#Sett x gn!reader
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ccraccz · 1 year ago
Hi! Would you be able to do some headcannons with the heartsteel boys with a short/petite, alt partner! They wear all black, black stiletto nails and with a love of skulls. A big fan of all things games and animated shows and a huge collector.
Alternative love
Characters: Aphelios, Ezreal, Sett, Kayn, K'sante, Yone x GN!Reader
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That?? That's his type without a doubt
He lives for the alternative aesthetic and people shorter than him
He himself is probably alt, but he loves to mismatch with his sister
In solo pictures, he's alt, but in pictures with his sister, he's literally wearing the opposite of his sis
Now, he has a reason to wear more black
He would love to match with you in anything you wear out
He'd bring you gifts
From black press ons to some expensive obsidian necklace or leather gloves to fit your style
Anything and everything for you
He'd indulge you with skulls and bones, tarot cards if you're into things like that
He'll even let you wear his precious hoodies and jackets that were made by sett or bought by his sister
Though, when he finds out that you religiously play games he likes and watch the same shows he does
His affections develop rapidly into love
He has more things to both bond and relate to you
He would feel more comfortable with you instantly
Most of the time, it's difficult to relate to people
So, with you by his side, someone who understands him in style and emotionally goes a long way.
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Ezreal would not mind at all
Height or style
Actually he loves your aesthetic!
He feels like it's something that represents you, and he loves anything about you
He's all about aesthetic and true representation, and if black clothing, black nails, extraordinary makeup, and skulls are what you like
So be it! Go you!
He might not match you and your energy, but you know what they say.
Opposites attracts 💚
He's so cringe
He literally says that every time when someone asks why he's with someone like you
And he always tells them off after that because that was just rude!
He'd make a special bouquet for you with black and white flowers
He'd buy you fake skulls and skeletons for you to decorate your space
Buy your books and games
He's so in love with how you show yourself off
You can clearly tell he's always mesmerized by your style
Whether you're wearing skirts, leather pants, dresses, or large ripped jeans
Or even if you're wearing a black tank, with a black graphic jacket on your hips and pj pants
He's so into you and how different you are
Every time he sees you, his eyes are literally hearts
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He thinks it's so cool
And he thinks you're so cute with a petite you are
Especially compared to him
Like, an amazing amount of cool
He loves your style and would support it in giants amounts
He would literally be your stylist
You rip your favorite black shirt? He both fixes it and makes it look like a different shirt while matching your style
Is that jacket too expensive? He can diy one just for you that is way better than the one you liked
He'll also ask k'sante to design some clothing for you
The best quality clothing and costumes are given to you as gifts for important days
Dates? There's a gift box on your bed with some clothing that he fixed up for you
B-day? You know those boots you've been eyeing for a while? Wellll, they're on your bed now screaming for you to try them on
And inside the boots, there's a letter
He's so goofy
He'd support you by giving you more clothes and such
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He doesn't care, actually
But he will tease you about your height
But clothing wise?
You can go anywhere with whatever clothes and he would love you all the same
The only way he'll care is if you're bare outside, OR someone says some shit about you
That's when he really cares
The first scenario is because he can't handle himself and will snatch you and eat you 😏
The second scenario?
He's throwing hands and giving the person a piece of his mind
He goes crazy for you, but that's also the main reason why you guys mostly have indoor dates
Either way, he doesn't give a damn as to what you wear
He will love you because you tolerate him and keep him in place
Either way, indoor dates mean more time with you and your snazzy self
He will give you a good time after or during the "date"
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(This headcanon is mainly for the boys die ti k'sante being a gay man!! I'm so happy I get to write a male implied reader!! Woop woop!)
He finds it cute, actually!
Like really adorably cute
With how big he is and how small you are, it's actually comical
But you accommodate your height with platforms and your looks and that totally fine!
He finds you attractive all the same
He will design you clothes, and even ask for help for some ideas as to what the guys would look good in!
Just imagine
Your head is laying on K'sante's lap, playing a game of your switch that he recently bought you as an appreciation gift.
You were just about to beat this damn boss you'd been stuck on since yesterday, but he send an unexpected attack at your character and sends you to a fame over screen.
With a huff, you let go of the switch and sigh in annoyance.
"Hey, love?"
"Yeaaah, I see that, thanks"
"Would Yone and Ezreal look good in short crops?"
"Ezreal yes, Yone sadly no"
"I can see that, thanks"
"Of course love"
"Wait, would Aphelios look good in hip hop pants?"
"Phel would look good in anything Sante, but he'd really rock the cyber aesthetic,"
You'd both indulge in different aesthetics, but he'd 100% make clothes for you to make you feel like the best of the best
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Yone would not care at all
Height or clothibg
You wear What you want, when you want
If someone says anything about it, he will give them a look that would make them keep their disgusting opinions to themselves
Even though its not something he relates to, whatever makes you happy and more comfortable with yourself the better
And if that means black clothing, skulls, and more darker stuff
Then so be it.
But the number of games reminds him of Aphelios
And the amount of anime and manga reminds him of his bother
Though not in a bad way!
Either way, he will indulge you by giving you things he finds that remind him of you
He once brought you one of those cute black death doctor plushies
You literally almost cried, but you gave him a present after turning your plush/plushies towards the wall.
I tried something new with the display, so instead of gifs, I used some pictures of the boys because the gifs wouldn't load.
I also tried something new with the headcanons and placed a small scenario. I just wanna see opinions on it! Hope you don't mind lovely!! Please do request again!! 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
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Imma go sleep in a min now 🧡
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milksuu · 1 year ago
omg, the little texting parts from your recent ez fic were cute! idk if it’s possible, but could you do cute little texts between heartsteel and their so, or maybe a huge gc? I would love to see how you characterize them :)
❥ prompt: groupchat with the heartsteel!gang ❥ content/warnings: implied sexual content, crack ❥ characters/pairings: v!Heartsteel! & gn!reader
an: omfg that is legit such a cute/funny idea! ill definitely write up some cutesy heartsteel x reader texts. probably winter holiday themed! get them hot cocoa vibes going. stay tuned for it! in the meantime, enjoy this crack.
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[Ezreal:] 😚 wow i wuv you gwuys so much i juwst cant stop *looks down* thinking about you c-can we 😳🍆 *notices buldge* snuggies in my bed because i w-want t-to feew youw wawmth aww uvw me pwease im begging you 😩🙏 i wiww get on my hands and knyees fow you if youww just *whines* p-pet me im a good *moans* boy i sweaw 🥺👉👈
Aphelios has left the conversation
[Kayn:] WTFFFFFF DID I JUST READ!!!!?????????? 🤮🤮🤮
[Sett:] Dude. Stop. You literally made Phel toss his phone into the trash can. 😑
[mcreader:] it's fine. i'm getting it out for him. 🙄
[Ezreal:]😫 but daddIES ive been behaving so so gewd *rubs* fow you i t-t-thought you w-wouwd give me youw miwkies as a p-pwesent🤤🍼 but nyow 🥺 *whimpers* that im a bad bad boy how wiww you punyish me?!! 🥵🥵😏
[K'Sante:] Is it possible to block someone in a group chat? I'm asking for a friend. And by friend, I'm talking about all of us. 🗿
[mcreader:] phels not taking the phone back. he says he wants a new one with a new number. so ez can never contact him again. and i quote 'i would rather jump into oncoming traffic than suffer through one more degenerate copypasta'
[K'Sante:] I think I'm going to vouch for aphelios here. His idea of a new phone and number sounds good to me.
[mcreader:] wait. his hands are moving really fast. i think he's just screaming at this point ??? i probably shouldn't translate most of it. point is he wants his phone to stay in the garbage
[Sett:] Dang. I just bought us matching phone cases too. Guess I can return them. No biggie. 😔
[mcreader:] nevermind. phel took the phone back. we're good. 👍
[Ezreal:] 😵 wowie you guys awe nyo f-fun but thats okay cause iww be wosta f-fun t-tonyight when 🥴👉👌 *snuggles close* im undew nyeath the bwankie with you 🥵👅💦
[Yone:] Unfortunately for you Kayn, at this rate, everyone in this group will need a therapist. I don't think we'll be able to afford it.
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fictionfordays · 17 days ago
SFW Alphabet (A-Z)
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Heartsteel!Sett x GN!Reader
WC: >1.8k
A/N: my bbg uwu
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Heartsteel Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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Activities – What are their favorite things to do with you? How do you spend your free time?
He loves when you accompany him to the gym or for jogs. He also loves when you cook or bake together. Sometimes you work on personal projects while he sews the holes in your clothes.
Boo! – How do they feel about surprises, giving and receiving?
He loves surprises!
Comfort – How do they comfort you when you’re upset? When the tables turn, do they come to you, or try to handle it themselves?
He’s not entirely sure what to do when you’re upset, other than just let you feel whatever it is you’re feeling. He’s not trying to fix your problem, give you advice you didn’t ask for, or play devil’s advocate. But he will listen if you want to talk, and if you want him to give you advice he will, but he’d much rather just hold you. Let out your feelings!
If he’s upset, I think it could go either way. When he is feeling upset, just give him a big hug and some praises, do something special maybe like sneak a little letter into his wallet for him to find while away, and tell him you love him. Sometimes he just needs a little space though to think.
Dance – Do they like to dance with you? How good of a dancer are they?
Loves dancing with you! He’s a giant so “dancing” often translates to him picking you up and swinging you around to whatever song is playing. He loves feeling you pressed against him like this, swaying together to some slow songs with your head on his chest, your hand in his
Excitement – How do they act when they’re excited? What excites them?
If he has a tail, it’s wagging furiously. Open mouth smile, eyes twinkling, can’t sit still. Just envision an excited puppy and that’s him.
He loves seeing you at his shows, when you surprise him at the hotel, when he sees you for the first time after a long time of being away, the way you pout cutely when you’re cold (he loooooves warming you up)
Future – What are their plans for the future? Do they see themselves getting married, having kids?
I think he craves domesticity. Don’t get him wrong, he loves his life as a hot shot rapper, but after meeting you? To him, it’s not about the rings adorning your fingers. It’s the unconditional love you have for each other, the desire to make each other’s lives easier, happier, more fulfilling.
He would have a whole litter of kids and I’ll die on this hill. More on this in his nsfw alphabet!
Gifts – What do they give you as presents? How often do they get you gifts?
He loves gifting you things his mom knits be it a matching beanie, an ugly Christmas sweater, etc. He also loves getting you cute little plushies or keychains from new places when on tour. He gets you gifts fairly often, more so when he knows he’s gonna be away traveling for a while
Hold – How do they hold you? Cuddling, sleeping, holding hands…
He loves holding your hand, it’s so much smaller than his. You are so much smaller than him. Honestly he just loves the size difference and loves anything that exaggerates it. Piggy backs, spooning, lifting you as part of his workout (you practically weigh nothing to him so it’s more just for fun)
He thinks it’s so funny though when you try to be the big spoon for him. You’re so small? You want to protect him? Keep him safe? You’re just so adorable
Ideal – What’s their ideal date like?
He likes going on adventures with you like hiking, skating, exploring a new part of town, going to the beach!
Jealousy – Do they get jealous easily? How do they handle it?
I don’t see him getting jealous very easily, but he’s always down for a fight. He’s large and in charge, big muscles… He’ll punch people for fun! (Probably not even sorry)
If someone really wants to press their luck and try to fight him for your affections, they are more than welcome to try! But! I don’t see that ending well for them.
Kisses – How do they like to kiss you? How frequently do you kiss?
His kisses tend to be either really playful and nippy, or very slow and passionate. I don’t think there’s an in between.
He’ll look at you as if you hung the moon in the sky just for him. As if you are the absolute love of his life, even if this is your first kiss. He kisses you like this will be the last time, like he’ll never see you again. He cups your cheek with one hand, the other arm wrapped around your waist firmly as if you’ll disappear at any moment. He pours so much of his heart, so much of his love and affection, into the kiss that you’ve even shed a couple of tears upon parting.
When playful, he uses more of his teeth. He’ll nip your lip, your cheek, your nose, your ear, anywhere he can get his mouth honestly, and always with a goofy grin on his face.
He also really loves kissing you while doing pushups. You lay on your back underneath him, giving him one, two, three kisses every time he comes down, giggling when he pushes back up.
Love – How do they show you that they love you?
Acts of Service and Quality Time
You’re behind on dishes? He’ll hand wash them. Need to water your plants yesterday? He’s already filling a pitcher. Wanna watch that new scary movie? He’ll hold your hand and cover your eyes if you need. As a bonus, he’ll even cuddle you while you both doom scroll on your phones on a lazy day.
