#Stainless Steel Heat Plate Shield
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Stainless Steel Heat Shield. Replace Heat Plate for BBQ Grillware GGPL-2100, GGPL2100, GGP-2501 Models. (Set of 4) visit https://grillpartshub.com for more info.
#Stainless Steel Heat Shield#Grill Parts#Barbecue parts#Gas Grill Heat Plate#Heatshield#bbqgrillwareparts#bbqtips#bbqgrills
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And I give you part 14! We are nearing the end of this series, just a couple of parts left. As always there’s a summary here in part 1.
Pairings: Sam Kiszka x Danny Wagner, Sam Kiszka x fem OC ***slash pairings
Warnings and tags: 18+ only!!! Adult themes including: some kissing and groping, talk of infidelity, angst and lying, smoking and drinking, slash of course, restaurant AU, third person POV Jake, Danny, and Sam
Word count: 7.4k
Kim smirked as she caught his attention even through the narrow window of the kitchen.
“You doing anything after work tonight?” He asked her with suggestive attitude dripping from his simple words.
“Depends” Kim replied as she picked up the couple of plates that were waiting under the heat lamps to be taken out to the early evening diners.
He leaned closer over the stainless steel countertops riddled with half dried sticky drops of reduction that had missed the plates during their final touch ups and cocked a brow encouraging her to say more.
“Depends on what my boyfriend is doing after work” Kim elaborated. She loved saying that word, boyfriend, even if it had been just a few weeks since Jake had made their relationship status the hot topic of the Christmas party gossip.
“Behind!” Jake called as he tried to move past Julian with a pan full of undercooked risotto in an attempt to get it back onto a burner before it cooled off. Julian didn’t hear him though, and he stepped backwards right into Jake’s path, knocking the pan from his grip on the towel around the handle and splattering the contents all over the kitchen floor. “Fuck! I said behind!”
“Sorry, my bad man wasn’t paying attention” Julian tried to genuinely apologize for his mistake but Jake immediately blew up on him.
“Yeah, well maybe if you were paying attention to what was going on in the kitchen instead of constantly flirting with the waitstaff then you wouldn’t need to be sorry” he scoffed, squatting to pick up the pan and shove it into Julian’s hands to take back to the sinks.
Julian immediately rebutted, being the first to talk back to Jake in the kitchen in a long time. “Hey, don’t get mad at me for talking to your girlfriend when she’s over here flirting too”.
“Kim can do whatever the fuck she wants, I’m not the boss of her. I am, however, the boss of you and you’re gonna get your ass back over there and remake that risotto before I get back”.
By this point some of the other cooks had already heard the altercation and came to help, starting to clean up the mess with old kitchen towels while Jake stormed off through the back door.
“The fuck is his problem recently? Been riding everyone’s ass the past week” Julian turned back towards Kim who had stood behind the window with her plates still in hand, frozen in shock by what she just witnessed.
He was right, Jake had been distant and on edge for a while now. She wasn’t sure exactly why, but she figured it had something to do with Sam leaving for those few days since his mood seemed to sour right around then. They had talked a few times about how much he missed his twin, and she’d heard from Danny when Josh left how hard he took it. Now his younger brother was leaving soon too.
She worried about what that meant for Jake still being here considering Nashville wasn’t even his hometown like it was hers. With them gone there would be nothing left to keep him here, to keep him with her.
Jake leaned against the wall outside, cursing himself for not grabbing his jacket before storming out the door. He pulled a crumpled up pack of cigarettes he’d bummed off one of the prep cooks earlier in the week out of his pocket and placed one between his lips.
Smoking hadn’t been something he wanted to do anymore since a couple of years ago when he got really sick. Recently though he’d been itching for something to help calm his incessant nerves and this seemed to be his quick fix.
Cupping his hand around the end that dangled out his mouth to shield the flame of his lighter from the wind, he lit it and took a deep inhale. Holding it in he let the burn overcome him until he couldn’t take it any longer and blew out the smoke with a shaky cough. Fuck, lungs still not what they used to be.
As he took a few smaller puffs he watched as a black car came pulling into the employee lot, parking next to his own car. He immediately recognized the owner of the newer vehicle, and from the direction of the sun beaming down from behind him he could see directly into the windshield.
He watched the two inside as Sam leaned over from the passenger's seat and gave Danny a quick, though not shy, kiss before opening his door and stepping outside.
“Smoke break brother?” Sam called out teasingly because he knew Jake didn’t smoke anymore, and if he was then that meant he was in a mood. Mood or not, Sam was never one to be afraid of poking the bear.
Jake tossed the only half smoked cigarette onto the ground and stomped it out among the pile of countless other butts from all the kitchen staff before him who had used this spot for a quick nicotine break. “Whatsit-to-ya?” He quipped back, keeping his eyes lowered as he heard Sam approaching paired with the sound of the steps of the driver behind him.
“Just wondering” Sam replied, a lot less cocky this time as he stopped just in front of the door. “Don’t have to smoke that shit though. I still have the ones you like stashed behind the bar”.
“Thanks” Jake mumbled out, suddenly feeling a little childish for being quick to be rude to him just now. It seemed like he had a bite with just about everyone recently.
“Fuck, forgot my phone in the car. I’ll see you in there?” Danny spoke up from behind Sam. Jake wasn’t sure if he’d caught the small interaction between them, but if he did he was sure to know why Jake would be acting strange and distant right now.
Sam hesitated for a moment, glancing between Jake who was still avoiding his gaze and Danny who had looked tense since pulling into the parking lot. He reminded himself of the talk he and Danny had a few days ago when he came back from LA and bit his cheek as he went ahead inside.
“Did you really forget your phone?” Jake asked once Sam was gone, looking up to see Danny standing before him with his hands stuffed into the pockets of his black slacks.
“No, just wanted to talk to you for a sec” he admit, pulling his left hand free to tuck a stray coil of hair that had fallen from his clip with the chilly wind behind his right ear.
“So, talk”. Jake’s eyes fell down to the pile of butts at his feet again, kicking a few to bunch them together so he could come back out and sweep them up later since it was clear no one else was going to.
Danny got straight to the point, knowing he didn’t have much time to get into details right now. “Sam said he wants to try and work things out”.
Jake scoffed, of course he did. Sam may be an idiot sometimes but he wasn’t stupid enough to let Danny go that easily. “Does he know?” He asked next without needing to specify about what.
“You said I shouldn’t tell him”.
I know what I said, but that was before you guys got back together. Jake sighed and pulled his bandana off his forehead to smooth back the stray pieces of hair that had been blown from his bun before he got ready to go back inside. “Yeah, no don’t tell him”.
“So we’re good right?” Danny's voice sounded stressed, like it was paining him to have this conversation right now, but he was forcing himself to anyway.
He mustered up the best smile he could, first one in days even if it was fake, and walked a few steps over to place a hand up on his broad shoulder “we’re good Danny”.
It was a simple exchange, not many words at all, but Jake knew Danny meant to imply their morning together still didn’t mean anything. If that was the truth, Jake thought, then neither of them would have to worry about it happening again.
“Did you guys figure it out?” Sam whispered over to Danny when they met back up inside, leaving Jake behind to get back to work in the kitchen.
“Figure what out?” Danny questioned, trying to sound like he had no idea what Sam meant.
“Whatever Jake is pissed about. Did you guys work it out?” Sam clarified in a tone that let Danny know he wasn’t concerned, just wanting to make sure everyone was happy.
“Oh. Yeah he’s fine. Everything’s fine”.
Jake tried not to let seeing Sam and Danny being together again bother him as he worked. Instead he focused on the energy he felt finally being back at it with both of them on shift tonight. The holidays and the new semester starting had made Sam and Danny’s schedule pretty chaotic, not to mention the few days off Sam took to go to LA.
Now things were starting to get back to normal and the kitchen was beginning to feel exhilarating again as the orders rolled through and his commands were echoed back and forth through the different stations.
Plates were flying in and out of the kitchen as the wait staff tried to keep up with the speed of service. Danny was at the forefront of it all, helping expedite plates as they came up to the window by handing them off to the correct waitresses and making the line from warmers to the tables in the dining room seamless. If a mistake was made, no one panicked, because Danny and Jake were communicating with each other from each end. Danny asking for times on orders he knew needed to be prioritized and Jake organizing the line to make sure plates weren’t getting held up at any one station for too long.
This was the busiest rush they’d had since before the holidays. In the past Jake remembered how they would struggle in the kitchen to work seamlessly to piece everything together while the dining room spiraled out of control with hungry angry guests and tired overrun staff. That wasn’t the case tonight, even the bar he’d heard was all caught up in drink orders.
“Excellent work tonight” the director snuck up from behind Jake as the orders died down and he got a chance to catch his breath. Jake hadn’t even noticed he was here tonight. The director usually preferred to come in earlier in the day to get his work done and was gone far before dinner started, but he guessed today was a rare case.
“I’ll be sure to let everyone know, it was their hard work that kept us above water. I just made sure no one lost any fingers”.
