#Should Golf Shoes Fit Tight
gymbunnycandiehart · 9 months
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10 Don’ts for any Gym Bunny
1) Don’t be a sissy in the gym–I get it: Some gym bunnies want to be sissies and be humiliated or feminized by men or women.  If that’s your thing, more to you.  But don’t be a sissy in the gym.  Just because you’re a guy dressed like a girl doesn’t mean you have to be a powder puff.
2) Don’t let the gym rats steal your joy–Nobody should steal your joy.  They might assault your happiness, but nobody can take the joy that belongs to you.  Those intolerant beastly men (gym rats) are just upset because you’re hotter than their girlfriend.
3) Don’t overpad your sports bra–I can see why you would want to look stacked, but there’s no logical reason to give yourself extra padding.  Nobody wants to see your pads falling out all over the place. 
4) Don’t be a harry Mary in beast mode–On the flip side of being a sissy, neither do you want to be a clumpy beast of a guy.  It just doesn’t work.  Yes, work out hard and tough, but don’t try to compensate for the lack of manliness you are exhibiting in your cute workout clothes.
5) Don’t be a tease without intent–It’s a lot of fun to be a tease, to flirt, or pose seductively with weights in hand.  But if you’re not trying to garner the sexual attention of some guy or girl, don’t do it.  Save it for the shower (lol-just kidding).
6) Don’t wear tennis shoes twice in two days–Keep your outfits mixed up.  If you are a true gym bunny, you have at least six pairs of adorable sneakers.  Mix it up one day to the next and keep yourself looking fresh and beautiful from head to toe!
7) Don’t wear Keds to lift weights–Yeah, they’re cute with rompers and cutoff shorts, but they have no place in the squat rack…or even in the zumba class.  They’re not made for that.  Save them for the mall or for the boardwalk.
8) Don’t fret over your revealing clothing–If you’ve got a good tuck going on (see #10), then there is no reason why you can’t be as bare as permissible.  You don’t want to be a slouch and you need not worry over what others think.  If you’ve got it, flaunt it…not for others, but for your developing personality.
9) Don’t mismatch your tops and bottoms–If I have to explain this one, then you need to take up golf from the seniors’ tees.
10) Don’t forget to tuck yourself tightly–You’ll get used to it.  Nothing ruins a sleek womanly look than some unsightly bulge in tight-fitted hot shorts.  You’re better than that.
This was an OLD OLD post from way back when, but what a fun one! Have fun in the gym, girlies.
Love ya much
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recoveringdreamer · 2 months
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TIMING: current LOCATION: mini golf course (probably not haunted?) PARTIES: @debauchfairy & @recoveringdreamer SUMMARY: felix and kieran embark on a minigolf date. the whole 'cursed to speak in rhymes' things threatens to make it go... less than great. CONTENT WARNINGS: none!
When they were a kid, before their father moved them into the woods and the whole world had changed, Felix got it into their head that they wanted to learn how to juggle. They’d gathered all the oranges from the kitchen — their sister wouldn’t let them use her softballs — and began tossing them up into the air, confident that this would be easy for them. And when every single orange dropped to the ground and rolled away, bruised and dirty, they’d realized that ‘catlike reflexes’ might have been just a little overstated.
They’d never gotten much better at juggling. It wasn’t just oranges they struggled with, either; it was kind of everything. Literal juggling, like with the oranges, but metaphorical juggling, too. They struggled to maintain a personal life alongside their ‘career,’ had a hard time remembering to do simple things like respond to messages and make plans. And they were starting to get better at it, they really were… but then they got cursed. With rhymes.
Still, they were determined not to break the plans they’d made with Kieran, because they liked Kieran. He was cool and fun and confident, and sometimes hanging out with him made Felix feel cool and fun and confident, too. They just had to hope he wouldn’t notice the whole rhyming thing. Maybe it wasn’t as noticeable as they thought it was! Maybe they could keep it on the DL. Maybe.
“Hey, Kieran,” they greeted with a smile as he approached. “How have you been, man?”
Mini golf was a first. Kieran didn’t mind - for someone who had already blown through a lot of different firsts, it was always a nice change. Sure, maybe not the thrilling environment he was used to but the weather wasn’t too shabby and there was a general sense of enjoyment at this place. Pure and innocent, sure, but invigorating all the same. And turning down Felix’s idea while trying to build a rapport was definitely the wrong way to go. Why exactly that was his mission, to get to know someone who held back on their whims (well, mostly) and had the self-esteem of an orange, Kieran wasn’t quite sure. There was something there, buried deeper, maybe. 
And besides, why did anyone do anything? For the hell of it felt like a good enough reason. 
He’d dressed down for today, as much as he could anyway, well aware that the tight black pants flattered him. Plus, it was sunny out so no one could blame him for leaving a few buttons open on the soft lemon striped shirt. With the watch and shoes that could probably pay this place’s entire salary for a week, Kieran didn’t exactly fit in but that was never the intention. Standing out was so much better. 
Felix trotted inside, already looking much less nervous than last time, and Kieran returned the smile - even if a quirked eyebrow accompanied it at the greeting. “Hey yourself… dude,” he replied, a slight chuckle in his voice. Not exactly a greeting fit for someone who had done the things Kieran had done to Felix last time, but he digressed. “Fair warning, I have never done this before and if I don’t instantly excel at it, I might get a bit moody.”
Kieran looked nice, and Felix was beginning to get the impression that he just kind of always did. Felix felt underdressed by comparison, their rumpled button-up and black jeans having felt appropriate when they’d dressed in the corner of the boiler room but a little less than what they probably should have gone with. They almost apologized, but they stopped themself. Kieran, they thought, didn’t want that from them. That was part of what they liked about Kieran. He just wanted them to be comfortable.
Which… Felix rarely was, these days. Or any days, really, but especially these ones. Between the boiler room and the whole rhyme curse hanging over his head, comfort was pretty far in the rear view mirror. This seemed proven when Kieran responded to their greeting with a similarly strange one, and Felix shifted their weight. 
“Sorry, I wasn’t trying to make things weird,” they said, smiling and rubbing awkwardly at the back of their neck. “I just started talking, and all my thoughts kind of… disappeared. That happens a lot. Smooth, I am not.” Aaaand now they were talking like Yoda! This definitely proved the ‘not smooth’ point. They didn’t even think they could blame it on the curse — Felix was just like this. Awkward. Uncomfortable. Bad at conversation.
But, hey, things moved forward. Kieran had never played mini golf and Felix had, and maybe that meant they’d be on something resembling equal footing here. “I could teach you how to play,” they offered. “I mean, you probably know, but — god, I have no idea what I’m trying to say. I’m sorry, I guess we both know I’m not great at… this. The whole thing’s kind of hit or miss.”
Compared to their last meeting, Felix instantly seemed more vocal. A sign of decreased tension, sure, except… Kieran’s head was cocked, an expression of mixed amusement and confusion on his face. There hadn’t been that much rhyming last time, that much he was sure of. Shit, not any rhyming once you discounted the singing. If this was a way to stave off nerves which honestly, who got more nervous after they’d been intimate - it was indeed a weird one. In their defense, the faun was a force to be reckoned with and stranger behavior had occurred. Kieran didn’t mind oddballs, at least they were interesting but he did wonder how long it would take for the rhyming to get old. Maybe they’d simmer down once the initial nerves wore off. One way to find out. 
“I can be smooth enough for the both of us,” Kieran decided, slinging an arm around Felix’s waist to lead them inside. At least he wasn’t bored. Yet. This was an… interesting place for a second date, Kieran thought as a depressed looking teenager handed over some clubs and very colorful golf balls, seeming about as confused about their presence here as the faun was. Holding out the golf balls for Felix to pick a color, Kieran swung the flimsy club lazily as they walked towards the first hole pointed out to them. A child holding an ice cream currently fighting for its life, half of it spread over the child’s fingers and face, approached at record speed and he made sure to avoid contact and then some. That was not the kind of sticky he went for. 
“Alright, show me how it’s done,” he encouraged with a lazy smile, letting Felix take charge on the first hole, amidst the fake grass and slightly worn down wooden decorations. 
Kieran didn’t call out the strange verbal tick, and Felix was glad for it. They were nervous enough without having to explain the stupidity with which they’d gotten themself cursed by buying an ugly orange egg. They didn’t think Kieran would laugh in their face or anything — they liked to think he’d proven himself to be too kind for something like that — but they were a little worried he might think they were stupid. Not loudly, not in a cruel way, but in the privacy of his own mind. It wouldn’t be a terrible thing to think, Felix thought. It was mostly true, anyway. 
They smiled, a little of that relief shining through, as Kieran announced that he’d handle the ‘smooth’ part of the evening. “Well, that’s a relief,” Felix chuckled, some of the tension falling out of their shoulders. “Otherwise, this would probably be brief.” They collected the clubs from the bored employee, flashing a small, grateful smile. As Kieran held out the balls, Felix picked the blue one and made their way towards the first hole.
They’d read online that mini golf was a good ‘activity date.’ According to the internet, ‘activity dates’ were the best kind for two people only just beginning to get to know one another. Dinner could be filled with too many awkward silences, while movies had the opposite problem of limited communication. Activity dates, according to the article Felix pored over at two in the morning half-panicked, allowed you to both avoid awkward silences and still carry on a conversation. 
Felix had not been cursed with rhymes when they’d decided that carrying on a conversation was important. Maybe if they had been, they’d have gone with the movie. 
“Okay!” Felix came to a stop at the tee-off point, holding their club a little too tightly. “Let’s play! So, um, you want to hold your club just like this.” He demonstrated, loosening the grip a little and standing carefully. It should be noted, perhaps, that while Felix had played mini golf before, it had been a while. They weren’t really an expert, even if they knew more than Kieran did. Still, they’d watched a dozen YouTube videos in the hours leading up to the agreed upon time to meet Kieran, so they thought they would be fine. “And it’s okay if you miss! You might not hit it every time, and that’s totally fine.” They reared back carefully, then moved their club forward to hit the ball and send it rolling in a straight line towards the hole. It circled the hole, but didn’t go in. Felix was a little disappointed. They liked to think Kieran would have been impressed with a hole-in-one.
“So, that’s how you start,” they announced. “And I… don’t really have any more wisdom to impart. So, um, it’s your turn! I guess… you can show me how well you learn.” The small smile that accompanied the poor attempt at flirting might have been more charming, Felix thought, without the rhyming curse.
Ah, well. So it went.
They really were precious. The thought was somewhere between genuinely appreciative and a bit patronizing, the smile on his face mirroring that. Kieran couldn’t imagine going through life with the confidence of a dirty rug but there was something interesting about simply… observing it. Curiosity had brought him back, too - part of him wanted to understand why Felix was that way, not to mention if it had anything to do with the scars his fingers had traced along last time. All of that was irrespective of the feeding. Felix was an easy feed but then again, so were a lot of other people. Whatever, he didn’t care to look much deeper into it, much too focused on Felix explaining the concept of golf to him like he was a small child. Again, precious. And a solid distraction from the rhyming still taking place.
“I’m usually more of a teacher,” Kieran replied without missing a beat, smile much brighter than Felix’s and accompanied with a wink. He took his position, glancing over at Felix with an expression of ‘I’m honestly not sure why I’m here but I guess I’m amused by it’, before taking his shot. The ball veered, bonking straight into one of the wooden blocks successfully acting as a barrier, and rolled back to about a single foot from where it had started. He cocked an eyebrow, turning back to his date with a look of bemused offense. “Think I need some more hands-on tutoring.”
This was actually going really, really well, Felix thought. Kieran hadn’t mentioned the rhyming curse at all. It was like he didn’t even notice! The relief was just a little overwhelming, to the point that it almost certainly showed in the balam’s bright grin. But, they thought, Kieran probably wouldn’t care much about that, either. Kieran was laid back and cool, two things which Felix was decidedly not. It added a certain layer of comfort to the whole exchange, made it a little easier for Felix to relax. 
They let out a little laugh at Kieran’s wink, ears burning just a little. But, whereas that feeling usually came with the mocking jeers of the handlers at the Grit Pit, today’s variety was more of a pleasant thing. Felix didn’t mind it much. Watching Kieran’s ball go wide, Felix tried not to laugh. “Okay, so maybe it’s a little harder than it looks,” they allowed. “But, hey, as far as first tries go, I think that’s one for the books! I could… give you a little more help, if that’s okay? Uh, you know, stand behind you and guide your arms like… a total cliche.” 
Felix was enjoying themselves, obviously, Kieran was a delight but… the faun wasn’t hating this, either. Sure, this was much more toned down than his usual scene and filled with rhyming and he was definitely wondering if this place was too family friendly to serve some cocktails. But it wasn’t the worst. Felix was cute and happy and would provide for a decent snack later on but for now, Kieran would be damned if he was going to suck at something as simple as mini golf. 
“I don’t mind a cliche if it comes with physical contact,” Kieran hummed with a grin, reaching down to reset the colorful ball before gesturing for Felix to make good on their suggestion. “You know,” he started as the other got into position, letting them rearrange his grip on the comically small golf club. “I am going to have to ask about the rhyming at some point. Much too curious not to.” It felt safer to ask while there was no eye contact, while Felix wasn’t being scrutinized by what some people had described as an intimidating gaze. Kieran couldn’t help that he had gorgeous yet intense eyes. 
Sliding up behind Kieran, Felix tried to pretend that they were… smooth and unflappable instead of themself. But Kieran had made it clear that he didn’t mind Felix being themself, and they tried to remind themself of as much as they wrapped their arms around him and placed their hands on top of his. Was this okay, or was it awkward? What was Kieran thinking now? Part of Felix wished they knew, another part was too afraid to ask.
They concentrated on the club, shifting Kieran’s hands into position and gently pulling his arms back to prepare a put. And then, Kieran mentioned the rhyming, and Felix fumbled. They accidentally swung their hands — and Kieran’s by extension — forward a little too hard, sending the ball flying up and out, over the barrier. “I was… kind of hoping you hadn’t noticed it,” they admitted, almost sheepishly. “That was probably kind of stupid on my part, I’ll admit. Um, would you believe me if I said I was cursed? I’m still trying to figure out how to get it reversed.”
The ball bounced away pathetically, slowing to a stopway outside of the course. So maybe distracting the supposed teacher was not the way to go if Kieran wanted the stupid ball to go where it was supposed to. “If there’s one thing I do, dear Felix, it’s notice things,” he explained calmly, slipping his hands out from under Felix’s to turn and face them, palms resting on their hips as he cocked his head. A curse? Had some fae with a twisted sense of humor and penchant for literal word games gotten to Felix? Maybe it wasn’t surprising that they would be easily snatched into a bind - Kieran could have wrapped the other up in promise after promise with all the thank yous and less than careful wording. Kieran didn’t because he was nice. Mostly. 
“I believe you,” Kieran replied without hesitation, both because it was believable and also since Felix had no reason to lie. He wasn’t even sure they could lie properly and if they could, why lie about this? One hand moved to gently tilt Felix’s chin up, to make that sheepish gaze meet his own. “Do you know how? Or who?” he pushed, wondering if there was someone out there that needed to be told to back off. At least while Kieran was still interested. “It’s impressive, don’t get me wrong, but I definitely liked you better without the rhymes.”