Melt – What do you do that absolutely makes them melt?
He feels special when you accompany him to the gym. Even if you’re not working out together, the fact that you came along means a lot to him. If you are working out with him, best believe he’s the best spotter for you. He helps you correct your form or find modifications if you need them. He also gives you playful winks in the mirror to fluster you before you do a set. Maybe don’t go on leg day though, he gets… distracted
The other thing is when you get along with his mom, AND THAT SHE LOVES YOU ALMOST AS MUCH AS HE DOES. He is such a momma’s boy, it kills me, but she is a very sweet woman<3
Nicknames – What do they call you, and what are their favorite things to be called?
He might call you his “sweet puppy,” “little minx,” or “pretty fox.” Generally speaking though he usually just calls you “baby” or “babe” He works really hard on his appearance so he likes nicknames that reflect that. “Handsome,” “sexy,” “muscle-y man,” and he also sometimes likes “babe” or “good boy”
Obvious – How obvious do they make it that they like you?
He tries to hide it, but you have a way of making him blush so much :3 He can be pretty flirty with you, even if he’s not trying to be… He just kinda… word vomits I think, and he might ramble a little, but he still tries to be the cool guy to impress you
Pets – Do they have pets? Do they want them?
Canonically a dog guy! Cute puppies almost bring tears to his eyes!
Quiet – How are the calm, quiet moments with them?
I feel like quiet moments don’t happen that often? Maybe when he’s sleepy or the rare time he’s feeling lazy. These times are relaxing and sleep inducing.
Romance – How romantic are they? What are their go-to ways of being romantic?
I think he’s a pretty romantic guy. Momma taught him well, yk. He’ll bring you flowers, or candies. If he’s able to, he’ll call you before bed just to say good night. He’s your protector
Safe – What makes them feel safe and comfortable around you?
He loves that you’re not trying to change him into something he’s not. You’re not with him for his fame and fortune… he’s him and he’s pretty damn near perfect
Tend – How do they act when you’re hurt or sick, and vice versa?
If you’re hurt, he wants to beat up whoever hurt you. If you’re sick? He cooks homemade soup for you and makes sure you take your medicine.
If he’s hurt, it’s probably because he went a little too far punching someone. He’s fine to clean himself up but he appreciates when you wanna coddle him. If he’s sick, you’re not going in his room unless you’re bringing him soup or medicine. Keep out.
Unique – What’s an unusual thing about them that’s oddly charming?
Obsessed with protein powder and has all kinds of interesting snack recipes like protein pudding. You might still be scared to try them…
Variety – Do they prefer to keep things the same, or spice it up?
He likes the routine and domesticity you bring him. He gets enough spontaneity from Heartsteel! That being said, he doesn’t mind if you spice things up, he’s open to it and he does like the spontaneity.
Wash – What’s it like taking a bath with them, or helping them wash up after a fight?
Guy’s like 6’5 and real muscular, you’d have to have a really big tub to take a bath with him :( If you’re able to, his fingers will graze along your skin delicately, kisses placed on your shoulders and neck softly Showers are good if you have a big enough shower though! He’ll wash your hair, soap up your back, maybe things will get spicy too~
XO – How do they show you affection? How much PDA are they willing to show?
He loves showing you affection. Loves showing off to you, carrying you, piggybacking you. He’ll even skip along the sidewalk or swing your entwined hands dramatically. If just standing, like in a line or a group, he’ll be behind you with his hands on your shoulders and chin resting on your head. He doesn’t mind kissing you in public either but I don’t think he would make out in public.
Yearn – What do they do when they miss you?
He has a picture of you for his homescreen and a picture of your silhouettes from your most recent date as his lock screen that he constantly stares at. He made a playlist of songs that remind him of you that he plays on repeat. If he’s on tour, he brings one of your stuffed animals that he has you spritz with your favourite perfume (after whining about how much he’s gonna miss you). He shoves his nose against that plushie every morning and every night.
Zzz – How do they act when they get sleepy? How is it sleeping in the same bed?
When sleepy, he’s quiet and calm. He gets cozy and warm even if he’s on the couch. Will fall asleep anywhere. He doesn’t move too much in his sleep, but he does mumble random things, usually insults or threats but they’re so silly you can’t help but laugh later
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I do not own these characters. All rights to the original creators. All content—created rights are reserved to Wallabypirate©2025.
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sidemari · 2 months ago
• "The way I love you"•
A short compilation of each character's ways of showing they love you.
Characters included: Aphelios, Hwei, Jayce, Jhin, Jinx, Sett, Silco, Viktor, Yone (separately and in this order) x GN!Reader
Warning: Mentions of Jhin's gun in his text section, since we're talking about a criminal psychopath, lol. Other than that, it's just a silly and cute post.
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He must admit that his favorite place in the world is when you're sitting with him on the couch or even in bed, with your back against his torso, his legs wrapped around yours and his head resting on your shoulder as you read the pages of a book out loud.
"Some things are more precious because they don't last long"* You read the sentence, letting it sink in. "Do you agree with that, Phel?"
His eyes widened, he wasn't really paying attention to the story, even though it was a classic of literature. He was just enjoying how pleasant your voice sounded.
"I bet you weren't paying much attention"
He just nodded, his cheeks growing warm with embarrassment.
His hand squeezed yours in apology.
You squeezed it back, letting him know it was okay.
"Aren't you two adorable?" Alune sang in Aphelios's thoughts.
*"The Picture of Dorian Gray" reference.
Letting you see his most secret artworks was the way he could show his love for you. Letting you participate in the creation of new pieces was also common, with him patiently guiding you through the process.
"Are you sure about this?" You asked anxiously, trembling when he put the paint-soaked brush in your hands. He just timidly smiled before nodding.
"You inspire not only my art, but my soul as well" His hand covered yours, helping you to put the final brushstrokes on the canvas. "I want you to be part of this"
You could say this man likes to be a provider. That being said, he would do anything on his reach to make you happy.
And what usually makes you happy is a whole body massage after a full day of fiddling with trinkets and dealing with daunting equations in the lab.
You sighed in frustration as you laid down on the bed after showering, your aching muscles making you uncomfortable. His hands squeezed your shoulders gently, making you whimper softly.
"You're tense" His hands worked on the right places so you could finally relax. "Let me help you with that"
"You don't have to-" You couldn't finish your line, not when he was so efficiently taking away your pain.
"See?" He teased. "Let me spoil you a little, love"
He allows you to play his piano, take off his mask and even hold Whisper - his gun - whenever you pleased. That was his deviant way of showing you were a slightly more important piece in his performance.
"When will you put this to good use, my muse?" He asked, playfully tracing patterns against your thigh with his gun. With the time you’d known him, you knew better than to give in to his distorted ideas.
"Preferably never" You muttered, taking Whisper off his hand and setting it aside. "I learned a new sheet while you were gone, wanna hear it?"
She lives for cuddling with you.
It's always the peak of her day.
It feels so intimate and perfect.
Being with you, feeling the softness of your skin, the warmth of your body, the smell of your shampoo and cologne, feeling you melt against her, letting go of your worries as she hums a familiar tune, is the closest thing to heaven she could ever get.
"I could stay like this forever" You whispered, feeling her chuckle against your nape.
"Did you swap your shampoo brand?"
"Jinx…" You deadpanned.
"I'm just teasing you" She kissed your hair. "I could spend eternity with you in my arms"
This seems so obvious, but not only would he let you freely touch his ears, he would also ask you to give them the attention they need. Also, he would gladly allow you to see through his tough facade, giving you the chance to know how kind and pure he can be.
It was a funny scene, to say the least. A man of almost two meters of height, in his knees, with his head resting on your lap, confessions leaving his lips.
"This feels good…" He sighed, closing his eyes in bliss as you played with his ears. You pulled one of them playfully. "H-Hey!"
"You are really something" You mused.
Almost every night you can prepare for laying down on the couch, with your head on his lap, his fingers combing through your hair as he tells you stories about his past.
Often you fall asleep like that, with him taking you to your bedroom after he notices you wouldn't wake up so easily.
"We used to meet a lot back then, it was-" He was missing your voice responding to his comments. It was when he noticed you had fallen asleep, looking so vulnerable and precious as he played with your hair. "Guess I'll have to finish this story tomorrow"
Brews coffee or makes tea for you every day, appearing by your side on the laboratory to help you unwind in the moments you were feeling exhausted or distressed with your work. It's his way of showing he cares about you.
"Here, have this" he squeezed your shoulders, taking your attention away from the trinkets above your desk.
"Hot chocolate today?" You asked quietly, standing up from your seat and taking the cup in your hands. "What made you change your mind?"
"It releases dopamine, you'll thank me later" He kissed the top of your head, making you sigh in delight.
Letting you in when his world was nothing but chaos was enough to show you he loved you dearly.
He had faced horrible creatures and devilish days for years straight, still, he let his guard down and allowed you to be part of his life when it was pure hell.
You caressed his hair with delicacy, soothing him after a day of battles.
"Can I hug you?" You asked quietly, your fingers now stroking his cheek.
"Please" He whispered against your lips, sighing heavily when you pulled him impossibly close, "You make me feel like I'm alive again" He muttered against your neck.
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i-luvsang · 1 year ago
a heart to warm — jung wooyoung
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pairing : wooyoung x gn!reader ➖⟢ genres : major fluff, established relationship ➖⟢ cw : suggestive at first, my god so so many kisses ➖⟢ wc : 1.4K. @nebulousbrainsoup sweet orion ! tis i, one of your secret santas <33 i hope that you will enjoy this lots and may feel much warmth throughout the season! never forget that you are very much loved <33
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if he could kiss you harder, he would, but he can taste the cider you drank a few minutes ago on your tongue and his hands have already slipped under your maroon sweater, so there's not anything to do about that except try and pull you impossibly closer. his hands on your bare skin are cold, a testament to the broken heating unit in your shared apartment. but you don’t care much, his lips on yours are all you could ask for in the moment.
he whines a little when you tug at his hair at the base of his neck. you know him all too well, realizing that he won’t be able to stop if you keep going like this. normally, you wouldn’t want to stop for even a moment, but the practically freezing air around you is holding you back.
you pull back just a bit and you feel the pout on his lips before you speak. “wooyoung,” you chide.
“what? baby, i wanna kiss you,” he practically complains.
“it’s too cold to get naked right now,” you explain. he laughs at your blunt choice of words, though he’d probably be more crass himself if he was the one saying it.
“so?” he teases.
“so, can we please just kiss and cuddle under the blankets? i’ll freeze if you get too horny and can’t help yourself,” you tease back.
“first of all, i can always help myself if it’s not what you want, no matter how horny i am,” his voice is light-hearted, but sincere as he reminds you that your consent always comes first to him. then, of course, his voice becomes suggestive and humorous all at once again. “also, there’s ways to take care of my horniness without you taking off your clothes.”
you laugh aloud at that, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. “that’s true.”
“but of course we can stick to kissing and cuddles, specifically ones that happen under the blankets and keep us warm.” he rubs the tip of his nose against yours with a sweet smile. “we really need to get this fixed,” he says for maybe the seventh time in the past few hours as he pulls the covers up from the bed and lays down with you beside him.
you giggle. “correct! just like you have been every other time you’ve said that.”
“you’re the one complaining! i’m saying it for your sake,” he jokes, pressing a long kiss to your lips to prevent you from biting back.
you do anyways when his lips leave yours, of course. “i’m not even complaining! i’m just looking for ways to stay as warm as possible while we wait for random maintenance people to come fix it for us. you’re the one being impatient.”
this time he doesn’t even retort with words, just his lips back on yours. when you realize he has no intention of moving away from you any time soon, you let your eyes flutter closed and your lips move slowly against his. even though you technically were complaining about the cold, you still don’t care when the chill skin of his fingertips brush over your cheeks and push a few strands of hair away so he can cup your face sweetly.
it’s hard to think straight when he kisses you like this, soft like he’s so in love with you that he could melt right into your embrace. but you’re still able to think about how goddamn lucky you are to have wooyoung, wooyoung who wants to taste the hot apple cider on your tongue, hold you under the blankets when the heat is broken, and just kiss you sweetly if that’s what you want. 
as you thread your hands through his dark hair, you realize that he smells a bit like peppermint, probably due to the candy cane and chocolate chip cookies he tried to bake for you in the morning. they weren’t bad, but he burnt them because he’s still not quite used to the oven in this apartment.
it's only been a week or two since you two have fully settled into your first apartment together, and you both had to laugh and groan about already having issues when the heating broke a few hours ago. but of course, that didn’t stop him from kissing you hard in the kitchen until you found yourself pressed against him on the bed.
and now he’s kissing you with that sweetness to rival any holiday cookie and maybe you’re thinking that you want him until the day you die, and every moment after that. so you have to break away for a moment, and tell him just that.
something about seeing the grin on his face this close up is absolutely divine. 
