#She cares for him so deeply no matter what form he is from Exarch to G'raha
oathofpromises · 1 year
continued from here with @diademreigned
Stella's heart came to a sudden halt, captivated by the sight that unfolded before her as the door gracefully swung open, unveiling the Exarch. To her surprise, amidst the celebration, she found him nestled in his tower, a sight she had not anticipated. Which further signified that she would need to expose the depths of her heart, a feat she had refrained from undertaking since…G'raha.
"I apologize for the interruption... I need to talk to you about something. It's important."
Despite being aware that her words may not have conveyed her true intentions, Stella couldn't help but acknowledge the rapid pace at which her heart was beating upon seeing him. She observed the subtle curve of his lips as they formed a gentle smile. Which made the temptation to lean in and kiss him that much more undeniable. However, there were other things she needed to tell the Exarch before that could happen.
As he graciously stepped aside, granting her entry into his chamber, the Au Ra couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation, causing her to inhale deeply. A plethora of emotions swirled within her chest, yearning to be released, yet she also desired to know his feelings. It was important to the warrior of light to know that this connection surpassed a mere fling or a manipulation of her emotions, but rather, that he harbored genuine affection for her at an extremely deep level. Suddenly, Stella clearly remembered the words of Lyna from the preceding day, in which the Captain of the guard remarked upon the different manner in which the Exarch conducted himself in the presence of Stella, as opposed to his interactions with others.
'I have never witnessed him displaying such a radiant smile for anyone else, at least not in the same manner as he does when he is with you. I’ve also seen how he maintains his unwavering attention solely on you. Tis evident that the Exarch is captivated by your exquisite beauty. Who would not be. It evokes memories of a painting I once saw on his desk many years ago. When I was just a child. Whenever I would ask about the individual depicted in the painting, he appeared to become immersed in recollections of the past. A lost love. That’s what he had said many times. Even if I don’t fully understand it. What I do know is that he harbors deep affections for you. However, for reasons unbeknownst to anyone, he desires to maintain a certain level of distance between the two of you. Thus chooses to prioritize your safety rather than appearing indifferent.'
Stella knew Lyna was right, but for so long she had convinced herself that perhaps the Exarch only saw her as the Warrior of Darkness. Nothing else existed between the two of them, yet even then, she could see how much he cared for her. The way his fingers would linger just a little longer against hers How his hand felt against the side of her face. The way his lips felt against hers as they lingered just a little bit longer than they knew was okay. It all felt like a repeat of Mako and T'sori: how the two had to hide their feelings from the public eye, which eventually led to their deaths.
"I know this is selfish of me to ask this, as I already am aware there are things you can't talk to me about but for one night. I wanted to convey the emotions deep within my heart. There has only ever been one other person who's moved my heart like this. I mentioned him before. G'raha Tia. I know in my heart I shouldn't feel this way for someone else, yet I can't stop all the things I feel towards you. Please, if you don't feel the same, let's end this before both of us end up hurting. I know that's not the reason you pulled away. You want to protect me, and for some reason you feel we can't close this space between us. You are the advisor to all who live here, and I am the Warrior of Darkness. So many people probably believe it would only cloud our judgment if we accepted what was inside our hearts."
Stella paused as her lips spoke the name G'raha. It hadn't been long since he'd locked himself inside the tower, yet it felt like ages had passed for her. She took a deep breath and went into her pocket, pulling out the crystal flower. If the tales were accurate, it would change hue depending on the emotions of the sender. It may very well expose all of the feelings she had hidden deep within her heart. Could she really let herself be that vulnerable? To cast aside her title and present all she yearned for. To be a normal woman, and allow herself this one thing.
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"You are aware of what this flower represents, right? For so long, I pondered who I would give mine to, and the answer was always so obvious. I just couldn’t bring myself to believe that someone else could cause such a stir in my heart. You are the one I chose; whether or not you return those feelings is up to you, but my heart has decided. Like I mentioned in the past, Only one other person has managed to do that, and the truth is, I have no idea how he genuinely felt.
Our time together was short, but despite all the obstacles, I fell in love. My heart is forever his, and yet I couldn’t bring myself to say those words. I couldn't put my heart on the line and risk getting hurt, and I will forever regret that. Watching his back fade from my sight, I have no way of knowing when I will see him again.
The truth is, for so many years, in my own village, I was treated like a burden. Most of them bullied me because of my hair and eye color. They called me the fragile Sakura blossom. All of them made me believe that anyone who loved me would bring ruin to that person. I can't keep fleeing from this any more, and I don’t want to. For years, I have always put everyone else’s feelings above my own. Sometimes, to the point where it physically hurt. One moment we're simply friends, and the next I'm feeling your fingers lingering on mine. How it sends shivers down my entire body The way your lips feel against my own The dreams I have every night lie in bed, aching for your touch. I know you'll remind me of our responsibilities, and I get it—better than anybody else, yet my heart yearns to bear it all. To express and convey all of my emotions."
Stella's hand pressed against her heaving chest, feeling the rhythmic thumping of her heart. The sensation was so intense, it compelled her to halt in her tracks, her breath catching in her throat. The Au Ra had no clue how the Exarch would respond, if he even would. She could not force him to reveal his feelings or even be upset if they weren't returned.