Of course Kieran had noticed. It wasn’t as if the rhyming was a subtle thing, though part of Felix wondered if they could have made it more subtle if they were a little smarter. Maybe if they knew more words, if they were more creative, if they weren’t as stupid as they were… Of course, if they weren’t as stupid as they were, they probably wouldn’t have been cursed to begin with, would they? This was the sort of thing that didn’t happen to people with more… awareness. Sure, a few others had been caught up in it, but only because Felix had taken too long to figure out what was causing it, or because Felix hadn’t been able to get a warning out in time to keep them from cursing themselves, too. 
At least Kieran didn’t think they were lying about the cause. Relief flooded through them, and they offered him a small, grateful smile. “Thanks,” they murmured, looking him in the eye as he tilted their head up. “I was worried you might think it was a prank.” That wasn’t something they’d do to Kieran, or to anyone, really. Pranks, to Felix, often felt cruel, even when they weren’t intended to be so. “I think it’s less of a who and more of a what. I mean, I guess there could be someone behind it, but…” They trailed off with a shrug. “I bought an… egg thing at a thrift store. Um, I just moved into a new space, and I was trying to brighten it up a little more. But I knew the woman who was running the thrift store, and I guess I panicked? So I grabbed the first thing I saw, paid for it, and vanished. But I guess anyone who touches this egg gets the curse. And, like, it could definitely be worse! Mostly, it’s just annoying. But it’s not like it’s sending me out to do destroying?” That one wasn’t even grammatically correct, was it? Felix winced a little, offering Kieran a smile that, this time, was almost apologetic. “I like me better without the rhyming, too. But I’m glad it doesn’t… bother you.”
Felix looked a bit pained at having been caught out, or maybe just to be cursed in the first place, and it really was impossible not to feel some empathy for them. Normally, people made their own messes and Kieran was more than happy to scoff and imagine the situation could have been avoided with some smarter decision making - hypocritical beyond belief, Kieran was not known for his sensible choices. Somehow, Felix managed to inspire just that bit of pity and it was only mildly patronizing. Partly, the faun was curious about this mystery ex who was presumably responsible for all this damage and he wondered how much of it could be undone with the right kind of attention. Humans were mostly disposable, sure, but Kieran couldn’t imagine going out of his way to break one down into the nervous wreck that was Felix. What the hell was there to gain from that?
“I find it very hard to imagine you pulling a prank,” Kieran mused, making a mental note to have a chat with Felix about the endless thank-yous at a later time. Even though it seemed their current predicament had nothing to do with a fae bind. Kieran’s eyebrows raised at the description of this cursed egg, unable to resist an amused smile. As far as curses went, it definitely could have been worse. “Yes, suppose we should all be grateful that you’re not out doing destroying,” he teased, rolling his eyes at the ridiculous notion that something as trivial as this would be enough to knock Kieran off kilter. 
“I can put up with it until you find a way to break the curse,” he assured Felix. “And if it does start to bother me, there are ways to pass the time that don’t involve as much speaking.” With a grin, Kieran ducked his head for a kiss, pulling Felix closer and allowing himself a bit of feeding - like a reward for all the nice and reassuring things he’d blabbered out in the last few minutes. And it was sure to reset Felix’s nerves, too. Aware of a few disapproving stares from frigid parents on other parts of the course, Kieran finally pulled away, grin still firmly in place. “Now, are you going to help me get that ridiculously colorful ball where it belongs?”
“If I wanted to, I could definitely pull off a prank,” Felix protested, feeling a little lighter now. It took some time for them to feel secure around a person, but Kieran had done a pretty good job in lowering their defenses. It was easier to be more themself with someone who reassured them that themself wasn’t a bad thing to be. “I bet, if I really wanted to, I could rob a bank. Not that I would. But, you know, I think I could.” They thought of the pixies they’d encountered, the ones that had… attempted to rob the bank with Felix and Van as their witnesses. If nothing else, Felix thought he’d be a lot more successful than they were, even if that wasn’t really saying much.
Of course, they had a few… extras that Kieran was unaware of. If some curse had implored them towards destruction instead of rhyming, Felix knew they were capable of a lot more than it might outwardly seem. The jaguar had proven more than once that he could be a dangerous thing, and control was already harder to manage than Felix would like for it to be. If something took away that control entirely, made it dependent on some outside force… They were lucky, really, that the curse they’d been saddled with was such a silly one. A lot of people were lucky for that.
Their smile softened a little as Kieran reassured them again, claiming that he could handle the rhyming. “If it gets to be too much, I wouldn’t blame you for taking a break,” they said, not wanting him to feel obligated to stick to something they might not really want. “I mean, I know there’s probably only so much a person can take. I thought it was fun at first. But… I’m definitely ready to have it reversed.” They flushed a little at the mention of other things they could be doing, Kieran’s lips pressing quickly against theirs the only thing that prevented another bout of awkward, rhyming rambling. When he pulled away, they grinned, letting out a breathless laugh. “Um, yes!” They agreed. “I think we need to hit it… a little less?” They fetched the ball, bringing it back over and setting it down once more. With a little more confidence than before, they wrapped their arms around Kieran to guide him into a more controlled put.
The insistence that they could pull off a prank had Kieran smiling which escalated into a chuckle when prank became bank robbery. “Definitely call me if you decide to rob a bank, then. I would love to see that.” Of course, bank robberies necessitated scaring people, making them uncomfortable and frightened on purpose and that was probably what would hold Felix back more than the whole ‘being illegal’ part of a bank robbery ever would. Kieran couldn’t help but wonder how time consuming it was to go through life constantly wondering how everyone else was feeling. And not even for a less than selfless reason like how Kieran was currently making sure his companion had a nice time. 
Which, for anyone wondering, was clearly working if Felix’s flushed face and unguarded grin were anything to go off. Like an eager puppy, Felix bounced off to retrieve the ball, which did seem fair seeing as they had been the one to whack it out of the course. With the whole rhyming debacle put to rest for now, Felix immediately seemed less tense, even managing to guide Kieran into putting the ball to just a few inches away from the hole. 
“Now we’re getting somewhere,” Kieran cheered, the feeling of accomplishment more prominent than he’d expected since said accomplishment was rolling colorful balls into holes. Yes, he liked to make it known that he could make any situation fun but as Kieran watched Felix make their way down towards the hole to finish their shot, he found that a surprisingly low amount of effort was needed to make this… pleasant. Probably had more to do with the promise of less mundane things later on. Surely. “We still haven’t discussed possible rewards for the winner,” Kieran mused as he joined Felix by the first hole, gently nudging his own ball down it. “I’m feeling like I might have some beginner’s luck after all.”
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leftbehindgolf · 16 days
Left-Handed Golf Gear: Essential Products Every Leftie Should Own
Golf is a game of precision, skill, and, for many, the right equipment. For left-handed golfers, the challenge of finding the right gear can be even more pronounced due to the limited availability and specialized nature of left-handed products. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the essential golf gear every left-handed player should own, with a focus on the left-handed golf glove, mens golf gloves left hand, and other must-have items available at a lefties only golf shop.
1. Left-Handed Golf Gloves: Why They Matter
A left-handed golf glove is crucial for any left-handed golfer. It provides grip, comfort, and control, helping to enhance your performance on the course. For left-handed golfers, the glove is worn on the right hand, which is crucial for maintaining proper grip and swing mechanics.
When selecting a golf glove for left handed player, consider the following features:
Fit and Comfort: Ensure the glove fits snugly but comfortably. It should not be too tight or too loose, as this can affect your grip and overall performance.
Material: Opt for high-quality materials like cabretta leather or synthetic fabrics that offer durability, flexibility, and breathability.
Design: Look for gloves with reinforced palm areas and adjustable closures for a personalized fit.
At Lefties Only Golf Shop, we offer a range of mens golf gloves left hand that cater to various preferences and budgets. Whether you prefer a classic leather glove or a modern synthetic option, our selection ensures you find the right glove to suit your needs.
2. Right Hand Golf Gloves for Left-Handed Golfers
While left-handed golfers typically use gloves for their right hand, some may prefer using a right hand golf glove for left handed golfer if they play with a non-traditional grip or in specific weather conditions. This glove helps in situations where extra grip or comfort is needed for the dominant hand.
When choosing a right hand golf glove for left handed golfer, look for:
Enhanced Grip: Ensure the glove provides excellent grip on the club, especially in wet or challenging conditions.
Weather Resistance: Consider gloves that offer moisture-wicking properties or are designed for different weather conditions to keep your hands dry and comfortable.
Adjustable Fit: Look for gloves with adjustable closures to achieve a perfect fit, ensuring optimal performance.
3. Essential Golf Gear Beyond Gloves
In addition to the left handed golf glove, there are several other essential items that every left-handed golfer should have in their bag. Here’s a rundown of must-have gear available at our lefties only golf shop:
Left-Handed Golf Clubs: These clubs are designed specifically for left-handed players, ensuring proper alignment and comfort during your swing. From drivers to putters, our shop offers a comprehensive range of left-handed golf clubs to suit your game.
Left-Handed Golf Bags: A golf bag designed for left-handed golfers will offer convenient access to clubs and accessories. Look for bags with ergonomic designs and ample storage to keep your gear organized.
Golf Shoes: Comfortable and supportive golf shoes with proper traction are essential for maintaining balance and stability. Our shop features a variety of golf shoes designed to meet the needs of left-handed golfers.
Golf Apparel: Proper golf apparel enhances comfort and performance on the course. Explore our range of lefties apparel, including shirts, pants, and hats, designed to suit the needs of left-handed golfers.
4. Tips for Choosing the Right Gear
Selecting the right gear can significantly impact your game. Here are some tips to help you make the best choices:
Fit is Key: Whether it’s a glove, club, or bag, ensure that the gear fits properly. Ill-fitting equipment can hinder performance and comfort.
Quality Matters: Invest in high-quality gear that offers durability and performance. While it may cost more initially, quality gear often lasts longer and performs better.
Personal Preference: Choose gear that suits your playing style and preferences. Personal comfort and confidence can greatly enhance your performance on the course.
5. Shop at Lefties Only Golf Shop
For left-handed golfers, finding specialized gear can be a challenge. At Lefties Only Golf Shop, we understand the unique needs of left-handed players and offer a curated selection of top-quality golf gear. Our range includes everything from left handed golf gloves to mens golf gloves left hand, ensuring that you find the perfect fit for your game.
Explore our extensive collection and discover why we are the go-to destination for left-handed golfers. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction ensures that you get the best gear to enhance your performance on the course.
Finding the right golf gear as a left-handed golfer can make a significant difference in your game. From the essential left handed golf glove to other specialized equipment, having the right gear ensures optimal performance and comfort. Explore the wide range of products available at our lefties only golf shop and equip yourself with the best gear to take your game to the next level.
Whether you're looking for a golf glove for left handed player or other essential equipment, our shop has you covered. Happy golfing!
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metroformen · 1 month
Pedicure Dilemma | Most Common Ways Men Destroy Their Feet
A pedicure is an easy thing men can do to repair much of the damage they do to their feet. Wonder how men destroy their feet? Read on to learn the most common ways men destroy their feet without realizing it.
To Sock or Not to Sock
If sweaty, stinky feet are not enough, not wearing protective socks will cut your shoe life in half. To make matters worse, not wearing socks ultimately develops into:
Gross foot fungus
Other irritating sensations
Foot infections and fungal growth are still a possibility with socks. However, men can decrease those odds by wearing socks at appropriate times. It also helps if they groom their feet now and again. We understand that socks are necessary, especially when working out, but not all socks are created equal. For the best protection, try socks made of a synthetic wicking material. Cotton socks tend to trap moisture in, which will end up causing blisters.
Wearing Tight And Narrow Shoes
Podiatrists explain why wearing tight, narrow shoes can mess up your feet. “The traditional wingtip shoe is the worst shoe for men,” Dr. Fullem says. That is because it comes to a narrow point, which squishes the toes together. Many people assume bunions are just bumps around the joint at the base of the big toes due to genetics. However, wearing too-tight shoes is the most common culprit. Bunions can cause severe pain and swelling and may require surgery to remove them. Narrow shoes may also lead to ingrown toenails. This is because the first toe presses against the second one, resulting in abnormal pressure on the nail that can trigger inflammation and pain. Always shop for shoes later in the day when the feet swell to get a more accurate fit, Dr. Fullem advises. He also recommends buying shoes made from softer materials with some give, like leather, to accommodate any swelling.
Running A Lot
Don’t panic!c We are not suggesting anyone give up the runner’s life. However, if you are new to running or have been doing this hobby for a long time and notice a lot of foot injuries. This may be an indication runners need some tips to improve their skills. According to Active, they outline some common foot injuries while running and how men can avoid pain and stop damaging their feet:
Plantar Fasciitis
An overuse injury and a biomechanical issue that can cause plantar fasciitis from improper running shoes, increasing training volume or intensity too quickly, or even from tight or weak calf muscles. The body is an interconnected machine, after all. Treating plantar fasciitis involves identifying the root cause and ensuring men run in shoes that offer enough support. Possibly using an insert or orthotic would be helpful, too. Lastly, Active states treatment is an ongoing process. Once the pain subsides, runners prone to plantar problems should continue to stretch their feet and roll the affected foot on a tennis ball or frozen golf ball.
Stress Fracture
Stress fractures are usually caused by rapidly increasing training volume and/or intensity. But they can also happen if men are unlucky enough to step awkwardly on a rock, root, or pothole. If men experience a stress fracture, there is no way to cure it without taking time off from running. The bone takes about six weeks of non-weight-bearing activity to heal correctly. Cross-train like a champ, wear a boot and enjoy the mental break from running. The good news is, unlike a tendon injury, once a stress fracture heals, the pain should be gone for good.
Extensor Tendonitis
Like any other tendon in the body, the tendons in the feet can become inflamed. When they do, the symptoms can be very similar to the pain of a stress fracture. How can you tell the difference between the two? The extensor tendons raise the toes. If you apply pressure to the toes as you raise them, and that isolates your pain, chances are you have a tendonitis injury. It would not be a stress fracture, which would cause more pain on impact if you tried this. Causes of inflammation can be traced to improper shoes. Tight shoes make for a tight Achilles and weak or tight calf muscles. Ice the tendons to reduce inflammation. Make sure your shoes have enough support. Again, an orthopedic insert may help. Be diligent about stretching the calf muscles and do some calf-strengthening exercises.
Lacking Feet Care | aka Not Getting a Pedicure
This is an obvious way men destroy their feet. Yet, so many men do not take the time to groom their feet properly. Proper foot care is as simple as:
Washing the feet after a long day
Regularly clipping the toenails
Removing dead skin
Removing calluses when needed
Sometimes, though, feet need a little more care. That is why getting a professional pedicure done every so often is beneficial. Pedicures also help men avoid scaring people off with nasty feet. Going to a nail salon might literally be a man’s worst nightmare. So they do not go. Try going to a men’s only salon that does men’s hair, nails, skin treatments, and more. That way, men are in a place where they feel comfortable and will not feel embarrassed getting a manly pedicure. Plus, getting a pedicure is not only healthy for the feet, but they feel good, too. The professionals will take care of the grooming and provide a nice foot massage while the men relax.
