#So maybe I'll just remove the app on my phone and the pinned tab on my laptop browser
paladincecil · 2 years
I've been avoiding looking at social media when I wake up for a good while now. Sort of a way to make sure I don't wake up and instantly see some new hell and spend the rest of my day in a bad mood. It's been working great for the most part. I still give in and check now and then and almost always regret it xD I also miss a lot of my american friends posts they make during the night and feel a little bad about not keeping up with what's going on with them T_T
I'm now starting to think I should avoid social media before I go bed as well to avoid going to bed in a bad mood. So if I go ahead with it I'll probably be a lot less active during the days when I'm glued to a game or just doing other stuff. Since I only really end up scrolling during the day when whatever I'm doing isn't keeping my attention xD
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