The director smiled as he threw his arm over Jake’s shoulder and pulled him away from the monitor where he was putting in the items from the destroyed log to make sure he could close inventory for the day without any discrepancies, at the top of the list forty ounces of risotto.
“Listen, have Julian close up for you tonight. You finish everything you need to do in the next hour and leave so you can come in early tomorrow. I have something I want to show you”.
Jake’s interest peaked. Though he knew he could stay to close tonight and still manage being here early tomorrow, he didn’t try to argue the matter. He just nodded his head with a solid “yes sir” and was left with a pat on his shoulder.
Even if his day had started off a little rocky, he finished it with a smile on his face and the warmth of satisfaction coursing through his veins along with the anticipation of what tomorrow had in store.
Two days ago
Sam sat across from Danny on the couch as he recounted in very animated detail his trip. He’d gotten a tour of the production company he was to work at for the summer along with the two other interns they had hand picked from graduate programs across the country.
“I also found this really nice apartment that’s not too far away. The other guys were talking about all rooming together to save on living expenses, but I told them I’d have to think about it. Figured you’d rather we have an apartment to ourselves. We might have to downgrade to just a one bedroom though, rent in LA is fucking outrageous!”
Danny was excited to hear that Sam had a good time, and by the sound of it he was ready to move as soon as possible after graduation. He couldn’t help but be a little confused though, because last he checked Sam had broken up with him before he left, and now he was talking about moving into a one bedroom together. Things weren’t adding up.
“That’s great Sam, it’s just I didn’t think you’d still want me coming with you?” He replied when Sam paused his storytelling to gauge Danny’s reaction to the apartment situation.
“What? Why?” Sam didn’t seem to follow Danny’s reservation. Sure not having the space to have their own separate rooms would be annoying at first, and he’d have to sell a lot of his furniture, but they were sleeping together in Danny’s room most nights since getting together so he didn’t expect him to really have a problem with it.
“How are we going to share a room if we’re not together anymore?”
The memory of their fight right before he left crept up on Sam as he realized where Danny was coming from. On the plane ride home he had come up with a whole speech about how he was sorry for putting Danny in a difficult position, but as soon as the plane landed and he made his way towards baggage claim all his words were lost to him.
The moment he saw Danny there waiting for him his stomach fluttered and he didn’t want to ruin the moment by bringing up the fight. He just wanted to enjoy seeing him again. Then they got home and things felt slightly awkward, but Sam couldn’t stay mad at Danny, and Danny seemed to tiptoe around Sam like he was afraid of the ball dropping at any moment.
Sam knew now was finally the time to figure out what to say to fix this, so he took a deep breath and began “I know that things have been a little bit less than ideal between us, but there’s still got to be room for us to try and smooth it out right? I did think about it while I was away, and I maybe went a little overboard. I know you and Jake are friends and I’m so glad you guys are, really. I want you to stay friends and I don’t want to get in the way of what you two have. Sometimes I just get jealous and possessive to the point it drives me a bit insane”. Everyone was well aware of his attitude quirks by this point, but somehow Sam seemed to be the last to know this about himself which made him chuckle a bit and shrug his shoulders. “I think it’s a Kiszka thing cause I know damn well Jake is a jealous asshole too”.
“So you’re saying you don’t want to break up then?” Danny’s mind was racing, this was far from what he expected when Sam got home. He had mentally prepared himself for a talk, but what he had prepared in his mind was more along the lines of trying to preserve their friendship, not their relationship.
Sam picked at his nails nervously, it was hard for him to admit that he was in the wrong, but for Danny he would take the hit. “I’m not sure I ever wanted to break up in the first place. I think I just said that to make myself feel like I had some control over the situation”.
That was hard for Danny to hear, because from his perspective Sam had all the control. Literally Sam could ask him to jump and he would respond simply with ‘how high?’ The guilt was also weighing heavily on him too. The guilt of what he’d done when Sam was gone and he was under the impression that Sam didn’t want to be with him like that anymore.
Danny swallowed that guilt down though, and shook his head to clear his thoughts. “Okay, so we’re going to give this another go then?”
“I mean, do you want to?” Sam replied, a bit of trepidation still lingering.
“Yeah,” he replied, but he was surprised by how unconvincing he’d sounded. Danny grabbed one of Sam’s hands and pulled it into his lap as he leaned in and raised his brows to try again, “I want to, if that’s what you want”.
So that’s what they decided, to stay together and try to work things out. Danny only hoped he’d hadn’t already ruined everything before he even got the second chance.
Jake arrived at the restaurant by 9am dressed in the nicest t-shirt he could find that wasn’t all cut up with a pair of jeans and his favorite leather belt. His uniform was stashed safely away in his backpack since he had no idea what the director had in store for them.
“Oh Jake, good morning!” The director seemed surprised to actually see him this early, but then again he also looked somewhat excited for whatever it was he wanted to show him as he jumped up from his seat and grabbed his keys off his desk.
“Morning sir” Jake responded, stepping aside as the director pushed past him out of the office.
“Well son, you coming?” He called back when Jake hesitated to follow him.
Jake turned around and stepped quickly to catch up as they left the restaurant and rounded the corner. “It’s a bit of a walk from here, you don’t mind do you?”
“Where exactly are we going?” Jake asked, trying to take in the street signs from each turn they made. In the handful of years he’d spent in Nashville so far he’d gotten pretty familiar with his directions, but new places and areas still mixed him up.
“Won’t make much sense till we get there, but first of all I guess you should know the rumors are true. I am retiring soon”.
“The rumor I’ve been hearing for years?” Jake chuckled light heartedly, not many people could feel comfortable cracking jokes around the director, but he never really felt that intimidated by him, mostly just open to learn from him.
He shared in the laughter, “yeah, well this time it’s true. Wife will kill me if I don’t go through with it this time. Thing is we’re moving to Costa Rica, selling just about all I have to afford retirement down there”.
“Costa Rica?” Jake raised his brows in disbelief. He’d heard of people retiring to Florida, or even Hawaii, but ever there.
“Ever been?” He asked and Jake shook his head. “God, it’s beautiful. We honeymooned there over twenty years ago. Been back about six times over the years, finally decided on our last trip two years ago that’s where we were going to end up. You know, I don’t have any kids, my brothers got plenty for the both of us, but they’re all a little delinquent. Can’t trust any of them with much let alone running a business”.
He was right, none of this was really making sense to Jake. Why was the director sharing with him of all people his retirement plans and this detailed information about his family? Then his mind started to turn faster and he realized, he’s moving away, he has no family or none that could potentially run the restaurant, and he said he was selling everything. Did that mean the restaurant was going to go under new management? He wasn’t sure how that would work, but the uncertainty of job security wasn't a comfortable thought.
“Well, here we are!”
Jake snapped out of his trailing thoughts to see they had come to a stop in front of a small abandoned shop with big windows and a large glass door facing the quiet street. “What’s this?”
“My first restaurant. Opened in 1996 and closed in 2019 for a total remodel of the kitchen but decided to keep it closed after the pandemic and it’s just been sitting here since. I have a few guys come in to clean it every few months or so, but other than that it’s just brand new appliances wasting away in there”.
Jake took a closer step, looking through the windows into the nearly empty interior, quickly finding what looked like the door to the back and the kitchen tucked away at the end of a long bar. What he’d do to get inside to take a look.
Just then, the director stepped up next to him and pulled his keys out of his pocket. He flipped through a few of them before settling on the right one, placing it inside the deadbolt on the outside of the glass door and twisting until it popped the door open.
He held the door, motioning with his free hand for Jake to enter first and closed the door behind them, latching one of the locks from the inside.
“So you’re selling this place?” Jake asked as he looked around at the few things that were left behind. There wasn’t much at all, but Jake actually preferred seeing it that way, because with an empty slate he couldn’t help but imagine what he would do with the space.
“Was thinking more of a lease to own. Depends on what the buyer can do”. He replied from where he’d stepped back, letting Jake take the lead on exploring.
Jake’s heart dropped, pulling his head out of the clouds for the moment it had drifted up there. “Oh, so you’ve already got a buyer?”
“Not exactly, but I’ve got the perfect person in mind. The only man I’ve ever met who I think could run this place like how I used to. Really make something out of it you know?”
“Can’t wait to see what they do. This place is nice” Jake replied, still letting his wide eyes wander around.
“You think so?” The director smiled fondly then started to walk towards the wall lined with tall mirrors and crystal shelves. “Want to see the kitchen now?”
Jake grinned and followed him again through the door at the end of the bar. “Now I know it’s not like the kitchen you’re used to. It’s smaller, still needs some updates, but it got the trick done for me all those years ago”.
“No, this is perfect” Jake looked around, reaching out to let his fingers trail over the stainless steel appliances. Even with the streaks left over from shotty cleaning he could still tell they were practically new, just waiting to be put to use and hopefully given love from the right person. “Smaller kitchen means you can move around faster. Have to learn to work with just the necessities, get back to the basics. Reminds me of home”. Jake grew up in a kitchen very similar to this. Far from new, but small and homey and a lot of his core memories were formed there learning to cook alongside his dad.