Understanding Why Men Neglect Foot Care
Foot care is essential to overall health and well-being, yet it is often overlooked, particularly among men. This neglect can lead to many problems ranging from minor discomfort to severe medical conditions. Despite the growing awareness of personal care and hygiene, many men still ignore the importance of foot care. This blog post goes on to explore the reasons behind this phenomenon. We will shed some light on cultural, psychological, and societal factors contributing to men’s reluctance to care for their feet.
Cultural and Societal Norms
One of the primary reasons men neglect foot care is deeply rooted in cultural and societal norms. Foot care, like many aspects of personal grooming, has been considered a domain reserved for women. This gendered perception has led to the belief that foot care is somehow unmasculine or unnecessary for men. The traditional image of masculinity often emphasizes toughness and a disregard for pain or discomfort. Leading many men to believe that taking care of their feet is a sign of weakness or vanity.
In many cultures, men are expected to prioritize practicality and functionality over aesthetics. This mindset can result in men viewing foot care as an unnecessary indulgence rather than an essential part of their overall health. The cultural narrative that associates grooming and self-care with femininity can create a barrier for men. Preventing them from engaging in foot care practices that benefit their health and well-being.
Lack of Awareness and Education
A lack of awareness and education is another significant factor contributing to men’s neglect of foot care. Many men simply do not understand the importance of foot health or the potential consequences of neglecting it. This lack of knowledge can lead to a dismissal of foot care as irrelevant or insignificant.
Foot problems such as athlete’s foot, ingrown toenails, and plantar fasciitis are common. Sadly, many men do not recognize the early signs of these conditions or understand how to prevent them. Without proper education on foot health, men are less likely to take preventive measures or seek treatment when problems arise. There is often little emphasis on foot care in general health education, leaving a gap in understanding that can contribute to neglect.
Stigma Surrounding the Professional Pedicure
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Men who might benefit from professional pedicure services may avoid them due to fear of judgment or ridicule. Popular culture often portrays the image of a man getting a pedicure as humorous or emasculating, which can deter men from seeking out these services. The fear of being perceived as less masculine or being teased by peers can lead many men to forgo professional foot care altogether, even when they recognize its potential benefits.
Discomfort with Physical Appearance
Body image issues are not exclusive to women; many men also struggle with discomfort or dissatisfaction with their physical appearance. This discomfort can extend to their feet, particularly if they have conditions such as bunions, calluses, or toenail fungus. Rather than addressing these issues, some men may choose to ignore them. Men will avoid situations where their feet might be exposed, such as at the beach or wearing flip-flops.
The reluctance to address foot problems can be compounded by embarrassment or shame, leading men to neglect their feet even further. This avoidance behavior can create a cycle of neglect. Then, minor issues can escalate into more severe problems due to a lack of attention and care.
Perception of a Pedicure as Unnecessary
For many men, foot care may not be perceived as a priority. The feet, often hidden away in socks and shoes, may not garner the same attention as other body parts. This perception of foot care as unnecessary can be reinforced by the fact that feet, unlike other areas, are not always visible or exposed. As a result, men may not feel the same level of concern for their feet as they do for their face, hair, or hands.
Additionally, some men may underestimate the importance of preventive care. They believe that as long as their feet are not causing pain, they do not need attention. This mindset can lead to neglecting regular foot care practices such as moisturizing, trimming nails, and inspecting for potential issues. Over time, this neglect can result in a range of foot problems that could have been prevented with regular care.
Lack of Time and Convenience
In today’s fast-paced world, time is a precious commodity, and self-care routines often fall by the wayside. For many men, the perceived inconvenience of foot care can be a significant deterrent. The time required to soak, scrub, moisturize, and trim toenails may seem excessive. Particularly for those with busy schedules. The idea of adding another step to their grooming routine may be overwhelming, leading to foot care being deprioritized.
The lack of convenient foot care options can also contribute to men’s neglect of their feet. While numerous products and services are available for foot care, they may not be easily accessible or well-advertised to men. The scarcity of male-focused foot care products and services can make it more challenging for men to incorporate foot care into their routines. Further contributing to neglect.
The Role of Footwear
Footwear choices can significantly impact foot health. Yet many men may not realize the importance of selecting proper shoes. Ill-fitting shoes, lack of arch support, and prolonged wearing of certain types of footwear, such as work boots or athletic shoes, can contribute to foot problems. Despite this, men may be less likely to prioritize the selection of appropriate footwear. They focus instead on style, function, or cost.
Reluctance to invest in quality footwear can stem from various factors. These factors include a lack of awareness about the importance of supportive shoes and the perception that high-quality footwear is an unnecessary expense. Additionally, some men may not recognize the link between their footwear choices and foot discomfort. Again, this leads to a continued cycle of neglect.
The “Tough It Out” Mentality
Many men are conditioned to endure discomfort and pain without complaint. This mindset is often called the “tough it out” mentality. This attitude can be particularly detrimental regarding foot care. It can lead men to ignore or downplay foot pain or discomfort. Rather than seeking treatment or addressing the issue, men may choose to endure the pain. They then believe it will resolve independently or is not severe enough to warrant attention.
This reluctance to acknowledge pain can prevent men from taking the necessary steps to care for their feet, such as seeking medical advice or investing in supportive footwear. Over time, this can lead to chronic foot problems that could have been prevented with earlier intervention.
Limited Representation in Media and Marketing
The media and marketing industries play a significant role in shaping societal perceptions of personal care and grooming. Unfortunately, there is a notable lack of representation of men in foot care marketing. The lack of marketing of the necessity of men’s foot care contributes to the perception that it is irrelevant to men. Advertisements for foot care products and services are often targeted toward women. The imagery and messaging advertisers use reinforces the idea that foot care is feminine.
The lack of male representation can make it difficult for men to see foot care as an ordinary and necessary part of their routine. Without role models or marketing campaigns that speak directly to men, foot care will remain a low priority for them. Furthermore, the scarcity of male-focused foot care products can make it challenging for men to find options that meet their needs and preferences.
Psychological Barriers and Discomfort of a Pedicure
Finally, psychological barriers can also contribute to men’s neglect of foot care. For some men, the idea of someone touching their feet or addressing foot problems can be uncomfortable or unsettling. This discomfort can stem from various sources. This can include a fear of discovering a medical issue, a dislike of feet in general, or a negative association with foot care.
In some cases, men may avoid foot care because it requires a level of intimacy with their bodies that they are not comfortable with. This discomfort can lead to a reluctance to engage in foot care practices. Even when men recognize the potential benefits. Additionally, the fear of discovering a severe foot problem can lead to avoidance. Some men may prefer not to confront the possibility of needing medical treatment.
Encouraging Men to Prioritize a Pedicure
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Understanding why men neglect a pedicure is the first step in addressing this issue and promoting better foot health among men. By challenging cultural norms, increasing awareness, educating men on proper foot care, and providing more inclusive marketing and product options, we can break down the barriers preventing men from getting a pedicure.
Encouraging men to prioritize foot care requires a multifaceted approach that addresses this issue’s practical and psychological aspects. Health professionals, educators, and the media all have a role in normalizing pedicure services for men and emphasizing its importance as a critical component of overall health.
Men must recognize that foot care is not a luxury or a sign of vanity but an essential aspect of maintaining their health and well-being. Men can prevent various potential health issues by taking proactive steps to care for their feet. They can enjoy greater comfort and mobility in their daily lives. In a world that increasingly values self-care and wellness, it’s time for men to step up and take their foot health seriously.
Pedicure For Men
At FOR MEN Salon | Spa, we believe in natural nail care, which we also believe is the best approach for men. While we do not offer men a pedicure, our other nail services are designed to keep our client’s health and safety first. Plus, our nail services are different and unique from any nail salon. FOR MEN Salon | Spa nail services include hot towels and peppermint products to make getting your nails done manly. We are the grooming environment for today’s men. FOR MEN Salon | Spa is located in South Orange County, California, providing men with a masculine environment where they can get the best services exclusively for men.
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luciana-909 · 3 months
Golfklúbbar: The Ultimate Guide to Golf Club Memberships
Golfklúbbar is a fascinating sport that combines skill, strategy, and a love for the outdoors. In this article, we will explore the world of Golfklúbbar and delve into its history, rules, techniques, and the benefits of playing this wonderful game. So grab your clubs, put on your golf shoes, and get ready for a swingin' good time!
The Origins of Golfklúbbar
Golfklúbbar has a rich and storied history that dates back to ancient times. Legend has it that the game was first played by the Scottish shepherds, who would use their crooks to hit stones into rabbit holes. Over the years, the game evolved and formalized into the sport we know today.
The Rules of Golfklúbbar
Golfklúbbar has a set of rules that govern the gameplay and ensure fair competition. Some of the key rules include:
Rule 1: Teeing Off
Every hole in Golfklúbbar begins with a tee shot. Players must place the ball on a tee and use a driver to hit it down the fairway. The objective is to get the ball as close to the hole as possible.
Rule 2: The Fairway and the Rough
The fairway is the well-maintained part of the course, while the rough is the longer grass surrounding it. Players must navigate through these areas to reach the green.
Rule 3: The Green and Putting
The green is the area around the hole, where players use a putter to roll the ball into the cup. Putting requires precision and a delicate touch.
Techniques in Golfklúbbar
Golfklúbbar requires a combination of physical skill and mental focus. Here are some techniques that can help improve your game:
Technique 1: The Grip
The grip is crucial in Golfklúbbar. A proper grip ensures control and power in your swing. Make sure to grip the club firmly but not too tight.
Technique 2: The Swing
The swing is the essence of Golfklúbbar. It requires coordination and timing. Practice your swing to find the perfect balance between power and accuracy.
Technique 3: Course Management
Knowing the course and planning your shots strategically can give you an edge in Golfklúbbar. Take into account the terrain, hazards, and wind direction when deciding your approach.
The Benefits of Playing Golfklúbbar
Golfklúbbar is not just a sport; it offers a range of benefits for both physical and mental well-being. Here are some reasons why you should consider taking up Golfklúbbar:
Benefit 1: Physical Fitness
Golfklúbbar is a great way to stay active and improve your overall fitness. Walking the course, swinging the club, and carrying your bag all contribute to burning calories and building muscle strength.
Benefit 2: Stress Relief
Spending time outdoors, surrounded by nature, can have a calming effect on the mind. Golfklúbbar provides an opportunity to disconnect from the daily grind and enjoy some peaceful moments.
Benefit 3: Socialization
Golfklúbbar is often played with friends, family, or colleagues. It provides an excellent platform for socializing and building relationships while enjoying a shared passion.
Golfklúbbar is a captivating sport that offers a unique blend of physical exercise, mental stimulation, and social interaction. Whether you are a seasoned golfer or a beginner, there is always something new to discover and enjoy in the world of Golfklúbbar. So grab your clubs, hit the course, and let the game begin!
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anewgolfusa · 5 months
How To Look Smart And Casual In Golf Shorts?
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Golf isn't only about making putts and driving the ball; it's also important to dress well while playing. Stylish shorts are a crucial part of good golf attire. How can one find the right mix of smart and casual when wearing golf shorts? 
Choose the right fit golf attire
To begin a smart and casual appearance for golf, choose shorts that fit well at your waist; they should not be very tight or very loose. Choose shorts that end just above the knee for a look that is both timeless and attractive. Stay away from very loose or too-tight shorts because they might not look good with your style. You can come to men's golf shorts online to find the right fit.
Fabric matters for golf attire
For selecting fabric, give importance to how comfortable it is and how well it performs. Search for golf shorts made of materials that let air pass through easily, such as mixes of cotton or fabrics that remove sweat. Stay away from thick fabrics that might make you feel heavy or hold in warmth, particularly when it's hot outside.
Classic colors for versatility when picking your golf attire
To look both clever and adaptable, choose traditional colors such as navy blue, khaki, or black for your golf shorts. Keep away from colors that are too bright or strong, unless you have a certain theme or want to make a style point. On the golf course, being simple can often mean looking sophisticated.
Coordinate with your shirt with your golf shorts
For a unified and smooth appearance, match your shorts with your top. When you have shorts with patterns, choose a single-color polo or button-up shirt that goes well in color. However, if your shorts are simple, you could make them look more appealing by choosing a shirt with patterns or textures. Be mindful of how colors match to create an outfit that looks well together.
Belt it up
When you wear a belt with your golf shorts, it helps to hold them up and also makes your clothing look more elegant. It is good to select a belt that has a similar color as your shorts and goes well with the shoes for an outfit that looks put together. Avoid overly flashy or bulky belts that can distract from your overall style.
Accessorize wisely with your golf shorts
Simple accessories can give your golf outfit some character. Think about putting on an elegant watch, a quiet hat or visor, or a thin coat if it's cold. Wear less jewelry and not too many accessories because they can disturb your swing or take away your focus while playing golf. Often, it is better to have fewer things on you for this sport.
Maintain a neat appearance when wearing golf clothing
Make sure your golf shorts look smart yet relaxed by keeping them clean, without wrinkles, and no stains or rips. Put your shirt inside your pants to look tidier, and take care of small things such as cutting nails short and keeping hair in good order. Looking neat and clean increases how stylish you seem when wearing tour player golf clothing.
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sokimyork · 11 months
Golf Shirts Buying Guide – Get Your Game on With These Simple Strategies
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Are you looking for the best short sleeve golf shirts for men on the market? If so, you've come to the correct place. The proper gaming attire includes a golf shirt. Most golfers wear stylish polo shirts because they provide a certain advantage. That's because it's a staple of both business and leisurewear, and for good reason: it looks great and serves multiple purposes.
Golf shirts are highly functional garments designed to facilitate freedom of movement and maximum comfort. Golf polo shirts are a great way to show your support for the sport while looking sharp and feeling comfortable on the course. The golf shirt is the most crucial piece of equipment for any golfer while out on the course. Read on to find out how to select the ideal shirt to improve your golf performance.
Guidelines for Selecting the Perfect Men's Golf Polo
Take Note of The Length With Care
You might be surprised to learn that the length of your polo golf shirt affects more than just your comfort. There are shirts available that are cut abnormally long so that they stay tucked in when performing specific actions, such as making a golf swing.
The last thing you want or need during a golf swing is for your shirt to fall loose. It's unprofessional and a major distraction out on the golf course.
Always go for the larger length when shopping for short sleeve golf shirts for men. Instead of worrying about your attire, you should concentrate on playing well.
Sleeves Are Necessary for Victory
Most of us pay attention to the overall and neck sizes when buying shirts. Choosing the right sleeve length is often overlooked, yet it is vital to having a successful round of golf.
Choose short sleeve golf shirts for men to improve your game. The centre of your shoulder blades should align with the seam connecting the sleeves.
