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stonewoodnithin · 2 years
https://stonewood.co.nz/building-with-us/ If you are looking for 3 or 2 bedroom house plans NZ, Stonewood homes offer a range of modern house plans to suit your needs and budget.
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finishinglinepress · 1 month
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FLP CHAPBOOK OF THE DAY: What Hummingbirds Do by Louise Cary Barden
On SALE now! Pre-order Price Guarantee: https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/what-hummingbirds-do-by-louise-cary-barden/
WHAT HUMMMINGBIRDS DO celebrates the #natural world while sharing the small, significant moments of joy, love, and loss that make up a #life. In these #poems we climb a white pine with a nine-year-old girl and shoot spring rapids in a canoe with a young couple. We see the white birches of the narrator’s childhood home and the flaming wings of monarch butterflies in migration; we hear the wild calls of loons as they echo across a wilderness lake. And throughout this collection, we consider universal questions and choices we must make in marriage, environment, politics, and relationships in our search for fulfillment.
Louise Cary Barden, a 2023 New Women’s Voices semi-finalist, won the Lois Cranston Prize (Calyx Journal), Oregon Poetry Association award, the Harperprints chapbook competition, and others. Her poems recently appeared in such journals as Timberline, humana obscura, Willawaw and Cathexis Northwest. Her writing is imbued with imagery of the natural world as narrated by a self-avowed tree-hugger whose career indecisiveness has taken her from teaching college English to advertising and editorial copywriting and marketing management. Nature stayed at the center of Barden’s life from her childhood on Boston’s South Shore and education at Hendrix College, U. Arkansas (B.A. English), and U. Maine (M.A. English) through residences from Arizona and Wyoming to Maine and Tennessee. Barden and her husband settled in North Carolina for 40 years before retiring to Oregon, where she is still trying to learn to love the rain.
PRAISE FOR What Hummingbirds Do by Louise Cary Barden
“Barden’s poems revel in the anticipatory state of a held breath: listening to the lap of water or the call of a loon, watching a flock of ibises twist in the sky, remembering a moment of cradling sudsy dishes as a child. Lush and rich in the details of nature and memory, she will guide you gently back to awe, to wonder, to the small moments that make up a life.”
–Brenna Crotty, Senior Editor, Calyx,A Journal of Art and Literature By Women
Louise Barden is a poet who has mastered both narrative and lyrical poetry. In this book memories moves with ease from childhood to the recent past. Nature abounds in these poems, whether it is the exquisite details of her Grandmother’s garden, or her last chance to canoe a river before the seasons change, or seeing Ibis fill the sky for the first time. In her beautiful lyric, Early Daffodils, Barden writes:
“Love, show me how to rush into the world again,
how to pluck and gather such joy.
Teach me how go fill my arms with gold.”
This book is full of gold.
–Doug Stone, author of The Season of Distress and Clarity
In her What Hummingbirds Do, Louise Barden embroiders a tapestry “where day’s first light split[s] gold through hanging dew”, and yet “we stand trapped inside the great cone. the past.” She takes the reader through explorations, mostly in nature, and with a backward glance towards family—grandmother, mother, sisters—“where July birches lean out as if to see their own green whispers” (“Viewpoint”) and where her nine year old self climbs high to stand “on a branch so thin it bends under [her] feet” so she can “ride the wind . . .long enough . . . to glimpse the whole world” (“Into the world”). This gutsy kid appears again in “On Drifts” where she and her sisters navigate deep snow “with clumsy, careful breast strokes”—they “swam [their] way to Church.”
As the poems move into her adult life, her affinity for the natural world does not waver. She stops “frozen, gazing into a sky . . . split by patterned coils of moving wings,” her first view of migrating ibis (“The Dazzling Invisibility”). She shares her losses, confronts death, survives winter, “those dreary weeks at home” (“Under a Changing Sky”), until “the once grey air glows incandescent . . . reflections of a greater hand.”
In the prize-winning title poem, she walks with a woman newly met, another birdwatcher who enriches her knowledge of hummingbirds. “We walked slowly, exchanging details, as women do . . . what we do when men are not beside us . . . when suddenly the woman says “straight He’s having an affair. . . I had scant advice.” Intimacy without pretense. As with the rest of her poems, her truthfulness gleams as brightly as her diamonds in Walmart (“Reflections at the Checkout”). Without guile or artifice, and with a deep commitment to lush, lyric language and craft, Barden carries us to the finish. Mark this as a must read!
–Rachel Barton, author of This is the Lightness
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Experiencing Narcissism 101 - Part 3
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June 24th, 2024
Here we are nearing the end of Pride Month. I’ve challenged myself to write everyday and I’ve found it very useful in examining my past and realizing that I am actually very resilient. Yesterday I wrote about events leading up to the point of coming back from a trip with John. Today, the story continues.
I put my plan into action and began taking steroids above and beyond what I needed for Testosterone Replacement Therapy. I was taking injections because my testosterone was low due to my HIV medications. I supplemented with street testosterone as did John. In the course of my doing so, I put on more than 25 pounds and ended up at 250 pounds at my maximum. I continued abusing them up until 2013 when I moved to Nova Scotia with John.
John convinced me that I should be reducing the amount of time that I worked. At that time, I was a full-time teacher, a group fitness leader at a community centre and also a mentor for a master’s program at a university. The only real solution he suggested was to move from British Columbia to Nova Scotia. The reason was due to other cities didn’t seem inviting for either of us. I did suggest Montreal, but John didn’t speak French and thought it wasn’t a good idea. That summer, we jumped on a plane and took a quick trip to Nova Scotia. We explored a place called Annapolis Valley, which is fertile area of the province. We even looked at homes, but didn’t find anything that we liked. We returned home and made our decision.
We decided we would move to Windsor, Nova Scotia in October 2013. We also got married as it seemed the right thing to do. I resigned from the school board and put the house up for sale. It sold while we were enroute. We climbed into my truck with two dogs and a cat, travelling across Canada to Nova Scotia. During the trip, we argued a lot. The shouting continued and I decided that it was just part of my new life and bit my tongue. John did berate me for being quiet, which in my mind was better than screaming back at him. We found an apartment - literally on the fly - as we went across Canada. The hardest part was finding a rental unit that accepted dogs.
We lucked out and stayed in a place in Windsor until early 2015 when we found a house on the South Shore - which later became known as Otter Cottage. During the time in Nova Scotia, John had problems finding a job. I was accepted as a substitute and started working. He didn’t and that left him open to do other things. In fact, I caught him cheating on me several times. So, we negotiated an open relationship where we would explore together to fulfill everyone’s needs.
During our time there in Windsor, I got a phone call from my doctor. She told me to go to the hospital immediately because my bloodwork indicated that I had had a heart attack. We went to emergency immediately and I discovered that I had an enlarged heart due to the large amount of steroids. I spent four days in the hospital while they did tests. John visited everyday, but complained constantly about having to drive into the city. With supervision, I weaned myself off the steroids and reduced my testosterone to the appropriate level and quit the street steroids. It was clear that I had almost killed myself. I began kicking myself for having been so stupid to abuse steroids that much to satisfy the wishes of another person.
Once into Otter Cottage, I got a job in the Halifax and ended up with a permanent position teaching French Immersion. John then decided to become a real estate agent. So, I paid for his education. During the time of moving to the South Shore, our relationship was really strained. John was constantly getting angry at just about everyone - of course, including me. He constantly seemed frustrated and I did everything I could including buying antiques for him and giving him a room to decorate. That didn’t help and we argued constantly. Several times, I told him that I had had enough. Suddenly, John would turn back to a charmer and everything was great - for a few short weeks or month.
John finished his real estate school and managed to sell at least three properties, using a car that I had bought for him. At the same time, I discovered that he was still cheating on me. In late 2016, John mentioned that his former employer in Montreal had suggested offering him a job. I had had enough of all the nonsense. When I heard that, I told John that I wanted him to take the job and be out of the house by next week. So, he packed the car with everything he could and then moved everything he thought belonged to him into the antique room he had decorated. He went to Montreal and suddenly I felt a real relief - until the divorce proceedings started.
In the six years we were together, John paid rent three months in the time we were in my house in Vancouver. He bought groceries maybe twice. In Nova Scotia, he paid for nothing. I didn’t see any of the profits from the sales of the properties he had sold. I got a lawyer and proceeded with the divorce. We had to live apart for at least a year before we could legally divorce. That year was a year from hell for me.
