#Splatoon Octavio
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gatoburr0 · 5 months ago
Which Havoc team member are you?
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theweatherishorrible · 4 months ago
hail the Octobot King L3.Gs
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animated photo under the cut
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ink-in-octo-crater · 3 months ago
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Hey look, a man
@0c70pus0fd3sp41r I thought you’d enjoy
Also @itsbenjiiswear here he be thank you for the encouragement <3/p
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kabii-kins · 1 year ago
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Yo look at my party members + Octavio (Accsess Code: 3TXRL7X)
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grey822aaa · 3 months ago
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yourdailysplatoongif · 3 months ago
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10 days till Christmas so here we go again!
Octavio dancing to (enter that squid sisters song here)
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0c70pus0fd3sp41r · 1 year ago
felt silly so i drew @pocoyitos octavio :3
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octo-artist · 9 months ago
Calm before the Inkstorm
Pre-war yan! Octavio x reader x platonic pre-war yan! Craig
Chapter 3: Chilly Evenings
TW: Possessive relationships, toxic mentalities,slight abuse of power, Typical Yandere shenanigans on both sides
I do not condone any of the actions in this series! If you are in a relationship like this please seek out help!
Certain parts are heavily inspired by Dissonant melodies by DriftingNova
Y/N=your name
T/C=tentacle color
E/C=eye color
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“Well here we are! Octavio’s already seen the place but I know you haven’t yet Y/N!” , Craig prattles on presenting the treehouse to the duo, Y/N looks up at it intrigued and Craig starts climbing up.
“Yea the dork lives here apparently”, Octavio says, moving next to the ladder waiting for Y/N to start climbing themselves, helping them up into the treehouse despite his earlier annoyance at their disobedience.
“Wow really? What’s that like? I hardly know what living outside the palace is like since I grew up there, my folks are smiths for the palace.” ,Y/N states with excitement as they climb up, Craig waiting at the top and holding out a hand for them to grab and help them up the last couple rungs, Octavio following soon after scoffing, a look of jealousy briefly flashing across his face.
“It ain’t much but I guess it’s nice to wake up to the cool morning breeze and see the sunrise from up here.” Craig sits on the edge of the deck and points towards the town and shoreline in the distance. Y/N sits nearby motioning for Octavio to join them, who when Y/N turns their attention from him picks them up and sits down with them in his lap much to their protests, Craig laughing next to them though with a bit of a worried look going unnoticed by the duo. “So Craig what’d we get from the competition?” Octavio bluntly asks startling Craig who starts to dig into his pockets. “Nothing big unfortunately but we did get some participation tokens!” He says with an awkward smile handing Octavio his token.
“The loser's token, huh?” Octavio says unimpressed.
“I thought we did surprisingly well!”, Craig responds from his spot prompting Octavio to boredly say, “Yeah, for a back-alley hack job of the Calamari Incantation!” Craig awkwardly chuckling, “Ah, l-let’s not dwell on that too much, take a moment to enjoy the view!” He motions out at the view.
Octavio looks to the side knocking on the wall a bit, “I gotta admit I’m surprised an airhead like you build a treehouse this stable.” This statement making Y/N lightly smack his shoulder with a quiet comment of “that’s rude!”
“WELL… The first time I tried, the floor broke apart.
“WHAT?!” Octavio exclaims looking at the inkling in shock and horror.
“After that mess, I went to the docks and asked a nice mechanic to help me.” Craig assures the prince.
“Ok, but? Why didja wanna live up in a tree anyway!?” Octavio questioned Craig settling back down.
“Because I overheard some locals talk about how much trouble they have with the smallfry waves in the spring.” He pauses to take a breath looking out over the lights of the town before continuing with pride, “I plan on staying one year, and up here, nothing escapes the razor sharp gaze of capt’n Craig Cuttlefish! I wanna do good with my short time on Mount Nantai by warning the folks of fishy activity~”
“BLEGH, I didn’t think you were such a goody-two-shoes” Octavio feigns disgust smirking as the mood lightens back up. Y/N lightly laughing before yawning a bit, which both the boys take notice of.