Stay away from skintight shirts
Avoid tight-fitting short sleeve golf shirts for men if you don't want to feel constrained when golfing. Do you wish to flaunt your physique?
You can do that easily; shirts are designed specifically for this purpose. Selecting "Slim Fit" will do the trick. You may still move freely in one of these shirts because of the way they drape across the body, but your muscles will get all the attention they deserve.
How to Pick the Perfect Women' Golf Polo
The Style
Dressing the part is important, but so is being able to move freely and concentrate on your game. Simple methods to feel liberated and stylish with every swing include wearing golf pants, khaki shorts, collared polo shirts, golf skirts, and comfy golf shoes. Choose women's sleeveless golf shirts for the game you're comfortable in and proud to wear.
The fit
You should feel comfortable and free to move in your women's golf polo shirts. Choose a shirt size that fits your body well to avoid distractions and maximise your performance on the course.
Check the fabric and stretch of the women's sleeveless golf shirts for comfort, and prioritise finding polos with a feminine cut.
The material of your golf clothes is one of the most important aspects. Your freedom of movement depends on being lightweight, flexible, and comfortable.
There's a good reason golf polo shirts are a wardrobe staple for all serious golfers. The primary purpose of these tops is to provide convenience and ease of wear while golfing.
Women's sleeveless golf shirts are known for their use of breathable, lightweight materials. On hot summer days, this is essential for the golfer's comfort. Sweat can be kept at bay from the skin with the help of the moisture-wicking materials commonly used to make these shirts. Because of the discomfort and distractions that perspiration can create, this is especially helpful during strenuous rounds of golf.
Have fun with golf at whatever skill level, pace, and leisurely manner you want, and use these guidelines to pick out women's sleeveless golf shirts that will help you look the part and perform at your best.
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sportyconnect · 1 year
On the surface, one may underestimate the importance of a good pair of socks in the game of golf. But, ask any seasoned golfer, and they'll tell you just how crucial golf socks are. Comfortable, durable, and well-fitted socks can make all the difference on the golf course. So, if you're ready to level up your game, let's delve into the world of golf socks for men. Why Are Golf Socks Important? The game of golf requires a great deal of walking and standing. This physical demand calls for golf gear that can support your foot and keep you comfortable throughout. That's where golf socks come in. "Your shoes can be top-notch, but if your socks aren't up to the mark, you're in for a rough ride." - A pro golfer from American Century Championship. Characteristics of Good Golf Socks What separates golf socks from the rest? Here are a few characteristics you should look for: Comfort and Fit: Golf socks should be snug but not tight, providing comfort without compromising blood circulation. Moisture-wicking: Good golf socks should be able to wick away sweat to keep your feet dry and prevent blisters. Cushioning: Golf socks often come with extra cushioning at pressure points such as the heels and balls of your feet. Durability: Given the walking involved in golf, socks need to be durable to withstand the wear and tear. For beginners, investing in a good pair of golf socks is just as important as learning how to golf. And, for those who are regulars on courses like the Woodlands Golf Course, you already know the importance of a good pair of socks. Golf Socks Vs. Regular Socks You may ask, "Why can't I just wear regular socks for golf?" Here's the thing - regular socks are not designed for the physical demands of golf. They may not provide the necessary comfort, may not wick moisture effectively, and could cause foot fatigue. On the other hand, golf socks are explicitly designed to provide support, comfort, and protection necessary for a good game of golf. Take, for example, the pressure of a golf swing. Regular socks might not offer the right cushioning and support needed for such an impact, whereas golf socks do. As we move forward in this guide, we'll delve into the various types of golf socks available, how to choose the right pair for your needs, and some of the best brands to consider. So, stay tuned, and let's help you put your best foot forward in the game of golf! Selecting the Perfect Pair of Golf Socks Let's be real, choosing golf socks isn't exactly the same as selecting the latest Sim 2 Max Driver for your golf game. But, the comfort that a quality pair of golf socks provides can help enhance your game. Here, we will discuss the various types of golf socks and how to select the best one for you. The Different Types of Golf Socks Primarily, there are two types of golf socks - ankle socks and crew socks. Ankle socks: These are a popular choice among golfers, especially during warmer seasons. Ankle socks sit just above your shoes and provide ample breathability while keeping your feet cool and dry. Crew socks: These are longer socks that go up to your mid-calf. Crew socks are favored during cooler seasons as they provide extra warmth. They also offer additional cushioning and are excellent for golfers who prefer a bit more padding. When it comes to the materials, golf socks are usually made of synthetic materials like polyester, nylon, or acrylic. These materials are excellent for moisture-wicking and provide good durability. Choosing between ankle or crew socks mainly boils down to personal preference and the climate in which you're playing. How to Choose Your Golf Socks While comfort and fit are essential, there are a few other factors you should consider while buying golf socks. Season and Weather: If you're playing in hot weather or a humid environment, like the Golf Ybrig, go for thin, breathable socks. For colder climates, thicker socks with additional warmth would be beneficial.
Shoe Size: Ensure that your socks match your shoe size. An ill-fitted sock can cause discomfort and even blisters. Materials: Look for socks that are made of moisture-wicking materials to keep your feet dry and comfortable throughout the game. Brand: While brand isn't everything, choosing golf socks from reputable sports brands can assure quality and durability. Picking the right golf socks is similar to mastering the perfect golf fade; it may seem minor but can significantly impact your game. The Best Golf Socks for Men Choosing golf socks can be as personal as picking your golf clubs. However, some brands stand out for their quality, comfort, and durability. In the next part of this guide, we will highlight some of the best golf socks for men in the market. So, stay tuned and get ready to swing into action with the perfect pair of socks! Enhancing Your Golf Game with the Right Golf Socks Continuing from our discussion on selecting the perfect pair of golf socks, we now turn our attention to some of the best golf socks for men available on the market. The Top Brands of Golf Socks for Men Nike: Nike is a renowned brand in the sports industry. Their golf socks are no exception. Known for their quality, Nike's golf socks provide excellent comfort and cushioning. They also offer moisture-wicking features to keep your feet dry. Under Armour: Under Armour's golf socks feature their signature HeatGear fabric, making them an excellent choice for warmer climates. The socks are also comfortable and provide excellent support. Adidas: Adidas offers a range of golf socks that provide excellent moisture management and comfort. Their socks also come in a variety of styles and lengths, catering to different golfer's preferences. FootJoy: A prominent brand in the golfing world, FootJoy's golf socks are specially designed for golfers. They offer excellent cushioning and are made with breathable material to keep your feet cool and dry. Remember, the ultimate choice depends on personal comfort and preference. When you're walking the beautiful greens of the Woodlands Golf Course, or taking a swing at the American Century Championship, the comfort of your feet can make a huge difference. The Importance of Golf Socks in a Golfer's Game Just like how mastering the Golf Eagle can enhance your performance, the right pair of golf socks can significantly impact your game. Well-fitted, comfortable socks can help you keep your mind on the game and not on any discomfort in your feet. Golf is a game of precision and attention to detail. The smallest factors can affect the outcome of a swing, a putt, or the game itself. Hence, having the right gear, including golf socks, is crucial to your performance. In conclusion, golf socks might seem like an insignificant part of your golfing gear. Still, the right pair can help you stay comfortable during the game, which in turn, can significantly improve your performance. After all, golf isn't just a game, it's a lifestyle. So why not live it comfortably? From the right golf socks to the latest golfing equipment like the Cobra LTDx, we cover everything at SportyConnect.com. Stay tuned to our platform for the latest and most accurate sports news and information. Happy golfing!
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sadlowskijamie · 1 year
What To Wear To Top Golf?
Whether you're a regular golfer or a relative newbie, there's something special about a trip to Top Golf: the combination of friendly competition, delicious food and drinks, and an all-around enjoyable atmosphere makes it perfect for any occasion. To ensure that you make the most out of your visit, it’s important to dress appropriately for this type of setting - so if you’re wondering what clothes will be best suited for hitting balls at Top Golf, we’ve got the scoop on how to keep stylish while having all the fun!
What Is Top Golf and Why Should You Go There?
Top Golf is a multi-level entertainment complex that offers an array of activities, from golfing to mini-golf and even video games. The main attraction for most people, however, is the driving range area - where you can hit golf balls at various targets on the range and track your scores on the scoreboards. Aside from being a great way to practice your golf game, Top Golf is also a great place to hang out with friends and family, as it features an extensive food and drinks menu and plenty of TVs for watching sports.
What To Wear To Top Golf?
When it comes to deciding on what clothes are appropriate for Top Golf, think casual but neat. A nice pair of jeans with a t-shirt or polo shirt can be perfect for a day on the driving range - just make sure that you don’t wear anything that is too tight or revealing as this isn't the place to show off. Shoes-wise, a good pair of sneakers or golf shoes are both acceptable choices - just make sure that they have plenty of grip so you can swing the club properly.
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Tips for Choosing the Right Outfit For Top Golf
- Avoid anything too revealing or tight fitting.
- Choose comfortable, breathable fabrics like cotton or linen.
- Opt for bright colors to stand out on the range!
- Wear shoes with plenty of grip and support.
- Don’t forget a hat - it will help keep the sun out of your eyes.
- Bring a jacket in case the weather turns chilly.
How to Put Together an Outfit That’s Both Appropriate and Stylish?
When it comes to putting together an outfit for Top Golf, you can’t go wrong with a classic combination like jeans or khakis and a polo shirt. For the ladies, try pairing some dark-wash jeans with a cute patterned top for a fun look that’s still appropriate. If you want to take your style up a notch, add some accessories like a stylish hat or sunglasses. And don’t forget to bring along a jacket in case the weather turns cool.
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Examples of Popular Top Golf Outfits for Men and Women
For men, the classic combination of jeans and a polo shirt is always a great look. Alternatively, you can also go for khakis or shorts with a tucked-in dress shirt and belt. For women, try pairing some dark-wash jeans with a trendy top or blouse - add some statement jewelry to complete the look. And don’t forget to bring a lightweight jacket in case the weather turns cooler.
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Overall, Top Golf is a great place to have fun and practice your golf game. To make sure that you look stylish while having a blast, it’s important to dress appropriately - opt for comfortable clothes like jeans or khakis with a t-shirt or polo shirt, and don't forget shoes with plenty of grip for swinging your club properly. And don’t forget a jacket in case the weather turns chilly! With these tips, you'll be sure to look great and have a great time at Top Golf.
Are there any dress code requirements for Top Golf?
Top Golf has no specific dress code requirements. Just dress comfortably and appropriately for your engaging and exciting day out.
Can I wear jeans to Top Golf?
Dress comfortably in jeans when playing at Top Golf. However, keep in mind to avoid excessively tight or revealing fits.
Should I wear a collared shirt to Top Golf?
Collared shirts are a great option for Top Golf, as they can be dressy enough to look stylish but still comfortable. You can also opt for plain t-shirts or polos if you want something more casual.
Is it acceptable to wear athletic shorts at Top Golf?
Athletic shorts are a great option for Top Golf and can help keep you cool on hot days. Just make sure that they're not too short or revealing.
Can I wear a hat or visor while playing at Top Golf?
Feel free to wear any TopGolf-branded clothing, unless instructed otherwise for a dress-up day that allows for hat variations.
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johnnieo · 2 years
4 Things Every Guy Should Know About Date Night Style
Dressing for the first, second, or third date with someone new can be nerve-wracking. Especially on the first date, you’re building impressions that might last a lifetime. This guide is here to help you create the perfect outfit. From wearing the right size 1/4 zip pullover to matching the vibe of the setting, here’s what you need to know.
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Wear Your Clothes, Don’t Let Them Wear You Fit is a significant part of your outfit, especially on a date. Baggy or tight clothing can send the wrong message. That’s why it’s crucial to invest in the right fit. When picking out clothes, choose slim-fitting styles that help you look stylish. Wear a button up or golf quarter zip that fits without drowning you. The same goes for your pants. Whether you’re wearing denim or performance khakis, they must be the right length and width. This all shows that you put time and attention into the details that matter most. Don’t Get Too Fancy Overdressing is a classic mistake many make on the first date. For example, you don’t want to wear a suit and tie to your first date at a casual restaurant. It can make your date feel underdressed and make you look out of place. Instead, opt for a style that’s closer to business casual. Still upscale and nice but comfortable and relaxing. You can pair a cashmere sweater with your T-shirt or wear jeans with a sport coat. Even a golf quarter zip with a pair of performance shorts can work in the right situation. You want to build an outfit that shows you care about your style but also understand the importance of matching your clothes to the vibe. Don’t be afraid to mix and match casual and prep pieces until you find that perfect combo. Match Your Clothes to the Date Itself This is less about the aesthetic of the clothes and more about the function. You don’t want to dress in three layers of clothes if you’ll spend the evening sitting down at a restaurant. Conversely, shorts and a polo don’t make much sense if you’re going for a walk around the park in February. It’s all about picking pieces that make sense. If you’re doing something outside, remember to layer up if it’s cold, and don’t be afraid to wear shorts or short sleeves in the summertime. If it’s an active date, such as a bike ride, a trip to the boardwalk, or even a round of mini golf, opt for performance wear that still brings style to your looks while offering support and breathability. If you’re staying inside, you can wear sport coats, button ups, leather shoes, slacks, and much more. Just don’t overdo it. Stick to two layers max. Wear Something That Boosts Your Confidence At the end of the day, this might be the most important tip. While you want to look stylish and show off your best side, it’s crucial that you feel as good as you look. If you’re uncomfortable, your date will probably be able to tell. But, if you’re wearing clothes that give you confidence, you’ll give off positive vibes your date is sure to notice. When you look good, you feel good, so make sure you look your best. About johnnie-O What do you get when you mix California beachwear style with the blue blazers and khaki pants of the Midwest? You get johnnie-O, a company focused on bringing their signature WEST COAST PREP® to every corner of the country. Their high-quality garments are built to help you look and feel your best no matter where you are. It could be the beaches of Santa Monica, the golf courses of Arizona, or a board room in New York. Wherever you are, you can count on johnnie-O’s apparel to complete your look. You can grab a golf pullover or two from The Golf Shop, pair them with PREP-FORMANCE pants, add in a vest or jacket, and your wardrobe will never look the same. With johnnie-O by your side, you can combine style, comfort, and flair like never before. You can find all the clothes you need for the perfect date night outfit at https://www.johnnie-o.com/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/3RXlEEJ
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brooktaube · 2 years
Is Cycling Beneficial For Knees?
If you are contemplating beginning a new workout regimen, one of the questions you will likely have is whether cycling benefits your knees. While there is no absolute rule regarding the advantages of cycling, there are several considerations to bear.
Whether attempting to stay in shape or improve your general health, it is essential to consider the larger picture, not just your pocketbook. Maintaining a healthy weight can help you stay in shape and reduce your risk of acquiring arthritis. In addition, keeping a healthy weight can reduce joint stress. The goal is to perform the appropriate actions at the correct times.
