#Sine Requie
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malkavagirl · 1 month ago
Something about me:
I'm 16, so please if you're older than 19/20 don't write to me.
English is not my native language, I'm quite good but I might not understand some things or get some terms wrong
I like video games, RPGs, I've been doing Larp since I was born since my parents met this way.
I really like music, I don't listen to a particular genre but I vary listening to a bit of everything. I recently got into music like The exploited and MCR
I'm mainly looking for friends and people to chat with, sometimes I seem a little crazy but I think that's my "best flaw" because people who are quick to judge stay away from me.
I get on well with someone quite easily if I feel comfortable with them.
If you are homophobic, racist or far right, don't waste both of our time by writing to me
Video games I like:
Stardew Valley
The sims
Others that honestly don't come to mind
RPGs I like:
Vampire: the masquerade (In general all WoD)
7th Seas
band of blades
I'm fine with trying a little bit of everything.
Sine requie
If you want to know me, DMs are open, byeeee
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themysticsoffering · 2 months ago
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O God, come to my assistance. 
Holy One, haste to help me!
Praise God: Life-Giver, Incarnate Christ and Holy Spirit, both now and forever. Amen (Alleluia!)
Veni, Sancte Spiritus*,
et emitte caelitus
lucis tuae radium.
Veni, pater pauperum,
veni, dator munerum,
veni, lumen cordium.
Consolator optime,
dulcis hospes animae,
dulce refrigerium.
In labore requies,
in aestu temperies,
in fletu solatium.
O lux beatissima,
reple cordis intima
tuorum fidelium.
Sine numine,
nihil est in homine,
nihil est innoxium.
Lava quod est sordidum,
riga quod est aridum,
sana quod est saucium.
Flecte quod est rigidum,
fove quod est frigidum,
rege quod est devium.
Da tuis fidelibus,
in te confidentibus,
sacrum septenarium.
Da virtutis meritum,
da salutis exitum,
da perenne gaudium.
O God my unfailing help;
Your promise is sure and
you are faithful in all your work.
My soul knows peace because of you
and my heart rejoices
because I trust in your holy name.
Show me your steadfast love, 
even as I hope in you.
- interpretation of Ps. 33: 20-22
Oh Holy Spirit,
promise of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, advocate from the heavenly Father,
Give me wisdom to know my way and understanding to see you in the journey and at its end.
Give me counsel to submit to truth and fortitude to conquer myself.
Give me knowledge to choose what is right.
Give me piety to revere you always, in all people, and in myself.
Give me awe-filled delight in the enclosure of your presence and never let me stray.
Grant us, O God, to trust in you with all our hearts for you never forsake those who make their boast of your mercy.**
Praise God +: Life-Giver, Incarnate Christ and Holy Spirit, both now and forever. Amen
* Chant the verses of "Veni Sancte Spiritus."
There are English translations that fit the same tune. 
See the following links: 
** from The Book of Common Prayer, 1979, p.332
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diesvitae · 5 years ago
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Commission for Daniele It’s a gift for his brother, who loves rpg and always playes dwarves, even when they aren’t a fantasy race. From left to right: Ulf Von Dragor from Sine Requie, Dodo Dragor and Nero D. Jack from Pathfinder. It has been a pleasure working for you <3
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red-ghxst · 6 years ago
life’s just a role-playing game and we’re all characters.
the fact is that the game master is a huge fucking twat.
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virusap · 6 years ago
Oh yeah, i really needed my friends to make me feel like shit because i can’t go to them to play Sine Requie at fucking 9 pm. Like i don’t need to sleep and i don’t go to school and i’m not the only fucking one in the group that doesn’t live in their city...noooo
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mauditparmephistopheles · 6 years ago
Nulla mi da pace
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Se devo vivere senza di te, che sia duro e cruento,
la minestra fredda, le scarpe rotte, o che a metà dell’opulenza
si alzi il secco ramo della tosse, che latra
il tuo nome deformato, le vocali di spuma, e nelle dita
mi si incollino le lenzuola, e niente mi dia pace.
