#She's pretty lame irl.
horrorwebs · 1 year
this cool pretty emo girl keeps asking me for help on how to do the drawing projects and ive been helping her and all but all through message and i cant speak to her irl im pathetic i wanna dig myself into a hole
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hurpdurpburps · 3 months
My Comprehensive Otherside Picnic Pilgrimage Destination List Pt. 1
This is by no means a complete collection but rather something I put together out of curiosity/an investigative itch, so feel free to add your thoughts or personal findings in the replies/reblogs. I'll be returning to Tokyo in January for a couple weeks and might cut out a few days to do an OP pilgrimage of sorts, so this is mostly for my own purposes that I'm happy to share with whoever's interested. I should note here that a good number of these places have closed for good, but I decided to keep them in the list for documentation.
Hunger Warning: There's a lot of food mentioned.
Spoiler Warning: Events up to Vol 8 are mentioned.
Word Count Warning: Some parts contain pretty lengthy commentary, mainly from my personal observations and experiences.
1. Saitama University
To be fair, Sorawo's college has only been referred to as "a university in Saitama" but I think Saitama University is undeniably the most obvious candidate.
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Descriptions of the university's distance from the area's major train station (Omiya) and the one closest to it (Minami-Yono) are a dead giveaway, but the anime also did a cheeky wordplay (埼玉大学 > 犀玉大学, but both are read as Saitama University).
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Unlike the real Saitama University cafeteria, however, the anime added more colour to its version because the all-white of the IRL place makes it feel like a depressing hospital food court more than anything.
2. Sophia University While not explicitly named as such, it's clear that Toriko attends Sophia University from the description that Sorawo gave in Vol 5. Even the description of the Yotsuya campus facilities on the official website fits to a tee:
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The university Toriko attended was right by Yotsuya Station on the Chuo Line.
I’d read up on places to eat on campus during the train ride here. Two cafeterias, and two cafés, I think? Oh, and a convenience store too.
The cafeteria I was heading to was on the fifth floor.
When I was leaving the cafeteria, I spotted some stairs off to the side. It looked like there was outdoor seating. The building was L-shaped, and the five-story section that jutted out from the rest had terrace seating on the roof.
Ngl, I'm feeling a little cheated of my college experience... My alma mater is of a similar ranking (if not even higher) to Sophia but our campus had pretty terrible food options. Four years of 7-11/Family Mart because I was too lazy to exit my faculty building for lunch break, but also partly because the one time I went all the way to my campus cafeteria at the begging of my then-crush and I thought the food was pretty lame (or at least not worth the cross-campus trek). We also don't have a terrace T-T
Also here, I just want to make a personal note on how fitting it feels to me for Toriko to be attending Sophia, and studying English Literature no less. Tokyo has no lack of famous 'elite' or 'fashionable' universities but each has its own unique sort of branding/stereotype and tbh I can't see someone like her fitting in any of the others. Not to mention the fact that she's already silently drowning at Sophia (socially, at least).
The gate that led on to the main street was wide open and no one asked to see student ID at the entrance.
It was Tuesday. Just a perfectly ordinary day of the week. It was almost noon, so there were a lot of people walking around. I blended into the crowd, effortlessly infiltrating the campus.
Japanese schools are so notorious for their lack of security, perhaps due to complacency from the general safety. My university had closed twice during my years as a student due to bomb threat emails (both times conveniently around finals lol). Depending on what's going on in the world or country, there'd also be a wave of annoying crazies yelling into their megaphones around campus campaigning for God-knows-what from time to time.
3. KOGA Seibu Ikebukuro (皇雅西武池袋店)
This is the Chinese congee restaurant our Troubled Trio visited in Vol 3 after the events of the Kotoribako. Unfortunately it seems to have closed for good but you can still see old reviews and photos on their Tablelog page.
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We talked it over, and came to the conclusion that rice porridge might be good, so Toriko, Kozakura, and I had come to a Chinese rice porridge place inside the Ikebukuro Seibu department store.
I kinda laughed imagining 2 college kids and an early-30s tiny woman sticking out like a sore thumb among all the other tables:
It was afternoon on a weekday, the place was at maybe 40% of capacity, and everyone there but us were old ladies.
Discovered thanks to this guy on Twitter (also Miyazawa follows him so he might be somebody...?)
Feeling a little sad because I used to live in Toshima-ku. If I'd discovered OP a couple years earlier I could've tried out their food. I'm kinda picky about Chinese food in Japan but this place looks pretty good.
Some language and culture trivia:
We had come on the simple idea that you eat rice porridge when your stomach’s not doing so well, but this place had a food therapy menu managed by the traditional Chinese medicine pharmacy next door, so it felt like it might really work for us.
薬膳 (yakuzen, or yao shan in Mandarin) is the term used in the Japanese version of the novel, referring to medicinal cuisine. The more general idea of food therapy (食疗) is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) concept dating back to probably the beginning of Chinese civilisation.
The TLDR of TCM principles is the belief in healing/nourishing of the body through naturally imbuing herbs and hence their medicinal properties in one's regular diet. Probably also where the Chinese belief of "以形补形" (nourishing what you eat) comes from, such as eating some kinda tendon stew if you sprained an ankle to make it heal faster, or whatever.
Figuring I should take the opportunity to try a type of tea I hadn’t drank before, I ordered kantoucha. Toriko went for sanzacha, and Kozakura had maikacha.
Sorawo and gang probably didn't know what these plants were because Chinese hanzi were used for the menu names instead of their Japanese counterparts. I've omitted the "-cha" suffix below as it simply means "tea" and is pronounced the same way in both Mandarin and Japanese:
Kantou/冠藤 = "Crown Vine" (hanyu pinyin: guan teng).
As a Chinese kid who grew up surrounded by TCM, even I had to scratch my head for this one and boy, researching it was a hell of a rabbit hole. Apparently "Crown Vine" is the polite name for "Chicken Blood Vine" (鸡血藤), which not only sounds nasty but looks nasty (risky click - don't say I didn't warn you).
Here's what Wikipedia says about this peculiar plant's medicinal properties:
"It has the effects of promoting blood circulation, replenishing blood, regulating menstruation, and relaxing meridians. This herb is sourced from the vine stem of the legume Spatholobus Suberectus. It is bitter, slightly sweet, and warm in nature. It belongs to the liver and kidney meridians."
Meridians (经络) are a pseudo-scientific concept that still holds a lot of weight in the TCM world, and also popularly butchered in historical/wuxia (武俠) pop media. You can read the Wikipedia page here for more information.
As for my kantoucha, it had a light flavor, and was surprisingly easy to drink.
Yeah buddy... Hope you liked it at least. Sounds a bit too wild for me.
Sanza/山査 = Hawthorn (hanyu pinyin: shan zha).
The Japanese language does not have a kanji for hawthorn, and the plant is instead represented by a katakana reading of the Mandarin pronunciation (サンザ).
Toriko took a sip of her sanzacha, which turned out to be bittersweet.
Not sure why hawthorn tea is bitter. Never had it myself but I ate a lot of candied hawthorn and hawthorn flakes as a kid and it's pretty sour-ish before being processed with sugar.
Maika/玫瑰 = Rose (hanyu pinyin: mei gui).
The Japanese word for rose is most commonly バラ in katakana, or very rarely 薔薇 in kanji.
You might notice that the Japanese and Mandarin readings of these words sound somewhat similar - that is due to the on'yomi. On'yomi is partly the reason why native Chinese speakers (like myself) pick up Japanese more easily than other language speakers (barring Korean).
Due to the long history of cross-cultural exchanges within Asia, many regional languages have, to a certain extent, Sino-roots. Verbally, Korean and Japanese share many similarities with older, southeastern Chinese dialects Cantonese and Hokkien, due to Guangdong and Fujian being bustling ports/trade hubs of the past. Knowledge of Cantonese helped me greatly when I was taking Korean classes taught in Japanese (my 6th and very new language at the time - like I barely knew how to ask for the nearest restroom kinda new).
It's also why we have the hanzi (汉字) - kanji (漢字) - hanja (한자) trifecta - all three mean "Chinese characters", denoting their written linguistic legacy from imperial Han China through the centuries.
Mine was the two-color rice porridge set with crab rice porridge and chicken rice porridge. Mmm, it had a gentle flavor. The salt was used sparingly, so I was grateful that it came with ebi chili and pickled Sichuan vegetables on a separate plate.
Toriko, perhaps wanting something meatier, had gone for the kakuni pork rice porridge set. The big bowl of rice porridge with kakuni pork, bok choy, and goji berry came with a separate bowl of wonton soup. Kozakura had the yamucha set, which came in a bamboo basket, and the boiled gyoza and shumai were letting off steam.
"Yamucha" here is the incorrect katakana-derived romanisation of "飲茶" (lit. "drink tea"). Pronounced as "yum cha" in Cantonese, the term simply means "going for dim sum". You might be wondering - what's the difference between dim sum and yum cha then? Dim sum is a noun referring to food specifically, while yum cha is a verb/event/action.
Eg. You can say "Let's go yum cha" or "Let's eat dim sum" but you don't say "Let's eat yum cha".
Also I love how Toriko manages to piss off Kozakura every time she opens her mouth so effortlessly lmao.
“What is maikacha? I can’t even imagine.” “I don’t know, either, but it said it was supposed to help suppress irritation.” “That certainly does seem like a good fit for you, Kozakura.” “Yeah, I’m feeling irritated at this very moment. I hope it comes soon.”
4. JUNKUDO Ikebukuro (ジュンク堂書店 池袋本店)
The bookstore frequently visited by Sorawo, and also the IRL collaboration partner of the series. Miyazawa recently held an in-person interview and livestream session at the Ikebukuro flagship store with his editor for the launch of Vol 9, where they also shared a lot of unpublished/uncommissioned art by Shirakaba (see this amazing post for screenshots).
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It's also the only place I know of that carries signed copies of the novels. As of yesterday (5th July 2024), signed copies are still available at Shelf 41 (the Hayakawa section) on the 3rd floor. How do I know this? Because I begged my friend to pop by Ikebukuro and pick up a couple for me ;___;
Phone and online reservations for the signed copies are not allowed, and it's limited to one book per volume per person. Go get it while it's hot.
I recorded the livestream as Junkudo's archives were only up for like a week. I can share the recording if anyone asks me for it but the livestream is entirely in Japanese so YMMV.
5. Cafe Pause Ikebukuro
The cafe where Sorawo and Toriko had their first falling out over the search for Satsuki (File 4 - Time, Space, and a Middle-Aged Man).
Miyazawa even made an acknowledgement tweet.
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I guess the business really liked being featured in this series because the anime replaced a bunch of other locations in the other files with this one place.
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The cafe also hosted an 8-part promotional series featuring the two main voice actors called Otherside Special Activity Report (裏世界トクベツ活動報告) where they did some light meta-commentary and even tried holding guns featured in the series.
