#Stiff Breeze
ltwilliammowett · 11 months
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Merchantmen in a stiff breeze off a headland; and windships in a freshening breeze on the Scheldt, by Thomas Luny (1759-1837)
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lelelego · 3 months
I really love your fallout drawings! I was in the NV fandom when the game first came out, and one thing I really love about your art is how youthful you make boone look. I can't remember if there's a canon age for him, but the fan consensus at the time was that he was like, 22-24 but your art is the first I've seen where he looks that age. bravo!
thank you so much!! :"D i remember seeing he's 25-26 on the wiki or somewhere but i'm 50% sure that's not confirmed/has no source. while part of it is just my style, but i do love a younger look for him because i think it makes the shit that happened to him worse (emoji where it's the sunglasses emoji but also it's crying.jpg) and hones in on the fact that he's... borderline still a kid. he should be at the club.
anyway thinking about him at the club -> me drawing what i think he would wear on a run to the corner store
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i get that when people say it they're talking about the tiny bit of belly that pokes out sometimes but c'mon y'all, referring to rick sanchez as chubby is actually absurd
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some-creep · 4 months
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Elster's hitbox is crazy why did this kill me.
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cyberdragoninfinity · 10 days
With your latest ask about the Dimension Swap AU, my brain is going into 'Brain Rot Mode' about it and now I gotta know Yugo's whole deal in it. The phrase "deeply unsocialized animal" is a string of words I've never heard before but will be using in my own character creations now. Yugo is clearly going through it when Rin beats his ass and has no idea what to do with that.
(I also want to know how Yuya's and Yuto's dynamic is in this AU. Yuya gives off the vibes of a frightened pitbull. Will rip your hand off if pushed, but really just wants to cuddle.)
ok so i started talking about Yugo's Whole Deal but it was getting bigly long-winded so I had to make a separate post about him specifically--you can find that over HERE. my scary jock <3 he is indeed deeply unsocialized!! mind your fingers, this dog bites!!!
anyway re: yuto and yuya, hehe i wouldnt say yuya's like anything close to a pitbull he's more like. hm, if a soggy paper towel had the ability to occasionally and violently turn into a pipe bomb. he's a wet baby raccoon someone found in a storm drain. he was forced to eat cement when he was 6. etc etc. meanwhile standard!yuto is out here internalizing yusho's 'smile when you feel like crying' rhetoric in the form of keeping himself chivalrous and 'noble' at all times and never complaining so youve really got the push and pull of "extremely emotional all the time" and "keeping "cool" to a borderline harmful degree." (dont worry about yuto bottling up all his emotions im sure it's fine.) (im sure!!!)
xyz!yuya doesn't have many friends (and one of them ohhhh you know gave the ok for the invasion that blew up his home so. thats not great. 😬) so he kind of gloms onto Yuto's friend group (rin and gong) like his life depends on it. and i think early on his dynamic with Yuto is kind of shaky, but I was just talkin about this with zxal and there's definitely this element where Yuya's much more Heart on His Sleeve Emotions kind of helps get Yuto get back in touch with, yknow. Crying. Letting One's Self Embrace Negative Emotions. so it takes a bit but I like the idea that they eventually get more in sync and become actual friends (this in turn making up for Yuya traumadumping at Yuto and then immediately dying and getting soul-absorbed and then having about 14 panic attacks in Yuto's brain.)
(though by that point things are not helped by the fact there's a whole third other guy in the yuto mind palace (yuri) 🥴 but they'll work it out)
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the-punforgiven · 1 month
Shoutout to the guy I saw at the comic expo I went to one time who was showing off his incredibly sharp katana by taking a pencil with two fingers and lowering it into the blade and just severing it cleanly in half but then immediately after wiping the sword the fuck down with three different expensive-looking cloths and putting it back in its case with a level of obsessive intensity that made me wonder if he feared his sword would kill him and explode if it remained exposed to the elements for one more nanosecond
Like I'm definitely impressed don't get me wrong, that's a fucking sharp as hell sword but like, at least give us a moment to process it, y'know?
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bluevaractyl · 2 months
It is so funny to me that IRL everyone (including me) has always thought of me as the calm one, when actually this whole time my mind has been in a constant state of "fight, flight, or freeze" and just always picked "freeze."
Not even I know what I'm so anxious about...
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andrigyn · 5 months
Tbh if I lived in baldur’s gate, I’d definitely become a banite because…
1. I yearn for purpose
2. I want to wear one of the cunty masks
4. Hot cult leader
5. They seem to have a lot of drama and infighting (fun and enrichment)
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annabelle--cane · 2 years
okay one more epistaxispost. podcast characters with nosebleed swag, assigned by me without checking back if they ever get nosebleeds in canon:
jon archivist
melanie king
isabel lovelace
both funn twins
warren godby
jet siquliak
arthur lester
arkady patel
david ward
brother faulkner
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vigilskeep · 1 year
brief pause there while i thought abt parsifal and alistair and mortifyingly got so emotional i had to get up and walk around.
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dont-offend-the-bees · 4 months
Right that's it. Dropping everything else this week to spend some time learning how to cook things I can actually stomach.
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tkachunk · 2 years
once again. tim gets pushed around, the entire sens roster (brady) forgets about everything else going on on the ice to intervene
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peachssodapop · 1 year
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I have been totally obsessed with the missing poster since I first saw it. I think the way that they're depicted in it is a pretty good look into how Hyrule views the two
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dyrewrites · 6 months
I don't know why watching his man suck down jugs of fish blood was such a turn on but I don't feel I needed to write that scene so godsdamnit, Lucient.
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a-lonely-dunedain · 1 month
the neat thing about elves is that you can literally just Pick Them Up. They weigh like four grapes
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shinceltyblewup · 2 months
Finally out of the car for the night. Out again tomorrow @__@
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