John, now in Montreal, would contact me and screamed at me for not moving the stuff he wanted to Montreal. I told him that the lawyer told me to do that until we had settled the divorce.  His request was half of everything. I provided all my receipts for everything, showing that John had paid little. He never paid for heating, mortgage payments, gym fees, and much more. During that time, John began a classic narcissistic pattern - he tried to show me how he was a victim. He sent me pictures of him in the hospital. He sent me pictures of his empty fridge. He called me constantly asking for money. I had to continue to say no. He turned several local friends against me saying I was withholding his belongings. I told those local friends that they didn’t know what was really going on. Needless to say, I didn’t continue those friendships.
The calls continued along with emails, texts until I had to block him. He even called my school during a lesson and interrupted. He called me at the gym as well, asking an attendant to find me. I put a stop to all of that. At the end of the year apart, I made him an offer and let him know that he would get nothing more. He begrudgingly accepted it and immediately demanded his things sent. I had packed them into a pod as I was sick of seeing the pile of things in the living room. In typical fashion, he demanded that I allow one of his friends to sit and watch the pod be repacked so that his belongings would be safe. Ironically, the movers told me that I had done an amazing job and that repacking wasn’t necessary! At this point, I didn’t care; he had to pay for the moving costs.
Even after the papers were signed and we were officially divorced he continued to harass me with phone calls and texts on anonymous lines. I was so tired of it that I went to the local RCMP and lodged a complaint and asked the calls, texts and emails stop. The Sûreté du Québec (the provincial police in Quebec) paid him a visit and told him that if he contacted me again, he would be arrested. That was the last time I ever heard from him. In that year and a half, he contacted me more than 668 times by various methods.
In 2018 I was officially free of John. Otter Cottage was in my name, the car payments for John’s car were now his responsibility and I began my new life as a divorced gay man. As a side note, that fall as I was cleaning the gardens, I found a pile of broken mugs, coasters and John’s medication all thrown into the bushes. It seemed that whenever he was angry, he would throw things off the verandah - just like when he used to go out and scream at the top of his lungs at the people he hated.
So what was it like to live with a narcissist? Looking at the 9 points of Special Me, I saw countless examples of all 9 points and more from him. He always though he was the most important person at all times. He felt entitled to everything without having to work for it. He was exploitative, arrogant, lacked empathy and always showed off so that others could admire him. He also was easily able to play the victim and everything that he did was turned back on my so that it was all my fault. Anyone who didn’t agree with him immediately became the enemy - me included.
I saw a counsellor and learned to deal with the aftermath of living six years with John. The counsellor suggested I buy a book called “Stop Walking on Eggshells: Taking Your Life Back When Someone You Care About Has Borderline Personality Disorder.” All what was discussed in the book, I found in John. The only thing the book didn’t help me with was getting along with him and thankfully I never wanted to do so. In the end, I believe he was also obsessive compulsive as well.
During my counselling time, I came to acknowledge my part in those six years. I had been codependent and allowed him to do all of those things. I also discovered that I had to learn to love myself, always take care of myself first before helping others and learning how a narcissist latches onto a caregiver such as myself. I forgave myself for almost killing myself on steroids to please John. I watched my health and have not abused them since.
At that point, I was really sure that I knew what the signs were and vowed to never get involved with a narcissist. Did I succeed? I’ll leave that to tomorrow’s blog… For Pride, I am celebrating my inner self and my self love. Now that I have worked on myself, someone like John would never be able to pry their way into my life. 
Carpe diem, everyone.
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Steps from the Capitol, Trump allies buy up properties to build MAGA campus | The Washington Post
At first glance, the flurry of real estate sales two blocks east of the U.S. Capitol appeared unremarkable in a city where such sales are common. In the span of a year, a seemingly unrelated gaggle of recently formed companies bought nine properties, all within steps of one another.
But the sales were not coincidental. Unbeknown to most of the sellers, the limited liability companies making the purchases — a shopping spree that added up to $41 million — are connected to a conservative nonprofit led by Mark Meadows, who was Chief of Staff to President Donald Trump. The organization has promoted MAGA stars like Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.).
The Conservative Partnership Institute, as the nonprofit is known, now controls four commercial properties along a single Pennsylvania Avenue block, three adjoining rowhouses around the corner, and a garage and carriage house in the rear alley. CPI’s aim, as expressed in its annual report, is to transform the swath of prime real estate into a campus it calls “Patriots’ Row.”
The acquisitions strike some Capitol Hill regulars as puzzling, considering that Republicans have long made a sport of denigrating Washington as a dysfunctional “swamp,” the latest evidence being a successful GOP-led effort to block local D.C. legislation to revise the city’s criminal code.
“So you don’t respect how we administer our city and then you secretly buy up chunks of it?” said Tim Krepp, a Capitol Hill resident who works as a tour guide and has written about the neighborhood’s history. “If it’s such a hellhole, go to Virginia.”
Reached on his cellphone, Edward Corrigan, CPI’s president, whose name appears on public documents related to the sales, had no immediate comment on the purchases, which were first reported by Grid News and confirmed by The Washington Post. “I’ll get back to you,” Corrigan said. He did not respond to follow-up messages.
Former senator Jim DeMint, CPI’s founder, and Meadows, a senior partner at the organization, did not respond to emails seeking comment. Cameron Seward, CPI’s general counsel and director of operations, whose name appears on incorporation documents related to the companies making the purchases, did not respond to a text or an email.
As Congress’s neighbors, denizens of the Capitol Hill neighborhood are accustomed to existing in close quarters with all varieties of official Washington. Walk the neighborhood and you might catch a glimpse of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) or former Trump strategist Stephen K. Bannon, among those who own homes near the Capitol. The Republican and Democratic national committees both have offices in the neighborhood.
But it’s rare, if not unprecedented, for a nonprofit to purchase as many properties in such proximity and in so short a period of time as CPI has assembled through its related companies, a roster with names like Clear Plains Holdings, Brunswick Partners, Houston Group, Newpoint and Pennsylvania Avenue Holdings. The companies list Seward as an officer on corporate filings, as well as CPI’s Independence Avenue headquarters as their principal address.
Now, in what may be an only-in-Washington vista, a single Pennsylvania Avenue block is occupied by Public Citizen, the left-leaning consumer advocacy group, the Heritage Foundation, the conservative think tank, and CPI, which bought four properties through its affiliates.
In addition to the nine D.C. parcels CPI’s network has bought since January 2022, another affiliated company, Federal Investors, paid $7.2 million for a sprawling 11-bedroom retreat on the Eastern Shore. In 2020, CPI, under its own name, also spent $1.5 million for a rowhouse next to its headquarters, which it leases, a few blocks from the Capitol.
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DeMint, a former Republican congressman from South Carolina, started CPI in 2017, shortly after he was ousted as Heritage’s leader amid criticism that the think tank had become too political under his direction. Meadows joined in 2021, after working as Trump’s Chief of Staff. He was by Trump’s side during the administration’s final calamitous days, before and after the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol and as the President’s allies were seeking to overturn election results.
On its 2021 tax returns, CPI reported $45 million in revenue, most of it generated through contributions and grants, and paid DeMint and Meadows compensation packages of $542,000 and $559,000, respectively. Its current offices, a three-story townhouse at the corner of Third Street and Independence Avenue SE, is a hub of GOP activity. During the chaotic lead-up to Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s election as House Speaker, dissident Republican lawmakers were observed congregating at CPI.
CPI also provides grants to a cluster of nonprofits headed by Trump allies. Former Trump adviser Stephen Miller, for example, leads America First Legal, which received $1.3 million from CPI in 2021 and bills itself as a check on “lawless executive actions and the Radical Left.”
Cleta Mitchell, an attorney who was on the call Trump made to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger seeking to reverse votes in the 2020 election, runs what the organization bills as its “Election Integrity Network,” which has cast doubt on the validity of President Biden’s 2020 victory.
“The election was rigged,” EIN tweeted last July. “Trump won.”
At an introductory meeting in December, recalled Gerald Sroufe, an advisory neighborhood commissioner on Capitol Hill, a CPI representative said the group planned to move its headquarters to a three-story building it had bought on Pennsylvania Avenue, next to Heritage’s office. Until the pandemic forced it to close, the Capitol Lounge had occupied the 130-year-old building. The bar had served a nightly bipartisan swarm of congressional staffers and lobbyists for more than two decades.
The CPI official, Sroufe said, indicated that the group planned to use the new Pennsylvania Avenue properties to “expand” its offices and “provide new retail.” But the official made no mention of Patriots’ Row, Sroufe said, or the three rowhouses the group’s affiliates had bought around the corner on Third Street SE. All of the properties are in the neighborhood’s historic district, which protects them from being altered without city review.