“me too,” he whispers, “i want you, forever and ever.”
you grin back, “that’s good.” this time, you’re the one to close the gap between the two of you and kiss him soft, but full of conviction. there’s no second-guessing; you’re the one for him and he’s the one for you.
you’re not sure how long it is before you finally pull apart, but you certainly had to stop for breath more than once. now, with your head against his chest and the beating of his heart in your ear, there’s such peace that it fills you with a kind of warmth you’re not sure you could describe with words.
that is, until, no longer distracted from all else by his lips, you realize just how cold your toes are, even with two pairs of socks and thick blankets to cover you. you look up at wooyoung and notice the tip of his nose is beginning to turn pink.
“my god,” you laugh. “it’s way too cold here, even with the blankets. can we please crash at yeosang’s? you know he’s too nice to say no.”
wooyoung lets out a laugh of his own. “sweetest, it’s not nice to take advantage of people for their kindness.” 
you scoff, “says you? you’re the worst of us all. besides, i can tell you’re cold, too.”
his laugh is soft this time, and he doesn’t continue making fun for once. “i’ll call him. you’re right, i think we’d freeze to death in our sleep.”
“thank you, love. i’ll start packing us a bag.” you hate to leave the comfort of all the blankets, but are happy to know you’ll be back in a heated home soon. you can hear wooyoung’s voice on the phone from the bathroom and smile to yourself when you hear him laugh at something yeosang’s said.
once outside and waiting for a taxi, wooyoung keeps one of your hands in his pocket, always intent on holding you to him in some way or another. he looks at you in your winter coat and favorite hat, your breath fogging up in the air as you look down the road. when you catch him staring, he doesn’t look away and you could almost cry because you can see it all. you can see the adoration in his eyes as he holds your gaze and smile that teases at his lips and the way that he loves you more than anything at all. and as thick snowflakes begin to fall from the sky, he leans in close because he just can’t help it and presses a long kiss to your lips. when he pulls away, just barely, there’s snow in his hair and he looks so beautiful like that.
“i love you, you know that, right?” he asks, voice soft and quiet, just for you. of course he knows that you know. but sometimes he just has he hear you say it. he needs to be reassured that you know you are loved to the ends of the endless universe and back, by him. that you know you’re irreplaceable and he could never love someone more than he loves you.
you nod first, holding his gaze, hoping he can see the love in your eyes too. “i know. and i love you, so so so much.”
“i know,” he grins. and because he has to, he really, truly has to, he presses one more kiss to your lips, then pulls you close with his free arm, holding you there until the taxi arrives. 
how lucky are you to have a heart kept warm and comforted even in the cold of an apartment with broken heating or the open air of a snowy city. how lucky are you to have another’s heart to warm, too.
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babybearnation · 10 days ago
poly!bearnelli with hybrid bear!ollie and black cat!kimi with a badger!reader like how they are in the paddock
i know next to nothing about badgers tbh
brown bear hybrid!ollie bearman x gn!badger hybrid!reader x black cat hybrid!kimi antonelli (paddock behaviour headcanons)
your relationship was somewhat of a secret at first
because of that, the team cheating accusations were off the charts
mercedes think haas sent you over to spy
haas think mercedes sent you over to spy
you're not spying on anyone at all, of course, you're just trying see your boyfriends
but they don't know that so the three of you decide to open up about your relationship within the paddock
everyone is a lot more relaxed and accepting of your presence in the different garages and hospitalities after that
some people are weird about your scent but kimi and ollie love it, especially when you cover them in it
due to you being the hybrid of a nocturnal animal, you struggle a lot with staying awake during the day so it's not uncommon for you to be found fast asleep when no racing is happening
you also fight sleep during races a lot and its not uncommon for you to have to be woken up by a mechanic
not uncommon to find kimi or ollie carrying you through the paddock during winter races thanks to your desire to rest up for winter
you and ollie growl at each other
you and kimi purr at each other
just a cacophony of noises when you three are together to be honest
whenever there's a dog hybrid in the paddock, you love to tease them by barking at them
this usually results in ollie & kimi chastising you before feeling bad when you get upset
when you're cold, you burrow into layers of kimi's & ollie's clothes, especially ones that smell like them
scent is very important to you after all
ollie is uncharacteristically friendly/social for a bear hybrid
he considers you his family and is always up for cuddling in his den with you two
even though he's a simple house cat, kimi refers to the three of you as his litter and jokingly calls himself the queen
always down to curl up with you & ollie if you're somewhere warm and cozy (will provide blankets too)
to you, the three of you are a clan and you love building mini sett-like sleeping areas in all the different hotel rooms you share so you can have cuddling sessions
you built a mini sett out of blankets in each of their driver's rooms as well (they have to rebuild them every weekend because they never survive the journeys between countries)
you love chasing your boyfriends throughout the paddock, usually whilst playing hide & seek or tag
the end of these chases using result in playfights and nine times out of ten, you accidentally catch one or both of them with your claws
these playfights scared people at first but they're so common, and so well documented, now that no one bats an eye anymore
sometimes you get upset that you can't allogroom them before realising you could just. groom like them normal lol
ollie tries to be a big, intimidating bear sometimes but one yawn or chirp from you and he's immediately back to being a soft, cuddly teddy bear
much like ollie, kimi tries to act all cool & elegant but he'll crumble even faster than ollie should he so much as sense your presence
you don't put on any act, just happy to be with them and be able to watch the racing
© all rights to babybearnation 2025.
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majoryeager104 · 3 months ago
Request by @jishthefish23 hear me out, teenage reader who saves fresh out of coma dabi from getting killed in an alley one rainy night, but dude still passes out so she brings him back to her apartment so he can rest and heal up (she has water/healing quirk, katara style? 😋) and he wakes up to her making breakfasts or smth, basically cuteness ensues 🙂‍↕️ she’d probably have to be a runaway that dabbles in something illegal to afford an apartment herself, maybe she’s besties w/ giran who hooks her up with jobs idk, BUT I’M SURE U GET THE IDEA LOL (bonus points if he lights a candle for her with his quirk BYE) okay i yapped sorry fam 😔🙏🏻 no pressure to do this either btw!! just wanted to throw the idea out there 💆🏻‍♀️
Nah u know what’s so awesome about this is that literally yesterday I was thinking of writing an x reader where reader has a quirk like Katara 😭😭😭 thx for the request 🙌🙌🙌
Teen Touya x Water/healing quirk gn! Reader lets goooooooo
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Winter was one thing, winter rain was another, something you were quickly coming to dislike as your clothes got more and more soaked in freezing water. Sure, you could use your quirk to dry your clothes, whipping away the cold moisture within seconds, but then you’d only end up getting soaked all over again. Besides, you were a bit distracted, hands in your pockets as you stopped by a familiar alley, the kind where you usually saw people robbed, or worse. You’d seen the scene a million times before, but this time you shivered at the sight, and the cold creeping over your skin. Because cornered in that alley, shivering and clearly trying not to cry, was a boy not much older than you, with…burns? He was surrounded by three men- Men you’d seen, and scarily enough met before, men you didn’t want to run into twice.
You shivered again, a reminder of your own predicament. You were going to turn around, walk away and turn the other cheek to danger like you usually did, it was safer that way. For you, and for the person being hurt. But his scared eyes made contact with yours, the moment lasting long enough to convince you. You technically had the advantage anyways, water everywhere and all. So, slowly, you stepped into the alleyway, clearing your throat. Slowly, the three criminals turned to look at you, their sneers now pointed to you as the frantic boy looked down at his hands, cursing slightly. Was he having trouble with his quirk? Whatever, you could handle them on your own.
“Leave him alone.”
Simple sentence, not something you’d call ‘fighting words’, but they sure took it that way, immediately attacking you instead with their various quirks. But, as mentioned, you’d run into them before.
Touya, bruised and bleeding, watched as you manipulated the water around you- an incredible quirk, he quickly thought- and within five minutes, took each of them to the ground, making sure they were unconscious, and swiping one’s wallet, before you walked up to him, pulling out your phone and turning on the flashlight as you spoke to him.
“hey, I beat em so you’re safe no- wow they beat the shit outta you.”
Touya covered his eyes, adjusting to the light as he tried to stand, his voice almost as shaky as his freezing body was.
“..they..they came out of nowhere…”
“yeah, those guys are just bullies…do you got a place to-”
Before you could finish the question, he collapsed in front of you, and you barely caught him before he hit his head. Even if he did have a place to stay, he was too hurt to get there tonight, and you’d never forgive yourself if you left him in the cold. So, gently, you tugged him up over your shoulder, and carried him back to your apartment.
Once you got there, you laid him on your couch, carefully checking his injuries. “Poor thing… you got a cracked rib… how hard did those assholes hit you?” You spoke quietly, despite his current unconscious state. You slid off his shirt, folding it and setting it to the side as you opened a water bottle, pouring it out into the palm of your hand, using your quirk to make a little bubble-like shape around your hands as you gently placed them against his bruised and burnt skin.
“looots of work to do…”
You spoke quietly, careful not to wake him as your quirk worked its magic, healing his bruises, his cracked rib- a much more difficult task- as well as his blackened eye, and bloody nose. He was a bit dirty, and it seemed to you like he had been out in the rain all night. So, you wrapped him up in blankets once you were done, taking a long look at him before leaving the room for the night.
While Touya slept like a baby on your couch, you counted the cash in the wallet you’d swiped off of one of the men who’d attacked him. It was actually more than you’d expected, a pleasant surprise. while you did this, you also called your friend Giran, someone who’d actually helped you get this apartment, and the jobs you’d be doing for the next few days. But, till then, you supposed you’d be taking care of the white haired assumed runaway in your living room.
𐬼𐬿♥︎next morning♥︎𐬿𐬼
Touya blinked awake, feeling…comfortable. It was weird, he didn’t realize it’d been so long since he felt comfortable like this, and he didn’t even know where he was. He glanced down at the blankets that covered him, and saw his shirt neatly folded to the side. Was he home? Had dad found him? No, no this looked like a small apartment, nothing like the traditional decor of his home. But it sure felt like a home, especially as the smell of pancakes hit his senses, leading him to sit up and get a better look around, his eyes landing on you in the kitchen. You, who’d saved him the night previous. He was almost sad he wasn’t home, but at the same time he was too grateful, and hungry to care about that at the moment.
“well, good morning sleeping beauty! How’d ya sleep?”
He was taken aback by your cheery smile as your eyes landed on him, and all he could really do was sheepishly nod. What’d you call him?
“you were knocked out cold last night, and, well, I didn’t want to just leave you in the rain, so welcome to my apartment. I’m y/n by the way.”
You knelt by the couch, holding out a hand with that same cheery smile, leaving him even more confused than before. Since he’d woken up, he’d constantly been treated so… crossly, that your cheery compassion was both much appreciated and very confounding. But nonetheless, Touyas hand slid against yours, and he carefully shook it.
”I-uh…I’m Touya… hi…”
He watched as you stood with a smile, walking back towards the kitchen. “Well, Touya, it’s nice to meet you. I made pancakes, if you want some.”
He nodded sheepishly, his hunger getting the best of him. But why was he so nervous? Why were you so…intimidating? No… you were far too sweet to be intimidating to him, but still, he got this weird feeling in his chest every time you even looked in his direction.
He winced as he stood up, his whole body familiarly achy from the incident the night before. “Careful getting up, I healed you but there’s nothing that I can do about soreness…”
Healed him? Was that why his shirt was on the floor? He smiled a bit, glancing over at you. The more you spoke, the more he realized he’d found a friend, and for that he was truly glad for the first time in what felt like forever.
“so do you want maple syrup? Or like, I’ve got whipped cream? Or both, it’s up to you”
you glanced over at him with a smile as he followed you into the kitchen. How absurd was it that you found him adorable? His wide eyed glances, even the way he shuffled into the kitchen after you. You were having trouble keeping yourself from blushing every time he looked over at you. His eyes went a bit wider as you asked him the question, and he glanced down at the stack of pancakes. “Uh… syrup please…”
He too was having a hard time. Why was he acting like this? I mean, sure, he was a guest, and should be polite, his mother taught him well in that respect, but why was he having such a hard time looking you in the eyes?