Non imparerò per questo a meglio amarti,
però sloggiato dalla felicità
saprò quanta me ne davi a volte soltanto standomi nei pressi.
Questo voglio capirlo, ma mi inganno:
sarà necessaria la brina dell’architrave
perché colui che si ripari sotto il portale comprenda
la luce della sala da pranzo, le tovaglie di latte, e l’aroma
dl pane che passa la sua mano bruna per la fessura.
Tanto lontano ormai da te
come un occhio dall’altro,
da questa avversità che assumo nascerà adesso
lo sguardo che alla fine ti meriti.
Julio Cortazar
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senzalinea-blog · 5 years ago
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A Roma con SpringCon: un weekend all’insegna del gioco di ruolo! Ormai si moltiplicano le iniziative che in Italia propongono a grandi e piccoli di passare il weekend in un modo diverso e poco convenzionale.
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lherian · 8 years ago
Ho avuto la fortuna, in questi anni da giocatore di ruolo (Master e Giocatore) di conoscere e frequentare molte persone.
Molti arrivano e molti se ne vanno, alcuni ritornano, altri spariscono. C’è chi smette e chi si appassiona per la prima volta, c’è chi resta sempre un po’ a metà strada tra il coinvolgimento e la semplice routine come c’è chi dalla prima sessione capisce cosa vorrà fare. Ci sono quelli che si esaltano, e quelli che calcolano. C’è chi è caloroso e chi è timido, chi è espansivo e riservato, chi ama giocare e chi ama “l’altro lato della barricata”, c’è chi è per un gioco piuttosto che per un altro, e c’è a chi basta giocare.
Potrei andare avanti per ore, ma tagliamola qui.
Quello di oggi è un pensiero dedicato ad alcuni dei tanti gruppi di cui ho fatto parte o di cui sono ancora parte. Purtroppo (ahimè) ho poche foto, quindi per molti gruppi userò disegni o immagini in qualche maniera collegate a quel gruppo o quella specifica campagna.
Ne ho scelti solo alcuni e li ho pubblicati così, senza alcuna graduatoria od ordine. L’articolo è dedicato a tutti, citati e non.
Grazie di cuore a tutti voi.
Davvero grazie.
Ad inizio 2017 e dopo più di anni dal post originale mi trovo a pensare che la maggior parte dei gruppi non citati in questo articolo non lo sono stati solo per la mancanza di una buona immagine rappresentativa di quella che è stata la “vita” della partita. E questo, ovviamente, è vero soprattutto per le sessioni più lontane temporalmente da adesso (come le primissime avventure ai tempi del liceo! Ridendo e scherzando, ormai si tratta di dodici anni fa) oppure per le sessioni più brevi.
Ma questo non sminuisce in nessuna maniera quelle specifiche partite, sessioni e avventure! In fondo, più la sessione è coinvolgente, meno è probabile ricordarsi di immortalare il momento. 
Vi sono alcune aggiunte e alcuni testi sono stati riformulati, ma proprio per la sua intrinseca incompletezza questo articolo è, come il precedente, dedicato a tutti.
Citati e non, senza distinzione né ordine alcuno.
Grazie di cuore a tutti, e ancora una volta i miei migliori auguri per un 2017 ricco di sessioni, campagne e avventure!
  Qualcuno è forse in PARANOIA per l’anno nuovo?
Beh, davvero non c’è male come inizio 2017.
  Gli eroi della Battaglia della Piana
Perché grazie a loro è stata creata una leggenda, tramandata da generazione a generazione (… e da giocatore a giocatore).
  I Ritualisti Anonimi
Perché quando un mago, uno stregone, uno sciamano, un druido e un lich decidono di formare un gruppo solo per affrontare qualsiasi avversità tramite rituali magici… Il risultato è garantito.
Ogni riferimento a ziggurat rituali e cataclismi di scala mondiale è puramente casuale.
