#Should have gotten an XXS to be honest but I'll work with what I have
meoware · 17 days
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How heavy do we fuck with the custom Dirk Strider Tripp pants™️.
A few progress shots and pictures of the pants themselves. All hand-painted.
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clickbait-david · 6 years
Ignored - David Dobrik Imagine
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summary: In which david manages to ignore y/n due to being so intensely focused on the vlog
word count: 1,519
warnings?: the smallest bit of angst?
a/n: hey gif is not mine also this imagine can be read on my wattpad as well
It was something you were used to, the feeling of when David would get zoned entirely out by a vlog that he seemed to forget you exist solely. But it still hurts you nonetheless whenever it happened.
You usually wouldn't even realise it at first until you would ask him to go out for lunch and all you would get is a hand wave to back off in response or when you would try to speak, and he would non-purposefully snap saying something you knew he didn't really mean.
Today had been a rough one though, waking up in a large bed alone thinking he was still there with you to only reach out and feel the other side of the bed empty. Leaving his room you were met with an empty house, Natalie and David being nowhere in sight and it wasn't until you saw a note from Natalie that you knew what was happening.
'Hey y/n, had to go out to grab some groceries and I believe David was going out to film some vlog footage. Someone should hopefully be home soon - Natalie xx.'
You had been thankful that Natalie had written a note for you, although you were slightly gutted because you had previously spoken to David about going out for breakfast and then possibly doing some things in LA. But when David leaves for vlog footage, you would have no clue what time he would be coming home, and who would be with him.
It wasn't until 12pm, a couple hours later that Natalie had arrived back home a car full of groceries which you helped her carry into the house and still no sight from David. Although you had seen David's face in the background of one of Zane's Instagram stories which you had ironically come across.
It wasn't till a couple more hours later that your boyfriend had come home, heading straight for his bedroom before situating himself on the couch laptop on his lap as he began editing a vlog.
"Hey babe, what time did you leave this morning," You asked sitting beside him hoping to get even a small conversation out of him.
"mmm, early" He shrugged his eyes not leaving the screen as a clip of him speaking into his camera began playing, which you had seen him record the day before.
"Seeing as though we missed out on breakfast, want to grab dinner out tonight," You asked hopefully, placing a hand on his shoulder a couple minutes later as you hadn't gotten a response. "You going to answer me," You asked a bit coldly.
"Y/n I'm fucking busy right now, please just can you go somewhere else. Maybe read a book or something" He snapped, a frown on his features as he went back to his laptop, leaving you with a sad look on your face as you got up and moved yourself to his bedroom deciding to grab your own laptop and do some work yourself.
Yet as you stared at the screen you couldn't help but overwhelm yourself with thoughts, getting to the point where you had tears in your eyes as you laugh at yourself and realised how much of a crybaby you were being. "Geeez, Y/n you're better than this," You said deciding work wasn't helping, and so you decided to take a shower to calm yourself down hopefully.
Using a loofah and the lavender scented body wash you used daily you began scrubbing at your skin, feeling somewhat calm as the water flowed down your body and rinsed you from the suds. You stood in the shower for a few extra minutes, not wanting to leave the warm water but alas you knew you had to get out eventually.
Drying yourself off you wrapped yourself in your towel before walking out and grabbing some fresh underwear and clothes to change into.
It was now around 4pm, and you had decided that you gave David enough time to chill off and walked out to the living room to see the most of the vlog squad all laid out on the couches and everyone speaking and having what looked like a good time.
"Hey y/n" You heard Zane call out as you gave him a wave and sat on the end of one of the couches, lucky there was a spot there anyway.
To be completely honest the last thing you really wanted to do was have to be social with the whole group, all you really wanted was to sit down with David and be honest with how you were feeling right now.
So you sat there somewhat listening into there conversation and replying when anyone would say something to you, but mostly you were in your thoughts, and it wasn't until a comment was made that you didn't realise how obvious you were being.
"Y/n you all good there, you look like your lost in your thoughts," Toddy said as you gave him a small smile.
"I'm fine just a little tired," You said as a yawn was leaving your mouth not long after as they all nodded and started a new conversation which you weren't paying much attention to.
- - -
It seemed as when the time was nearing 6pm no one was nearing to going home, and you began to feel the intense hungriness grow, seeing as you hadn't eaten anything since breakfast you were hoping to have Dinner a bit earlier than usual.
Not wanting to make a scene or interrupt anyone's conversation you had decided to send David a message even though he was only on the other side of the room.
To David:
Are we doing anything for dinner? Read.
You could see him staring at his phone and by the looks of his eyes rolling and him placing his phone on the table you knew he wasn't going to reply and to be honest, you were sick of his shit.
"Guys sorry to be such a bummer but I need to get back to my place, so I'll see you all later" You said before walking back to David's room and grabbing a few things before walking back out to the living room and saying goodbyes to the group before leaving deciding if David didn't want to treat you properly you wouldn't be staying.
without a single word or goodbye from David, you had left walking to your car and going before you broke down in his driveway.
Staying at your apartment and not David's place was always weird to you, as most of the time you spent your nights in David's sheets his arms wrapped around you.
It wasn't till around 11 that you had heard anything from David and to be completely honest you didn't assume that he'd even try and contact you.
From David:
I'm sorry. Read
I was the biggest dick today, and you didn't deserve it. Read
Please come back to mine, and I'll make it up to you. Read
To David:
I just need a break tonight. You really hurt me today. Read
I'll talk to you in the morning. Read
From David.
Okay, I'm sorry sweetheart. Read
Goodnight, I love you. Read
To David.
I love you too. Read
As much as he hurt you occasionally, you always needed him to know that you loved him.
- - -
The next morning you had woken up early, having only eaten a peanut butter sandwich when you got home, your appetite mostly lost and all you wanted to do was sleep.
As you awoke in your small apartment alone, it felt weird, and you had missed the comfort of David, this being the second morning in a row you had woken without him.
A knock on the door shocked you though as you looked at the alarm clock on your bedside table and realised it was only 9am, so getting up and putting on a fluffy dressing gown you owned you walked to the front door having an idea who it may be.
Your assumptions were right as you opened the door and were met by David standing with a sorry look on his face and a dozen roses which he held out for you."Gorgeous girl I'm so sorry, I am genuinely the biggest dick ever, and you deserve so much better" He said as you stood with your arms crossed.
"Dave, I can't handle you letting out all your stress on me whenever it builds up. I can't do that anymore" You sighed as he nodded and promised he wouldn't anymore.
"Come back to mine" He begged and as upset as you had been with him you had missed him and really wanted to back to his.
"Only if you let me shower here, and then we go out to breakfast," You said a small smile on your lips as he nodded and you walked to the shower as he sat on the couch.
"I love you," He said as you were about to enter your bedroom before you turned around and faced him.
"Love you more," You said.
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