Before going on a quest to improve your body, you should consult your doctor to ensure that you take the correct steps. Ensure that you adhere to the following fundamental guidelines: Consume wholesome foods, exercise regularly, and maintain a healthy weight. Consider wearing the correct sporting equipment. This includes shoes with decent traction and open stockings. Ensure you do it sparingly, or you may experience unforeseen repercussions.
Physical activity is the best approach to improving your heart, lungs, and circulation. This is not only good for your overall health, but it may also reduce your risk of heart disease. Finding the time to exercise cannot be easy, but the effort is rewarded. Many Americans, for instance, do not receive enough physical activity. Exercise is an excellent strategy for maintaining a healthy heart rate and can even lower blood pressure. You can begin with anything as easy as a simple walk around the neighborhood. After establishing a routine, you should increase your efforts. There are numerous activities available, whether it's a full-fledged marathon or a few holes of golf.
It is not easy to have your heart and lungs performing at their maximum capacity, but it is possible. Include at least thirty minutes of moderate physical activity five days a week to begin started. Consult your physician to ensure that you are not suffering from a medical issue that would hinder you from attaining your objectives.
You need to keep your flexibility when participating in sports such as cycling. This will prevent muscle strain and lessen the likelihood of injury. Having adequate flexibility helps you maintain good riding posture.
It is usual for bikers to have tightness in the lower back, hips, and hamstrings. With the help of yoga and stretches, this stiffness can be alleviated. These movements relieve stress in the diaphragm and hips.
These stretches enhance overall performance in addition to improving flexibility. Numerous types of spaces can serve this goal. However, seeing a doctor before beginning an exercise program is essential.
The majority of these stretches are meant to target the lower body. Despite the fact that the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves are the most important muscle groups to build, you may also like to exercise other muscle groups. You can also attempt the lying knee roll-over stretch, for instance.
If you have knee osteoarthritis, cycling may help relieve pain and stiffness. However, you should consult a physician before commencing an exercise program to discuss your situation.
Cycling is a joint-friendly activity with low impact. Additionally, it increases cardiovascular fitness, decreases inflammation, and prevents strokes and diabetes.
About 14 million people in the United States suffer from knee osteoarthritis, making it the most prevalent degenerative joint disease. Despite the fact that there is no cure for the disease, exercise can be an essential component of your treatment.
It strengthens the muscles that surround and support your joints through exercise. For instance, quadriceps strengthening activities are very beneficial for those with knee osteoarthritis.
Cycling can also increase knee mobility. In fact, a recent study revealed that bikers with OA were better able to do movements like bending, reaching, and twisting than non-cyclists.
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golfclothesformen · 2 years
The Importance of Fit and Comfort in Golf Clothes for Men
Golf is a sport that requires focus, precision, and patience. However, the clothes you wear can play an important role in your performance as well. Choosing the right golf clothes for men is essential for both fit and comfort.
When it comes to fit, you want to make sure that your clothes are not too tight or too loose. Loose-fitting clothes can get in the way of your swing, while tight-fitting clothes can restrict your movement. Golf shirts should be tailored to fit your body, with enough room to move your arms freely. Golf pants should also fit comfortably, without being too tight around the waist or thighs.
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Comfort is also crucial when it comes to golf clothes. You will be spending a lot of time on the golf course, and you want to be comfortable while you play. Look for clothes that are made of breathable fabrics such as cotton or polyester. These fabrics will help to keep you cool and dry, even on hot days. Avoid fabrics that are too heavy or thick, as they can make you feel too warm.
Golf shirts are available in various styles and designs. The most common style is the button-up shirt, which is usually made of cotton or polyester. These shirts are perfect for hot days as they offer breathability and comfort. Golf polos are also popular, as they are made of lightweight and breathable fabrics. They are perfect for hot days and offer a more casual look.
Golf pants are also available in different styles. The most popular style is the traditional flat front pants, which are made of lightweight and breathable fabrics. They are perfect for hot days and offer a comfortable fit. Another popular style is the pleated front pants, which are made of heavier fabrics and are perfect for colder days.
In addition to fit and comfort, you should also consider the style of your golf clothes. The traditional look for golf is a collared shirt, khaki pants, and golf shoes. However, many golfers prefer to wear golf clothes that are more stylish and trendy. There are many golf clothes available that are designed to be both stylish and functional.
Choosing the right golf clothes for men is essential for both fit and comfort. Look for clothes that are made of breathable fabrics and fit comfortably. Avoid fabrics that are too heavy or thick, as they can make you feel too warm. Additionally, consider the style of your golf clothes to make sure you look your best on the golf course. With the right golf clothes, you can focus on your game and enjoy your time on the golf course.
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jimmydemaret · 4 years
Fullmetal Alchemist Men&Women Comfort Breathable Cushion Casual Ankle Socks,Quarter Dress Socks For Sneakers Flats
Fullmetal Alchemist Men&Women Comfort Breathable Cushion Casual Ankle Socks,Quarter Dress Socks For Sneakers Flats
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mountswhore · 3 years
𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐝𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐚𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐲 — mason mount
summary: you were getting tired of listening to mason’s problems with his girlfriend, so you plan on confronting him. until he shows up at your door.
notes: requests are open! btw i know i use the same job in a lot of these, it just makes them meeting easier.
“She doesn’t compare to you. No one does.” + “I’ll take the couch.” + “It’s us against the world.”
for @mountswdw
It was tiring, far beyond that, actually. Hearing the same leave his mouth words over and over, the same look on his face, it enervated you. You were exhausted with having Mason appear at your door at stupid o’clock, venting to you about his ‘girlfriend’ and their issues, and all you could do was listen. You’d tried giving him advice the first few times, but he never took it. You don’t even think he took it into consideration. and girlfriend was entirely the wrong word to use, they were more friends with benefits. That’s how she saw their relationship anyway. It was exceptionally worse, because you liked him so much. You wanted to scream in his face and tell him she’s pushing him around, but you couldn’t, it would ruin your friendship.
Mason was sat opposite you, pulling you out of sleep, just to talk to you about her. It felt as if he knew you liked him, and decided to torture you by giving you the inside scoop into their time-bomb of a relationship. You were curled up on the sofa, blanket still wrapped around you as you tried to cling onto your sleep, barely listening to him whine about how his girlfriend seemed like she didn’t care anymore. Your eyelids were so close to shutting again, but you managed to keep them open for Mason. As much as his girlfriend angered you, Mason was your friend and you had to be there for him. You wanted to.
“I think I might call it quits,” Mason sighed softly, eyes finally meeting yours after twenty minutes of squeezing them shut in anger, “I’m gonna do it.” He psyched himself up for it, attempting to steady his breathing. You were surprised the first time he said this, thinking you’d actually gotten through to him. But two days later, his Instagram story was filled with pictures of them both on a nice date. It ruined your Friday night in.
“Okay, Mase.” You whispered, standing up from your seat on the couch. You’d been sat there for so long that your exposed skin was now cold again, creating a strip of goosebumps that lined your side and legs. “You can stay here, if you want. You know where the spare bedding is.” It felt like a script at this point, repeating the same things to him as he found solace in you after an argument with his girlfriend.
“Yeah,” Mason conceded, watching with an achy heart as you shifted towards your stairs, “goodnight, Y/N.” Hearing him say your name never failed to give you butterflies, no matter how tired you were of hearing his complaints.
“Night, Mase.” Was all you said back as you reached your room, diving back into the now-cold sheets. Mason had set up his usual makeshift bed in the living room, your couch was actually comfier than most. That’s why he never hesitated to sleep on it. But his night was anything but full of sleep, despite the argument being fresh on his mind still, he was thinking about you.
Your friendship was different now than it was before. Before his girlfriend. You’d met when you were a trainee-massage therapist. Chelsea’s massage therapist had been kind enough to let you shadow him for a week, showing you the ins-and-outs of what his job was like. And you’d made friends with a few of the Chelsea boys, but ultimately caught Mason’s eye. Soon enough, you’d been offered a job alongside this massage therapist and here you were. Friendly flirting with Mason during work hours and after. Nothing came of it, you both saw it as flirty banter, and were good friends. Until his girlfriend came around.
Mason told himself he valued his friendship with you over potentially pushing it further, so tried to get over you. With Ella. Ella seemed sweet to begin with, but when Mason started coming to you for comfort, that’s when you saw how terrible their relationship was. She’d seen it differently to Mason, who felt it was more romantic than sexual. To say it stung to hear about his sexcapades with Ella, was an understatement. That’s when you began to grow tired of it, hearing about them constantly. It was the only time you’d talk really, apart from when you were having a session with him at work.
Laying there for two hours, putting himself in your shoes, it had all come together for him. He was cursing himself as he’d walked up the stairs, to give you more than just a fraction of the attention you’d gotten so used to. He’d imagined only seeing you when you complained about a boy you’d been seeing, and it dampened his mood. But thinking about you seeing another boy, that’s what made his feet move rapidly to your room. Knowing what he’d put you through for the past few months, it made him mad at himself. He’d never let someone treat him like this, so why should he treat his closest friend like this?
“Y/N,” you heard from behind you, startling you as you looked around in the dark, “are you awake?” Matching the voice to Mason’s, it calmed you down a bit. It wasn’t just a random intruder who knew your name and was considerate enough to let you know they’d broken in. “Y/N,” he repeated, his finger tracing down the arch of your back, “please wake up.”
“What’s up, Mase?” You somnolently questioned, yawning as he came into view. Your lamp was now on, illuminating his bloodshot eyes and tired smile. It was only something you’d wish to wake up to every morning. He said nothing, but pulled you into a hug. His arms a tight yet perfect fit around you, a small kiss was pressed to your shoulder as you shifted. Mason never wanted to let you go.
It was moments like this that slowly killed you inside. You and Mason had cuddled before, on one of the nights he’d come over after an argument, he’d snuggle up to you on the couch as you finished watching your movie. It would be a gentle night of intimacy, feelings locked away due to his relationship, and yet he’d still choose her. He’d always go back to Ella, so much so, it made you wonder what she had to make him crawl back each time.
Mason was now in bed with you, head on your chest and enjoying your warmth. He felt a lot better now, having you in his arms, giving you the attention you deserved. But this wasn’t what you wanted. You didn’t want another cuddle with a friend, you wanted him. But you knew his heart still belonged to Ella. He’d fallen asleep pretty quickly, so you’d rolled him off of you and gotten some sleep for yourself before work tomorrow. Where you’d see him.
Throughout your day, you’d caught eyes with him a few times. He’d give you a cheeky grin and sometimes even sing your name as he walked past you. You told yourself not to be hopeful for Mason’s breakup with Ella, because it had never happened before. But not once had he mentioned her to you over the course of the day. A smile had been plastered to your face as you left your office for the day, you could no longer push the hope away, Mason could finally be calling it quits with her.
Until you saw that damned white Golf. She was stood there, a smirk upon her face, Mason jogging up to her and getting into the car. Your mood flattened, making your drive home depressing and your arrival even worse. Your bed still unmade, the creases from Mason moving around in his sleep last night. His jacket was still here, hung on the door of your bedroom. The note he left on your bathroom mirror saying ‘thank you for everything you do <3’, because he knew you’d see it there. Everything in your house reminded you of him, you’d never escape the love you had for this man.
And there you were, back on your couch again. Mason was clearly sticking with Ella this time, so it was a quiet night in for you. This time last year, when Mason actually seemed to be your friend, he’d be round most nights and you’d be arguing over who’s having the last Cornetto and what to watch. But now, it’s like you’re not even his friend. You’re his therapist. You could barely pay attention to the movie you were watching, your mind relaying the scene you’d witnessed today. Seeing him curled up in your bed this morning, and then running to his girlfriends car this afternoon. You’d decided enough was enough.
“I’m gonna confront this asshole,” you mumbled to yourself, changing out of your pyjamas and into a warmer outside attire, “he either stops coming to me about his fucking relationship, or he leaves me alone.” You were psyching yourself up, something you’d mirrored Mason doing a million times before. You’d spent so much time together, you were almost the same person. Sliding into your shoes, you grabbed the door handle. You either cried or screamed at him, no in between. You yanked the handle down to open your door, almost jumping out of your skin when you saw Mason at your door.
“Mason?” You questioned whether you were seeing things or he was actually clinging onto you and weeping into your shoulder. “Why are you here? What happened?” You wanted to be angry at him, you wanted to tell him how tired you were of hearing him complain about his girlfriend nonstop, but not even the worst argument could keep you from comforting him.
“I’m sorry,” he cried, tears staining the material of your hoodie, “I never meant to treat you like this. You mean everything to me.” You brought him inside and sat him on your couch, seeing yourself where you were last night. Only this time you were more concerned. Mason had never cried in front of you, and you still hadn’t found out why.
“What’s going on?”
“I’m sorry for making it feel like I only need you when I argue with Ella.” He simply stated, his large hand wrapped quite tightly around yours. “I promise I need you all the time, you get me through everything. I’d be nowhere without you, you know that. But I’m done, we’re done. I know you saw me getting into her car earlier, but I did it. I finally finished things with her.”
You were knocked out of breath, processing what you’d just heard. After months of having to pick up the pieces, there was no more of that. And not only had he surprised you by following through with his word, he’d apologised. Your Mason was back.
“Really?” You asked, unsure of whether to believe him or not. He just nodded and opened his arms, you falling into them almost instantly. “I mean I’m sorry, but I’m kind of glad. Nobody should make you feel that unhappy, that frequently.” He responded by squeezing you tighter, his hands gently grazing your sides. You wondered if this was going to be the moment a chance would appear — an opportunity for you to tell Mason how you felt about him.
Mason pulled away from your hug, his eyes catching yours briefly before he stared down at your lips. You felt like you were in a haze, eyes half closed as you stared back at him. You were entranced by him and you hadn’t felt as relieved as you did in months. Mason took this chance to inch closer to you, feeling your breath on his face and your hand resting on his thigh. “She doesn’t compare to you. No one does.” He whispered, finally closing the gap between you both. It felt electric, something that was long overdue.
“Mase,” you breathed, whining at the sudden loss of contact, he’d pulled away from the kiss to smile at you, “it’s been so hard watching and listening to her hurt you.” Mason held you close, his newfound confidence after kissing you had you speechless as you looked at him. “But I’d never leave you to deal with it alone.”
“It’s us against the world, it always has been.” He admitted, your legs swung over his lap as he held you tight. The night had ended exactly how you’d hoped, Mason in your arms and no more listening to him whine about Ella. It was the perfect end to your shitty day. But it was getting late, Mason was even yawning as he looked at the time on his phone.
You stood up, shaking off your coat and hanging it on the banister, as well as placing your shoes back onto the shoe rack. Sleep was calling your name at this point, and you didn’t want anything more than to cuddle up to Mason as you slept.
“I’ll take the couch.” Mason stated, reaching into the living room cupboard to grab the blankets out. But you’d grabbed his arm and pulled him up, his face towering over yours. Your eyes met once again, and this time you initiated the kiss. It was brief, and enough to show you still meant what you said.
