#Steven voice “My father had an iron will I guess I'm like him in that respect.”
scarletfasinera · 5 months
THINKING so hard. about Elias Spector again. God help me.
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dad Loki x teen half elf and half Jotun reader x Avengers (featuring Peter)
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Age:14 reader Chan is an Elf/Jotun hybrid from Alfheim she's the last of the light elves after the dark elves invaded and ends up on earth meets the team, Peter and her long lost father and is growing fond of life on earth, btw civil war never happened, Peitro lives, and Loki is living in the tower because Odin and Frigga didn't want him to rot in a cell happy Thanks giving.
Nick Furry is standing in front of the interrogation room looking through the window to see Maria Hill talking to a young S/T (skin tone) pointed eared girl with H/C thigh length hair and nose length bangs, E/C eyes, and a F/S (face shape) face.
She had on a pastel F/C tunic, black leggings, black knee high boots, black elbow length fingerless gloves, a silver circlet on her head and silver hoop earrings on her pointed ears.
He saw that she was cooperating as he sees her lips moving and Maria smiling and nodding her head with occasional wide eyes.
"How you think it's going sir?" Agent Philip J. Coulson asked his boss walking in with three cups of coffee and a cappuccino "I say it's going good with the way it's going the kids cooperating well." as Furry says this he takes a cup and Maria walks out with the girl behind her "So, what's the info we got on our guest here?" he asked Maria handing her one of the other cups "btw the cappuccino is for the kid." Phil said handing the young girl the cappuccino "thank you." she said blowing on it to cool off "her name is Y/N Astriddottir, she's from Aflheim, her mother was killed by the dark elves when they invaded her planet eight years ago, she knows nothing of her father, and she has cryokinesis, shape shifting, teleportation, sharp eyesight and hearing." Maria listed making the two men surprised but sad at the fact that she lost one parent and never meet the other "Should we do a DNA test sir?" Phil asked.
Before Furry could answer a familiar voice is heard "hey Furry we're here." they turned to see the worlds mightiest hero's arrive "who's the kid?" Clint Barton aka Hawkeye asked pointing to the young elf sipping her hot drink "I'm Y/N Astriddottir." she said her voice melting their hearts "we are about to do a DNA test to find out who her father is." the avengers had curiosity in their eyes "her mother died eight years ago and she never meet her father." Phil told the avengers "Well what are we waiting for? Let's do that test." Tony Starks aka Iron man said enthusiastically.
Y/N sat on a chair as Bruce Banner aka the Hulk draws blood from her arm.
After waiting for a few seconds he takes the needle out and puts a bandaid with a cotton ball on the spot "we just have to wait for the results!" Bruce said to the man you know as Furry who nodded.
A few hours later:
the sound of a small printer is heard as a long strip of paper comes out of the scanner "all right let's see who Y/N's dad is" Tony said as Bruce takes the paper from the scanner. "HE'S HER DAD?" Everyone screamed in horror as the name of your father appeared to be the god of Mischief "Loki is her dad? The Loki who tried to take over New York and killed me once?" Phil asked in terror "I can't believe Reindeer games has a kid." Tony said in shock "looks like she's half Elf and half Frost giant." Maria said "guess she's Y/N Lokidottir." said Steven Rogers aka Captain America.
The horror of you being the daughter of Loki was cut by the god of Thunder Thor Odinson "she's my brother’s child? that means. I HAVE A NIECE." he said excitedly as he picks you up and tosses you in the air earning a laugh from you "Loki isn't gonna be happy about this." Natasha Romanov aka black widow said making everyone nod.
Outside S.H.E.I.L.D H.Q:
You and the avengers are about to enter the car when an all to familiar arachnid themed teen hero swings by "hey guys and new girl." he said blushing at you "Man of spiders, meet Y/N daughter of Loki." Thor said making Peter's eyes wide.
Your POV:
as my new uncle introduced me to the Man of Spiders Mr Tony cuts in "kid, shouldn't you be in school?" He asked making the boy's eyes widen even more "oh shoot, I have my science test in a bit and lunch is almost over, BY MR STARKS, GUYS, and Y/N." he said swinging away as if he was being chased by a Chitauri "what am I going to do with that kid?" Mr Tony asked face palming "that's what kids do, they give you grays" Mr Clint said "let's get to the tower to face Loki" Mrs Natasha said.
At the tower:
We enter a giant tower with the word "Stark" on it.
I was in awe at the decor making the avengers chuckle "well kid welcome to your new home." Mr Tony said with a proud smirk "but first let's get you to your father sweetheart." Mrs Nat said as all of us go into a small room.
As the room move I see all of New York and my new uncle Thor telling me about my father making me excited to meet him more.
