underyourwinghomeout · 3 months
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four ships with the main characters
DaveDanis: a very comffy couple. They always take care of each other SilvIell: a typical relationship in the style of "I hate you, but if something happens to you, I will hit everyone who is responsible for it" SpiderFly: a cool dude and a very awkward shy loser, nevertheless attracting the attention of a cool guy FranDam: a charming asshole and a bore dissatisfied with his behavior, nevertheless
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saintehylia · 4 years
   ❝     your friends… what kind of people are they? do these people think of you as a friend?     //   @silviel​​       ❞            
                  ❝       i   don’t    have    any   friends.       {     My   words    feel    cold    against    my    tongue,       damp  with  saliva  and  the  bile  i  swallow  back  down.     }      other  than  My  Knight,        who     .    .    .       i   don’t   have   any  friends.   ❞              as  if  her  loneliness  was  a  choice,         as  if  the  way  it  bore  into  her  skin     and    made  a  home  in  the  hollowed   -   out  patches  underneath  her  fingertips    ––––––    as  if  this  was  her  own  doing,      she  takes  responsibility  for  her  own    (   Non  -  )   existence.           uncomfortable,      she   shuffles   on  the  balls  of  unsure  feet.              ❝      and   anyways,        i    do  not  have  the  time  for  friendship.          {     HOLINESS,      WITHOUT   A  PATRON  -   𝚂𝙰𝙸𝙽𝚃,     IS  A  GOLDEN  CALF   WITH  AN  EMPTIED  STOMACH.     }          for   who  will   lead    these    people   to    glory      ?         but   if  you  are  offering   your   own   friendship   .    .    .        ❞
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              her   throat   is  cleared,       a  tongue   of   withdrawal   quick  to  assume  her  mouth.                         ❝      but.        my   friend,       he’s   a   marvelous  man     ––––––     i   wish   here    were   here   to    meet   you,        for    you    would   enjoy   his  company,       same   as  i  do.          {     as   for    My    people.    }         others    shall    assume    me    to    be   a    figurehead    of     OLDER   DAYS.        ❞
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moltolavoro · 4 years
@silviel | starter call !!
❛ aha! ❜ the dwarven call rings through the trees, for gimli has never shied away from making himself known. ❛ you must be the fabled søsken! ❜ now that they are as entwined as they have become, gimli has learned more of legolas’ family ; of their connections both with family borne of blood and family made of bonds. and this tauriel - well, she fits the description.
gimli moves closer, a broad grin upon his face, though it is scarcely seen beneath his beard. ❛ i’ve heard much of you. i’m only sorry it’s taken us so long to meet! ❜
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rectoress · 4 years
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@silviel​ said: “ being alone was never hard ”  /  rp sentence starters from  bridget devoue’s  work  ,  soft thorns
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               and there’s the rub: was. asking what changed, what prompted her, urged her perhaps, to forsake her solitary life for one amidst her kind, is not only pointless but likely to kindle a fire already ablaze between dh’oine and aen seidhe. peace, much needed peace, no longer seems attainable. the entire continent is surrendering, scorched by a hatred stoked by each body - human or elven - tossed into the brazier through which the scotia’ tael walk with renewed resilience, determination and pride. “it isn’t too late.” the truth withers on her tongue. no, the archmage’s intentions are no more bent on deception than the elf’s are on pacification. still, the conversation has been engaged, the middle ground entered. “wars and violence have never solved anything. if we carry on down that road: there will be nothing left but ruins and desolation.” and blood makes for a poor soil.
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voronyaro · 4 years
@silviel continued from HERE
A soldier. Sarte knew immediately, though not of an ilk she was accustomed too, lithe and sharp with a body to bend and twist about violence like a cat. Certainly of Eryn Lasgalen then, but not dressed as one would expect. And that hair, it easily caught Sarte’s eye. Indeed, it’s colour and luminosity in the firelight against the black night almost made her nostalgic for a very different elf she had once known. But that comparison was not fair, this woman was allowed her own glory in fire, unencumbered by the past.