But could she truly deny that he had never reciprocated the same for her? His eyes, like gentle caresses, would trace the curves of her body, leaving a trail of longing in their wake. It mattered not where they found themselves, for his gaze would always find her, drawn to her like a moth to a flame. In the tender dance of their fingertips, a delicate caress unfolded. Like two souls longing to intertwine, their hands gravitated towards one another, drawn by an irresistible magnetism. With each gentle stroke, a symphony of sensations played upon their skin, igniting a fire that only their touch could quell. In this ethereal moment Pausing in the midst of life's chaotic dance, they found themselves captivated by a single, fleeting moment. It was as if time itself held its breath, allowing them to savor the delicate touch of the other. In that tender instant, their souls intertwined, their hearts beating in perfect harmony.
The mere act of being near one another ignited a symphony of sensations, causing their hearts to flutter with an intensity that defied reason. Each stolen glance, each gentle touch, sent electric currents coursing through their veins, awakening a dormant passion that had long slumbered within. Their souls, entwined in a delicate tapestry of desire, yearned for the intoxicating closeness that only they could provide. In this ethereal realm of shared affection, time stood still, as their hearts beat in perfect synchrony, forever entangled In his presence, she found herself enveloped in a whirlwind of emotions, a delicate dance between exhilaration and trepidation. He possessed a power over her, a captivating force that rendered her vulnerable, yet she couldn't deny the allure it held. It was a both a blessing and a curse, for within that vulnerability lay the potential for profound connection or devastating heartache.
In the depths of the warriors heart, concealed beneath a veil of secrecy, she harbored an affection so deeply for the advisor of the Crystarium. A love that, if exposed to the prying eyes of her adversaries, would surely bring forth a tempest of danger and peril upon him. The last thing she would ever want and yet, against her better judgment, she found herself baring her soul, relinquishing the delicate tendrils of her emotions to the winds of fate. In the depths of her soul, she yearned for a taste of happiness, even if it were fleeting.
Stella's hand trembled as she extended the shimmering crystal flower towards the Exarch. The luminescent blossom, bathed in a captivating hue of crimson, which seemed to mirror the intensity of her affections. . In the depths of her soul, she yearned to unleash the torrent of emotions that swelled within her. Though fate had conspired to confine her heart's desires to this fleeting moment, she could no longer suppress the overwhelming desire to lay everything out there. Never again would she succumb to the shackles of her past, the woman's heart yearned to pursue the desires that burned deep within her.
Oh, how she longed to be with him, to feel the sweetness of his love. Feel the warmth of his body pressed against hers, his strong arms enveloping her in a tight embrace.
"As I previously stated, you are not required to say anything. I simply had to say those words or forever regret it."
She leaned forward, placing her lips against his hidden face, feeling the crystal lodged in the side of his face. She was never disturbed by it. Taking his hand into hers, she let the crystal flower stay in their linked hands.
As they stood there in the light of the ocular, she leaned forward gently, putting her forehead to rest against his. Her eyes slowly opened before she looked up at his hooded face. She had no idea what he looked like under that cowl. Which was surprising considering how much he caused a stir in her heart.
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ryuuseishi · 3 years
Allie sleeps in his arms peacefully. They had a long conversation at the edge of Revenant’s toll and it was dark by the time Gaius returned, gently carrying the young au’ra to her bed. He closes the door to the room with utmost care, before shuffling over to the nearest counter at their small bar. “Tell your friends, I am grateful for your hospitality, as always.” Gaius tells the miqo’te, who seems to be the only one around from the core group of the scions. He takes a swig of the first bottle he snags off the shelf, frowning slightly at the bitter taste. “I have to go back. Cid will assist me.” They both knew what had to be done. No one else had to be involved. Still, he pauses, looking at G’raha Tia with somewhat of a guilty expression. Their unlikely friendship had come to mean a lot to Gaius. Perhaps, it was why he felt compelled to divulge his plan. “I know you all want to help.” Well, most of them did, anyway. “But, you must focus on investigating those wretched towers. Whatever they are, if they are truly of Garlean make, they must be destroyed.” Indeed, whatever they were, those ominous constructions must have been bad news. Gaius finishes his drink a little too quickly, his hand resting on G’raha Tia’s arm, as pale yellow eyes meet the miqo’te’s gaze. “I’m counting on you.”
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He cannot help staring at Allie sometimes. She reminds him so much of Lyna, and a pang in his chest forms that will not go away, the memory of his children, of his grandchildren, of his granddaughter who had been with him all her life, hiding in the Crystal Tower to jump out and surprise him, and soon she was an adult, throwing herself into combat to fight off the Sin Eaters... How angry she would be when he leapt in to save her -- he could not bear the thought of another child lost to those monsters.
These memories... they are so agonizing at times, he wishes he did not know them. He sometimes wished there was a rift between the man who called himself “The Crystal Exarch” and he, who called himself G’raha Tia. No matter what he wanted, they were the same creature, packed densely in one man’s body. He knows that living now is proof that he accepted those memories, instead of letting them die... and yet, that choice still haunts him in ways he doesn’t expect.
By the time he realizes Gaius is sitting beside him, he notices he has been doing nothing but staring at the guest room door with some hazy look in his eyes. The habits of an old man don’t leave him. He shakes his head. “Nonsense. Anyone who needs our help, the Scions are sure to give it.” G’raha responds. “I am sure Tataru is more willing to give over a bed than those bottles.” He points at the one Gaius is busy uncapping. “But I’m sure we can sweet talk her about it later.”