We finally exit the tiny room but as we did I see a man with Black shoulder length hair and emerald green eyes in green and black clothing with Gold armor sitting on a couch reading a book "is that my father?"  I asked Mrs Natasha who nodded "BROTHER WE HAVE SOMEONE WE LIKE YOU TO MEET!" Uncle said loudly hurting my sharp but sensitive ears "you fool I'm right- who is this elf child?" He asked anger turning into confusion and pointing to me making Uncle Thor smile "Brother this is Y/N Astriddottir your child, well she's actually Y/N Lokidottir now." Uncle said happily but everyone else face palmed while my "father" was frozen "Astrid had a child and didn't tell me?" He asked in shock looking me up and down but as I was about to open my mouth he bolted out of the room making me go on the verge of tears "Mr Stark, Mr Loki requested no one disturbs him, he needs some time alone." a strange voice said "THANKS FRI." Mr Tony said "don't feel discouraged little one he just needs some time to think of this." Uncle Thor said "does he not, want me?" I asked "of course he does sweetie he's just surprised by this." Mrs Nat said "ohh hey look Spidy is here." Mr Sam said as we see the boy from before but with his mask off making me blush 'by Odin's beard he's perfect.' I think to myself.
Peter's POV:
I entered the avengers floor to see Y/N with the Avengers by god she was pretty her shiny thigh length H/C hair, her E/C colored eyes, her S/T colored skin and her F/S Shaped face in other words she was gorgeous I smiled at her my face flushed "hey I don't think we had a proper introduction, I'm Peter, Peter Parker." I said re introducing myself making her smile "Y/N Astriddottir well, Y/N Lokidottir since I finally meet my Dad." she said in a voice that could put Princess Leia to shame "ah Peter I see you two already became friends, why don't you two go out maybe do some shopping Y/N needs new clothes." Mr Starks said giving me one of his many credit cards "wow thanks Mr Stark." I said happily glad that I finished my homework early "come on Y/N and while we're out I'll take you to my favorite sandwich place and introduce you to my friends." I told Y/N happily taking her hand.
No ones POV:
Everyone smiled as the two teens exit the tower together "only been here for about three hours and she's already making friends!" Clint said happily making his teammates laugh "I don't like the way they looked at each other." Loki said making the Avengers jump "Reindeer games, how long were you there?" Tony asked the god of mischief who replied "long enough to see them blushing at each other." everyone looked at each other it was clear that Loki is already protective of Y/N "Brother your alright with the fact that Y/N is your daughter?" Thor asked his younger brother "I'm still in disbelief that Astrid had my daughter but didn't tell me. I missed out my daughters life I doubt she'll want anything to do with me." Loki said in sorrow "I think she does, I mean when she saw you she was exited to finally meet you for the first time." Steve said fondly of the young hybrid "Capsical has a point, Point break told her the positive things about you." Tony said gesturing to the oldest avenger "plus Peter will protect her at the mall he is spider man after all." Clint said making everyone nod "and if it makes you feel better I put a tracking chip on her tunic just incase." Natasha said.
At the mall:
Y/N, Peter, MJ and Ned were having the best time of their lives shopping First they went to Boscoves for jeans and a few shirts, Journeys for vans, MJ took her to Victoria's Secrets for under garments, swimsuits and other things a girl needs, and finally they introduced her to hot topic where they got her graphic tees, accessories, and stuff to decorate her room with but before leaving they went to a book store so MJ can get a new book but Y/N saw some she liked so they got those.
After a long afternoon of shopping they are at Peter's favorite sandwich place having lunch "this is amazing." Y/N said happily munching on her sandwich "yeah they are the best sandwiches in queens." Peter said happily "yep Loser 1 is right!" MJ said bitting hers "so Y/N Where are you from?" Ned asked making Peter and MJ curios as well "ohh I'm from Alfheim realm of the light elves, but I'm actually half elf and half Jotun." the youngest teen said making the older teens eyes wide "I thought you were cosplaying when I saw your ears." Ned said "I actually saw that they are real when I saw them twitch a bit." MJ said "That's sooo cool" the two boys said "hey while it's light out let's head to the tower to decorate your room." Peter said.
At the tower:
The Avengers are sitting in the living room watching TV but Loki is always glancing at the time "Parker should have been back with my daughter by now!" he said angrily "relax Reindeer games Nat put a chip on your child. Plus they are almost here along with MJ and Ned." Tony told Loki for the one hundredth time "Mr Starks we're back." Peter said as he, Y/N, MJ and Ned exited the elevator with lots of bags making everyone eye wide from the Boscovs, Journeys, Victoria's Secret and Hot topic bags. "Geez I didn't think you'd go crazy." Tony said looking at the bags as Loki ran to Y/N and began checking her for injuries "Dad I'm fine we only went shopping then we went for food." she told her father making him sigh in relief "she's all ready giving you grays." Clint said making everyone laugh but Loki roll his eyes.
"Hey Mr Starks where's Y/N's room? we wanna help her decorate it." Peter asked Tony who smiled and lead them to a futuristic looking door.
The room looked futuristic but plain at the same time but they could work with it "alright let's Start decorating." Peter said happily as all four of you took the room decorations you brought from hot topic.
