#Stanley doesn't understand what Black is doing other than he looks beautiful while doing it.
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blackkatdraws2 · 1 year ago
The narrator and the ugly ahh protagonist [Blank Scripts AU/non-canonical]
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tayioart · 7 years ago
The Stan In Time Shenanigans: Part 5
STAN WHY WON'T YOU SLOW DOWN I'M RUNNING WITH YOU TOO! Let's hope he catches Young ford! And quickly too:
YFord: *runs around the corner*
Stan: WAIT KID *runs after him*
YFord: *keeps running with tears running down his eyes* leave me alone!
Stan: If you just slow down! I can explain-
YFord: *runs really hard with eyes closed* NOTHING YOU COULD SAY WILL CHANGE MY MIND! I'M GONNA- *boinnng, and then darkness*
*everything slowly comes into focus, while a blurred voice from above yells*
Blurred voice:...heck...I don't....trying! just....I'm sure he....talk it....oh!
*the voice slowly becomes clear, along with YFord's view*
Stan: Oh kid! I t-thought you were a goner!
YFord: *sits up* what...happened?
Stan: well as I chased you, you ran into one of those support bars for one of the stalls. Luckily I know first aid!
Guy next to stan: umm, I was the one who told you about it all-
Stan: *shoves him* yeah yeah, well I saved you! You should be grateful...ish! Sure, you have a black eye, but it's from experience! Least we have something I common, right? *points to his cheek bandage*
Yford: *tries to run but he falls over immediately* owwee! How come I can't run?
Stan: apart from the fact you get a D- in sports, you also banged your leg across the support bar, too. It's kinda banged up, might as well rest it for a bit. Want me to...? *guestures arms outwards like he wants to carry him*
YFord: *rolls eyes* fine. But this doesn't mean I forgive you!
Stan: *said as he gently picks YFord up* don't worry, we have plenty of time to talk. You thought I would immediately take you back to the boat? When you're like this? Let's talk, then we go back. *picks up journal 3 and puts it in pocket quickly too* now c'mon, let's have a look at those prices...*walks with a tiny sixer in his arms*
YFord: y-you gonna get mad at me for running off?
Stan: why would I do that? You were stressed, a little hurt, confused kinda: the best thing to do when that happens is to just leg it.
YFord: I-I just don't understand why you would do it! I had so much to learn! So much to do! I-I was gonna do so much for so many people!
Stan: *thinks a bit* wait, where exactly did you end up on the reading? Hold on- *puts him on a bench then sits next to him* now tell me.
YFord: w-well I read up to here! *shows him the page where ford says stan stopped him from defeating bill* it says you stopped me from saving the multiverse!
Stan: *looks shocked* umm, that's the, uh, first time I've learned about this..heh...
YFord: oh! So we're both on the same page?
Stan: well im not that good ad book puns, but that means I'm just browsing back to this page. I was way ahead of you until now!
YFord: so, um.......
....what did actually happen next?
Stan: Ha! Well you came home! I was so happy to see you! Like really: it was 30 YEARS I was waiting for ya! I felt like I was about to cry like a baby! But....
YFord: hmm?
Stan: you-uh...you didn't take it that well. You just kept on saying how it was risky, and that you hated "what I did". That was a bullet to the chest right there... *YFord leans closer* and no not an actual bullet hole. *YFord leans back again* I just wish I could have helped you...and wouldn't ya know it, I managed to do exactly that!
YFord: h-how?
Stan: well that dorito guy made a crack in reality, and when the crack burst open the whole town was in danger! We made it to his castle where the two of us switched clothes to trick him by, eh....erasing my memory with him in it...
YFord: *eyes widen* oh..well did you-
Stan: *guestures to let it go* eh I'm fine now. A bit of scrapbooking from my great neice and nephew did the trick. Ya know, the two kids from the photo?
YFord: ohhhhhhhhh! So that's who they were!
Stan: yep! Mabel and dipper pines! Mabel was the fun one, who stickered her own face and owned a pet pig. And dipper was the nerdy one! He has a birthmark on his forehead and he's really smart! Like you!
YFord: wow...I wonder what they're like...
Stan: yeah... just- look here *flicks journal to the memories page. The one with all the funny pictures of the family doing stuff* this is what WE did! We have a family, a boat, beautiful looks...
YFord: *snorts a little* Well I can't deny what's true! *shrugs shoulders with a smile*
*they both share a laugh*
YFord: you know, maybe you did do something beautiful...
Stan: yeah..other than women! *laughs again* ahh....anywhose, ready to apologise to your bro?
YFord: yeah...I think so...thanks for the talk... *smiles warmly*
Stan: ya see? Stanley pines! Ace-broship fixer! Hahaha- *coughs a bit* haha...*coughs*
YFord: you ok? You're coughing loaads!
Stan: *cough* yeah yeah! It's ok kiddo...*coughs, then looks at hand* ...whoa...
YFord: w-what is it?
Stan: *opens hand to reveal quite a bit purple-blue glowy liquid, with bits of red* I ain't eaten anything like this...
YFord: you know, I think my leg is better-
Stan: *gets up and runs screaming* BACK TO THE BOAT NOW! BACK TO THE BOAT NOW!
YFord: *gets up and runs* hope, he's, ok-ay, STOP, RUNNING, SO, FAST, DUDE! *they run into the distance*
Oh dam. What have hey done... excuse me:
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Credit @xxdecipheringgravityfallsxx for the idea!
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