“This is much grander than what we were talking about,” Sroufe said after learning from a reporter about the other purchases. “On the Hill, people are always talking about how wonderful it is to be close to the Capitol and Congress. It’s kind of like a curse.”
As in many commercial corridors hit hard by the pandemic, businesses along Pennsylvania Avenue have struggled over the past couple of years. Tony Tomelden, executive director of the Capitol Hill Association of Merchants and Professionals, said CPI could energize a strip pocked with vacant storefronts.
“I welcome any business because the only thing opening right now are marijuana shops,” said Tomelden, an H Street NE bar owner who helped open the Capitol Lounge in 1996 and, as it happens, instituted a rule that patrons could not talk politics while imbibing. “If they’re going to pay a lot of money and raise property values, I’m all for it. I don’t care about anybody’s politics as long as they pay their tab.”
In an overwhelmingly Democratic city, finding those who are less sanguine about CPI’s growing footprint is not exactly difficult.
Yet politics is only part of the issue, as far as Krepp is concerned. CPI’s purchases, he said, threaten the area’s neighborhood vibe, as would be the case if any group, no matter its ideological leaning, bought as many properties. “I don’t want to create another downtown on Capitol Hill,” he said. “There’s a glut of available office space downtown. You don’t have to buy up neighborhoods.”
Rep. Jamie B. Raskin (D-Md.), a regular commuter to the Capitol from his home in Montgomery County, sees CPI’s acquisitions in terms more political than geographic.
“It just seems like a massive real estate coming-out party for the extreme right wing of the Republican Party,” Raskin said. “This is a very explicit and well-financed statement of intent. They set out to take over the Republican Party and they’re very close to clenching the power.”
Instead of Patriots’ Row, Raskin suggested an alternative name: Seditionist Square.
“Maybe Marjorie Taylor Greene can be their advisory neighborhood commissioner,” he said.
On its 2021 tax return, CPI said its mission is to be a “platform” for the “conservative movement,” and to provide “public policy” training for “government and nonprofit staffers” and meeting space for gatherings and policy debates.
Although not required to identify donors, CPI reported seven contributions in excess of $1 million, including one of more than $25 million. Trump’s Save America political action committee gave $1 million in 2021, according to campaign finance records. Billionaire Richard Uihlein, a major Republican donor, gave $1.25 million a couple of years ago through his foundation, records show.
A CPI-related entity, the Conservative Partnership Center, rented space to two political action committees as of early January, the House Freedom Fund and Senate Conservative Fund, according to campaign finance records. CPI also received $4,000 from Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), who has recorded his “Firebrand” podcast at the group’s studio, as has the host of the “Gosar Minute,” Rep. Paul A. Gosar (R-Ariz.), according to the group’s annual report. Greene paid CPI $437.73 for “catering for political meetings” in 2021, the records show.
“No one stood up to the Left as courageously as Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene,” CPI declared in its 2021 annual report, hailing her as a “hero” who “endured sexist fury that always lurks just beneath the progressive surface.” The report described Boebert as a “gun rights advocate” who “wants to protect our environment more than anyone else.”
It was in CPI’s 2022 annual report that the group briefly referred to its expansion plans, writing that it has strengthened “its ability to serve the movement by beginning renovations to Patriots’ Row on Pennsylvania Avenue.”
“In 2022, the Left tried to drag America further into a dark future of totalitarianism, chaotic elections and cultural decay,” the report asserts in an introduction from DeMint and Meadows. “The Washington establishment, per usual, did nothing to stop them. But neither the Left nor the establishment could stop the culture and community we’re building here at the Conservative Partnership Institute.”
“With our expanded presence in D.C.,” they add, “we’re launching CPI academy — a formal program of training for congressional staff and current and future members of the movement.”
“Even if we can’t change Washington, we can create a permanent bulwark against its worst tendencies.”
CPI began its expansion in 2020, purchasing the rowhouse next door to its headquarters and christening it “The Rydin House” for Mike Rydin, a construction magnate and prominent conservative donor. When Federal Investors bought the Eastern Shore property, the group named it “Camp Rydin.”
On Capitol Hill, several property owners who sold their buildings to CPI-linked companies were surprised to learn that the buyers were connected to a group led by Meadows and DeMint.
“I did not know,” said Jacqueline Lewis, who sold a townhouse on Third Street SE to 116 Holdings for $5.1 million in July. The company’s officer, according to its corporate filing, is Seward, and the principal address it lists is the same as CPI’s headquarters. A trust document related to the transaction is signed by Corrigan, CPI’s president.
Brunswick Partners, which lists CPI and Seward as contacts on its corporate filing, bought the neighboring rowhouse for $1.8 million in January, according to property records. Brian Wise, the seller, said he did not know of the company’s CPI connection. An attorney who approached him and his wife, he said, “asked if we were willing to sell and we agreed on a price. It was a business sale.”
Keith and Amanda Catanzano also were unaware of CPI when they sold a garage in the alley behind Third Street SE to Newpoint for $1 million in June. Newpoint lists Seward as an officer and the same mailing address as CPI. “We had no idea,” said a woman who answered the phone at a number listed for the Catanzanos before hanging up.
Eric Kassoff, who sold the former site of the Capitol Lounge to Clear Plains, said he knew of the company’s CPI ties before the $11.3 million deal was finalized in January. He also sold the group a carriage house behind the building for $400,000.
Kassoff said he did not want to lease the space to a fast-food restaurant or a convenience store. He said CPI’s political leanings were not a factor in his decision to sell to the organization.
“Why would I have any issue selling my property to proud Americans?” asked Kassoff, who described himself as an independent. “We need to get past the labeling and demonizing and talk to each other, and that’s true in politics as well as commerce. If we were all to take that position we wouldn’t have much of a country left, would we?”
Although the Capitol Lounge closed more than two years ago, vestiges of its past remain on the building’s exterior, including a rendering of Benjamin Franklin beneath a quote concocted by the bar’s founder, Joe Englert: “Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”
James Silk, the bar’s former owner, said he left behind memorabilia when he vacated the building that could be suitable for the new owner: Richard M. Nixon campaign posters still hanging on the walls of what the owners cheekily dubbed the Nixon Room (located across from the Kennedy Room).
“Nixon is finally with his people,” Silk said. He laughed and added: “Nixon was a Republican, right?”
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whatthehelloh · 11 months
An actor known for a character who hunts ghosts on the show "Supernatural" has a new house in the state of Connecticut — also famous in pop culture for alleged “haunted” happenings.
Jensen Ackles, his wife Danneel Ackles and their Stone Park Trust Agreement purchased the historic Gold Coast mansion at 1143 Sasco Hill Road in Southport in July for $9.375 million, according to mortgage and warranty deeds that are publicly available for viewing by the town of Fairfield. The property had previously been on the market for $14 million.
Jensen Ackles portrayed Dean Winchester on all 15 seasons of the drama series "Supernatural" and its 2022 spinoff, "The Winchesters." Dean Winchester alongside his brother Sam Winchester hunt a variety of malevolent entities on the show. Some of the villains have been inspired by Connecticut legends, such as season one's Woman in White, a ghost who appears in the center of roads to lure in victims. The fictional brothers also traveled to the Nutmeg State to face ghosts during season two and a shapeshifter in season 10.
Aside from his over 15-year-long role as Dean Winchester, Jensen Ackles recently appeared in "The Boys," a show about villainous super heroes. He portrays Soldier Boy, a World War II veteran and father of Homelander, the show's main antagonist.
The Ackles’ new property was once the centerpiece of one of the most expensive estates along Connecticut’s Gold Coast. Real estate company William Raveis told Hearst Connecticut Media in February that the estate was split into seven lots. The complete property last sold for nearly $50 million in 2001 and was listed at $62 million in 2013. This most recent sale was for the main house.
The Elizabethan Renaissance-style mansion sits on 3 acres of land and has more than 30 rooms across four stories and more than 19,000 square feet. It has nine bedrooms and 15 bathrooms. An elevator transports residents between levels from the basement — with a safe room, large recreation area, storage rooms and halls — to the third floor and its numerous bedrooms, gym, game room, study and more. The grand entrance on the first floor leads to a library, movie theater, wine-tasting room, grand ballroom and more.
New York architect Henry C. Pelton built the estate for Benjamin DeWitt Riegel and Leila Edmonston Riegel in 1923. DeWitt Reigel was a mill owner and businessman who split his time between Manhattan and Ware Shoals, South Carolina, according to preservationists at Historic New England.
