#So Ori's ancient would be a close friend of Azem
humblemooncat · 1 year
So your into post lists Orias as a Co-Warrior of Light and so I'm curious, what is Ki'to and Orias's dynamic as co-WoLs? I love to see how people separate who goes through which events or how they go through them together.
Technically speaking, I wrote "Co-" there since she's the alt I'm replaying the story with, but now you got the brain cogs working and I need to expound upon this because they'd absolutely be able to work in tandem.
I can only really speak for Ori up until mid-SB, but even then it'd be an interesting team.
A Sharlayan Cultural Historian and a Fresh-faced Moon Keeper walk into a bar- A joke, but not entirely untrue.
It's likely they came to the Carline Canopy around the same time. Orias would have been the one on the carriage, as Ki'to entered from the North Shroud. They would have paid the other no real mind other than pleasantries, but since they both started as archers, they would have had something to bond over. Like as not, they probably worked through most of those quests together, only really diverging once Ki'to picked up Pugilist in Ul'dah while they traveled as envoys.
After that fork in their paths, they'd likely have stayed as a group, helping with the problems that cropped up, taking on dungeons together, etc. Then when it came to primal slaying they'd do that together as well. By the end of ARR, they were probably the best of friends, honestly.
Ori likely comforted Ki'to when Raha was left in the Crystal Tower, and likewise, he'd likely comfort her when Thancred passes tf out later on.
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I could go on, but these two would absolutely mirror each other by EW. So in-tune with each other that they probably wouldn't even have to look at each other and still be in sync.
(Hell even the color palettes I use for them are opposing. Bright whites, yellows, & golds for Ori, and Dark blacks, purples, & golds for Ki'to. The gold is the only tie-together.)
Also, the sass levels if these two were in the same room? Palpable. Absolute gremlins, the both of them.
I might just weave their canons together now. Thank you for the brainworms.
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