“Don’t be silly,” your voice was soft, hand linking his as you led him up to your room. Bed still unmade, exactly how he left it this morning. He’d given you one last look, his usual cheeky smile on his face as he grabbed the backs of your thighs and lifted you over his shoulder, carrying you to your bed.
He was above you, and although you were both in the moment, it played out romantically. Mason smoothed his palm over the sides of your face, moving the stray hairs and taking in your beauty. You were effortless with how you looked, and still the most beautiful girl he’d seen. The way he looked at you, it was as if he’d been doing it for years. And he has, but you’d never know that.
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sylvie-writes · 4 years
Petty Golfers
Warnings: Swearing, but what can you expect with a Ransom fic? Some cheesy, real bitchy moves. Bad depictions of golfing. Some suggestive material, but not rlly? Dad Ransom! There’s so much affection that I might have diabetes from all the fluff.
If you can’t tell, I suck at writing summaries and warnings. Please just take a leap of faith and read. It took me a week to write this and we are at a whopping 7k word count. So please leave some feedback, ik I sound desperate. Love y’all! 
Summary: A trip to the country club with Ransom and his aristocratic friends goes south.
“Ransom! Your mother is on the phone!” 
You were curled up on the sofa when Ransom’s phone rang, a picture of Mrs. Drysdale herself showing up. She rarely ever called, except to bitch at you or her son. Out of curiosity, you had answered the call, unknowingly becoming an victim to her demands.
“Get Ransom for me.” 
“He’s on his way down.”
“Tell him to make it quick.”
Who the hell did she think she was? You rolled your eyes, annoyed at her demand. The phone that was once pressed against your ear, was now pulled away from your face. 
“Ransom! Your mother is on the phone!” 
A quick huff from your mouth made you regain composure, continuing your ‘conversation’ with the woman. 
“Why did you answer my son’s phone, anyway.”
Linda’s tone was cold, just as when you had first met her. In the five years you had been with Ransom, not once had she shown you any form of kindness. 
Sick of her impertinence, you shoved back a snarky remark.
“Well, I don’t know if you know this, darling, but I’m dating your son! Actually I’m even engaged to him!”
Her end of the line was silent except for a loud scoff. 
It was about time that Linda learned you weren’t some obedient dog, cowering down to her like Richard or Walt would.
“That’s my girl!”
Ransom, thank the heavens.
Turning your gaze to the stairs, you saw Ransom wearing a smirk, sauntering his way over. 
The man bent down to kiss your lips before swiping his phone. You could practically imagine Linda’s screeching fit to her son and husband about what just happened. Clearly, it was actually happening as you heard Ransom nonchalantly reply, “That's not my problem.” 
You took this time to get cleaned up and ready, seeing Ransom was currently occupied and would be for at least the next hour. 
This was the first time you were gonna go golfing with Ransom and his friends. It was pretty obvious they were all gonna show up in Castore golf clothing, while you opted to wear a coral Columbia polo shirt and navy skort, caring less about the name of the brand and more about its versatility. 
After applying some minimal makeup, you walked out from the bathroom to take a peek in the bedroom mirror.
The coral polo was neatly tucked into the navy skort, stopping mid-thigh. Taking your hands, you slowly smoothed out the shirt, stopping on your small baby bump. About 22 weeks in, and you were already in love with this child. 
“Hi, little lemondrop. Oh goodness, are we gonna have a long day, honey.” 
As you talked to your baby, Ransom quietly snuck into the room, smiling at how great of a mother you are already turning out to be. In his mind, he figured at least the child would have one good parent figure.  
“Hey Sweetheart, sorry to interrupt, but I found you some golf shoes that should be comfortable.” 
You looked up into the mirror to see Ransom behind you, with a big grin on his face and a pair of white golf shoes in his hand. 
“Thanks, Ran.” 
A bashful smile spread on your lips as you took the shoes. A part of you felt guilty for him getting you these shoes, but you knew he didn’t mind. Unfortunately, your feet and calves had already started swelling due to the pregnancy induced edema. 
A quick trip to the bed, and you sat on the edge, struggling to get your shoes on, while Ransom was in the closet getting changed into his own golf attire. 
Ransom confidently stepped out in all his glory, a navy polo and some light khaki shorts, that clung to his muscular physique. Your eyes were glued to him in awe and like the cocky asshole he is, a smirk grew on his face.
“Like what you see, Babe?”
“Oh shut up, Drysdale.” 
You threw your shoe at him which he so expertfully caught. He gave a teasing smile and raised his hands in surrender before making his way to the edge of the bed where you were sitting. Getting down on one knee, Ransom gently picked up your foot and put it in the shoe, tying the laces, but not too tight. 
“Hmm, this feels vaguely familiar.” 
Yup, Mr. Silver-Spoon Fed, was down on the ground, putting on your shoes. In his own words he’d only do the “Helps” part for you.
Once Ransom was done tying your shoe, he motioned to himself on his knee, trying to provoke the memory of when he proposed months ago. 
Leaning forward, you placed your hands on his shoulder, and pecked his lips.
“I do.” 
With a wink, you got up and left the room, also leaving Ransom on the floor, as he just chuckled to himself. 
In all honesty you were dreading the day’s agenda. Ransom was taking you to the country club for a few holes of golf with his friends and their newest set of girlfriends.
Even though you had met Ransom’s friends and all, you could tell they had never liked you from the beginning. Eventually, with some work, Bently and Dylan warmed up to you. Without doubt, you understood why they were Ransom’s friends. They were exactly like him in every way, lifestyle and all.
In the years you had known the two men, Mallory and Samantha were the longest to stick around so far. Five months to be exact. This was an outstretched time of fidelity for the life-long playboys.
Maybe the men were trying to somewhat settle down like Ransom had.
The two women were standoffish from the start, always talking about things you never really cared about. Their lame attempt at trying to make you feel like an outsider was just straight-up annoying. When they did include you, it was a constant conversation about Ransom. You loved him and all, but if you were gonna be friends with these chicks, they might as well like you for you and not your fiance.  
Out of all the ‘lady friends’ the guys had brought, Mallory and Samantha were total bitches in comparison to the rest. And no, you weren’t jumping to conclusions and making assumptions about these women. Life had given you a fair share of bullies back in your day. 
This whole ordeal could be marked as the most uncomfortable thing you’ve done in your life. 
Mallory and Samantha were anything but friendly, going on and on about a Versace fashion show, and some model, from last month. Inwardly you reminded yourself that you were doing this for Ransom, who was having the time of his life with Bentley and Dylan. How they could have this much fun golfing, was beyond you. 
The three guys golfed while you three ladies stood watching and chatting. In a more accurate account, the three guys golfed while the two ladies stood watching and chatting about purposeless things in life, deliberately leaving you out.  
Well, come to find out all along you really weren’t gonna play golf, you were just gonna watch. Yay, so exciting. 
You would’ve played golf with the guys had Mallory and Samantha not opened their opinionated mouths and made the decision for you. 
At this point Mallory and Samantha were now blabbering about some new type of leather purse and you really wished Ransom’s club would have hit your head at that moment. Anything to relieve you from having to hear their pathetic whining. The two women didn’t care to include you. Surprise, Surprise.  Apparently, you weren’t good enough to be in their aristocratic circle.  
What the hell was this, high school? 
“So how are you doing, (y/n)?”
It was odd how Samantha was actually trying to engage in a conversation with you. You just hoped that maybe this was her olive branch. These were Ransom’s friends' significant others and you were gonna try your damndest to impress them, not really wanting to stir up any drama if it weren’t necessary. 
“I’m doing pretty well, thanks for asking. How about you two?” 
Now both women were fully turned to you, their attention no longer on the men, more so Ransom. 
“Dylan and I are gonna take a trip to Europe, not exactly what I wanted, but good enough I guess.” Samantha rolled her eyes and heartily laughed along with Mallory.
Her simple statement made your eyes almost bug out of your head. It was like an expensive trip to Europe to her was just nothing more than a drive across the state line. You swallowed harshly in an attempt to figuratively stomach Samantha’s words. Ransom regularly offered those luxurious things to you, but as always, you turned them down, claiming he was just enough. It was very true, though. You didn’t have high standards which took Ransom some time to get used to. Most women he was ever with, wanted things, extortionate commodities. 
You didn’t want to ruin your only chance at a somewhat blossoming friendship, so you trepidatiously giggled along with them. 
“Oh honey, did you gain weight? I know a great personal trainer, really cute too, maybe not as cute as Ransom though.” Mallory’s perfectly manicured hand motioned towards your growing stomach.
You just stared in utter shock at what she just said. To most people that would be offensive but then you remembered the crowd you were with. Judgemental. 
“Umm, no-well, uh, I’m expecting.”
Sheepishly, you looked down at your feet, now noticing the difference between your choice of shoes and theirs. 
Samantha was wearing those white oasis Hermes sandals she had mentioned earlier, while Mallory was sporting some gaudy rockstud Valentino stilettos. Yeah, they definitely did not come here to golf. 
“That’s why Ransom kept someone like you around!” 
And that was definitely not the answer you were anticipating. If anything, you figured they’d be gushing over your pregnancy like any normal person would. 
“Oh Sam!” You saw Mallory nudge Samantha who looked at her in shock, immediately stopping her obnoxious laughter. 
A breath of relief left your mouth as you looked to smile at Mallory in gratitude. 
“I should’ve known it would take a fake pregnancy to get him!” 
“Yeah, he can’t have a bastard child running around, now can he? He would never get laid again!”
Your smile collapsed.
Samantha and Mallory grabbed each other’s hand, careful of their bubble-bath groomed nails, yet laughing so hard that they had to support each other. 
The three men looked over in the direction of the women’s giggles and smiled, returning back to their game, completely unaware of the real situation.
Of course they didn’t see you, because your back was to them. If they had, your impression of a deer in headlights would have most certainly piqued their attention.
Your jaw dropped and you couldn’t even comprehend what you just heard. 
Holy hell, they were just egging it on, weren’t they?
It was then that you realized Mallory wasn’t trying to stand up for you just a minute ago. 
So apparently the two women weren’t trying to become your friends at all. You were just their little toy to ridicule. 
“Aww hon, don’t get upset! We are just joking around.” 
Samantha gripped your shoulder tightly and you gave a tight lipped smile, in an attempt to show that you weren’t hurt by their idiotic antics. 
As Mallory and Samantha turned to continue to stare at the men, you saw them roll their eyes, for the nth time. 
“Joking, my ass.”
You just stared daggers into their backs, slightly wishing the daggers were real. How dare they insult you by saying you were “faking” it? They could joke with you, but definitely not your baby. 
The motherly instincts were already kicking in apparently. 
“Hey girls, wanna try?” 
Dylan waved his driver club in the air trying to get your attention. You were in such a trance, anything anyone said was just tuned out, that was till two arms wrapped around your waist. 
The simple action made you jump out of your own skin, ready to strike whoever was behind you. 
“Jumpy, much babe?”  
When you turned to be met with Ransom’s grin, a wave of relief swept over your anxious body. 
“Huh, yeah. Sorry I kinda zoned out.” 
“I definitelyyyy couldn’t tell.”
Crossing your fingers, you had hoped that Ransom wouldn’t question your edgy tone that came out with the sentence. 
Luckily, he didn’t notice and instead unwillingly dragged you over the teeing ground where the rest of the group was standing nearby. 
“So, who wants to go first?” 
Bentley spun on his heel to face the caddy and pulled out a gap wedge, handing it to Samantha who giddily volunteered herself first.
“I’m not really sure what position, I should be in.” 
Samantha held the club, elbows bent, and performed a lazy test swing, striking the grass. 
“Ransom, could you help me? After all, you are the one winning.” 
Her flirtatious wink made you wanna vomit. You practically held back the gag, not wanting to cause another scene. Ransom’s water bottle was in the cart. Deciding you couldn’t watch anymore you walked to go get the water that seemed life saving at the moment. 
“Ok, so first off you are gonna want to spread your legs a little.” 
Samantha moved her hips suggestively as she got into the proper stance.
“Is this the correct position?
Ransom nodded, not catching her drift at all. The way she said “position” was absolutely flagrant. 
As you turned from the cart and back to the group, you saw Samantha pushing her hips into Ransom, her Prada dress, lacy, white, and most of all short, slid up just a hunch. 
“Oh, good god I’m gonna be sick.” 
Briskly, you semi-jogged towards the country club, not wanting to catch anyone’s attention.
No one had noticed your disappearance as expected and just continued on with the game.
Of course, you came back just in time for Mallory’s turn, who was also getting coached by your fiance. 
“Don’t get mad, don’t get mad.”
The navy skort you were wearing, had to take the hit as you clenched your fists tightly, balling up the smooth fabric. 
Mallory swung the golf club clumsily, her arms way out of whack. You just grimaced, these women were supposed to know how to golf for goodness sake. After all, golfing was a sport for the rich, at least in Mallory’s own words. 
“Oh Ransom. I think I might need your help. How do I swing again?” 
Ransom politely nodded and strode away from his previous conversation. He situated himself behind Mallory, her back resting against his chest, his arms encasing around her sides. The golf club was positioned in between Mallory’s long legs and the two of them slightly bent at the hips, Ransom’s hands over hers as they slowly swung the golf club a few times. 
It finally came time for Mallory to actually swing. She insisted that Ransom help her, and of course he did. As they swung their arms over their shoulders, Mallory twisted her head and kissed Ransom’s cheek. The ball teed off and Mallory thanked Ransom once more.
“Thanks for all your help, Ranny.” 
Mallory then leaned in to hug Ransom tightly, smirking when she saw your belligerent attitude.  
You swore to yourself that you were living a movie because my god, was this so fake. No one in their right mind would ever have the guts to accomplish anything that had happened so far today. Quite the lucky streak you have, if I might say so myself.
“You wanna go, Momma?” A teasing offer came from Bentley, one you wouldn’t pass up. 
Confidently, you smirked and walked over to grab a pitching wedge from Ransom’s golf caddy. 
You were really ready to knock these women off of their damn high horses, it was time they joined you all in the corral. 
The straight up sarcasm that dripped from your sneer thoroughly confused Ransom.
Straightening his posture, he quickly walked over to help you tee off too. 
Normally, you wouldn’t have minded Ransom’s help, but at this moment you were fuming, striking the ball on the tee with great vehemence. 
Shamelessly flirting with Ransom, even when they knew you were right there. The deliberate actions of your so called friends really was the last straw. You could normally handle the level of pettiness Ransom’s friends propounded, but you couldn’t take it anymore. It all flowed through your blood and into your swing. 
Ransom’s eyes widened when he saw how you hit with a perfect form, swing straight and all. Your ball even landed on the green, closer to the end, unlike the two women who landed on the rough, even with his help.
“Well looks like Ransom got a good start, now.” Dylan shook his head in disbelief as Ransom winked at you, a token of his appreciation. Unfortunately, you were only seeing red and completely missed his action of affection. 
“That’s impossible!” Samantha had a look of repugnance on her face. Visibly upset that she wasn’t beating you in this game of cat and mouse, insult edition. 
Mallory then discreetly flipped you off, the guys too busy packing up in order to move further down the course.
