#Senor Hueso
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woahthatsnailsfast · 6 months ago
I love the Leo and Hueso dynamic Hueso cares for Leo so much ;-;
Edit: Oml so many likes thanks you guys :)
Another edit: *looks at over 2000 likes* 0-0
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husnaartz2 · 8 months ago
Night doodle because I miss these guys
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manyunhappygreenies · 7 months ago
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some old art while i work on commisions!
she/her for Leo
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abbeyofcyn · 1 year ago
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It didn't taste THAT bad....
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phoebepheebsphibs · 2 years ago
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sariphantom · 1 year ago
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Rise March Day 6: Señor Hueso
He just KNOWS he’ll regret saying yes to finding treasure with Leo and Captain Piel.
Also, you might find me switching back and forth between drawing the turtles close to canon and drawing the turtles in my usual style for a while.
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hiddencityhijinksau · 5 months ago
Leo - part one
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Yay, it's finally done!!! After several months!!! :D
Big thanks to @alcadanon for helping me colour! It might never have gotten finished if you hadn't helped. I'll let you do all the colouring for Leo's portion of this comic from now on :3
next part
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shardkn1ght · 1 year ago
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The plot thickens……
Master post
Part 3
Part 5
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v-albion · 1 year ago
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Risetober day 28: Bilingual
“Those eyes don’t work on me anymore, Pepino. Do your worksheet or no churros after la cena.”
“GASP you wouldn’t”
“You begged me to teach you Spanish, you’re putting in the work.”
Prev | Day 27: Spider
Next | Day 29: Shredder
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arcadecarpet01 · 9 months ago
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Can I just point out how underrated Hueso is? Like how and why haven’t I seen ANYTHING about this guy ToT
I hope I get to draw him at some point doing TMayNT:)
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risequotes · 2 months ago
Daily Rise Quotes: DAY 633
Hueso: Do you have any idea how much danger you have put me in?!
Leo: I do now! So, where we going?
Hueso: Where the police dare not go.
Leo: Splinter's laundry pile?
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(Season 1, Episode 17A - Portal Jacked)
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yalikejazzo-o · 11 months ago
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Aight so fun AU thingy I’ve had in my head for a while.
Context: Shenanigans ensue and Leo gets hit with a baby potion or something while at run of the mill. Raph Mikey and Donnie have to leave to chase down the villian and find a cure
-leaving senor Hueso to watch/take care of turtle tot Leo.
Think about it:
hueso has his son hueso jr that he took care of when he was a baby but he’s never taken care of a mutant baby before. Like yknow when they were mutated and they were still a lot like turtles-or like I imagine they had a lot more turtle qualities early after the mutation. So senor Hueso just has like National Geographic up trying to figure out how to take care of a turtle and he just like mashes it with his previous parenting knowledge.
When the turtles first mutated they were the size of splinter hand. Hueso would be so dumbfounded because it’s one thing to know your customers/adoptive nephews(he’d never admit) used to be actual turtles but it’s another thing to see them as a freshly mutated turtle that’s the sise of your palm.
Like bro would act chill like it was nothing but then use his old desk lamp as a heating lamp worried Leo would freeze cuz he’s cold blooded.
Or forget the mutant shenanigans part and just think about how wholesome it would be. Hueso cooking and turtle tot Leo just licking the spoons and whisks.
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husnaartz2 · 7 months ago
I asked one of the writers of rise this question in the recent rise Q&A, and I’m crying😭😭
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manyunhappygreenies · 2 years ago
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made myself sad drawing a mini comic with Leo and Hueso so I needed some comfort hugs.
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cosmicluvcore · 11 months ago
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To be human part 2
Rottmnt Leo x reader, gender neutral, friends to lovers, himbo Leo (?), one sided pining
Part 1 here, Part 3
Summary: Leo has the biggest crush on you but he's afraid that you'd never date a mutant, so with the help of a clooking broach he plans to become your perfect human boyfriend!
Idk if you can tell but this is kinda Aladdin inspired
Also I wasn't sure abt posting this since it has no Y/N interactions umm so sorry if you're dissapointed
I promise the next one will have fluffy moments between Y/N and Leo!! Sorry this is short
Tag list!!
@lunaflyer @wings-of-sapphire @ssak-i @nessarolla-in-constant-flux @envyjmoney
"��Qué hice para merecer esto?" Is what the disgruntled Señor Hueso muttered under his breath, as he watched Leo come crashing into his restaurant.
Of all the times that mutant decides to show up, it had to be on a good day. A loud sigh left the skeleton's mouth as he watched the turtle bump into one of his waiters, knocking all the dishes out of her hand.
"Señor! Señor!" Leo called out eagerly as he approached, "I have a really, really important request and you have to-"
He was interrupted by Hueso placing his hand up, narrowing his eyes in annoyance.
"Instead of disturbing my guests, Pepino, let's talk in the staff room."