“This can be your new home”.
Jake stopped his exploring, turning to look at the director again with questions riddling his expression. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”
“Like I said, I’m selling nearly everything, restaurant included. Last night I had dinner there with my financial advisor and a potential buyer. He’s got a lot of really cool ideas in mind that I think you will really like if you want to stay there. After seeing you in action last night he asked if you were coming with the deal. He wants to promote you to kitchen manager and eventually when he expands there would be another promotion in line for you”.
Jake couldn’t help but start to feel shy. He was always more comfortable talking about the technical aspects of his abilities rather than just simply taking compliments. Now here he was hearing from his current boss that his supposed future boss was so impressed with him after one night that he basically wanted to write his future at the restaurant into a buyer's contract.
“That’s option one” he added, smirking and leaning against one of the counters.
“Option one?” Jake replied, mirroring his movement to lean against the opposite counter and crossing his arms.
“Option two,” the director smiled again, clearly he was more excited about this option, “you buy this from me and run your own place”.
Jake stood silent. Of course he wanted to open his own restaurant just like his dad, but did he really have the means to do that right now? He knew from experience running a business, let alone a restaurant took a team, one that he’d have to trust. It seemed like just about everyone he trusted was on a path to leave Nashville soon.
“I don’t want to sell this place. I’m holding onto sentimental value at this point. I’d help you get into your feet, but it’s all yours to do whatever you want with it though. I just want to see it up and running again”.
Jake looked around the kitchen once more. Option one was the safe option, he’d be doing what he already was and with more recognition and authority, but he definitely liked the sound of option two better. “I can do whatever I want?”
“We will go over the details with my financial advisor, and I suggest you take some time to think it over, talk to your family about it. But yes,” he stood up and walked back towards Jake, stopping just in front of him and holding his hand out in an offer to shake on it, “whatever you want”.
Jake bit his lip with nervous excitement, but stood anyway and shook his hand.
“So, what do you think?” Sam questioned as Danny scrolled through the virtual tour of the apartment he’d mentioned in LA. “It’s only about thirty minutes to the beach too”.
“I don’t know Sam” Danny sighed, handing Sam his phone back and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. It was too early to be going back and forth about this, especially after the long shift he’d had last night and another long one scheduled tonight right after classes.
“Well,” Sam reached across Danny to set his phone down on the small night stand, “is there something I can do to help persuade you?” In the same movement he slid his knee between Danny’s legs and pulled half his body on top of Danny’s, trying to test out the waters of their shared physical space.
They’d had very little intimacy besides sleeping next to each other since Sam came back home, except a few kisses here and there. Sam initiated
another kiss. He found it weird that he was consistently the one making the advances this time around, but he figured it was due to the comment he’d made about wanting to feel in control. Maybe Danny was just taking a step back to give him that control.
He experimented by grinding his hips into Danny’s, but his body only went stiff underneath his. “Sorry, we don’t have to…” Sam pulled back, insecurity twisting its way into his mind.
Suddenly hands gripped his hips and his body was being rolled onto his back as Danny pressed on top of him this time and reconnected their lips. Sam let out a hum of content and let his hands roam the expanse of Danny’s bare chest as he kissed him back with more force this time.
“Danny?” Sam spoke again through a quick breath break in the kiss. “If you want to…” his voice trailed off as Danny stared down at him in silent question, “to me, if you want to you know… to me, then that’s okay”.
Sam’s face flushed a delicate tint of red when Danny realized what he was offering. Without a word of response Danny leaned back in to kiss Sam again with focused intention. He hoped he could kiss away his fear, kiss away his guilt, kiss Sam until his heart felt the relief he always thought it would in this moment.
With the intensity starting to slowly return, Sam hooked his leg around Danny’s hips and wrapped his arms around his shoulders. “I think LA will be a fresh start for us. We won’t have anyone but each other for a while, but I don’t” Sam reached one of his hands down and tickled his fingers against the waistband of Danny’s pants, “I don’t need anyone else but you Daniel”.
Danny couldn’t stand it anymore, he pulled off Sam with a choked sigh and moved to sit on the edge of the bed, holding his head in his hands to shield his face for a moment while he gathered his racing thoughts.
He thought he could do this. Forget about that morning and what he’d done, and how good it felt. He’d hardly slept in a week though. Instead he’d stay up all hours of the night staring at Sam next to him and worrying. Worrying how he would repent for his sin, or when Sam would find out- because Sam always found out Danny clearly couldn’t keep a secret from him. He knew if Sam did find out before he told him then it would be so much worse, so he decided he couldn’t keep it in anymore.
“Sam,” Danny began shakily, taking a quick look back to see him sitting up now trying to figure out what was going on. “I need to tell you something. Just please promise me you won’t hate me”.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me” Sam started before Danny could get the words out. With the hesitation from him ever since he got back, and the way he’d nearly recoil away from him any time he got too close, Sam was afraid he already knew what Danny had to say.
“First of all, I thought you’d broken up with me” Danny turned back around, hoping Sam would hear him out without exploding. “I didn’t mean to… do anything. I was just really upset and went to Jake’s. We had a few drinks and-”.
“Stop” Sam demanded. Flinging the blankets off of him he reached over to retrieve his phone and then stood up from Danny’s bed. “I don’t want to hear the rest”.
Danny jumped out the bed as well and ran around to the other side, grabbing Sam’s hand to keep him there for just a moment longer. “Please Sam,” he pleaded again, “if I didn’t think it was over then I wouldn’t have gone over there. I don’t know why I even went to see him. I was just messed up, and it was fucked up for us to do that, but we’re good”. Who was he even trying to convince at this point? Sam? Or himself?
Sam pulled his hand out of Danny’s grip and avoided his gaze by looking down at the time on his phone screen, “got to get ready for class”. He grabbed the shirt and jeans he’d pulled off and dropped onto Danny’s floor last night before crawling tiredly into bed with him and made his way out the door.
Once he was in the hallway, just outside the bedroom, he paused. “Just so you’re clear this time,” he looked over his shoulder to make sure Danny was listening, his eyes betraying the strength in his voice with a red ring forming around the water line, “this is me breaking up with you”.
Sam couldn’t focus on a damn thing in class. All he could think about was how he was right every time he worried about Danny and Jake. To him it was obvious there was something there, but for some reason they were both trying to deny it.
Sam was furious, but he still understood that Danny loved him and had loved him for a long time. But unrequited love had to have an expiration date, and maybe his and Danny’s chance was long past due.
They had planned to get lunch today at their favorite cafe so Danny sat at a table by the window waiting to see if Sam would still show. When he didn’t, Danny headed back home to get ready for work. Sam wasn’t there either, but he could tell he’d been there earlier by his school bag sitting on the counter and a half empty pot of coffee.
He knew he would see him at work tonight, but that certainly wasn’t the place for the two of them to hash out their problems. He’d just have to keep it together the best he could.
Because Sam had skipped lunch, he was starving by the middle of his shift. He could go back to the kitchen to grab something really quick, but he didn’t want to see Jake. Instead he settled with the next best thing.
“Hey April, how are you tonight?” Sam slipped into a fake smile as one of the waitresses waited at the bar for drinks for her table.
“I’ll be good once I get these drinks” she exhaled as she set her tray down defeatedly. “I already messed up their order once, good thing Danny came over to help me because I was already behind”.
Sam’s smile faltered at the sound of Danny’s name, but he pushed on. “Oh, people make mistakes all the time, especially Danny” oops he let that one slip “you’re still a really good waitress”.
“Really?” April straightened up, her face brightening at the compliment coming from Sam.
“Oh yeah, I always thought so” he smiled wider, flashing his teeth and causing her to blush a little. “I bet you just need a little break. You know, I could use one too. My stomach is about to eat itself”.
She looked around, the bar was pretty slow, and all her tables already had their food thanks to the help. All she was waiting on was the drinks, but she still wasn’t sure it would be okay.
“Why don’t you go grab me something from the kitchen while I finish your order, then I’ll ask Danny to take them to your table and keep an eye out for you?” Sam added, trying to persuade her even more.
“You think he’d do that?” She asked, starting to be more convinced by the second.
“Hell yeah he will, he owes me one”. He owes me a lot actually.
“Well, alright then. Is there anything specific you want?”
“Literally anything! Like I said, I’m about to die of starvation over here”.
April giggled and left her tray with him at the bar as she went to gather whatever scraps she could find for him in the kitchen. With his plan accomplished Sam turned to get the drinks made quickly.
“What exactly has gotten into you?” Savanna asked, having seen the whole interaction between him and April just now.
“Whatever do you mean?” He replied with faux-innocence. He set one of the finished drinks onto the tray and started on the next, cursing to himself as he spilled grenadine all over the counter. His hands were shaking.
