#Sge rhian
abeehiltz1159 · 11 months
there’s a lot of emphasis on eye color in sge. I may be the only one to have noticed it but since I finished the prequels it’s been something I think about a lot
Rhian’s eyes are blue and Rafal’s eyes are green. In the main series, green typically represents Evil (in book 3, there was a lot of emphasis on green lighting in the castles), and Sophie’s emerald eyes are a key characteristic of hers. Tedros’s eyes are blue, representing Good (the boy’s towers in the Good castle are blue).
Green means Evil and blue means Good. But there are moments where Rafal and Sophie do something Good or something in the name of Good, even if some people consider it Evil (using black magic to save their closest friends, taking the Storian to the heart for someone they love). There are times where Rhian and Tedros did something Evil, or something they thought was Good but wasn’t (declaring war on Evil, hating others, stealing power [mostly concerning the Storian]).
brown I feel represents somewhere in the middle, like they’ve meddled in both sides. Agatha knows tons of dark/Never spells because of her time helping Sophie with her studies in their first year, and Fala (Rafal in disguise) used the Circus of Talents to expose his brother’s plot to cheat. He even declared himself “Fala of Good” as his nationality. They have each been both the victim and the aggressor, usually in the name of love for someone they care about.
in general there’s TONS of emphasis on appearance in this series, especially eye colors. Being ugly is an Evil trait and being beautiful is a Good trait, but throughout the whole series — including the prequels — the characters have flipped things around, and it’s awesome, it’s one of the several things I seriously love about this series
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harmonyverendez · 11 months
I still want to know why Rhian killed his brother and took his identity.
Like Rafal ain't no angel.
But the way he died was horrible.
I can't stand Rhian.
And now looking back at everything.
I'm starting to see and understand everything after reading Rise.
There were so many hints and i shook it off.
Rhian Mistral is such a dumbass.
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themadauthorshatter · 2 years
Am I going out of order? Yes
Do I care? No, and I hope you don't either because you might like this
I've been making a couple YA OTP swap posts and while I would bedate if this is YA, I'm counting it is such because of how edgey it is, sue me
That out of the way,
We begin with a dream as Rhian meets princess after princess because of course he is. We continue until one more shows up, one more beautiful than the rest and asking for Rhian specifically.
Well, too bad he can't say anything to her to kiss her because a hammer wakes him up, one from his parents as they board up his windows because like hell they're letting their son be taken away, even if Rhian doesn't fill their baskets like Radley does.
Rhian ignores them and gets ready, taking an hour on his hair and doing a quick workout and sharpening his sword before leaving to see his best friend in the whole village who lives near a graveyard and owns a very protective wolf named Bold who nearly attacks Rhian for trespassing. Thankfully, his friend stops the wolf with a wave of the hand, stilling it and having it stand down.
Surprise!! It's TEDROS, who is something of a witch/outcast because he doesn't do his hair, wears black, and just isn't happy to be around people. Too bad, because Rhian wants to go exploring.
While out and about, like before, the town preps for the schoolmaster, children getting dirtied up, even Radley, to Rhian's joy, and everyone boarding up their homes. Tedros hates seeing it because he knows for a fact kids are just getting lost in the woods and people are too big of cowards to do anything, specifically shouting so everyone hears.
It makes Rhian much happier because that means they're going to the School for Good and Evil together, though Tedros is upset that all he is to Rhian is a good deed. Rhian convinces him it isn't, though, and that the two are good friends. Back in their homes, Rhian packs his own stuff for the SGE while Tedros is having his bags put together for him by his mother Callis (yes, I'm giving them the original canon parents for Sophie and Agatha, I'm sorry🙏) and despairs at being the only sane one in town, and for not wanting to be a villain or separated from his family and only friend. Callis, seeing his distress, comforts him, apologizing and admitting she only wants him to live an extraordinary life because of all he does for her.
They go to bed and Tedros lies in bed, Bold curled up with him, and notices something strange lurking outside his window: a shadow, and it heads for Rhian next, though Tedros beats it and the two run, Rhian pissed at losing his chance.
Or so they think because they're whisked away and taken to the School for Good and Evil, Rhian reveling at the fact that he will 100% be a prince and kiss a princess and be the salt of the Earth.
Too bad Tedros is dropped in the School for Good.