“Whatever. I'm glad you're staying a full year. That means we can crush the competition for real next time the festival rolls around.” Octavio states moving Y/N to lean up against his chest as they start drifting off slightly.
“Wait, really? You want -You want to keep the band going?” Craig says surprised, confused Octavio looks at him saying, “UUH, yeah? Why wouldn't I?”
“I thought you were mad about tonight! And you're ROYALTY! I bet there's important
stuff you-“, Craig starts rubbing the back of his neck.
“ARE YA KIDDING МЕ?! They gave FIRST PLACE to a buncha PREPPY school band geeks! We gotta take back what's ours!!” Octavio states fired up from frustration accidentally waking Y/N back up. “Ah sorry Y/N, didn’t mean to wake ya…”
“It’s ok, I probably should head on ahead back to the palace anyway, I need to get some sleep still if I’m gonna be able to function tomorrow for my duties as the gardener.” Y/N carefully standing up from Octavio’s lap who pouts a bit in response.
“Well let me at least help ya down the ladder so you don’t get hurt on the way down. Talk to ya again soon though! I’m sure tavi will join you soon enough once we finish up with our conversation.” Craig stands up helping lift the hatch and lower Y/n onto the ladder, a pang of jealousy hitting Octavio again but restraining himself as to not weird out Craig with his more possessive tendencies. Once the hatch lowers once more Craig returns to the deck and sits back down.
“Alright Tav what’s going on? I didn’t want to bring it up while they were around but I noticed y'all had some tension between y'all earlier… Everything alright between you two?” the inkling asks shocking octavio that someone like him would notice something was up.
“Everything is fine.”, Octavio scoffs, brushing him off and avoiding the question.
“I may be an airhead but even I can tell that’s bullsquid.” Craig responds with a deadpan look on his face, “come on I’m your buddy you can tell me. I know I saw you two hanging back earlier and saw the concerned look on Y/n’s face when you whispered something to them.”
“Like I said it's none of your business, let's just focus on crushing the competition next year before you go ya slimy hipster!” Octavio snaps back annoyed at the cuttlefish’s persistence to butt in on his business. Even if he had every reason to be concerned. He did let his anger get the better of him earlier and got jealous over nothing.
“Riiiiiight, well, It was a fun night otherwise, even if we didn’t win.” Craig states eventually dropping the topic in favor of talking about the two’s band again.
“Yea, the way all those people just…listened. The way they moved to the beat.” Octavio calmed down, reminiscing the competition earlier, the crowd’s faces as they played.
“Heh, the thrall of the moment is nice and all, but it’s what happens AFTER that matters.”, Craig says, holding up a finger and grinning his signature goofy grin. Confused Octavio side eyed the inkling asking, “What’s that s’pose to mean?”
Craig looks out over the mountain, the late night breeze blowing past the pair, he smiles and says, “A great song is one you remember. After the shows over, and there’s nothing to see~ The melody etches your soul and sets you free~” Octavio scoffs at this and smacks Craig's shoulder with a smirk Laughing, “PFFT! Ya sound like my kooky philosophy teacher!”
“Its true though!”Craig laughs with him, making Octavio respond, “Sure, sure, ya slimy hipster!”, he pauses before getting a giant smirk smacking his fist into his other hand he says with excitement, “Oooh, and next time we'll have a cool catchphrase like: Time ta drop beats till
Craig gives Octavio a sly grin responding with a hand on his chin, “Okay well, maybe avoid THREATENING the audience.”
The prince rolls his eyes at this saying, “C'mon. Don't throw shade at an idea just cuz it's trying something new.” At this Craig soon says deep in thought, “Huh. 'Trying something new. Out of the…”
“Try something new.... We're....” Octavio joins him in thought, but soon the two get an idea saying together, “Try something new… We're here Out of the Blue!” Both men grin at the sound of their new catchphrase, it rolling so smoothly and easily off both of their tongues. Watching the horizon the two sit in silence, the only sound being the crickets and the faint buzzing from the small zapfish nearby. Both once more deep in thought, only breaking out of their individual trances when they start to see the faintest light peek over the water.
