#So basically she became their PA after Leuce's death
incorrect-au-master · 4 years
Eurydice's new (after)lifeplan:
Hades: well, there goes the first soul i'd ever let go from the underworld...
Persephone: do you think they could make it?
*they see Eurydice getting sucked back to the judgement hall*
Hades: oh... i guess not...
Persephone: what happened?
Eurydice: Orpheus, he... he failed...
Persephone: oh my... i'm so sorry...
Eurydice: *sad* what am i supposed to do now? Just sit idly waiting untill the day he passes away?
Persephone: hm... *idea* would you like to have a job? That will help you keep yourself going untill you can get toguether again.
Eurydice: r-really? You want me to work for you?
Hades: well... we DO require a new personal assistant...
Persephone: and we also had lost someone close recently, so we know what you're going through...
Hades: So, what do you say?
Eurydice: *smiles* alright...
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