#Sunfire elves 'Our Queen's a simp...
baatarthefirst · 9 months
"You've earned your prize! And I've decided that it's a kiss from yours truly~"
They were leading a party of elves and humans back from the outposts when Amaya's sharp eyes spotted a small, and rare, summerfox bush near on top of a ten meter cliff. She was still under a light duty order and could not simply climb up the cliffside to pick the fuzzy, fox-faced flowers. Janai could see her trying to hide a pout, and her heart couldn't bear it.
"Halt!" she ordered the party with a raised hand, "We'll take our meal break here. General Amaya, take a team to the stream and fill the canteens."
It wasn't where they'd planned to break, no one saw a tactical advantage to stopping here...and Amaya was clearly not happy about doing a private's task... but no one had the right to question her. They dismounted, unsaddled their horses and spread out to find a spot to eat their lunch while the highest ranking General in Katolis gathered everyone's canteens.
When she and her five lowest soldiers were out of sight, Janai went to the cliff. She took off her cape and crown, slung Amaya's saddlebag over her shoulder, and began the climb while ignoring the exasperated glares that her guards were trying to hide.
They were probably cursing her in their minds as she made her her way up. It wasn't the height, the fall probably wouldn't kill her, but it was their job to keep her from all harm. And here she was, putting herself in harm's way for a juvenal pursuit.
She came back victorious, a bag full of flowers. She ignored the stares and hastily put Amaya's saddlebag back on her horse. Then she quickly found a spot and dug into her lunch, probably looking far too innocent to be anything but guilty when the water bearers trudged back to the group.
When her team came back, Amaya immediately knew something was off, and she was at the butt of some sort of joke. Everyone was looking away from her and shaking with contained laughter, and she doubted it was because the queen made her do a grunt's chore.
-Stifling your laughter is useless. I'm deaf, remember?- That got most of her team laughing, the elves looked like they were suffering from embarrassment.
She wouldn't get an explanation for their behavior until they got back to to her tent that night when she opened her saddlebag, Her heart did some flips when she saw a dozen fuzzy, smiling summerfoxes looking up at her. She grinned, but decided against giving her girlfriend any thanks in the public stables. Slinging the bag over her shoulder, she followed the queen to her tent.
-So, some flowers suddenly appeared in my bag.-
"Is that so?" Janai tried to look innocent, but failed miserably, a smile taking over her face.
-Any idea who I should thank?-
"I may have had something to do with it."
-Well, you risked life and limb to fetch my flowers, and you've earned your prize! And I've decided that it's a kiss from yours truly.-
Janai tilted Amaya's chin up, "I can think of no greater reward." She cupped the human's face as their lips came together for a gentle kiss; the second one was a little deeper.
"Sister!" Karim's shout came through the tent canvas and broke Janai's concentration. She pulled away and looked to the entrance, Amaya followed her gaze. "You love-struck imbecile! Nearly breaking your neck to get some flowers for a beautiful woman?!"
"As if you would not."
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