G’raha takes a shot glass and offers it to be filled, it’s most likely all G’raha can swallow before he himself gets a little bit of a buzz. Meanwhile Gaius is sucking it down like water. G’raha almost admires that, if it wasn’t such an expensive little talent.
A frown settles on his face, he sips his shot, wincing, Twelves, that stuff was vile -- potent, and vile. G’raha shakes his head, and breathes. “If the things you are researching have anything to do with those towers, you report it to us straight away... But even if they don’t, you must keep us up to date on your discoveries. We need every piece of information we can about Garlemald right now.”
He watches Gaius drain that bottle, shocked almost, by how quick he is, and how he can manage to put up with the taste and the burn. G’raha’s shot is only half done, and he sets it down, looking to Gaius’s hand as it lays on his skin. He glances up, and sees the look in Gaius’s eyes.
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“I’m counting on you too.” G’raha says softly. “You and Cid... you must come back.” He has so many things to say to them both, he must thank both Cid and Gaius, for their friendship, for their services, for everything they have done for G’raha. “I will do everything I can for you two... for you three.” He corrects himself. “I will keep Allie safe.” He doesn’t mean to make hollow promises, so he will make sure that one isn’t. He wants to keep her safe. He wants at least one of Gaius’s children to live, to survive, G’raha does not wish for this pain to get worse. He knows it too deeply. “Please be careful.”
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jenovahh · 5 years
KYKM - 14 Months, 26 Days
He feels rested.
Which is strange, considering how little rest he truly needs. His body feels  relaxed and at ease, not plagued by exhaustion or pain. You had healed him swiftly with the aid of Y’shtola, his wound sealing up quickly and with hardly a scar, not that he would’ve minded. It is rare someone of his prowess ever attains one, and to see the marred skin is strange and exciting in a way that is almost childish.
It is also warm.
The sun peeking in from the window warms his creamy skin, shines on fine strands of his golden hair. Birds are chirping outside, the sounds of the city rise up through the window, festivities continuing in celebration of the unending Light being purged. He idly runs his eyes across the many features of your room, having little else to do.
After all, you refuse to release him.
Your nude form is firmly tucked against his own, hidden underneath the blankets of the bed you two share. You arms are wrapped around his torso as best as possible, your face nuzzled into his neck, your strong legs tangled with his own. He has been awake for at least a bell, but given your recent trials, he saw fit to let you wake when you were ready.
You were welcomed back to the Crystarium with cheers and ale, the sound of celebration ringing everywhere within the city. He was not one to socialize amongst the common folk (or much at all), but he let you receive your thanks and declarations of gratitude from the seemingly unending denizens of the Crystarium. Contentment filled him as you finally let go; enjoyed yourself as you danced with the twins, engaged in merriment with the Scions. It took everyone’s mind off the unsure future ahead, knowing that one unsundered Ascian remained. 
Once you had your fill, your eyes met his in a way so fiery that anyone else would have been floored by it’s intensity. The way you so casually strolled up to him betrayed nothing of your intentions; intentions he was unsure of even as you took his hand in yours and led him back to your rooms and pressed him against a wall. He had forgotten how demanding you could be when you were taken over by desire, but he was not wont to deny you as you pressed your lips to his own and his arms brought you flush against him.
For bells did he worship your body much like a beastman to his savage god, finally able to slake his lust as he filled you with everything he had. No ilm of skin went untouched or unmarked, until he saw you claimed fully by him and him alone. Once again, the rightness of it all threatened to undo him; of how well you fit into his arms as he plunged deep within your core, his hands on your hips, his name falling from your lips so sweetly. He took his pleasure and gave as much in return, unhappy until the only words that fell from your lips were cries of his name.
Sighing, he contents himself with running his fingers across your skin, taking note of it’s softness, noticing the marks of bruises forming. You have slept deeply, practically dead to the world as you trusted in his ability to protect you.
Such responsibility you place on him.
He considers himself up to the task.
“I will never get used to this...”
Thancred's words reach him, from even outside the door. Zenos arches an eyebrow as they enter the Ocular, his form tall and imposing compared to the smaller statures of the Scions. When you had arrived, it was hand in hand, not at all ashamed of displaying your togetherness.
The Crystal Exarch politely coughs to gather everyone’s attention, his cowl now back in place. “Well then. While we have an unexpected addition, full glad am I to see everyone hale and whole after last night’s festivities.” He begins, fingers tapping lightly on his staff. “Warrior of Light?”
He watches as your eyes turn to the Exarch, giving him a stunning smile. “Yes, G’raha Tia?” You reply, giggling as the smaller man seems to freeze for a moment. Eventually the Exarch chuckles a bit himself, crystalline hand reaching for his cowl to tug it backwards, revealing his ruby red hair, tinted with silver.
“Thank you.” He beams, red eyes sparkling. “You have all done wonderfully. While saying this might sour the mood, I believe the Warrior should return to Eorzea, to recount the happenings here to your allies back home, as it seems you all are still unable to return.”
“And leave us here with him?” Thancred huffs, not all bothering to hide just who he’s referring to, eyes trained on Zenos’ form. He can’t help but smirk back at the snowy haired man, shifting his stance slightly. “Afraid, savage? Worried that the Warrior won’t be able to protect you when you finally slip up for the last time?” Zenos taunts, grinning at how Thancred stiffens.