“You just played your charm on her, and you’ve been mixing shit drinks all night. I had to remake one of them earlier. Why?” She watched as he continued to haphazardly mix the sugary cocktail before sighed and pushing him aside. Grabbing the towel from her shoulder she wiped off the messes he’d made and hadn’t bothered to clean, then took out a few new glasses and started to finish the order for him. “Go, take your break, and when you come back you better have your shit back together”.
“I can’t promise you anything Savy, not tonight” he replied, letting his guard drop a little around her whom he used to be so familiar with.
She looked up from the drink she was mixing at the sound of the nickname he used to call her, surprised to hear him say it again, her own hardened front softening a little with him. “If you need to talk about it Sammy, I'm here for you”.
“Thanks”. He felt a little relief knowing someone still cared about him, someone other than the two who had betrayed him. “Maybe later?”
She nodded her head and pushed him away, letting him run to find April and pretend like everything was alright again as he ate.
The rest of the shift thankfully went by quickly when service picked up as more guests filed inside. Sam saw April more tonight than he usually did, guess Danny was avoiding him too. Now that he started his ruse, he had to keep it up and continued to lightly flirt with her. Even if he had absolutely no intention of doing anything with her, it was at least keeping him entertained and his mind occupied.
“Alright, out with it” Savanna confronted him as they finished up their closing duties.
Sam rolled his eyes. She was always a little pushy and forward, but he was not in the right state of mind to deal with it right now.
“You’re acting like the Sam I met before I got to know you”.
His eyes narrowed as he stopped his cleaning to cross his arms and cock his head. “What Sam is that? Maybe I’d like to get to know him?”
“Fuckboy Sam, and no, you don’t” she grabbed the towel from his hands and tossed it aside. “We’re done for tonight. Want to get a drink and you tell me what the hell happened?”
“Don’t really feel like going out”. Though a drink did sound like a good idea. “Don’t want to go home either”.
“Well,” she didn’t want to be the one to suggest it, but they both knew what the other option was.
“You got anything to drink at your place?”
Are you coming home tonight?
Savanna saw Sam check his phone when the text from Danny came through and watched him ignore it. Even if they had been drinking on her couch for about an hour, he still hadn’t told her what his deal was.
She knew it had to be something with Danny, and she couldn’t help but feel a little thrilled that their relationship wasn’t as perfect as they’d expected it to be when Adam left her for him.
“So,” she started after taking another shot with him, chuckling as he flopped back onto the couch, “are you going home tonight?”
“I can sleep here can’t I?” He asked with a drunken giggle, grabbing one of the throw pillows and pretending to make himself comfortable.
“Not unless you tell me what happened” she bargained with him, pulling his legs up onto her lap and starting to massage one of his feet. His favorite thing for her to do. It felt good to touch him again even like this, and he sighed with satisfaction as she dug her thumb into his heel.
“Why do you want to know so badly? Want to rub it in my face?” He let out a hiss when she dug her thumb even harder into his foot, jerking his leg from her and sitting up.
“Maybe you fucking deserve it Sam, leaving me like that and not even telling me the truth!” Savanna sat up too, turning her body towards him as she raised her voice a little.
“I did tell you the truth! I’m leaving for LA and I’m leaving alone so you can at least be happy about that!” He matched her energy, the alcohol coursing through both their veins and being exhaled through their breath adding to the thick cloud of tension poisoning the air around them.
“That doesn’t make me happy Sam! I don’t want you to be alone, I never wanted you to leave me!”
“Well I’m sorry! I never wanted to leave you either!” Words were spilling from Sam faster than he could think about what he was saying, if he was even capable of thinking about them right now. Faster than he could think about what he was doing either, he was pushing himself forward, meeting Savanna in the middle of the couch and connecting their lips together in a rough kiss.
Her hands wrapped around his shoulders, fingers digging in and clawing at his shirt until he pulled away and ripped it off before diving back in. “Fuck Sammy, I want you” she breathed out against his cheek as he trailed his kisses lower, yanking the top of her shirt down. “I never stopped wanting you”.
He growled when she thread her fingers through his hair next, tugging tightly as he kissed along the top of her breasts. “Stay here with me tonight.” She pleaded, pulling him by his hair back up into another kiss, “in my bed, stay with me in my bed?” The last part was more like a question, a question he answered by standing up and pulling her along with him. He kissed her again and wrapped his hands around her thighs to hoist her up. She crossed her legs around his hips and he carried her down the hallway and to the right into where he knew her bedroom would be.
After tossing her onto the bed, she smiled up at him and he watched as she stripped off her shirt and reached around to unhook her bra.
His eyes grew wide and she made a point to slowly drop the straps then held her breasts together with one arm while the other threw her bra at him. “Did you miss this Sammy?” She asked, spreading her legs and beckoning him to join her, “tell me you missed it”.
Sam crawled onto the bed, slotting his hips between hers and attacking her lips again. His hands, still shaking, reached up to grope her chest and she moaned into his mouth.
She felt good, she felt familiar, the problem was that it was too soon, too fast. That had been part of his problem being with Danny, it was everything happening one after another and now here he was again making the exact same mistake.
“Wait,” Sam pulled away but Savanna only reached for him again, pulling him back to her.
“I can’t!” Sam cried out, pulling away again, this time really getting her attention. “I can’t, I’m too messed up right now to do this”.
“Then why did you come here?” She grabbed a pillow from behind her and hugged it in front of her chest like a shield, waiting for his response.
“I don’t know” he sighed, sitting back as his head started to spin.
“Bullshit. Tell me what happened. Tell me why you came here!” She started yelling again, making his head start to pound.
“To get back at him!” Sam broke and yelled back. “To get back at him for sleeping with Jake while I was gone”. Even if that was the truth, he didn’t expect to actually still feel some way about her like he was. He didn’t want to hurt her again even if he was hurting.
Savanna stared at Sam in utter disbelief. She felt stupid for thinking for a moment that Sam actually still cared about her, instead he was just using her. “Get out! Get the fuck out and don’t ever fucking come back or I swear to God…”
Sam didn’t need to hear the rest of her threat, he got the gist and quickly left her room, stopping only to collect his shirt and shoes from the floor in front of the couch before making his way out of her apartment.
When the cold night air hit him, sobering him just a bit, he realized just how badly he had screwed things up. As frozen tears started to sting the corners of his eyes he pulled his phone out of his pocket as he walked down the street trying to find somewhere to stay warm for a while and sent a text.
Can you come get me? I fucked up.
@twistedmelodies @psychedelicstardust-gvf @alwaysonthemend @heckingfrick
#Greta van fic#greta van angst#Greta van fleet#gvf#jake kiszka#danny wagner#sam kiszka#sanny gvf#janny gvf
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The Functional and Aesthetic Benefits of Stainless Steel Wall Protection
Whether in commercial buildings, healthcare facilities, or industrial spaces, stainless steel wall protection plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of interior walls. Designed for durability, these protection systems include SS Corner Guards, SS Handrails, SS Kick Plates, and SS Wall Guards, all of which safeguard surfaces from impact, scratches, and corrosion.
Why Stainless Steel Wall Protection Stands Out
Impact-resistant: Shields walls from accidental damage.
Easy to Maintain: Requires minimal cleaning and upkeep.
Sleek & Professional Appearance: Matches both contemporary and industrial designs.
Weatherproof & Corrosion-Resistant: Ideal for humid environments.
Best Stainless Steel Products for Wall Protection
SS Corner Guards: Prevents chipping and cracking at wall edges.
SS Wall Guards: Protect surfaces from repeated contact with furniture or carts.
SS Handrails: Enhances safety while adding a modern touch.
SS Kick Plates: Shields doors from frequent foot traffic.
Industries That Rely on Stainless Steel Protection
Retail Stores & Offices – Keeps interiors sleek and damage-free.
Healthcare & Labs – Ensures hygiene while protecting surfaces.
Restaurants & Commercial Kitchens – Withstands heat, spills, and heavy foot traffic.
Industrial Facilities – Shields walls and doors from machinery impact.
Using stainless steel wall protection is a practical investment that enhances safety, durability, and visual appeal. With options like SS Corner Guards, Handrails, and Kick Plates, businesses can maintain wall integrity and long-lasting elegance. For the best interior protection, incorporating wall guards is the ideal solution.
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Aerospace Stainless Steel Perforated Sheet

Product Overview
SD-steel's Aerospace Stainless Steel Perforated Sheet is designed to meet the stringent demands of aerospace applications. This high-performance material combines exceptional strength, corrosion resistance, and lightweight properties, making it ideal for various aerospace components.
Material Specifications
Our perforated sheets are made from premium-grade stainless steel, specifically tailored for aerospace use. The material is characterized by its high tensile strength, excellent formability, and superior resistance to fatigue and corrosion.
Material Composition:
Grade: 304L, 316L
Density: 7.93 g/cm³
Tensile Strength: Up to 750 MPa
Yield Strength: Up to 205 MPa
Elongation: 40%
Available Specifications and Dimensions
| Thickness (mm) | Width (mm) | Length (mm) |
| 0.5 | 1000 | 2000 |
| 1 | 1250 | 2500 |
| 1.5 | 1500 | 3000 |
| 2 | 2000 | 4000 |
Usage Scenarios
Aerospace Stainless Steel Perforated Sheets are widely used in various aerospace applications, including:
Airframe Components: Fuselage skins, wing structures, and landing gear.