Sarte allowed the elf to speak as she wished, though the incredulous tilt to her head and arch to her brow spoke enough of her curiosity at such an answer. An elf alone in the midst of the Anduin vales was odd enough when it was just Sarte herself. For a young one of her kindred, it seemed doubly strange. Though the ancient creature was not without empathy and given the painful note threaded through every clipped syllable from this stranger, Sarte did not pry.
But that did not mean her tone was any less sardonic, or mellowed, the massive woman sprawling wider next to her fire and stretching impossibly long limbs in it’s light. “Well if we are defined by the birthplaces we no longer belong too, I too am no one.” She flashes her surprise guest a humourous canine grin, a little mean perhaps? She had never claimed to be kind. “But since I do not, I am a hunter at the moment, though not a very good one. I am called Razmaur by the woodmen, but your accent places you among Thranduil’s folk whom always called me Rhones when they named me at all.”
Her own accent was so strange in Sindarin it could be almost be unintelligible, contrasting with the ease that her westron name slipped from her tongue.
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gedwimora-arc · 4 years
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TAURIEL ( @silviel​ ) said ❝ Few people can so clearly grasp the spirit of a thought, then rephrase it so that deaf ears hear it. ❞ 
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A great sigh heaves through him. “ A craft that comes with time, practice and necessity. Be glad you have not had to deal with enough FOOLS yet to have needed to hone it. ”
destiny’s book ecdysis lore / accepting
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naeberries · 4 years
 i'm   gonna   be   on   mobile   tonight   because   i'm   going   to   see   my   cousin   but   i   just   wanted   to   mention   that   writing   padmé   this   year   has   been   an   absolute   delight.   for   the   people   who   have   been   there   since   the   start,   and   the   friends   i   made   along   the   way:   thank   you.   for   putting   up   with   my   ramblings   and   for   making   me   strive   to   be   a   better   writer   and   a   better   person   altogether.
 @wightwulf​,   livi   my   love,   to   say   your   friendship   is   precious   to   me   would   be   a   severe   understatement.   you   have   been   there   with   me   through  thick   and   thin,   and   i   consider   you   one   of   my   closest   friends.   i'm   so   excited   to   see   what   art   you   will   put   out   into   this   world.
 @genitore.   chloe,   where   do   i   start?   i   love   you   so   so   much    you   are   such   a   ray   of   sunshine,   and   your   talent   as   a   story   teller   is   too   great   to   put   into   words.   i'm   so   happy   that   i   met   you   and   that   we   have   become   as   close   as   we   are.
 @webslings.   can't   have   one   without   the   other,   right?   it's   safe   to   say   that   you   are   incredible.   the   way   we   have   woven   together   a   verse   that   just   works   never   ceases   to   amaze   me,   and   dude.   you're   so   fucking   funny.   also   very   talented.   you   mean   the   world   to   me
 @faithdisturbed.   cole!   your   imagination   and   your   drive   and   your   ability   to   create   something   beautiful   out   of   nothing   is   such   an   inspiration   to   me.   what   i   made   on   this   blog   wouldn't   be   nearly   as   good   if   it   wasn't   for   you,   whether   because   we   were   plotting   together   or   bouncing   ideas   off   each   other.   i   love   you,   and   i   hope   to   love   you   for   many   years   to   come.
 @draculyr.   now   where   to   start   with   béla.   i   could   say   that   your   presence   in   my   life   brings   me   eternal   joy,   or   that   reading   everything   you   write   is   pure   delight,   and   it   would   all   be   true.   i   have   never   met   anyone   more   dedicated   and   sweet,   and   i   am   eternally   grateful   i   get   to   call   you   my   friend.