He’s not at all deterred by you giving him a firm slap on his arm, scoffing as he sees your pout. 
“Strangely enough, I am unsure by what means this is possible, but I had spoken with Y’shtola prior to your arrival...” The Exarch begins again, drawing attention back to the matter at hand. “Zenos is like the Warrior of Light, in terms of his spirit. He is here with us, body and soul, and should be able to return to the Source without issue.” Alphinaud visibly relaxes at that remark, Alisaie clicking her tongue and clenching her jaw as if she is holding back her rage.
You fingers give his arm a good squeeze, not bothering to hide your smile at the unexpected news. “That being said, I suppose for everyone else, if you have any other business you wish to attend to, now would be the time as the Warrior returns to the Source.” The Exarch smiles warmly at you, though there is a pain in his eyes. “As for you, my friend, if there is anything you wish to take care of before returning to the source, do as you must. Pray return here when you are ready.”
With those words, the Scions depart for the lands they had called “home” in their stay on the First. The goodbyes are somewhat awkward, their eyes drifting to his form as he stands at your side, silently overseeing your farewells. Eventually, everyone has left, leaving you and Zenos high on a tower gazing into the lavender forests of Lakeland in the distance.
“Do you want to go back?” He hears you ask, your fingers running gently over his knuckles. He did not think you to be one so affectionate, let alone so publicly, but has no objections. If anything, it shows those who know about him that you have made your decision.
You have chosen him, and there is naught they can do about it.
“To the Source?” He inquires for clarification, letting you cradle his hand in yours. You touch him in a way that feels exploratory; as if memorizing every ilm of his skin and committing the feel of him to memory. He will never ceased to be amused how someone as magnificent as you still seem so small due to his height and stature.
“Yes. You...I will return. To tell the remaining Scions of the Source what has transpired.” You murmur, fingers tapping lightly across his knuckles, betraying your nervousness. “But...you don’t have,”
“Do not tell me. You want me to remain in Eorzea?” He asks, scoffing as your head shoots up to look at him. “Warrior, you leave me to wonder if you really want me around at all.” He teases, enjoying the way your skin flushes red.
“That’s not it!” You snap, all teeth and power, striking like lightning. “I just know that you probably don’t want to sit here and return to the First, just to sit around and watch me search for a way to bring the Scion’s home.” You fret, eyes filled to the brim with worry.
“You are correct in that researching a way to return your friends home will be most dull.” He drones, smirking at your bared teeth. Sighing, he clutches your hand and brings you against him, giving a snicker at your surprised yelp. “You are foolish to think I would part from you. Have I not defied death, crossed realms to track you down?” He questions, using his free hand to tilt your chin upward to face him. “Perhaps, I should brand it on your skin? I am loathe to keep repeating myself, even for you.” He hums, watching as you get misty eyed.
“You’re the fool...” You sniffle, burying your face into his chest to hide your tears. He smooths a hand down your back, the motion slightly more natural to him now. “What hunter looses his quarry once it is caught?” He asks, wrapping his arms around you. He should be frightened at this closeness he desires, he can feel it lurking in the back of his mind. It is such a monumental change, for who he had been alone for so long.
Not having known the touch of another aside from him blocking their fist, their blade slicing his skin, their foot pinning him to the ground. Your caress differs from those he had felt from the courtesans he had attend him during his life. The warmth of your body feels soothes him in a way your blood does not.
Not to say that the sight of you beaten and bruised does not excite him. Oh, how he hungers.
“You have not caught me yet.” Your smile is coy, eyes sparkling with mischief. 
“Is that so?” He responds, playing along as he arches a delicate eyebrow. “Elaborate if you would.” He prompts, smirking as you crook a finger at him. Bending slightly, he shudders as your hands brush his hair to the side, your lips close to his ear.
“You still do not know my name.” You whisper in a way that is both sensual and charming. His hands reach for your hips, pressing you flush against him. As if you were not close enough already.
“Shall I go threaten the Scions with murder to find out?” He jests, growling playfully as you nip at his ear in reprimand. “Do that again and it is not your name that will be falling from those sweet lips of yours, hero.” He warns, enjoying the feel of you taking your turn to shudder against him.
“What would your countrymen say if they saw you Zenos? Their prince being so amorous, with the Warrior of Light no less.” You purr, setting his blood aflame. To take you here would not bother him in the least, after all he was never one to feel shame. It is only in consideration of you does he repress his urges despite your teasing.
“Would you prefer if I withdrew my attentions?” He asks, pressing a kiss of his own to your neck that has you sighing dreamily into his hold. 
“I would prefer if you called me by name.” You answer, giving him a light squeeze. You are pliant against him, molding against his body perfectly. He can feel every breath you take, feel the thudding of your heart against his own. 
“Then by all means...I am listening.” He murmurs, breath stilling as if you are both trapped in this moment where there is only the two of you.
When you lean in even closer and whisper your name, he cannot help the grin that spreads across his face.
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dhawkesnest · 5 years
Prompt # 23: Parched
Warning: Shadowbringers Spoilers!! Do not read if you haven't finished the MSQ!!     Follow up of Prompt # 12!! Features my character Celene as the WoL for the purposes of this AU (I do not rp her as WoL). Also, what can I say, I like writing kiss scenes.