Interior Panels: Cabin walls, ceilings, and flooring.
Exhaust Systems: High-temperature resistant exhaust ducts and flanges.
Engine Components: Turbine blades, engine casings, and heat shields.
Company Strengths
SD-steel is a leading supplier of high-quality stainless steel products with over two decades of experience in the industry. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities ensure consistent quality and reliability. We pride ourselves on our commitment to customer satisfaction and innovation.
Q: What are the advantages of using Aerospace Stainless Steel Perforated Sheets?
A: These sheets offer several key advantages, including high strength-to-weight ratio, excellent corrosion resistance, and ease of fabrication. They are also highly durable and can withstand extreme temperatures and pressures.
Q: Can these sheets be customized according to specific requirements?
A: Yes, we offer customization services to meet your specific needs. Whether you require specific dimensions, hole patterns, or additional treatments, our team can accommodate your requirements.
Q: How do I place an order for Aerospace Stainless Steel Perforated Sheets?
A: To place an order, please contact us at +65 83016969. Our sales team will guide you through the process and help you select the right product for your application.
Contact SD-steel today to learn more about our Aerospace Stainless Steel Perforated Sheets and how they can benefit your projects.
Stainless Steel Sheet Plate & Sheet
Stainless Steel Strip
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Center Enamel's Fusion Bonded Epoxy Tanks - Redefining Durability and Sustainability
Center Enamel's Fusion Bonded Epoxy Tanks - Redefining Durability and Sustainability
In the demanding world of industrial storage, where reliability and longevity are paramount, Center Enamel's Fusion Bonded Epoxy (FBE) Tanks stand as a testament to engineering excellence and material innovation. Designed to withstand the harshest environments and store a diverse range of liquids, these tanks represent a significant leap forward in storage solutions. With over three decades of experience and a strategic partnership with AkzoNobel, a global leader in coatings, Center Enamel has perfected the art of FBE tank manufacturing, delivering unparalleled performance and enduring value.

As a leading storage tank manufacturer worldwide. Center Enamel can provide Glass Lined Steel(GLS) tanks, fusion bonded epoxy tanks, stainless steel tanks, galvanized steel tanks and aluminum geodesic dome roofs, Wastewater and Biogas Project Equipments for global customers.
Configuration of Customized Storage Tanks
Storage tanks
Design Requirements
GLS Tanks
SS Tanks
Fusion Bonded Epoxy Tanks
Galvanized Steel Tanks
Welded Steel Tanks
ADR Roof
GLS Roof
Membrane Roof
FRP Roof
Trough Deck Roof
Wastewater Treatment Project
Drinking Water Project
Municipal Sewage Project
Biogas Project
Fire Water Storage Project
Oil Storage Project
Water Supply & Drainage System
Seismic Design
Wind Resistant Design
Lightning Protection Design
Tank Insulation Design
WasteWater Treatment Project Equipment Supply
Pretreatment Equipment
Resource Utilization System
Sludge Treatment System
Other Equipment
Mechanical Bar Screen
Solid-liquid Separator
Submersible Mixer
Gas Holder
Boiler System
Boost Fan
gas Generator
Torch System
Dehydration and Desulfurization Tank
PAM Integration Dosing Device
Screw Sludge Dewatering Machine
Slurry Separation Centrifuge
Sewage Pump
Mud Scraper
Submersible Sewage Pump
Three-phases Separator
The Science Behind the Shield: Understanding Fusion Bonded Epoxy
Fusion bonded epoxy coating is a thermosetting powder coating that is applied to heated steel substrates. This process creates a robust, uniform, and chemically resistant layer that is intimately bonded to the steel, providing exceptional protection against corrosion, abrasion, and chemical attack. The secret to its remarkable performance lies in the fusion process itself.
The epoxy powder, when heated, melts and flows onto the preheated steel surface. A chemical reaction then occurs, resulting in a cross-linked polymer network that forms a tough, durable coating. This fusion process eliminates the need for solvents and ensures a seamless, pinhole-free finish, significantly enhancing the coating's integrity.
Center Enamel's Mastery: Crafting Superior FBE Tanks
Center Enamel's FBE tanks are not merely assembled; they are meticulously crafted using state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques and stringent quality control measures. Each stage of production, from raw material selection to final inspection, is rigorously monitored to ensure adherence to the highest standards.
1. Material Selection and Preparation:
Only high-quality, high-strength steel is used in the construction of Center Enamel's FBE tanks.
The steel plates undergo a thorough cleaning and surface preparation process to ensure optimal adhesion of the epoxy coating.
2. Fusion Bonded Epoxy Application:
Center Enamel employs advanced electrostatic spray technology to apply the epoxy powder coating with precision and uniformity.
The steel plates are heated to the optimal temperature to facilitate the fusion process and ensure a strong bond between the epoxy and the steel.
The coating thickness is meticulously controlled to meet or exceed industry standards and customer specifications.
3. Quality Control and Testing:
Every coated plate undergoes 100% factory testing and precise standard inspections.
Holiday testing is conducted at a voltage of ≥1100V to detect any discontinuities or defects in the coating, ensuring a zero-discontinuity result.
Rigorous testing is performed to evaluate the coating's performance in various conditions, including hot water immersion, salt spray exposure, impact resistance, and chemical immersion.
4. Assembly and Installation:
Center Enamel's FBE tanks are designed for easy assembly and installation, minimizing on-site construction time and costs.
The bolted construction allows for flexibility in tank size and configuration, catering to diverse application requirements.
Our team of experienced engineers provides comprehensive support throughout the installation process, ensuring a seamless and efficient project execution.
Unleashing the Potential: Advantages of Center Enamel's FBE Tanks
Center Enamel's FBE tanks offer a multitude of advantages that make them the preferred choice for demanding storage applications.
Exceptional Corrosion Resistance: The fusion bonded epoxy coating provides unparalleled protection against corrosion, ensuring long-term durability and minimizing maintenance costs.
Superior Chemical Resistance: The coating exhibits excellent resistance to a wide range of chemicals, making the tanks suitable for storing aggressive liquids.
High Impact Resistance: The tough, durable coating can withstand impact and abrasion, ensuring the tank's structural integrity in challenging environments.
Long Service Life: The combination of high-quality materials and advanced coating technology results in a long service life, providing a cost-effective storage solution.
Environmentally Friendly: The solvent-free fusion process minimizes environmental impact and promotes sustainable practices.
Customization Flexibility: Center Enamel offers a wide range of customization options, including different sizes, capacities, and configurations, to meet specific customer requirements.
Compliance with Industry Standards: Our FBE tanks meet or exceed internationally recognized coating requirements, including ISO 28765:2016, AWWA D103-19, ensuring the highest standards of quality and safety.
Applications Across Industries: Versatility in Storage
Center Enamel's FBE tanks find applications in a diverse range of industries, including:
Petroleum and Chemical Industry: Storage and processing of various chemicals, petroleum products, and liquid chemicals.
Food and Beverage Industry: Storage of food and beverage raw materials, such as edible oils and alcohol, ensuring product hygiene and quality.
Water and Wastewater Treatment: Storage of clean water, wastewater, and processing liquids, including sludge storage and treatment.
Energy Industry: Storage of fuel oil, liquefied natural gas (LNG), and other energy products.
Agricultural Waste Treatment: Farm digestion tanks for processing agricultural waste and producing biogas.
Industrial Water Treatment: Filtration tanks in industrial water treatment systems.
Firewater Reservoirs: Storage of water for firefighting.
Fertilizer and Agricultural Chemical Storage: Storage of various fertilizers and agricultural chemicals.
Stormwater Collection: Stormwater collection equipment for storing rainwater for reuse.
Municipal and Industrial Sewage Tanks: Storage and treatment of sewage.
The Center Enamel Commitment: Quality, Reliability, and Sustainability
Center Enamel is committed to providing customers with high-quality, reliable, and environmentally friendly FBE tank solutions. Our dedication to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction has made us a trusted partner for industries worldwide.
Partnering with AkzoNobel:
Our strategic partnership with AkzoNobel, a global leader in coatings, ensures that we utilize the most advanced and reliable FBE coating technology. This collaboration allows us to deliver tanks with exceptional performance and durability.
Global Reach, Local Support:
With a global network of sales and service offices, Center Enamel provides comprehensive support to customers worldwide. Our team of experienced engineers and technicians is available to assist with every stage of the project, from design and engineering to installation and maintenance.
Choose Center Enamel: The Unbreakable Shield for Your Storage Needs
Center Enamel's Fusion Bonded Epoxy Tanks represent the pinnacle of storage technology, offering unparalleled durability, reliability, and sustainability. When you choose Center Enamel, you are choosing a partner dedicated to your success. Contact us today to learn more about how our FBE tanks can meet your specific storage requirements.