  La Compagnia di Westfall
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Sentinel Hill
Perché insieme a loro è stata creata vita dove nessuno pensava potesse crescere, e dove difficilmente qualcuno avrebbe detto che potesse continuare.
  Nauto e Alex
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  Nauto e Alex, insieme ovviamente a tutti gli altri. Anche con quei due un po’ in disparte.
Perché ogni momento insieme a loro è stato leggendario, caloroso, forte, vivo.
  I soci fondatori de “All’Ombra della Quercia”
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(da sinistra verso destra) Thanor Cuordimetallo, Giuseppe Cortesi, Nelium Oleander, Laren Dorr
Perché alla fine tra potere, denaro e conquiste hanno sempre scelto l’amicizia, la condivisione e la fiducia. Sempre all’Ombra della Quercia.
  Grandi Antichi, Gatti, coccole e pisolini
I Grandi Antichi, nella mente di alcuni individui, potevano diventare qualcosa di “puccioso”. Folli. Quasi folli come coloro che pensavano di potersi salvare dalla perdita di sanità mentale grazie al loro essere gatti.
  I Compagni dei due primi Lysander
Mago nero
Perché anche se di loro si parla pochissimo, sono coloro che lo hanno fatto nascere.
  La seconda drammatica pausa di oscurità
Kheratus, Arcimago
Non è stata la prima, ma anche nell’oscurità si può trovare vita. Magari non sarà gradevole, ma sarà sempre vita. E non mi sto riferendo all’Arcimago. O meglio, non solo.
  Dopo che il Gladio fu spezzato
Sopravvivere nell’arena non è per niente facile, ma dopo aver spezzato per la seconda volta il gladio di legno la vita sembra più facile. Forse lo è davvero. O forse lo sembra solamente.
  Cavalieri, Ladri e Valchirie
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Perso (sinistra) e Ferej (destra)
Perché non ci sono compagni migliori che un Paladino possa avere.
  I figli dei Cavalieri, dei Ladri e delle Valchirie
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Si va in gita in montagna trullala…
Perché non importa non avere discendenti diretti. Nei figli dei miei amici vive tutt’ora anche quel Paladino compagno di avventure dei genitori.
  Avventure, paesini e progetti per il futuro
Il desiderio di mettere su casa e famiglia è direttamente proporzionale alla mortalità delle avventure affrontate dal gruppo di avventurieri.
  I Compagni del Signor Inquisitore
Dark Heresy
SPARAAAAAAAARE (Kraal in qualsiasi sessione di Dark Heresy) (cosa volete farci, quando non rutta spara. O pesta. O alcune di queste cose contemporaneamente)
Dark Heresy più infiltrato (si intuisce la sessione successiva?)
Necron! brutte bestie per dark heresy
  Perché l’Imperatore è nostro scudo e protezione, il Signor Inquisitore ci ha scelto, e adesso noi siamo noi. Insieme.
  Non ci sarà altro chierico al di fuori di lui
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Perché scoprire durante l’Adventurers League che OGNI tuo personaggio chierico in realtà rispecchia un unico personaggio, totalmente incapace di combattere e maestro della guarigione, apre possibilità che prima potevi solo immaginare.
  Novizi & Mondo Inamovibile 
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Perché essere i compagni di gruppo di alcuni novizi e litigare contro l’innata necessità di violare le avventure di alcuni ignoti membri del gruppo (Dikoleo) semplicemente non ha prezzo. Perché vedere come discussioni, lanci di dado, regolamenti e il (giustamente) disperato desiderio del Master di tenerci lungo la strada giusta abbiano lasciato una scintilla nello sguardo dei giocatori, beh… Se non ci emozioniamo così, come altro dovremmo fare? ;)
  Il Diario della Rosa dei Venti
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Kher, Taran, Rosetta, e tutti i nostri amici
  Perché esistono forme di amore che difficilmente possono essere capite senza averle provate almeno una volta.
