#Siren!OcXFord Pines
rubydracogirl · 4 months
Siren's Treasure
Mermay/Gravity Falls story
Siren!OcXFord Pines and Stan Pines
Rated M just in case. This chapter isn't spicy but later parts probably will be
Part one is here if you missed it
Chapter 2
Stan was starting to get pissed off as he hauled back another empty line with his bait completely gone.
“Not again!” He hissed as he reset his hook with fresh bait. As he tossed the new line into the water, he settled in his chair, watching closely. He’d be damned if he lost another fish to whatever was taking it.
He’d always enjoyed ocean fishing, though it was certainly a different beast from fishing in the lake in Gravity Falls. 
Often, he had better luck catching fish off the boat then he ever did at that stupid lake-
His rod jerked slightly and he sat up, peering into the water as he pulled back, trying to hook whatever had grabbed onto the bait.
“C’mon, come to papa-” He chuckled as his rod jerked, a sign that he'd caught whatever was there. He let the line go, his excitement growing.
The line went slack, and he began to reel again, only for the fish to fight him, more spirited than ever.
This went on for longer than he would have liked. Sweat beaded on his brow, and he found himself bracing against the side of the boat.
“Ford!” He shouted as he nearly went over the rail. He braced himself and pulled back hard-
All at once, the line went completely slack and he went bowling over, nearly head over heels. 
Luckily for him, Ford broke his fall. Unluckily for them both, the deck broke their collective fall.
“Holy Moses,” Stan groaned, cursing colorfully under his breath as Ford helped him back to his feet. 
“What the-” Stan took a confused look at the end of his line. Attached to the hook was a giant, conical shell. It was a deep, golden brown color with creamy white dots scattered over its glossy surface.. 
“How the devil did you manage that?” Ford asked, impressed as he picked up the giant shell, untangling it from the hook.
“I dunno, I-”
Stan’s bewildered look became a scowl as they both heard a loud splash. Poking her head up from the water was the Siren. And in her mouth was a sizable fish-
“YOU DIRTY THIEF!” Stan shouted, shaking his fist at her as he lurched to the railing, “THAT’S MINE! GIVE IT BACK, YOU FISH FLOOZY!”
She only grinned, making a show of taking a huge bite out of the fish. Stan sputtered in rage, shouting at her as she chewed lazily, staring at him with an unimpressed expression before ducking down under the water.
“That overgrown tuna took my-”
“Stanley, do you know what kind of shell this is?” Ford interrupted.
“Should I?” Stan fumed as he glared at the water.
“It’s a Junonia shell, probably the biggest one I’ve ever seen…” 
Stan was still scowling at the water. The Siren poked her head back up, obviously chewing. He inhaled to yell at her some more, when Ford’s next words struck him.
“These are extremely rare. The biggest ones I’ve seen are less than five inches long and sell for a lot of money. This one’s damn near two feet long and in pristine condition-”
“How much?” Stan whipped around, taking another look at the shell.
“Smaller ones sell for something like fifty to eighty dollars last I was aware. I’m not an expert but I’d guess- hey!”
Stan snatched the shell, looking over it with renewed interest. 
“Just our luck there’s probably something in it-”
But the shell was completely empty.
“More than likely, she ate the creature inside.” Ford mused as he looked back at the water. “I thought perhaps she was following us to scavenge, but maybe not?”
The siren was back, peering at them with a grin. Stan coughed as he held up the shell for her to see.
“You keep bringing me shells like this, you can have any damn fish I hook that you want!” He shouted with a big grin.
She didn’t reply, but she didn’t look confused. Ford’s brow furrowed as he studied her. That had to be a sign she understood English, at least…
So why wasn’t she talking to them?
In the weeks that followed, Stan collected almost twenty different kinds of shells from the siren. Each time he reeled in his line, there’d be a new seashell waiting, each as rare and beautiful as the first.
Ford was deeply puzzled by the whole thing. The whole time she’d been following them, he had not once heard her sing or speak. The siren he had dated in Gravity Falls had been the exact opposite. She sang often and was a vociferous companion. Ford hadn’t minded; her being chatty was especially helpful for his research.
“Shelly’s late today,” Stan commented, watching his fishing line with pretended disinterest.
“Yeah. Y’know, the cute fish lady that’s been hanging around? Can’t keep calling her ‘the siren’. Sounds dumb.”
“Very creative,” Ford replied dryly.
“Alright, smartass, what would you call her?”
Ford took a moment to think, his eyes wandering over the waters before he shook his head.
“She most likely has a name already.”
“She’s not opening up about it if she does. Besides, Shelly’s not a bad nickname.”
Ford huffed in annoyance but reluctantly agreed.
“You’re right, it’s not a bad name.”
“Heh, damn straight.” Stan puffed his chest. “How much d’ya think I’ll get for these shells?”
“Probably depends on where you take them.” 
There was silence for a moment before Stan glanced at his twin. Ford was staring off into space, his brow furrowed.
“What’s eatin’ ya?”
Ford didn’t reply for a moment. The sounds of the water around them permeated the atmosphere as his thoughts percolated.
Stan glanced away and he brightened as he saw his fishing rod bending slightly.
He eagerly began to reel it in…but instead of a shell, there was actually a fish on the line.
Stan frowned for a moment before shrugging.
“I caught our dinner.”
They didn’t see her at all that day.