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Design Perspectives on Wire Mesh Cable Tray Accessories: Best Practices
Wire mesh cable trays are a versatile and efficient solution for cable management, but their effectiveness often depends on the accessories used alongside them. From brackets and supports to connectors and covers, the right accessories can enhance functionality, improve safety, and ensure a seamless installation. In this blog, we’ll explore wire mesh cable tray accessories from a design perspective and share best practices for selecting and using them to maximize performance.
Cable Tray Accessories
1. Understanding the Role of Accessories
Accessories are the unsung heroes of wire mesh cable tray systems. They provide critical support, flexibility, and protection, ensuring the trays function optimally in various environments. Key roles of accessories include:
Supporting the trays to prevent sagging or misalignment.
Connecting sections for a seamless and secure installation.
Protecting cables from damage or environmental factors.
Enhancing accessibility for maintenance and upgrades.
2. Essential Wire Mesh Cable Tray Accessories
Here are some of the most commonly used accessories and their functions:
a. Brackets and Supports
Purpose: To secure the trays to walls, ceilings, or other structures.
Best Practices:
Choose brackets made from materials compatible with the tray (e.g., stainless steel for SS trays).
Ensure proper spacing to prevent sagging under heavy cable loads.
Use adjustable brackets for flexibility in installation.
b. Connectors and Splices
Purpose: To join tray sections and create a continuous pathway for cables.
Best Practices:
Select connectors that match the tray’s material and design.
Ensure a tight fit to maintain structural integrity.
Use splice plates for added strength in high-load areas.
c. Covers and Lids
Purpose: To protect cables from dust, debris, and physical damage.
Best Practices:
Use ventilated covers to maintain airflow and prevent overheating.
Ensure covers are easy to remove for maintenance.
Choose materials that match the tray’s corrosion resistance.
d. Drop-Outs and Tees
Purpose: To create branch pathways for cables.
Best Practices:
Plan drop-out locations during the design phase to avoid clutter.
Use tees to distribute cables evenly and reduce strain on the system.
e. End Caps and Edge Protectors
Purpose: To prevent cable damage and provide a finished look.
Best Practices:
Install end caps to shield cables from sharp edges.
Use edge protectors in high-traffic areas to reduce wear and tear.
f. Grounding Kits
Purpose: To ensure electrical safety by grounding the tray system.
Best Practices:
Install grounding kits according to local electrical codes.
Regularly inspect grounding connections for integrity.
Wire Mesh Cable Tray
3. Design Considerations for Accessories
When designing a wire mesh cable tray system, keep these factors in mind to ensure the accessories complement the trays effectively:
a. Load Capacity
Ensure accessories can support the weight of the cables and trays.
Use heavy-duty brackets and supports for high-load applications.
b. Environmental Conditions
Choose accessories made from materials that match the tray’s resistance to corrosion, heat, and chemicals.
Use weatherproof covers and connectors for outdoor installations.
c. Accessibility
Design the system with easy access for maintenance and upgrades.
Use removable covers and modular connectors for flexibility.
d. Compliance with Standards
Ensure all accessories meet industry standards and local regulations.
Regularly inspect the system for compliance and safety.
Wire Mesh Cable Tray Manufacturer
4. Best Practices for Installation
Plan Ahead: Map out the cable tray layout and identify accessory requirements before installation.
Use Quality Accessories: Invest in high-quality accessories to ensure durability and performance.
Follow Manufacturer Guidelines: Adhere to installation instructions provided by the tray and accessory manufacturers.
Inspect Regularly: Conduct routine inspections to identify and address any issues early.
5. Real-World Applications
Wire mesh cable tray accessories are used in a variety of settings, including:
Data Centers: For organizing and protecting server and network cables.
Industrial Facilities: To support heavy-duty cables in harsh environments.
Office Buildings: For managing power and communication cables.
Healthcare Facilities: To ensure safety and accessibility for critical systems.
Wire mesh cable tray accessories play a vital role in the functionality, safety, and longevity of cable management systems. By selecting the right accessories and following best practices for design and installation, you can create a system that meets your needs and stands the test of time.
Whether you’re designing a new system or upgrading an existing one, investing in high-quality accessories is a smart move that pays off in the long run.
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Why Industries Rely on Conductive Shim Sheets
Industries use shim sheet metal to enhance performance and durability in electrical and thermal applications. From electronics to aerospace, the right shim material ensures efficiency, reliability, and longevity.
Industries That Benefit from Shim Sheets
The electronics industry relies on shim sheet metal for circuit boards and electrical insulation, ensuring stable current flow. In the automotive sector, brass shim sheets are used in battery terminals and heat shields, improving efficiency. Aerospace applications depend on shim sheets for thermal stability in high-altitude environments, preventing system failures. Industrial machinery benefits from SS shim plate, which enhances heat dissipation and structural support in high-stress conditions.
Why Conductive Shims Are Important
Preventing electrical failures is crucial in many industries, and stainless steel shims improve grounding and conductivity in electrical systems. Enhancing heat management is another key advantage, with aluminum and precut shims ensuring optimal temperature regulation in machinery and electronics. Improving equipment lifespan by reducing wear and tear is essential for long-term efficiency, and high-quality shim manufactures in helps in materials help prevent premature component failure.
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Enhance Your Cooking with Vidiem's Tusker 2-Burner Gas Stove!
The Vidiem Tusker 2 Burner Gas Stove (Silver) is a premium kitchen appliance designed to enhance your cooking experience with its robust construction, efficient performance, and user-friendly features.
Key Features:
Durable Stainless Steel Construction: The stove boasts a high-gloss stainless steel body with a substantial 2mm thickness, ensuring longevity and a sleek appearance that complements any kitchen decor.
High-Efficiency Forged Brass Burners: Equipped with two forged brass burners—one jumbo burner for large vessels and rapid heating, and one medium burner for standard cooking needs—this stove offers versatility and efficient heat distribution.
Heavy-Duty Pan Supports: The 5mm thick heavy-gauge pan supports provide stability for various cookware sizes, ensuring safety during cooking.
Removable Spill-Proof Drip Trays: Designed for easy maintenance, the removable drip trays catch spills and can be effortlessly cleaned, keeping your kitchen tidy.
Ergonomic Metal Knobs: The stove features durable metal knobs that offer precise flame control and add to the overall aesthetic appeal.
Enhanced Safety Features: With chrome back plates, chrome legs, a common rail mixing tube, and duo shield valves with Molycote, the stove ensures safe and reliable operation.
Size: The stove measures 625mm in length, 310mm in width, and 60mm in height, providing ample cooking space while compacting enough to fit comfortably in most kitchen layouts.
Why Choose the Vidiem Tusker 2 Burner Gas Stove?
This gas stove is engineered for those who value efficiency, durability, and style in their kitchen appliances. Its sturdy construction ensures long-term use, while the high-efficiency burners cater to various cooking requirements. The thoughtful design elements, such as removable drip trays and ergonomic knobs, enhance user convenience and safety.
In summary, the Vidiem Tusker 2 Burner Gas Stove (Silver) is a reliable and elegant addition to any kitchen, offering a blend of performance and aesthetics that meets the demands of modern cooking.
Click here: https://www.poorvika.com/vidiem-tusker-2-burner-gas-stove-silver/p

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Is Hilux Underbody Protection Worth the Investment? Check Reasons!
Installing Hilux underbody protection bash plates and composite battery trays is one of the most crucial safety precautions for the vehicle, the driver, and any passengers when off-roading. To add more safety elements to cars, skilled manufacturers can create various-shaped battery closers and bash plates.
In addition, a lot of customers request that a dual battery tray Hilux be installed to preserve battery safety and prevent unanticipated collisions when driving on uneven terrain.
To make the contents more accessible, drivers can also install safety freeze trays, which are a practical way to draw out the refrigerator and slide it along sliding tracks. Professional manufacturers use unique designs for refrigerator slides, battery trays, and bash plates that prevent movement and ensure driver safety.

Extensional Safety Accessories in Cars have the Following Benefits:
It makes sense to use under-body protection plates to guarantee the safety of both drivers and vehicles. It guarantees consistent performance and safeguards old automobiles' chassis.
Preserving the chassis increases the longevity and durability of automobiles. Reputable producers create composite skid plates and protection plates from lightweight, flexible materials like aluminium alloy, stainless steel, and others.
Battery enclosures prevent rumbling, lessen vibration and noise, and give passengers a more opulent driving experience. The safety enclosures maintain a steady operating temperature for the battery by preventing heat transfer.
All cars must have chassis protection to prevent corrosion and dents on the underbody plates. External protection plates and trays shield cars from the weather, shield exposed underplates from harm, and give drivers and owners a strong resistance against the elements.
To install safety trays and bash plates, along with other automotive components like rock sliders, stump guards, engines, gearboxes, suspension, differentials, and fuel tank protective plates, car owners should look for a reputable manufacturer.
Find an established supplier by conducting in-depth market research on their services, pricing, customer support, connection accountability, and product quality.