Groaning Octavio stands up stretching, “Ah shit I gotta get back before the retainers realize I’ve snuck out or think I was octonapped.”
Also standing up Craig responds, “I’ll walk you back, I know the best route to sneak back in.” The duo climb back down to the ground, they talk as they return to the palace. “Todays gonna be rough since we were up all night, hopefully they advisors don’t notice the exhaustion.” Octavio sighs.
“Well if they do you can always just say you didn’t sleep good” Craig suggested.
“True, I’m definitely telling Y/N to take the day off cause they were up late too.” The prince says half heartedly, exhaustion clear in his voice. Eventually the duo reach the wall bordering the garden.
“Well you get some sleep Tav, wouldn’t want you passing out at any point today!” Craig says as Octavio climbs up, turning to look at the inkling “yea you too, don’t want you falling from your tree house because you’re too delirious to see straight.” He responds with a smirk before dropping back down into the garden. Creeping back into his room he changes into his sleep wear, hiding his disguise in a decorative chest. Turning to go to his bed he notices a small package on his table with a note. “I found something for you when I was out, I wasn’t able to give it to you earlier. Hope you like it, love Y/N”
He smiles a bit at the note before picking up the parcel, opening it and seeing a new octobrush maintenance kit, the comb in his last one had broken and had been using his fingers to clean out the brush for a bit, often forgetting to request a new one, the wax had also gone bad due to his past kit being of a bit lower quality, a servant who’d since been fired for cutting corners in their duties had not grabbed the correct one when given instructions to pick up a new kit, they’d tried to pocket the extra coin from their attempt to once more shirk their job. This one however he could see was much higher quality, a sturdy comb laid in the small box with a new stick of wax, stamped with the maker’s signature, as well as an application brush for the wax and a new cloth for finishing the process. There also was a small jar of conditioner for the bristles of the brush as well. He smiled at the thoughtful gesture, his prior anger completely fading and becoming a bit embarrassed at how he behaved towards them, especially when he’d seen Craig helping them up into the treehouse. “Shit, now I feel bad snapping at them like that, looks like I owe them an apology, I should return the favor and find something nice for them as well next time I get out to town with Craig.” Yawning he closes the wooden box and sets it down, turning in for the night, his kind set on making it up to his partner in the morning.
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possiblycringe · 2 years ago
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A little bit of a fusion au! I took some requests for fusion ideas (though I didn’t say that it was for fusions) and the results were half okay, half extremely cursed.
(note that when it’s between an ink creature and non ink creature, the fusion works more like a parasite kinda situation. There can still be symbiosis tho)
-in Little Buddies fusions, it’s closer to the others absorbing his power rather then a true mind meld. Though, Callies fusion with little buddy does take away some of her inhibitions
-Callie had a unstable fusion with her backup dancers in splatoon 2, but Marie pulled her out of that fusion and back into the squid sister fusion
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superluigiglitchy · 10 months ago
Octavio to Triple Does!Meggy after she recovered her memories:
dude wtf
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gatoburr0 · 7 months ago
I suck at drawing comics and I can't write good stuff worthy of reading so I resorted to deactivating half of my braincells so I can explain this like a 6 year old would explain the fnaf lore to their parents
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im tired this is all i can do for now lmfao
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molabuddy · 6 months ago
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the "splatfest" is a traditional inkfish festival dating back to over a hundred years ago.
(i sat down to draw something funny and then this happened)
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squoobest · 4 months ago
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who invited bro
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fercrish · 4 months ago
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🐙MARINA AND OCTAVIO MINI COMIC🐙 When I saw Octavio in the stand I knew I had to make this as I also remembered Marina is Squid Sisters' fan.
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grey822aaa · 3 months ago
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Some evening paper
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shiverhohojiro · 6 months ago
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Acht's bizarre grandfest
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