Celene wasn't expecting to see the familiar robed form standing in the middle of her room in the Pendants when she finally managed to evade Nadine and sneak away. She had just leaned back against the door, sighing in relief upon listening to the click as she locked herself in what she thought was a safe place, when she heard a well-known voice and the hair on the back of her neck stood on end. Oh no... So soon after the embarrassment in the Crystarium, she wasn't up to facing him and explaining the reason she had completely humiliated him in front of everyone. However, she knew how bad it would have looked had she whirled and run again, and where could she truly hide. All he had to do was look within that crystal mirror he kept and he would have found her. Nowhere in Norvrandt was safe. Swallowing her pride, she looked at him and tried to offer him a smile in greeting, though she was sure it looked a little pinched. The only thing that might have soothed her nerves was his posture, for he seemed perfectly at ease, his staff leaning against the wall nearby. “Ex... G'raha... hi... I wasn't expecting to find you here. Usually you summon me to the Ocular. Is something the matter?” She could detect the strain in her voice, and could only pray that he couldn't do the same. Turning to face her, he smiled softly and shook his head. His right ear twitched perceptibly and she had to stifle an internal groan as he tilted his head at her. “Oh no. I merely wanted a moment of your time.” “Ah...” The sound came out like a croak. “There were still some things that went unresolved and brushed aside when we returned from the Tempest that I think needs be addressed.” “If it's another apology, G'raha, then there's no ne-” Once more, he shook his head, clasping his hands in front of him. “It actually concerns my outpouring in Kholusia.” Celene's stomach tightened with dread. Did he mean to rescind what he had said? Had she misunderstood him? They both stood in awkward silence for a moment, and then Celene had to force herself to draw a breath, reminding herself not to overreact. Let him say what's on his mind, there's plenty of time to freak out later. Clearing his throat, he dropped his gaze for a moment as if thinking on something before coming to a decision. “It also concerns a certain young woman that was yelling my given name about the Crystalline Mean earlier this afternoon. I wished to discuss that as well.” Her reaction was almost involuntary as she ran the flat of her hand down her face and groaned audibly in embarrassment, her cheeks heating. She couldn't be surprised. He had been there, she knew this was coming, and yet she'd hoped against hope that it wouldn't. “I'm sorry. She pressured me and your name was just the first one that came to mind. I had no idea she intended to shout it from the rafters and I am so sorry for what it might have done to your reputation or-” “So it was a mistake then?” “I didn't intend to make things embarrassing for you, no. I mere-” The expression on his face shifted momentarily, so subtle that it was almost imperceptible. Once more, he cleared his throat, and she could have sworn she saw him swallow hard. “Well then, since that is cleared up, I suppose it is back to work for me.”
Celene's mouth dropped open. That was it? Something about this couldn't be right. That imperceptible change in him stuck out to her and a niggling feeling settled into the pit of her stomach. She felt as if she had done something wrong, but there was no reason for her to have felt that way. Nodding a greeting, G'raha moved to pass her for the door, reaching to pull his hood up and retrieve his staff as he went. Stop him. Don't let him go, her internal voice cried at her. Impulse took over and  brought about the movement. She reached out to grip his forearm as he passed, the reflex startling him into whirling enough to look at her, either to discern what she wanted or to object to the contact, she didn't know. The woman didn't give him a chance to do either. Her free hand reached to cup his chin and lift it to align his gaze with hers, taking in his expression, his red eyes wide with surprise and something else.
Hurt. I hurt him. Something I said hurt him. “C-celene?” He stammered. She let her grey-green gaze take in every feature, her thumb tracing the crystal on his cheek. The action caused a blush to rise in his cheeks. Her thoughts went momentarily to his words in Kholusia, then again at the top of Mt. Gulg. Deep down she knew those words had been meant for her, at the same time she had known the man leaning against the rock was the one she had watched the doors close on all those years ago. She had cared about him then, and she cared even more deeply about him now. Is it possible he thinks...? We're both idiots, she realized, a soft smile breaking out across her face as she chuckled quietly at their foolishness. “Friend, are you quite well?” There was a tremor in his voice as he looked up at her, his face still clasped gently in her palm, his eyes echoing a mix of pain, confusion, and embarrassment. Hell with it. I'm tired of dancing around this issue. Celene dipped her head low and brushed her lips against his faintly. She heard the sound of his staff clattering to the floor, caught the barest hint of a sound dying in his throat, and then his hands were in her hair. He pulled her close, his mouth meeting hers for a second time but deeper, his lips exploring hers. The action was sweet, intense; full of longing that had been more than decades denied. They clung to one another as they became engulfed with the same need, like two flowers in the desert desperate for rain. After a moment, he broke the kiss to gasp for breath, and she rested her forehead against his own. “How long have you-” He asked between breaths. “Since before the doors shut.” He exhaled sharply at that, the truth flooring him as he pulled back enough to look up at her, hands reaching to cup her face. “I didn't know, Celene, I-” “We're both idiots.” She murmured, nuzzling his palms, enjoying the warmth of one and the cool of the other upon her skin. “I knew you meant me when we spoke in Kholusia, but I said nothing when we got back. I let you think...” G'raha shook his head, wrapping his arms about her waist tightly. Celene returned the action, winding hers about his shoulders, marveling in how small he was. “Might we stay like this for a spell?” He asked, burying his face against her collarbone. There would be no objection from her. It had been so long since she had held anyone, let alone let anyone hold her. “I may need more kisses.” She murmured into his hair, one hand reaching to scratch him lovingly behind the ear. The Exarch's shoulders shook with a soft chuckle. “Aren't we thirsty?” He muttered back cheekily, then barely choked back a sound that was part whimper and part purr at the tender gesture he had become unaccustomed to. “Oh, you're one to talk.” She gave him a playful shove but then immediately pulled him back for a kiss, letting her lips linger for a moment before breaking it and holding him close once more. Neither of them knew what the future would hold. Celene had reminded him of this when they had rested in Kholusia before the battle against Vauthry. At some point, one of them could die. It was the same as it always was. She was the Warrior of Light, thrust into danger. In the past, she had held those who loved her at arms length to protect them, but now she knew she couldn't anymore. Many regrets had lead her to realize during their conversation on the cliffs that she couldn't push those she cared about away anymore, and she had told him he shouldn't either. Should fate see fit to take him from me again... He seemed to know her thoughts, and spoke quietly as he nuzzled her again. “What are we to do now that the dynamic between us has changed?” The only response she could think to give were the words she had told him before. Words that carried the weight of those regrets she had made in the past, the pain of words left unsaid and paths left untraveled. “Cherish the time we have.” (( @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast ))
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eliniei · 4 years
Not As It Seems XIX
Summary: When the Warrior of Light catches a cold, she refuses to simply rest, much to the dismay of those around her. 
