#Smith just wanted Mac to help him work so Goldie wouldn't have to worry about it
popfizzles · 2 months
Wait so Smith resents Mac for having a DISABILITY AND NOT BEING ABLE TO WORK BECAUSE OF IT??
Well, when you put it like that, yeah, it does sound pretty bad.
Smith has always been a man about constant self-sacrifice.
And he did his best to try and teach Mac the same. But Macintosh didn't have the same work ethic, and he always pushed back against Smith's attempts to get him to work the farm. Smith couldn't even begin to comprehend how Mac didn't have a drive to help, how Mac didn't jump up from his seat when he watched Smith struggle to lift bags or push carts.
Smith just needed a second set of hands, anywhere.
But Mac was at a combatant, bratty age and he didn't want to work 12 hours a day in the blazing heat. Why would he? He was just a kid. They both were, really.
And then the accident happened.
It admittedly shook Smith really hard. It was bad, and it could have been so much worse. Those were almost the last words he ever said to his little brother, after all. Smith still thinks about it so many years later. It was his fault.
Nowadays, they don't really fight like they used to. Sometimes Mac even helps around the farm, and Smith will happily laugh with him about the crazy shit he gets into with his friends. They're brothers, and at the end of the day, they love each other.
But deep down, Smith can't help but feel. Jealous?
It just ain't fair that Macintosh don't have to work and he gets paid more than Smith does doing weeks of CONSTANT back breaking labor. Mac had a single bad night, but Smith gave up years (and is still giving so much of himself).
It's not as plain as it seems on the surface.
It's hard.
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