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It's also right behind Junkudo so I guess it's a great pilgrimage combo if you're in the neighbourhood.
"We were in the cafe behind the Junkudo bookstore in Ikebukuro, where we’d gone after meeting up. Toriko was enthusiastically trying to discuss plans for our next expedition when I spoke up."
Here's their website and Instagram if you're interested.
6. Italian Tomato Café Jr. Ikebukuro West Entrance (イタリアン・トマト Café Jr. 池袋西口店)
This is where Sorawo, Toriko and Akari had a little chat before getting ambushed by feline assassins (File 7 - Attack of the Ninja Cats). There's a few Italian Tomato Cafes in the area, but this best matches what the novel says:
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When I headed for the underground plaza by the Metropolitan entrance of JR Ikebukuro Station, Akari Seto spotted me first and was waving her arms.
Together with Toriko, who protested, Why not? Isn’t that kinda mean?, we got aboard the elevator that went above ground.
A standard chain cafe/restaurant type of thing, convenient for when you're peckish, if nothing else. NGL tho I am a big fan of Japanese family-restaurant style pasta.
Website here if you wish to know more about the chain.
7. Bali-An Resort Shinjuku (ホテルバリアンリゾート新宿)
Ah yes, the fabled love hotel in the lore of OP (File 16 - Pontianak Hotel). A quick Google search for "Kabukicho Bali love hotel" gives you not one but four results in Kabukicho alone. I guess business is booming.
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Unfortunately, none of their exteriors matches the novel's description:
The facade of the building was stone (or aesthetic paneling designed to look like it, maybe) and used spotlights to give it a high-class image. The building was surrounded with greenery, exotic sculptures, and flowers, along with architecture that evoked the southern seas.
The walls shielding the entrance from view were the barely love hotel-y thing about it, but even those walls were gaudy, covered as they were in ivy and colorful flowers.
However, Bali-An Resort Shinjuku (the first one) has a word-for-word match with the interior description for one of its rooms. There's even a dedicated section for girls' party (女子会) packages on their website.
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Here's a 360-degree view of the Royal Garden room (ロイヤルガーデンタイプ).
The first thing to catch my eye inside this room that was decorated in earthy tones were two canopied double beds in the back. Hibiscus petals were scattered over the top of their white blankets. Next to the wall there were two black leather massage chairs. In the front of the room was an L-shaped sofa and a wooden table. The table had a silver bucket of ice placed on top of it with a bottle of wine sticking out. Along the wall there was a mini-fridge, and a shelf with a microwave, and on top of that shelf was a large TV surrounded by a bamboo frame. It currently showed nature footage from Bali. There was the sound of the waves rolling in and out, and gamelan music played at a subdued volume.
“Lookie, lookie! There’s a sauna!” Akari shouted, looking through the door to the side of us that she had opened. Beyond it was a washroom with a selection of amenities including face wash, face lotion, and face masks. Across from the sink was a large dry sauna that had room for two.
Toriko walked in, pushing the bathroom door open. The tub was made of black stone, and was an almost round heart-shape, or maybe more of a peach-shape, and it was large enough it seemed to cry out “get in me together.”
None of the lobbies match the novel's description, but here it is anyway:
There were couches scattered around a lobby with dark-colored flooring, and lines of decorative plants as tall as a person. The space was softly illuminated with spotlights and indirect lighting, and a languid Balinese gamelan piece served as background music interspersed with the sounds of water and birdsong. Was this aroma foreign incense, perhaps?
For a gigantic room with two beds, massage chairs, room service, a huge ass bathtub, large couch + TV area, sauna and free amenities, 26,800 yen is honestly a steal, especially when you consider it's right smackdab in the heart of Shinjuku. I'd totally stay at this place bruh.
8. Jimbōchō Book Town (神田神保町古書街)
Jinbocho is the neighbourhood that houses the building with the elevator that leads to the skeletal building entrance on Otherside. The area is served by a couple of stations but Sorawo and Toriko reached via Ochanomizu station.
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Book Town is one of the more classic 'old school Tokyo' locations favoured by fans of literature. It's a treasure trove for people who love hunting for secondhand books. It's no wonder why Sorawo is familiar with the area.
I have no idea which specific building that houses the elevator is supposed to be, but my guess is this one - it's the only one I could find that appears to match the description in Vol 1.
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"The place Toriko led me to was a building in Jinbouchou. It was a tall, thin building with a bunch of shops in the back of Book Town. Ten floors in total."
If I'm right then it would be really funny as the building is literally called Jinbocho building (神保町ビル) lmao.
Book Town used to be a pretty lively (or as lively as a secondhand book district could be anyways) locale but COVID-19 unfortunately caused many of these legacy businesses to shut down, so now it's a lot quieter. I'm not sure how long this street will last so if you ever visit Tokyo I do strongly recommend visiting it, if only for the vibes.
Wikipedia has a pretty good summary of the rich history of this area.
Book Town also has its own website that carries a great deal of information if you're planning on visiting.
9. Shosen Grande (書泉グランデ)
The flagship store of the Shosen bookstore chain, located near Jinbocho station. Sorawo waited here for Toriko before their second venture into the Otherside together (File 2 - Hasshaku-sama Survival).
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It's hella huge with seven floors - and apparently also a popular shopping location for weeb/otaku merch. This is the official floor guide on their website.
10. Maison c
The quaint little wine bar near Junkudo Ikebukuro where Sorawo and Toriko had a rather gloomy dinner after the Ninja Cat saga (File 8 - Little Bird in a Box).
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We were at a wine bar near the Junkudo in Ikebukuro. It was the middle of the week, but the dimly lit establishment was filled with customers. In one corner of a place where there were young couples having a lively time, we were having a quiet after-party of our own.
Definitely a cosy little spot, if their Instagram is anything to go by.
11. Meat Bar Modavaca (ニクバル モダ・バッカ)
The steak place near Shakujii-kōen station where Kozakura brought Toriko and Sorawo to shortly after events of the kidnapping (File 12 - The Matter of that Farm).
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Unfortunately it seems this place has also closed for good, but the location, menu, prices and other information from their Tablelog page and Instagram perfectly matches the description given in Vol 4:
We entered a bar and grill that was conveniently open all day and started off with rosé wine, even though it was still bright out. I’d never thought of rosé as anything more than “that kinda pinkish sweet stuff,” but the taste of it was crisper than I had expected, and I liked it. Next, we ordered prosciutto, flame-seared meat sushi, and red wine. We had the staff cook us some expensive meat that cost 2,000 yen per hundred grams, and devoured the steaks after watching them sizzle on a hot iron grill.
It was already evening outside. As I watched the people being spewed out of the station one after another, I caught myself unconsciously searching for that woman in the crowd.
12. Kitchen Nankai Jinbocho (キッチン南海 神保町店)
The "Western food" (洋食) place Sorawo and Toriko visited for a quick builder's lunch in Vol 6 (File 20 - T is for Templeborn).
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This is actually a pretty famous spot, so much so that it even has its own page as a Chiyoda-ku attraction. Most famous for their black curry.
Settling on a place that served Western-style dishes, we joined the salarymen and construction workers for a hearty meal.
I should note that there's a bit of missing nuance here. The original Japanese text is as such:
The bolded part roughly translates to "We chose a rather unpretentious Western restaurant...", with 'unpretentious' in this context referring to a place that doesn't feel very conscious/fussy about attire/appearance. This part is entirely omitted in the English version.
I don't think it's a big deal per se, but it's the inclusion of small details like that which adds flourish to Miyazawa's writing, and it's kind of a pity when they get missed out like that.
There's also a slight mistranslation here:
I ordered tonkatsu curry with a black roux and lots of cheese, while Toriko had roasted flounder with ginger. We scarfed down a whole bunch of chopped cabbage and white rice on top of that and headed back to the elevator with our bellies full.
The corresponding Japanese text is as follows:
The bolded part states "flounder katsu and shougayaki", which actually means a piece of breaded, deep fried flounder, with pork stir-fried in ginger sauce on the side.
True enough, there is a dish called "fried flounder shougayaki rice" (ひらめフライ生姜焼きライス) according to the real restaurant's Tablelog page. Here's a review of the restaurant featuring multiple photos of the dish.
13. Keio Plaza Hotel Shinjuku
Explicitly stated as the location of the First Anniversary Dinner in Vol 7 (File 22 - Toilet Paper Moon).
The buffet that our fav girls stuffed their faces at is the Glass Court Super Buffet, located on the 2nd floor. Looks pretty spankin' and swanky if you ask me.
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“The buffet here’s on the second floor. I told you, you don’t need to get all worked up about this.”
I'm omitting the novel's lengthy descriptions of the food out of mercy to us all.
The second half of the night takes place at the Aurora Sky Lounge on the 45th floor.
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Fun fact: I ran into a bit of confusion looking up this place due to a translation error in the English version lol.
“I hear there’s a lounge on the fourth floor here.” “A lounge…?” “It’s got a night view and you can drink there.”
There's a Cocktail & Tea Lounge on the 3rd floor but I'm not sure what kinda night view you can get apart from dirty concrete in a city jam-packed with skyscrapers lol. A quick check against the original proved my hunch about the mistranslation was right.
「ここ、四十五階にラウンジがあるんだって」 「……ラウンジ?」 「夜景が見えて、お酒が飲めるとこ」
14. Charcoal-Grill Yakiniku Gyurakutei (炭火焼肉 牛楽亭)
In the anime-special episode 10, our little gang went for some good ol' grilled beef.
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It's a little up in the air about how accurate this one is. There is only one place called 韓国炭火焼肉 牛楽亭 (lit. "Korean Charcoal-Grill Yakiniku Gyurakutei") in Tokyo, located in the Shinjuku section of Iidabashi that has since shut down.
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The restaurant name might be an off-brand reference to Anrakutei (安楽亭), which is an affordable yakiniku chain around Tokyo. There's one in Ikebukuro and another in Shinjuku. But cheap places tend to use electric grills instead of charcoal, so... idk bro.
15. Omiya Ichibangai (大宮一番街)
The place where it all started - when Sorawo discovered a gate to the Otherside on a random day in April.
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In contrast to the west side of the station, where further development had yielded large buildings, the east side was still a sprawling town of small buildings and multi-tenant buildings, the same as it had ever been. It was on the east side, on the corner where two narrow streets met, that I came to a stop. Pachinko parlors, ramen restaurants, taverns, parking lots… In between the various assorted buildings of the shopping arcade, there were many shops with their shutters lowered. Their signs had been taken down, and nothing was posted out front, so you couldn’t even tell what kind of businesses they had been.