To learn more about the calibre of goods and services they offer, it is essential to see if they have received government certification and to read reviews left by previous clients.
Lastly, get in touch with a reputable manufacturer to have their safety gear installed at a fair price and keep your car safe.
Source: https://hiluxbashplates.blogspot.com/2025/01/is-hilux-underbody-protection-worth.html
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Processing performance of Tantalum

Processing performance
Tantalum has good plasticity, low deformation resistance, and low process hardening. It can be processed into plates, strips, foils, pipes, rods and wires at room temperature.
Tantalum can be formed into various devices & parts using traditional processes, equipment and tools such as metal spinning, deep drawing, bulging, bending, punching & cutting, stamping and drawing.
The mechanical properties of fully recrystallized pure tantalum are similar to soft copper. In order to meet the tolerance and surface roughness requirements, the following machining method can be used: turning, milling, grinding and reaming, boring, tapping and others.
Welding performance
Tantalum has the best welding performance amount all refractory metals, and can be welded with carbon steel, stainless steel, nickel alloy, titanium alloy, etc. Electron beam welding and inert gas shielded tungsten arc welding can be used to weld tantalum chemical equipment components with ductility-brittleness transition temperature below room temperature, which can meet the requirements of chemical industry. Tantalum-Steel composite materials can be prepared by explosive welding, which is an effective way for manufacturing tantalum lining of large-scale corrosion-resistant equipment. We can use silver solder, copper solder and several special high-melting metal solder alloys for tantalum soldering connection.
Welding and brazing must be performed under vacuum or high purity inert gas. Resistance welding or seam welding can be performed in air or underwater.
Heat treatment
For best processability, tantalum is often used at a stress-relieved or recrystallized temper. The recrystallization temperature is determined by the purity, the amount of cold work, and historical conditions. Recrystallization temperature of pure tantalum plate with specific thickness is 1000-1250 ℃.
https://www.etimaterials.org/tantalum/ https://www.etimaterials.org/tantalum/tantalum-plate/
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Tac-14 Heat Shield – Used For Special Operation
Heating plates are used for two purposes; to protect the shooter’s hands during consistent or trigger-detonating fire and giving the firearm an intimidating and rougher look.
Buying the Tac-14 heat shield
The Tac-14 heat shield is a short barreled shotgun which is not an NFA firearm, manufactured by Remington and used for home protection and special operations. As a result of the heat shield incorporated into the Tac-14 design, the holder can aim at and fire numerous shots at intended targets without immolating the hands on the barrel.

Tac-14 Heat Shield
That is often a high strength metal such as steel or aluminium well suited to not only dispersing heat but also providing a protective barrier for the barrel of the Tac-14. It is a fantastic attachment for those that engage in heated battle with their Tac-14 heat shield or those that simply like to stand out with looks.
Buying the Black Aces heat shield
Black Aces Tactical is one of the most highly recommended heat shield suppliers which supports efficient compatibility with the Tac-14 shotgun. For quality builds, Black aces heat shield is built to last while also looking stylish.
These shields are commonly offered in different varieties of the surface texture and color like the matte black, the stainless steel likes to blend in or class up the handgun. The Black Aces heat shields for Ford Focus and Focus ST engines are also quite easy to install and this is why fans of car modification prefer to use them.
Adding a heat shield doesn’t just make the shotgun handle better and last longer, it also makes it look more menacing and aesthetically pleasing for those into performance optics. The Tac-14 heat shield and Black aces heat shield are great additions for any shotgun user who wants to improve the tactical functionality as well as look of their firearms.
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Replace Stainless Steel Heat Shield for Barbecue Gas Grills (Set of 4) Fits Compatible Models: Outdoor Gourmet SRGG51112, SRGG51112A, SRGG51204A, Grillada GG60000-4B, Brinkmann 810-1455-S, 810-1456-S, 810-9425-W, Shinerich Kingston, SRGG51111 Gas Models. BUY NOW!!
#Brinkmann Gas Grills#Grillada BBQ Parts#Stainless Steel Heat Shield#Heat Plate#Outdoor Gourmet BBQ Parts#Shinerich Kingston#Grill Heat Shield
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Stainless Steel Applications in the Automotive Industry

The automotive industry continually evolves, with increasing demands for durability, efficiency, and sustainability. Among the many materials used in automotive manufacturing, stainless steel stands out for its exceptional properties. From providing structural integrity to enhancing safety, automotive stainless steel plays a vital role. This article delves into the various applications of stainless steel in the automotive industry and highlights key materials like stainless steel slabs, blooms, plates, and wire rods.
Why Stainless Steel is Essential in Automotive Manufacturing
Stainless steel products are integral to the automotive sector because of their:
Corrosion Resistance: Essential for withstanding environmental factors like moisture, salt, and chemicals.
Strength and Durability: Ensures long-lasting performance under mechanical stress.
Lightweight Nature: Reduces vehicle weight without compromising structural integrity, leading to better fuel efficiency.
Recyclability: Stainless steel is eco-friendly, aligning with the industry's sustainability goals.
Key Applications of Stainless Steel in the Automotive Industry
1. Structural Components
Stainless steel slabs and stainless steel blooms are the foundation of structural elements in vehicles. They are processed into parts like chassis, frames, and reinforcements, ensuring strength and stability.
2. Exhaust Systems
Exhaust systems are one of the most prominent applications of automotive stainless steel. The material's heat resistance and corrosion resistance make it ideal for catalytic converters, mufflers, and exhaust pipes.
3. Fuel Tanks
Stainless steel fuel tanks are lightweight, durable, and resistant to corrosion, ensuring safe storage and transport of fuel.
4. Suspension and Fasteners
Components like springs, bolts, and nuts are often made from stainless steel wire rods. These ensure flexibility and high tensile strength in critical automotive systems.
5. Body Panels and Trim
Stainless steel plates are used in body panels and trims to enhance aesthetics and provide durability against environmental wear and tear.
6. Heat Shields
Stainless steel's ability to withstand high temperatures makes it perfect for heat shields that protect engine components and passengers from excessive heat.
7. Brake and Control Cables
Control and brake cables manufactured from stainless steel wire rods ensure reliable performance and long-term durability under heavy usage.
How Stainless Steel Products Are Processed for Automotive Use
1. Stainless Steel Slabs and Blooms
These semi-finished products are hot-rolled and processed into smaller components, such as plates and wire rods. They form the base material for various automotive parts.
2. Stainless Steel Plates
Plates are used in applications requiring flat, durable surfaces, such as body panels and undercarriage protection.
3. Stainless Steel Wire Rods
Wire rods are drawn into thinner wires or further processed to create springs, cables, and fasteners.
Advantages of Using Stainless Steel in Automotive Applications
Enhanced Safety: Stainless steel's strength ensures vehicles can better withstand impacts, protecting passengers.
Improved Longevity: Components made from stainless steel products are less likely to corrode or wear, reducing maintenance costs.
Sustainability: The recyclability of stainless steel supports eco-friendly manufacturing practices, reducing waste.
Lightweight Design: Using stainless steel enables manufacturers to reduce vehicle weight, improving fuel efficiency and reducing emissions.
Heat and Chemical Resistance: Stainless steel withstands extreme conditions, ensuring reliability in exhaust systems and other high-stress components.
Stainless Steel: Driving Innovation in Automotive Design
The versatility of stainless steel in the automotive industry is unparalleled. Whether it's stainless steel slabs forming the base for critical structures, stainless steel blooms being processed into reinforcement bars, or stainless steel wire rods contributing to essential mechanical systems, this material is central to innovation in vehicle design.
The automotive industry depends on stainless steel for its unmatched combination of durability, strength, and sustainability. From stainless steel plates used in body construction to wire rods for fasteners and cables, stainless steel is a cornerstone of modern vehicle manufacturing.
As the demand for efficient, long-lasting vehicles grows, the role of automotive stainless steel will only expand, cementing its place as a material of choice in creating safer, greener, and more innovative automobiles.
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Stainless Steel 317 Sheets & Plates Exporters In India
Stainless Steel 317 is an austenitic chromium-nickel-molybdenum stainless steel that offers superior corrosion resistance, particularly in acidic and chloride environments. It is widely used in industries that require materials with enhanced resistance to corrosion and high temperatures, such as chemical processing, petrochemical, and power generation. In India, Padmavati Steel & Engg. Co. is a leading exporter of Stainless Steel 317 Sheets & Plates, known for delivering top-quality products that meet the demanding needs of various industries worldwide.
About Padmavati Steel & Engg. Co.
Padmavati Steel & Engg. Co. is a well-established name in the stainless steel industry in India, with a strong reputation for quality and reliability. The company has been serving the needs of various industries by providing a comprehensive range of stainless steel products, including sheets, plates, coils, and more. Among their extensive product offerings, Stainless Steel 317 Sheets & Plates stand out for their exceptional performance and durability. With a commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, Padmavati Steel & Engg. Co. has become a preferred choice for stainless steel solutions, both domestically and internationally.