Rhian is more than upset to be dropped in the School for Evil's moat and meets a girl that asks to touch his hair because he looks like a prince; she's not bad looking at all, just a bad attitude.
Back on track, Rhian leaves the moat and is swept into the halls of Evil, seeing more students and trying to get it across that he isn't a villain and in the wrong school. No one listens and he gets his schedule and uniform, a disgusting black uniform that is nothing sort of rags.
With Tedros, he meets a number of boys who sprout from the ground, all chattering about a Flower Ground before they spot him and ask if he's lost. He is not, just confused and wants to go home. Not a chance because they swarm him, deadly close to attacking, but Tedros jumps first, swining a mean punch at one and knocking him out and sprinting into the school, where he gets hus schedule and uniform, a flashy blue prince-y get-up that hurts his eyes.
They try ecsaping to see each other and fail, Rhain getting hog-tied and taken to his dorm, where he meets his roommates Ravan, Vex, and Hort, Hort being the friendliest as he basically welcomes Rhian with open arms. Rhian pleads his case that he is not a villain and belongs in good, but Ravan and Vex decide to let science do the talking and dangle him over the window ledge; the fairies will save him if he's good. Rhian shouts that he goes to church, feds the homeless, made friends with a witch, gives good advice, is good with a sword, and, the nail in the coffin, looks absolutely stunning, unlike the others, in his eyes.
It's proof enough for them that he's evil.
In the opening ceremony/assembly, we meet our teachers and students, but Rhian and Tedros find each other and have opposing gials at the moment: Rhain wants Tedros's uniform and Tedros wants out of this hellhole.
Too bad because the Ever girls get Rhian's eye, all happily tossing handkerchiefs to the Ever boys before one more struts her way in with boots on her feet as opposed to heels, silencing everyone as they see her black hair flowing behind her, her gown beautiful, but practical as she also wears a sword on her hip.
Agatha of Camelot has entered the game and is absolutely badass as she takes on about 8 or 10 Everboys who she asks for a challenge. She does patch them up and congratulate them for a good fight and spots Tedros and Rhian, who is head over heels and wants himself a princess, even though Tedros gets a rose she wore in her hair.
Chaddick is also interested, which riles up Rhian like no one's business. After the welcoming, Tedros finds his way to Rhian in the school for Evil, where he knows he belongs, but when the two do switch, Rhian happy to take his friend's place and win Agatha's heart before Chaddick can steal it, and calling Tedros a dimwit for thinking he wants Rhian to go back to Gavaldon where there's nothing for him.
Turns out karma bites back because they're given their uniforns back and returned to their appropriate schools, right in time for class
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liketwoswansinbalance · 2 months
If Rhian were a villain as his own character, in character, I feel like he'd be the kind of villain to explain his whole Evil plan, giving it away completely instead of keeping it to himself because he's incapable of keeping it to himself. He would be hyped up with excitement for his vision coming to fruition, and most importantly, he would want to do it for the showmanship as he's theatrical like that. Then again, he may be too smart to reveal it all.
If you recall his thematically-appropriate outfit during the Circus of Talents, he seems to love causing a scene, and while Rafal does share this tendency towards the dramatic, I don't believe it's to the same effect or as extreme as Rhian's.
And this brings me to the point that it's just flat-out unusual for Rhian to wear essentially the same outfit for 200 years.
I mean, that seems unlike him and extreme. For evidence, it's implied by TLEA, by the image of his midnight blue robes hanging on a hook in the tower like a relic at the beginning of the book, that he's worn that selfsame outfit all that time. Sure, he must've not had an occasion to dress up for, but when did that ever stop him? Did imitating Rafal mean he had almost given up on his fashion sense? It's not like anyone had seen him. He didn't have anyone to perform in front of after all. Maybe that's the reason: no one would see him, so it wouldn't matter? He'd probably become depressed, and perhaps, the loneliness drove him insane and away from old behaviors.
Yet, how could Rhian, the man who was a fashion icon in his better days, be reduced to wearing the same midnight blue robes for 200 years, as the first trilogy implies? Even villainous Fall Rhian with his pure spun gold cloak did better than this version of him.
Wearing the same clothes like a uniform is Rafal behavior, and while taking that trait completes his disguise, which I'm sure Rhian had down by SGE's present, if no one had the faintest memory of what the real Rafal was like, what was keeping Rhian from caring about his appearance like he once did? He only seemed to fall back into fashion and indulge in it in order to appeal to Sophie and that's it. Did he never regain the right state of mind for fashion to be of any importance by himself? Did Sophie revive that lost part of him?