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I've been to Omiya station once, but that was before I knew about OP and it was on a blitzy winter day in mid-January. The station is pretty big and the immediate surrounding area is bustling, but everything looks just so slightly dated compared to downtown Tokyo, like a time capsule from early 2000s IT-bubble era Japan, which is wild because it's technically only 20-something km away from Ikebukuro. I was only there to meet a friend and didn't get a glimpse of the rest of the area outside of the passing "car passenger POV", so I didn't really feel the "forgotten suburban Showa town" vibes from the novel when I read it but YMMV.
A quick Google search for "大宮商店街" shows a shopping street called Ichibangai to the immediate east of the station, and street view images match up the screenshot from the anime, so this specific area's your best bet.
I casually approached the building and slipped into the gap between it and the neighboring one. The lock on the side door was broken, so I knew I should be able to get in. I’d been able to do so the last time I was here, at least. Turning my body sideways as I proceeded down the gap, I put my hand on the sliding door. It got caught if you tried to move it normally, but if I put in some force, and lifted it up a little—there, it moved.
The back room of a shop that had gone under. The ceiling and wallpaper were in poor shape and the sink and gas stove against the wall were dark with grime. There were chairs and a table in the center of the room, covered in dust.
I crossed the room and approached the back door.
I pushed the door open with trepidation, and on the side was just the back alleyway, as I’d expected. There was a puddle on the bare concrete surface fed by runoff from the external portion of an air conditioner.
I took a step out into the alley and looked towards the arcade. It was blocked off with an iron bar gate and a padlock. Turning the other direction, the alleyway came to an immediate dead end with the back doors of some other buildings. Oh, I guess it had never been possible to come in through here before.
Omiya might be in Saitama but it's still a pretty urban area, so don't go breaking into empty shops or whatever... Still, taking a walk around the vicinity would be a good experience I think.
16. Yamaguchi Mansion (山口マンション)
Toriko's supposed apartment building near Nippori station - as deduced by this extremely detailed post. There's no need for me to repeat what's already been said so I'm just gonna add my own two cents for this section:
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It wasn’t a particularly new building, but it still looked expensive. I hated that my reflexive reaction was—Little Miss Moneybags sure lives in a nice place, doesn’t she?
Definitely looks old - records I could find on Google show that it was built in 1985.
Also definitely expensive - apart from being so close to a Yamanote line station, it's got elevators! Japanese law doesn't require elevators to be installed for buildings shorter than 5 floors, so cheap developers often cap at 4 floors and call it a day. How do I know this? I used to live on the 4th floor apartment of a 4-storey building (also next to a major Yamanote line station), and let's just say every day was leg day.
I should add that it's an actual residential building located at the end of a street so I wouldn't recommend lingering, because that's pretty sus behaviour to anyone living nearby. I suggest maybe just a quick glance and move on to explore the rest of the neighbourhood.
Also if you're wondering why it's called a "mansion" - it's the Japlish term for a condo.
17. Casa N.Y Apartment Ginowan (宜野湾市Casa N.Yアパートメント)
The closest thing I could find to anything remotely New York-related on Okinawa…
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Looks like a slightly old run-of-the-mill Japanese Airbnb though. My best guess is Miyazawa saw the name and decided to embellish things a little bit...
The location and exterior somewhat barely match up at least...?
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Calling it a pension made it sound like some kind of resort, but this place was smack-dab in the middle of the city. It was a wooden penthouse on top of a three-story building, and right outside our window, across a street lined with palm trees, was a big billboard for a consumer finance company.
We were some distance from the center of Naha, so no matter where we planned to go, we were going to need a car.
Ngl, this is probably the wonkiest entry on the list.
18. ANA InterContinental Ishigaki Resort
Expensive rates? Check. Poolside bar? Check. Taxi distance from downtown restaurants? Check. Credit cards sure are convenient eh.
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We stayed in a super expensive room at same-day arrival pricing, swam in the pool, ordered cocktails by the poolside, and went beach-combing for bits of coral. Then we took a taxi into town at night to eat Ishigaki beef and locally caught fish, then send Kozakura pictures of all the tasty food and alcohol.
Now I'm tempted to do this myself... Girl math is best math...
Fun fact: spamming someone with food photos (or on social media in general) is called 飯テロ (lit. "food terrorism"). And this post is starting to feel like it.
19. Chichibu Waraji Katsu Tei (秩父わらじかつ亭)
In Vol 4 (File 14 - The Inviting Hot Springs), Sorawo and Toriko mentioned that they ate a place called Golden Waraji Katsu (黄金わらじカツ) located within Seibu-Chichibu station after escaping Hasshaku-sama for the first time back in Vol 1 (File 2 - Hasshaku-sama Survival).
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“Oh! That was here! I remember now. We caught a taxi on a mountain road, came back here… ate some katsudon at the station, and went home, right? It had a gaudy name. What was it again?” “Golden Waraji Katsu.”
While there isn't any shop of that name IRL or within the station proper, there is indeed one waraji katsu shop located within the food court of a hot spring facility called Matsuri No Yu (祭の湯), which in turn is directly connected to Seibu-Chichibu station (wth that's so nice???).
The facility is mentioned in the novel as well:
There was a building with a number of facilities, including a hot spring for people making day trips to the area, as well as a food court, attached to the station building.
Waraji katsu-don is a specialty dish of Chichibu. "Waraji" (草鞋) refers to Japanese sandals made from rice straw, although I'm not sure what is the special relation between this footwear and Chichibu, or what makes this katsu-don so different from the standard variation.
20a. Nipponichi Ikebukuro (にっぽん市 池袋)
The Ikebukuro private room izakaya that Sorawo booked in Vol 8 to celebrate Toriko's birthday. I did a Google search in Japanese for "Ikebukuro izakaya Japanese-style private room" and this seems to fit the bill off the bat. The entire izakaya is split into private rooms that can seat anywhere between 2 - 20.
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I lacked the guts to book dinner for us at a hotel, so instead I chose as nice a drinking establishment as I could: a Japanese-style tavern in Ikebukuro with private rooms that was reasonably priced, and had good reviews for both the alcohol and seafood.
The indirect lighting of the private room shone softly on her golden locks and indigo irises.
Today she was wearing a relaxed, sky-blue dress, not something showy like when we went for dinner at the hotel. She was probably matching the vibe of the tavern.
Seems like a bingo. Pretty intimate interior, if you ask me... Maybe that's why Toriko finally mustered the courage to confess formally later that night lol.
We got more drinks, trying out some unfamiliar Japanese sake.
Their menu also has a dedicated fresh fish section, along with a very extensive sake list... which is a double wham in my books.
20b. Oto-Oto Ikebukuro (音音 池袋店)
There's another private room-only izakaya in Ikebukuro that also fits the description in the novel both in terms of food and interior, but I'm placing this as Option No. 2 because I think Sorawo at this point would rather stab herself in the eye than book the Couple's Room (right pic):
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Like literally I would call this the sort of place you bring a girl to get laid after, you know???
Anyways, for those of my pals here who do want to get laid, you can check out the place on Tablelog here.
The Rest (???)
So, that's a cool 20.
There are some locations that have too few details to be narrowed down, such as the DS Labs building, the Shinjuku izakaya where Toriko donned Hasshaku-sama's hat (File 3 - Station February), or the yakitori place near Shakujii-kōen station that they settled at to escape the stalking cats (File 7 - Attack of the Ninja Cats).
Meanwhile, others, like the Chichibu hot springs inn they visited in Vol 4 carry too many research details for me to fit properly in the remaining space left in this post.
I'm sure there's also a bunch of locations/clues that I've forgotten that were visited throughout the 9 volumes, so I'll make a sequel if I come across any new clues/locations as I re-read Vol 1 - 9 in my sparse free time.
I might also do a post casually comparing the JP vs EN (and even CH) versions of the novels, since there were certain parts of the localisation that I felt made characters come off a bit too strong compared to the original.
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asclexe · 4 months
⭐️ government-forced blog intro post ⭐️
(new and improved!)
welcome to marvin’s marvelous mechanical museum!
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^ me if you even care..
art above by the one and only @pingunaa
remember 2 to do ur daily clicks for palestine
free everyone!! help some people in need!!!
fun websites masterlist
suicide hotlines
this could save your life!
kys /j <3 (KEEP YOURSELF SAFE /srs.)
hai!! hello!! hey!! what’s up!! basic info/fun stuff below the cut (very long intro soo sorry)
*flash/blink warning for the blinkies
name: asclexe formally? cameron causally, but call me whatever! no, seriously! idc! nicknames (ex: cam, ronnie, cammy, etc) are welcome! feel free to call me your pookie or your son or child or something, be creative!
⭐️gender and pronouns: i am uhhh. nonbinary i think. they/them preferred, but it/its or he/him are also fine!! i prefer gender neutral terms, but i also am more masc leaning. like im a man. but also just a person.
⭐️not specifying my age but im a minor. B cool!! internet safety!!
⭐️sexuality: aromantic asexual aplatonic lesbian dumbfuck
⭐️nationality/country: american fuck my stupid baka life (EST timezone)
⭐️ i am also white :/
⭐️star sign: leo :3
⭐️personality type: intj (also houses mtbi if u care)
⭐️religious alignment: atheist cause im god /j 💪💪
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bigots and pedos/zoos are lame and not welcome. i bite scammers. exclusively nsfw/kink blogs not welcome. im a kid. ed blogs please do not follow me because im uncomfortable with that. also don’t expect a follow back if youre over 24 cus thats weirdd
also if ur a diehard stan of anything pls think :3
dni if you’re from earth or human. aliens only blog. /j
and everyone else is welcome :3
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⭐️fandoms im most active in:
house md
doctor who (only on season 2!!)
good omens
warrior cats (on arc 5 but i don’t plan on reading them)
dungeon meshi
movies in general
+ any other fandoms i consume in the future!!
⭐️fandoms i rarely post abt but still enjoy
tbosas/the hunger games
dead poets society
six feet under
a series of unfortunate events
she-ra/the owl house/steven universe/gravity falls/etc
barbie/monster high
doogie howser md
scott pilgrim
the amazing digital circus
the middle
stardew valley
the spiderverse
abbott elementary
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i will post abt my sims occasionally :3 most posts are text posts bc im untalented
*i’m looking to get into evangelion, supernatural, hannibal, saw, and dexter 👍
i write fanfiction and poetry (i take requests feel free to hmu), i do local theater, i make pride icons (also requests hmu) i drabble in the occasional doodle, and i like baking and watching youtube and scrolling through tumblr and walking through the forest and my neighborhood and making bracelets and spending money and laying on the floor and singing and dancing and being silly and reading medical textbooks and cool novels and hanging with my irls and idk, yeah! life! carpe diem!