The home stayed in the Riegel family for decades. In 1997, Katherine Riegel Emory, daughter of the original owners, deeded a conservation restriction to the Aspetuck Land Trust protecting nearly 2,000 feet of waterfront from development to serve "as one of the last remaining examples of the gracious and expansive open spaces on Long Island Sound that were traditionally a part of the large estates that formerly flourished in the area," according to the deed.
"The views of this open space have given pleasure, not only to generations of owners and their families, but also to generations of the public, who enjoy the sight of the scenic, undeveloped shoreline from two nearby public beaches, from the public road past Southport Beach, and from the waters of Long Island Sound,” Emory wrote in the deed. “In an area as rapidly and as intensively developing as the Connecticut shore, this remaining, highly-scenic open space is a unique treasure which provides pleasure and spiritual renewal to many, as well as sanctuary to birds and animals."
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Day 18 Kobani Worldbuilding Question
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18. Is the world more rural or urban?
Going by pure numbers more of the inhabitants of Kobani live in rural villages settlements rather than cities. This is not to say that there are not a great many cities spread throughout the planet. I will take this opportunity to show a bit more about the cities of the Green Sea. For this post, as has become the usual, I will be focusing on the Green Sea. These are four representative cities of the Green Sea.
1. Khassesa
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PIctured Above: The major cities of Apuna, Khassesa is in red
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Pictured Above: The Occupied Regions of Apuna.
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Pictured Above: The City of Khessa
Khassesa is an Apunian city which sits on the Putla Delta and the shore of the Green Sea. Apunian cities are divided into districts called heps. A particularly interesting aspect of Khassesa and of other Apunian cities is The Sullied Market. Sullied Markets are the location where objects and services thought to be improper or unholy are purchased. This can include anything from slaves ( slaves are legal but their sale in the city is prohibited) to the service of sages ( magic can only be used for religious or royal purposes when inside the city proper.) Apuna is a unified kingdom with a single Fapacha who moves from city to city throughout the year. When the Fapacha is not in Khassesa the palace is occupied by a chosen administrator.
2. Fifna
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Pictured Above: The cities of Kishetal, Fifna is in red.
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Pictured Above: The City-States of Kishetal and their territories
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Pictured Above: The Kishic City of Fifna
Fifna is an example of a Kishic coastal city, though not as prosperous as its northern neighbor, Chibal, Fifna is quite wealthy. The area inside of the wall is reserved for The Great Market and the homes of the elite. The majority of the population of cities like Fifna live outside of the wall. Labisaj is an exception to this as its three walls actually encompass its commoner dwellings. Kishic cities typically include temple districts which may hold dozens of temples and shrines. The city of Fifna has 19 temples each dedicated to a separate deity.
3. Arginkolis
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Pictured Above: Major Korithian city-states, Arginkolis is in red.
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Pictured Above: The territories of the major Kishic city-states.
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Picture Above: The City of Arginkolis
Korithia is a land of city-states called kolisai. The wealthiest of these is Arginkolis, named for the silver mines which gave the city its great wealth. Korithian cities are divided into districts called Tomes. Tomes are typically marked by specific features. In Arginkolis the Manati Tome is quite simply, the harbor tome, the Rilo Tome is the Tome of the Sun, named for the theater of the sun god, Rilios. The elite district and the administrative district is called the Silver Tome (Argin Tome).
4. Scatadaidh
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Pictured Above: The Major towns and cities of Western Kallistera/Green Sea
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Pictured Above: The Tribes and Kingdoms of the Western Green Sea/Kallistera
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Pictured Above: The Tribal city of Scatadaidh, seat of the Scathi tribe.
Ikeni and the regions surrounding are far less populated than the lands of the eastern Green Sea. The majority, approximately 79% of people, live in communities of 200 or less. That last 21% lives in various cities and towns, the largest of which belong to the kingdoms in the south of Ikeni and on the isle of Dirsia. The largest tribal settlement is Scatadaidh, first founded by the Scathi chieftain, Nacmail. The region’s fertile soil and access to the Uphainn river allowed for a 8000 person population. The most striking feature of the city is the massive burial mound which hold the honored dead of the city. Upwards of 189 chieftains, nobles, and warriors have been buried in this massive earthen structure. Scathi Sages often commune with spirits atop the grass covered mound.
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indomitablekushite · 2 years
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A Chronology of The Peculiar Institution: Slavery Timeline 1300-1600
This is not covering the Arab slavery of our people. The reason for this post is I have seen so many of us who have no clue about how and when it started. I hear people say Black started slaver here or we sold our people into slavery and it makes me sad and mad. Anyway much could be added but I cant make it long because we will not read it. If I missed any points just let me know. Do you know how the names Grain, Gold, Slave Coast came about? Im working on a post about our fight against the Maafa which has never been told in full. 1380 In the aftermath of the Black Plague, Europe’s slave trade revives in response to the labor shortage. The slaves come from all over Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. Later on they will ever use their own children. 1444 We learn from the Portuguese royal chronicler Gomes Eanes de Zurara, who was a young ship captain named Antam Gonçalvez, who sailed to West Africa in 1441 hoping to acquire seal skins and oil.  After obtaining his cargo, Gonçalvez called a meeting of the twenty-one sailors who accompanied him and unveiled his plan to increase their profits. According to Zurara, Gonçalvez told his crew, “we have already got our cargo, but how fair a thing would it be if we, who have come to this land for a cargo of such petty merchandise, were to meet with good fortune and bring the first captives before the presence of our Prince?” That night, Gonçalvez led a raiding party into Cap Blanc, a narrow peninsula between Western Sahara and Mauritania, and kidnapped two Berbers, one man and one woman. Another Portuguese mariner, Nuno Tristão, and members of his crew soon joined Gonçalvez. Although the raid resulted in less than a dozen captives, Zurara imagines in his account that prince Henry of Portugal responded to this enterprise with, “joy, not so much for the number of captives taken, but for prospect of other [countless] captives that could be taken.”While Gonçalvez’s voyage in 1441 is widely considered to mark the beginnings of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, it may also be viewed as an extension of an older tradition of raiding and ransom on both shores of the Mediterranean. Upon returning to Portugal, Gonçalvez treated his captives in accordance with this custom, and allowed them to negotiate the terms of their release. Rather than offering a ransom of money, the captives promised to give Gonçalvez ten slaves in exchange for their own freedom and safe passage home. According to royal chronicler Zurara, the Berbers explained that these new captives would be “black [and] not of the lineage of Moors, but Gentiles.” Thus in 1442, Gonçalvez returned his Berber captives to Western Sahara, receiving as payment ten enslaved sub-Saharan Africans, whom he then transported back to Portugal for re-sale. Please understand this was no trade, it was kidnapping. Its was also a agreement of one white man with another all believers in a book that said God will make Africans people slave the them. No European nation was willing or able to put an army in western Africa until the Portuguese colonization of what is now Angola (this Angola was part of Congo Empire) more than a century later (and even then, Portuguese forces received extensive aid from armies of Imbangala or “Jaga” mercenaries). Early raids as they say are nothing more than kidnapping, but really such as the one made by Gonçalvez and Tristão in 1441 were unusual, and may have only been possible because the Portuguese had never previously raided south of Cape Bojador. Portuguese mariners soon learned that inhabitants along the Upper Guinea coast were more than capable of defending themselves from such incursions. Not long after his 1441 voyage, Tristão and most of his crew were killed off the coast of present-day Senegal.Prior to the colonization of Angola, Portuguese colonies and commercial hubs in Africa were generally established on islands that had previously been uninhabited. I cant recall what pope made it illegal to kidnap thus creating what we now know as the slave trade. but was it really a Trade???? 