#T'Pel and Tuvok are unspeakably disappointed. They had to meditate for days.
bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Asil & Her wife “Tim” (she won’t give Asil her real name unless she gives her an amount of money that gets higher every time the topic’s brought up)
Asil and “Tim” are married because while Asil was investigating a case she found out that Tim’s current husband was a lout who’d she’d have to get married to again if she didn’t find someone else to enter into a marriage with. Asil tried several avenues to get Tim out of this but in the end she was cornered and had to think quickly and so she got married to Tim instead of him as soon as the previous contract was up.  She and Tim don’t cohabitate (Tim lives various places, all on Ferenginar while Asil travels constantly for her work but mostly lives out of a small personal ship) and they don’t talk regularly but every time their marriage contract is coming to a close Asil offers to renew it and Tim* accepts the money ‘on behalf of her father’. *It’s unclear whether or not Tim actually has any family Tim is a dominatrix/escort (two separate occupations but she’ll combine ‘em if you want) and considered very...arousing in every way, both good and bad, to other Ferengi. She doesn’t really care about women’s rights or anything, she just wants to make money and she saw the new movement as an opportunity to do that. She intentionally doesn’t lean too far towards being political so that she isn’t considered a persona non grata and will 100% disparage and make fun of feminists when it suits her to do so. Basically just wants to be provoking enough to stand out but not enough to genuinely challenge the status quo. When she and Asil are in public together she makes Asil speak to people for her because it’s not proper for a lady to speak to strangers! But when she’s alone she speaks to strangers just fine. She also sometimes shows up naked just so Asil will scramble to buy her clothes. Asil has no idea whether or not Tim likes her earnestly or is just using her. (she would continue their marriage either way, it’s just something she’s curious about) They go on a lot of dates whenever Asil has time and Tim seems to enjoy herself immensely but she’s very mysterious about her background. They also have a lot of sex.  Tim is actually a pretty paranoid person who feels safe with Asil...but she doesn’t want her to know that. Thinks Asil is a bit of a sucker but thinks it affectionately. Appreciates Asil’s calmer interactions with her and her steady but distant support since her ex-husband was very controlling and volatile. Currently considers Asil to be a kind and generous patron more than a wife but...who knows~ Asil finds Tim fascinating and wants to help/protect her. Asil also has a bit of a type which Tim fits very neatly into: Cute girls who will bite her. She considers Tim to be her wife. Asil is actually very popular with the other women Tim hangs out with and they all giggle and fawn over her whenever Tim brings her around. Tim loves it. Asil hired someone to teach Tim how to read so she wouldn’t get caught up in any more unfair contracts while Asil was gone.  Tim also sometimes proves useful with getting information out of people that Asil can’t or exploring avenues closed to Asil. She helps her wife eagerly! For the right price~
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