*also i’m trying to get into reality shifting! (im not a freak i swear)
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⭐️my fav music artists (a little all over the place:3) jack stauber, will wood, lemon demon, tally hall/miracle musical, dazey and the scouts, mommy long legs, the oozes, bear ghost, mitski, chappell roan, weezer, the smashing pumpkins, my chemical romance, laufey, liana flores, faye webster, MARINA, pearl & the oysters, queen, no doubt, slipknot, korn, mindless self indulgence, hole, some olivia rodrigo, charli xcx, some vocaloids,
i love pretty much all kinds of jazz, rock, and showtunes (except ballads. i dislike ballads)
my music taste can be described as like. neurodivergent weird kid alt rock and hot girl summer pop.
(music recs are very much welcome <33)
*taylor swift enjoyers follow at your own risk (i hate on her occasionally. i really dislike her music and she’s also not that great of a person)
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random facts about me :3
⭐️i’m left-handed (bully me for it ik im a freak)
⭐️unfortunately a theater kid :/
⭐️tall for this website
⭐️the most insufferable and annoying person ever
⭐️DOESNT BITE!! (i swear)
⭐️ i’m genetically pitch perfect but i’m awful with rhythm
⭐️favorite planet is ur mom (i ❤️ venus)
⭐️honors roll baby 🔥🔥
⭐️im most likely neurodiverse?? undiagnosed but speculated
⭐️perpetually alone only child 😔 please talk to me i love chatting with people, asks and replies preferred, dms okay <33
⭐️favorite color green. all of the shades.
⭐️i haven’t cried properly in like a year and i am not breaking my mewing streak
⭐️minorly touch/attention starved :3
⭐️single & ready to mingle!! (please don’t fucking talk to me like that im aroace and a minor )
⭐️i’ve never seen an episode of spongebob but saw the musical
⭐️im nicer than i seem (i’m also a very negative person in general but i keep my thoughts to myself!)
⭐️i have a massive sweet tooth :3
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⭐️(new) tags guide!⭐️
*note this is a new system i’m trying out, some older posts do not apply
#asclexeposting - all original content
#camyyaps - unhinged text posts/late night eepy time posts/yapping in the tags
#cam touches grass - the rare times i go outside and touch grass and do stuff
#ask the fellows - relating to my ask blog (go follow it go do it its @ask-the-ducklings go ask stuff)
#me ask :3 - reblog of something i asked another blog
#mootie :3 - if we’re mutuals and you send me an ask i tag it with this :3
*you also get your own individual tag for asks, for example @pingunaa is ping :3 and @rubeslovesthesmiths is rubes :3, etc
#cammy’s 4 later tag :3 - stuff for later!!
#cam plays the sims :3 - my simming tag
old man doctor yaoi prompt list :3
my house md oc :3
⭐️side blogs!⭐️
@ask-the-ducklings - ask/roleplay blog 4 the house md duckligns
1/2 of @meanwhile-on-the-road, the other half is pookie @sillyhyperfixator
@house-md-referrer - house md references
@theindierockcafe - writing blog
this will be mostly reblogs of my silly mutuals/my fyp, i try to make original content often! I ❤️ REBLOGGING ART YOU SHOULD DO IT TOO!!!! hope we can get along! ask me whatever! i don’t know! be nice and respectful cause i’m a minor!
SPAM MY ASK BOX :3 create lore, send me images, ask for comfort, WHATEVER!!!! im friendly and ill answer your ask eventually.
disclaimer; i live in the us and a snowflake so im occasionally political, nothing too extreme im just scared 👍 i also don’t spoiler tag!! sorry!
if you want me to share your fundraiser; give me some time to verify you!!!! i promise im not ignoring you!!
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blinkies made in the blinkie cafe :3
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calholic · 1 year
idk if you'd be ok w this but tom kaulitz x female reader highschool au?
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★ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: you go to high school with the tom kaulitz
★ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: mentions of alcohol, swearing, cigarettes, extreme bullying
★ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: someone had a similar req to this where reader gets bullied so i tried adding some of that into here ❤️ also i feel like i add angst to all my stories 😭 ik i’m making tom sound like a bad guy in these stories which can make people feel that way about him irl (ahem my living nightmare) but plz guys im just doing it for the angst i swear im not a tom anti haha
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you’ve know tom and bill since forever, i mean the three of you have been together since elementary school. they were both really different now with tom being a massive player and bill being, well, bill. you guys were now in high school and you would like to say it got easier but it didn’t. you were constantly harassed by tom’s fangirls which was unbearable. obviously you’ve talked to tom about it but he ended up being honored that his fans were so loyal. “stay away from tom, pick me,” you hear a girl say as you walked down the hall. these girls would never say anything to your face, only spew hate from behind your back.
you ignored them all of course but it was still annoying. “your fangirls are at it again,” you said to tom as you sat down in your first hour class. “i’m flattered,” he said half-heartedly, looking down on his phone, texting. tom had been texting a lot lately and you were curious. “who’re you texting? you been at it all week,” you asked. “some girl i met last week while shopping with bill,” he said. “oh,” you replied, looking down at your desk. you’ve had a crush on tom since middle school and hearing about his new love interests really hurt. “i think she might be the one, i’m meeting with her tonight,” he said smiling, totally ignoring your sudden change of emotion.
you were silent for the rest of class and left early, leaving without waiting for tom like you usually did. you went to go confide with bill later at lunch. “ugh it’s just so annoying hearing him talk about other girls,” you said sighing. “why don’t you just confess then?” bill asked. “you don’t get, it’s way more complicated than that. i mean, he doesn’t even like me!” you said. “you never know~,” bill said. “why? did he said something about me?” you asked. “calm down, he didn’t say anything,” bill said, letting your hopes down. “ugh whatever, i’m going to class now,” you said before leaving.
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you packed your bags as the dismissal bell rang, you would walk home with bill and tom since you guys lived nearby. you were still a little mad at tom but you wanted to wait for bill. you felt a water bottle lightly tap on your head and you turned around to see tom. “why’re you mad at me? is it because i talked about another girl?” he asked, smirking. “what did bill tell you?” you asked, annoyed that bill would tell tom. “what?” he asked confused. you might’ve just accidentally almost revealed your crush on tom so you quickly came up with a lame excuse. “what? no? of course not, bill told me you stole my bag of chips,” you said defensively.
“oh, yeah i forgot about that,” he said laughing. “hey guys, ready to go?” bill asked as he walked up to the two of you. “yeah, let’s go,” you said. the walk was pretty silent now as you thought of what tom would be doing with that girl tonight. it wasn’t fair that he was having all the fun meeting people and hooking up almost every night. you wanted to experience that fun too so when you got home you called your friend audrey, and asked if she knew anyone throwing a party. “oh yeah! i heard adrian’s hosting one at his dad’s house and i heard that it’s massive too,” she said. “cool! when is it?” you asked. “friday, wanna come over to get ready together?” she asked. “of course!” you replied.
it was late now and you were getting ready for bed before you heard a knock at your window, it was tom. “what do you want?” you asked. “can i come in?” he yelled from below. “whatever,” you said, walking back into your room. he quickly slipped in and laid on your bed. “she ditched me, i can’t believe her! how could you ditch such a hottie like me??” he said. “who wouldn’t?” you asked with a laugh. “what’s your problem?” tom looked at you with a serious expression now. “well let’s see, first your sho up to my house unannounced at 10pm, then you talk about your failed hookup, do i need to say more?” you asked. “you’ve been acting like a bitch lately,” he said. “i’m leaving,”
and with that tom left as quick as he came. you felt a little bad but you knew it needed to be addressed. the next day at school was rough, tom avoided you and the girls were even more relentless now as well. “what did you do to tom?” asked jessica, one of tom’s biggest fan girls. you couldn’t give her the time of day so you walked off.
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“i’m not done talking!” she screamed. “i don’t care,” you replied. you weren’t having it and just wanted to go home, you were tired of everything and couldn’t take your mind off tom. you kept walking to your next class until school ended finally. you didn’t even wait for tom or bill and just went home by yourself, you even ran a little to avoid them. bill called you later and asked why you and tom weren’t talking. “some stuff happened last night and i’m honestly so tired of him now,” you explained. “come on now, you guys are like two peas in a pod!” he said. “not anymore,” you replied. you scrolled around and myspace and saw that tom had posted something. it was him at a party, probably from last night after he left your house. he was surrounded by girls which made you even more frustrated.
the party was one day away now and you were deciding your outfit, you were going to go all out. perhaps something slutty? you didn’t know yet, but you did know that you were going to get drunk and hook up. you met up with audrey to discuss friday before school started. “maybe a halter top?” she suggested. “ooh a miniskirt!” you added in. “i think i’ll wear my sequined tank top with a skirt,” she said. “i don’t know what i’m wearing yet,” you said putting your head down. “it’s okay, if you can’t find anything you can wear some of my clothes,” she said. “okay,” you said.
you walked into first hour, dreading it. you didn’t want to see tom, like at all. when you ed in, his desk was surrounded by girls as usual. one them gave you a dirty look as you walked up to your desk. you overheard what they were talking about and tom was telling them about what you said. that bitch, you couldn’t believe he was telling people, and his fangirls at that, your guys’ personal business. you knew you wouldn’t be able to live it down from them so you just put your headphones in and head down. your jaded your head when classed started and you swore you’d as tom smirking at you as the girls started dissipating.
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when school ended you began walking before you felt someone grab your shoulder, it was tom and you wondered what he wanted. “we need to talk,” he said. “about what? how you’re telling your stupid fangirls about our business? they’re never going to leave me be now that they know that! but you don’t care do you? because you’re so selfish and only care about which girl you’re going to fuck next right?” you said. you left tom speechless and left before you gave him time to speak. you can’t believe you just let all your anger out on him like that. you tried not to feel bad because he deserved it but you still couldn’t help it. you quickly walked home after that’s hoping to avoid bill as well.
you wanted to drown now and never see anyone again. you took a nap and woke up to missed calls from bill, which you answered. “hello?” you asked. “______ i don’t know what going on with you and tom but it needs to end. you guys are best friends and can’t be on bad terms like this! i care about you two,” he said. “i love you bill but nothing is going to change my mind. anyways, see you at adrian’s?” you asked. “yeah whatever, bye,” he said. you put the phone down and got in the shower. it was late now but you decided to do homework before going to bed. you woke up the next, refreshed and ready, you felt very confident and ready for tonight. you met up with audrey to discuss plans and then went to first hour.
tom was already there and he waved at you, signaling he wanted to talk but you turned around immediately and went to go talk to someone else. school felt like forever but eventually it ended and you met up with audrey to go to her house. “okay, i’ll shower first and the i’ll start on makeup okay?” audrey confirmed. “sure,” you said as you sat down on her bed. soon enough she finished her shower and you got in.