You helped him make his pancakes, quietly concerned as you glanced at his shaky hands, and back up at his burns. He’d clearly been through some serious damage…maybe he could stay with you a bit longer so you could make sure he was oka-
You didn’t realize till the strong smell hit your nose that you’d burned your own pancakes. You sighed, turning to toss the overly cooked pancake. “Sorry about the smell…here” you shuffled around for a moment, finding a candle. That’d have to do for the moment. “Lemme just find my lighter…”
Touya watched you quietly for a moment your struggle to find said lighter was apparent. He glanced down at his hand. He’d had trouble using his quirk again last night. What if it still didn’t work now? What if it did, and he lost control? He stepped a bit closer to you and the candle, taking a deep breath. Calm your nerves, Touya…
you stood up straight, lighter in hand. He was almost disappointed he couldn’t help, but when you tried to light it and it refused to work, his confidence came melting back. He watched your hand, which was wrapped around the candle, stepping a bit closer once more.
“..I can help”
you looked up at him, a confused expression painting your face. But quietly you watched as he held up his hand. He focused on it for a moment, and then with a little spark, he’d successfully lit a tiny flame on the tip of his index finger. His other hand met yours, pulling it and the candle closer as he carefully lit the wick.
You smiled, and he smiled too, proud that he’d managed to use his quirk without burning down your apartment, and also glad you seemed to like his quirk. But quickly, he extinguished the flame with a gentle huff of air, the tip of his finger smoking slightly.
He smiled sheepishly and you couldn’t help but giggle. Yeah, maybe you could let him stay a bit longer.
“Nice quirk, Touya! Thanks”
This was stuck in my head while I wrote it, the vibes are vibing ngl 🙏🙏🙏
Should I do a part two? 😗😗😗
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cinnamostar · 1 year ago
colors of you
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pairing : felix x gn!reader
summary : skz, semi pro league of legends team, now has a new competitor to face in the scene in the upcoming regional tournament, but after a few practice matches, felix knew he hated you and thought you were a complete asshole.
wc : 5.8k
cw : not proofread (i am lazy), collegiate esports au, very competitive rivalry on one end, unrequited love, enemies to a secret third thing i won't disclose, cursing, some angst, sadness, fluffy feelings, and y/tn = your team name + y/ign = your ingame name/username.
a/n : this fic was inspired by league of legends worlds 2023, except not as hardcore. i didn't write tooo much on the gameplay so anyone who didn't play league would also be able to enjoy and follow the story well. likes, reblogs, and feedback is appreciated as always
⌲ SKZ - semi-pro league of legends team
member profile
⌲ channie - in game leader, mid laner, azir + zed main
⌲ dwaekki - adc, caitlyn main
⌲ hyune - supp, pretty girl supp main (everyone has to beg him to play anything else)
⌲ miniverse - top laner, sett main
⌲ sunlixie - jungler, diana main 
* currently undefeated in collegiate regional cup, three year streak
⌲ Y/TN - up and coming semi-pro team
member profile
⌲ y/ign - in game leader, jungler, briar + kindred main
⌲ nyangknow - adc, kaisa + jinx main
⌲ jone - mid laner, ahri main
⌲ bibibread - supp, renata + rell main
⌲ some guy - top laner, yone + aatrox main **
* has won smaller level tournaments, gained entry to collegiate regional cup through these wins
**(a/n: some guy is literally some guy lmao sorry i did not feel like adding some random idol to the story)
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Felix clenched his jaw as flames of anger flickered within him, the obnoxious, classic, yet familiar, league of legends red defeat screen only fanning the resentment that burned hot through his veins. He ripped his headset off as he swallowed down the third bitter loss his team faced that day, his face glaring down at your username that seemed to mock him in every post-game lobby chat. 
y/ign: GG! Thanks for the skrims :) Same time tomorrow?
He rolled his eyes at your message, trusting Chan to coordinate with your team for the next matches as he closed out the client while reaching for his headset once more, letting out an exasperated groan. 
“Well… that went as well as it did last time, huh?” Chan’s lighthearted laugh rang through Felix’s ear which only irritated him more, unsure how he was able to remain so positive after three soul crushing defeats. “Overall, their team is really solid and versatile. I can see why they’ve been dominating the lower tier teams and why they’re in our division now, but those games definitely helped us understand the skill of each of their players and what champs we need to ban.”
Changbin hummed in agreement gloomily, “Man, I don’t wanna play against them more, that y/ign guy is fucking annoying to play against. I can’t even farm properly without them ganking my lane every few minutes.”
Felix scoffed, “Yeah, imagine being counterpicked by them and having them take your jungle camps every game,” frustration colored each of Felix’s word a bright and gaudy crimson as he spoke through gritted teeth, taking a swig of water hoping it would somehow cool down the unbearable rage he felt bubbling inside him.
“I’m sorry, man, I know those games were especially rough on you,” Chan mumbled apologetically, carefully choosing his words to avoid hitting a nerve, “But we now know what champs to ban for them, we know to ward your camps early game, and to change our approach.”
“Yeah, I guess we can try out a more dive heavy comps and try to get early picks so they can’t shut us out of the game so quickly,” Seungmin suggested with uncertainty as he weighed the options his team now had, “Or more tanky… Maybe we need more CC?”
“Ah, well, it’s hard to say because god knows what other champs they can play. Each game they had an entirely different comp, so I guess we can try to prepare for every scenario we have seen so far, but we will still have to stay wary during the champ select process,” muttered Chan as he reflected today’s matches, trying to formulate a game plan for the team, “All good though, let’s just rest up for today. Skrims at the same time tomorrow, but log on an hour before so we can review our vods and discuss what we wanna try out in our games, alright?”
With that, the team grumbled a disheartened goodbye as Felix exited the call, once more tossing his headset in annoyance while he rubbed his face, clicking his teeth as he replayed each death from today’s games and how it was always you flashing your mastery after each kill. 
Felix had no idea who you were, but your team had randomly emerged into the scene these past few months, quickly making themselves a well-respected and feared team as you dominated the lower tiered scene which now meant SKZ, a team well known within the semi-pro scene had no choice, but to take your team as a serious threat. Chan had reached out to you via discord, asking if your team was interested in a few practice sessions against his, which leads us to today.
There was no mistaking that your team was extremely well-versed and had done their research against SKZ, promptly banning each of their signature mains during the champ select process while picking characters that were either, quite frankly, annoying to deal with or countered their own. Felix should have known it was a bad omen when your team banned Chan’s Azir and Changbin’s Caitlyn, but once he saw you pick Briar against his own Diana, he knew he was in for a rough day.
You were perhaps the most annoying person Felix has ever had the misfortune to go against, somehow knowing just how to piss him off as you counter jungled him throughout the game and took every opportunity to gank his teammates, ultimately ruining their chances to catch up to your team’s gold. You even stole Baron from them, which ended up costing them the second game after your team immediately wiped his. He was filled with vengeful rage each time he saw your character on the screen, cursing internally whenever you made a good play, not even giving him the chance to trash you because you seemed to never make a mistake.
After today, Felix knew he hated you with all his being and made it his personal mission to give you a taste of your own medicine, swearing up and down that he would make sure that any games he played against you were absolute hell. He had a month to prepare for the next LAN tournament, where he would embarrass you on stage and disgrace the newly-founded prestige your team name had earned this past year. y/ign would no longer be the latest jungler breaking into the scene, you’d no longer be the new talent to keep an eye out. He wanted to make sure you were nothing but an utter disappointment to everyone who looked forward to your next performance.
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When the next day came, Felix was brimming with confidence after spending last night researching your team, but with extra attention focused on you and your playstyle. Felix looked through your team's past matches and if he was lucky enough to find an old broadcast of the games, he’d scrub through them to gain a better understanding of your jungle pathing and how it differed by each character you played. Today, he refused to be caught off guard by your skill and would not give you the chance to gain as much map control as you did yesterday. 
When logging onto his PC, Felix noticed a notification on his discord:
✩ y/ign sent you a friend request!
hey! wanted to thank you for the games yesterday and look forward to playing you guys again today :) 
While you probably had the best intentions in mind, Felix immediately felt the scorching, yet thrilling, heat of competitiveness settle into his body as he scowled at your message. “Fucking asshole,” he mumbled under his breath in disbelief, assuming you sent that as a way to get under his skin before today’s skrims. 
sunlixie accepted y/ign’s friend request! 
sunlixie reacted to y/ign’s message with a thumbs up!
Great, not only are you extremely talented at the game, but turns out you’re an incredibly cocky person! Anything Felix had ever learned about you, aside from his research last night, was completely against his will and it was only making him despise you even more. He hated how easily you ticked him off, how easily you filled him with unbridled rage by doing the absolute bare minimum, and he hated how sour the taste of anger was. He hated this feeling, as it always ended up clouding his perception and made him an absolute hellish person to be around, but it was also one of the most driving forces behind his competitive nature. 
Despite his huffing and puffing, Felix decided to close his eyes for a brief moment, as if he was meditating away all the negative emotions you so effortlessly planted within him with a simple message. After taking in a deep breath, Felix joined the discord call with the rest of his team, greeting them with a cheery ‘hello!’
“Felix! You sleep well? Sounds like you’re feeling better from yesterday,” asked Chan, the smile in his tone was impossible to miss.
Felix nodded before responding with a “Yup, got my eight hours and feeling a little more confident after some research.” 
“Good, good, that’s what I like to hear.”
Before Chan could continue with their pre-match meeting, Hyunjin piped up a question, “Did anyone else get a message from y/ign?”
Just hearing your username was enough for Felix’s entire mood to deflate as he sunk into his chair with furrowed eyebrows. He was about to open his mouth to tell everyone how rude you just are, but to his surprise, Changbin beat him to it, “Dude!! They are so nice!” a giggle escaped Changbin as he recalled the message, “They said my Draven was pretty good and that Hyunjin’s Lux had their bot lane nervous!”
Now that was not what Felix was expecting to hear from anyone as his jaw dropped, completely shocked to hear just how sweet your messages were to everyone else and how downright rude yours was to him. What the hell is your problem? Felix hadn’t realized how tight he was gripping his mouse til he felt the plastic material slip from under his fingers, landing on desk due to all the force applied.
“Right! It’s nice to know we had them sweating even though they looked so composed,” Hyunjin eagerly added.
“They’re super kind and humble, which is refreshing to see in this scene,” laughed Chan, “Maybe I gotta play a little better today to get my own compliment, but they did thank us for playing against them and for agreeing to not post the vods. What about you Felix? They say anything to you?”
Felix was still recovering from shock after processing the information he just learned, stammering in both surprise and upsetness, “Dude… I… I don’t know what to say because they were a straight up asshole to me.”
“What?! No way!” gasped Changbin, “Maybe it’s because you’re their match up in the game, but that doesn;t sound right…”
“Yeah, that’s weird,” Seungmin added, “What did they say?”
Felix then pulled up the message you sent, reading it out for the rest of his team to hear, adding an annoyed “Can you believe the nerve of this guy?” 
A few moments had passed by where no one had said anything, the call remained dead silent as everyone tried to figure out how to gently inform Felix that he was being an idiot and turning a very friendly message from you into an ill-intended one.
Chan cleared his throat, holding back a laugh as he realized your performance yesterday really struck something in Felix, “Bro, I hate to break it to you, but that was definitely a nice message… I don’t really see where they’re being rude at all.”
This time, it was Felix’s turn to stay quiet, a perplexed look overtaking his features after hearing the rest of his teammates agree with Chan. Maybe if he squinted really, really hard he’d be able to find a hint of kindness in your message, but Felix had already convinced himself you were his ultimate rival who was trying to throw him off a game. There is no way you’d ever send him a nice message just because, right? 
“Well, I don’t know… Maybe you guys are right,” mumbled Felix, not completely convinced by his friends, which prompted Hyunjin to chuckle.
“Lixie, I have never seen someone get to you so easily before! Those games yesterday must’ve done a number on ya, huh?” 
Felix rolled his eyes as he let out a peeved exhale through his nose, unable to deny any of what Hyunjin had said, “Yeah, yesterday was rough, but surely today will be different, yea?”
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Luckily for the SKZ boys, today was different from the day before. This time, the boys were able to secure a win in the first game, while the second game was a very close loss due to Changbin being caught out, but this just called for better positioning and map vision, all things that could be easily resolved by being more mindful. 
Despite the major improvements in the SKZ team’s gameplay, your performance did not fall short from yesterday’s as you still managed to be a threat SKZ couldn’t ignore. Although Felix was able to maintain control of his side of the map and trade some camps with you, you were still able to fill him with rage by somehow targeting him every fight, which made it nearly impossible for him to play the game. Luckily, Seungmin ended up using his Mordekaiser ultimate on you, which gave SKZ a chance to focus on the rest of your team while Seungmin did his best to tank your damage in his realm. This strategy definitely led them to their first win against your team, but as soon as the second match started, your team switched up to an entirely new comp, which SKZ struggled to answer.