Key Features of Stainless Steel 317 Sheets & Plates
Superior Corrosion Resistance: Stainless Steel 317 is known for its excellent resistance to corrosion in a wide range of chemical environments, including those with sulfuric acid, chlorides, and other aggressive agents. This makes it ideal for use in chemical processing and marine applications.
Enhanced Molybdenum Content: The higher molybdenum content in Stainless Steel 317 increases its resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion, making it more durable in harsh environments compared to other stainless steel grades.
High-Temperature Strength: Stainless Steel 317 offers good mechanical properties at both ambient and elevated temperatures. This makes it suitable for applications where the material is exposed to high heat and requires high strength.
Good Weldability: The alloy's composition allows for good weldability, making it easier to fabricate and install in various industrial settings without compromising its corrosion resistance or mechanical properties.
Quality Assurance at Padmavati Steel & Engg. Co.
Quality is the cornerstone of Padmavati Steel & Engg. Co.'s operations. The company ensures that all Stainless Steel 317 Sheets & Plates are manufactured and tested according to the highest industry standards. By sourcing raw materials from trusted suppliers and implementing rigorous quality control procedures, Padmavati Steel & Engg. Co. guarantees that every product meets international standards such as ASTM, ASME, and EN. This commitment to quality ensures that customers receive products that perform reliably even in the most challenging conditions.
The Stainless Steel 317/317L Sheets and Plates are analyzed by disconnected examination get-together to ensure its quality and confirmation it is free from any mutilation and disfigurement. This is supply with bona fide packaging to shield from abhorrence conditions. This solidified steel sheet and the plate are easily finishing on with various standard test confirmations like ISO, IBR, and SGS, etc. You can get this thing structure Padmavati Steel & Engg.Co. at a reasonable market cost.
Stainless Steel 317-317L Sheet and Plate Specification
Standard : ASTM / ASME A240 / SA240
Form : Coils, Foils, Rolls, Plain Sheet, Shim Sheet, Strip, Flats, Blank (Circle), Ring (Flange)
Finish : Hot rolled plate (HR), Cold rolled sheet (CR), 2B, 2D, BA NO(8), SATIN (Met with Plastic Coated)
Hardness : Soft, Hard, Half Hard, Quarter Hard, Spring Hard etc.
Padmavati Steel & Engg. Co. is a leading exporter of Stainless Steel 317 Sheets & Plates in India, offering high-quality products that meet the rigorous demands of industries worldwide. With a strong commitment to quality, customer satisfaction, and global reach, Padmavati Steel & Engg. Co. continues to be a trusted partner for businesses seeking reliable and durable stainless steel solutions for their most critical applications.
For More Information:
Visit: https://www.padmavatisteel.com/
Contact: +91-9930388308
Email-id: [email protected]
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Stainless Steel Braided Wire

Product Description:
SD-steel's Stainless Steel Braided Wire is a versatile and durable product designed for a wide range of applications. This high-quality wire is made from premium stainless steel, ensuring excellent resistance to corrosion, heat, and wear. It is ideal for use in environments where durability and longevity are critical.
The Stainless Steel Braided Wire is crafted from Grade 304 stainless steel, known for its superior strength and corrosion resistance. This material choice ensures that the wire can withstand harsh conditions and maintain its integrity over time.
| Specification | Details |
| Material | Grade 304 Stainless Steel |
| Diameter | 0.5mm - 5mm |
| Length | Customizable up to 100 meters |
| Tensile Strength | 1000 MPa |
The wire is available in various diameters ranging from 0.5mm to 5mm, with customizable lengths up to 100 meters. This flexibility allows it to be used in a variety of applications, from industrial machinery to automotive components.
Usage Scenarios:
This Stainless Steel Braided Wire is commonly used in:
- Industrial machinery for its robustness and durability.
- Automotive applications for its resistance to extreme temperatures and corrosive environments.
- Marine equipment due to its excellent corrosion resistance.
- Electrical insulation and shielding due to its conductive properties.
Company Strengths:
SD-steel is a leading supplier of high-quality steel products, with over two decades of experience in the industry. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction has earned us a reputation as a trusted partner for businesses worldwide. We have a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility equipped with the latest technology to ensure precision and consistency in our products.
1. What are the benefits of using Stainless Steel Braided Wire?
- Stainless Steel Braided Wire offers superior corrosion resistance, making it ideal for harsh environments. It also provides excellent tensile strength and flexibility, which are crucial for many industrial applications.
2. Can the length of the wire be customized?
- Yes, SD-steel offers customizable lengths up to 100 meters to meet your specific needs.
3. Is the wire suitable for electrical applications?
- Absolutely, the Stainless Steel Braided Wire is often used for electrical insulation and shielding due to its conductive properties.
For more information or to place an order, please contact us at +65 83016969.
Stainless Steel Pipe
Stainless Steel Sheet Plate & Sheet
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Stainless Steel Screws & Fasteners
In the dynamic world of construction, every material and component used must meet the highest standards of durability and reliability. Stainless Steel screws have emerged as a cornerstone in modern construction, offering a host of features and benefits that make them the preferred choice for industry professionals.
Intercorp offers 410 Stainless Steel fasteners, as well as 300 Series Stainless Steel fasteners.
410 Stainless Steel – 410 Stainless Steel is known for its moderate strength, hardness, and good wear resistance. 410 Stainless Steel contains carbon, which makes it susceptible to surface rust, making it mildly corrosion-resistant. Though it may exhibit exterior rust, the integrity of the screw is still maintained. It can be heat-treated to achieve high levels of hardness, making it suitable for applications where wear resistance is important. 410 Stainless Steel is ACQ compatible.***
300 Series Stainless Steel – 305 & 316 Stainless Steels offer excellent corrosion resistance. 305 Stainless is preferred in mild corrosive environments due to the cost advantage. 316 Stainless is required in harsh conditions or severe corrosive environments. They contain nickel, which contribute to their ability to resist oxidation and corrosion. 300 Series Stainless Steels are ACQ compatible.***
Corrosion Resistance:
One of the standout features of Stainless Steel screws is their exceptional resistance to corrosion. Unlike traditional screws that may succumb to rust and deterioration over time, Stainless Steel screws are engineered with chromium, which forms a protective oxide layer on the surface. This inherent resistance to corrosion ensures that these screws maintain their integrity even in harsh environments, making them an ideal choice for outdoor construction projects exposed to the elements.
If coated Stainless Steel is needed, Intercorp offers Stainless Steel screws that are passivated and waxed, or coated with Strong-Shield high performance coating.
Passivation & Waxing – Passivation is a chemical process that removes impurities and contaminants from the surface of Stainless Steel. This process promotes the formation of a protective oxide layer, improving the corrosion resistance of the material. Passivation also helps in removing these contaminants from the machining and fabrication process, thus leaving a clean and corrosion-resistant surface. Applying a wax coating to passivated Stainless Steel fasteners adds an extra layer of protection. The wax serves as a barrier against moisture, chemicals, and environmental elements, further safeguarding the fasteners from corrosion.
Strong-Shield – Fasteners with Intercorp’s proprietary coating Strong-Shield offers a high-degree of corrosion resistance and acid rain protection. Strong-Shield is made up of a four-layer protective barrier designed to prolong the life of the fastener. The four layers consist of a metallic zinc layer, a passivation, a functional nano-coating layer, and a high-grade anti-corrosion chemical conversion film. Strong-Shield coated fasteners are ideal for attaching metal to metal, and offer more than 40 times as much corrosion resistance as zinc plating. Strong-Shield coating was tested at 15 cycles of Kesternich** and is ACQ compatible***. The SST rating for Strong-Shield coating is 1,000 hours.
Strength and Durability:
Stainless steel is renowned for its superior strength and durability, and construction professionals often rely on Stainless Steel screws for their robust performance in load-bearing applications.Their ability to withstand heavy loads makes them an essential component in critical construction tasks such as framing, decking, and structural assembly.
Low Maintenance and Longevity:
Construction projects demand materials that can withstand the test of time, reducing the need for frequent maintenance and replacements. Stainless Steel screws excel in this regard, providing a low-maintenance solution that contributes to the overall cost-effectiveness of a project. Their resistance to corrosion and durability ensure that structures remain sturdy and reliable, reducing the long-term maintenance burden and extending the lifespan of the construction.
Aesthetics and Finish:
Stainless Steel screws offer a polished and attractive finish that adds to the overall aesthetics of a construction project. The sleek appearance of these screws not only serves a functional purpose but also enhances the visual appeal of structures. Construction professionals recognize the importance of attention to detail, and Stainless Steel screws contribute to the overall aesthetics of a project while maintaining their structural integrity.
In the fast-evolving landscape of construction, Stainless Steel screws stand out as indispensable tools, combining strength, durability, and versatility. Their corrosion resistance, ability to bear heavy loads, versatility in applications, low maintenance requirements, and aesthetically pleasing finish make them a preferred choice for construction professionals. As the industry continues to advance, Stainless Steel screws remain a cornerstone, building excellence in every structure they help assemble.
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