1502: Juan de Córdoba of Seville becomes the first merchant we can identify to send an African slave to the New World. Córdoba, like other merchants, is permitted by the Spanish authorities to send only one slave. Others send two or three. 1504: a small group of Africans - probably slaves captured from a Portuguese vessel - are brought to the court of King James IV of Scotland. 1505: first record of sugar cane being grown in the New World, in Santo Domingo (modern Dominican Republic). 1509: Columbus's son, Diego Cólon, becomes governor of the new Spanish empire in the Carribean. He soon complains that Native American slaves do not work hard enough. 1510: 22 January 1510: the start of the systematic transportation of African slaves to the New World: King Ferdinand of Spain authorises a shipment of 50 African slaves to be sent to Santo Domingo. 1513: 2 April 1513: Juan Ponce de Leon becomes the first European to reach the coast of what is now the United States of America (modern Florida). 1516: the governor of Cuba, Diego Velázquez, authorises slave-raiding expeditions to Central America. One group of slaves aboard a Spanish caravel rebel and kill the Spanish crew before sailing home - the first successful slave rebellion recorded in the New World. 1516: in his book Utopia, Sir Thomas More argues that his ideal society would have slaves but they would not be 'non-combatant prisoners-of-war, slaves by birth, or purchases from foreign slave markets.' Rather, they would be local convicts or 'condemned criminals from other countries(AKA prison industrial complex) , who are acquired in large numbers, sometimes for a small payment, but usually for nothing.' (Trans. Paul Turner, Penguin, 1965) 18 August 1518: in a significant escalation of the slave trade, Charles V grants his Flemish courtier Lorenzo de Gorrevod permission to import 4000 African slaves into New Spain. From this point onwards thousands of slaves are sent to the New World each year. 1519: 20 September The circumnavigation expedition of Ferdinand Magellan sets out from San Lucar de Barameda. In December 1520, Magellan discovered the ocean which he named the Pacific. Magellan died in the Philipines, 27 April 1521. Only one of the five ships to set out returned to Spain, on 8 September 1522. 13 August 1521: with the capture of King Cuahutemotzin by Hernan Cortés and the fall of the city of Mexico, the Aztec empire is overthrown and Mexico comes under Spanish Rule. 1522: A major slave rebellion breaks out on the island of Hispaniola. This is the first significant uprising of African slaves. After this, slave resistance becomes widespread and uprisings common. 1524: 300 African slaves taken to Cuba to work in the gold mines. 1526: Hieronymous Seiler and Heinrich Ehinger of Konstanz become the first Germans we know to have become involved in the slave trade. 1527: earliest records of sugar production in Jamaica, later a major sugar producing region of the British Empire. Sugar production is rapidly expanding throughout the Caribbean region at this time - with the mills almost exclusivly worked by African slaves. November 1528: a slave called Esteban (or Estevanico) becomes the first African slave (Know 2 the white man, African not slaves had beeen coming here long before) to step foot on what is now the United States of America. He was one of only four survivors of Pánfilo de Narváez's failed expedition to Florida. He and the other three took eight years to walk to the Spanish colony in Mexico. After their return in 1536, the group's leader, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, published an account of their journey through modern Texas and Mexico 1530: Juan de la Barrera, a Seville merchant, begins transporting slaves directly from Africa to the New World (before this, slaves had normally passed through Europe first). His lead is quickly followed by other slave traders. 1532: William Hawkins of Plymouth becomes the first English mariner to visit the coast of West Africa, although he does not take part in slave trading. 22 January 1532: Martim Afonso de Souza founds the first Portuguese colony in Brazil at São Vicente. Sugar production begins almost immediately. 15 November 1532: Francisco Pizaro massacres the Incas at Caxamalca (modern Caxamarca) and captures King Atahuallpa, an event that marks the Spanish conquest of Peru. 1539 30 May 1539: Hernando de Soto, following reports from Cabeza de Vaca, lands on the coast of Florida. Of about 1200 men in his expedition, around 50 were African slaves. After exploring modern Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, and South Carolina, the expedition ended in disaster. September 1541: on his third voyage to Canada, Jacques Cartier establishes the first French colony in the New World at Charlesbourg-Royal, close to modern Québec. 1555: the Portuguese sailor Fernão de Oliveira, in Arte de Guerra no mar (The Art of War at Sea), denounces the slave trade as an 'evil trade'. The book anticipates many of the arguments made by abolitionists in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. 1555: Queen Mary of England, under pressure from the Spanish, forbids English involvement in Guinea. July 1555: a small group of Africans from Shama (modern Ghana) described as slaves are brought to London by John Lok, a London merchant hoping to break into the African trade. 10 November 1555: a group of Norman and Breton sailors, under the command of Nicolas de Villegagnon, found the first French colony in South America. The settlement, close to modern Rio De Janiero in Brazil, is named La France Antarctique. 1556: The Italian city of Genoa tries to prevent trading in slaves - not for any humanitarian reasons - but only in an attempt to reduce the numbers of Africans in the city. 1556: Domingo de Soto, in De justicia et de jure libri X (Ten Books on Justice and Law), argues that it is wrong to keep in slavery any person who was born free. October 1562: John Hawkins of Plymouth becomes the first English sailor that we know about to have obtained African slaves - approximately 300 of them in Sierra Leone - for sale in the West Indies. Hawkins traded the slaves illegally with Spanish colonies, but the trip was profitable and others followed. These contributed to increasing tensions between England and Spain. (As well as initiating the English slave trade, Hawkins also introduced both the potato and tobacco to England.) 1569: a Sevillian Dominican, Tomás de Mercado, publishes Tratos y contratos de mercaderes (Practices and Contracts of Merchants), which attacks the way the slave trade is conducted. 1571: the Parlement of Bordeaux sets all slaves - "blacks and moors" - in the town free, declaring slavery illegal in France. 1573: a Spanish-Mexican lawyer, Bartolemé Frías de Albornoz, publishes Arte de los contratos (The Art of Contracts), which casts doubt on the legality of the slave trade. 20 February 1575: Paulo Dias de Novães founds the Portuguese colony of São Paulo de Luanda on the African mainland (modern Angola). The colony soon became a major slave-trading port supplying the vast Brazilian market. 13 December 1577: Sir Francis Drake sets out from Plymouth on his circumnavigation of the globe. (Returns 26 September 1580) 29 January 1579: with the Union of Utrecht, the northern provinces of the Low Countries unite to create a Calvinist republic free from Spanish rule. The United Provinces (modern Netherlands) soon becomes an important slave-trading nation and an aspiring colonial power. 1580: Following the death of King Henry of Portugal, and a short campaign by the duke of Alva, Spain and Portugal are united under Philip II of Spain. Spain thus becomes the most important colonial power - and the largest participant in the slave trade. 27 July 1585: the first English colony in the New World is established at Roanoke Island (modern North Carolina), organised by Sir Walter Raleigh and governed by Ralph Lane. It was not successful, and the colonists withdrew in June 1586. 16 November 1585: In the first of a series of attacks on Spanish colonial interests, Sir Francis Drake sacks the slave-trading settlement of Santiago in the Cape Verde Islands. 11 January 1586: Sir Francis Drake sacks the Spanish colony of Santo Domingo (modern Dominican republic). He goes on to sack Cartagena (modern Columbia) and St. Augustine (modern Florida). These acts of piracy are among the factors that precipitate war between England and Spain. 23 July 1587: A second English colony is founded at Roanoke Island, again organised by Sir Walter Raleigh. When it is revisted by English ships in August 1590, it has vanished without trace. July-September 1588: the failure of the Spanish Armada (an intended Spanish invasion of England, largely destroyed by bad weather) provides a boost for English maritime power and for English colonial ambitions, although the boost may have been more psychological than actual. 1592: Bernard Ericks becomes the first Dutch slave trader. 1594: L'Espérance of La Rochelle becomes the first French ship positively identified as participating in the slave trade.