Word Count: 3068
Masterlist: here Ao3: here
When I woke up that morning, I realized something was wrong from the start. I sat up and the first thing out of my mouth was a sneeze, accompanied by a dull throb between my eyes. I quickly turned my head away from the Ascian in my bed. With a small groan, I dropped back onto my pillow. 
An arm snaked around my middle as Emet-Selch tugged me closer to him and laid his head on my chest, the warmth of his skin seeping into me. 
“Stay in today, hero,” he ordered, sleepily, voice no louder than a murmur. I shifted so my arm slid under his body and wrapped it around his shoulders, staring up at the ceiling. “You need to rest.”
I pursed my lips and sighed through my nose. 
“You know I can’t,” I said, quietly, the sound of my voice muffled with my congestion. He was silent for a long moment as I sniffed. 
“No,” he started again. “It’s that you won’t .” 
I chewed on the inside of my mouth as I considered his words. He was right, I supposed. But now that the holidays were over, how could I rest with a world to save? 
I ran my fingernails up and down his arm and I felt him shiver under the blanket with my movement. I tilted my head, eyes lowering to the top of his head.
“Can Ascians...get sick?”
“If I were in my true form, your mortal ailments would have no effect on me. However, since I have taken residence in a human body, I am susceptible, yes.”
I bristled at the thought. Of course, if he wanted to be seen by those that didn’t have the Echo, he would have had to obtain a host, but I didn’t have to like it.
With another sigh, I slid out of his embrace and started getting out of bed. 
“All the more reason that I get to work.” A chill ran up my spine when the air hit my skin. “Wouldn’t want the almighty Emet-Selch to catch my cold.”
He sat up slightly, leaning his head on one hand as he watched me head to my closet and pull out some clothes. 
“You’d better dress warmly, hero,” he said, gaze moving towards the window for a moment. “It looks rather cold outside.” 
“ You’d better be careful, Ascian,” I shot back to him, one corner of my mouth tugging upward. “Lest you display some semblance of caring. ”
With a click of his tongue, he fell back into the mattress, pulling the blanket up to his chin, stubbornly crossing his arms over his chest underneath. “I won’t be coming to rescue you again if you collapse.”
I huffed a laugh and rolled my eyes.
“It’s just a cold,” I insisted. “It’s hardly anything to worry over.”
He gave me a noncommittal hum and fell silent. By the time I had finished getting ready for the day, he was asleep again. 
As my day continued, much to my dismay, I could feel my sickness progressing. It was noticeable enough that even the Scions looked at me in worry, no matter the strong front I presented.
In the later part of the morning, I stood in the middle of the Ocular as my friends surrounded me, discussing how we should proceed. When the meeting was over, the Crystal Exarch made his way to me, placing his hand on my shoulder, stopping me from leaving for a moment.
“Are you alright, my friend?”
I cleared my throat, trying to stifle the cough that was climbing its way up my throat.
“I’m fine,” I replied, a smile appearing on my lips because of his concern. “No need to worry.” Even through his hood I could see the skeptical expression on his face as a silence stretched between us. 
“If you insist,” he said, finally, his hand dropping from my shoulder. “But should you need a rest, by all means, please take it.” I huffed a laugh and shrugged my shoulders.
“It’s-” Before I was able to swallow it down, the cough forced its way out. Beside me, he paused, mouth drooping into a frown. He reached for me again, but I shook my head as I covered my mouth, holding my hand out to make sure he kept his distance.
“Don’t get too close,” I urged him after I’d recovered, then playfully shoved him with my shoulder as I started for the door, following my friends, a smile spreading across my lips. “Wouldn’t want an old man such as yourself to catch it,” I teased. 
The Exarch pursed his lips and inhaled a deep breath.
“At the very least, I will have some potions sent to your rooms for faster recovery.”
