#Side Story: Pau's Delivery Service
askbeannuts · 11 months
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"... I don't mean to pry... but did something happen for you to need that letter? Osiris vaguely told me what it was for."
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"It's nothing serious, just some family found their way into Cypress for some crimes and... before they get out, I'd like to see them and set some... ground rules..."
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"... Right... well, if everyone likes what they have, I need to go. If you need me, I'll be at the clinic."
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"Ah, right, I should finish getting ready...! Guess we'll have to postpone our meet-"
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"You mean us watching you and Charissa argue? Again?"
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[Delivery made! Potential Guild Revolt halted?]
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askbeannuts · 11 months
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[As quickly as he arrives... he's gone, I'm sure we'll see more of him...]
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askbeannuts · 11 months
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"By the way... how did you-"
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"Your dad stopped me... and after finally convincing him we have to keep visitors to Guild-associated and Council-related individuals, he told me you'd be heading to find the Shaymin Guild, so..."
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"Convenience-for you at least..."
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"Yes... yes... just take it already..."
[Desperate Measures...?]
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askbeannuts · 11 months
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"Pau went there, yeah? I wanted to ask him something."
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"What exactly are you going to ask him about? Are you going to be a nerd again?"
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"I'm not-you're an adult, Karola-"
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"I'm not the one who was gushing like a child over some clothes-where'd you even find that mirror??"
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"Charissa... get your Pin, we'll be outside..."
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[Just a smidge antsy it seems...]
[End of Side Story!]
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askbeannuts · 11 months
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[Not much you can do with nothing...]
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< To Side Story: A Pocket of Time...
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askbeannuts · 11 months
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[Despite the rather dreary night... someone's full of energy!]
[Side Story: "Pau's Deliver Service" Begin!]
< To Part 1...
< To Side Story: A Pocket of Time...
[[Slightly larger page experiment incoming!]]
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askbeannuts · 11 months
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[It's not long now.]
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< To Side Story: A Pocket of Time...
< To Side Story: Pau's Delivery Service...
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