lay Down My Life For You’
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4. A.G. Cook ‘Britpop’
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3. Magdalena Bay ‘Imaginal Disk’
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2. Charli XCX ‘Brat’ (+ ‘Brat And It’s Completely Different But Also Still Brat’)
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1. Vampire Weekend ‘Only God Was Above Us’
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bachmankingoverdrive · 2 months ago
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Today we'll be taking a look at the Gwendy's series. I absolutely adore this trilogy.
Originally published in 2017, Gwendy's Button Box was actually cowritten by King and Richard Chizmar. I'll be using my Gallery Books Trade Paperback (2017) ISBN 978-1-5011-8829-9
This series is set in Castle Rock and is peppered front to back with Mr. Richard Farris.... RF... aka Mr. Randall Flagg. First introducing himself in Chapter One, page 11.
Gwendy and her use of the titular Button Box is the direct cause of both the Jonestown Massacre* (Chaper 11, page 73) and the collapse of the Suicide Stairs. This event is mentioned in other recent books that are based in Castle Rock such as Elevation. Chapter 22, page 121
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The second book in the trilogy was written solely by Richard Chizmar, and was published in 2019. It will be included in my list because... well I want to, and I think that it just makes sense in the scheme of every other Castle Rock book. I'll be using my Gallery Books trade Paperback (2020) ISBN 978-1-9821-3972-8
Just one single heap of a paragraph has all the Castle Rock references a person could want, Frank Dodd (Dead Zone), Cujo, and the fire from Needful Things. Chapter 28, Page 70
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Lastly we've got Final Task, again cowritten by Chizmar and King. Published 2022. I'll be using my Cemetary Dance Trade Hardcover (2022) ISBN 978-1-58767-801-1
Starting off strong with the Dark Tower sneaky references. The TET Corporation and the Many Flags space station. Chapter One and Two, pages 7-10
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Next we've got Pennywise (Chapter 17, page 113), and a reference to the Black Spot incident from the 1930's (Chapter 7, page 43)
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We've also got confirmation that while in the hands of another person, the Button Box caused COVID. Which will connect Holly, and I'm sure others in the future. (Chapter 13, page 83)
And lastly we've got the introduction of the "Low men" and what I will be calling, the "Low cars". These connect us to the Dark Tower, Hearts in Atlantis, From a Buick 8. (Chapter 22, page 172)
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This trilogy has so much going on and is so interconnected, I know that I have missed many conections. I will be revisiting this in the future and will definitely update this when I do.
Long Days and Pleasant Nights,
*This event has many connections, including one that I am hesitant to include. Which is 11/22/63 as the altering of the past has not stopped this event from happening, but has worsened it. The death toll mentioned in the alternate future being significantly higher than before.
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waterlillies-2007 · 7 months ago
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