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dollycas · 4 days
Book Blast - Audio Book – Double Scoop of Murder: Coffee & Cream Café Mysteries by Lena Gregory – Read by Eleanor McCormick @lenagregory
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AVAILABLE TODAY!!! Audio Book – Double Scoop of Murder: Coffee & Cream Café Mysteries by Lena Gregory Read by Eleanor McCormick Double Scoop of Murder: Coffee & Cream Café Mysteries Cozy Mystery 3rd in Series Setting – Watchogue, Long Island, New York Audiobook (June 25, 2024) Publisher Tantor Audio Listening Length - 6 hours and 39 minutes ASIN B0D67ZB8TB Audio CD: ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CZ31MZVK Gemma Halliday Publishing (November 21, 2023) Number of Pages 226 Digital ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CCLT922F Paperback ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8879730982 From author Lena Gregory comes a hunt for more than just treasure . . . Danika Delany is loving running her uncle's old-fashioned malt shop on eastern Long Island and putting her own modern spin on the treats they serve. Life is finally looking up for her! That is, until local billionaire Maxwell Crumbholtz dies and leaves his fortune in the form of a treasure hunt. Chaos descends on Watchogue, and Dani and the rest of the gang from the Coffee & Cream Cafe join the melee when they enter the contest, try to decipher the clues, and go in search of the treasure. But Dani digs up more than she expected when she discovers a dead body buried instead of a treasure! To make matters worse, a witness claims to have seen Dani at the scene of the murder. Now, instead of a four-billion-dollar payday, Dani is on the hunt for a killer. About Lena Gregory Lena Gregory is the author of the Bay Island Psychic Mysteries, which take place on a small island between the north and south forks of Long Island, New York, the All-Day Breakfast Café Mysteries, which are set on the outskirts of Florida’s Ocala National Forest, the Mini-Meadows Mysteries, set in a community of tiny homes in Central Florida, and the Coffee & Cream Café Mysteries, which take place in a small town on the south shore of eastern Long Island, New York. Lena grew up in a small town on the south shore of eastern Long Island, but she recently traded in cold, damp, gray winters for the warmth and sunshine of central Florida, where she now lives with her husband, three kids, son-in-law, and four dogs. Her hobbies include spending time with family, reading, and walking. Her love for writing developed when her youngest son was born and didn’t sleep through the night. She works full-time as a writer and a freelance editor and is a member of Sisters in Crime. Author Links - Newsletter - Website - Facebook - Facebook Page - Twitter - Goodreads - Pinterest Audiobook Purchase Links - Amazon - B&N - Kobo  Find the entire Coffee & Cream Café Mystery Series in all formats here. Coming August 27, 2024 Find All of Lena Gregory's Books Here Book Blast Participants June 25 Christy's Cozy Corners FUONLYKNEW Girl With Pen Literary Gold Celticlady's Reviews MJB Reviewers Sapphyria's Book Reviews Cozy Up With Kathy Reading Authors Lady Hawkeye Books, Ramblings, and Tea June 26 Guatemala Paula Loves to Read Maureen's Musings Socrates Book Reviews Sarah Can't Stop Reading Reading Is My SuperPower Baroness Book Trove Brooke Blogs Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book Ruff Drafts Have you signed up to be a Tour Host? Click Here to Find Details and Sign Up Today! Want to Book a Tour? Click Here Your Escape Into A Good Book Travel Agent This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase using my links, I will receive a small commission from the sale at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting Escape With Dollycas. Read the full article
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solxproperties · 1 month
Exploring Benahavis, Malaga: Homes for Sale Await Your Interest
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For most people, buying or building a new home could be challenging because of the work and expense required. If that were not the matter, wouldn't that be amazing? What if we told you you could live in a brand-new, reasonably-priced house in the residence of your daydreams?
You might find it hard to believe, yet we are reasonable. For those who want to live comfortably, Costa del Sol is their ideal place. Reduced real estate expenses suggest that you can live in the home of your dreams. Buying real estate on the Costa del Sol, especially with reputable real estate developers Benahavis Malaga, is, without a doubt, the best choice you will ever make! This is the exact reason.
The Appeal of Costa del Sol
Costa del Sol, situated in the Andalusian area of southern Spain, is famed for its glorious beaches, pleasant temperature, and bustling lifestyle. It has become a famous destination for foreign investors and citizens seeking lavish living and well-priced real estate. Homebuyers have various options in Costa del Sol, from prosperous metropolises to lovely beaches.
End to Wealth Tax in Andalucia
Spain most recently announced that it would no longer enforce its wealth tax, which made living in this location much more desirable for global investors. The wealth tax specifically targeted prosperous residents buying new homes and accumulating estates.
Taxpayers will soon receive an exemption from the wealth tax as soon as it is implemented. Spain expects that numerous individuals will elect to visit its lovely Andalusia.
Affordability and Luxury
Even before this wealth tax was abolished, Spain was still more affordable than many Northern European locations. You will be happy with the return on your investment in realty Benahavis Malaga; thus, it's a great place to invest! It's a reasonably priced destination with many luxury accommodations, high-end fashion, and delicious food. The area appeals to home purchasers because of its reasonable prices and luxurious facilities.
Cosmopolitan Living in The Sun
Costa del Sol is famous among those who want to live a peaceful and beautiful life. Here, you will find something for everybody: a lively Andalusian way of life, comfortable summers and awesome winters, mouth-watering tapas, and exciting celebrations.
You don't have to worry about civilization while you're on the shore. 
The critical highway goes through the whole south coast. Therefore, traveling is straightforward if you can find a way to tear yourself away. Malaga, the central city, is only a short bus journey away. Malaga Airport makes it convenient to ask friends and family to accompany you. Who knows, they'll also opt to relocate here when they see how much you like the region!
Lifestyle and Amenities
Costa del Sol provides numerous facilities and a lively lifestyle. The area offers all you need for peaceful living, including hiking trails, restaurants, stores, and an expansive shoreline. Spanish—and English-speaking educational institutions are also present. Costa del Sol offers something for everyone, regardless of their interests—sports, cultural events, or just lounging by the beach. Living on the beachfront provides numerous opportunities for fun and relaxation.
Investment Options
Buying real estate in Costa del Sol offers customers good options. Because of the area's appeal to visitors and foreigners, there is a consistent need for rental houses, making it a desirable market for investors. Buying a home in Costa del Sol offers a good environment with potential growth and rewards, whether you're doing it for personal use or investing.
Real Estate Market Trends
Over time, the Costa del Sol real estate market has expanded and endured. Property is a dependable investment option since its value has either increased or stayed stable in essential places despite fluctuations in the global economy. The region's strength is reinforced by its attractiveness to foreign purchasers and advantageous tax policies.
Buying property Benahavis Malaga and the larger Costa del Sol region presents an attractive option for buyers. Costa del Sol has much to show, including luxury and affordability, lifestyle facilities, and investment opportunities. Andalucia's wealth tax exemption and other recent tax bonuses raise the region's appeal to foreign investors and homebuyers.
Costa del Sol proposes various options to fit your necessities, whether you're looking for a vacation house, retirement house, or investment property. The Costa del Sol is still a famous destination for property purchasers worldwide because of its fantastic combination of sun, sea, culture, and investment opportunities.
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lvrhomes · 2 months
Get Your Dream Flat For sale In Goa With LVR Homes
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Are you considering investing in property in Goa? Look no further! LVR Homes offers some of the Best Flat for sale in Goa, a state renowned for its stunning beaches, vibrant culture, and laid-back lifestyle. Whether you’re dreaming of settling down permanently, owning a vacation home, or making a smart real estate investment, Goa has something special to offer. Let’s explore why purchasing a plot in Goa could be your best decision.
Why Choose Goa?
Goa, often called the “Pearl of the Orient,” is nestled along India’s southwest coast. It boasts breathtaking beaches, lush landscapes, and a rich cultural heritage. From the lively vibes of North Goa to the tranquil shores of South Goa, the state offers a diverse range of experiences for both locals and tourists alike. With its welcoming atmosphere, friendly locals, and thriving tourism industry, Goa stands out as one of India’s premier destinations for real estate investment.
Spectacular Settings
One of the main attractions of investing in Flat for sale in Goa is the diverse range of stunning settings available. Whether you crave the tranquility of rural villages or the energy of bustling beachfront towns like Calangute and Baga, Goa has something to offer everyone. Picture waking up to the sight of coconut groves and lush paddy fields from your backyard, or enjoying the soothing sound of waves lapping against the shore. With desirable Flats available throughout the state, you can choose the perfect location to build your dream home or getaway retreat.
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Investing in a Flat for sale in Goa offers excellent potential for returns. Goa’s real estate market has been steadily growing, leading to an increase in property values over time. Whether you’re purchasing land for residential or commercial purposes, owning property in Goa can provide attractive returns on investment. With Goa’s thriving tourism industry and growing demand for vacation rentals, owning a plot can be a lucrative venture, offering opportunities for rental income and capital appreciation.
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Owning a plot of land in Goa allows you to design and build your dream home according to your preferences and lifestyle. The possibilities are endless, whether you envision a cozy beachside cottage, a luxurious villa with a private pool, or an eco-friendly retreat. With ample space to work with, you can unleash your creativity and create a space that reflects your personality and aspirations. From architecture to landscaping, owning a plot in Goa gives you the freedom to bring your vision to life and create a unique sanctuary you can call home.
In Conclusion
Investing in a piece of paradise in Goa offers a wealth of opportunities for those seeking to make their dreams a reality. With its stunning landscapes, promising investment prospects, and customizable options, Goa stands out as an ideal destination for homeowners and investors alike. Whether you’re looking for a profitable investment or a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life, plotting in Goa could be the perfect choice for you. So why wait? Explore the top Flat for sale in Goa with LVR Homes today and turn your dreams into reality!
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Mission to the South Shore (CIA ATF)
Under direction of Deputy Chief John Porter, I was placed into investigation of "HBO MAX", a Russian Soviet venture into the creation of publicized movies, comics, games, and radio.
Headed by Kevin Smith, a lobotomies and computer sciences expert, HBO had erected a national network of lobotomy victims, judged too sufficient at mathematics to work inside the corporate world; having understand the difference between balance, simple interest, and compound interest, and when to use each.