Leo was still wiping spilled spaghetti off himself as he spoke. Amazingly, that didn't stop his excited flow.
"Señor, bone head, buddy! Long time no see, right?" Leo asked in an overly friendly manner, offering Hueso a hand.
Hueso glanced at his hand, which had marinara sauce on it, before glancing back at Leo with an unimpressed expression.
"Uf hijo, did you just come here to cause trouble?" He asked rather bluntly.
Leo chuckled to himself, "Of course not! I just came here for a little... help."
"Help?" Hueso repeated, tilting his head as he watched Leo's over excited behavior.
"Yeah, I was wondering if you could help me get my hands on a cloaking brooch." He explained briefly while wiping away the bit of sauce that was on his shoulder.
"A cloaking brooch?" Hueso repeated raising his brow, "Why would you need one of those? I've seen you walk among humans like it's nothing."
"It's not for that."
Leo bit his lip unsure whether he should let the truth spill, no one knew of his little crush and he was afriad if he started talking about them he wouldn't know when to stop. So he took the easier route.
"It's for uh- You know... science." He lied, smiling awkwardly as if that made his reply more believable.
Señor Hueso simply shot him an unconvinced expression.
"Este idiota..." The skeleton muttered under his breath, "Why don't you just say why you really want it? It would save you from the embarrassment of lying to my face."
Yeah, Hueso wasn't buying it. Figures.
"Okay okay, I'll admit that wasn't my best performance," Leo said with a grin, although his trade mark smirk faded into a small frown as Hueso stared back at him with narrowed eyes.
"Truth is I'm trying to impress someone..." He admitted quietly, his gaze darting to the ground, while he fidgeted with his hands sheepishly.
Hueso blinked in surprise at the turtles sudden shyness, "Trying to impress someone?" He repeated curiously, looking back to the blushing turtle for futher confimration.
Leo bit his lip, his heart fluttering at the thought of them, "A human." He confessed softly.
"I've never felt this way about anyone before, they're just perfect in every way!" He explained brightly, though his happy expression faultered, "But, I don't think they'd be interested in, this whole situation." He frowned, gesturing to himself.
Hueso nodded slowly as he listened, "I see," He hummed in reply, looking thoughtful as he considered Leo's situation for a moment, "So you want to pretend to be human and lie to them?"
Leo frowned at the skeletons blutness, "It's not a lie! I'm just... bending... the truth," He said, his brow furrowing as he spoke.
Even he didn't believe himself this time.
"Alright it's kinda a lie, but what other chance do I have?"
"I don't know, tell them the truth?" Hueso retorted, Leo couldn't help but roll his eyes as he was lectured on the obvious answer, "If you really think this person is worth it, then you should be honest with them."
"The last thing I need to be is honest." The turtle insisted stubbornly, his expression souring at the idea of even attemping to tell his crush how he felt.
Leo hated to picture it, he hated that he knew his voice would tremble as he would try his best to convey to them how deeply he felt.
He hated how he knew he would stammer over his words as he scrambled to find the best way to express his feelings.
And then he would have to wait impatiently for their reply, fearing the worst, after this new discovery.
Not like he could blame Y/N.
Who wouldn't turn down a nervous idiot? And why would anyone ever be interested in someone who looks like him?
"I don't want to risk losing them." Leo finally said, sighing before meeting Hueso gaze again with a serious expression.
"Look, all I need is a brooch. I just want a chance to be with them and make them happy. Please, Señor?"
As Hueso watched Leo's sad expression he was still unsure how to reply, he knew this was an awful idea yet Leo seemed so attached to it. The puppy dog eyes that the blue masked turtle was giving him eventually casused a defeated sigh escape Hueso's mouth.
"Fine, I have a spare somewhere around here," Hueso muttered reluctantly, too tired to keep pushing, turning to his desk and opening a drawer, "Just don't blame me when things go terribly wrong."
Leo's expression immediately brightened.
"Really?!" He leaned over Señor Hueso's shoulder, eagerly watching as the skeleton searched.
Eventually, Hueso found it, a gold gemstone-adorned brooch.
As Leo looked at the badazzled brooch, excitement began to bubble in his chest, the glamorous item really did make this whole situation seem a lot cooler. This was his key to being Y/N's perfect romantic partner, something he'd dreamed of for far too long that was now finally a possibility. His heart soared at the thought.
"Here," Hueso said, handing him the brooch, "Try not to get spaghetti on it, Pepino."
Leo was practically vibrating with excitement as the brooch was placed into his hands. He nodded at Hueso's words despite not really hearing them.
"Thanks Señor! I can keep this right?" He asked.
"Just don't damage it." Hueso warned in reply, "If you do, it could stop-"
But before he got the chance to finish his words, Leo had disappeared into another blue portal.
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nerdalmighty · 2 years ago
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Leo loves and misses all his brothers equally <3
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