Unfortunately, your team wasn’t able to stick around for a third game due to some prior commitments, so there was no decisive winner for the day.
y/ign: GGs! sunlixie, you really were sweating today on that diana jg kek
nyangknow: if i ever see you irl, its on sight, sunlixie… targeting a poor lil adc like me? 
nyangknow: lol but gg! y/ign slammed their desk when u stole elder last game kek
y/ign: shut up before i expose ur government name
nyangknow: …
channie: haha, sunlixie wasn’t gonna let u guys embarrass us again 
channie: GG! dm me on disc if you guys wanna set up some more skrims 
dwaekki: :3 gg!!! u guys did great, heh ty for games!
Once again, Felix found himself frowning at your message in the post-game lobby, irritation bubbling up in the pit of his stomach as his knuckles turned white from clenched fists. “Dude, I don’t get what their problem is with me,” whined Felix as he closed out the client once more, not even bothering to send a message in the chat.
Seungmin snickered over the mic, finding Felix’s one-sided rivalry hilarious, “That was definitely a compliment, don’t take it the wrong way.”
“Whatever,” he mumbled snarkily at Seungmin’s response, not being able to find any of the validity in his comments, “Just felt like they were poking fun at me.”
・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・・゚·:。・゚
The weekend of the Regional Collegiate LAN tournament had finally arrived, and luckily for SKZ, they didn’t have to worry about traveling since their university was hosting the event. This event did hold some importance, but it mostly helped determine seeding for the next tournament with only a few teams at risk for elimination. Due to SKZ’s skill level, elimination was the least of their concern with them being favored to win first place. First place did receive a cash prize to help cover travel costs to nationals, but it also helped any team gain more support and made the pro scene more aware of potential candidates for their team. 
SKZ was getting set to prepare for their first match of the weekend, but had some time to kill so they settled on roaming around the venue to catch up with some friends from other teams and greet any fans that approached them. In this world, it wasn’t uncommon for any of the more popular teams to have fans, as some people were either fans of individual players, their skills, or they were a fan of the entire team. 
Today was no different as Felix walked through the venue on his own, chatting with friends from other teams and meeting any new recruits while he was at it. Frustratingly enough though, your team and you had been quite the topic amongst his friends, each of them expressing concern at how intimidating and difficult your team seemed. Everyone in the scene knew that SKZ and Y/TN had gone against each other in a few practice matches, meaning everyone was swarming to them like flies, trying to extract as much information as they could against your team. Although, you and SKZ had an agreement to not leak out any team comps or skrim information before playing, so Felix had to deal with a whole lot of begging while trying to skirt around the subject.
Felix had finally gotten a moment of peace as he excused himself from the last interrogation, deciding it was time to group up with the team seeing that their match was in about an hour from now. Before he was able to get far, he heard a voice behind him call out:
“Yo! Sunlixie, is that you?”
Well, he was wearing a jersey with his name on the back of it, so it wasn’t weird for fan interactions to go this way. He put a smile on his face and turned to greet the owner of the voice, who he honestly thought was a little too cute to be wandering around the convention center on their own, but nonetheless he pushed the thought away and decided it was best to maintain a level of professionality when interacting with fans. 
“Hi! Yup, that would be me!”
The mystery person had a smile stretching across their face reaching out to shake Felix’s hand, which he took politely. He had no idea who this person was and it didn’t look like they were part of any teams since they weren’t wearing a jersey, so it was safe to assume this was just another fan.
“Wow, it’s so great to finally meet you! I’m y/ign, or you can just call me Y/N if you prefer.”
Felix eyes widened in pure surprise when your username left your mouth, not expecting the human he was talking to was you of all people. He did his absolute best to maintain his composure, but the sound of your name dampened his mood in the blink of an eye, his shoulders visibly tensing as his smile fell into a more awkward version of it. 
“Oh, sorry! You aren’t wearing your jersey, so I didn’t realize it was you,” he forced an uncomfortable laugh, but you had already picked up on the stiffness Felix was now carrying in his shoulders, “But, uh, you can call me Felix.”
Ever since you became acquainted with SKZ through your skrims, you could tell that Felix definitely wasn’t your biggest fan. Maybe you had gotten off on the wrong foot, but other than playing the game, you weren’t sure what you had done to make him dislike you so much. You had quickly befriended everyone else on the SKZ teams, even going as far as playing other games outside of league with them or meeting up with them to get food, but Felix was the only member who was uninterested and incredibly dry towards you. 
You had done your best to reach out to him and try to get to know him a little better, thinking maybe he just needed time to warm up to strangers, but that theory was quickly disproved when you found out Jeongin and Jisung had played some ARAMs with him and even met him in real life. Apparently, he was the sweetest and most pleasant guy to be around, yet you never had the pleasure to be met with his warmth. Instead, all you knew was an icy and cold exterior that pushed you away at every corner. At some point, you had been discouraged to attempt to be his friend, but you still thought it would be best to remain as cordial as you could with him, which meant greeting him and inviting him to any events your team hosted.
Not everyone was going to like you, that was a lesson you had learned long ago and you weren’t going to let it get to you when you had other things to focus on. You didn’t need to be his friend, anyway. 
“Yeah, my team isn’t scheduled to play til way later, so didn’t really need to wear it,” you smiled at the boy, nervously playing with the hem of your shirt as you watched Felix’s expression slowly drop, “Well, uh, I’ll let you go back to your team. Good luck in your games!”
Felix raised an eyebrow as you hastily turned away, surprised at how different your demeanor was in person compared to his initial impression of you. 
Online and through your varied interactions, Felix had pinned you as some overconfident, cocky, and disrespectful asshole who was purposefully targeting him. While everyone around him insisted that was not the case, he couldn’t help but feel the burning flames of hatred burst in him every time he received a message from you, each seemingly mocking him for whatever play he made that day. 
However, this version of you was entirely different than what he had imagined this whole time. You didn’t ooze out that same confidence he had pictured you to have, but instead you seemed a lot more timid and welcoming in person. There was a gentle shyness that accompanied the warmth of your aura, golden and bright hues of yellow radiating off you as you smiled with not a single hint of malice in your eyes. When he met your gaze, he thought he would be staring right into the same sweltering, scarlet fury he had become so familiar with, but while searching your eyes, all he found was the brilliance of your tender-hearted benevolence, only rays of sunshine and light coloring the bright green meadows that expanded across your being.
What was this? This wasn’t the scorching, volcanic, blindingly red world he had been living in the past month, yet he still found himself melting under the comforting warmth, wanting nothing more to bask in your glow and forget the blistering one-sided rivalry he had imagined. For a moment of time, he felt the amber light you emanated was slowly turning his ugly red into a more placid orange, one akin to the sky’s palette during sunset. 
Maybe the boys were right, maybe you did mean well. Maybe he was the asshole, not you.
・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・
The crowd cheered loudly as the announcer’s voice boomed over the intercom, officially declaring SKZ as the victors of the regional collegiate cup for the fourth year in the row. As soon as the blue victory screen popped up during their 5th game against Y/TN, the boys quickly stood up from their seats as they huddled into a group hug while gleefully jumping up and down, ecstatic screams and laughter leaving them as they celebrated their win. After an intense final match where SKZ and Y/TN had traded wins, in the very last game, SKZ was able to pull out with the third and final win needed to end the tournament. That was perhaps one of the most difficult finals SKZ had to play in a long time and for the first time in years, they were afraid that their reign was coming to an end, but luck was on their side today and all the skirms against your team had come to fruition. 
Across the stage, your team stood amongst the chaos erupting throughout the venue, you remaining still in your seat as you watched the defeat screen go through its animations, tears pricking the corner of your eyes in humiliation. Second place was nothing to be ashamed of, but you couldn’t stop the overwhelming rush of emotions that filled you, the blinding stage lights causing your vision to go blurry as the feeling of failure took hold of you. You enviously watched SKZ celebrate their win as you wiped away your tears, standing from your seat with the rest of your team as you headed to congratulate the opposing team.
As your team approached SKZ, Felix immediately noticed the shift in your emotions and saw through the fake smile you forced onto your face as you congratulated each of them. All he could see was the bleak tears that clouded the brightness that once occupied you, the golden aura of yours being overtaken by the blues of sorrow and disappointment. The sun that once gleamed through your entire being had been replaced by flooding waters from a relentless storm of emotion, the cerulean raindrops overtaking the shining yellow hues of your personality. 
As the colors of your emotions blended, Felix swore he saw the slightest tinge of an ugly green forming as the two aforementioned colors danced with one another. Was that jealousy? Although, as soon as he took note of it, the color instantly melted away as you shook his hand, a sincere ‘congratulations, you did amazing,’ leaving your mouth despite the tumultuous storm that dampened your conscience. Somehow, even as the bitter taste of failure lingered on your tongue, your genuinity never once faltered.
The vengeful, piercing, crimson rage Felix had felt for you weeks prior had dulled out as your sadness bleed all over him, guilt now washing over him as he had realized how sorely mistaken he was about you. The burning competitiveness and hatred that once fueled him had been put out by your misery, a deep violet now painting over him as the heavy hands of culpability dragged him down into numbing darkness of shame.
For some unknown reason, Felix felt the urge to run after you as he watched your figure shrink off the stage, wanting to apologize for his unwarranted attitude towards you this past month and bring you back to the warmness he had just learned about to revel under it once more. He remained unmoving as his teammates dragged him into another celebration hug, insisting to take a photo to remember this moment, yet Felix wanted nothing more to forget the sight he had just witnessed. Even though his wish had come true, he couldn’t bring himself to savor this victory against you.
・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・
A few days had gone by since your team had lost the tournament, suffering from what you had considered a rather embarrassing loss. While the games were incredibly close, you were sorely disappointed in your own performance, as you felt that you made too many mistakes that had cost your team the game. After walking off the stage, you succumbed to all the emotions you felt in that moment, letting your body tremble as tears rushed down your cheeks, choked sobs escaping your mouth. You remember how hot your face grew as the rest of your team turned to console you, feeling self-conscious how you were supposed to be the leader, yet you allowed your emotions to get the best of you. 
Despite that, you had managed to get over the brunt of your emotions after a few days, but the message you found waiting for you today on discord had taken you by complete surprise:
✩ sunlixie sent you a message!
hi y/n! i wanted to reach out and apologize to you for how rude i’ve been to you. i’m really sorry, there’s no excuse for any of it. to be honest, i kinda just got rlly tilted from when we played our first skrims, and i guess i ended up taking anything you said the wrong way. again, there’s no excuse for this and i apologize for being that way, but i’d like to have a fresh start and be friends if you are ok w that!
oh, also, you did really great during the tournament! don’t beat yourself up for it, that was the first time we had to play all five games out in the finals, so you guys had us nervous!! 
Well, that was entirely unexpected, but as soon as you read the message, a smile broke out on your face while letting out a sigh of relief, happy to know that it had all been a rather strange misunderstanding and not something you had done. With that, you hastily wrote out a response to Felix, letting him know that all is forgiven and that you would love to be able to finally form a friendship with him. Well, maybe something good did come out of this loss.
・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・
After playing a few league games with Felix, you both began to develop a close friendship with each other. You finally began to understand what everyone else meant when they described Felix, you were beginning to see why his username was sunlixie. The coldness you had come to know him as melted away as the days past, only to reveal that under that hardened exterior was a boy filled with so much love and gentleness, that it’d blind anyone who stared into his soul for too long. The deep tone of his voice only added to this inviting warmth, adding a layer of comfort and safety that could lull anyone in a peaceful sleep, it was no longer a scary sound that reeked with hatred. 
Eventually, you and Felix had decided to go on small outings together, usually opting to grab a bite at your local coffee shop as either of you would ramble on about a new game to try out or discuss practice for nationals. On the occasion, one of the SKZ boys would tag along or Minho, a member on your team, would join you both, but every time this happened, Felix always felt disappointed that he would miss out time with just you alone. 
Truthfully, he wanted you to himself during these rare moments, wanting to be the only one who made you laugh and be the center of your attention. Jealousy would inevitably creep up behind him, pointing out each and everyone of his insecurities while he watched you interact with the others, it whispering in his ears that you’d never look at someone like him romantically, that he’d never have a chance with someone like you. He hated how much time he had missed out on getting to know you and being your friend due to this childish rivalry, feeling jealous over how much closer you were with everyone else, especially Minho.
