#Song I'm listening to is called The Revelation and it's not bad imo
the-punforgiven · 1 year
man Zornheym is one of the metal bands I've ever listened to
One of the metal bands I've ever heard tbh
When I listen to them I think "Yep this is a metal band alright" when I look at their lyrics I go "Yeahp that sure is a metal band"
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Those are some metal band lyrics right there, yeap
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gritsandbrits · 3 months
Regarding Wish, I don't know why people seem to hate the movie since IMO it wasn't even that bad at all, if anything, it's actually a really cute movie.
While I do have small issues with it, it's mostly just the songs ( except 'This is the Thanks I Get' ) since I found them not having that 'Ohmmph!!' energy where people would love to sing and repeat the songs over and over again.
And just Amaya immediately getting over Magnifico so quickly, I'm not against her turning her back on him after he literally pointed his magic staff on her, I would've like it if it's a long process where, sure she'll fight for what is right, but by the end of the movie, needed more time to sort her feelings and get over him, slow yet natural.
Other than that, there's no issues in the movie that I have a problem with, Asha is a cute protagonist, and for some reason, people think of her as some evil young teenager when she's just simply, and politely ( might I add ), suggesting Magnifico to hand over the wishes if he couldn't grant a lot of the people's wishes ( even calling her own granfather's wish 'evil' or 'dangerous' is a stretch, given it's just him playing an instrument ).
The funny part is the movie gave them exactly what they wanted. They wanted to movie to fail and have a bad story and it did kinda, so now they're walking around with an inflated sense of superiority because they were right. But it's not enough, now they're celebrating by shitting on people who like it while also making up problems that weren't even in the movie, just to find a reason to drag it just that more. They can't even praise Nimona without having wish in their mouths which shows just how obsessive the hate train has gotten. And I love Nimona!!
And funnier still, in the off chance Wish get a spinoff or sequel that does improve on its faults, Twitter will still find a way to drag it down because to them, media can't change for the better, especially media they already hate, so they need to have come up with excuses to not give it a 2nd chance. It's like with the recent He Man cartoon. Revelation had a ton of issues that got better by the time Revolution came out, but some grifters still tried to bash on Revolution because they couldn't stomach the fact the show actually listened to the criticisms and fixed itself. It didn't give them to satisfaction of getting worse and it pisses them off.
I also noticed when raya or Asha show up in official art or tweets people get angry, but I'm over her saying, even Disney acknowledges characters from Cars 2 and chicken little and they had bad stories yet they not allowed to mention Asha and raya?
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taylortruther · 3 years
See I get those interpretations but I don’t think *she* sees it that way at all lmao. Shining for someone is an intrinsic part of her nature. She loves impressing people, and I don’t think that’s a bad thing necessarily. What she doesn’t love is that, when the party is over, she’s still shattered and hanging there in the dark; her pain is short-term entertainment for people who don’t actually care for her, and once they stop watching, she’s still hurting (as she explained during her long pond session). Meanwhile, her lover sees her for who she is; he never takes his eyes off of her, for he isn’t like the drunk masquerade revelers who aren’t actually paying attention. Now that the circus has been called off, her shows have been canceled, and the world is in a pandemic, she still has one person to shine for/play songs to or with. The rodeo clowns might be gone, but she still has someone left who will appreciate her as she hangs onto her lifeline, which is her artistry. So long story short, the song is about him being her primary support system during the pandemic (after all, she said she would’ve become ‘completely listless’ if she hadn’t started writing songs, and though she didn’t yet know that people were going to hear them and enjoy an alternative album from her, she still had someone). So like… it’s sad in the way the lakes is, which means it’s sad to the average listener but extremely romantic and tender to her imo
it's true - it's part of who she is! well-said bestie, thank you for sharing. i guess as fans we want taylor to give us songs that say "i'm so in love and so happy and life has never been better!" but that's not realistic because taylor has been through a lot, relationships go through ups and downs, plus taylor is kind of fatalistic about her own happiness. plus, something to be said about how she said in miss americana that people who go into her line of work NEED validation.
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