  Lo strano caso del gruppo di D&D
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Da sinistra verso destra: Hares (monaco umano), Eilgalash (druido mezz’elfo), Vaan (guerriero umano), GM / Vassily (ladro umano), Nadia (strega umana)
Perché vi si trova un druido caotico malvagio che si millanta neutrale, un monaco legale buono dall’interiore furia omicida, una padella deambulante, un orbo cleptomane e una strega bellissima aromatizzata al goblin. Serve altro?
  La barzelletta delle terre perdute occidentali
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Tavolo da Sine (one-shot)
Perché un tedesco, un inglese e un italiano nelle terre perdute occidentali sopra un sidecar suona molto come l’inizio di una barzelletta. Ma alla fine hanno molta più vita di quello che dall’esterno potrebbe sembrare.
  I Mille Volti del Potere
Demone di Slaanesh
Perché la corruzione risiede nel corpo, nello spirito e nell’anima. Ed essa, a differenza delle credenze più diffuse, può essere realmente abbracciata.
  Quando MouseGuard divenne Redwall
Ognuno ha i propri ricordi indelebili dell’infanzia e prima adolescenza. Avere l’opportunità di rivivere e far vivere durante delle sessioni alcuni dei propri più cari ricordi è davvero senza prezzo.
  Legione Penale “CANI URLANTI”
Perché quando pensi di aver raggiunto il fondo, puoi sempre cominciare a scavare. E ‘sta pur sicuro che quello che troverai non ti piacerà per niente, perché non la chiamano “legione penale” senza motivo. E se sopravvivrai lo scoprirai sulla tua stessa pelle.
Gdr: Sessioni e Gruppi di Gioco Ho avuto la fortuna, in questi anni da giocatore di ruolo (Master e Giocatore) di conoscere e frequentare molte persone.
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alpha-beta-gamer · 7 years ago
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Sine Requie: Snake Eyes is a cleverly crafted branching narrative horror adventure that blends roleplaying, survival and Tarot-bases tactical turn based combat!
Read More & Play The Kickstarter Demo Build, Free (Windows)
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dragontrick · 5 years ago
"F i n a l l y  pinterest begins to show me some panzers!"
The very moment I realize how much I like the Sine Requie rpg and the adventure we play (and the people whose I play it with, of course).
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edodrago98 · 6 years ago
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The reich is watching you
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powmr · 3 years ago
Please remember the charging current and maximum charging current of the inverter at low input voltage
Some equipment comes with special instructions that you can run them within the STATIC range of the pure sine wave inverter to ensure the cleanest pure sine wave (better than what you get from the power station). By getting the recommended inverter, you can ensure the actual performance of your equipment is safe. Not only that, your STATIC pure sine wave inverter series can also extend the life of the battery. Tubular batteries are most suitable for long-term power outages around the world and flat batteries are most suitable for short-term and frequent power outages. Whether it is a flat plate or a tubular plate structure, the performance and life of any lead-acid battery depends on two main aspects-the basic raw material Purity and robustness of the manufacturing process.
It is always recommended to choose a well-known brand such as Powmr, which produces reliable and efficient batteries. You can buy luminous batteries online globally from many online retail sites. In order to provide backup power for multi-storey buildings, commercial institutions and industrial facilities with higher power requirements, Powmr provides the most extensive series of three-phase inverters, with load handling capabilities ranging from 5KVA to 100KVA. Powmr has always been the first choice of customers, such as offices, showrooms, shopping malls, hospitals, elevators, hotels, schools, laboratories, gas stations, banks, telecommunications towers, ATMs and BPOs and other commercial venues.
Disadvantages:-There is a time delay for switching from the mains mode to the UPS mode. 2) Its performance decreases with the distortion of the input voltage and is directly connected to the load. The air conditioner is a sensitive electrical appliance and requires an efficient voltage stabilizer to perfectly adjust the voltage output. Our series combines its efficiency with the latest technology to ensure the safe operation of the air conditioner in your home. The importance of MPPT solar charge controller. When you look at many solar panels on the market and view their results, you will find that under normal operating parameters, the voltage range changes from low to high.