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the two of you finished your makeup and it was time to choose outfits. audrey ended up with a halter top and a low rise skirt while you wore a tupe top with the shortest skirt ever. you guys did hair as well and then left. adrian’s house was indeed hug and there were already people there. most were kids from school but others were from different ones too. you immediately saw tom on a couch, sitting next to a girl. you hate to say it but you were jealous, jealous that that girl wasn’t you. you brushed those thoughts away though and headed straight to the drinks you took shot after shot and drink and drink.
after a few minutes you were drunk and decided to mess around. you saw a cute boy and decided to approach him. “hey,” you said, slurring your words a little. he seemed to be i by you to by the look in his eye. “hey beautiful,” he replied. you noticed tom looking and a smile gee on your face. you took the boy into a random room and started making out with him. all of a sudden the lights turned off though and the boy got up. suddenly a bunch of girls appeared basically out of no where and started recording you half naked with their flashlights on.
they were yelling things like slut and whore. you soon recognized them to be tom’s little fangirls and you were so embarrassed. holding back tears, you got up and put your clothes back on but not before one of the girls approached you and started laughing in your face, calling you names. “you really think tom likes you? this is all your fault for breaking his heart,” she said. your tears were flowing now and you couldn’t control them, you tried to get up but one of the girls held you down. you thought it was over as the girls all started laughing and circling you until you heard a familiar voice, yet again it was tom. “what are you guys doing?” he yelled.
he shoved the girls aside and helped you up. you were no even more pissed at him since you knew this was his doing, all the fangirls, all the drama and all the gossip. you pulled your arm away from him and out your clothes on. “why are you mad at me? i get that we fought once but we usually get over it,” he asked. “are you fucking kidding me?” you asked frantically crying now and breathing heavy. “are you asking me this now? i’m mad because this is all your fault, i’m mad because the only reason this happened is because you decided to tell your fan girls our drama and i’m mad because i like you so much that i hate when you’re around other girls!” you shouted. tom was silent, only letting out a small “what?” your face was red from embarrassment and you ran out the door, straight to the exit.
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you ran all the way home, as it started raining, your tears blending in. when you got home you went straight to your room, ignoring your mothers worried calls for your name. you took off your wet clothes and laid on your bed. you got a call from tom but ignored it along with calls from your other friends, you knew they all had the same question, “are you okay?” you were tired but lit a cigarette outside, looking at the moon before you dozed off to bed. the weekend passed and you stayed home during all of it. you didn’t want to go out and embarrass yourself more.
the video had now surfaced and everyone and their mothers have seen it. you were a joke now and it was all because of tom. “wake up ______ it’s time for school,” your mom said. “mom, i can’t go, you’ve seen the video right? i’m a joke,” you cried. “you’re only a joke if you let them make you out to be one. if you let them steak you down like this then you’ll never recover,” she said and she was right. even thought you didn’t want to, you got up for school. you walked into school and everyone looked at you, whispering things. you wanted to die.
tom was in first hour, sitting by himself surprisingly. you were halfway into the door before you guys made eye contact. he got up to approach but you instinctively ran away from him to go hug in the bathroom. you skipped all of first hour and hid away in a stall. you went to the rest of your classes as normal but not without being humiliated. you only went back to the bathrooms for lunch, hoping to avoid people. when school ended you were relieved. you ran out the gates and straight home. you didn’t talk to anyone all day and you avoided everyone too. you decided to do homework since you threw your phone away, hoping to avoid everything.
you were studying for hours until you heard talking ay your window. you looked down to see tom but you ignored him. the last thing you’ve antes was to see him.
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he wouldn’t budge though and kept knocking. you finally opened it to tell him to go away but he had let himself in already. “______ i-,” he started but you cut him off. “look i know what you’re going to say, but just please forget what happened on friday, okay?” you pleaded. “no, i can’t. i want to say that… i really like you too ______,” you were shocked, not knowing what to do. “i didn’t know how to tell you though, so i coped by sleeping around with girls,” he confessed. “im sorry for what those girls did to you, and i’m sorry for telling them our business,” he apologized but you didn’t know whether to forgive him or not. “why?” you asked. “why what?” he said. “why did you tel them?”
“i dunno, i was jealous i guess,” he said. “oh what?” you asked. “of how good you were doing without me,” he admitted. you laughed at the irony since you weren’t actually doing as great as he thought. “are you serious?” you asked, he was silent. “i’ve been crying myself to bed all night!” you said. “i’m sorry,” tom said as he looked down. “me too i guess. i didn’t mean to say this things that night. i was pissed you were off with another girl,” you admitted. “so you weren’t mad over the chips?” he asked. “no,”
“were you serious about what you said friday night, that you like me?” he asked. “yeah…” you looked away, embarrassed. “your face is red,” he stated. “whatever,” you rolled your eyes and fell back onto your bed with tom following. you two faced each other, staring into each one’s longing eyes. “i love you,” tom whispered before leaning in for a kiss.
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elbiotipo · 8 months
Workbuilding Fundamentalist question: when it comes to dates, times and calendars in a fantasy setting where do you stand? I'm always conflicted as a writer just because changing the length of a year or what all the months are called all makes sense given that most fantasy worlds aren't earth and because every month is named after a person or deity and our calendar has been changed like 7 times in the real world. And yet I don't want to throw all this extra work at the reader.
Example I have a gas dwarf planet with like, winderwaker islands poking out above the gaseous ocean what people live on. And there's only 4 months in a year there so a 64 year old is still a teenager and it just seems like a lot to make someone keep track of.
First of all, very cool setting, I love islands among the clouds! Now, this is actually something I've given a lot of thought into, and might become a real concern if humanity goes to other planets.
There's, for example, an opening line of a Heinlein novel (IIRC) where a girl says she's 10 years old and thus old enough to marry, which is true, on Mars (the year is 687 days there). There is no reason, if one is designing a new planet, or even finding one IRL, to expect it to have the same day and year lenght to Earth, not even close. Mars with 21 hours is pretty close, but the length of our year and day is really just a cosmic coincidence. You could easily have an reasonably earth-like planet with shorter years (because it's closer to its star, or just revolves faster), or longer days or years.
However, very few fictional settings bother with this, and it's not hard to see why, you can have all sorts of exotic additions to your setting, but to wrap our head through different lenghts of the year or the day is a bit too much. Even different week lenghts, which did exist on history, sound strange. There are all sorts of different fantasy and sci-fi calendars, but at the root, most authors operate with "Earth-time". I don't blame them, it is 'extra work' for some readers, and it's not easy to wrap our head around, it's easier to say "this is sort of an alternate Earth" and be done with it. Also, to lenghten or shortern the year or day might bring all sorts of consequences from ecology to climate that should be considered, otherwise it's just a lame gimmick in my opinion.
HOWEVER, it's still an interesting piece of worldbuilding to consider!
Calendars of a sort have existed since humans started to count seasons and days, but our current society where there are calendars and clocks everywhere is quite recent, actually. I'm sure you are aware of the different calendars besides the BCE-CE one was imposed as the standard, many cultures . But there are also different ways of counting years;. The classic one is seasons, farming societies of course need it the most but hunter-gatherers also follow and know the seasons. There is no reason at all for them to correspond to the "temperate" seasons (summer, fall, winter, spring). Dry and wet seasons, cold and summer, and other options are not only possible, but have actually been widespread on human history. I recommend reading on Wikipedia about seasons, especially the section about non-calendar based seasons.
Of course the above applies to pre-industrial civilizations where timekeeping isn't as widespread. But even in those, counting years and ages is treated differently. Birthdays, for example, don't exist in all cultures. Koreans still count age based on the Korean new year, not your birthday. Some medieval Christian celebrated on the feast of the saint they were named after (and there are lots of them) or IIRC, their baptism. And so, a culture as yours might use different ways of counting the age of a person, perhaps by more "qualitative" rituals than just counting the years (though I have a feeling they would quickly adapt to their own calendar). Much like I told you about different kinds of seasons for different climates, I imagine that in worlds where the years are too short (or too long) to really make sense for the average person, some other ways of counting time will prevail. For example, are there predictable climate cycles in your planet? Moons (lunar calendars are always fun)? I can assume your planet has shorter years because it's closer to your star (by any chance, did you base it on red-dwarf orbiting planets?), so perhaps you could use something regarding the very visible star to count time?
Like I said at the beginning, this will be a real concern when humanity expands through space, and there's even a bit of debate if the human body can adapt to such heavy changes on its circadian rhytm. In any case, my prediction is that there would be a "Earth time", that is, 24-hours day and 365 day year, that is kept as standard out of convenience and in spaceships and space habitats (in my own setting Campoestela, it's called "ship time" because human spaceships use it as standard) and lots of "local times" on different planets with all the quirks I mentioned above, with everyone going into space learning how to convert their own time to "Earth time". Or maybe, to make things even more fun and, admittedly, complicated to the reader, the time of another time is taken as a standard. There's lots to play with here.
DON'T even ask me about relativistic time (like in Interstellar) because it makes my head hurt, even if I did use it a couple times on my stories. But "ship time" might be a real thing. Some cultures might have completely different 'times', not calendars, actually *times*, depending on relativistic time delation.
BTW anon, sorry for using this to promote myself, but if anyone loved this rant and would like to see more, I would appreciate some tips on my ko-fi (given the situation down here, now more than ever) and suggestions for other topics to talk about!
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echoing-gravity · 1 year
MLB X MCU AU in which Marinette gets revealed as Multimouse to the entire world
Because Alya cant be trusted to be responsible with a camera.
Every-fucking-one knows now. hawkmoth. her PARENTS. Hell even TONY fucking STARK knows she was a hero.
and then her parents make/force her to take Style queens offer to intern in NYC, because, from their perspective she is not safe in paris. and like- the AVENGERS are in new york so surely it must be safe there. so they pack up and move their entire bakery business.
and she ends up going to midtown high-school, where not to her knowledge, fellow teenage superhero Peter parker aka "Your friendly neighborhood SPIDER-MAN" goes to school.
Cute adorable shipping commences.
peter is all like "omg another teenage super hero???!!! like me???? i thought i was the only one???? transferring to MY school?!!! SO COOL!!"
"marinette is super smart, marinette is pretty, she was one of THE Miraculous Ladybug's sidekicks how cool is that??!, marinette is COOL!! maybe we can be friends? how am i gonna talk to someone that cool though?? i cant tell her my secret identity!!!"
insta-crush. peter is a marinette SIMP
(and yo, dont get on my case about marinette being super fucking smart, this is the girl who figured out she was getting a birthday party from just seeing one of her friends holding a bike pump. that girl is a tactical genius! she just has self esteem issues. they are both nerd, their just nerds about differnt things, let the nerds date!!!!)
of course Marinette still has the ladybug miraculous -even tho everyone thinks she doesn't have the rat miraculous anymore- and the miracle box. so she can still fight hawkmoth because the horse is basically fast travel irl, Space miraculous super conveintent.