Not a reputable bank figure, Kevin Smith would say, since these individuals could manage their banking on their own, without a social worker.
Perhaps fine in our world, but not in the declining sales of teachers that had not majored in Psychology, and had chosen a military craft trade subject instead.
Luckily, when I took Pre-Law History and said I was a history teacher, I was lying.
Historians, are counter espionage professionals, and pre-law, is an undercover police officer.
With the assistance of DC Comics, a narcotics officer firm (prior to the sales to Berkshire-Hathaway, due to the profit turned by my intrepid work behind the Nolan Trilogy, the Arkham games, and Gotham, submitting assassinations of Proctor and Gambol figures behind villains, a counter to Saint's Row's pro-police system to encourage civil arrests, and the shutdown of the MI-6 Bellevue program through "The Book of Maccabees"), I ventured into Norfolk and Bristol Counties, and into the darkest heart of the Bridgewater Asylum system, "Dighton", Hockomock Swamp.
Trained in political economics, it was a simple process of "Apples to Oranges" printed off of "The Multiverse Without Christianity", a Family Guy episode, a string of murders of Mossad operatives and the suits against their friends at Marvel Comics, a USMC outfit dedicated to studying police officers through prints of them as Spider-Man, against a whacky villain, their own family, future homosexual theatricians, and of course, the helpful placement of several undercover operatives, Alex Fleming, Melinda O'Deele, and Ellen Page, located in Canada, Wellesley Massachusetts, and Wing Commander: Red Horizon.
With Prudential Insurance collapsed by a fun card game for all ages, the slaughter of all Israeli Defense Forces help and the mystery linked to RGIS, the CRASH mall investment, the incarceration of John Washburne and several friends of his with the Louisiana Cajun Sheriffs thrown out of their homes, and of course, our good friends providing the legal work behind the mission to uncover lobotomies as a form of computerized work invoice, I deduced on site the method of fraud performed.
It appears Mister Kevin Smith, had sought to save money on fuel credits, for theater houses for class projects with extra clothing, through a trans-national truck project for New Jersey schools and drama programs, to make zero overhead media pieces; enriching all his scurrilous friends, cartoonists, and toymakers, whose only crime was the most common; going to backyard barbeques, for free meat.
That's right, they were corrections officers; I thought I had vanquished the last of such a thing, through my mother's family, in the 1980s, the famous "Boondock Saints" incident, but this time, it was none other than 4chan.
Luckily, I had collapsed the American genocide, with seven psychotic impediments to essential structures out of the Iranian Mullahs, Likud, and now, the world is the Weimar, forever.
Hence, "The Joker", has been printed, in the tradition of the Transylvanian Counts.
"The Merchant of Venice", "Our American Cousin", "Dracula", "White Zombie", "The Prisoner", "Boondock Saints", and "The Joker", are records of the war, against the Iranian gold bricking industry; the concept of a loan given now, without request, but a purchase later, on behalf of insured.
Marriage, is something that comes through to you, once a life, per woman.
There's no looking back, unless a cause for murder.
As for you, Kevin Smith, the "Pod" is shut down, and now, police brutality victims, don't have to be spies.
They get lawsuits, and jobs in psychiatric positions.
Right, Dr. Joshua James Moen?
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southjerseyweb · 3 months
New Jersey ranks as the worst for this hot housing trend
21 more of the most expensive homes for sale at the Jersey Shore (SOUTH). Gallery Credit: Dennis Malloy.
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[ad_1] Builders are holding costs and different unit particulars near the vest to lure billionaire consumers to their prime penthouses. The technique appears to be working. On the Shore Membership, an Auberge-branded luxurious condominium growth on the oceanfront in Miami Seaside, a thriller purchaser plans to spend greater than $120 million, or over $11,000 per sq. foot, for the penthouse. Witkoff and Monroe Capital are the builders. Not solely would that set a file (it isn't but a file as a result of the constructing is not accomplished) for the full worth ever paid for a condominium in Florida, however it will greater than double the earlier file, which technically does not actually matter as a result of it was $60 million for 2 items that had been by no means mixed. And it will after all blow previous the very best worth per foot ever paid within the state for a condominium — round $6,000 per foot. A small group of builders are utilizing the identical strategy because the Shore Membership group to capitalize on demand from the 1 % of consumers, insiders say. Exclusivity, privateness and secrecy drive their technique. Costs will not be launched publicly. Few renderings exist on-line. The builders will both not reply to interview requests or solely grant them to sure publications. And they're going to by no means speak about particular offers. “There's this notion of getting what isn't accessible to others,” stated Douglas Elliman Florida's CEO Jay Parker, who wouldn't touch upon particular tasks. Most ultra-high internet price individuals “would slightly purchase one thing that hasn't been marketed,” Parker stated. Luxurious dealer Oren Alexander, whose agency, Official Companions, is main gross sales and advertising and marketing at Shvo's close by Raleigh growth, stated consumers at that degree don't need their future houses plastered all around the web. I've in contrast builders' methods to how high-end jewellery homes function. One other issue at play is that many of those tasks, most of that are in a small stretch of Miami Seaside, have few items. That creates shortage, or no less than the phantasm of it. “We're being extraordinarily selective about how we launch stock,” Mast Capital developer Camilo Miguel Jr. stated. Mast is in contract to promote a penthouse on the deliberate oceanfront Perigon growth for greater than $7,600 per sq. foot, though Miguel declined to verify or touch upon the deal. I've gotten used to that. What we're desirous about: Aimco is attempting to promote a waterfront workplace tower and adjoining house constructing in Brickell for… $650 million! The properties are being marketed as a possible redevelopment alternative. Looks as if it isn't the perfect time for this. What do you assume? Ship me a be aware at [email protected]. CLOSING TIME Residential: The property of late mattress mogul Harry Acker offered his oceanfront Highland Seaside mansion for $21.2 million. A belief named for the handle of the property at 3719 South Ocean Boulevard bought the 9,200-square-foot mansion, which has 5 bedrooms, seven bogs, two half-bathrooms, a saltwater pool and 100 ft of oceanfront. Business: Shaked 21 LLC, led by Sagi and Anat Shaked, offered the Chase Financial institution-anchored workplace constructing at 1040 Weston Highway in Weston to GT Weston Holdings LLC for $9 million. The customer is led by Samuel and Sydnee Chandy of Southwest Ranches. —Analysis by Matthew Elo NEW TO THE MARKET My Eyelab and Lasik Imaginative and prescient Institute co-founder Massimo Musa listed his waterfront property at 2325 South Ocean Boulevard in Delray Seaside for $60 million. The 23,000-square-foot Italian Renaissance-style mansion has a 13-car “lounge,” a health club, theater, library, recreation room, pool, Jacuzzi and outside lounge, in keeping with the itemizing brokerage Douglas Elliman. Senada Adzem has the itemizing. 2325 South Ocean Boulevard in Delray Seaside (Photograph through Daniel Petroni)
A factor we have discovered An adaptation of The Sims will probably be made right into a film. For those who're not acquainted, the life simulation laptop recreation permits gamers to create avatars with customizable persona traits, abilities, bodily options, clothes, jobs, objectives, households and their houses, right down to the flooring, landscaping, lighting and extra. The sport peaked in reputation within the mid 2000s, however up to date variations and enlargement packs proceed to be launched. Elsewhere in Florida Florida's drawback playing helpline noticed an uptick in calls within the month after the Seminole Tribe of Florida launched its sports activities betting app final yr. Calls elevated by one hundred pc, the Tampa Bay Occasions studies. Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a brand new homelessness regulation that bans cities and counties from permitting individuals to sleep in public locations and permits municipalities to create authorities encampments if shelters are full, in keeping with Axios. The regulation permits residents, enterprise homeowners or the legal professional normal to sue an area authorities if it's not following the regulation. Following a file yr of manatee deaths in Florida, a bunch of manatee advocates (aren't all of us??) put the federal authorities on discover that they're getting ready to file a lawsuit over a delay in probably reclassifying the aquatic mammals an endangered species , CBS Information studies. “The West Indian manatee is in peril of extinction, and the (Fish and Wildlife) Service's continued delay in issuing its 12-month discovering harms the manatee's prospects for survival and restoration,” the discover stated. About 1,100 manatees died in Florida in 2021. [ad_2]
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abigailjohn2023 · 5 months
ASA Construction Group offers full-service remodeling services
Family owned and operated; ASA Construction Group offers full-service remodeling services to cedar impressions and South Shore areas. We provide complete home improvement services, including roofing, siding, windows, doors, gutters, patios and interior remodels.