 @elthruil​.   eden,   eden,   eden.   if   it   wasn’t   for   you,   i   most   likely   would   have   never   fallen   into   the   l.otr   rabbit   hole,   and   boy   am   i   glad   that   i   did.   but   honestly?   i   love   you,   you   incredible,   talented,   amazing   beautiful   person.   you   always   make   me   thrive   to   learn   more   and   to   create,   simply   by   being   you.
 and   the   other   rays   of   sunshine   i   love   a   whole   lot:   @roziver​   @gurrillero​   @agentxiii​   @solereus​   @irnmaidn​   @cprex​   @maaiar​   @laughn​   @damsael​   @reddngton​   @jokethur​   @keein​   @herhaunt​   @dinopunching​   @ironicarus​   @hcndmaid​   @arelights​   @bloodiyr​   @psifyre​   @silvanborn​   @esoteriks​   @techreign​   @silviel​   @yngai​   @ensehven​   @buir​   @informaticn​   @starszakrew​   @shemartyred​   @hauntyng​   @aldereign​   @4thking   @boyancient   @veratok   @diluve   @sampati   @ardasung   @puinsh   @yasoldat   @sansorth   
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sawyersthot--a · 3 years
Pinterest Board Masterpost
for reference!
Adeline Price/Spectral { DC Comics }
Andrea Barlow { Silent Hill }
Audrey Seed { Far Cry }
Bonnie Jo Harvey { Fallout 4 }
Corana { Star Wars }
Daro'Rassa { Skyrim }
Dawn 'Bright' Bird { Death Stranding }
Elise Ezra { Resident Evil }
Emma Clarke { The Last of Us }
Eve Seed { Far Cry }
Faekyre Iserawyn { Skyrim }
Fern { Stardew Valley }
Grace Redgrave { Vampyr }
Jennifer Price/Siren { DC Comics }
Jordan Price/Nightmare { DC Comics }
Judith 'Judy' Martson { RDR2 }
Katrina of Yahrnam { Bloodborne }
Leowyn of Ithilien { Lord of The Rings }
Minette 'Kitty' Versailles { Saints Row }
Nicole Prinz { Stranger Things }
Olivia Seed { Far Cry }
Plum { Stardew Valley }
Ravesse Avalthi { Skyrim }
Rosalie 'Omega' Bird { Death Stranding }
Sabine Brody { Far Cry }
Silviel Fireborn { Lord of The Rings }
Stella Garvey { Fallout 4 }
Vaessa Doxon { Cyberpunk 2077 }
Vicki Loomis { Scream }
Zoey Castle { Grand Theft Auto 5 }
jason todd x adeline price
john seed x audrey seed
ren x corana
higgs monaghan x bright
sebastian x fern
floyd lawton/deadshot x jennifer price/siren
teth-adam/black adam x jordan price/nightmare
samwise gamgee x leowyn of ithilien
billy hargrove x nicole prinz
harvey x plum
sam porter bridges x omega
thorin oakenshield x silviel fireborn
preston garvey x stella garvey
michael desanta x zoey castle
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etherealbound · 4 years
tagged by: @ahbutimavillain <3
tagging: @magntokinesis , @optmstc , @eveningcrown , @silviel , @hatilead , @wxrldkiller , @rathfel , @deductry , @wwxnka , @lovetoretm , @reginavere & @tharanduil !
TWO ( BIRTHDAY ): july 21
THREE ( ZODIAC SIGN ): cancer / leo cusp
FOUR ( HEIGHT ):  5′8″
FIVE ( HOBBIES ): Roleplaying, writing, painting, video games, crafting, guitar/violin 
SEVEN ( FAVOURITE BOOKS ):  honestly, The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge has been a long standing favorite of mine from childhood, Jurassic Park, and obv. Stardust. 
EIGHT ( LAST SONG LISTENED TO ): Metro by Black Sheep
NINE ( LAST SHOW WATCHED ): Grey’s Anatomy
TEN ( INSPIRATION FOR MUSE ):  long walks under the moonlight beneath the stars... lol jk jk but uhhhh she’s just so pure it’s kind of easy to write her by just imagining how i would like people to treat me and diving into pinterest looking up fallen star aesthetics helps !