Normal solar panels work at a voltage exceeding 18 volts, while batteries are made into a predefined voltage range based on the battery structure, and many batteries work at 12 volts. Types and applications of solar charge controllers. There are many types of solar controllers on the market, such as solar street light controllers, solar panel charge controllers, RV solar charge controllers, and marine solar charge controllers. MPPT stands for Maximum Power Point Tracking is a technology that tracks and regulates the output energy from solar panels to batteries. MPPT detects the output voltage and current of the solar panel in real time, continuously tracks the maximum power (P=U*I), and adjusts the output voltage accordingly, so that the system always charges the battery with the maximum power.
It is important to determine whether your current power inverter is working in the best way. Due to long-term use over the years, inverters and batteries often lack performance and exhibit functional deterioration. Therefore, if your inverter does not perform as well as before, or if the problem recurs, you only need to upgrade the inverter to an inverter with better and smarter technology. Here are five signs that your inverter needs to be upgraded. Yes, you can use a large-capacity power inverter, which can easily run AC power, dental chairs, deep refrigerators, and can power the entire house, office, and gasoline pumps. These devices are designed to run heavy loads and work on multiple battery systems (from 2 to 15 units) based on their design.
The sine wave solar inverter can generate the same high-quality AC voltage waveform provided by the local power company with low total harmonic distortion (THD). It is equipped with a NEMA connection type, which is used when a clean sine wave output is required to operate sensitive equipment such as stereos, copiers, printers, and electronic equipment. It provides a continuous output power of 25000W. In addition, it is also equipped with LED alarm and automatic recovery functions. The short tubular battery is significantly smaller than the tall tubular battery, but the height is greater. This kind of All in one Inverter battery is more convenient to store and carry. In areas with frequent power outages, the inverter must charge the battery faster to provide maximum backup power during the next battery outage.
In areas with low input voltage, the charging current from the inverter to the battery decreases, causing the battery to charge extremely slowly, thereby increasing the total battery charging time. Therefore, when purchasing an inverter, please keep in mind the charging current and maximum charging current of the inverter under low input voltage. Here is an example for you to better understand the advantages of mppt. Suppose you have a 1000W solar panel system. If you replace the MPPT Solar Charge Controller with an MPPT type, you only need to install a 700W solar panel to get the same power.
The price of solar panels on the market is about US$2 per watt, so the overall cost of solar panels can be reduced to US$650. In this case, in a larger system, the cost savings will be higher, including the cost of purchasing panels, cables, etc. The inverter is so named because the DC and AC dynamics have been reversed, that is, from DC to AC. The best home inverters have always been important, but now they are becoming more and more important due to the increasing problem of load shedding. The main benefit of the best home inverters in the world is to provide backup power when the main power grid is poor.
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boardgamesfrancesco · 4 years ago
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Nella bellissima live di ieri sera, in cui ho avuto il piacere d’ospitare Valentina “Nina” Favaron ( @theroleplayingunicorn ), esperta di GDR e traduttrice per @msedizioni , abbiamo realizzato insieme una scheda personaggio per l’ambientazione Sanctum Imperium del gioco di ruolo Sine Requie di @serpentarium_gdr Ne è uscito fuori un bel personaggio con spiccate doti di comando, pronto ad imporre la sua volontà con la forza bruta e cercare di sopravvivere in tutte le circostanze. Potete scaricare liberamente la scheda dal mio sito www.boardgamesfrancesco.it (c’è anche il link in bio) e giocare con questo personaggio a Sine Requie. Fateci sapere a me o a Nina se lo usate per giocare le vostre avventure Sanctum Imperium! Se vi siete persi la live non preoccupatevi perchè potete rivederla quando volete sulla mia pagina Facebook e canale Youtube. Durante la serata abbiamo parlato della passione ed attività di Nina sul mondo dei GDR, delle sue collaborazioni in atto e dei suoi interessanti nuovi progetti che partiranno a breve. #sinerequie #sanctumimperium #ninafavaron #valentinafavaron #giochidiruolo #giocodiruolo #gdr #rpg #giochiitaliani #gdritaliani #schedagdr #schedapg #serpentarium #giochi #gioco #ruolare #giocare https://www.instagram.com/p/CKi_SMuBJfJ/?igshid=1r9j41ahjgdei
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rpgsandbox · 7 years ago
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Hollowind is a vast megalopolis that fifty years ago, thanks to Merlin’s Edict, managed to overthrow the tyranny of arcane families; since that very moment it has been fighting the remaining survivors of the Purge. The Bureaus represent the first line of defense in their daily battle against enemies within and without, observing the motto: order, reveal, and persecute. Anyone attempting to break this new balance, conquered with the blood of thousands, will have to face the Bureaus. The arcanists are always plotting, and people must remain vigilant.