“Fine, if you insist ,” I mimicked his words, stretching my arms behind my back as I walked, but halted quickly as I thought about the Ascian still likely in my bed. With a nervous laugh, I spun back around. “On second thought, I’ll just pick them up myself.”
He tilted his head towards me, curiously, but I gave him a strained smile. 
“I have to go by the apothecary later,” I explained with a shrug, trying to mask my unease. “No sense in making someone walk all the way to the Pendants when I’ll be in the area, anyway.” He watched me for a few long moments, but hummed and nodded, seemingly accepting my reasoning, and finally let me walk out of the Ocular. 
As the Scions went about their research, I decided to head back out to Lakeland and put my abilities to good use, helping the locals with the many menial tasks they needed assistance with. The apothecary and the medicine would just have to wait until later. 
It was just a cold, afterall.
But, while I was helping a man called Seanard spread mortar along the stone walls on the fort in an attempt to repair them, I felt my head swim. My heartbeat spiked and I paused, placing my hand flat against the wall as I blinked, trying to steady my vision.
“Alright?” he asked me, slapping me across the back. I braced myself against the impact. I nodded my head, unable to answer as my knees began to wobble. I inhaled deeply, trying to steady my heart rate. He stood back from the wall, placing his hands on his hips as he inspected out work. “I really appreciate this.” I shook my head.
“No, it’s…” 
He raised a brow as I trailed off, stepping up to me and inspecting my face closely. I shut my eyes tightly as the world started to spin.
“Are you sure you’re-”
Before he could finish, I felt myself falling, and everything went black. 
When I came to, soft voices were speaking around me and my head gently bounced against warm, soft cloth, the chainmail underneath poking into my cheek. My body shivered, a chill consuming me whole. 
“One of the locals brought her to the gate, my lord,” Lyna’s voice said, quietly. “Said she was out at Fort Jobb helping to repair one of the cracking walls.” Glass clinked and my eyes slid open. I was resting against the viera’s armor as she carried me down a hallway. The Exarch walked next to her, two potion vials in one hand, his staff, as usual, in the other. 
My eyelids began to droop again, but I blinked quickly. My head fell backwards against Lyna’s arm as she carried me. She looked down at my movement.
“Ah, you’re awake,” she observed, scanning my face. My brow furrowed and I sniffled, the congestion in my head causing a ache to brew behind my eyes. I wrapped my arms around myself, attempting to stifle the cold that I could feel in my very bones. 
“What happened?” I rasped, attempting to keep my voice even and my teeth from chattering. 
“You fainted in the middle of Lakeland,” the Exarch explained, his words short and agitated. “Might I add, not an hour after insisting you would be just fine .” I breathed a chuckle as I lifted my head again, settling my temple against the guard’s chest.
“Why do I get the impression you’re scolding me?” His head tilted towards me again, and I got the feeling that if I could see his face, he’d have an exasperated expression plastered on it.
“That’s because I am,” he shot at me and I rolled my eyes, one side of my mouth tugging upward. I closed my eyes again as I relaxed into the feel of Lyna’s steady footfalls as she walked. “You are to take a few days off and rest .” 
“Oh?” I scoffed. “And where are you taking me? The medical ward? Are you going to tie me to a bed to make sure I stay put?”
“Hardly,” he huffed, visibly trying to hide the smile my joke caused. “Your room will suffice, I think.”
A sigh escaped me as I thought about being warm in my bed, the pillows large and fluffy, the blanket soft on my skin. I supposed that would suffice-
My eyes shot open again in alarm. My room? Oh, Gods-
I sat up in Lyna’s arms, attempting to slide myself to the ground. 
“What are you-”
“Let me down.”
“I hardly believe you capable of finding your own room in your current-”
“It’s fine ,” I insisted, wriggling around. “I can make it there myself.”
“Now, where have I heard that before?” the Exarch said with a smirk, lifting a hand to his chin in mock thought as the guard’s embrace around me tightened, holding me still, and in my weakened state, I found myself unable to struggle for long.
She paused outside my door as the Exarch pushed it open. 
“This is fine,” I repeated. “You’ve done enough al-” He waved the hand in which he carried the tonics to cut me off.
“By the Scions’ descriptions, Warrior of Light, I know you to be as stubborn as a mule,” he began as they headed inside. I cringed, waiting for them to realize that there was an Ascian in my room. That he had been spending nights in my room. That we were this comfortable together-
But there were no shocked gasps, no weapons drawn, no demanded questions followed by my hasty, nervous explanations. Instead, the Exarch continued.
“So we’re going to watch until you drink every last drop of this medicine before we take our leave.”
I lifted my head again, taking quick stock of the room. Any hint that Emet-Selch had been here was gone- as was the Ascian himself. I breathed a sigh of relief. The Exarch took it as my compliance and nodded his approval.
Lyna set me down on the edge of the bed, and once I had steadied myself, the Exarch unstoppered the vials and handed them to me. I downed them both at once, hissing at the bitter taste.
“Now,” he said, softly, a small smile gracing his face. He leaned down slightly, placing his hand on my shoulder. “Get some rest. I will send up some food and more medicine later.”
When I nodded, he motioned for the viera to leave the room, then took the small glasses from my hand and followed her closely as he instructed her with how he wanted my care handled. I sat quietly for several long minutes after they had closed the door behind them, leaning forward, my elbows digging into my thighs, and rubbed the skin between my eyes in an attempt to calm the headache as I waited for the potion to take effect. 