(also concerning the mirsacle box, im going with my headcanon/Unlucky 13 AU on what that looks like post "ladybug becomes guardain" because that egg thing from canon? fucking lame
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These ones^^^)
It would be canon compliant till season 2 and most? of season 3? but like fuck miracle queen, season3 finale + truth made me stop watching the show. so like in this au, lets just assume Fu is dead, and ladybug has had the miracle box for some time now. and that they got the miraculous when they were 13, and are currently 15? yeah? okay.
(also prolly chat salt, it doesn't HAVE to be chat salt, but like- He. Keeps. Trying. To. Quit. And leave all the work to marinette!!!! its happened like 3?? times now? Marinette CANT quit!!! its literally "do this or lose all your memories!!!" she is being held hostage by a fucking magic box full of responsibilities no 15 year old should have to deal with.)
I headcanon that marinette stress-bakes, so like cute scene number #1 after peter and marinette become friends, could be something like "marientte stresses for a test, and then bakes to much food so her parents make her take it to school to share with her peers, and she ends up giving like- 1/2 of them to parker, becuz of his super high metabolism.
and how marinettes got her whole "i'm RESPONISBLE!!! for the whole fucking universe now, omfg i'm the reason fu is basically dead" angsty shit going on which kinda parallels peters whole "i have super powers, and if i dont do something to help then its my fault if someone gets hurt, like how my uncle died. With great power, comes great RESPONSIBLITY!!!" angst. maybe they could trauma bond. who doesn't like a good hurt comfort trauma bond fic?
marinette likes designing fashionable but also functional clothes.
peter likes designing gadgets and techy things. let them be nerds together!!! in love!!
i feel like they would be the kind of couple/friends to just ramble on about their passions and they would listen to each other even tho they dont know much about each others interests yet. (also hey what if marinette and peter co designed one of peters early suits pre-stark suit??? the fucking writing potential this ship has omfg c'mon ppl!!! why are we sleeping on this??)
oh! and maybe peter figures out that marinette is also ladybug -but later on- cuz like, he has superhearing? and tikki isn't as subtle as she thinks she is.
and then he's all in awe like "Wow holy shit!!! she made her ladybug secret identity FOOLPROOF!!!! no one would ever fucking suspect!! maybe she can help me with mine???"
Fox miraculous shenanaigans insue????? The daily Bugles next headline be like: "SPIDER-MAN SAVES SI INTERN PETER PARKER FROM ETC ETC"
( the media thinks Ladybug and Chat are 1000+ years old due to that thing alya found in that museum that one time. and the fact that people know that Thor and Loki are super old.
Ladybug's excuse to the public for letting a teenager, Nay! for letting a THIRTEEN YEAR OLD CHILD use an extremly dangerous magical artifact for a little over 2 years, goes something like this: "Marinette was the ONLY person in france- maybe in the whole world! that was compatible with the Rat miraculous, it takes a very smart person to be able to multitask like that, and marinette has a photographic/phonetic memory."
i headcannon that marinette photographic/phonetic memory, and that the Rat Miraculous is the math miraculous that was mentioned in the comics that one time, and that if an incompatible person were to try and use it they would at BEST develop a severe case of split personality disorder/ or schizophrenia, and at WORST their brain would- just- melt out of their ears. )
Also he calls her "Spots" or "LuckyBug" when shes in hero mode.
(i cant think of cute nicknames for peter, ugh "web head" is just something i cant picture marinette saying. what's the french word for spider? what's the french word for cobwebs??)
She prolly just calls him "Webs" or "Spidey"
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revvethasmythh · 2 years
I've just spent a half hour thinking about the validity or invalidity of Imogen as a horse girl from the mind of an irl horse girl. my findings:
Imogen lacks classic horse girl energy. A classic horse girl is high-energy, someone who buys a lot horse related books/toys and runs around an empty field pretending to be a horse and puts on one-girl "dressage" shows while pretending to be a pretty pony. Imogen does not seem like she has ever had that kind of energy. In fact, at first glance, she reminds me much more of A Person Who Has Ridden A Horse, which is a separate breed entirely from horse girl. Imogen did once make a statement about horses being "majestic" or something similar* (yes I tried to find it in the transcript, no I did not succeed, and yes if you search the word "horse" in the transcripts you will get a bevy of colorful results), but did not say it with the manic intensity of a classic horse girl, which indicates to me the sort of rose-tinted glasses worn by someone who has not actually worked at a stable. As someone who has worked at a barn myself, let me tell you, somewhere between dumping wheelbarrows of shit, dodging the ones that bite (it's always the ponies), and chasing rebellious little shits around the paddock because they don't want to come in, the glasses stop being quite so rosy.*
Now, of course, all this is mitigated by the fact that Laura Bailey herself is not a horse girl--there are things one cannot expect her to know. After all, this is the same woman who, on a dime, said horses had "paws" in c3e17. That said, Laura Bailey is capable of playing a horse girl. It's just that that character is Jester Lavorre.
Jester has all the trappings of a classic horse girl, she is the exact type of crazy that is inherent to the horse girl breed, and belongs to a specific subgrouping of horse girls who are so fucking obsessed with horses but have never even once ridden one outside of pony rides at the fair (and probably never will).* The lack of direct contact with horses means the rose-tinted glasses say on for maximum horse-loving crazy energy.
And so, rather than the oft used "horse girl" term, I would propose that Imogen actually falls under a separate but related category: The Barn Person. The Barn Person is tired. The Barn Person woke up at 5am to come check on their horse before work and make sure the blanket they used was the correct weight and falls to their knees in the middle of frozen mud in dismay to realize that their horse has hurt themselves in the paddock and gone lame in the middle of the night. Again. The Barn Person is a little mean and a little judgmental, on account of their physical and existential exhaustion. The Barn Person is the older sister, the polished faced, of horse girl society, while also feeling like another breed of girl entirely.
Conclusion: Imogen is not a horse girl. Imogen is a Barn Person.
Disclaimer: all conclusions made herein are subject to my personal opinions and experiences as a horse girl. this may not and likely will not hold true for all other horse girls
*This memory is vivid in my mind because I vehemently said aloud "a horse girl would NOT fucking say that" when it happened. just trust me. it happened *Obligatory "Imogen does not wear glasses in canon" comment *This is excepting instances wherein Jester does ride horses for dnd travel/game mechanic reasons.
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tsunflowers · 10 months
I realized that more tomboyish characters will probably not exist in Precure again for a long time because of Pretty Holic. The vibe is very... Everyone loves Pretty Holic! Cure Butterfly works at Pretty Holic and its SO FUN!! Cure Delicious and Cure Summer and even Cure Sky do their nail polish with Pretty Holic polish!!
To a point wherr I feel like nobody can be above it. They can't have a girl who doesn't really care because they can't risk making the irl makeup brand a lame thing in the eyes of girls who's favorite is the one that doesn't care about it
I feel like boy cures would be the exception since even though they gave wing earrings and stuff, they can still be like well! little boys enjoy watching power rangers more than doing their nails :D and be justified by the parents lol
I don't know, I think we can still have tomboys. I mean, asuka was in the makeup themed season and she was still pretty tomboyish
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sora might not be a tomboy but she's so assertive and athletic that I wouldn't call her a traditionally feminine character either
I think pretty cure is not ready to have a character who says "I don't want to wear makeup" and doesn't have a dressup montage where she learns it's fun to do once in a while. since you're right that even sora and asuka are shown enjoying putting on makeup. but it is "pretty" cure. the franchise is still tied to a sense of idealized cuteness and femininity even as it's progressive in other ways. so I think the focus on makeup is more than just pushing the irl brand
but we've had a butch cure and a boy cure! things can change
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writtenbyplato · 3 months
quick intro post so i can organize tags, will inevitably be shaped up later.
hi our name is fux and we post for ourselves mostly. 18, he/she, we are a system (obviously) and we are disordered in other ways that would be lame to announce on tumblr. my pk is mhpsm and my sp is outdated but fuxfluff, rentry for everything else is fuxnavi (and straw for this account is writtenbyplato, fuxfluff is fine for submissions too)
we front check on post tags most of the time, and sometimes post under one proxy alone. tags for regular posting will be "fux talks", tags for art will be "fux draws" or "fux doodles" for low effort stuff, reposts will be "shitpost" or under the name of different alters depending on the content (ex: dee, ren, graham, etc.), reposts of other people slash characters is "(name)post" we don't really post nsfw at all but if we do, it will be tagged accordingly. we don't tag drawn s/h or relative topics currently but you can req that
we don't really have a dni at all besides mdni cuz we are a grown person, and we don't like ship discourse (anti or pro) because some of our alters have dubious mems and that's out of our control, it's trauma induced slash related umm. definitely don't follow if you're sensitive to or uncomfy with the topic of incest or similar & block or just dont interact instead of harassing us for having ptsd pretty please (it should be common sense, but we do not condone anything like it irl / in real circumstances. freak shet. just coping via art & fiction.)
feel free to interact btw, love making buds, ask box is always open for art requests / talking / etc.
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lyranova · 2 years
Can i request where the Captains all enjoy themselves on a beach day.Can you also do a small drabble where after a day at the beach they come back to the shared penthouse and do a drunken game of truth or dare👀 (i feel like all the captains had to grow up too fast and they deserve some teenage fun times❤)
Hiya anon! So i decided to do these as HC’s instead of a fic or drabble since it was easier to do it that way, I hope you don’t mind! This was a fun idea, and I apologize that the dares and truths are pretty lame, I’ve never played the game IRL so…yeah these are pretty basic 😂. But I hope you enjoy~!
Context: The Magic Knight Captains were all given a mini vacation for all the hard work they’ve done recently, each one accepted except for Kaiser, who said he and his wife were going to go on a “second honeymoon” instead. So the Captain’s all agreed to go to the beach for their vacation. They spent nearly all day out there swimming, laying in the sand, playing games like volleyball and most importantly; Yami and Jack barbecued the Captain’s dinner and they ate it on the beach.
Afterwards they all went back to their shared villa and decided to play a few games before bed. After drinking a bit, one such game Yami had suggested was called “Truth or Dare”.
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• Hadn’t been too surprised when the bottle landed on him first, in a way he had expected it, since he was the one to suggest the game in the first place.
• He chuckled a bit before choosing “Dare”, and he watched as the Captain’s all tried to think of what to dare him to do.
• Finally Jack snapped his fingers and dared him to wear nothing but his swimsuit for the rest of the game.
• Yami snorted and muttered about how that was “a really dumb dare” but of course he did it anyway, as he finished changing and sat down next to Charlotte he noticed her face turned a bright red. When he asked what was wrong or if she drank too much, she would just shake her head.
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• Was a bit surprised when the bottle landed on him next.
• But he quickly cleared his throat and, after weighing his options, decided “Truth” would be the better choice.
• After thinking for a moment Yami decided to ask him an easy question, since it was the first time he had played the game.