Two hours later:
Your room was now butterfly themed since they're your favorite insect with your walls being F/C thanks to your powers and after decorating you used your powers to put all your clothes, shoes, accessories and books away but organized.
"That was fun!" Ned said happy with the work, "yeah I see you love F/C and butterflies Y/N." MJ said sitting at your desk making you smile "they are my favorite insect, my mom and I use to go see them in the meadows of Alfheim." you said happily but sadly remembering one of your favorite memories with your mother before the invasion "hey since it's still early let's show her some movies." Peter said excitedly "hey Pete your aunt called she has a last minute business trip sooo your staying the night, oh I see you guys helped Y/N decorate." Tony said looking at the decor of the room then Loki came in "I see my daughter loves butterflies." he said walking in but stopped at the neatly organized shelf of books "and reading!" he said grabbing one of her new books.
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Your POV:
I sat in the living room with Peter, MJ and Ned.
We are watching something called Star Wars, I love it so far we already watched three movies but MJ looked at her glowing box thing "hey it's almost eight we better get going." she said as Ned soon looked at his own glowing box "yeah we have our science test tomorrow." Ned said "ok then I'll walk you to the lobby, I'll be back Princess." Peter said but as he relies what he said we both are blushing "Son of Parker go take them to the lobby." my dad said looking like he was holding back rage.
Not waisting anymore time Peter, MJ and Ned ran out of the room. With them out of the room Dad turns to me with a very stern look on his face "you are never to see that boy again." When he said that I got furious "AND WHY NOT?" I yelled making my skin and eyes turn blue and red and him angry "don't use that tone of voice with me young lady, I am your father and what I say goes you will stay away from Son of Parker end of discussion." I stormed to my room and screamed "YOUR NOTHING HOW UNCLE THOR DESCRIBED YOU." and slammed the door in anger.
No ones POV:
Loki stood there in anger, trying to cooldown his temper as his skin and eyes turned blue and red from the rage "brother, perhaps you were a little harsh on her!" Thor said as he walked into the living room with the other Avengers "I agree with point break, I mean the kid lost her mother and home eight years ago, what she needs is you and to interact with other kids." Tony said as Loki is debating on building a relationship with you "you two just got off the wrong foot, She's really a sweet and polite kid." Natasha said "and a great prankster." Peitro said walking in with a pie on his face "She is definitely your kid alright." Clint said.
Your POV:
I lied in my bed clutching my pillow and biting my lip in anger for my so called Dad "jerk face." I say in anger until I heard knocking "Y/N,the others told me you went to bed early, so I came to tell you good night." I hear Peter say making me shout out "GOOD NIGHT." I hear Peter's footsteps leave my door. I lied there for a little more and started dozing off.
In the morning no one's POV:
You wake up to the sound of FRIDAY's voice "Mrs Lokidottir. It is time for breakfast." You slowly got up with a Yawn, went to shower, brushed your hair and teeth and got dressed.
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In the dining area:
the avengers, Loki, Bucky and Peter are about to eat when Friday interrupted "Mr Stark. Mrs Lokidottir is coming." She said to her creator "Thanks Fri." Tony said to the AI as you walked in "ohh speak of the elf there she is." Clint said nudging Loki who was starring at your outfit "That skirt is to short!" Loki whispered "Brother please. You agreed to make amends with Y/N." Thor reminded his brother "I highly doubt she even wants anything to do with me. I mean we only just meet yesterday." Loki whispered forgetting about your great hearing "Dad I do want to spend time with you, I always wanted to meet you ever since I've heard the stories about you from mom, including the one when Thanos brainwashed you to get the tesseract." As you say this Loki is crying on the inside because what you said made him emotional but the avengers can see right through him.
With time you lived happily with your new family.
You helped uncles Bruce and Tony in the lab along with your best friend Peter, go on runs with uncles Bucky, Steve, Sam and Rhodas and big brother Peitro, meditate with Big sister Wanda, Trained with aunt Natasha and uncle Thor, shoot arrows with uncle Clint and practice how to use your powers and reading with Dad.
Loki enjoyed parenthood ever since you came into his life he became more opened and stoped using sarcasm so much (he still has his silver tongue).
But what you and Peter enjoyed most was pranking him and the others "WHO POURD DYE IN MY SHAMPOO?", "WHO SWAPPED OUR CLOTHES?", "WHO SET FRIDAY TO ONLY SAY HAMBURGER?" You and Peter are hiding in the vents laughing super hard while taking Pictures to send to MJ, Ned, Wanda, Peitro and Furry (who is laughing super hard."
Bonus ending:
Nick is looking at the picture Peter sent him it showed Natasha with hot pink hair, the guys wearing each other's cloths, and an audio of FRIDAY answering to Tony Hamburger "I love those kids!" He said laughing while sending it to the other shield agents who are laughing.
When Tony fixed FRIDAY's settings she ratted you and Peter out. "Peter no lab for a month."
Tony said "Y/N your stripped of your powers for a month." Loki told you.
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