#She said she'd be the arena's new grand champion and then she was
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bellamontwasright · 9 months ago
I know that characters like Joanelle tend to be deeply insecure and cover for it with increased braggadocios. Not Joanelle, though. She is 100% That Far up her own ass. So into herself and sincere in her belief that the world, or even fate itself, will bend to her will that she went to the Shivering Isles and mantled Sheogorath about it.
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tblsomedoodles · 2 years ago
I had an idea about Battle Nexus New York...
Okay so we established she did it as this grand gesture of affection for her kids that basically blew up in her face but... what if it was also her way fo fulfilling their request? The deal was that if Leo can contain the Shredder she would find a way to get rid of it and to win the containment collar he and Splinter would have to become Battle Nexus champion. While Big Mama didn't want to get rid of this amazing demonic resource, it's also the first and only thing her minime had ever asked of her amd it's clear this si something her kids were desperate to get rid of and even Splinter seemed to fear it.
So what if Battle Nexus New York had the hidden motivation of being her way of getting rid if Shredder by having her babies be the one to defeat him, something they very much wanted to happen? Afterall the deal was that she'd get rid of him, she never said how and thus way would not only giver her the chance to see her kids in action but also add a splendiferously new and exciting chapter to the Battle Nexus!
Of course, that's about when she discovers this demon armor is not jsut some random enemy the boys had accidentally pisse doff and got in over their heads for but a generational curse, unkillable and undefeatable, that has plagued Splinter's family for generations and, now that he has free reign, will hunt her children to the ends of the human and yokai world! That's why when the boys are forced to go to her one last time, this time Raph taking the lead, she hardly hesitated to help.
She couldn't give two shits about Splinter after this, she didn't have any romantic feelings remaining after years of thinking he had stolen her children from her, but he was her boys' father. The kids clearly loved him and were desperate to save him, not only that but if the Shredder ate his soul he'd only get stronger and go after her kids. She had really stumbled into this time and if she could correct it in any way, well... it was the least she could do.
This is a pretty neat thought! though i i'm not sure she would want to make her kids do the dirty work for her. Like once she realises they're hers, she is very protective of them (She technically is before too. The reason she was going to keep them as arena clowns was b/c she didn't want to risk them getting hurt in the arena.)
I think she fully intended to forfill her side of the bargin, just not in the timeline they were expecting. It's less of a 'you didn't specify how to get rid of him' and more of a 'you didn't specify when to get rid of him'. So she keeps the Shredder around, figuring when the demon was no longer useful to her, she'd get rid of it like promised. Unfortunately it broke containement and made a beeline to her kids. she knows then it's going to take time to get her boys to trust her again.
thank you!
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