“I’m over this shit.”  You walked away from the teeing ground and towards the swarm of people. 
“You ready to move on ladies?” Bentley pointed towards the golf carts that were pretty much all packed up, except for the club in your hand. 
“Sure!” Mallory’s overly peppy and fake voice was the last straw.
The two women started to walk away with the men, swaying their hips, every step taken with aplomb.  
“No, you know what, Sam, Mal, who gives two shits about a Versace runway model standing three inches off center, because I sure as hell don’t.” 
Bentley, Dylan and Ransom stood gaping with confusion at your sudden outburst. From their point of view, nothing extreme had gone down between you and the girls all day long. 
You turned from the outraged women, disregarding their insults thrown your way and meeting the faces of the befuddled men. 
“Sorry boys.” 
“Oh and one more thing, girls. If you say one more shitty thing, so help me, I am gonna take Samantha’s Hermes heels and shove them so far up both your asses, you’ll be able to cough them up.”
You ever so gracefully returned Mallory’s kind gesture and flipped her and Samantha off. 
In typical Ransom fashion, you turned away once more, basking in their shocked looks and ignoring their pitiful attempts at being the victims.  
With that you handed Ransom the golf club which he gripped angrily, as you stormed off towards the women’s locker room. You could feel him practically burning holes into your back.
 It was almost impossible to put in the combination to the lock for your eyes were welling up with tears. What made the whole thing worse was that Ransom didn’t even say a word, and he was angry at you?!
With a swipe of your hand, you wiped away the tears before grabbing your purse. You looked at Coach logo laughing when you thought of the Celine and Louis Vuitton purses Samantha and Mallory had. 
When you had gotten to the country club, Ransom handed you the keys to the Beamer to put in your purse. His car was the only other thing he loved more than himself, you, and the baby. In reality, it was his first child. 
Seeing the Beamer in the parking lot was like light at the end of the tunnel for you. Into the driver seat you plopped and the keys turned to the ignition. At the moment you could care less where you ended up, you just wanted to run for the hills and get far from here. 
Sure, you were embarrassed, but you were more angry than anything else. 
As you drove past the golf course you didn’t miss Ransom’s appalled look when he saw the Beamer leaving without him in it. 
Back at the course, everyone stood around giving each other confused looks. 
Dylan bravely broke the silence first. 
“What just happened, man?”
Ransom just huffed and shook his head. 
“No clue. Hormones probably.” 
Samantha full on giggled while Mallory took the next step and grabbed Ransom’s bicep as she laughed. 
“Thanks for making me laugh Ran, I really needed it after what just happened.” 
Mallory looked up into Ransom’s deep blue eyes with her sparkling green ones and batted her long eyelashes at him seductively. 
The clueless men took no mind in what was unfolding in front of them. 
“Oh that’s right. Congrats dude!” Bentley supportively patted Ransom’s shoulder, before returning back to his own caddy at the cart. 
Another shaky breath left Ransom’s mouth. 
“Yeah, thanks.” 
As Ransom headed back to the golf cart, he couldn’t shake the weird feeling inside. 
What was it, you ask?
He was concerned about (y/n). 
A cloud of vexation and offense floated around in the car with you, that when you arrived at Harlan’s estate you had not even registered it quite yet. 
The keys of the beamer were clenched tightly in your hand as you knocked, waiting patiently for Marta or Harlan himself to answer. 
As the door swung open, it revealed a surprised and smiling Marta.
“Oh hi (y/n)!” 
It was then that the weight of the prior events came crashing down on you and sobs were the only thing you could manage.
Marta quickly ushered you inside and enveloped you in a hug. 
For the few minutes that passed, you had finally calmed down. Taking a deep breath you explained everything to Marta while she led you to the guest room you and Ransom normally stayed in. 
“I’m so sorry for your terrible day, love. Why don’t you get cleaned up and you, Harlan and I can have some dinner?”
At the offer, you returned a small smile, but a genuine one nonetheless. 
A hot shower would hopefully help clear your mind a bit. You padded over to the bathroom, starting the water and then returning to rummage through the wooden dresser. Thankfully, Ransom had left his maroon sweater and your leggings. Your first win of the day after a colossal shitstorm, maybe things were starting to look up.
The last thing on your mind at the moment was Ransom, who was supposed to be here with you. Just the mere thought of him, irked you.
When you returned from the long and much needed shower, you checked your phone.
Ten missed calls from Ransom Drysdale
Five text messages from Ransom Drysdale.
You just scoffed, turning off your phone. He definitely didn’t deserve an answer from you and you most certainly didn’t want to hear his lame-ass excuse. Was he even calling to apologize or was he calling to pester you? 
The cell phone just rested on the bed, while you scurried downstairs to the smell of lasagna, tending to yourself with Ransom in the very back of your mind.  
It had been about an hour since you left and Ransom couldn’t get in touch with you. Bentley and Dyaln had just left the table to get some more drinks at the bar, something Ransom clearly needed. 
He called your phone once more, but to no avail, it went straight to voicemail.
Your sweet voice rang through his phone, oh how he wished you were here.
“This is (Y/n) Drysdale, I’m not here at the moment, please leave your name and number and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Have a great day!”
Ransom felt a sense of pride that emerged when you used his last name as your own. Never in a thousand years had he assumed he’d ever be married, until you came along. You charmed him with your humbleness and patience for his antics. So many things about you were good for that man. Long gone were the days of shunning off a committed relationship with his pinky ring that now rested upon your index. A small diamond engagement ring, another symbol of Ransom’s love, made home on your ring finger too. You, a beautiful vision in white, walking down the aisle, and he can already imagine it. 
An annoyingly squeaky voice broke him from his enchanting daydream of you as his wife. 
“Oh Ranny, just give up.”
Long fingers wrapped around the glass flute, bringing it up to the red lips of the vanilla-blonde woman. 
“Excuse me?” 
Mallory moved her drink away from her lips, resting her hand on Ransom’s right forearm that laid on the table.
“Well it’s no use to get in touch with Betty and the bastard. She isn’t gonna answer, clearly, but I will.”
Now he could see why you were upset. 
They must’ve said something to you. What was really surprising though is that you’d never take shit from anyone. Why would you cower down now?
He mentally scolded himself, that was a question to ask you later. First order of business was to give these two lovely ladies a taste of their own bitter medicine. Revenge was practically the man’s middle name, unfortunately. 
Ransom couldn’t lose the only thing in life that mattered to him. You brought him light in the darkest of his days. Family get-togethers always put him in a terrible mood, but when you were linked into his arm with a bright smile, things seemed a little bit more bearable. 
Who cared about the consequences at this point, Ransom madly grabbed the bellini and spilled it across Mallory’s black Dior button-down dress.
“Don’t ever talk about my wife and child like that.” 
The two women cried in disgust, popping up from their seats, prompting Samantha to drag Mallory to the ladies’ room.
Bentley and Dylan came back to the table, cackling, three Malibu sunset cocktails in hand. 
Ransom was practically seething at this point, his jaw clenched as tightly gripping the glass Dylan was handing him.
“Woah man, what’s up with you?”
“Your petty ass girlfriends, that’s what.”
Many drinks later, Ransom had finally finished his story, Bentley and Dylan not believing anything the brunette spoke about.
“You’re bullshitting us, Drysdale. Maybe we should take your drinking privileges.” 
Ransom’s signature smirk curled onto his face as he found his evidence. 
“Look over a few tables, fellas.” 
There was Samantha, her tongue down some guy's throat, Mallory wearing the other man’s large polo. 
“Shit, man!” 
Dylan dropped his glass onto the table in complete shock. He had really just assumed that Ransom was drunkenly hallucinating.
“I’m not here to listen to both of your problems, now help me go win my wife back.” 
Bentley and Dylan weren’t even phased by Ransom’s forwardness, for they were both too caught up in their own drunken sorrow. 
“Why? Can’t you see I have plans tonight with some rum?” Bentley motioned to the bar before chugging his own drink down.
“She-” Ransom hung his head in shame. “She-took-my-beamer.” In one quick breath the man made his embarrassing confession.
“Fine, it’s only because I like your wife. She’s good for you ya know.”
“Yeah, yeah, just get your drunk asses out of here.” All three men doubled over in cachinnation due to Ransom’s quip.
Like expected, Bentley and Dylan continued to tease Ransom before going off to get some water in hopes of sobering up, coming back with two women instead. 
A small snicker left Ransom’s mouth. He could remember the days when that was him, but now was much happier and satisfied to always come home with you. 
You were ecstatic to be greeted with Harlan’s large and welcoming smile. The man was basically your grandfather. 
“Well there’s my favorite granddaughter and soon to be great-grandchild!”
“Hiya Harlan!” 
Your crappy day suddenly brightened at the appearance of your favorite Thrombey. 
“Something’s wrong isn’t it?” 
Harlan rested his hands in yours offering a reassuring smile. You chose not to deny the correct accusation from the man, instead going to sit down with him and Marta, once again explaining the story. 
“I just wish Ransom wasn’t mad at me.” 
A dejected sigh fell from your lips as you looked down at your growing stomach.
“My dear, if you tell him what you just told me, I am positive he would understand.”
“But I feel terrible for not being able to handle those girls. I mean he was having such a great time with his friends-.”
Harlan abruptly stopped you from spiraling into a depressive cloud. 
“No buts, (y/n). Ransom’s friends are a crazy crowd of people, well, then again you have dealt with the rest of our family. Besides, Ransom’s friends deserved to be shown a bit of what you are made of. They need to understand that it’s not about the money or title, but the character within the person.”
You chuckled at Harlan’s exquisite speech. 
“Wow, so this is why you are a best selling author?”
“I guess so, just remember (y/n), stay humble and who you are. Don’t change for Ransom or his friends because in the end that boy really needed a girl like you.”  
A beautiful smile graced your lips at his encouraging words. Harlan always gave advice with much equanimity. 
You finished the sapid and delectable lasagna with Harlan and Marta, often stopping to talk about the baby, who was to make an entrance in a few months.
After dinner was finished, you helped Fran clean up the dishes which she greatly appreciated. It was surprising to anyone that someone with your kind and caring personality would end up with a bonehead like Ransom. If only they all knew, Ransom was rarely ever an ass to you, occasions like these didn’t occur frequently. 
By time you were done cleaning, Harlan had retired for the night, but not before playing a round of Go with Marta, who happily obliged and Fran gave you some clean sheets and then headed home herself. You were all alone now, only hoping when you’d see Ransom again. The two of you were both stubborn knuckleheads, who never wanted to surrender to the other. 
Step after step, the wooden staircase creaked loudly as you slowly climbed to the second floor. Hand on the knob, you leaned against the bedroom door, tiredly pushing it open. A glance at your cell phone told you it was only a little after nine o’clock. It was an emotionally tolling day and you only wanted to curl up with your fiance, oh who are you kidding, your husband. Unfortunately, the closest thing you had to him at the moment was his maroon sweater, casing your body. All of this made the silk bed sheets even more comfortable, entrapping your exhausted body and lulling you to sleep. 
Shooting up from your slumber, you made sure your phone was not on silent, just in case Ransom called again. Content, a void of darkness littered your sight, and you were out like a light. 
The loud ringing emitting from your phone startled you, making your head shoot up from the pillows. 
Bentley Livingstone
The bright light from the screen awoke you fully. Squinting to look at the time, you scoffed.
10:14 pm
“What the hell, Bentley.” Your voice raspy from sleep, it was evident that he had woken you.
“Sorry Momma Bear, but can you let us in?”
“Us? And if you are at the house, I’m not there, Benny boy.” 
The last thing you wanted now was to be talking to him, you practically ripped apart his girlfriend, who he was actually committed too for once. You felt awful for ruining Ransom’s day with his friends, but quickly reminded yourself that those women were even worse to you. The men probably thought you were a total bitch, after their girlfriends had played the victims. 
“Cut out the sarcasm, will ya? I’m not mad at you, and actually I’m here at Harlan’s.” 
You felt so relieved that you could almost cry, damn hormones. 
Bentley must’ve known something had happened which meant Dylan knew and hopefully Ransom too. 
You went to the bathroom to hurriedly tame your messy hair and brush your teeth, ridding the final taste of lasagna away. 
Harlan was asleep and Marta had left by this time, so as you opened the front door, you made sure to make it as quiet as possible. 
“Hi (y/n).” Bentley was the first to walk in, giving you a hug which shocked you before reciprocating the action. Dylan did the same and you were bemused at the men’s kindness. 
“So… what’s up.” Nervously, you crossed your arms over your chest, resting them on your small, yet protruding bump, all while awaiting an answer.
“We’d like to apologize on behalf of Samantha and Mallory.” Dylan stepped forward, placing his hand comfortingly on your shoulder. 
“I’m so sorry guys. I didn’t mean for all this to happen.”
“Hey don’t be sorry! I’m glad I found out Sam was in it for your hottie.” 
“Yeah. I’ve dated plenty of women but not anyone that cold.”
“Thanks, guys.” You looked up to be greeted with their bright smiles. It was nice to be so trusted. 
“Dude, those babes said they were free tonight.” Dylan held out his phone to text said woman, Bentley doing the same. 
Without second thought, you quickly put your hand between the two men, still having a very animated conversation. 
“As much as I’d love to hear you guys babble over some girls, do either of you know where Ransom is?” 
“He’s right here.” 
A very familiar voice sounded from behind you. 
There he was. Your hormones were through the roof and you couldn’t stop the happy tears that fell. 
You ran to your fiance, throwing your arms around his neck, while his one free hand wrapped around your waist. Ransom placed a sweet kiss on your neck, laying his head there for a while, relishing in your love. How could he be so deserving of someone with such patience? 
Too caught up in the moment, you didn’t even notice Dylan and Bentley sneaking out the front door. 
Ransom held out a bountiful bouquet of exquisite light pink roses. With his free hand, he took both of yours, placing a few kisses to your knuckles. 
Turning your hands over, Ransom kissed your wrists and then handed you the bouquet. You couldn’t help but giggle at all his affection.
“Pink roses, for you and our baby girl. I owe you both an apology.” Like a scolded puppy, he held his head in shame.  
“I owe you an apology too-”
Your fiance’s index finger came up to shush you.
“No you don’t, I do.” 
Ransom took your left hand, your ringed fingers intertwined with his now bare ones and led you up to the bedroom.
You went to go flump on the bed, observing as Ransom shut the door, and wordlessly sat next to you.  
“I’m sorry that I, of all people, upset you. I should have been there for you, but I wasn’t.”
He sat on the edge of the bed, full of remorse. Truth be told, you had never seen Ransom like this. Taking your left hand, you lifted his chin gently, the cold metal of the rings somewhat startling, making Ransom turn his solemn face to look at you.
“How did you know?” Gazing into his gorgeous and endless eyes, you saw his sorrow, a large pang to your heart. 
“Well, both girls tried to make a move on me. Mallory called our little lemondrop,” Ransom took a deep breath, saying the next word like it was gonna summon the devil himself,  “a bastard.”