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rubydracogirl · 4 months
Siren's Treasure
Alright, so, I've got about three prompts of my Mermay list finished. I'll link the other parts as I upload them, but I'm starting with this first one.
As promised, this is a Gravity Falls fic, Sea Grunks style.
Siren!OcXFord and Stan Pines (I'm greedy, leave me alone.)
Rated M just in case
Part two is here
Chapter 1
It’s well known that the sound of the sea can be calming. Some have even said it’s healing. One thing Ford was sure of was that he’d always found comfort in large bodies of water and so did Stanley.
Sure, the sea came with its own perils but after traversing the multiverse and surviving Weirdmageddon, handling the dangers of sailing around the world seemed small in comparison. 
Still, the strange shape he’d been catching glimpses of in the water bothered him. Whatever it was had been tailing them for several weeks. He’d mentioned it to Stan who dismissed it with a shrug.
“I dunno how to tell you this, Poindexter, but it’s the ocean. There’s fish in the ocean.”
Ford wasn’t so sure, but he put it at the back of his mind. It couldn’t be more dangerous than the kraken they’d fought off a few months back-
“Hey, Sixer, any idea on when we’ll find some actual treasure?” Stanley griped as he popped open a bottle, casting his eyes over to his fishing line, which had been sitting without a bite for over an hour.
Ford grunted in reply.
“If you hadn’t acted so recklessly in Ireland, we could have had some real leprechaun gold!”
“You and I both know they were never gonna just give us their treasure!”
Ford rolled his eyes as Stan went on, and he turned his gaze back to the waters. His brow furrowed as he noticed movement. Was it their tag-along?
It was fairly big, whatever it was. A seal maybe? That would explain why Stan hadn’t hooked any fish-
“-And besides, treasure is just one half of what we’ve been missing! We still haven’t seen any babes!” Stan drank the last of his soda and made to throw the bottle overboard.
“You shouldn’t do that.” Ford commented, almost absently as he eyed the water.
“What, and not pay tribute to Glass Shards?” Stan shot back as he hucked the bottle overboard. “I know you’re still a nerd when it comes to women, but c’mon-”
“That’s not true! Look, we could try hitting up some coastal towns on our way back south.” Ford tried placating his twin. 
Stan raised a brow.
“Do I look like I’m getting any younger-”
A loud clatter interrupted him. The bottle Stan had thrown overboard bounded and rolled along the deck, coming to rest at his feet.
“...What the hell?” Stan bent and picked up the partially empty bottle, which now held some sea water.
The twins glanced at each other before looking at the water. But there was nothing there.
Stan chucked the bottle again, more aggressively this time.
It landed with a splash and they watched tensely as it sank out of sight. Nothing happened, and they both relaxed after a few minutes. Ford flinched as Stan broke the silence loudly.
“As I was saying- OW!”
The bottle was thrown right back, hitting him square between his shoulder blades this time.
“Son of a bitch! Ford, quit playing around!” Stan swore as he whipped back around, temper flaring with his confusion.
“It’s not me!”  Ford was craning his neck, and he pointed excitedly.
“Look! There!”
Stan turned, squinting at the water.
She was so easy to miss. Her hair was dark and gray-green like the waves around her, and the strange, rippling patterns on her skin blended with the rays of the sun bouncing off the water. The face that peered at them from the water could have easily been mistaken for a human if not for the fins that poked from her hair and the gills along her neck. 
They caught this in a glimpse as she ducked back down out of sight.
“Mermaid?” Stan choked in a hopeful tone.
“Close, but I don’t believe so.” Ford replied, running to the other side, looking for another sign of her. He could see her shape, but she wouldn’t breach the surface again.
“Give me that-” He snatched the bottle from Stan and threw it overboard, waiting.
He saw the bottle bob and half-sink before it was grabbed by a webbed hand. She rose back up and tossed the bottle back at him. Ford caught it with some ease, adjusting his glasses with his other hand as he studied her. 
She rose up a little higher from the waves, meeting his gaze with equal curiosity and he noted her serrated teeth, the sharp ridges on her brow bones, and most importantly, the dorsal fin on her back-
 “Greetings!” He called out to her, pulling out his notepad and flipping to a blank page. “What’s your name-”
She ducked down out of sight and Ford sighed in frustration.
“Heh, still not too lucky with the ladies, I see.” Stanley guffawed, leaning over the railing as he searched for another sighting of her.
“For your information, I dated a siren back in Gravity Falls!”
“Oh yeah? Did she know that’s what you were doing?”
“What do you mean, of course she- Stan, that’s deplorable!”
“Hey, hey, it’s not my fault you’re prone to creepy behavior-”
“I AM NOT- That’s not important right now! You realize what this means right?” Ford groaned as he gestured to the water. “The thing I’ve been seeing has to be that siren! Which means she’s been following us for the past couple of weeks!”
“I knew I had a magnetic personality, but I didn’t realize it was so strong!” Stan chuckled. Ford gave him a sour expression.
“I sincerely doubt you’re the reason she’s been hanging around.”
“Hey, don’t be jealous!”
“The only thing you attract is trouble!”
“Like you’re any different, Mr. Let-Me-Poke-This-Anomaly-With-A-Stick-And-See-What-Happens!”
“That was one time!”
“What do you-No it wasn’t!”
The two continued to bicker, and their voices carried across the water. Neither of them noticed the Siren poke her head back above the water as she watched and listened. 
She smiled and her dagger-like teeth glinted in the sunlight before she ducked back down beneath the surface.
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