With a sigh, I finally stood and started heading for the bathing room so that I could undress- maybe relax in the bathtub before climbing back into bed. I fumbled with my belt as I stood, unhooking the clasp and letting it, along with my sheathed rapier, to clatter to the floor. My head swam once more with the quickness of my movements and I stumbled backwards, my legs hitting the bedside, causing me to fall back onto the bed, my impact making the mattress bounce a few times. 
My senses grew fuzzy as the darkness pulled at my consciousness and I had a hard time focusing on anything- even the beams in the ceiling above me. I struggled against my fading mind for long moments before I realized it wouldn’t help. Before I let the deep, cool darkness claim me, however, I heard a familiar hum. The sound of boots on the floor. 
The Ascian leaned over me, clicking his tongue in disappointment as he examined my face. My eyelids fluttered when the skin of his hand came into contact in my forehead.
“I did warn you, hero,” he said, pointedly before my eyes slid shut. 
I awoke sometime later with a jolt, quickly sitting up in my bed, my entire body covered in a thin sheen of sweat. The blanket covering me slipped from over my shoulders to my lap and I furrowed my brow.
How...had I ended up here? How long was I asleep?
I rubbed the haze from my eyes and looked around the room. The light in the room had dimmed significantly so- evening? A few hours, then.
“Ah,” a smooth voice said from the other side of the room. I twisted slightly to see Emet-Selch exiting my bathing room, the distinct sound of running water filtering into the room. “Finally. Do you know how boring it is to just sit and watch someone sleep?” I narrowed my eyes at him.
“Oh, forgive me, mighty Ascian,” I drawled, making sure the sarcasm in my voice dripped from every word, as I rolled my eyes and dropped back onto my damp pillow. I cringed slightly, the sweat that had seeped into my pillow and sheets cold against my back. 
“You love sleeping,” I mumbled. “Could’ve just joined me.” Emet-Selch hummed his amusement, but otherwise had no comment, and came to sit on the edge of my mattress, placing the back of his hand on my forehead. 
“Your fever has broken, at the very least,” he announced. I pursed my lips as I watched him, but a moment later, a fit of coughs clawed its way up my throat. I covered my mouth, quickly turning my head away from him. 
He slid his hand under my back and eased me up, resting me against him as he reached over to the nightstand and turned back with a new vial of medicine and a glass of water. 
“What are you, my nanny?” I asked as I wiped my mouth, mood tinged with a hint of annoyance. He gave an exasperated sigh and shoved the potion in my hand. I stared at it for a few moments, and when I didn’t move to ingest it, he clicked his tongue at me.
“Now is not the time to be stubborn, hero. As I have said before, you pushed yourself too hard and this is the result.” I sighed heavily through my nose and tore the cork out of the top and tipped the foul-tasting liquid down my throat, making my distaste for it obvious. “You don’t heed the words of those around you,” he began. “Clearly, the famed Warrior of Light cannot be trusted to take care of herself.” He paused his tirade for a moment, taking the vial from me and replacing it with the water. “And if you are unable, I suppose it falls to me. Drink.” 
I breathed a chuckle that led to more coughing.
“Why you?” I croaked as I tried to calm my body and took a sip of water. He shifted behind me, looking towards the nightstand again. I followed his gaze with my head to find a tray, a few different types of food arranged on its surface. 
“Clearly, your beloved Exarch doesn’t know the first thing about you.” I frowned, realizing that he was right-  none of the foods that had been sent were to my liking. Suddenly, without warning, his knowing, arrogant air was back, radiating off of him in waves.
“Besides,” he started. “ My cooking is much better than anything that comes out of his kitchens.” I nearly snorted.
“How conceited,” I mused and took another sip. I felt him shrug as he loosely wrapped his arms around me. 
“Maybe,” he admitted easily, leaning to nuzzle my ear with his nose. “But I was instructed by the best.” 
A small smile spread across my lips and I breathed a laugh. I handed the cup back to him, finished for the moment and he twisted to set it back on the bedside table. When he had turned back, replacing his arm over my shoulders, I threaded my fingers between his and settled into his chest, relishing the steadiness of his breathing, letting the rhythm quickly lull me into a state of near-sleep.
“Are you still cold, hero?” he asked, finally, his voice soft.
“A little,” I mumbled drowsily. He lifted one hand to snap and the running water in the other room faded.
I felt him move to stand, his hands going behind my back and under my knees, lifting me easily from the bed. 
“The bath should be ready by now.”
I raised my eyes to examine his face as he carried me to the bathing room, his expression, as usual, reserved and purposefully unreadable, though I could nearly discern an underlying concern that made one side of my mouth lift. 
“Don’t get used to it, warrior,” he ordered without looking at me. My smile widened and I breathed a giggle. 
When we entered, he slowly set me down on the floor, the cold tile sending a chill up my spine. He held me steady as I undressed and helped me sit on the edge of the tub so he could disrobe as well.
He got into the water first, then gently tugged me in. 
The warmth of the water caused a low moan slip from my mouth and he chuckled as he sat me back against his chest once more. His arms went around my waist and I laid my hands on top of them, sighing in relief. 
I closed my eyes as I melted into him, letting all of the tension in my muscles go. 
“Thank you, Ascian,” I breathed.
“You’re welcome, hero.”
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