Of course your bond with Minho was deeper than everyone else, you had known him longer than Felix and the other SKZ boys and were teammates. Yet, the pangs of insecurity would hit his heart directly each time he’d watch you laugh at a joke Minho made, always playfully slapping his arm in a fit of laughter. 
All Felix could ever think was how much he had wished that was him, how much he wished he’d be able to make you laugh to the point of tears as the unpleasant color of green slowly festered within him, becoming more vibrant as time passed. He was crushing hard on you and he needed to do something about it before it became unbearable to deal with because he hated the unsettling feeling of jealousy.
Thus, Felix decided to finally bite the bullet and asked you to come out for some coffee today, but letting you know he needed to talk about something personal, so he’d prefer if you came alone. 
As you approached the coffee shop, you wondered what Felix could have possibly needed to discuss with you, but you were honored to know that he felt comfortable enough to reach out to you and confide in you with something so personal, which only goes to show how much closer you two have gotten. Upon entering the building, your eyes searched for Felix, finding him seated in a more secluded corner with two coffees waiting on the table. Once his eyes met yours, you waved from the entrance with a smile on your face as you skipped over to the table.
Sliding into your seat, you caught onto Felix’s jittery energy as his legs bounced while his fingers anxiously tapped against the table. His body stiffened as he met your eyes with a nervous smile. Your eyebrows furrowed upward in concern, as you never seen the boy in this state before.
“Hey, is everything okay?”
Felix’s eyes widened at your question, his body completely stilling, not completely aware of how on edge he looked from the outside. He felt a familiar warmth rush to his face as a gentle pink dusted across his cheeks and ears, the rosy color of shyness making itself nestling itself in his stomach. The buzzing flutters he had felt in his stomach earlier sped up with the drumming of his heart, his head feeling like it was about to explode as he scrambled to find the script he rehearsed last night.
“Uhm, yeah, everything’s okay. I just wanted to talk to you about something,” his voice trembled meekly, cringing at the sound of his voice.
You nodded at his words, a panicked look overtaking your face, “Oh, no, did I do something wrong? Did I upset you?”
The blonde haired boy shook his head vigorously, finding your worriedness a bit charming, “Ah, no, not at all! It’s nothing like that!”
The tension in your body dissipated, as a caring smile returned to your face, “Oh, okay. Thank god, I was scared for a bit. Then what’s up? What did you need to talk about?”
“Well, I don’t really know how to say this…” he mumbled quietly, but just loud enough for you to hear. He felt himself shrink under the intensity of your gaze, surprised to see an overwhelming amount of concern etched on your features. 
“That’s okay. Sometimes, you just gotta say it.”
He exhaled nervously, nodding in agreement with your words because he was freaking out on the inside, unable to recall any of the words he had prepared for this moment. Right, at this point, he should just say it.
“I… I like you, Y/N. I really, really like you and-”
Oh, that isn’t the reaction he thought he’d get.
You were never good at hiding your facial expressions, and this moment was no exception as your face morphed into a surprise expression, your mouth dropping as the words left Felix as the warmth you once held paled into white cast of shock and confusion. As soon as you processed his words, you bit your lips while trying to find the words to respond to the sudden confession.
“Ah, wow, thank you, I’m really flattered, but…” you paused for a moment, confusion and uncertainty laced in your voice, “you do know I’m dating Minho, right?”
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hiraethhh-h · 1 year ago
to a new beginning
note: literally writing this because the boyband leaks got me so excited i started fucking squealing and stomping my feet. enjoy <3
pairing(s): sett x gn!reader, aphelios x gn!reader, sett x aphelios
wc: 753
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“are you sure he’ll like this phel?”
aphelios gently placed his hand atop yours with a reassuring squeeze. “of course he will.” came aphelios’ soft voice. his dark gray eyes shone with warmth. a small smile began to form on your lips at the sight. with a firm nod, you looked to the hat you held in your hands.
it was a dark maroon beanie you had hastily knit, as the debut for aphelios and the others’ band was quickly approaching. it felt right to give such a gift of encouragement to sett. alune had already gifted aphelios a new headset so he could properly edit the mixtapes he and the others made. there was a matching dark pin on the front of the beanie. carefully, you moved one of the floppy ears out of the way. there were three main symbols on the pin; a sun, a moon, and a star all interwoven in some way. you had thought it fitting for your guys’ relationship.
the sound of jangling keys caused both you and aphelios to look over to the front door. it swung open, sett quick to emerge with a tired sigh. aphelios gave your hand one final squeeze before going to greet sett. the taller male pressed a quick kiss against aphelios’ dark teal hair, his other hand going to give aphelios’ hips a small squeeze. “hey mooncake.” sett greeted gruffly. he unceremoniously dumped his dark duffle bag onto the floor next to the door. with the dark gray tank top and light gray sweats sett wore, it was easy to tell he had just come from the gym.
sett was quick to call your name out. his golden eyes scanned your figure, a brow raised in silent question. “you look worried. did something happen?” aphelios took sett’s larger hand in his own, guiding his boyfriend to where you were seated on the couch. your eyes darted to aphelios, full of uncertainty and hesitation. your lover only gave you a small nod, the faintest of smiles on his lips.
“everything’s… fine, i just…” you exhaled shakily. “here, come sit.” you scooted further onto one side of the couch, gently patting the spot next to you. the cushions shifted under sett’s weight as he got comfortable. with a shaky breath, you cleared your throat shortly after. slowly, you lifted the beanie into sett’s view.
“i, uh… made this for you. since you guys are having your debut soon, i wanted to give you something.” you reached upwards to carefully place the beanie atop sett’s head. you gently brushed out any of his damp crimson locks out of the way. afterwards, you sat across from your boyfriend with your hands folded in your lap, unable to stop yourself from fidgeting with your fingers. you had slanted the beanie a bit in the end, as sett’s hair wouldn’t allow you to properly straighten the edges. the pointed ears of the beanie now stood attentively, which looked quite cute on sett’s built figure.
sett’s gaze softed, a lax smile finding its way to his face. he was quick to wrap his arms around you and pull you into his embrace. the smell of old spice flooded your senses and it was anything but overwhelming. “it looks fuckin’ cute.” he told you. sett gave you a small squeeze, leaning down to press a kiss to your cheek. you giggled upon feeling the faint stubble on his chin graze your skin. “thank you. and you ain’t gotta be nervous when giftin’ me stuff. if it’s from you or phel, i don’t give a damn what it is. i’m just grateful you thought of me.”
you could feel your heart melting in your chest at sett’s words. you wrapped your arms around his torso in return, resting your head on sett’s chest with a growing smile. behind you, the couch dipped yet again. you looked over at aphelios, a warm look in his eyes at the two of you being so close. but there was another look in his eyes as well.
“nuh-uh, don’t you say it phel. i can see it in your eyes.” you huffed with a chuckle. aphelios gave a chuckle of his own, soon to wrap his arms around you with his hands resting atop sett’s. he rested his chin on your shoulder, pecking your cheek with a smile.
together, the three of you remained in a group hug until sett proposed properly cuddling inside his bedroom to which you and aphelios happily agreed.
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collidescopeeyes · 6 months ago
love ur work!! just saw aphelios x reader but maybe the reader should be coded gn?? only bc aphelios is canonically gay iirc.
Is he?? I've made an edit anyway cuz it was pretty minor change, but I wasn't able to find anything official looking on the matter in my quick google search, beyond him and Sett being a thing in spirit blossom. Please correct me if I'm wrong though! God knows riot doesn't make finding lore easy 😅
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goldnhourwrites · 1 year ago
Hii! I’m not really sure whether to send in this request or not because it’s not really an “X reader” so, I’m a lil bit confused haha.
But could I send in a request for platonic Heartsteel Boys with GN!Reader who does street racing? Y’know like Suki from Fast and Furious? Like reader makes money doing racing, or has one of those kool cars!!
(If you don’t do requests, feel free to ignore this ask tho ofc.)
No problem! I wasn't very clear in my response: what I meant is I'm mostly interested in doing general Heartsteel headcanons or "heartsteel member x heartsteel member" style prompts rather than interactions with non-heartsteel characters, but this sounds really cool so I'm still gonna do it!
(And if you or anyone else is interested in submitting more requests, I'll make a lil post about the types of things I'm happy to write <3)
Heartsteel with a street racer reader!
Platonic, gender-neutral
Yone would be concerned for your safety, so he'd always check in with you afterward to make sure you're uninjured.
He would help you with your car if it ever got damaged during a race - he'd try to help you figure out what's wrong with it and replace any broken parts.
Like Ezreal, he is hesitant to attend an actual race out of anxiety about things going wrong. It stresses him out to know that a bad crash could leave you extremely hurt, so he tries to make sure you know what you're doing, even though he's seen you drive before.
You can soothe his worries by distracting him with information about the cars being driven, or what gossip you've heard about the drivers recently. He asks you about the other drivers to get to know who you like and dislike in the street racing scene.
He enjoys hanging out with you while you work on your car: keeping it clean, installing new parts, repairing anything that broke, decorating it with decals to make it look cooler.
Sett would go to every race you were in to cheer you on.
He would want to learn about everybody you race with (so he can trash-talk your opponents and support your allies).
Knows the dates of all your upcoming races and where they're going to be so he can find the best place to watch from.
He also just enjoys the adrenaline rush of watching the races, so he'd go to watch races with you as buddies even if you weren't competing in them.
Would bet with you on which drivers will win which races, and probably is keeping tabs on who's been the most/least successful.
Constant hype man - Sett is always doing the most to make sure you feel supported.
K'Sante is always proud of you, no matter if you won or lost.
He wants to make sure you stay safe, but he knows you're a good driver and can take care of yourself, so he doesn't worry as much as Yone does.
He likes going to races with you to listen to you talk about the course or how you're going to prepare for your next race - what's going to be tricky, who's going to be there, what you're planning to do with your car.
He's more into the 'drivers' side of things than the 'cars' side, and enjoys hearing about the newcomers to the scene, the people who've been racing for years, the established rivalries, and who you personally think are the best racers.
He'd enjoy getting to drive fast with you occasionally, or casually racing you on a closed, safe course. He could be a good driver if he was interested in learning, but he's not as competitive as Aphelios, so he's more interested in supporting you than in racing himself.
Would hype you up like Sett before a race and holler support for you during them.
Ezreal would be excited to hear you talk about everything you loved about racing.
He would get really interested in the cars specifically - if you'd made modifications to your car he'd spend hours examining them or listening to you explain how they worked.
Would learn all the makes and models of the top-performing cars and discuss them with you (especially if you were planning on getting a new car!)
Would love to hang out with you as you were testing new things, practicing turns or gear shifts, or getting familiar with a new modification.
He would be a bit shy about going to the actual races at first ("Isn't that, like, dangerous?") but if you dragged him to one after reassuring him he's not gonna get hit by a car or arrested, he'd have a good time.
Long story short Ezreal would become a car guy if you introduced him to street racing.
Aphelios would want to hear all the details of every race - the course, the competitors, any rivalries that will be there.
He would be a great driver! If you could convince him to get into racing with you, you'd have a blast together.
He also knows how to ride a motorcycle, so occasionally he'll ride with you - you in your car, him on his bike on an open road.
He cares about your safety, but he's surprisingly got a vicious competitive streak, so he'll tease you relentlessly if you lose.
Would scope out what your competitors are doing to their cars and report back to you like some kind of spy.
Kayn would get in the car and drive it himself if you let him.
He's more of a motorcycle boy, but he loves driving fast, doing dangerous things, and getting into trouble, so street racing would be right up his alley.
He'd sit in the passenger seat as you showed him what racing is like, and then bug you endlessly until you let him drive.
Would definitely try to race, but lose control of his car and spin out or go off the course.
Would threaten to race you (then get pissed off when he loses).
He would talk about the kind of dramatic fast cars he would buy if he had the money, but wouldn't really have the patience for the details of the modifications like Ezreal.
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ccraccz · 1 year ago
Hi! May i request for a heartsteel! (All of em) x artist! Reader, reader has a sketch book of them and they saw it when they were roaming around the reader's room. How would they react? Tysm!
Heartsteel x Artist!Reader
Context: You're staying/moving to their place
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Anyways, you're staying at his place for a while due to an argument with your roommate.
Aphelios was laying on his bed as you shower, on his phone ordering some fast food for all three of you (alune, you and himself)
He turns around, laying on his belly when he notices that he's laying on something.
He pouts before sitting up on his knees s and taking the book that was under him in his hand.
His phone lays on his pillow as he silently, but curiously, skims through the pages
He stops at a page where he notices a familiar face.