ASA Construction Group is determined to provide high-quality work, fair prices, and professionalism to every customer. We are committed to building strong, lasting relationships with our clients and delivering the highest level of quality and professionalism. We believe that each project we take on is an opportunity to create a legacy of excellence and strive to exceed our clients' expectations every time.
From design and selection of products to demolition and product installation, we are committed to giving you an inspiring and easy renovation experience.
Our Promise to You
We stand by our word. When you work with ASA Construction Group, we will give you customer service you can count on.
ASA will handle all building permits, inspections, and material delivery logistics.
You will be notified of your material delivery and scheduled installation date.
Same sales person will be running your project from start to finish. They will ensure your project is installed correctly and you are satisfied with your installation.
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muskokafarm · 6 months
Muskoka Farm - World Class Breaking and Pre Training Facility
A world class horse breaking and pre training facility in Wisemans Ferry, New South Wales has been put up for sale. It's a scarcely believable offering.
The 280 acre property has five stable barns with 58 stables, 27 day yards and 10 large fully fenced spelling paddocks. It also features three tracks (1000m sand, 2900m crusher dust and 2400m turf), a fail safe water supply and private, government compliant quarantine facilities. To know more about pre training, visit the Muskoka Farm website or call (02)45663106.
The Thoroughbred breeding industry makes a significant contribution to Australia’s regional economy and supports thousands of jobs. A world class facility for breaking, pre training, spelling and agistment, Muskoka Farm has long held a renowned reputation as a breeding and preparation establishment with a proven track record of success.
A two-hour drive north of Sydney, the 280-acre property is home to state-of-the-art thoroughbred training facilities that are unparalleled in Australia. It is capable of accommodating up to 200 horses with a total of five stable barns and 58 stables, a 2000m crusher dust track and 10 large fully-fenced paddocks, as well as a high speed treadmill and a hyperbaric oxygen chamber.
The property also features a beautiful four-bedroom double-storey main homestead overlooking the arresting Hawkesbury River, complete with a private jetty/pontoon, large outdoor pool and helipad. There are also two-bedroom guest houses and a facility manager’s cottage.
In addition to its state-of-the-art spelling and training facility, Muskoka Farm offers a variety of other facilities. This includes a high-speed treadmill, private pontoon and a large outdoor pool. In addition, the property has dozens of day yards and five stable barns.
Horse breaking is an important part of a thoroughbred's development. It teaches them to become comfortable in a bridle and under saddle, which can help prevent behavioural problems down the road. It is also a good way to get a horse ready for racing.
The farm is located in Gunderman, New South Wales, and has a number of top-of-the-line facilities for preparing race horses. Its ten large, fully-fenced paddocks and 2.4-kilometre crusher dust track make it a favorite with trainers around the country. The property is also equipped with a 24-hour helipad and a veterinary clinic. The 240 hectares of land at Muskoka Farm are surrounded by natural bushland. The facility can handle up to 200 horses.
If you are looking for a place to train your horse, consider Muskoka Farm. This facility is state of the art and provides everything you need for a thoroughbred training experience. It is also very close to the racetrack, making it easy for you to visit your horse during races.
The facility has a reputation for producing the nation’s top gallopers. It has been home to Emancipation, Marauding, Bint Marscay, Circles Of Gold, Dance Hero, Grand Armed and Might And Power among others.
It has an extensive list of clients, including Hollywood celebrities and sports stars. In addition to racing, it hosts numerous events and weddings. It is also a popular cottaging destination. Some of the best cottaging spots are located along the shores of Muskoka’s many lakes. Some of these include Lake Muskoka, Lake Rosseau, and Lake Joseph. In recent years, a number of celebrity couples have built retreats in the area. These include Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks, and Martin Short.
The thoroughbred breeding industry makes a significant contribution to Australia’s regional economy. Its stallion fees, sales profits and racehorses themselves contribute to thousands of jobs. Located in Wisemans Ferry, New South Wales, the Muskoka Farm is a world class spelling and training facility that offers breaking, pre-training and agistment.
The 280-acre property is surrounded by national parks and is constantly evolving its approach to horse care. It has a state-of-the-art training center, including a 2400m crusher dust track and a two-kilometer grass track for pace work. It also features a high speed treadmill and an equine pool. To know more about pre training, visit the Muskoka Farm website or call (02)45663106.
Natalie is the managing director of the spell and agistment facility, which is owned by Australian businessman David Boehm. She grew up riding horses and has been involved in the racing industry since 1983. She worked for the British Bloodstock Agency in London and Newmarket, and for 8 years with Racehorse Securities as a Scientific Officer. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Animal Sciences and a Graduate Diploma in Equine Management from Macquarie University.
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yashvitours · 7 months
A Perfect Long Weekend Escape in Goa in December
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As the year draws to a close and the festive spirit fills the air, the desire for an escape from the hustle and bustle of city life intensifies. Yearning for a place where sun-kissed beaches meet vibrant culture, where laid-back charm weaves its magic, and where the tranquil beauty of nature soothes the soul, look no further than Goa, the ultimate destination to book a tour package for a romantic December getaway.
With its rich tapestry of history, vibrant culture, and captivating natural beauty, Goa offers the perfect setting for an unforgettable long weekend escape. Embark on a journey to unveil the enchanting essence of this tropical paradise with our carefully curated 3-night, 4-day itinerary, designed to immerse you in the captivating spirit of Goa.
Day 1: Arrival and Independent Exploration
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As the festive spirit fills the air, touch down at Goa’s Dabolim Airport, where our representative will extend a warm welcome and assist you with your transfer to your pre-booked hotel. Settle into your comfortable accommodations and unwind, absorbing the tranquil ambiance of your surroundings. The remainder of the day is yours to explore at your own pace. Stroll along the pristine shores of the beach, indulging in a leisurely lunch at a local shack, or simply relax by the pool, immersing yourself in the serenity of Goa’s tropical haven.
Day 2: Unearthing the Treasures of North Goa
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Embark on a journey to explore the vibrant spirit of North Goa. Let your first stop be the iconic Fort Aguada, a 17th-century Portuguese fort that stands majestically overlooking the Arabian Sea. Venture into the bustling streets of Anjuna, where a kaleidoscope of colors, aromas, and flavors awaits. Explore vibrant flea markets, savor delectable Goan cuisine, and soak in the lively atmosphere that pulsates through the air.
As the sun begins its descent, make your way to Vagator Beach, a haven for sunseekers and party enthusiasts alike. Witness the mesmerizing spectacle of the sunset, casting a golden glow upon the pristine sands. As the night unfolds, immerse yourself in the electrifying energy of Vagator’s beach parties, dancing under the stars to the rhythm of pulsating beats.
Day 3: Unwind in the Serene Embrace of South Goa
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Discover the tranquil beauty of South Goa, a region renowned for its pristine beaches, serene ambiance, and rich cultural heritage. Begin your day at the enchanting Colva Beach, a haven for relaxation and rejuvenation. Stroll along the soft sands, bask in the warmth of the sun, or take a refreshing dip in the turquoise waters.
Next, delve into the history of Old Goa, once the capital of Portuguese India. Explore the imposing ruins of the Se Cathedral, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and marvel at the grandeur of the Basilica of Bom Jesus, a revered pilgrimage destination. As the day draws to a close, indulge in a traditional Goan dinner, savoring the symphony of flavors that define this culinary paradise.
Day 4: Departure with Memories to Cherish
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As your Goan adventure concludes, bid farewell to the enchanting shores of Goa, carrying with you a treasure trove of memories. Our representative will assist you with your transfer to Dabolim Airport, where you’ll board your flight back home, your heart brimming with the warmth and vibrancy of Goa’s captivating spirit.
Goa is the ultimate destination for a romantic December getaway. Maximize your long weekend with our exclusive Goa package, immersing yourself in the enchanting essence of this tropical paradise. This itinerary serves as a reference for your travel plans. Call our Yashvi Tours and Travels team to create a customized package for your dream destination. Let’s make your Goan adventure truly unforgettable and experience extraordinary service from our dedicated team of sales staff and travel managers, ensuring a seamless and unforgettable vacation experience. Our customer-centric approach prioritizes your needs, providing affordable exotic vacations with readily available assistance. We strive to make travel exceptional through our premium services, offering 24/7 customer support to cater to your ever-changing demands. Craft your own journey with carefully curated unique experiences worldwide, traveling at your pace with the airline of your choice. We handle the arrangements, allowing you to focus on enjoying your trip.
Article Source : https://www.yashvitours.com/a-perfect-long-weekend-escape-in-goa-in-december/
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