• He decided to ask William if it was true that he had a sleeping mask that looked identical to the mask he always wore, after being taken aback for a moment, let out a chuckle before answering calmly “No.”
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• Felt her heart skip a beat as soon as the bottle landed on her, she had hoped it would be a while before the bottle landed on her but of course, she wasn’t so lucky.
• She quickly cleared her throat and, like William, decided on “Truth”. She watched as the others debated on a question before her head snapped in the direction of Dorothy, who let out a mischievous giggle.
• “Is it true you like Yami?” As soon as that question left the other woman's mouth Charlotte could have swore her heart stopped in her chest. She quickly looked away and, after Dorothy giggled again, was reminded that she had to tell the truth.
• Charlotte took a deep breath and opened her mouth slowly, this wasn’t the way she wanted to confess to Yami, but she didn’t have much choice. But as soon as she opened it she heard Yami snort and say that it wasn’t fair to ask her that, when he was asked why, he pointed to her face and said that she was “way past her limit” with alcohol and that she may misunderstand the meaning of “like” in Dorothy’s question.
• Charlotte had opened her mouth to say her face was red from embarrassment not being drunk, but quickly closed it again as she realized Yami had only said that to give her an out. So she took it, and decided to act a lot more drunk than she actually was. As long as it meant she didn’t have to confess her feelings for Yami because of a game, she would act like she was the drunkest woman alive.
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• Wasn’t really interested in the game at first, but decided he would go ahead and go along with it since it was “something new to learn”. So he was a bit surprised when it landed on him next.
• He debated on which to pick but decided to pick “Dare” since it hadn’t been chosen very much.
• After thinking for a moment Nozel, with a smirk, decided to dare Fuegoleon into saying that “Nozel was a much better Captain” than him. Fuegoleon debated for a moment before quickly grabbing the bottle of alcohol and taking a sip of it as a penalty for not doing the dare.
• But Rill quickly Dared that he teach Salamander a trick or two, like you would a pet, and Fuegoleon had blinked in surprise before he quickly decided that the dare wasn’t *too* bad. So he taught Salamander to “sit” and “lay down” just like you would a dog.
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• Felt that the game was “childish”, “immature”, and “boring” at first. But as it went on he found it quite interesting so he wasn’t too irritated when the bottle landed on him.
• As soon as it did he quickly decided that “Truth” was the best choice, and as soon as the word left his mouth, the other Captains quickly opened their mouths to ask a bunch of questions.
• But they quickly shut again as Charlotte reminded them that they couldn’t ask any “inappropriate” questions during the game, and she rolled her eyes slightly as disappointed looks crossed multiple of the Captains faces.
• Rill quickly asked if it was true that he had a servant whose sole job was to braid his hair and that no one else was allowed to but that servant. Nozel cleared his throat and felt his cheeks heat up slightly before he answered with a soft “Yes”.
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• Was excited when the bottle finally landed on her!
• She instantly chose “Dare” as she felt that would be the most fun option, and she watched gleefully as they all tried to come up with some sort of dare for her to do.
• Rill, once again, came up with one. This time it was the most cliché of dares; he dared her to kiss the person she found most attractive, and Dorothy didn’t seem to mind.
• She quickly straightened her cloak, looked around the room with a small smirk, before moving towards Nozel and giving him a kiss on the cheek, surprising everyone!
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• After everyone had recovered from the shock of Dorothy kissing Nozel, they spun the bottle again and it landed on Rill this time. Much to his glee.
• He decided to go with “Dare” and instantly Yami had an idea; “do impressions of everyone in the room, while giving your honest thoughts about them.” Rill’s eyes lit up like a kid's eyes would on Christmas.
• He quickly cleared his throat and began to do his impressions, he started off with Fuegoleon and Nozel both being too uptight, then with Dorothy always sleeping, then with Charlotte and her crush on a certain “unnamed” Captain, and finally with Jack and Yami and their bickering.
• The Captain’s all had to admit that it was amusing, even if some of the honest points Rill made hurt at times.
Jack the Ripper:
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• Was finally relieved when the bottle spun and landed on him, since he had been waiting rather patiently for his turn.
• Immediately he chose “Dare”, which didn’t surprise anyone. Yami instantly shouted that Jack would “have to run around outside the villa naked”, but Charlotte kindly reminded him that they couldn’t ask or dare each other to do anything “inappropriate”.
• So Yami made an adjustment; Jack would have to run around outside the villa wearing nothing but a speedo, which Charlotte allowed since he would be considered clothed.
• Jack agreed, but on the condition that Yami do it with him and that they race. So, Yami being Yami, agreed. The Captains all went outside after Jack had changed, and watched as he and Yami raced each other multiple times around the Villa.
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sea-of-dust · 6 months
Hello I hope the event is still open. I saw that you write for Vrains and I thought of this cute idea that I hope isn't too complicated. Basically Skye (or Aoi if you watched the sub) is e-dating the reader and they decide to meet up irl for valentines day. But it turns out they already knew each other irl and were friends and Skye is all insecure like "you must think i'm lame when i'm not blue angel" but the reader loves her even more like this. Thank you in advance if you decide to write this I hope it isn't too complex.
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Blue Angel/Skye x GN! Reader
Dating her online and meeting her, you couldn't help but say you called it
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You'd always notice something up with her. How she's ready to bolt out of a classroom with this cotton candied haired kid that looked like he wrote angst on the side. As soon as she'd bolt out the classroom you'd lock in to take notes for her making sure it's colorful and summed to the important bits. After those odd days you'd usually log onto vrains with hopes of meeting a certain blue celeb, only to find her offline. When she is online tho she'd be all over you. "You're always so early what's your secret" "well..." You pull non existent hairs on your chin "I don't have fans that chase me around for a duel" she huffs "you need to work on better routes to cut em off" you place a hand onto her board running a finger over it. "I'll try" she sighs placing a hand over yours.
She would say things that made you think she was Skye. Like how her classmates had covered a tab for her, how she spoke similarly to you in real life. She'd end up mumbling about you so much you try to take her mind off of it by dueling her. "If I win you have to promise me a date!" "I've been looking into a spot anyway!"
By valintines day while watching a replay of blue angels duels, Skye seemed to shuffle around alot, trying to hide her face with her hair, eventually tapping a finger to one of yours. "Can you help me out with something..." "Sure what's up" you pause the replay "when there's someone you want to ask out" she grips her tie "how do you..." she pauses reading herself to speak up "how should I ask them to meet me" she sighs unable to make eye contact, you turn to her fully. "Well~" at this point you were heavy suspecting her to be your girlfriend online smirking as you respond "tell that lucky person that you wanna meet them, I'm sure the words will fly out your mouth"
As soon as you get onto vrains, you meet a clearly nervous Blue Angel. "What's on your mind?" You creep up to her playfully "it's almost valintines day..." You smile waiting for her to continue speaking "I want to meet up with you" "oh?" Smiling you sit down onto the nearby ledge "where do you have in mind?" Instictively she sits with you her hands tightly gripping eatchother. "You know that hot dog stand?" "I'm a frequent" "the one with the-" "guy with the purple hair?" "Yea" reassured she continues on "at 4 pm let's meet there" "alright" you take her hand gently bringing it up to your mouth "I can't wait to meet you" you place a soft kiss onto her hand
The next day you finally strike a conversation with that one cotton candy kid, while waiting for her. Getting two hot dogs for you two along with drinks, gripping the gifts you brought. Checking your phone back almost every two seconds seeing a familiar figure near run to the table. "Skye?" Trying to act surprised you watch as she bolts to you, hugging you tightly but loosing her grip secounds later. "I bet you think im lame" "Why would I think that" she let's go of you looking away "I'm not blue angel right now, I bet you'll only think im cool if I'm blue angel, let alone want to date me" you scoff "Skye, if I didn't think you were cool I wouldn't have met you here" she looks up as if a bit stunned. "To be honest you kept talking about me to me it made it pretty obvious who you were" you take her hands "and even after the fact that I basically knew your identity I still stuck around" she looked with wide eyes unsure of what to say. "Even if you weren't blue angel, even If you were just a normal person in and out of vrains, I'd still love you all the same Skye" she nearly falls onto you, small droplets plopping onto your shirt, she grips its fabric. "I'm glad" she's able to mumble out between sniffles "really glad" with words no longer needed you hug her letting her cry all she needed to.
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so lets start from the beginning
so lets talk pdh, right? cuz thats the very beginning. for the most part, im planning to leave s1 of pdh alone aside from upping the intensity of the bullying (to make it more realistic) and just generally feel more like a teen slice of life drama rather than a harem anime where the protag chooses the shittiest love interest imaginable.
im also adding some mental health stuff just to generally make this more realistic! so lets get into it, this is the structure of my pdh rewrite!
Let's start with our leading lady, shall we?
Aphmau Shalashaska is a 14 year old freshman girl who has been homeschooled starting from fourth to eighth grade. She starts the series off as naive, though not as innocent as many people believe. She is known as the school's sweetheart, though many people suspect that she hides her intentions with a saccrine smile. To the people who know her, though, they know that her words are true and her motivations are pure. She is a light in many people's darkness, though her own world is casted in shadow...
basically i changed little to nothing about aphmau's character, aside from changing the years she was homeschooled. i decided to make her more sheltered but not completely sheltered.
i think i'm going to tweak her backstory to make it make more sense. i want her to actually (kind of) know about her father. he sends sylvanna (barely any) child support for her, to which sylvanna just gives it to aphmau directly because it isnt enough to actually do anything with.
im also going to ramp up the bullying and make it actually effect her and how she interacts with people, especially her love interests and friends.
the ending arc for aphmau in s1 is that she grows more confident and learns to rely on her friends when she's having difficulties with things. she wont end up with any of her love interests, but the trio end up extremely close. her and aaron will also end up extremely close and he will be introduced to the friendgroup (i dont like how theyre all kind of seperate) but he'll kind of be the "friend by proxy" because it will take a little longer for them to warm up (not anyone's fault, aaron is just... harder to befriend because he's an awkward dude)
as for her realtionships, here's my general plan for them (i had to split it up so aaron, laurence, and garroth under the cut!!)
"It's weird. I thought those two hated each other. But now they seem inseparable. I just don't get it."
"Aaron? Yeah he's pretty weird. He has this whole dark and broody thing going on but he's such a squishy soul! He's like a pitbull! ...People think I hate him? Why would I hate my best friend?"