In conclusion, that is the most implausible thing about the Fall twist: Rhian's lack of fashion sense. /j
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wheretheoceanglows · 3 months
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Since we were talking about how easily Rafal would burn in the sun, I decided to draw a little scenario where Rhian tries to convince him to step foot into the light, and he gets crisped.
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anobody277642 · 4 months
The reason that Rhian and Rafal are twins is because they both are filled with the same rot. They cant love because of it. It’s why they go hand in hand with one another. There’s no Rhian without Rafal and no Rafal without Rhian. You cannot put anyone else in each one of their places because no one else matches with the other one correctly. They both are puzzle pieces that can only be matched with each other. No matter how hard you try, you cannot match a puzzle piece with one that doesnt fit the other. Thats the lesson Rhian learned with Sophie.
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bellatrixnightshade · 5 months
I'm Tired.
I see how they view you
Always so awed
While I’m pushed to the side
Forget how it’s me always talking
It’s me that always tries 
And I hate that you constantly mock
How I often cry
When I see who you are
And how you act
A part of me dies
What is so hard?
Why are you often sharp?
Can you just stop cutting through me?
Can you just see that I’m a human that makes mistakes?
That maybe, just maybe, i will never be as fucking good as you?
You act like you’re brave and you say that I’m weak
And if not with words it’s by that condescending way you speak
Yet explain why you are the run who runs away?
I want to be perfect
I want to be fucking perfect
Good and kind
I wish I was like you
I wish I didn’t love like you
I wish I had no heart like you
I wish I was cold like you
All I really wanted was your kindness
All I really wanted was one good word
I wanted to be enough
You blame me for seeking more
But why are you never happy with me?
I’m sorry that I got your blood on my hands
Do I even care?
You were happy 
You dared
You were willing to leave me to die
Our relationship is a lie
I want to be perfect
I want to be fucking perfect
Good and kind
I wish I was like you
I wish I didn’t love like you
I wish I had no heart like you
I wish I was cold like you
I guess now that you’re gone all of that is true
To them I am perfect
I am the one
I don’t love you (you didn't love me that much anyway)
I have no heart because you burnt it all up
Now I’m cold like you
I did it. I went in a totally different direction but I did it. I'll come out with an explanation behind the lyrics later.
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I want to cry when I think of the old gen in SGE.
You're telling me it's canon that Lady Lesso was Callis' Dean (With Callis being the not-so-ugly uglification teacher).
It's cannon that Lady Lesso absolutely despised Evelyn and Rafal because hello, Evelyn ratted her out and Rafal forced her to make a choice, BUT THEN Evelyn and Rafal's son (Japeth) is obsessed with Lady Lesso's son (Aric).
It's cannon that 2 generations, no, THREE generations of evil were obsessed with Sophie? Rafal(love interest), Rhian(Love interest)/Japeth(Interest) and Evelyn(Interest). Although truth be told Evelyn was probably a bit irritated after she read the Story of Agatha and Sophie and saw Sophie kissing Rafal. Maybe she pushed it to the side with 'Oh it's fine, he's just using her'. Ok Miss Clown and you think he ain't using you? She probably realized he is when he turned her to dust.
Do you guys ever think that Sophie thinks that she practically dated a father and his son(s)? As we know her probably not.
Here's my question, I can't exactly recall if in book 5 when we are shown how Rhian and Japeth's existence came about if Rafal was young and beautiful or not(aka if he was old).
But if he WASN'T old and ugly then what happened in the meantime? How did he turn wrinkled and ugly as hell?
Was he also ugly or not when he tried to propose with Calissa? Cuz I can't remember for the life of me.
Are we also just gonna ignore that Evelyn was practically on the streets and that the Green Knight, the OG Japeth took care of her? Talk about being a deadbeat dad Rafal (cough RHIAN cough).
How does he keep seducing all these women?! I mean with Calissa it was a fail, Sophie was easily manipulated, and hell only knows what Evelyn's thinking process was given how easily she dismissed her each time she tried to be 'useful' to him.
Do you guys think Rafal knew that Japeth liked Aric? And if so is that why he made Aric the Dean of New evil(besides his own...evilness and the fact that he is Lady Lesso's son and inherited her magic).
