#Some soc 8s have made really uncalled for over the top displays of Protecting me that made me uncomfortable and didn't actually do shit
I hate it when some people social 8s feel entitled to your loyalty and obedience because they have simply decided that they are your protector and defender regardless of what you have to say about it.
Sometimes said people social 8s do genuinely good things for you. Sometimes they really do defend and protect you. I mean, the the theme of social 8s barging into your life and do-gooding for you without your consent is always the same... but sometimes you fall for it because you're like "meh this is alright, she's being helpful" also I can tell shes a psychotic madwoman and I can't be bothered dealing with the tantrum she will throw if I try to set any boundaries at all.
HOWEVER had you known why the social 8 was doing these favors for you -- so that they could hold it over your head later and use it to make you do horrible things, including but not limited to: turning away from people you love because they said so, being their emotional or physical punching bag, having sex with them -- you never would have let them do anything good for you at all.
You would have rather suffered and died at the hands of all the things they "protected" you from, actually. That's how cruel and disgusting these people are.
Yes such people exist. They are real. They are social 8s. They embody everything you hate about 2s with none of the positives.
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