Aphmau is going to have more of a brother/sister relationship with aaron, they will NOT be the endgame ship of this rewrite. i detailed this in my pinned post, but i will reiterate: i do NOT like aarmau for the creepy, predatory way it is written. therefore i will just simply not include it in my rewrite. dont like it, dont have to read it <3
their story arc will stay largely the same. they meet online as FC/Shu (although i probably will change their nicknames because those are LAME) and meet irl in werewolf class. despite aaron defending her in person, they heavily dislike each other and bicker constantly. aph doesnt know she becomes the alpha female and aaron doesnt know that she is the girl that he's been talking to this whole time.
as FC and Shu they become thick as thieves, absolute partners in crime. they ARE aware of their age gap and there is no romantic feelings. they see each other as siblings and treat each other as such. they banter and bicker and fight but they genuinely care for each other. "i hate you, FC!!!" "i love you too, shu" becomes a daily part of their conversations.
"He's so stoic, but around her... He becomes so gentle that it almost feels like he's a different person. She's his world."
"I think everyone but Aphmau herself sees the way he looks at her."
garroth is the first person to fall in love with aphmau. he stays quiet about his feelings for fear of ruining their friendship although he does quietly dream of something more.
garroth was always the first person that aphmau called on. his quiet and more serious demeanor was sought out as a comforting shoulder to listen to. before they knew that they were childhood friends, they had always described themselves as "platonic soulmates" (the word platonic made garroth internally wither and die but he kept that smile)
after, though? they were practically joined at the hip. partly because of their mothers and partly because they just wanted to. there was a select amount of boys that sylvanna allowed in her house (the only others being dante and travis, after many trials of proving that they ONLY have platonic feeligns for her daughter and NOTHING more) and the only boy that doesnt get her heavy surveillance
and that's how aphmau falls. breaking down his serious walls and getting to see his silly and goofy side that he keeps hidden made her fall before she even realized that she was falling
"There he goes again, another girl wrapped around his finger."
"Laurence? He's so sweet and gentle! Sure, he's a big flirt, but he means well. I know that he would be by my side if I ever needed him."
if garroth's love is a gentle misty rain, laurence's is a fucking typhoon. strong and loud and passionate. he doesnt fall as fast. he even teases garroth about falling for someone so easily, but he very quickly learns why garroth fell so hard.
when laurence discovers his feelings, he immediately made it incredibly obvious. however, if aphmau flirted back, he'd become a blushing mess.
there was always boundaries with his flirting when they were friends. he never touched her, not in a way that could be seen as romantic. his hands always stayed firmly to themselves. but once he falls? he cant keep his hands off of her (nonsexually, obviously). constant shoulder touches, brushes of the hand that he plays off "oh aphmau if you wanted to hold my hand, you could've just asked!"
cupping her chin and cheeks, leaning in close so he gets an excuse to admire her face. the list goes on and on.
aphmau notices this, but she just thinks that theyre getting closer as friends. what makes her fall for him, however, was his gentleness. he was always the first person to tell her that she was beautiful, how kind she was, how thoughtful she was. he was her #1 fan, her absolute cheerleader. she had never had someone tell her that and now to hear it constantly made her heart flutter.
unlike garroth, she realized that she was falling for him pretty quickly. and that was about the time she realized her feelings for garroth, too.
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melymbrosia · 28 days
hi lisa. ive been hanging out with one of my former coworkers a lot and lately like everyy time shes like "oh sometimes i wonder if im bisexual. like for instance youre really pretty. its probably nothing though right" and tbh shes not reallyy my type but i fucking hate her lame ass boyfriend so much that i want to cuck him out of just sheer malice. how should i proceed. wanted this to be a poll but a lot of irl friends follow me and i dont want them to know im evil.
the answer is going to depend on how much damage you want to deal and to who. what you should do, in my opinion, bcs it sounds like you don't like this coworker super much, you should really start leading her on w physical touch and intimate sleepovers so you can awaken this latent lesbianism. and then hopefully she breaks up w the bf you hate and when she starts putting the moves back on you, immediately backpedal and lose interest. this is a completely ethical way of having a potential future gf and to hurt the bf you so crave cuckolding powers over.
or just fuck her.
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sailorgundam308 · 6 months
okay but you're right about the petite tav thing (also idk if you know but someone's lame ass "callout" post about you being a bully and how you'll never get commissions is circulating)
like in a game where you can create nearly anything with a tav it's boring as fuck to make them look copy pasted of every conventional girl irl. ive always thought that, it's why I can't read certain super popular fics in this fandom because the tav absolutely rips me out of any enjoyment (cough, the arrangement)
but it's not fair for people to be harassing you over your opinion, it's your blog if they don't wanna make themselves upset maybe they shouldn't be lurking on your page
It's what I think. I have no interest, never had, in any media, when a protagonist is the pretty standard petite girl. It doesn't resonate with me at all and, therefore, they come across as very boring to me.
About the post circulating about me, I know about it. It was made by 2 girls who didn't like when I said I don't like pairing Astarion with the aforementioned pretty petite tav type. They then devolved into, apparently, some sort of Alex Jones, calling into question my values as a person, made up what I said and whatnot. They've been flooding me with hate messages for a while, stopping short only of telling me to kill myself. But then, of course, I'm the bully in the story. lol
It's very much their problem. Anyone following me, reading what I say, knows what I stand for - and what I don't, cause I tend to say it pretty clearly.
And I agree with you, too: tumblr is a collection of personal blogs of people with differing opinions. Unless someone is attacking or harming a real person, or being an actual bigot, it's all a matter of thinking differently about things. And that's not an issue.
You'd think people who claim to be so inclusive would understand that not everyone has to agree on things - and that you shouldn't dig the internet for content that will piss you off because you feel like going on a moral rampage for the sake of feeling superior. You WILL find content to make you angry. Thing is, some of that will be justified. Some, apparently, will just be me saying im not into X type of pairing.
Sound's pretty easy to do, but some folks are actually pretty incredible in regards to the amount of effort they'll put to go after someone they (don't know) but decided they dislike.
One of the girls saying she "took a screenshot" of what I said is from a discord I'm also a member of, and I think she got jealous cause I only posted Karlach x Astarion art and they shipped him with a different character. The other one is just a hardcore harasser. I got all their hate messages saved. Maybe one day I'll post it so people can see what kind low level stuff they said to me. It was WILD.
In any case. I never deleted the post where I said I think Astarion doesn't look good with pretty cutesy girly tavs cause I DO think that, and there's nothing wrong with me saying it. I'm not talking about any real person, nor even any tav in particular. But people like to distort shit to make waves then feel morally superior.
Thankfully, my commissions are doing great! I don't beg anyone to hire me, and as with everything else online, no one is forced to anything - commission me or even interact with my blog. There is a block function here and I use it often - it works wonders.
Anyway, thanks for saying that. Truly. This whole thing was pretty upsetting at first, but I soon realized there was no conversation to be had with thesef people - they don't want to talk. They want to tear someone they don't know apart to feel superior and "win".
It's nice to know not everyone bought into the gaslighting shit these two (and probably now more ppl) are spouting.
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animentality · 7 months
if durge was wearing clothes for fashion rather than utility it shouldve been a human meat armor he wore "before it was lame" (bc orin needs one too otherwise she throws a tantrum)
ok the meat armor doesn't make sense because skin doesn't stay that moist.
it really should be like beef jerky, not all slimy like hers is.
this is pretty gross but irl clothing made out of human skin is pretty gnarly.
the dark urge wearing human meat armor sounds metal and all, but honestly the Sarevok bone aesthetic looks cooler.
I propose, the dark urge wearing armor made of bone.
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ashsostrange · 1 year
I'm honestly surprised at the amount of people who are still supporting him.He's got his little ((whats left of them at least)) fan base wrapped around his fingers.
“ He’s a minor he cant think for himself, his brain ain't developed!!” “ You don't know what it's like for him at home!” my fav so far “y'all are ablest and racist!! Yall don't care about black people!”
Bitch no one gives a fuck that he is black!! Motherfucker is telling people/threatening to eat glass to get away from what he's said to people. Calling someone out for gaslighting and trying to manipulate people with that shit ain't racist. Also using self diagnosis and laying about taking pill that will “get you high” as a way to get out of all his call outs. This is the stupidest shit I have seen while being on tumblr for the past three or so years like damn!!💆🏾‍♀️
perioddd!! lemme talk my shit again
i honestly giggled when his bf tried to say “y’all hate black people” when pretty much everyone speaking on him is black. why would i do that bc he’s black?? i’m black, not to mention a darskin girl. do with that info what you will.
ppl wna make us seem like bullies so bad. this isn’t just about what happened w catty, hell, it’s hardly about her at all! it’s ab his behavior in general. it’s inappropriate! if he would’ve just owned up, there wouldn’t have been a problem. i’m not obsessed w this nigga, i don’t care to go out of my way to make a post ab him everyday. he’s the one who escalated this further. he only wants us to “mind our business” when we’re not coming for his neck.
ab his mental health, if he doesn’t have a real diagnosis, he needs to not claim mental illnesses like that, but rather acknowledge that something is wrong with him. if you make a mistake, you need to not blame every damn thing on your said mental illness. if anything it’s a justification, but never an excuse. take the initiative to look at yourself and decide if you’re in the right headspace to be on the internet or not. i struggle with mental health, but not in the way he allegedly does. if ik i’m not in the right headspace for something, i step away. he needs to do that. and invest in a diary.
i genuinely don’t know why people are defending him when he did this to himself. if woulda stopped riding my dick like beyoncé rode that surfboard, then maybe we wouldn’t be here right now. accountability isn’t a bad thing. we’ve all made mistakes. i know i’ve made many, it’s about how you address them that matters.
i was literally defending his lame ass when he was sending inboxes as an anon to cause more mess between these two girls. yao was saying he was behind the anon and obv i didn’t believe her bc it wasn’t making sense to me at the time, and there was no real way to prove it. but then he started sending her hella inboxes and tagged all his mutuals saying “war has begun” a whole day later. when i tell you i showed one of my bsfs that post and we LAUGHEDD 🤣🤣🤣 nigga this is tumblrrrr, not a battlefield! from that day i’ve been watching him lmao. didn’t wna say anything about his behavior until i gathered more info cuz i’m not a mean girl (and didn’t want his army bombarding my inbox), but this is ridiculous.
and i’m so glad lia dmed me one day so we could discuss his weirdness. we literally played his ass and he didn’t know. bro was sending her msgs talking ab “i liked your new fic, but you blocked me” and he was the only one she had blocked recently. he sent so many hateful msgs under anon after that, nd he was reblogging it acting like it wasn’t him like… ok weird nigga.
i’m not ableist or “racist” (i’m literally fucking black!) fuck i gotta b ableist for? i’m the last person to rock w any kind of tomfoolery, and all my mutuals and irls know that. i’m unapologetically me on this blog. what you see is who i am.
“he’s a minor!!” so are the rest of us dealing with his bs bro. i’m literally SIXTEEN 😭
like i said, in most situations, if multiple people (with good morals) are telling you that you’re wrong, you can’t be right. i was never disrespectful with him to begin with. you get disrespectful with me, i get disrespectful with you. don’t care who you are ✌️like thank yewww
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