We don't forget that 'Rafal' literally laughed when he was told he'd have to marry a woman for evil, right? Right? And then he became the Number 1 playboy. But the apple doesn't fall far from the tree because his true name sake(Rhian) took Sophie for the same reason (power) as his father while liking Kei and Japeth, the son that took after him, took Sophie with the intent of reviving Aric.
(I still refuse to believe Japeth was conscious of how Aric would act towards him when he came back. Japeth x Aric feels like it has a weird symmetry to Evelyn x Rafal due to the possible toxicity between the two given Aric was low-key homophobic. Well... More than low-key but that's beside the point)
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secretly-a-catamount · 4 months
Despite Rhian being both Evelyn and Rafal’s favorite, Japeth is actually the one who’s most like them.
He killed his brother and then stole his identity, all to raise his lover from the dead, a lover who never loved him at all.
They loved Rhian because he was what they wanted to be. Good.
They hated Japeth because he was what they were. Evil.
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wisteriaum · 4 months
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small art dump bc i havent posted art in a little while
this is like the 4th time ive posted today LMAO
(picture 1 is inspired by “In Unrecognition of Rhian” by @liketwoswansinbalance !!)
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therealrhian · 8 days
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I think I found my new rendering style and decided to test it by drawing rhian :3
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abeehiltz1159 · 11 months
okay so a common theme in sge is that Good becomes Evil and Evil becomes Good, right? The lines become super blurred during the series and I see that lots in Rise and Fall
Rhian being Evil: cheating, manipulating, giving Evers fingerglows too early, pride/self-righteousness, contemplating murder, actually killing people, declaring war, hating his own blood, even being a light sleeper (Nevers are known as being insomniacs)
Rafal being Good: being protective, self-sacrificing (the scene near the end of Rise where Vulcan tries to kill Rhian), fighting for balance, fighting to make things fair, fighting to love, fighting to forgive, fighting to regain trust, helping his students with the Circus of Talents, even being a heavy sleeper (Evers are known for falling sleep easily and deeply)
both of them blur the lines between Good and Evil so much and it’s blowing my mind, not to mention how their dynamic is fairly similar to Sophie and Agatha’s … only Agatha and Sophie were able to forgive and love each other again while Rhian ends up dead by Rafal’s hand. the scene where Vulcan tried to kill Rhian with the Storian, but Rafal took the blow instead, and because of the brother’s shared love and loyalty he was healed? The same thing happened between Sophie and Agatha at the end of book one, where Rafal tried to kill Aggie with the Storian but hit Sophie instead, and Agatha’s kiss brought Sophie back. I think that was intentional.
Soman Chainani is a legend and you should go read his books (please)
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harmonyverendez · 1 year
Sneak Peak - Being Rhian & Rafal's Sister / Brother
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liketwoswansinbalance · 3 months
You're welcome to explain below!
EDIT: The resultant discussions inspired this new post!
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discjude · 5 months
otk spoilersish again uh
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(said by Japeth, father in question is Rafal btw) this specific passage devastated japeth enthusiasts AND rafal enjoyers everywhere. "but it wasn't enough for my father, was it? And it wasn't for me" might be like my favourite quote in this chapter and its got a LOT of good ones
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anobody277642 · 5 months
Rise/Fall of SGE characters as High School stereotypes
No one asked for this, but I thought it’d be fun to do.
Rhian- He’s a little difficult, but he’s either a very popular kid, that everyone knows and loves (or hates), or is either very quiet and has a difficult time making friends and mostly hangs out with Rafal. He has a new crush every week.
Rafal- I’d picture him as a whip-smart genius but not super popular. People know him, but not as much as others. He’s quieter in class, (mostly because he doesn’t waste words on useless topics), but yet also brilliant.
James- A very annoying popular kid who’s also very flirtatious. I simply cannot picture James as anything else.
Midas- Hmm. Probably a little intimidating when you first meet him, but a weller- known person that’s actually nice once you get to know him. He’s definitely cheating off of someone else’s test though. Kyma- Also very bright. She’s popular because of her looks, but she really only cares about her academics. (And maybe one or two boys). I can see her vying for valedictorian.
Aladdin- Quite literally the opposite of Kyma. He’s like James but without that classic charm. He’s definitely flunking most of his classes.
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