The Silence of Hollowind is a Urban Fantasy role playing game, based on the Savage Worlds rules but with the addition of setting-specific mechanics to enhance gameplay (but which will also be adaptable to other systems). It is a complex and detailed setting, aesthetically reminiscent of 1930s United States but populated by Orcs, Elves, Dwarves and countless fantasy creatures living within the oppressive Hollowind, a metropolis rich with mysteries and contradictions where magic is outlawed and whoever makes use of it is hunted down as a criminal.
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The core book for “The Silence of Hollowind” will amount to about 130 pages, which might increase based on the stretch goals.
Within the book you will find:  
A deeply structured setting, filled with mysteries.
Several play styles, from purely investigative games to action-pulp adventures.
Playing the role of lowly Order agents, skilled Revealers or brave Persecutors. If stretch goals allow for it, you will be able to play as Arcanists and see things from a different perspective.
Dozens of NPCs and ideas for investigative sessions.
A variety of conversions for different rule systems. The initial project includes compatibility with Savage Worlds only, but stretch goals may unlock more. Each system conversion will be released through its own free PDF.
Layout and art direction aiming to evoke the setting and resemble dossiers from the very Bureaus.
A map of the City of Hollowind!
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You might be wondering why we didn’t simply choose a single existing system, or why we didn’t custom-make one for Hollowind. I can tell you we spent a lot of time on this decision, but in the end we realized we wanted this game to be approachable by as many people as possible, with as little effort as possible. This means relying on widespread systems, allowing every group to choose the one they are most comfortable with. Each rules conversion will provide everything you need to adapt your system to our setting in a few easy steps, keeping your focus on the game, not the conversion.  
At the same time, we will develop special rules for the Savage Worlds conversion (this is the first system we will design for) such as “Interrogation Scenes”, “Arcane Plague”, “Arcane Fogs” and several Edges dedicated to playing Hollowind. All these rules will be released within a free PDF.
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Given their power, wizards have always been considered akin to Gods. And like Gods they built Zapiri, forcing the ground itself to rise above all of Hollowind, the vast city founded by the sorcerers’ servants and submerged in the arcane mists that slowly fell from the dwelling of the Gods.  
Despite their power, they were unable to save themselves from the spreading Arcane Plague. The magical illness struck regardless of lineage or position, and the panicking populace begged their masters for salvation but received no answer. The outcry was first moved by fear, then grew ever more violent, culminating into bloodshed and repression. Only the direct intervention of the Primage Merlin was able to bring temporary peace: he promulgated the Edict, which limited the use of magic. Then, he disappeared from the pages of history.  
Sadly, Merlin’s Edict was not sufficient to protect the Arcane Families: it simply proved to all unarcanes (those without magical powers) that the use of magic was indeed the cause of Arcane Plague. Urged by the public outcries, the Families granted increasing rights to the people; part of the reason was that many wizards had already been killed by the epidemic.
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However, such a secret could not be kept for long; when the people learned the truth, a ferocious rebellion broke out. The insurgents assaulted Zapiri with the help of Giants, cornering the already weakened Arcane Families.  