ELEVEN ( MEANING BEHIND YOUR URL ):  e·the·re·al    /əˈTHirēəl/  adjective 1.extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world. While she isn’t exactly delicate, she is perceived that way by others. she is held to a much higher standard than mortals because she is not from their world and thereby too perfect for it. She is bound by these standards thus etherealbound.
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melnchly-a · 4 years
@silviel​ : lotr dollmaker! 
me, not five minutes later: look, i made lothiriel
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saintehylia · 4 years
                            𝚆𝙷𝙰𝚃    𝙸𝚂    𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁    𝙼𝚄𝚂𝙴𝚂    𝙰𝙴𝚂𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚃𝙸𝙲
BOLD  what  applies  to  your  muse  ,   ITALICIZE  what  they  like    /    repost  ,    don’t  reblog  !
tagged by  :    @rpnzel <3 tagging  :    @moonsa , @amajanah , @genitrice, @silviel + whoever sees this !
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In this endless search to better understand the nature of my soul and spirituality, I've discovered something all too familiar yet forgotten from passage of soul to flesh.
A celestial being, wings of feathered purity, sent on an earthly mission to train on the Path of Higher Purpose. An entity of three seperate forms; one might observe the face of a young woman and then that of a child and then that of a fierce hound, all in the same instant. This imagery might be accompanied by the jingle of small bells or the scent of vanilla and roses. Soothing, silver light most often engulfs melancholy thoughts of near passersby. Perhaps you feel drawn to partake in spiritual awakening through the sharing of Akashic wisdom and knowledge; enticed to open your mind for the betterment of all.
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blvvming-a · 2 years
4. Which muse required the most research for? 5. Do you think your writing style changes for different muses?
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multimuse questions - accepting!
i've never actually written him on this blog ( opportunity hasn't come up yet is all ) but i'd def say john marston required quite a bit of research for me to play, not so much in the personality aspect but for his time period which i knew zero about before playing red dead redemption and had to do lots of reading on just for some basic stuff in discord threads with him
and it does and doesn't if that makes sense? i mean dialect is the most obvious one because all my muses have different manners of speaking but sometimes muses have such a specific headspace that i do have to completely change my style for a moment, examples would probably be baby, liarine, silviel, arwen and frodo definitely, which is also unfortunately why they're all kinda low muse because it does take me a whole hot minute to get in that mind frame.
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atgabrielle · 6 years
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Só existe uma coisa melhor do que fazer novos amigos: conservar os velhos. Fusão: Silvio + Gabrielle = Silvielle😹😍😍 sdds (em Colégio Estadual Dom Pedro II) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs_RzL0gIuj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1cfthy928ckrl
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pluresque · 3 years
👫 for lego?
Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship / @silviel
obviously the big one is weird romance arc out, siblings IN. but i also think legolas went from like... vaguely suspicious about the New Baby in the family to just the most enthusiastic older sibling to maybe a little Overprotective. they love tauriel so so much and he always sort of sees her as their "little sister"
they consider following tauriel when she enters her period of exile! i think legolas really has to sit down with himself and think about whether or not he wants to remain in the kingdom, and while they do end up staying i think it ignites a hunger for adventure that later leads them to volunteer to join the fellowship.
legolas Does judge tauriel and kili's relationship still a little bit, i think — not because they have any particular feelings about dwarves or even about thorin's company but because he feels that their relationship is distracting tauriel from her duties and worries that it'll drive a wedge between her and their father.
related to that it's extremely embarrassing for them when he has to tell tauriel that he himself is married to a dwarf from the lonely mountain. but! i also think legolas holds off until they're alone to talk about it because they know that tauriel is still grieving and doesn't want it to be a big Moment for her out in public.
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