#Specifically the cunty Arkham Knight version because he's so obnoxious in that game
teethofthedeeps · 3 months
Send ✒️ and I’ll tell you a muse I’ve thought about writing, but never did
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Well, this was certainly intriging. Edward frowned at the screen, his wan face twisted with an expression of mixed annoyance at being disturbed right in the middle of some delicate calibrations, yet curiosity mingled with that sour note as instead of finding that some bumbling goon had set off his alarm system yet again, but neither was it that bothersome bat. A stranger had come, entering his domain. Nobody he recognized, and Edward was pretty sure he knew most people, at least those who were worth his time, and yet the masked stranger he saw wandering around his labyrinthian lair had captured his attention. How had they managed to find her way inside? He was certain he'd locked up every nook and cranny so tight even a rat would struggle to get in. Of course, it had to have been the fault of one of his men! The Riddler would never be so careless as to let a complete stranger come waltzing inside to do as they pleased. Seizing his microphone, Edward gave a rare pause, pondering how best to address this... situation. Whoever this pest was, they had to have known who he was, perhaps having come to consult him on some trivial matter. It couldn't be by dumb luck that they'd just ended up here, so he pondered a little more as he watched, eyes straying to the baseball bat in their hand. Trivia flooded to his mind, as much as his face flooded with an unpleasant expression of amusement. It was time to say hello and find out if this person had a modicum of intellect regarding the object in their hand, otherwise what right did they have to come bother him? "A man is running home, but is afraid to go there, for a man in a mask is waiting for him. Who is the man in the mask?" Static and distortion bounced off the walls as Edward flipped on the microphone and spoke his riddle out loud, allowing his voice to permeate the area. Unless the intruder were as deaf as they were dumb, they'd have no excuse not to answer him, and if they got his riddle wrong? His thin, tired face twisted into an even uglier smile, the man leaning forwards to see how the masked stranger would respond. Well, they'd better hope for their sake they could at least answer his little question or they'd be in a lot of trouble...
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