#Sengoku and Akainu totally would do something like that to destroy pirates' morale
Reading One Piece pt 315: One Man, One Heart
Chapter 563
- Volume 58 “Paramount War”! It looks great
- author’s note is from 2010. It’s not as gut-punching as 2004 or 2008. We’re crawling forward! :D
- hey, Marineford looks like a crescent moon. I know it makes their bay safer (and is helping marines in surrounding pirates now) but I wonder if it’s significant story-wise)
- on character page, Shanks “was involved in a scuffle with Kaido in the New World”. At least he’s doing something different, bless
- fuck, so much reaction panels, it’s not good
- “Pops!” D:
- Sabaody is seeing this!
- “Whitebeard… has been stabbed!” looks like Sengoku and Garp know something
- oh no, it’s a legit betrayal D:
- “Tell the truth, Whitebeard! You’re in cahoots with the Navy! You made a deal with them to save the Whitebeard Pirates and Ace!” …what? That doesn’t make sense
- no, it really doesn’t. If they had a deal, why even go to war? They could do it behind closed doors if they would feel like it
- …but Garp and Ace… Garp and Sengoku are friends… Jimbei knows Whitebeard Pirates quite well… alright, it’s not Totally impossible but NO, IT STILL DOESN’T MAKE SENSE
- ok, it got personal as HELL. Speech incoming
- “He’s led us into a trap! I never knew Ace was the son of Gold Roger! When you took me under your wing… I was all alone in the world! And you know why! Because the crew I fought with for so long had been annihilated by Gold Roger himself! YOU KNEW I HATED THAT MAN!” :( now This is real family drama
- “You should’ve told me the truth! That Ace was Roger’s son and you wanted to make him the next Pirate King!! I trusted you… but you’ve already betrayed me! You were laughing at me when I became friends with Ace!” ok, that sounds a little crazy
- “Ace was the most important thing to you and now he’s been captured!” you know, I DO wonder if Whitebeard wanted to make Ace a Pirate King. It sure makes more sense than Whitebeard becoming one. I mean, he’s old and super sick now. And if he actually wanted the title, he would go for it 20 years ago, right? And Sengoku DID say Whitebeard wanted to “crown” Ace (people in One Piece don’t really lie I noticed, sometimes they just don’t know things)
- “That’s why you sold out 43 captains under you! It’s their lives in exchange for Ace’s! You made a deal with Sengoku so that the Whitebeard Pirates and Ace would be spared! Isn’t that right? YOU MADE FOOLS OF US ALL!” …I don’t know what to say to that. Big if true, I guess? Big Oof? No, I really don’t know. Whitebeard, it’s your turn to speak, defend yourself      
-  wait, we’re not done yet
- “We came here ready to die for you and Ace! And look! The Navy’s only attacking… us! We’re surrounded by walls of ice! There’s no escape for us now!” …I don’t understand the logic in this. Of course they’re only attacking you, you’re the only enemy here? And it’s a battle? That you’re losing? I guess you’re not so ready to die as you thought :(
- now there’s doubt everywhere, that feels so wrong
- “Pops! Is it true?” fuck, say something already, Whitebeard
- (he’s still stabbed by the way)
- “I know it was a miracle I was able to stab you even once! But I don’t care what you do to me now! Go ahead and kill me!” yikes
- mini flashback? Wait, so some marine told him that?
- “When the all out attack is  launched, we’re only going to kill the allied pirates! We won’t touch Whitebeard or his men!” …there’s an alliance in place? I didn’t even notice. I though all of his fleet here lived under Whitebeard? Shit, suddenly it DOES make sense
- “No way! It can’t be true!” “But it does seem like they’re only attacking us!” shit
- “Whitebeard sold out his friends… to the Navy?” SABAODY STILL SEES ALL
- Whitebeard, say something
- “I didn’t want to believe it!” You fool! They’re tricked you! How could you doubt Pops!?” “You’re just playing dumb, Marco!” WHITEBEARD
- “Ace’s indeed Gold Roger’s son. He picked on the one that it would bother the most. Very cagey of him.” …is that Marco or Squard speaking now
- “AOKIJI!” Sengoku had ENOUGH OF THIS
- (God, it’s true then…)
- “Was that war a set up from the beginning?” Sabaody DID get cut off! Way too late though
- now I know why Sengoku didn’t want world to see that
- as I thought, Buggy is frozen solid. Too late      
- they’re doing the wall thing
- “That bastard…” Crocodile?
- “Cut the pretense, Whitebeard! The man who defeated me could never be the weakling I see before me now!” even CROCODILE is mad now! Whitebeard, fucking SAY something already
- “Yeah, pops could’ve dodged that attack easily, even if he was caught off guard.” Marco, what are you thinking? You didn’t know…? Wait, why did Whitebeard let Squard stab him then? What the fuck is happening now?
- “His health continues to deteriorate!” …is this some sick assisted suicide attempt
- Whitebeard speaks!
- “Squard, how dare you draw your sword against your father? What a stupid son you are!” NOT WHAT WE WANT TO HEAR WHITEBEARD
- “You may be a fool… but I still love you.” …ok, that we want to hear
- “You’ve always been one of my most loyal followers. Who was it who lured you into the dark depths of doubt?” the answer is…
- …Akainu! That’s why he was walking around instead of standing by Ace! He didn’t like the scheming?
- “I know how much you hate Gold Roger. But it’s wrong to condemn a child for the sins of his father, Squard. What did Ace ever do to you?” finally, some COMMON SENSE. Thank you, Whitebeard
- “Be good to each other. Ace isn’t the only one who’s special to me. I love… all my children” wow, powerful
- “You’re as cunning as ever, Sengoku. You’ve managed to drive a wedge between us.” Wait, so it’s not true? What?
- the ice is down!! Whitebeard shattered it!
- “If you are pirates, decide now who you believe!!” DO I HAVE TO
- “Our ships can sail clear! We can escape whenever we want!” “I knew it was a lie! The Navy tried to fool us!” so it WAS a scheme!? At least morale is back!
- …Whitebeard, what are you thinking…?
- “Weakling, eh? I see you don’t mince words. But you expect too much of me, Crocodile! I’m just one man with one heart. They call me a fiend and a monster, but I can’t remain the strongest forever! If I can help one young pirate achieve his destiny, my life will be complete. Isn’t it enough?” …Whitebeard, so it’s true after all?
- “If you’re coming with me, kiss your lives goodbye! Let’s go!” there he goes
- “Stand your ground! The most dangerous man in the world is charging us!” lol, ok
I know I wanted mind games but GOD
rOP 314  rOP 316
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