It's him
With out a mask
He turns to the next page.
And his sister is on it, then him, then hom again, sett, ezreal, him again, yone, and more.
His eyes sparkle as his face, under the mask he wears everywhere everyday, slowly becomes pink.
All the comments beside the drawings of him, the stars and hearts around it, the small characters commenting on it.
He's so entranced that he doesn't notice that the water stopped running.
It is only when he hears you call out to him for a towel that he stops staring at the masterpieces you made.
He's so great full and happy and glad and AAAA
His brain is going overdrive with thoughts as he grabs a clean, fluffy towel and crack open the door to the bathroom.
Shoving his hand inside, he feels you grab the towel before he comically rushes to close the sketchbook and put it where he found it.
He orders the food and just smiles and kicks his legs in the air in happiness.
When you exit the bathroom, you just see him silently giggling and kicking his legs.
He's so cute hhh
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You're moving to his place
Señor bunny teeth decides to help out with the boxes of clothes and things
He's just
So so so excited to add more personality to his place!
He's so excited to see you everyday in the morning, after work, before sleeping, seeing you naked, seeing you waking up, having sex with out interruptions.
What a dream come true!
While he's thinking of such, the last box in his hands, with a mark saying that it goes in the bedroom.
When he opens the door, after passing by you and getting a good ol kiss on the cheek, a large smile on his face, he squats down to place the box down when,
It pops open
All the books come tumbling out of the box before he can react.
Sweat dropping, he pales as he folds the box and started to freak out.
One of the books that fell opened to a page with a drawing of himself
He felt as if time stopped as he stared at the drawing
His cheeks turned pink as a cheeky smile stretched out on his face.
He grabs that sketchbook and sits down like a child playing with blocks.
He scans through the rest of the book, most of the drawings being of himself in different clothing and positions ( 😏)
He giggles and kicks his feet, tossing and turning on the floor before clipping through and teleporting towards the couch where you're laying.
He smiles, and shoves his faces into your tummy, your sketchbook in his arms as he giggles.
"I love you so muccchhh!!! Augh your art is so good!" He lifts his head off of you, chin digging into your tummy.
He continues to ramble on, saying that he'll show K'sante and Sett these for their next hit! And more
You cover your face, knowing that he will not stop talking about this.
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You're staying at his place, summer vacation has arrived for you and you wanted nothing but to see the man of your dreams.
I love him sm
Yone, as the gentleman he is, accepted you with open arms and tons of kisses before accommodating to your needs.
He was really planning in sleeping on the floor, nuh uh he's not tho.
While you're sitting on the dining table for two, a pencil in hand and your trusty sketchbook in front of you
He came behind you, two plates of food that he had just finished making.
He was taken of guard before a slight smile takes over his fine face.
The drawing was of him cooking
He leans down and blows on your ear, making you jump back.
He chuckles before placing the food down near you, perfectly plated for a celebrity.
He walks back to his seat as you place your sketchbook away and wait for him to sit down before eating
He makes a mental note to ask for you to show him your sketchbook.
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He's so cute!
You're staying with him for a while due to your parents kicking you out for a while.
Your boyfriend never liked your parents, they were quite mean to you.
It reminded him of his father.
He knew how to comfort you, and his mom totally loved you, probably even more than him!
So when you suddenly appear at his moms place with a grim look on your face, wet from the rainstorm.
He, of course, let you in and took your bag off of you so you could go wash up.
Sett goes to tell his mom about you being there before going to his room and placing your bag in his room and getting one of his hoodies for you to put on and a towel.
By then, you've taken off your clothes and entered the warm shower
Sett gives his hoodie and the clean towel to his mom to place in the bathroom as he starts getting his bedroom situated
He scavenges through his plush collection for your favorite plush, cleaned up the slight mess he had in the corners of his room
But when he picked up your wet bag to place it in a more convenient place did it get messy.
The bottom of your bag, such a worn out bag, broke and all the things you had in there, fell out onto his floor.
But the main thing he took notice off is a book that fell and opened.
The page had his face on it
The face he made in the MV of their song.
He froze for a second before continuing to collect the things on the floor and placing them somewhere more clean.
But he couldn't stop the soft smile that he sported on his face.
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Augh he's so hot its unbearable
He's coming over to your place.
He just can't be away from you for so long, a week, without complaining.
So when he comes back home to an empty living room, the shower not running, and he's now noticing that your car isn't in the garage?
He's sitting down on the couch and pouting like a little baby
Rhaast the decides to complain because you're not here, and that his shirt is suffocating him.
But kayn is sad, sob
He does the off his shirt though
and rummages through your fridge
And goes to your room and just takes in your smell.
The main thing about you he really loves, other than how you tolerate him and other people around you, is how you smell and dress
He jumps onto your bed and lays down before noticing a shiny little thing on your desk
Kayn, sadly, gets up from your bed and walks towards your desk, sitting down on your chair
He notices that it's unlocked, a key beside it.
He smirks, you have a diary???
He turns to a page and
It's not a "dear diary.." started but his face
It looks like a character sheet of himself.
Kayn has never looked so fine in his eyes oml
His brain basically said "AWOOGA"
He basically fell in love with you all over again no joke.
Kayn takes out his phone and starts taking pictures, he's for sure going to look at these and take every piece of detail he can.
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This goofy goober
He's so kewl
You had moved from your place to his recently
And he noticed that your side of the office has become quite messy while you were out getting some groceries.
And he decides to take initiative and organize your part of the office to a comfortable liking
Putting papers on one side, pencils where they're supposed to be, sketchbook beside the keybo-
The damn sketchbook fell and the pencil inside of it rolled away.
He stares at the sketchbook in disspointment only for his expression to change as he pics up the much smaller book
It's him! Awe he looks so nice in your style!!
He skims through the rest of the sketchbook book, keeping a finger in the page that it opened on.
'You're so cute,' he thinks, placing down the sketchbook to were he was going to before it fell.
You bet he's gonna draw you and tape it on your monitor for you to see.
(There's literally no gifs of her, and that makes me sad)
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Ms pretty lady
she found that you left your sketchbook at her place.
She, of course, found it because you left it on her bed and curiosity picked at her and wanted to know what was inside!
So she took a peek
And was very pleased at what she found.
So, unannounced, she appeared at your front door with a large smile on her face, telling you she's gonna sleep over for today while handing you your sketchbook.
You both sat around on the couch as she told you that she took a peek in it and saw your talent
And then she just rambled on and on about the future, animals, and the band!
She's so sweet and cute
Uhhh so, you didn't specify if you wanted female or male so I did gender neutral 🧚‍♀️ I also wanted to do alune (even though I don't know ow much about her woops) because I wanna show appreciation for her!! Other than that, I also changed the request a bit, and I wanted to keep it a bit interesting so most of them didn't look around your room woops sorry.
Either way! I hope you enjoy it! 💙💙 thank you so much for being my first request!! 💙💙💙🧚‍♀️
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fictionparadiso · 2 years ago
Welcome to my Eden's Garden
Hello, you may call me Paradiso, and I welcome you to my Tumblr blog where I will share with you my brainrot, character adoration and general ravings about fiction. (Note: This blog WILL contain NSFW stuff, which I will both tag and write in the title, so you can be almost 100% sure you will find it). Now, to the basics:
DNI Information
Please, if any of the following groups apply to you, do not interact with this blog:
Minors - I am sorry, but I do not feel comfortable interacting with minors with a blog like this. So I would kindly ask you to interact with me if you are under 18.
Haters - I know this term is VERY ambiguous, but basically - if you do not like the content this blog focuses on OR you are not comfortable with any of my identities or styles or whatever - feel free to block me. Both you and I will spare our sanity.
I'm sure there are other groups or traits that I do not feel comfortable with which I have not mentioned. In any case, I just want to clarify that I reserve the right to block you without indicating a reason. If I do not feel comfortable interacting with you or your content, I will either ignore or block you, it isn't necessarily personal and I will not give any warning, just wanting to put that out there.
What you can expect
Now, this blog will heavily focus on the characters that I like and my headcanons or short fics of them (usually in general, other characters or with a self-insert reader). If it is self-insert the reader will be either M or GN coded (sorry, not comfortable with F!Reader).
If you want to share your enthusiasm about any of the characters or franchises you see on my list (or even don't see, but just want to scream at someone about them), I may be your guy~
When I write NSFW you can expect a listing of the kinks and such somewhere at the beginning so you know if it is or is NOT for you. Some of my kinks are pretty out there, so don't feel bad for not sharing them.
My F/O list
While I would not label myself as Fictosexual, I do tend to develop feelings towards characters in media and think up a lot of different scenarios. I also do not get jealous about my F/Os, so if you like any of the one's I like, feel free to rave about them with me! (if you're comfortable, of course)
💖 Main Romantic F/Os 💖
Iwai Munehisa - Persona 5 - #I call Shotgun
Maruki Takuto - Persona 5 - #No more Tears
Harumi Takeda - My Senpai is Annoying - #My Senpai is Lovable
Diavolo - Obey Me! - #Deal with the Devil
Drayden - Pokemon Black/White - #Under your Scales
Unabara/Neptune - Heaven's Design Team - #In Heaven
Alistair - Dragon Age Origins - #Be my bastard king
🌹 Other Romantic F/Os 🌹
Gladiolus Amicitia - Final Fantasy XV - #Shield for a Shield
Rengoku Kyojuro - Demon Slayer - #My Heart is Ablaze
Bryce - Jock Studio (NSFW source) - #Party Teddy bear
Derek - Jock Studio (NSFW source) - #Gentleness personified
Uzui Tengen - Demon Slayer - #Flamboyant Party Animal
Dojima Ryotaro - Persona 4 - #Dad and Idyll
Leon - Pokemon Sword/Shield - #Champion of my Heart
Archie and Matt (poly) - Pokemon Alpha Sapphire/Omega Ruby - #Waterbound Trio
Lysandre - Pokemon X/Y - #Whatever Boss says is true
Lt. Surge - Pokemon (he's in too many games) - #Sparks are Flying
Lucifer - Obey Me! - #Prim and Proper
All Might - My Hero Academia - #You are my Hero
Gentle Criminal - My Hero Academia - #Gentlemen Bonding
Rider/Iskandar - Fate/Zero - #Conqueror of my Mind (purely aesthetic, I have NOT consumed any Fate media yet)
Clive - Final Fantasy XVI - #Raven-haired heartthrob
Hawke - Dragon Age II - #Hawke Fever (purely aesthetic, I have NOT consumed any Dragon Age II media yet)
Hjalmar an Craite - Witcher - #Rage of the Islands
Jacques de Aldersberg - Witcher 1 - #Burnt Rose (very morally incorrect)
Siegfried - Witcher 1 - #Ideal Knight
Graves - League of Legends - #Mutual Coin Fever
Sett - League of Legends - #Kneeling for the Boss
Garen - League of Legends - #For Demacia's Hero
Dion - Final Fantasy XVI - #My only true Emperor
Akira Konoe - Persona 5 Strikers - #Heroes don't wear capes
Fatgum - My Hero Academia - #Bubblegum dreams
Zayne - Jock Studio (NSFW source) - #Fanclub for the king
🍀 Main Platonic F/Os 🍀
Kanjori Mitsuri - Demon Slayer - #Mochi Breathing
Kocho Shinobu - Demon Slayer - #Butterfly in the Night
Bayonetta - Bayonetta - #Let's Dance on the Moon
Cynthia - Pokemon Diamond/Pearl - #Domineering Companion
Kirijo Mitsuru - Persona 3 - #Two in Harmony
Yennefer of Vengerberg - Witcher - #Obsidian Star
Geralt of Rivia - Witcher - #The White Wolf
🌊 Other Platonic F/Os 🌊
Triss Merigold - Witcher - #Magic Allergy
Ahri - League of Legends - #Nine-tailed Charms
Lux - League of Legends - #Prism in the Rough
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alotofteez · 4 years ago
Comfort Place | KHJ
⇢ Pairing: Hongjoong x gn!Reader ⇢ Genre: Fluff ⇢ Word Count: 883 ⇢ Synopsis: College is frustrating and you’re falling apart.
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The phone in your hand shakes as you wait for a familiar face to appear. Your vision is blurred, but you still make out the person’s features.
“Hey, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Hongjoong’s voice is laced with sleep. If his squinting into the bright screen in the dark didn’t already give away that he was asleep.
It’s just past midnight, and you are so overwhelmed by your intro to data analytics class. Your professor seems to expect that everyone already knows how to do statistics, but you haven’t even taken a course. You feel stupid and behind the rest of the class. Spending 12 agonizing hours trying to finish an analysis of data you don’t even understand has broken you. You don’t know what any of these numbers mean and which you should talk about in papers. Your current grade is teetering the fine line of pass or fail.