In the darkest moments of the Purge, the arcane clouds over Zapiri ignited with a fire that killed thousands among insurgents, mages and monsters. That event marked the end of Magocracy and the beginning of the Government of Hollowind. Zapiri was quarantined and the Bureaus were created to prevent the mages from regaining their position. The Bureaus’ names form the motto known by every free citizen of Hollowind from their very birth: Order, Reveal, Persecute.
Forty years from that day, Hollowind is fragmented by arcane mists that split its territory into dozens of Urban Islands, safe districts swimming in a sea of magical fog. Due to the Giants’ help and the vertiginous technological evolution freed from the Mages’ yoke, the Islands can now boast towering buildings, cars, trains and firearms. The many races populating Hollowind are a true powder keg of ethnic tension, threatening to explode at any moment; fear of losing what has been so hard to earn led the Government to fight fire with fire, employing the use of manite: a mineral composed of crystallized mana acting as fuel for Hollowind’s latest technologies, making it the most advanced country in the entire world.
But at what price?
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If you want to give The Silence of Hollowind a try and discover what it has to offer, you can download the free scenario “Just a Taste”, developed in collaboration with GGstudio (Italian publisher for Savage Worlds)!  
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The core book for “The Silence of Hollowind” will allow you to play the role of agents from the three Bureaus fighting against dangers criminal and arcane. Each bureau has different goals and embodies a different approach to the game.
Bureau of Order: Officers handling everyday cases that do not involve magic and aren’t relevant to the entire megalopolis. They investigate murders, robberies, burglaries and such (apparently) non-arcane crimes. You might think of them as policemen with firefighting duties. Suggested option for those who are new to the setting or prefer low-magic investigations. Still as deadly as other choices.
Bureau of Revelation: The best detectives among all Bureaus, tasked with solving arcane or high-profile mysteries. They may deal with common crimes if these prove especially complex or unusual, such as with a serial killer or a smuggling network. You might think of them as federal agents. Suggested option for those who like magic to be involved in their investigation, and possibly to face monsters and deadly arcanists.
Bureau of Persecution: Special squads trained to fight wizards and arcane monsters. They are the hammer of the Bureaus: their duty is to forcefully annihilate threats without hesitation, since their intervention is synonymous with a desperate situation. They might also lend their support to other Bureaus if a specialist is needed to capture or locate an enemy. You might think of them as S.W.A.T. squads. Suggested option for those groups who’d rather have deadly confrontations and little investigation in their games.
Needless to say, if the crowdfunding proves successful we plan to expand the possibilities by including new races, archetypes and even the opportunity to play as Mages!
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Inspirations for this setting and its themes have been many: the concept of fear and mystery was inspired by 1984; H.P. Lovecraft, Dark Souls, The Order: 1886, Sine Requie (Italian RPG), Vampire: the Masquerade and many other detective stories across all media. The game has developed and grown in the span of several years, becoming a reality thanks to the many people who worked on it and poured themselves into their work, giving life to Hollowind.
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This kickstarter is raising funds for both English and Italian language editions.
Kickstarter campaign ends: Thu, November 23 2017 3:58 PM UTC +00:00
Website: Facebook
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phoenixahmed-blog · 5 years ago
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Dies irae (at Dies Irae - Sine Requie Live) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9qfQMRhTrQ/?igshid=19iroyo9pkrw5
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senzalinea-blog · 5 years ago
Sine Requie: l'horror italiano
Sine Requie: l’horror italiano
Nel lontano 2003 veniva pubblicata la prima edizione di un gioco ideato da Leonardo Moretti e Matteo Cortini presto destinato a divenire un classico per gli amanti del gdr horror nostrano: Sine Requie. Gli autori toscani sono forse quelli che maggiormente sono riusciti a ritagliarsi un posto tutto loro nel panorama italiano, fino a fondare la casa editrice Serpentarium, con la quale tredici anni…
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