You were so desensitized at this point, you just accepted the vile words. There was no use in letting their locutions affect you, because if they did, you’d be letting them win. 
“Yeah, they both kinda said that to my face too.”  In hopes of lifting the mood, you let out a dry chuckle to let Ransom know that you were somewhat okay. Especially, that he was here, next to you. 
“You girls were laughing and everything, I truly thought you were having a good time. I am so sorry, Sweetheart.” 
Ransom was so upset, he buried his face into your chest, while you slowly and soothingly rubbed his back. Instead of telling him about your other banters with the women, you just kept your mouth shut. The poor thing was already so unsettled, you didn’t want to make matters worse for him.
It seemed like an eternity that Ransom was in your loving hold. His sobs were quieted and he examined your look of content. First, he softly pecked the corner of your lips then placed his warm hands on the small bump of your baby. 
“Hi little miss, I owe you an apology too. Today I was not a great father at all. You and your mom will always mean the world to me. I can’t wait to meet you, honey.” 
Ransom ended his heartfelt confession with a slow kiss to the unborn baby, that even you could feel through the sweater, making your heart flutter. For many months, Ransom worried about being a terrible father. Well, if what he just said didn’t prove that he was gonna be a great father, then you don't know what would. 
Your hands flew up to your fiance’s face, once again holding him close, so close that your noses bumped. Both of your eyes were closed in bliss, that was until Ransom quietly spoke up. 
“The beamer’s fine right?”
Believe it or not, but sometimes Ransom could be a comedian around those he cared about. A few giggles left your mouth as you pulled away from the man who was also laughing himself. 
“I-I’m...serious, babe!” It took a few tries for Ransom to get the sentence out without cackling. For years it had been a running joke that Mr. Drysdale loved his car more than himself which was quite the revelation, if you ever heard one. 
Getting up from the bed, you leaned down to kiss between Ransom’s eyebrows that were knitted with concern. 
“Yes, your other child is fine.” 
“So now that the air is clear, are you hungry?” 
Don’t judge, just because you may have eaten lasagna just a while ago, didn’t mean you’d pass the golden opportunity for more food. You eagerly nodded your head before sitting on Ransom’s knee. His arms were wrapped around you in a protective manner, while his hands held the phone with the menu on screen. 
“Ran, what Chinese place is gonna be open this late?”
“Trust me, I know this place.” 
Half an hour later, a man showed up on the doorstep holding a plastic bag hopefully filled with your late night smorgasbord. To your surprise, the bag was actually filled with all its content which needless to say didn’t last long. Between your endless stomach and Ransom’s growing hangover, the greasy meal trays were soon empty. You and Ransom had taken the food up to the bedroom, devouring it all, while laying on the bed enjoying the time together. 
Even when things were rough, you and Ransom always found a way to get through. 
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Characters: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A date with Sebastian Stan brings your friendship with Tom Hiddleston into a whole new light.
Warnings: None
A/N: This is a fic based on this (paraphrased) request from an anonymous user: I thought maybe a jealous Tom who is in love with his best friend and he helps her go on a date with some other famous Marvel boy (maybe Seb Stan) would be nice! But in the end of course they stay together.
I hope that you enjoy this, Nonny!
Permanent Taglist (open): @yespolkadotkitty​ @nonsensicalobsessions​ @just-the-hiddles​ @vodka-and-some-sass​ @he-is-chaotic-she-is-psychotic​ @myoxisbroken​ @blah666 @brokenthelovely​ @myworddump​ @polireader​ @wiczer​ @littleredstarfish​ @the-broken-angel-13​ @arch-venus25​
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“What about this one?”
You walked out of your bathroom, holding your arms out from your sides and giving a spin to show off a casual but cute outfit of a blue fit and flare dress that went down to your mid-thighs.
“It’s alright, I suppose,” Tom replied from where he was sitting on your bed, propped up against the headboard with his long legs stretched out and crossed at the ankle in front of him.
You huffed and stormed back into the bathroom, loudly calling your response through the closed door, “‘Alright, I suppose’ isn’t good enough! You said that he was really into me, and I haven’t been on a date in ages!”
Throwing on your last outfit choice - your go-to when you didn’t have a clue on what to wear - you stomped out of the bathroom, a little less excitement in your spin before you turned back to your best friend with your arms crossed over your chest. “Well?”
With a heavy sigh, Tom rose and walked over to you, turning you around to face the full-length mirror leaning against your wall. His hands settled on your shoulders, warm and comforting, and the fondness that lied beneath his azure eyes set off a flight of butterflies in your stomach. His chin came to rest on top of your head so that his soft words vibrated through you, “You are breathtaking in whatever you wear, darling. You know my thoughts on the matter.”
And you did. Throughout your friendship, he had been nothing but amazing, layering the sincerest of compliments about anything and everything on thick. But there was never more to them. The man could compare you to all things beautiful under the sun in his velvet baritone timbre, but it didn’t mean much when paired with nothing but a platonic hug where his hands remained firmly where they were supposed to.
You had given him every opportunity to further your relationship, cuddling up to him during your movie nights, hugging him for much longer than was appropriate, even holding hands when you were pulling him around town in his ridiculous disguise of a baseball cap and sunglasses - that fooled no one, by the way.
But either the vastly intelligent man was too dense to realize the hearts in your eyes, or he didn’t feel the same way and was saving your dignity by ignoring them.
Which meant it was time to try to move on from your unrequited pining. Waiting for him was like waiting for a god to take notice of you. Why would he deem to love a mortal when he gallivanted around the world with beautiful women who looked to be created by the most discerning eye.
So when he had introduced you to Sebastian Stan at a party, you put the yearning you held for your British best friend in the back of your mind. Soon enough, you were cracking jokes one right after the other, laughing and talking quietly in a corner of the room.
And when he asked if he could take you on a date - nothing too serious - you had agreed.
The doorbell to your apartment rang, and you reached up to pat Tom’s hand gently on your shoulder. “Showtime. I need to throw on my shoes; can you grab the door?”
Tom pressed a light kiss to your temple before exiting your bedroom, leaving you to scramble to throw on a pair of comfortable shoes for the evening. You didn’t have any idea what Sebastian had planned, and it was better to be prepared for any scenario than have aching feet the whole night.
Finally dressed, you snagged your bag before leaving the bedroom, coming into the living room to see Tom and Sebastian talking quietly. You cleared your throat, quirking your brow at the slightly guilty uptick to Tom’s brows when they both turned to you.
“Hey there, sweetheart. You look great.” Sebastian smiled at you, open and kind, holding his arm out to you.
The tension between the two could be cut with a knife as you took your place under his arm, glancing at Tom. You could just ask him about whatever that was later. “You gonna hang out here to mooch off of my cable?”
He shrugged his shoulders and dropped his chin, looking up at you through light lashes with a sheepish grin. “If that’s alright. The hotel doesn’t have all the channels, and Bake Off is tonight.”
You hugged him quickly, squeezing his bicep when you pulled away. “There should be all of the episodes of that and Countdown recorded for you. I’ll see you later, then. Don’t eat all the cookies while I’m gone, ya hear me?”
Sebastian guided you out your front door with his hand on your lower back, giving you just enough time to hear Tom’s answering shout of “I make no promises!” before the door closed and he was leading you to his car.
Everything was just slightly off.
The touch of his hand on your hip when he walked past you to retrieve his ball on the miniature golf course was a bit too timid.
Your hands didn’t fit properly when your fingers were laced together, his squeeze too tight and his knuckles pinching yours.
The sound of your name on his lips was too harsh without a lilting accent to draw out the vowels and soften the consonants, more like a handshake and less like a caress.
His eyes were just a shade too dark when he gazed down at you, reading the hesitation in the worry of your bottom lip in between your teeth and the lines between your brows.
And when he pulled you in for a hug, your bodies didn’t align comfortably, your arms not knowing whether to go around his neck or his waist, your hands just awkwardly patting his cool leather jacket until he released you. He smelled pleasant, like woodsmoke and light musk, but it wasn’t right.
“This isn’t working, is it?” he asked quietly, letting his hand capture yours as you pulled away from him, twining your fingers together.
You squeezed his hand softly, and took a chance, standing on your tiptoes to press a light kiss to his lips. He reciprocated, just barely moving against you, allowing you to set the pace. When you pulled away you sighed, shaking your head. “It was a nice kiss, but there’s no…”
“Spark,” he supplied for you with a shrug of his shoulders. “It’s okay, though. Wanna know why?”
You followed him as he led you to his car by the hand. The touch was friendly now that any expectations of romantic activities had been squashed. It didn’t stir any feelings deep in your belly, or make heat spread throughout your limbs, or cause your heart to race in your chest. No, it was just nice. “What’s that, Seb?”
He opened the door for you, that easy smile back on his handsome face once again. “I think I do know someone who could spark your interest.”
“Honey, I’m home!” you called out into your dimly lit home, dumping your keys and bag on a table in the entryway.
When you received no response, you rounded the corner into the living room, following the soft music coming from your ancient record player Tom must have unearthed from the cobwebs it had been buried beneath. He was sitting on the couch, elbows on his knees and his head cradled in his hands.
“Tom?” you asked quietly, concern lacing your voice as you came around the couch to sit down at his side.
He heaved a heavy sigh when your hand stroked down his spine comfortingly. The muscles in his back were tense, hard as marble, unyielding beneath you. “How was your date?” he asked, the last word poison dripping from his tongue.
“Definitely no love connection there. I think we’ll make great friends, though, in time,” you replied, arching your brow as you tugged on his arm to try to see his face. “What’s gotten into you? Are you okay?”
He let you pull his arm away, following the motion by turning his whole body to face you. The expression on his face was unreadable, his brow furrowed as his eyes flitted over your face. When they came to rest on yours, it felt like he was staring into your very soul, piercing you with the intensity of his ocean-eyed stare.
Whatever he found from his inspection, it wasn’t what he had been looking for, and he stood up, scrubbing his hand over the back of his neck. “I’m fine.”
You stood as well, walking around your coffee table so that you were facing him once again. When he tried to turn away you caught his hand with yours, twining your fingers together. A comfortable, natural fit. He squeezed your hand gently. Your heart beat that much faster for the contact, but you ignored it. There would be time for your overeager emotions later when Tom wasn’t clearly upset about something.
“I can’t fix it if you don’t tell me what’s wrong. You’ve been in a mood all day, Hiddleston. Spill it,” you implored him, not unkindly, but leaving no doubts in your tone that you were going to let up.
“I just-”
“No, no excuses or half-truths,” you insisted, cutting him off before he could wiggle his way out of the situation with a distracting smile and a well-crafted argument. “Please?”
That seemed to do the trick, his shoulders slumping in resignation and his grip on your hand tightening ever so slightly. He released it to place both of his hands on his hips. “You know that you are, without a doubt, my dearest and closest friend, yes?”
Not knowing where this was going, but trusting him to lead you there, you nodded slowly. “Of course.”
Open vulnerability lifted the inside of his brows and reflected in his bottomless blue eyes as he finally looked at you, so startling that it made your heart skip a beat in its sprint against your ribcage. “I am not content with the current state of our friendship.”
Your heart, which had been threatening to burst from your chest, now stopped beating and lodged itself firmly in your throat. Fear dug its icy claws in your lungs, and you clenched your jaw to stop your lower lip from quivering. You knew this day was coming. One day he would get too famous, too popular, wanting more out of life and his friendships than you and your mundane existence could offer him.
“Oh, okay. Sure, I get it…” you murmured, afraid if you spoke any louder that you would lose the tenuous grip you had on the burning on the inside corners of your eyes.
“No, darling, that isn’t what I meant,” he assured you, placing his hands on your upper arms, rubbing the tense muscles there soothingly. Each stroke tore at the barrier of strength you had quickly constructed around your barely-contained emotions. “It pained me to know that you were on a date with Sebastian tonight.”
A hot tear rolled down your cheek unbidden. “You introduced us, Tom.”
“I didn’t intend for you to hit it off.” His hand burned a trail up over your shoulder until it settled against your neck, thumb catching the edge of your jaw.
You pulled away from him, swiping the back of your hand over your cheek angrily to wipe away the evidence of your failing control. “Yeah, well, that didn’t happen. So, if you don’t want to be friends anymore, I’d appreciate it if you left, now,” you said thickly, words distorted around the sob that you held back in your throat. You thrust your hand out toward the front door.
The floorboards shifted, groaning beneath his steps, but they weren’t toward where you had indicated. Instead, his hand curled around yours, and a flutter of warmth trickled out from your hand from where his lips ghosted across the smooth skin. “That is not what I meant, and I beg your pardon for leading you to believe otherwise.”
Hope soared inside your chest, stilling your tears and lifting your eyes from where they had landed on the floor. He set your hand upon his chest, over his rapid heartbeat, covering it with both of his own. The vulnerability you had seen before was tinged with sadness pulling down at the corners of his mouth. “My stomach has been tied in knots since you walked out the door with him. I didn’t pay an ounce of attention to anything on the blasted telly all evening because the thought of you in his arms drove me to madness.”
He shifted so that his face was just inches from yours, eyes shining as he gazed down at you. “I’ve spent the entirety of our friendship hoping that you would one day open your eyes and see that I have always been here, by your side, loving you. I was driven to distraction tonight at the thought of you with him. I cannot continue this way, so I’m asking you, with my heart in your hands, if you have any similar feelings toward me.”
It took several beats of his heart for his proclamation to sink in, for you to fully grasp what he was saying. Could your Tom, the man who visited you in his every free moment, who ate all of your sweet treats when you weren’t looking, who pulled you into impromptu dances in the middle of your living room, feel the same way?
Laughter bubbled up from your throat, and your head fell forward to rest in the crook of his neck. The scent of leather and soap and warm spice washed over you. Home.
“Is my affection for you that hilarious?” he asked, clearly offended.
You let your free hand come up to snag your fingers into the loops of his dark jeans, tugging so that the lines of your bodies matched up. Perfect. You tilted your chin to kiss his neck gently. His breath hitched, and you hadn’t thought it possible, but his heart beat even faster beneath your joined hands.
“Darling?” His voice was low, intimate, hesitantly lined with hope.
You angled your head back to smile up at him. “We’re both idiots,” you explained. Your tongue darted out to wet your lips, and his eyes darkened in response. “Idiots who need to shut up and kiss before we both explode fro-”
Your statement was cut off by his mouth crashing down onto yours. Years of mutual love and frustration were poured into your lips working against the other, rushed and less than graceful in your eagerness. Your fingers dug into the soft material of his shirt, and one of his hands came around to flatten over your lower back to hold you to him.
It was everything you had hoped for, everything that your date earlier hadn’t been. Passion and strength and fragility and love and fire that scorched through you, burning you up from the inside out. It was all you’d ever wanted. It was Tom.
You were both breathless when you broke the kiss, searching for air desperately in the small space between you. His nose rasped along the length of yours. “We are fools.”
You stood on your tiptoes so your rebuttal was delivered against his lips. “No, we were fools.”
And then there wasn’t another moment wasted to talking, as you had to make up for so much lost time.
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