“I’m so stupid,” you choke back a sob.
“Babe, if that’s the case then I’m really stupid.” He tries to lighten the mood, but you let out another sob.
“We’re an idiot couple!”
“Alright, tell me what’s going on.” He settles back against his pillows.
“My data class. I don’t understand anything. The professor uses terminology that she expects us to already know what they mean and mentions concepts for assignments but doesn’t explain what they are. I’ve already had to turn a major assignment in late and all she said was that one of my calculations was wrong and gave me a 59 out of 100 points. Nothing about the actual analysis! How am I supposed to pass this class if she doesn’t teach?” You ramble on with tears still in your eyes, sobs trembling in your chest.
You haven’t noticed Hongjoong get up and throw on a hoodie. It isn’t until you complain about the nice email you forced yourself to write to the professor that you realize he is no longer in his dorm building. 
“What are you doing?” You ask, head spinning from crying and ranting.
The wind is loud against the speaker as he walks a few buildings over to yours.
“Come down,” he says gently.
Sudden guilt settles in your stomach, but you’re also a bit relieved to have someone to comfort you. It doesn’t take long for you to hurry down to swipe your campus ID to allow him inside.
The first thing he does is cup your swollen face and wipe away the tears with his hoodie sleeve. Then his arms pull you against him, your face snuggling into his chest. A silent sob jerks your body, and his embrace tightens. A hand rests on your head massaging gentle circles.
“Let’s go look at your paper,” he says softly.
You lean back to mumble, “You understand statistics?”
“No, but we can learn together.”
You try to stop the sob that rattles through you. He’s too sweet, and you don’t deserve him.
“It’s okay, babe.” He pulls you back in.
“I don’t want to work on it anymore. If I see another number, I’m going to lose it.”
“Close your eyes when we’re on the elevator then,” he jokes, guiding you over to it.
You guffaw. It wasn’t that funny, but at this point, you’re grateful for the lightheartedness. 
Inside the elevator, he playfully covers your eyes with a hand as he presses the button to your floor.
“You’re dumb.”
He smiles with a twinkle in his eyes, and you melt into him, to which he gladly wraps an arm around you and kisses your forehead.
“What do you want to do when we get to your room?” He asks as the doors open to your floor.
You hum an indifferent noise.
“You want to watch a movie to get your mind off that assignment?”
“I guess,” you pout and swipe your ID to unlock your door. Your roommate is already in their room with the lights out, so the two of you quietly go into yours, shutting the door as gently as possible. If your crying from earlier didn’t wake them up already, then your door probably won’t faze them.
Hongjoong sets your pillows against the headboard and grabs your laptop from your desk. You throw back the blankets, allowing both of you to settle into your comfort zone before pulling them to your chests. The laptop is sat on Hongjoong’s stomach, and he holds his arm out for you to cuddle up to him, your hand resting on his chest and head laying on his shoulder.
Without question, he starts up your favorite movie and leans his head against yours. In this moment, your worries dissipate slowly. Laying there snuggled with your boyfriend is more than enough to comfort you.
“Are you still pouting?” His words break the silence between you.
“No…” You mumble.
“Look at me.”
You reluctantly peer up at him with a small pout on display. Quicker than you can blink, he steals a kiss, leaving behind a fond smile. His eyes sparkle while looking at you, and you feel like you’re his entire world. The sentimental feeling in your heart makes you want to cry.
“I love you so much,” you say as tears flood your eyes.
“I love you too,” he replies gently, thumb catching a stray tear.
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ccraccz · 9 months ago
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This blog is 15+, and has NSFW/adult themes.
Please avoid interacting if not comfortable with those type of themes, or a minor!
Just as a warning, I am NOT a robot, but a Human who makes mistakes, be sure to respect my boundaries and enjoy my writing if you'd like <3
My first language is not ENGLISH, but SPANISH, so if there are ANY MISTAKES, please KINDLY inform me.
I DO NOT TAKE REQUESTS IF THEY ARE: sexual abuse, rape, Yandere, and Suicide.
DNI IF: Homophobic/Anti-LGBT, Racist, sexist, and more common DNI topics.
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WindBreaker (Satoru Nii)
(Requests closed)
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Flowers for you (xfem)
Patch Me Up
Your Lips on Mine
Jealousy Jealousy~
Outwardly Affectionate
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Patch Me Up
Outwardly Affectionate
Friendly Reunions
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Patch Me Up
Jealousy Jealousy~
Friendly Reunions
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Ren Kaji
Your Lips on Mine
Tearful Confessions
Friendly Reunions
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Patch Me Up
Jealousy Jealousy~
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Tearful Confessions
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Tearful Confessions
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Uryu Sakaki
Outwardly Affectionate
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Seiryu Sakaki
Outwardly Affectionate
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HEARTSTEEL (Requests closed)
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Break in Record
Heart Stealing Headcanons (FLUFF)
Alternative Love
Stronger than You
Our First Date
Night Owl Attraction
Artist S/O
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Scars of reaction
You and I
Arcade Date
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Arcade Date
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Choreography is Art
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Choreography is Art
Semi-Smut HC's (NSFW)
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ccraccz · 1 year ago
How about a request where the reader is a security guard at the movie setting where the boys were filming and instead of arresting the boys for trespassing they decide ro help them with shooting and offering the boys props.
Characters: Hearsteel boys x GN!Reader
Implied male reader (reader can be seen as fit and not very bulky. They are taller than ezreal but shorter than k'sante and Sett. It says cleavage once, mostly because i have a slight obsession with man boobs, sorry not sorry) the characters are color coded, Alune is bold white (Looks like this)
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You had been standing around, walking back and forth, sitting, crouching, counting tiles, all the sorts to keep you entertained in this job. Your partner had gone to the bathroom an hour ago, and you've begun thinking that he'd sunk into the toilet, but he's probably either sleeping or he ditched you.
So, in uncomfortable shoes and the mandatory clothing you're made to wear, you fiddle around with whatever you can that is not your phone or watch. Your phone, sadly, had died, and your watch kept the time for your sanity, so if you started to tweet with it, you wouldn't be able to keep track of time and that'd be horrible for you.
Though, your thought process was placed on pause when you heard some masculine voices and the padding of a pup walking around.
"This is a bad idea."
"Yeah, but it's gonna be great for this music video! We just have to check if there's any security around"
"I'd think it would be best to ask if we can use this place for recording.."
"But that's not funnnnn"
"It's logical so we don't get charged for breaking into a place we shouldn't be in!"
They sounded quite far away from you
'This would be fun,' you thought, thinking of ideas to entertain yourself in this boring setting.
You could totally scare them while they're recording or something. While thinking, you forgot that you were out in the open, though still in the dark.
Their dog, a cute Rottweiler, waltzed right up and leaned on your legs, getting his short fur drilled into the fibers of your uniform pants, not that you cared. You looked up from the dog to see a green haired boy, looking around as if lost.
"Ernest?! Ernest, where are you? We need you for this scene!"
He wasn't lost then. He just wanted to look for the dog.
Sadly, even though you wanted to have some fun and joke around with them, you couldn't. First, you didn't want to stress out the pup in your arms, and second, you were extremely tired.
You sighed and crouched down to the level of the dog, petting him before slotting one of your arms under his chest and the other around his hips before lifting him. You had expected him to wiggle around on your arms, but he surprisingly didn't, Ernest seemed to be very tame, or well trained, you guessed.
You walked out of the shadows, dog in arms, and walked towards the male from behind. You were quite a bit taller than him, his head most likely being around your shoulder or cleaveage.
"You looking for this pup?"
You asked, knowing that he forsure was looking for the dog in your arms. You just didn't know how you could approach him other than asking him something like that. Why did you ask that again?
The green haired boy jumped up higher than a cartoon cat and let out this ear piercing screech that your work partner most likely heard (from wherever he is). He teleported three times, once farther away from you, once behind you, and once in front of you with a shy smile.
You noticed that he really had one of the cutest smiles and wait. He can teleport?
You blinked once. Twice. Three times.
"You can teleport??" "WHERE THE HELL DID YOU COME FROM???"
"I asked you a question first?!"
"You're the one who scared me!!!"
"OH my fuckin- whatever. Not the weirdest thing I've seen. Anyways, are you looking for this dog?"
He looked at your arms, the dog he'd been srarching for was litterally asleep and just dangling from your strong arms. He blinked and chuckled before nodding.
A rainbow of voices (see what I did there?) echoed down the hall with a few loud and quick thuds from behind you, making you turn around and the dog to wake up.
Placing down the pup, you grimaced at the need to explain to the group of men and lady because she's also running with them. This made you nervous.
This is not one of the reasons you wanted this job. Whatever.
"We deeply apologize for breaking in and disturbing you,"
"We're really sorry, we will leave in a few, we just need to put the things we used to record away."
"There's no need to apologize. You guys didn't seem to know, and it's all completely understandable. Since you guys are done with recording, and I'm just about to leave to go home, I'll help out in picking things up!"
While speaking to the two, who introduced themselves as Yone and Alune, you watched as the boys played around with Ernest or sat around watching (Aphelios, Alune told you when she saw you looking at him. You really were just entraced by his hair color). They seemed like sibling to each other.
"There's no need to do that. We're the ones intruding in the space we're we shouldn't be"
"Nah, it's fine. I'm probably going to quit this job either way. My co-worker ditched me, and I don't get paid enough. Not only that, the boss is just rude in general."
"Whatever you say, but we wouldn't want to bother you with such.."
"Like I said, it's fine! Also, I would rather do something like this than walk around for 7 hours."
Walking away, Yone following you, and Alune telling the boys to start getting ready to move to the next location that Sett had planned out for all of them.
You helped Yone carry some of the heavy stuff before K'sante, with a gentle and kind smile, took it from both of your hands, like the strong man he is. Yone, kindly asked you if you would carefully carry some of the recording equipment and mics, and with a soft smile, you took some of the equipment and followed behind Aphelios outside the building where he shows you were their truck is.
They were parked behind your, now totaled, car. You were shocked and almost dropped the easily breakable equipment in your hands because of the sight.
Aphelios was no different. When he heard you gasp, he turned towards you and turned to see what you were looking at. From your eyes and body language, he could tell that the car that was in front of theirs was yours.
He grabbed the objects from your hands and placed them on the floor near the car before standing in disbelief. When they got here, Sett had parked well enough, that car was not fucked up when they arrived.
Just what happened?
Ezreal, Sett, and Alune were close behind, and they saw you both just standing there. Curious, they looked at each other before walking over to ask. Their reactions were exactly the same. They froze in place.
They knew who did it though.
Kayn and K'sante were next, but they didn't react as bad as the group did. Yone exited right after him, empty-handed and ready to go, but he really didn't expect to see the whole group looking as if they were ghosts.
That is before he saw the cause of such reactions.
That rage filled call-out shock all of you out of your stupor and made Aphelios crouch down, pick up the cameras and mics from the ground, and run towards their truck. Everyone, minus Alune, else did the same, minus Kayn and yourself.
After the long, loud, and embarrassing scolding that Kayn got from Yone, he was sent to the back of their truck, where he would hold the objects.
Yone apologized again and again and again, asking you how much you'd like to repay or buy a new car. Anything.
But you weren't as mad as you thought you'd be. Maybe it was because you were still on shock, or it was because you were bored of the car, or maybe it needed repairing. You don't know, but you just shrugged his offers off.
"Please, we have to repay this mess one way or another? How can we help? Don't you need a ride back home? I bet you're tired from work. Are you sure?"
"Actually.... Yone..."
"I'd like to work with you guys"
That took Yone off guard. You must have gone insane! Your car, right in front of you, is completely destroyed, and here you're asking to work with them? After one person of their group literally just killed your source of transportation???
"You... want to work with us?? Like a dancer or singer? Or like an assistant manager??"
"I wouldn't mind either or actually. Though I would think being an assistant manager would be best"
Yone shakes his head in disbelief. You've truly gone insane. He sighs before reaching out his hand forwards, you instantly taking it in yours and shaking it.
"Welcome to Heartsteel [Name], we'll talk more about joining tomorrow"
"Also, Yone, I'll take you up on that ride"
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So so sorry it took so long! School just started again so I have to get used to the rhythm of school days again.
I decided to write this in a different format because I wanted to try something new. Not only that, I tried to add a bit of everyone, but I really wasn't able to 😰😰.
Either way!!! I truly hope you enjoy this little goofy thing. Thank you so much for requesting lovely anon!! 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
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