#Sunny is probably the happiest kid but some think of her as just a SandWing and not a 'real NightWing' or whatever blah blah
nightwingsaregoths · 19 days
so sorry for Morrowseer... he was an advisor for the queen and met a fiery end, but if he existed in real life, he would have been that type of person who's been complaining about his horrid work-life balance for the past 5 years and has around 6 hours of sleep a night, makes Moon's blood pressure shoot up from merely existing in the same space as her mother (usually Morrowseer stays in the living room and Secretkeeper watches Netflix off her phone at max volume in the kitchen) but it's okay because they're keeping the marriage together until their only child turns old enough and leaves the house. Also drops comments about IceWings and SandWings and RainWings while Moon slumps in her seat and stares awkwardly while refusing to think about the very real people who flashed through her mind. He's also on medication for something and has one of those middle aged male afflictions that he'll have until the day he dies. We suspect that his genetics'll take him out in 30 years. Unfortunately, his sacrifices have done much for the family and Moon still feels guilty as he gripes about it. Still makes Moon feel like garbage when he compares her to all the other NightWing kids in the neighborhood, whose coursework, GPAs, and extracurriculars he knows in detail from all that NightWing parent gossip (he's still clowning on Farsight for letting Fierceteeth go to the community college). Also says something to Moon that will affect her psyche for years and then yells at her for being clearly affected by having a parent like him.
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